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A Survey of The Phonology of The Okun Dialects

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*Arokoyo, Bolanle Elizabeth

Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages, University of Ilorin, Ilorin

A Survey of the Phonology of the Okun Dialects

Abstract This study attempts an analysis of the phonological systems of the Okun dialects which are dialects of Yorb. This paper examines what constitutes their differences and similarities that make them to be regarded as different dialects. The classification of the dialects sound systems, tonal systems, syllable systems are carried out and the major differences are examined. Introduction The Okun dialects which comprise Ow, ygb, jm, Bn and K distinguishable as individual dialects but they are mutually intelligible to an extent. Mutual intelligibility is a test used by linguists to decide whether two linguistic communities speak different languages or different dialects of the same language (Steinberg, 1999). A classification of the dialects according to their structural characteristics is carried out in this study. This study is divided into various sections accordingly. The Okun People Ow, ygb, jm, Bn and Okun people. Okun, which is a form of greeting, has become the common identity of the people who largely share some history and linguistic affinity. The people are believed to have migrated from Ile-Ife. According to Otitoju (2002:3) O y b different units who lived independent of each other with its own social z b m I , has a separate history of origin and each group has its particular experiences. Okun is a dialect of Yorb with its own peculiar features. The Okun people understand each other with varying degrees of mutual intelligibility. The Nupe wars of the 19th century left an indelible mark on the Okun people and dialects. The interaction with the Hausa especially because of the geopolitical zone the people have found themselves has an impact on the dialects.

Published in A Festschrift for Ayo Bamgbose. The Nigerian Linguistics Festschrifts Series No 6. Ozo-Mekuri Ndimele (ed.) Pp 505-511. Port Harcourt: Emhai Press.

The Okun people being studied are presently spread across six Local Government Areas of Kogi State. These are Kabba-Bunu, Yagba-West, YagbaEast, Mopa-Muro, jm and Lokoja Local Government Areas. The Okun people have kiths and kins in Kwara, Ondo and Ekiti States. The Ow People and Dialect According to oral tradition, the Ow people originated from Ile-Ife. Ow refers to both the people and their dialect. , b O m y; , m I -I th-wards as a result of unavailability of farm land. They found three separate settlemens. According to y (1999:3), m y m one single town, Kabba, comprising three clans called Katu, Odolu and Kabb O b b b , b , K , b , y , O community is linguistically homogeneous. The Ow people are surrounded by the Bunu, Ijumu and Ebira peoples of Kogi State. The ygb People and Dialect It is difficult to say precisely which of the numerous historical towns in Yoruba land the Iyagbas came from. The most widely held belief is that they descended from a certain princess known as Iya-agba (old woman) who migrated from Ile-Ife because of the overpopulation there resulting from insufficient land for farming. This woman settled in Akata-Ere. ygb is derived from y-gb. The Yagbas are today found in three adjoining Local Government Areas namely Yagba-East, Yagba-West and Mopa-Muro. Towns and villages in Yagba land include Egbe, Isanlu, Mopa, Efo-Amuro, Odo-Ere, Odo-Eri, Ponyan, Ejiba, Oranre, Ejuku, etc. The jm People and Dialect The jm people, unlike the other groups who regard themselves as one and have one history of descent, are from different towns and villages with different historical backgrounds. The term jm is an ancient name chosen for a modern administrative unit referred to as jm Native Authority which was founded in 1937. Today, that same administrative unit is called jm Local Government Area. About twenty-four towns and villages speak Ijumu dialect. Some of these towns are Ife, Ighara, Ogidi, Egbeda-Ega, Iyamoye, Aduge, Iyah-Gbede and Okoro-gbede. The Bn People and Dialect Bn people also migrated from Ile-I I b who is the first settler in Bunuland is a direct descendant of Oduduwa (Otitoju, 2002:54). He was believed to have left Ile-Ife in annoyance because of the misunderstanding with his younger brother. The Abinu people (Bn) are made K , m ,O m O m y

second group that makes up Kabba-Bunu Local Government Area. Some of the m , , O b kun, Apaa-Bunu, b -Bunu, Odo, y , -Bunu, etc.

