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Optimal estimation in networked control systems subject to random delay and packet drop
Luca Schenato Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy

Abstract In this paper we study optimal estimation design for sampled linear systems where the sensors measurements are transmitted to the estimator site via a generic digital communication network. Sensor measurements are subject to random delay or might even be completely lost. We show that the minimum error covariance estimator is time-varying, stochastic, and it does not converge to a steady state. Moreover, the architecture of this estimator is independent of the communication protocol and can be implemented using a nite memory buffer if the delivered packets have a nite maximum delay. We also present two alternative estimator architectures which are more computationally efcient and provide upper and lower bounds for the performance of the time-varying estimator. The stability of these estimators does not depend on packet delay but only on the packet loss probability. Finally, algorithms to compute critical packet loss probability and estimators performance in terms of their error covariance are given and applied to some numerical examples. Index Terms Networked Control Systems, random time delay, packet drop, minimum variance estimator, Kalman lter, stability

I. I NTRODUCTION Recent technological advances in MEMS, DSP capabilities, computing, and communication technology are revolutionizing our ability to build large scale distributed networked control systems (NCS) as recently surveyed in [1]. In particular, among NSCs, the class represented by wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which are large networks of spatially distributed electronic devices called nodes capable of sensing, computation and wireless communication, can offer access to an unprecedented quality and quantity of information. This information can revolutionize our ability in controlling of the environment, such as ne-grain building environmental control [2], vehicular networks and trafc control [3], surveillance [4], habitat monitoring [5] [6], and manufacturing automation [7]. However, NCS also pose challenging problems in different research areas such as information theory, signal processing, communication theory, and control theory, mainly caused the fact that sensors, actuators and controllers are not physically co-located and need to exchange information via a digital communication network. These problems are particularly harsh in WSNs [8], where measurements are sampled at each node and then routed through a multi-hop network to a remote location for data analysis and decisionmaking process. As a consequence, measurements arrive at the decision-making location with a nondeterministic delay or can be totally lost along the way, thus possibly undermining the effectiveness of the decision-making part. As a result, it is important to simultaneously evaluate the impact of random packet delay and packet loss in the overall system performance. Obviously, packet loss and delay can be reduced by network coding [9], distributed signal processing [10], in-network data compression [11], and packet routing protocols [12], but not completely avoided due to inherent unreliable nature of wireless communication. For example, communication scheduling protocols based on time division medium access (TDMA) can reduce packet loss and power consumption at the price of longer delay [13], while event-triggered protocols which adopt broadcasting of messages can reduce packet delay at the price of larger packet loss [14]. This tradeoff is qualitatively visualized in Fig. 1, where each point on the solid curve represents the performance achieved by a specic communication protocol.

From a data-collection application perspective the best protocols are those sitting on the bottom of the curve since delay is unimportant. Differently, from a real-time application perspective, both parameters are important, therefore it is not easy to determine which is the optimal operating point on the curve.

Packet loss

Event-triggered routing

TDMA-like routing real-time apps

data-extraction apps

Packet delay
Fig. 1. Pictorial representation of a typical tradeoff curve (solid line) that is achieved by different communication protocols such as eventtriggered and TDMA-based routing protocols. The shaded areas indicated constraint regions for real-time and data-collection applications.

Currently, communications protocols and networked control systems are designed separately. In particular, protocols are designed based on conservative heuristics which specify what the maximum time delay and maximum packet loss should be, but with no clear understanding of their impact on the overall application performance. On the application side, control systems are not specically designed to exploit information about packet loss and delay statistics of the communication protocols over which they will run. Motivated by these considerations, the goal of this paper is to study optimal estimator design for systems subject to random packet delay and packet loss. Estimator design is in fact a fundamental ingredient for optimal control design and the estimator error covariance directly affects the closed loop performance of the control system [15]. Moreover, the ability to exactly quantify estimator error covariance based on packet arrival statistics, can also be employed to select the more appropriate communication protocol strategy. The paper is organized as follows. The next section presents an overview of relevant previous work and the contribution of this paper. Section III formalizes the minimum variance estimation problem and the packet arrival process modeling. In Section IV the minimum variance estimation problem is solved and optimality conditions on memory requirements are given. In Section V we derive stability conditions and quantify performance in terms of expected estimation error covariance for the minimum variance estimator with constant gains under i.i.d. packet arrival with known statistics. This suboptimal estimator provides an upper bound for the estimation error of the time-varying optimal lter proposed in Section IV. Section VI shows how estimation performance can be improved if sensors have computational resources and are physically co-located. This estimator architecture also provides a lower bound for error covariance of the time-varying optimal lter of Section IV. Section VII gives some numerical examples to illustrate the use of the tools derived in the previous sections. Finally, Section VIII summarizes the conclusions and suggest directions for future work. II. P REVIOUS W ORK AND C ONTRIBUTION Classical control has mainly focused on systems with constant delay [16] or with small delay perturbation known as jitter [17]. Recently several groups have looked at networked control systems with large

random delay or packet loss. Two recent survey papers presents several results in the context of packetswitched networks [18], and in the context of bit-rate limited feedback control [19], respectively. Without entering a detailed discussion, the bit-rate limited approach provides tighter analytical performance bounds as compared to the packet-switched framework, but the practical implementation and coding schemes proposed in former framework are not available in todays communication protocols. In this work, we focus on packet-switched network. Within this class of systems, results can be divided into two main groups: the rst group focusing on variable delay but no packet drop, while the second group focusing on packet loss but no delay. Within the rst group, some authors derived stability conditions in terms of LMIs for closed loop continuous time linear systems with stochastic sampling time [20][21], and Nesic at al. [22] obtained Lyapunov-like stability conditions for continuous time nonlinear systems with unknown but bounded sampling time. These works simply determine stability for a given closed loop system, and there is no controller synthesis specically designed to take into account delay. With this respect, Yue et al. [23] proposed an LMI approach for the design of stabilizing controllers for bounded delay, while Nilsson at al. [24] extended LQG optimal control design to sampled linear systems subject to stochastic measurement and control packet delay, and showed how the optimal controller gains are time-delay dependent. Another relevant line of research is data fusion of measurements obtained from sensors with different delays. For example, Alexander [25] and Larsen et al. [26] derived suboptimal but computationally efcient Kalmanlike lters to account for random delay and they tested their performance through Monte-Carlo simulations. Julier at al. [27] studied the estimation problem when measurement time-stamping is uncertain. All the previous works rely on the major assumption that there is no packet loss or there is an upper bound on the possible consecutive packet drops. In the second group of results, there has been a considerably effort to apply optimal control and estimation to discrete time systems where measurements and control packets can be dropped with some probability, but have otherwise no delay. This framework is equivalent of saying that all packets have either no delay or innite delay. For example, in [28][29][30] the authors proposed compensation techniques for i.i.d Bernoulli packet-drop communication networks and derived stability conditions for closed loop discrete time system. Elia et al. [31][32] proposed a stochastic perturbation approach for general MIMO LTI discrete time systems and showed that the optimal controller design is equivalent to solving a convex LMI optimization problem. Sinopoli at al. [33], extending results that can be traced back to Nahi [34], looked specically at minimum variance estimation design for packet-drop networks and showed that the optimal estimator is necessarily time-varying, including also stability conditions. These results have been independently extended to LQG optimal control in [35] and [36]. Finally, a number of researches has explored specic mechanisms to improve estimation performance by exploiting local computation at the sensor location [37][38], controlled communication [39][38], and network topology [40]. The previous two groups of results suffer from some limitations. In fact, even with retransmission mechanisms present in all current digital communication networks, and in particular in the wireless ones, it is impossible to guarantee that all packets are correctly delivered to the destination. On the hand, in wireless sensor networks which implement multi-hop communication, delay is not negligible and is subject to large variations. Therefore, none of the modelings considered so far, i.e. random delay but no packet loss and packet loss but no delay, fully represent control systems interconnected by digital communication networks. Very little work has been done to take into account simultaneous packet drop and packet delay, leading to somewhat conservative results as they are based on worst-case scenarios [41] [42]. In this paper we propose a probabilistic framework to analyze estimation where observation packets are subject to arbitrary random delay and packet loss. In this framework sensor measurements need to be time-stamped at the sensor side, but packets can arrive in burst or even out of order at the receiver side. We derive the optimal estimator in mean square sense and we show that the minimum error covariance estimator is equivalent to a time-varying Kalman lter with a buffer, for which the optimal gain does not converge to a steady state. Moreover, this estimator structure is independent of the packet arrival statistics and can be implemented using a nite memory buffer if the delivered packets have a nite

