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SMU Online Exams IT Process Aug 2011 Exams

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SMU Online Exams Aug 2011 Delivery at Test Centers IT Process Manual

The information contained in this document represents the current view of MeritTrac Services Pvt Ltd and is for information purposes only. No part of this document may be reused or distributed without permission.

Test Center Infrastructure Readiness

Test Center Infrastructure readiness consist of below
1. 2. 3. 4. Servers Readiness and Configuration Setup Testing Connectivity of Test Center and Data Exchange Server. Desktop Readiness at Test Centers. Test Administration Pre test and post test.

Servers Readiness and Configuration Setup

Servers are already setup with UADP applications and only needs to be connected in the test centers, the below process needs to be followed to make sure that the servers are configured. 1. Place the Server (Laptop) in Test Center Server room if available or in a secured place in the lab and make sure the servers are away from the candidates. 2. Make sure the Server (Laptop) is connected to UPS Power point Incase not available connect to Raw power the Laptop battery must be charged completely and working fine. 3. Connect the servers to Test Center Network and make sure that the network port is working fine (Check with local IT Support of the venue) 4. Switch on the laptop.

Log on to Windows with below user name and password. User Name Testadmin Password Merit123

5. Check with the center what is the range of IP address used in the Test Center Lab In case the IP address is different from what is assigned on the Server Change the IP address of the server to the centers IP address range. 2

6. Click on Network ICON Click Properties Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Click Here

Provide the IP address of the test center. Example IP Address Subnet Mask Default gateway DNS IP DNS IP

For Example if the test center IP address range is to give the server IP as (Make sure the server IP last digit is 222) in case there are more labs in the same test center give the next IP no. If we have 4 labs the IP address can be given as,, and 7. Check Internet is working and incase In Internet is not working and the center does not have internet access use Reliance data card to connect to internet. 8. Make sure that IP range of Desktops is in the same range of the Servers. 9. In case the IP address has changed as per the Test Center Lab, Change IP Address in Test Player Web Config file of MES and Test Center Dashboard. (This activity will be done by SMU Remote Support team) 10. Change IP Address in Test Player Web Config file of MES and Test Center Dashboard.

Now the server is ready for Test Delivery


Testing Connectivity of Test Center Server and SMU Data Exchange Server.
Run the SMU PreRequisiteVerification.exe

Click on Check. Test Center Verification by DX is failed because the test center is not registered in SMU DX. Test Player Lite environment Verification shows failed because this indicates that the Test Player Lite has been setup and there are existing database, Virtual Directories and Schedule tasks Ignore this error.

If the Test Center MAC ID is configured at COE DX Server all components should show success.

If all the components are installed correctly shows success indicates that the setup of UADP application and connectivity to SMU DX server is working fine. In case if the connectivity to DX server shows failure connect through reliance data card. Test Player Lite environment Verification shows failed because this indicates that the Test Player Lite has been setup and there are existing database, Virtual Directories and Schedule tasks Ignore this error. Note 1. In case the Test Center Verification is not successfully means that the Qpack (Test Pack) will not get downloaded because of Internet problem or if Internet is working the firewall may be blocking the IP address. 2. Speak to Local IT Support and get the FTP port open for the IP address Ftp:// in the test center firewall. 3. Incase still not working use data cards to connect. 4. Test the same connecting the data card also.

Now the Test Center is ready for downloading of Qpack and Rpack

Desktop Readiness at Test Centers.

Step 1 ID Creation on Local Test Terminal Create local user on the test terminal and add the ID to Local administrator group. User Name Password : : SMU SMU

Note: - Make sure that the ID created on the local test is added to local admin group Step 2 Change IP address of Local Test Terminal Lab. Login in with user name SMU Change the IP address (IP Address details are provided in readiness sheets and needs to be in the same range of Server IP). The IP address and Wks no will be in sequence, the workstation no will be the IP address of the workstation no. (Label the Wks name as the IP address of the Test terminal) Eg : If IP address is then the Wks no will be 10 Step 3 Configure MSB (MeritTrac Secure Browser) for Test Terminal Login in with user name SMU or any other ID with Admin rights (The same ID will be used for test taking) Copy MSB 4.0 folder from CD Provided to C:\Drive

Open the file name Seb scroll to last line and provide the path of test server.