b b left Ile-Ife, a Yoruba town to hunt for food. One brother according to history, s m , I N L K , N m b y- (36) m N L , K sixteen (16) communities in Lokoja Local Government Area of Kogi State These communities include the following towns and villages: Agbaja, Emu, Tajimu, Jakura, Otube, Owara, Igbo-nla, Filele, Ijiho, Akpomo-ba, Obajana, Akpata, Osokosoko, Banda, Karara and O b b b mm y, , m yb b m m , villages like Filele, Owara, and Banda are surrounded with riv y m y b N N y y , form a transitional belt between the north and the south, and a notable link between Northerners and Southerners. The Phonological System of Okun Dialects Phonology, one of the levels of linguistic studies is concerned with the study of sounds. It is also defined as the scientific study of the organization of speech sounds in l m (2001:6) y y y m y Ladefoged (1975:23) also states that: phonology is the description of the systems and patterns of sounds that occur in a language. It involves studying a language to determine its distinctive sounds and to establish a set of rules that take place in the set of changes that take place in these sounds when they occur in different relationships with other sounds. We will examine the phonology of the Okun dialects at both segmental and suprasegmental levels. Segmental Phonology Sounds and phonemes in language are referred to as segmental. Jones (1967:47) m m y n language which are related in character and are used in such a way that no member ever occurs in a m y m mb Phonemes are the distinct segments that make up the total inventory of sounds.

A phoneme is the smallest linguistic unit of a language. Consonants and vowels make up the phonetic inventory of all human languages. These are also attested in the Okun dialects.

The Consonants of Okun Dialects Consonants are described by Bobda and Paul (1993:4) as sounds produced by the obstruction or the blockage of the air stream which is eventually released. There are twenty-two consonants attested in the Okun O m b [ , ] respectively. ygb attests twenty consonants with the absence of [p and ]b [ ] s twenty-one consonants with the absence of [] and the presence of [p and ]. The consonant chart below showcases the consonants of the dialects with the ones that are not common in parenthesis.
Fig. 1 Consonant Chart of the Okun Dialects Bilabial Labio- Alveolar Palato- Palatal Velar Labio- Glottal dental alveolar velar (p) b t d k g kp gb F S () l m n r w j () h

Plosive Fricative Affricate Lateral Nasal Trill


Distribution of the Consonants The consonants attested in the dialects can occur in different positions in a word. They can occur in word-initial position, word-medial position or intervocallically. Consonants do not occur word finally in all the dialects. The data below will show some of the consonants as they occur in the dialects. Ow ygb [b] Voiced bilabial plosive Word Initial b b Word Medial ebi ebi [t] Voiceless alveolar stop Word initial t t Word Medial [p] Voiceless bilabial plosive Gloss b ebi t b ebi t b train ebi hunger t sell urine

Word Medial

epiya matchet

The Vowel System Vowels are sounds produced with very little obstruction to the air in the vocal cavity. The dialects attest both oral and nasal vowels; some of the vowels become nasalized when they are preceded by nasal sounds. Each of the dialects has seven oral vowels. While ygb and have five nasal vowels like Standard Yoruba, the others have three nasal vowels each. The nasal vowels [ and ] are only attested in ygb and dialects. The diagram below showcases the vowel inventory. Vowel Chart of Okun Dialects
Front High Back


M -

( )


a ()