maximum delay. In particular, the memory length is equal to the maximum packet delay of the received packets. We also present two alternative estimator architectures which are computationally more efcient. In the rst architecture, the estimator gains are constrained to be constant rather than stochastic as in the time-varying optimal estimator. In the second architecture, smart sensors are used to preprocess data and improve estimation performance. Also necessary and sufcient conditions for stability for these estimators are shown to depend only on the over packet loss probability and not on delay. We also provide numerical algorithms to compute the expected error covariances of such estimators which turns out to be the solution of modied algebraic Riccati equations and Lyapunov equations. These metrics can be used to compare different communication protocols for real-time control applications as long as the packet arrival statistics are known, i.i.d and stationary. Very importantly, these results do not depend on the specic implementation of the digital communication network (eldbuses, Bluetooth, ZigBee, Wi-Fi, etc .. ) in the sense that it is not necessary to modify the communication stack to implement the estimators. III. P ROBLEM FORMULATION Consider the following discrete time linear stochastic plant: xt+1 = Axt + wt yt = Cxt + vt , (1) (2)

where t N = {0, 1, 2, . . .}, x, w Rn , y Rm , A Rnn , y Rm , C Rmn , (x0 , wt , vt ) are Gaussian, uncorrelated, white, with mean (0 , 0, 0) and covariance (P0 , Q, R) respectively. We also assume that the x pair (A, C) is observable, (A, Q1/2 ) is reachable, and R > 01 .


Digital Digital Communication Communication Network Network


Fig. 2. Networked systems modeling. Sampled observations at the plant site are transmitted to the estimator site via a digital communication network. Due to retransmission and packet loss, observation packets arrive at the estimator site with possibly random delay.

Measurements are time-stamped, encapsulated into packets, and then transmitted through a digital communication network (DCN), whose goal is to deliver packets from a source to a destination (see Fig. 2). Time-stamping of measurements is necessary to reorder packets at the receiver side as they can arrive out of order. Maintaining global clock synchronization in distributed systems is a challenging task, but recent work has shown remarkably small synchronization errors even in large sensor networks [43]. Modern DCNs are in general very complex and can greatly differ in their architecture and implementation depending on the medium used (wired, wireless, hybrid), and on the applications they are meant to serve (real-time monitoring, data extraction, media-related, etc ..). In our work we model a DCN as a module between the plant and the estimator which delivers observation measurements to the estimator with possibly random delays. This model allows also for packets with innite delay which corresponds to a packet loss. We assume that all observation packets correctly delivered to the estimator site are stored in an innite
These assumptions can be relaxed to (A, C) detectable, (A, Q1/2 ) stabilizable, and R 0, however the proofs of the following theorems would be more convoluted, therefore we decided to adopt the stronger hypotheses.

5 t buffer, as shown in Fig. 2. The arrival process is modeled via the random variable k dened as follows: t k =

1 0

if yk has arrived at the estimator before or at time t, t k otherwise


t+h t From this denition it follows that (k = 1) (k = 1, h N), which simply states that if packet yk is present in the receiver buffer at time t, then it will be present for all future times. We also dene the packet delay k {N, } for observation yk as follows:

k =

tk k

t if k = 0, t k t otherwise, where tk = min{t | k = 1}


where tk is the arrival time of observation yk at the estimator site . Since the packet delay can be random, observation measurements can arrive out of order at the estimator site (see Fig. 3, t = 5). Also it is possible that between two consecutive sampling periods no packet (see Fig. 3, t = 4) or multiple packets (see Fig. 3, t = 6) are delivered. In our work we do not consider quantization distortion due to data encoding/decoding since we assume that observation noise is much larger then quantization noise, as it is the case in most DCNs where each packet allocates hundreds of bits for measurement data2 . Also we do not consider channel noise since we assume that if any bit error incurred during packet transmission is detected at the receiver, then the packet is dropped.

Fig. 3. Packet arrival sequence and buffering at the estimator location. Shaded squares correspond to observation packets that have been successfully received by the estimator. Cursor indicates current time.

If observation yk is not yet arrived at the estimator at time t, we assume that a zero3 is stored in the
For example, ATM communication protocols adopts packets with 384-bit data eld, Ethernet IEEE 802.3 packets allows for at least 368 bits for data payload, Bluetooth for 499 bits [18] and IEEE 802.15.4 for up to 1000 bits. This assumption might not hold for multimedia signal like audio and video signals, which however are not in the scope of this work. 3 In practice, any arbitrary value can be stored in the buffer slots corresponding to the packets which have not arrived, since as it will be shown later, the optimal estimator does not use those values as they do not convey any information about the state xt . Our choice of storing a zero simply reduces some mathematical burden.

k-slot of the buffer, as shown in Fig. 3. More formally, the value stored in the k-slot of the estimator buffer at time t can be written as follows:
t t t yk = k yk = k Cxk + k vk t