Eg : URL_EXAM= In the above line if the server IP is, change the IP address of the url to test center IP address. Here the IP Address is the IP address of the server. Copy SEBSMU to Desktop from C:\MSB 4.0

Click on Seb SMU to open the Test Player Note : To exit secure browser Press F3 then with F3 Press F11 then with F11 Press F6 to exit secure browser. Make sure when you click secure browser the test taking login screen appears. Make sure antivirus services are disabled if the secure browser is getting blocked. Make sure that the login id has local admin rights as Secure Browser needs local admin rights to work. 7

Step 4 Configure IE Settings for Test Terminals Login in with user name SMU Copy UADP IE Settings folder from CD Provided to C:\Drive and Open UADP IE Settings Folder, right click and click on Edit to open the file to edit

Scroll down to line Start page= Here the IP Address is the IP address of the server. Change the IP address to the Test Server of the lab, save the file and exit. Run UADP IE Settings the settings will be applied to IE Settings and will log off.

Login and check if IE Settings are applied with the configuration required to run UADP. Note: Please make sure that Internet explorer is 7.0.

Test Administration - Pre test and post test.

IT Pre Test Process: - Once the servers has been setup and desktops setup as per the document, the below url needs to be configured on the backup server or monitoring systems which will be on the same LAN of the Test Center Server. Note: Plan for Backup server. 1. One of the Desktop in the test center needs to be installed with UADP Core load and UADP lite application. (refer Manual) and help of remote help. 2. The desktop should be setup with Team Viewer 6.0 (Available in SMU Core load Software CD). 3. The desktop will needs to be on Internet. 4. This desktop will be used by COE Remote Management team to connect to Test Center Server to provide support for installation/troubleshooting and connect

UADP Test Administration has three modules.

1. UADP Test Center Dashboard for Test Centre 2. UADP Test Center Monitoring System. 3. UADP Test Center Test Player UADP Urls Role of URL ETL Dashboard for Test Centre MES application Test player application URL http://XX.XX.XX.XX/TestCenterDashboard/MTLogin.aspx http://XX.XX.XX.XX/MES/Default.aspx http://XX.XX.XX.XX/TestPlayer/Login/MTLogin.aspx

XX is the IP Address of test Center Server or if accessing from server we can use local host instead of IP Address. Eg : If the test center Server IP is, UADP urls are below Role of URL ETL Dashboard for Test Centre MES application Test player application URL

Test Pack (Qpack) download and Rack Pack (Rpack) upload Process.
1. Connect the laptop to Internet to download the Test Pack (Qpack), If Test Center provides Internet and Server is configured for Internet the Test Pack (Qpack) will be automatically downloaded and Rpack will automatically upload after each Batch . a. If Internet is available dont change any setting on the laptop for Internet access once the batch completes the Result Pack (Qpack) wills automatically upload. 2. If the Test Center does not have Internet Connect Internet using Reliance Data Card provided along with the Laptop Server. Test Pack (Qpack) download. a. Connect Internet using the reliance data card and wait for the Test Pack (Qpack) to download(Check Test Center Dashboard to check the status) Result Pack (Rpack) b. Once all the Candidates submits and after all the batches, connect internet using Reliance Data Card provided and wait for the Result Pack (Rpack )to Upload (Check Test Center Dashboard to check the status)

UADP Test Center Dashboard

Open Test Center Dashboard Type the ulr below in Internet Explorer from Backup Server /Test Monitoring System. From Test Center Server type the below url. http://localhost/testcenterdashboard/MTLogin.aspx From Backup Server or Test Monitoring Server. http://XX.XX.XX.XX/testcenterdashboard/MTLogin.aspx (XX is the IP of the Server if accessed from a Test admin desktop) If the Test Center IP is type as


Login User ID and Password User Name : Password : TestCenterAdmin TestCenterAdmin

ELT Dashboard for Test Center page


Click on From Date for the calendar to open and select the date By Default the current date is visible in the dashboard

Click on Search or Refresh to Display the Test Pack (Qpack) and Result Pack (Rpack)

Tips: Test Pack (Qpack) or Result Pack (Rpack) is not visible in the dashboard select the from date should be 11 June 2011 date Clicking From Displays the status of Test Pack (Qpack) and Result Pack (Rpack)

Test Center Dashboard will provide the details of Test Pack (Qpack) when downloaded and Result Pack (Rpack) when uploaded. Status of Test Pack (Qpack) Delivery in the row is visible as Cyan color Status of Result Pack (Rpack) Delivery in the row is visible as Cream color If Rpack is not getting generated Click on Generate pack.