Phonological Change: Substitution These dialects share correspondences both in sounds and meanings. Some phonological correspondences are noted in these dialects, some are exemplified below: Ow f s h fr sr hr hr sr run f h f f f f oh neck f h funfun funfun funfun funfun hunhun white r y r r r r y i u hn hn hn hn hn knife a al grinding stone There seems to be a rule that changes f to h in , r also changes to y in the dialect. The f, s and h sound correspondences are also noted among the dialects. Ow is the only dialect that attests u at word initial level. It should be noted that Yoruba, which is the standard form does not allow the vowel u to begin a word. This is only attested in the Ekiti dialects and also in Ow. Tone System of Okun Dialects

Pitch variations that affect the meaning of a word are called tones. The meaning of a word depends on its tone in the majority of the languages of the world. Pike (1947:3) b b y b c:41) defined a m words. Tone aids pronunciation thereby enhancing communication which is the major function of any human language. The dialects attest the high tone, low tone and mid tone. The examples below show tonal occurrences in the dialects. The examples below indicate some tonal occurrences. Ow ygb jm Bn Gloss k k k k k die w w w w w clothe funfun funfun funfun funfun hunhun white irun irun irun irun irun hair Syllable Structure of the Okun Dialects L (1975:244) y b m b J (1978:55) of prominence in a word is said to contain as many syllables as the peak of prom y b m m I q m y y b P (1947) y b I phonological unit which consists of three phonetic parts; the onset, the peak or nucleus and the coda. There are two major types of syllables; the open syllable and the closed syllable. Okun Dialects operate the open syllable system; this means that consonants do not end words in the dialects. According to elicited data, the syllable structure of these dialects is V, CV, CVV and . The syllable structure above gives credence to the fact that the dialects do not permit consonant clusters neither can a consonant end a word. The syllable structure of Okun Dialects can be generally represented as follows: (C) V Morpheme Structure of the Okun Dialects The morpheme structure of the Okun Dialects is dependable on the syllable structure. Monosyllabic morphemes, disyllabic morphemes, trisyllabic morphemes and quadrisyllabic morphemes are attested in the dialects. The data below will show the various morpheme structures in the dialects Monosyllabic Morphemes Ow Gloss b b b b b train t t t t t sell Disyllabic Morphemes (V)




Bn oh kpukpa Bn b lm lku

oh oh oh kpukpa kpukpa kpukpa Trisyllabic Morphemes Ow ygb jm b b b lm lm lm lku lku lku Quadrisyllabic Morphemes Ow ygb jm Bn

Gloss urine oh left kpikpa red Gloss b lm orange lku friend

pplj erukutu

Gloss horse egunyeye egunyeye vulture pplj forehead erukutu dust

Conclusion This paper has briefly examined the phonological systems of the Okun dialects. It has established that the dialects are distinguishable as individual dialects with their various historical and environmental experiences but they are mutually intelligible to an extent. The influences of neighbouring communities and erstwhile political taskmasters like the Nupe especially cannot be overemphasized in whatever constitutes differences in the dial m y N , I m

Bibliography Baiyere, B. E. (1999). A Survey of Focus Constructions in Ow, ygb and jm Dialects. B.A Long Essay, Dept of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages, University of Ilorin. Bobda, S. & Paul, M. (1993) An Introduction to Spoken English. Akoka: University of Lagos. Fromkin, V. A. (1972) Tone Features and Tone Rules Studies in African Linguistics, 3, 47-76. Gimson, A. C. (1975) A Practical Course of English Pronunciation: A Perspective Approach. London: Arnold. Jones, D. (1967) The Phoneme: its nature and use Cambridge: Heffer and Sons Limited. Jones, D. (1997) English Pronunciation Dictionary (15th ed.). Edited by

P. Roach & J. Hartman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Ladefoged, P. (1975) A Course in Phonetics. (2nd ed.) New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich. Pike, K. L. (1948) Tone languages. An Arbor: University of Michigan Press. Otitoju, J. (2002) The Okun People of Nigeria. Lagos: WEPCOM Publishers Limited
Steinberg, D.D (1999) An Introduction to Psycholinguistics. London: Longman Group UK Ltd. * Published in

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