Our goal to compute the optimal mean square estimator xt|t which is given by: xt|t = E[xt | yt , t , x0 , P0 ]


t t t where yt = (1 , y2 , . . . , yt ) and t = (1 , 2 , . . . , t ). It is important to remark that the estimator above y t t t has the information whether a packet has been delivered or not, and it is not equivalent to computing xt|t = xt|t = E[xt | yt , x0 , P0 ]. The latter estimator would in fact consider the zero entries of the buffer as true measurements and not as dummy variables, thus providing a lower performance. It is also useful to design the estimator error and error covariance as follows:

et|t = xt xt|t Pt|t = E[ et|t eT | yt , t , x0 , P0 ] t|t

(7) (8)

The estimate xt|t is optimal in the sense that it minimizes the error covariance, i.e. given any estimator xt|t = f (t , t ), where f is a measurable function, we always have y E[(xt xt|t )(xt xt|t )T | yt , t , x0 , P0 ] Pt|t . Another property of the mean square optimal estimator is that xt|t and its error et|t = xt xt|t are uncorrelated, i.e. E[et|t xT ] = 0. This is a fundamental property since it is necessary to give rise to the t|t separation principle for the LQG optimal control, which is one of the most widely used tool in control system design [15] [36]. IV. M INIMUM E RROR C OVARIANCE E STIMATOR D ESIGN In this section we want to compute the optimal estimator given by Equation (6). First, it is convenient to dene the following variables:
t t t t xt k|h = E[xk | h , . . . , 1 , yh , . . . , y1 , x0 , P0 ] t t t Pk|h = E[(xk xt )(xt xt )T | h , . . . , 1 , yh , . . . , y1 , x0 , P0 ] k|h k|h t t t from which it follows that, with a little abuse of notation, xt|t = xt and Pt|t = Pt|t . t|t It is also useful to note that at time t the information available at the estimator site, given by Equation (5), can be written as the output of the following system:

xk+1 = Axk + wk t t yk+1 = Ck+1 xk+1 + vk+1 , t

k = 0, . . . , t 1

(9) (10)

t t where the random variables vk = k vk are uncorrelated, zero mean white noise with covariance Rk = t t t t E[k (k )T ] = k R, and Ck = k C. For any xed t this system can be seen as a linear time-varying vt vt t system with respect to time k, where the only time-varying elements are the observation matrix Ck and t measurement noise covariance Rk . We can now state the main theorem of this section: Theorem 1: Let us consider the stochastic linear system given in Equations (1)-(2), where R > 0. Also consider the arrival process dened by Equation (3), and the mean square estimator dened in Equation (6). Then we have:

(a) The optimal mean square estimator is given by xt|t = xt where: t|t
t xt 0|0 = x0 , P1|0 = P0

(11) (12) (13) (14)

xt k|k t Kk t Pk+1|k

= = =

t t t y xk1|k1 ), k = 1, . . . , t At xk1|k1 + k Kk (k CAt t T t T 1 Pk|k1 C (CPk|k1 C + R) t t t t t APk|k1 AT + Q k APk|k1 C T (CPk|k1 C T + R)1 CPk|k1 AT

t (b) The optimal estimator xt|t can be computed iteratively using a buffer of nite length N if k = t1 k , k 1, t k + N . If this property is satised, then xt|t = xt where xt is given by t|t t|t Equations (11)-(14) for t = 1, . . . , N and as follows for t > N :

xt |tN = xt1 |tN , tN tN

t PtN +1|tN


(16) Equations (12),(13),(14) k = t N + 1, . . . , t (17) Proof: (a) Since the information available at the estimator site at time t is given by the time-varying linear stochastic system of Equations (9)-(10) , then the optimal estimator is given by its corresponding time-varying Kalman lter:
t t t xt k|k = At xk1|k1 + Kk (k Ck At y xk1|k1 ) t t t t t t t Kk = Pk|k1 Ck (Ck Pk|k1 Ck + Rk ) t t t t t t t t t t Pk+1|k = APk|k1 AT + Q APk|k1 Ck (Ck Pk|k1 Ck + Rk ) Ck Pk|k1 AT t xt 0|0 = x0 , P1|0 = P0

t1 PtN +1|tN

whose derivation can be found in any standard textbook on stochastic control [15] [44], and the symbol t t t t denotes the matrix pseudoinverse4 . By substituting Ck+1 = k+1 C and Rk = k R into the previous equations and after performing some straightforward simplications we obtain the optimal estimator Equations (11)-(14). t1 t1 t t (b) Let us consider t > N . If k = k , k 1, t k + N , then also Pk+1|k = Pk+1|k and xt = xt1 k|k k|k hold under the same conditions on the indices. In particular it holds for k = t N which implies t1 t t PtN +1|tN = PtN +1|tN and xt |tN = xt1 |tN . Therefore, it not necessary to compute Pt+1|t and tN tN t1 xt at any time step t starting from k = 1, but it is sufcient to use the values xt1 |tN and PtN +1|tN t|t tN precomputed at the previous time step t 1, as in Equations (15) and (16), and then iterate Equations Equations (12)-(14) for the latest N observations. Note that the previous theorem does not necessarily implies that any optimal estimator needs to have an innite buffer when packet delay cannot be bounded. Indeed, this poses the interesting problem of proving or disproving the existence of a lter that never requires an innite buffer. t If there is no packet loss and no packet delay, i.e. k = 1, (k, t), then Equations (11)-(14) reduce to the standard Kalman lter equations for a time-invariant system. In practice, the optimal estimator correspond to a time-varying Kalman lter with a buffer. Differently from the Kalman lter for a time-invariant system, neither the optimal gain not the error covariance converge to a steady state value. Therefore, it is not possible adopt a static lter the with the steady-state Kalman gain Kt = K , but in general it is necessary to store all past measurements and to invert of up to t matrices at any time step t to calculate the optimal estimate xt|t , which is particularly onerous for on-line implementation. It is well known that the optimal estimator subject to measurement delay can be obtained by augmenting the state by the maximum measurement delay [25]. Since packet loss is equivalent to innite delay, this might suggests that the optimal estimator should have an innite buffer. However, the optimal estimator
4 We employed the fact that the Kalman lter equations can be generalized to the case R 0 by using pseudoinverse rather than the inverse in the computation of the posterior error covariance.

can be implemented incrementally according to Equations (15)-(17) using a buffer of nite length N t1 t if all successfully received observations have a delay smaller than N time steps, i.e. k = k , k 1, t k N (see Fig. 4). This does not mean that all packets arrive at the receiver within N time steps, but only that if a packet arrives then it does within N time steps.





Fig. 4. Optimal estimator for general packet arrival processes (left). Optimal estimator with nite memory buffer for packet arrival processes with bounded delay (right).