Click on Event to Check If the Test Pack/Rpack details if received and loaded to Test Center Server Provides details of Qpack

Test Center Dashboard for Test Center Functions.

1) Test Center dashboard monitors all activities of Test Pack- QPack and Result Pack - RPack transport. 2) Displays status of Qpack and Rpack Download and upload from remote server and vice versa. a) Display Generated Date and Time. b) Transferred Date and Time. c) Received Data and Time. d) Loaded Date and Time. 3) Displays details a) Events. b) Batch c) Schedule Time and date. d) QPack transportation from COEDX TC e) RPack transportation from TC DXCOE 4) Upload Qpack (From CD/USB Drive/Local Disk) 5) Download Rpack (To CD/USB Drive/Local Disk) 6) Advance Search based on a) Customer b) Process c) Data d) Package Type (All) e) Division f) Event g) Batch h) Test Center 13

Test Center Monitoring System (MES)

Test center monitoring systems allows us the view the candidate summary, details of candidate responses and real time status of candidate activities when attempting the tests. Type the ulr below in Internet Explorer from Backup Server or Test Monitoring System. From Test Center Server type the below url. http://XX.XX.XX.XX/MES/Default.aspx From Backup Server or Test Monitoring Server. http://XX.XX.XX.XX//MES/Default.aspx (XX is the IP of the Server if accessed from a Test admin desktop) If the Test Center IP is type as

Login User ID and Password User Name : TestCenterAdmin Password : TestCenterAdmin


Test Monitoring Page

Test Monitoring has two Dashboards, 1. Test Monitoring System To Monitor Batches and User/Candidate Summary Details 2. Live Dashboard - Real time monitoring of Candidates from to see the status of candidates

Click on Test Monitoring System

Select Customer, Event Test, Date and Batch Click on Show And after Click refresh to update the dashboard.

Overall Summary of Candidates scheduled in the batch is displayed Over all Summary Displays details of Test Name Start time of Batch End Time of batch Batch Name Test Center Total no candidates scheduled Total no candidates not registered or registers Total no of candidates started the tests and submitted.

Candidate Details Clicking any of the a details such as Total Candidates, Not Registered, Registered, Started, Submitted and Clear Login Provided detailed information if the candidates.

Candidates Name Login Name Hall Ticket No No of attempts No of questions attempted and incase the test crashed by entering additional attempts and click on updating allows candidate to restart the test Clear Login 16

Clear Login
In case the test crashed due to Problem with System, Network or any other problem and the candidate tries to login the candidates gets locked and Prompts User Already Login in test Player

How to Clear Login after Test Crash

Click on Test Monitoring

Provide Login Name of the candidate and Search

In candidate details Clear Login

Check Clear login button in green


In case we have multiple candidates Click on Started in over All Summary

In candidate details Clear Login

Check Clear login button in green

This will enable the student to take the test again from where he stopped. Incase all the Test Terminals crash Clear login at Batch Level

In Over all Summary Test Name

Check Clear login button in green

Test Monitoring can be done real time from a registration desk to see the status of candidates.

Live Dashboard
Click on Live Dashboard Menu to view details of all the batches and export to excel sheet.
Click on From Date for the calendar to open and select the date By Default the current date is visible in the dashboard

After selecting the data and Test Center Click Search to display details.

After selecting the data and Test Center Click Search to display details. Displays details of Batch Center Name Batch Name Schedule Start Date Schedule End Date No of Candidates in Batch No of Candidates Started Exam First Person Started Date and time Last Person Closed Date and Time Advances To View Candidate Responses and Status of each batch


Click Export to save the file to Excel as reports to be sent after each batch.

Once the file is saved open the file to view the details

Click on Advance -> To View Candidate Responses and Status of each batch

Displays User Summary Details of that Batch selected. Login Name User Response Count Started Date Time Test End Date Time Time Remaining User Status (Submitted, In Progress and Not yet Started)


Click on export to open or Save this file as reports to be sent after each batch.

Once the file is saved open the file to view the details

Test Monitoring can be done real time from a registration desk to see the status of candidates.


Back up of Test Player Database.

After each batch run the DatabaseBackupUtility.exe.

Connect Pen drive allocated to the USB Port. Click on DatabaseBackupUtility.exe.

Click on Select Folder: Browse for Folders Select the Pen Drive The Drive Name will be the server code. Select The Folder with the server code and Click OK


The Pen drive Folder is selected. Click on Create database backup

Backup is created successfully.