Up to this point we made no assumptions on the packet arrival process which can be deterministic, stochastic or time-varying. However, from an engineering perspective it is important to determine the performance of the estimator, which is evaluated based on the error covariance Pt+1|t . If the packet arrival process is stochastic, then also the error covariance is stochastic. In this scenario a common performance metric is the expected error covariance, i.e. E [Pt+1|t ], where the expectation is performed with respect t to the arrival process k . However, other metrics can be considered, such as the probability that the error covariance exceeds a certain threshold, i.e. P[Pt+1|t > Pmax ] [45]. In this work we focus on the expected error covariance E [Pt+1|t ]. It is not clear whether is it possible to compute E [Pt+1|t ] analytically even for a simple Bernoulli arrival process, and so far only upper and lower bounds have been be obtained [33]. Rather than trying to bound performance of the time-varying optimal estimator, in the next section we will t focus on lters with constant gains and with a nite buffer dimension, i.e. we will consider Kth = Kh for all t N, h = 0, . . . , N1. The gains Kh will then be optimized to achieve the smallest error covariance at steady-state. The advantage of using constant gains is that, differently from the optimal time-varying lter, it is not necessary to invert any matrix at all thus making it attractive for on-line applications. Moreover, since lters with constant gains are necessarily suboptimal, the computation of their error covariance is useful per se as it provides an upper bound for the error covariance of the optimal minimum error covariance lter given by Equations (11)-(14). V. O PTIMAL ESTIMATION WITH CONSTANT GAINS In this section we will study minimum error covariance lters with constant gains under stationary i.i.d arrival processes. Assumption: The packet arrival process at the estimator site is stationary and i.i.d. with the following probability function: P[t h] = h (18) where t 0, and 0 h 1 is a non-decreasing in h = 0, 1, 2, . . ., and t was dened in Equation (4). Equation (18) corresponds to the probability that a packet sampled h time steps ago has arrived at the estimator. Obviously, h must be non-increasing since h = P[t h 1] + P[t = h] = h1 + P[t = h]. Also, we dene the packet loss probability as follows: loss = 1 sup{h | h 0}


The arrival process dened by Equation (18) can be also be dened with respect to the probability density of packet delay. In fact, by denition we have P[k = 0] = 0 , P[k = h] = h h1 for h 1, and P [k = ] = loss .

Finally, we dene the maximum delay of arrived packets as follows: max =

min{H| H = H+1 }

if H such that h = H , h H otherwise


Fig. 5 shows some typical scenarios that can be modeled under the previous hypotheses. Scenario (A) corresponds to a deterministic process where all packets are successfully delivered to the estimator with a constant delay. This scenario is typical of wired systems. Scenario (B) models a DCN that guarantees delivery of all packets within a nite time window max , but the delay is not deterministic. This is a common scenario in drive-by-wire systems. Scenario (C) represents a DCN which drops packets that are older than max and consequently a fraction loss > 0 of observations is lost. This scenario is often encountered in wireless sensor networks. Scenario (D) corresponds to a DCN with no packet loss but with unbounded random packet delay. One example of such a scenario is a DCN that continues to retransmit a packet till it is not delivered.





Fig. 5. Probability function of arrival process h = P[k h] for different scenarios: deterministic packet arrival with xed delay (A); bounded random packet delay with no packet loss (B); bounded random packet delay with packet loss (C); unbounded random packet delay with no packet loss (D).

In the rest of the paper we will use the following denition of stability for an estimator. Denition: Let xt|t = f (t , t ) be a generic estimator, where f is a measurable function, and et|t = xt xt|t y t|t = E[t|t eT |t , t ] its error and error covariance, respectively. We say that the estimator is meanand P e t|t y square stable stable and unbiased if and only if limt E[t|t ] = 0 and E[Pt|t ] M for some M > 0 and e for all t 1. The previous denition can be rephrased in terms of the moments of the estimator error. In fact the conditions above are equivalent to limt E[||t|t ||] = 0 and E[ ||t|t ||2 ] trace(M ). e e Let us consider the following constant-gain estimator xt|t = xt with nite-buffer of dimension N , t|t t where xt|t is computed as follows:
t xt tk|tk = At xtk1|tk1 + tk Kk (tk CAt yt xtk1|tk1 ), k = N 1, . . . , 0

(21) (22) (23)

xtN |tN = xt1 |tN t tN

t xt k|k = x0 , k = 0, yk = 0 t

where the last line includes some dummy variables necessary to initialize the estimator for t = 1, . . . , N . Note that constant-gain estimator structure is very similar to the optimal estimator structure given by

10 t Equation (12) as the estimate is corrected only if the observation has arrived, i.e. tk = 1, otherwise only the open loop prediction is considered. However, differently from Equation (12), the gains Kk , k = 0, . . . , N 1 are constant and independent of t, and the computation of the estimate xt|t does not require any on-line matrix inversion differently from the estimator in the previous section. We also dene the following variables that will be useful to analyze the performance of the estimator:

xt k+1|k = At xk|k et k+1|k = xk+1 xt k+1|k

t Pk+1|k = E[t ek+1|k ek+1|k | yt , t ] t P k+1|k t = E[t ek+1|k ek+1|k ] = E[Pk+1|k ] tT tT

(24) (25) (26) (27)

where t k 1. From these denitions we get:

t t et k+1|k = Axk + wk A xk|k1 + k Ktk (k Cxk + vk C xk|k1 ) t t = A(I k Ktk C)t ek|k1 + wk k AKtk vk t t T t t t Pk+1|k = A(I k Ktk C)Pk|k1 (I k Ktk C)T AT + Q + k AKtk RKtk AT t t t

(28) (29)

T P k+1|k = tk A(I Ktk C)P k|k1(I Ktk C)TAT+(1tk )AP k|k1AT+Q+tk ATKtk RKtk AT(30)

where I Rnn is the identity matrix. To obtain the previous equations we employed independence of t k , vk , wk , and et k|k1 , and the fact that vk and wk are zero mean. For ease of notation let us dene the following operator: L (K, P ) = A(I KC)P (I KC)T AT +(1)AP AT +Q+AKRK T AT
t PtN +1|tN


If we substitute k = t N into Equation (30), and noting that from Equation (22) follows that t t1 t1 = PtN +1|tN and P tN +1|tN = P tN +1|tN , we obtain: P tN +2|tN +1 = LN 1 (KN 1 , P tN +1|tN )
t P tk+1|tk t t1

(32) (33)

t Lk (Kk , P tk|tk1 ),

k = N 2, . . . , 0

Observe that Equations (32) and (33) dene a set of linear deterministic equations for xed k and Kk . t1 In particular, if we dene St = PtN +1|tN , then Equations (32) can be written as St+1 = LN 1 (KN 1 , St )


Since all matrices P tk+1|tk , k = 0, . . . , N 1 can be obtained from St it follows that stability of estimator can be inferred from the properties of the operator L (K, P ). The following lemma provides these properties: Lemma 1: Consider the operator L (K, P ) as dened in Equation (31). Assume also that P 0, (A, C) is observable, (A, Q1/2 ) is reachable, R > 0, and 0 1. Also consider the following operator: (P ) = AP AT + Q AP C T (CP C T + R)1 CP AT (35) and the gain KP = P C T (CP C T + R)1 . Then the following statements are true: (a) L (K, P ) = (P ) + A(K KP )(CP C T + R)(K KP )T AT . (b) L (K, P ) (P ) = L (KP , P ), K (c) (P1 P2 ) = (P1 ) (P2 ) . (d) (1 2 ) = 1 (P ) 2 (P ) , P . (e) If there exists P such that P = L (K, P ), then P > 0 and it is unique. Consequently this is true also for K = KP , where P = (P ). (f) If (1 2 ) and there exist P1 , P2 such that P1 = 1 (P1 ) and P2 = 2 (P2 ), then P1 P2 .


(g) Let St+1 = L (K, St ) and S0 0. If S = L (K, S ) has a solution, then limt St = S , otherwise the sequence St is unbounded. (h) If there exists S , K such that S = L (K, S ), then also P = (P ) exists and P S . (i) If A is strictly stable, then P = (P ) has always a solution. Otherwise, there exist c such that 1 P = (P ) has a solution if and only if > c . Also min c max , where max = 1 |u |2 , i i u min = 1 maxi1|u |2 , and |i | 1 are the unstable eigenvalues of A. In particular c = max if i rank(C) = 1, and c = min if C is square and invertible. (j) The critical probability c and the xed point P = (P ) for > c can be obtained as the solutions of the following semi-denite programming (SDP) problems: c = inf{ | (Y, Z) > 0, 0 Y I, for some Z, Y Rnn }, and P = argmax{trace(P ) | (P ) 0, P 0} where: 1 Y Y ZR 2 (Y A + ZC) 1 Y A Q 0 0 0 Y1 (36) (Y, Z) = R 2 Z 0 I 0 0 (A Y + C Z ) 0 0 Y 0 1 A Y 0 0 0 Y AP A P AP C (P ) = (37) CP A CP C + R (k) If there exist P > 0 and K such that P = L (K, P ), then the matrix Ac = A(I KC) is strictly stable. Proof: See Appendix. The previous lemma provides all tools necessary to analyze and design the optimal estimator with constant gains. In particular, fact (g) indicates that the constant gain K that minimizes the steady state error covariance P can be derived from the unique xed point of the nonlinear operator P = (P ), where K = KP . If the optimal gain K is used, then the expected error covariance converges to P regardless of the initial conditions (P0 , x0 ), as follows from fact (f). Fact (i) shows that if the system A is unstable the arrival probability needs to be sufciently large to ensure stability, and that the critical value c is a function of the unstable eigenvalues of A. Finally, although c and the the xed point P = (P ) cannot be computed in closed form, from fact (j) follows that they can be efciently computed using numerical optimization tools. Finally, fact (k) will be used to show that if the error covariance is bounded then the estimator is also unbiased. The following theorem shows how compute the optimal estimator with constant gains. Theorem 2: Let us consider the stochastic linear system given in Equations (1)-(2), where (A, C) is observable, (A, Q1/2 ) is reachable, and R > 0. Also consider the arrival process dened by Equations (18)(20), and the set of estimators with constant gains {Kk }N dened in Equations (21)-(23). If A is not k=0 strictly stable and loss 1 c , where c is dened in Lemma 1(j), then there exist no stable estimator N with constant gains. Otherwise, let N such that N > c and consider the optimal gains {Kk }N dened k=0 as follows:
N Kk = VkN C T (CVkN C T + R)1 , k = 0, . . . , N N N VN 1 = N 1 (VN 1 ) N VkN = k (Vk+1 ), k = N 1, . . . , 0 t t

(38) (39) (40)

Also consider P k+1|k as dened in Equation (27), then limt P tk+1|tk = VkN , independently of initial conditions (P0 , x0 ). For any other choice of gains {Kk }N for which the solution {Tk }N to the following k=0 k=0 equations exist:
N N TN = LN (KN , TN ) N N Tk = Lk (Kk , Tk+1 ), k = N 1, . . . , 0

(41) (42)

12 N N then limt P tk+1|tk = Tk , and VkN Tk for k = 0, . . . , N . Also V0N +1 V0N . Finally, if max < , then V0N = V0max for all N max . Proof: See Appendix. The previous theorem shows that the optimal gains can be obtained by nding the xed point of a modied algebraic Ricatti Equation (39) and then iterating N time an operator with the same structure but with different k . The theorem also demonstrates that a stable estimator with constant gains exists if and only if the optimal estimator with constant gains exists, therefore the optimal estimator design implicitly solves the problem of existence of stable estimators. If the system to be estimated is unstable, then the estimator is stable if and only if the packet loss probability loss is sufciently small, independently of the packet delay max , thus recovering the same stability conditions derived in [33]. Moreover, the performance of the estimator, i.e. its steady state error covariance limt Pt+1|t = limt E[et+1|t eT ] = t+1|t V0N , improves as the buffer length N is increased, which is to be expected since more information is stored. However, if the maximum packet delay is nite max < , then the performance of the estimator does not improve for N > max . This is consistent with Theorem 1(b) since if a measurement packet has not arrived within max time steps after it was sampled, then it will never arrive and it is useless to wait longer. From a practical perspective, the previous tools can be used by the designer to evaluate the tradeoff between the estimator performance V0N and buffer length N which is directly related to computational requirements. t

VI. O PTIMAL ESTIMATION WITH CO - LOCATED SMART SENSORS In this section we describe an alternative data pre-processing at the sensor location which improves the overall performance of the estimator at the receiver side. This scheme was independently proposed in [46] and [37] in a scenario where no delay was present but only packet loss. The authors suggested to compute and transmit the state estimate rather than the raw measurement. As will be shown shortly, this approach gives an estimator that has a better performance as compared to the time-varying Kalman lter of Section IV. However, it is applicable only if some computational resources are available on the sensor, commonly known as smart sensor, and if all entries of the observation vector yt are collected from sensors which are co-located. For example, this scenario is not suitable in applications running over sensor networks where sensors are distributed and have very limited computation resources [47]. Adding specic coding schemes and data processing at the sensor side could further improve performance, but this would require the modication of the lower layers of the communication protocols, differently from the architecture proposed here. Besides, this estimator architecture proposed here is useful per se since it provides a computable lower bound for the performance of the optimal time-varying lter proposed in Section IV.



Digital Digital Communication Communication Network Network


Fig. 6.

Smart sensor with state estimator at encoder site before transmission.