The database backup is created in the pen drive in the folder

Backup the database using this utility after each Batch and once the backup is completed remove the pen drive.


Test Summary Report Export

End of all the batches/day the details of all the batches and user summary needs to be exported and stored in the pen drive and also sent to COE by Mail. Click on TestCenterSummary Utility

Click on Select Folder: Browse for Folders Select the Pen Drive The Drive Name will be the server code. Select The Folder with the server code and Click OK


The Pen drive Folder is selected. Click on Generate Test Center Summary Details.

The database backup is created in the pen drive in the folder

Export the report with this utility after each batch and End of day and send this file to control room.


Test Administration Checklist

Steps to be followed in order of checklist Server Name Server Code Zone EC Name IT POC EC POC
Sl No Items Status Server readiness (Primary Server) Ensure Server is connected to UPS power line all through the Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Connect the server to test center network in server room or distance from test terminals Log on to server user name : testadmin and password: Merit123 Configure Test center IP address on the server if required Make sure internet is working on server only Change IP address settings in Test player if required. Test Connectivity of Test Center server to DX Server Make sure the time and date on server is current date and time Setup Backup Server in test center for UADP core load and application n (This server will be used as Monitoring Server also) Connect the server to test center network in the lab where the exams will be conducted and IP address in the same range. Install team viewer and configure for permanent user name and password Connect to Internet and make sure that the systems is always connected to Internet Call remote support and ask them to connect Configure all the UADP Urls of Test Center Server in favorites Open the Url and save as Favourites Dont browse any Internet Sites on this desktop. All desktop login ID has admin access desktop Make sure IP address range match range in server Make sure the no of desktops are as per the required numbers configured to servers IP range in the lab Copy and install Secure browser in all desktop locally on C drive ( MSB 4.0 to be copied to c drive Make sure the secure browser ip address path is changed to server ip Address Copy short cut to secure browser to desk top ( from MSb 4.0 folder of the C drive ) Make sure the no of desktops are as per the required numbers configured to secure browser IP range in the lab Configure I E setting for desk top ( Run IE setting for SMU from CD ) Edit IE settings bad files path to server IP Open secure browser check if test URL is accessible in all the desktops IE Settings Patch on all the desktops. Make sure that the backup utility and User Summary Utility is available on the Server desktop of the laptop

Server readiness (Backup Server or Monitoring Server) configure UADP Urls


Test Administration Steps Daily Checklist

Steps Test Administrations Test center Dash board 1 Login to Test Center Dashboard 2 Select date from and to select todays date and refresh 3 Check If Test Pack Qpack are downloaded to server 4 if the Test Pack Qpack is download the status box turns green 5 If Test Pack Qpack are not received call COE Remote Center 6 End test after all candidates of the batch submit 7 Check if Result Pack Rpack is generated and uploaded 8 If Not Call COE Remote Support MES Dash Board Test Monitoring 1 Login to MES Dashboard 2 Select Customer , Date ,event, Batch and testcenter 3 Make all data related to the batch is visible 4 Test name , start and end time of test , Test center , list of candidates registered and not registered 5 Call COE if not able to follow process MES Dash Board Live Dashboard 1 Click on Live Dashboard 2 Select Schedule Start Date , Schedule End Date and Select Test Center and refresh 3 Check the details of of Batch, Center Name, Batch Name, Schedule Start Date and end date No of Candidates in Batch, No of Candidates Started Exam, First Person Started Date and time , Last Person Closed Date and Time, Advances To View Candidate Responses and Status of each batch 4 Export the file to Excel and send the file to COE team every day after each batch or end of day after all the batches. 5 Click on Advance to View Candidate Responses and Status of each batch 6 Displays User Summary Details of that Batch selected. Login Name User Response Count Started Date Time End Date Time User Status ( Submitted, In Progress and Not yet Started) 7 Export the file to Excel and send the file to COE team every day after each batch or end of day after all the batches. Backup Database to Pen drive after each batch. 8 Backup the database using the Backup utility to pen drive Test Administration Reports after each batch and end of day. 9 Export Test Center Summary details using the Test Center Center Summary Utility to pen drive and send the same through mail to Status

Date Batch POC Name POC Signature 27

Escalation and Support Contact Control Room Number: +91 9342767001 +91 9342767021 +0820-4297240 +241/245/250 E-mail ID


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