Rather than sensing the raw measurements yt over the DCN the sensor compute the optimal state


estimate as follows: xe t Kte e Pt+1 e P0 = = = = Ae + Kte (yt Ae ) xt1 xt1 e T e T Pt C (CPt C + R)1 APte AT + Q APte C T (CPte C T + R)1 CPte AT = 1 (Pt ) P 0 , xe = x0 0 (43) (44) (45) (46)

These are the equations for the standard Kalman lter, i.e. the minimum error covariance estimator xe = t e e e e eT E[xt | yt , . . . , y1 ] whose estimation error et = xt+1 At has covariance cov(et ) = E[et et | yt , . . . , y1 ] = x Pte . The state estimate computed by the sensor encoder is then transmitted over the DCN to the decoder estimator. Using the same notation of Equation (5) the value stored at the buffer can be written as follows:
t y k = k x e t k


t Let us dene the delay of the most recent packet arrived at the decoder estimator as t = t max{k | k = 1} t t if k = 1, or t = t otherwise. The estimate of current state at the decoder estimator xd is computed as follows: xd = At ytt = At xe t t t t (48)

Note that the decoder estimate is equivalent to xd = E[xt | ytt , . . . , y1 ] and that the its error ed = xt+1 Ad t xt t has covariance:
e cov(ed ) = E[ed ed | ytt , . . . , y1 ] = tt (E[ed t ed t | ytt , . . . , y1 ]) = tt (Ptt ) = tt t (P0 ), 0 0 0 1 t t t t t

where the superscript of n (P ) indicates (P ) composed n-times. Therefore, the decoder estimator error at any time step t is equivalent to the optimal estimator that one would obtain if all observations up to time t t were successfully delivered. This estimation architecture is superior to the estimation architecture proposed in Section IV, in fact the estimator obtained in Theorem 1 has error t t covariance cov(xt+1 At ) = Pt+1|t , where Pt+1|t is given by Equations (13)-(14) and can be written xt|t as:
t t Pt+1|t = tt . . . 1 (P0 )
t t = tt t . . . 1 (P0 ) 0 t tt t . . . 1 (P0 ) 0

tt 1 . . . 1 (P0 ) 0 = tt t (P0 ) 0 1 d = cov(et )

t t where we used the facts k = 0 for k > t , k 1 for k t , and Lemma 1(d). Therefore, the error covariance of the estimator proposed in this section is smaller than the error covariance of estimator proposed in Section IV. We can summarize the previous result in the following theorem: Theorem 3: Let us consider the stochastic linear system given in Equations (1)-(2), where R > 0. Also consider the packet arrival process dened by Equation (3). Let xy = xt the optimal estimator given by t t|t Equations (11)-(14) when raw measurements yt are transmitted over the network. Let xd the estimator t given by Equation (48) where the state estimate xe dened by Equations (43)-(46) is pre-computed by t the sensor and then transmitted over the network. Then the estimation error covariance of xe is always t smaller than the estimation error covariance of xt , i.e. t

cov(xt xd ) cov(xt xy ), t. t t Besides having a better performance, the estimator proposed in this section requires very limited computational requirements at the receiver side, in fact it sufces to store the most recent packet arrived


at the receiver and then to compute the best state estimate at current time by pre-multiplying the packet data with a matrix which depend on the packet delay. Moreover, as for the estimator of Section IV, also the estimator based on co-located smart sensors does not require any statistical a-priori knowledge of the arrival process. However, if the packet arrival statistics are stationary and i.i.d, then it is possible to give stability criteria and to compute the expected error covariance as shown in the following theorem: Theorem 4: Let us consider the stochastic linear system given in Equations (1)-(2), where (A, C) is observable, (A, Q1/2 ) is reachable, and R > 0. Also consider the arrival process dened by Equations (18)(20), and the estimator architecture given by Equations (43)-(48). Then the estimator is stable if and only if u A is stable, or loss < |u 1(A)|2 , where max (A) is the largest eigenvalue of the matrix A. If the estimator max is stable then the covariance of the estimation error dened as ed = xt+1 Axd has the following property: t t
t N lim E[ed ed ] = D = lim D0 t t N


N where the matrix D0 is computed as follows: N N e DN = (1 N )ADN AT + (1 N )Q + N P N N e Dk = (1 k )ADk+1 AT + (1 k )Q + k P , k = N 1, . . . , 0

(50) (51)

e e e and P is the unique positive denite solution of the Ricatti Equation P = 1 (P ). If max < , then N D = D0max = D0 , for all N max . Proof: See Appendix. The previous theorem shows that performance of the smart optimal estimator under the assumption of i.i.d. packet arrival process, can be obtained by solving the Lyapunov Equation (50) and then iterating N = max linear equations (51), if max is nite. Otherwise if max = , then D can be computed to N any arbitrary precision through the sequence D0 .

VII. N UMERICAL E XAMPLES Here we illustrate the use of the tools developed in the previous sections with the aid of some numerical examples. Let us consider the following probability function of packet delay: h = 0.05 h, h = 0, . . . , 15 0.75, h > 15 (52)

which is depicted in Fig. 7. Let us consider the following discrete time system: A= 1.001 0.05 0.05 1.001 , C = [ 1 0 ], R = 0.01, Q = 0 0 0 0.01 (53)

which corresponds to the discretization with sampling period T = 0.05 of the continuous time system x x = 0. This system has one stable pole and one unstable pole, and it is the model for the discrete time dynamics of an inverted pendulum. The discrete time eigenvalues of the matrix A are eig(A) = (1.05, 0.95), which give the critical probability c = 1 1/1.052 = 0.095, as stated in Lemma 1(i). According to Theorem 2 and Theorem 4 both estimators presented in Section V and Section VI are stable if and only if N 2, in fact 1 = 0.05 < c and 2 = 0.01 > c . The trace of the covariance of the estimator error with constant gains, V0N , and the estimator error for N smart sensors, D0 are shown in Fig. 8. As mentioned in Section IV, the error covariance for time-varying optimal estimator of Theorem 1 cannot be computed explicitly but it is upperbounded and lowerbounded N by V0N and by D0 , respectively. It is interesting to compare the performance of these estimators with the e e error covariance P = 1 (P ), shown in the same gure, corresponding to the ideal case when there e is no packet loss and no delay. In fact, P gives an idea of the degradation due to the communication


1 0,9 0,8 0,7

0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 Eqn. (54) Eqn. (56)

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Fig. 7. Probability function of packet delay for different scenarios and critical probability for dynamical systems (53).

network. It is also relevant to evaluate the performance of an estimator with constant gains designed without exploiting the prior knowledge about the packet arrival statistics. A natural choice is to use the e e e e standard Kalman gain K = P C T (CP C T + R)1 , i.e. Kk = K , k = 0, . . . , N rather than the N N optimal constant gains Kk dened in Theorem 2. The corresponding expected error covariance T0 can be obtained by Equations (41)-(42) and it is shown in Fig. 8. From this example it is clear that the tools developed in this paper can help to substantially reduce the degradation of performance when statistics of packet arrival are available. As a second example, we show empirical computation of the expected error covariance for the different estimator designs presented in this paper. We consider the same dynamical system above given by Equations (53) and we assume that packet delay is generated according to the following arrival statistics: 1 = (1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ) = (0.2, 0.4, 0.7, 1), 0 1 2 3 2 = (2 , 2 , 2 , 2 ) = (0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7), 0 1 2 3 0 t 50 t > 50 (54) (55)

which models an increase in packet delay due, for example, to network trafc congestion. We consider four different estimators: the time-varying lter of Section IV, the lter with smart sensor of Section VI, and two lters with constant gains optimized for the two different arrival statistics, 1 and 2 . Fig. 9 shows 1 the trace of the empirical expected estimator error covariance, i.e. P emp (t) = N N Pt|t , averaged over i=1 N = 1000 Monte Carlo runs. The performance of the time-varying lter seems to be closer to the optimal lter with static gains then the lter with the smart sensor, although a non negligible gap is visible, thus suggesting that none of the two bounds are tight. Moreover, this example clearly shows that the time-varying lter and the lter with smart sensor are optimal regardless the underlaying packet arrival statistics. Differently, the lters with static gain can achieve good performance only if the underlying arrival statistics is well known. In fact, lter optimized for 1 (thick solid line) performs better than the lter optimized for 2 (thick dashed line) within the rst 50 time steps, but then this situation reverses when the arrival statistics change. Therefore, besides giving better performance of any static gain lter, the time-varying lter optimally cope with time-varying packet arrival statistics. As a nal example, we illustrate how these tools can be also used to compare two different communication protocols. Let us consider a protocol giving rise to arrival statistics of Equation (52) and a protocol


1 0.9 0.8 0.7 V0


DN 0 TN 0 Pe


0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1

0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Fig. 8. Trace of the steady state error covariance for the optimal estimator with constant gains (V0N ), for the optimal estimator with a smart e N sensor (D0 ). The horizontal line P corresponds to the trace of the error covariance in the ideal scenario with no delay and no packet N e N loss, i.e. h = 1 for all h, while T0 is the actual steady state error when using the Kalman gain K . The error covariances V0N , D0 are e unbounded for N < 2, while the covariance P is unbounded for N < 4, and they are all cosnstant constant for N max = 15.

giving rise to the following arrival statistics: h =

h ( 10 )3 , h = 0, . . . , 10 1, h > 10


for which max = 10, and it is graphically shown in Fig. 7. These two protocols are substantially different: the rst protocol has larger packet delivery with small delay, but also larger overall packet loss than the rst protocol, therefore it is difcult to evaluate which one is better suited for a real-time control application. In Fig. 10 it is shown the trace of the error covariance V0N for the two protocols with respect to the system dynamics of Equation (53). For a buffer with a short memory the rst protocol performs better, but for a buffer of length N = 10 the second protocol starts performing better as the larger packet delivery can compensate for a larger delay of arrived packets. If buffer length is further increased, then the rst protocol returns to perform better. This example clearly shows how optimal estimation design can be used to evaluate and compare the performance of different communication protocols with respect to a specic real-time application, which is otherwise very difcult if based on intuition or empirical rule-of-thumbs. VIII. C ONCLUSIONS In this work we proposed a framework to optimally design and analyze the performance of estimators in networked control system subject to simultaneous random packet delay and packet dropped. We showed that the optimal estimator is time-varying, stochastic, and does not depend on the specic communication protocol adopted as long as measurements are time-stamped and can be re-ordered at the estimator site. Also two alternative optimal estimator designs based on nite memory buffers and constant gains were described and it was shown that if packet arrival is i.i.d., then the estimators are mean square stable if and only if the packet loss probability is below a critical value. Therefore, implicitly we also provided necessary and sufcient conditions about existence of stable estimators. Finally, we presented numerical algorithms for the computation of the expected estimator error covariance of all the proposed estimators.





Timevarying gain Smart Sensor Static gain, 1 Static gain, 2

Trace( E[Pt|t] )

















time (t)
Fig. 9. Time series of trace of trace of empirical error covariance P emp (t) E[Pt|t ] averaged over 1000 Monte Carlo runs for four = different estimators under the same conditions. The packet delay arrival probability distribution changes from 1 to 2 at time t = 50. The lters with static gains are optimized for 1 and 2 .

The tools developed in this paper are useful both from a control system design perspective and from a communication design perspective. In fact, from a control perspective they can help to evaluate the tradeoffs between performance (error covariance), memory requirements (buffer length), and the hardware resources (smart sensor and fast matrix inversion). In particular, the knowledge of the packet arrival N statistics can be used to nd the optimal constant gains {Kk }N and thus improving performance. From k=0 a communication perspective, these tools can be used to aid communication protocol design for real-time applications. In fact, as mentioned in Section I, when designing communication protocols, in particular for wireless systems, there is tradeoff between packet loss and packet delay. At the moment, the choice between favoring reduction of overall packet delay or reduction of packet loss is based on heuristics and experience, and it is not tailored to the specic real-time applications. Therefore, being able to quantitatively measure performance of different protocols can improve cross-layer design of complex networked control systems. A possible future avenue of research is the extension of this work to the design of optimal LQG-like controller design. This is not a trivial step as many important assumptions in standard LQG control, like the separation principle, do not always hold for NCSs [36]. Another research direction is the implementation and testing of these tools in real-time control applications for wireless sensor networks. A preliminary attempt has already been successfully applied to multiple target tracking [48], but extensive experimental work is still needed. IX. A PPENDIX Proof of Lemma 1. Some of these statements can be found in [33] or can be derived along similar lines, therefore only a brief sketch is reported here. (a) This fact can be veried by direct substitution (b) This statement follows from previous fact and A(K KP )(CP C T + R)(K KP )T AT 0. (c) From previous fact (P1 ) = L (KP1 , P1 ) L (KP1 , P2 ) L (KP2 , P2 ) = (P2 ). (d) From Equation (35) we have 1 (P ) 2 (P ) = (1 2 )AP C T (CP C T + R)1 CP AT 0. (e) Uniqueness and strictly positive deniteness of P follows from the assumption that (A, Q1/2 ) is reachable [33].


0.6 0.55

Eqn. (54) Eqn. (56)

trace(VN) 0

0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 131415 161718 192021 22

Fig. 10. Trace of the steady state error covariance for the optimal estimator with constant gains (V0N ) for two different communication protocols whose packet arrival statistics is given by Equations (52) and (56).

(f) Consider Pt+1 = 1 (Pt ) and St+1 = 2 (St ) where P0 = S0 = 0. From fact (c) and (e) it follows that Pt St . Also Pt P1 and St P2 , therefore limt Pt = P , limt St = S, and P S. From = P1 and S = P2 , and thus P1 P2 fact (e) it follows that P (g-h) Let consider Pt+1 = (Pt ) and St+1 = L (K, St ) where P0 = S0 = 0. From fact (c) and monotonicity of operator L (K, P ) with respect to P we have Pt+1 Pt , St+1 St , and Pt St S for all t. Since both sequences are monotonically increasing and bounded, then limt Pt = P , P = (P ), S = L (K, S), and P S. From fact (e) it follows that P = P and limt St = S, S = S . A complete proof for convergence from any initial condition can be obtained along the lines of Theorem 1 in [33], thus it is not reported here. (i) The proof for existence of a critical probability c was given in [33] and it is based on observability of (A, C) and monotonicity of (P ) with respect to . The proof for c = max when rank(C) = 1 can be found in [49][32] although it was not explicitly derived for the operator . The proof for c = min when C is square and invertible was rst proved in [50]. (j) The proof can be found in [33]. (k) Let us consider the linear operator F(P ) = A(I KC)P (I KC)T AT +(1)AP AT . Clearly L (K, P ) = F(P ) + D, where D = Q+AKRK T AT 0. Consider the sequences St+1 = L (KP , St ), t1 k Tt+1 = L (KP , Tt ) with initial condition S0 = 0, then T0 0. Note that St = k=0 F (D) and t1 Tt = F t (T0 )+ k=0 F k (D) for t 1, where we dene F 0 (D) = D and F k+1 (D) = F F k (D). Therefore F t (T0 ) = Tt St . From fact (g) it follows limt St = limt Tt = P , therefore limt F t (T0 ) = 0, for all T0 0, i.e. the linear operator F() is strictly stable. Now consider the system Ac = A(I KC). The system is strictly stable if and only if limt At x0 = 0, for all x0 . This is equivalent to c limt At x0 xT (AT )t = G t (X0 ) = 0, where X0 = x0 xT 0 and G t (X0 ) = At X0 (AT )t . Note that c c 0 c 0 c G(X0 ) = AX0 AT 2AX0 (AKC)T + 2 AKCX0 (AKC)T = F(X0 ) + ( 1)AKCX0 (AKC)T F(X0 ) since (1)AKCX0 (AKC)T 0. Since we just proved that limt F t (X0 ) = 0 for all X0 0, then also limt G t (X0 ) F t (X0 ) = 0 for X0 = x0 xT , i.e. the system Ac is strictly stable. 0 Proof of Theorem 2. First we prove by contradiction that there is no stable estimator with constant gains if A is not strictly stable and loss 1c . Suppose such an estimator exists, i.e. there exist N and {Kk }N 1 k=0


such that P t|t is bounded for all t. Since P t+1|t = AP t|t AT +Q also P t+1|t must be bounded for all t. From t t Equations (32) and (33) it follows that P t+1|t is bounded if and only if P tk+1|tk for k = 0, . . . , N 1 are t bounded for all t. Therefore, since the bounded sequence St = P tN +1|tN needs to satisfy Equation (34), from Lemma 1(g) follows that S = LN 1 (KN 1 , S ) has a solution. From Lemma 1(h) follows that also P = N 1 (P ) has a solution. However, by hypothesis N 1 sup{h | h 0} = 1 loss c . Consequently, according to Lemma 1(i), P = N 1 (P ) cannot have a solution, which contradicts the hypothesis that a stable estimator exists. Consider now the case when N is such that N > c . From Theorem 1(h) it follows that Equations (38)t (40) are well dened and have a solution. From Lemma 1(g) it follows that limt P tk+1|tk = VkN t N N for the optimal gains {Kk }N 1 , and limt P tk+1|tk = Tk when using generic gains {Kk }N 1 . k=0 k=0 N N N N From Lemma 1(h) it follows that VN 1 TN 1 . From Lemma 1(c) we have VN 2 = N 2 (VN 1 ) N N N N LN 2 (KN 2 , VN 1 ) LN 2 (KN 2 , TN 1 ) = TN 2 . Inductively, it is easy to show that VkN Tk for all k = 0, . . . , N 1. Now we want to show that V0N +1 V0N . From Lemma 1(f) and the property N +1 N follow also N +1 N +1 N N +1 N N N N that VN +1 = N +1 (VN +1 ) VN = N (VN ). Therefore VN +1 = N (VN +1 ) N (VN ) = VN and N +1 N inductively Vk Vk for all k = N, . . . , 0 which proves the statement. N N Finally, if max is nite, then k = max for all k max . Assume N > max , then VN = N (VN ) = N N N N N N N N1 (VN ) = VN1 = N1 (VN 1 ) = N2 (VN 1 ) = VN 2 = . . . = Vmax = max (Vmax ). Since Vmax = max (Vmax ), then by Lemma 1(e) we have that Vmax = VN . According to Equation (40) max max max max we also have Vkmax = VkN for k = max , . . . , 0, which concludes the theorem. Proof of Theorem 4. The proof follows along the same lines of Theorems 1 and 2. Let us consider the following estimator:
t t xt |tN = (1 tN )At1 1|tN 1 + tN xs tN xtN tN t t xt tk|tk = (1 tk )At xtk1|tk1 + tk xs , k = N 1, . . . , 0 tk t xt k|k = x0 , k = 0, xs = 0 k

It should be clear that by construction xd = xt if and only if N max . If N < max , then the estimator t t|t d xt cannot be optimal. Let us consider the estimator error dened as et k+1|k = xk+1 At that can be xk|k written as:
t t t t et k+1|k = xk+1 A (1 k )At xk1|k1 + k xs = (1 k )(xk+1 AAt1 k xk1|k1 ) + k (xk+1 As ) xk t t t t = (1 k )(A(xk At1 xk1|k1 ) + wk ) + k es = (1 k )(At ek|k1 + wk ) + k es k k
T t t t and its error covariance Pk+1|k = E[t ek+1|k et k+1|k | k , . . . , 1 ] is then given by:

t t e t t1 PtN +1|tN = (1 tN )(APtN |tN 1 AT + Q) + tN PtN e t t t t Ptk+1|tk = (1 tk )(APtk|tk1 AT + Q) + tk Ptk , k = N 1, . . . , 0 Pt = P0 , t = 0 k|k k

t The error covariance Pt+1|t is then stochastic and depends on the arrival sequence. However since it is t t t linear in the arrival sequence k , it is possible to compute the expected error covariance E[Pk+1|k ] = Pk+1|k as follows:
t1 t s PtN +1|tN = (1 N )APtN |tN 1 AT + (1 N )Q + N PtN t t s Ptk+1|tk = (1 k )APtk|tk1 AT + (1 k )Q + k Ptk , k = N 1, . . . , 0 t t Pk|k = P0 , k = 0

20 e e e e t N Since limt Ptk = P where P = 1 (P ), then limt PtN +1|tN = DN exists and it is nite if u and only if 1 N A is stable, i.e. 1 N |max (A)| < 1. This is equivalent to N > 1 |u 1(A)|2 . max Such N exists if and only if loss < |u 1(A)|2 . If this condition holds then Equations (50)-(51) follow. max N Also it is simple to show that {D0 }=0 is a decreasing function of N and bounded from below, N T N therefore limN D0 = D . Moreover, since by construction limN xd = xt , then also E[ed ed ] = t t|t t t T t limN Pt+1|t , and therefore it follows limt E[ed ed ] = D . Following Theorem 2, it is easy to show t t N that if max < , then D = D0max = D0 , for all N max , which concludes the theorem.

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