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Lesson 17 - Prefix

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Part 1

Duration 10 minutes

Lesson READING FLUENCY Objective: To check / monitor students progress in reading 1. Make students refer to their files and take a look at all the difficult words they have written in them. 2. Get students to pronounce the words as they have been taught. While a particular student reads: 1. Teacher corrects any mistakes made. 2. The rest will read on their own while waiting for their turn.

Materials Reading Material: Own list of difficult words taken from previous books read

10 minutes

WORD STUDY Objective: Students will be learn about the concept of prefixes and know 2 forms of prefixes. 1. Show students some words with prefixes e.g. misspell and unzip. 2. Get students response on what they think is the meaning of the words. 3. Break up the words above into root word and prefixes. 4. Introduce the idea of prefixes to students (that they appear at the beginning of some words, changing its original meanings) 5. Inform students the prefixes they are going to learn (mis and un) and tell them the meanings of the prefixes. 6. Write 3 other root words on the board and engage student interaction by asking them the meanings of the words. 7. Add a prefix to the words and get students to guess the meaning of the Whiteboard / Flip chart (to explain as a large group) / Small magnetic boards (to explain in small groups) Teacher Resource: Lesson 17 Student Worksheet: Lesson 17

Adapted from Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Readers, Grade 3: A Guide for Tutors (University of Texas / Texas Education Agency, 2002)

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Lesson Plan STARHUB-CENTRAL SINGAPORE NURTURE PROGRAMME NURTUREPLUS LESSON 17: PREFIX new words. 8. Make students write answers on their worksheet and check student understanding.

30 minutes

INSTRUCTIONAL READING Objective: Students will recall past experiences they had with their grandparents and draw and retell this experience. Before reading: 1. Pass the books to students. 2. Engage student interest by asking them to guess what the story is about by looking at the title. 3. Discuss student answers. Reading: 1. Make students read books in their own groups. 2. Ask students to write difficult words encountered on their worksheet. 3. Make students focus on the incidents that involve the grandparents. After reading: 1. Encourage students to guess the meanings of new / difficult words learnt from storybook. 2. Go through meanings of the words with the students. 3. Get student response on what they feel about the grandparent featured in their story. 4. Encourage students to recall past experiences they had with their grandparent(s). 5. Make them draw out their experience (e.g. going picnic with them, baking a cake with them etc) and get them to retell their story from the picture drawn

Reading Material: HA: The Family Tree (Level 22) MA: The Nest on the Beach (Level 14) LA: Max Rides his Bike (Level 8)

Student Worksheet: Lesson 17 Teacher Resource: Lesson 17

Adapted from Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Readers, Grade 3: A Guide for Tutors (University of Texas / Texas Education Agency, 2002)

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Lesson Plan STARHUB-CENTRAL SINGAPORE NURTURE PROGRAMME NURTUREPLUS LESSON 17: PREFIX to other group members. 6. Give their picture a specific title. 7. Comment on student work and commend good work portrayed. 8. Put up student work in the class and invite other groups to do a gallery walk to share experiences.

20 minutes

BOARD GAMES Objective: Students will reinforce their understanding in topics taught by engaging in educational games. 1. Hand out the root word and prefix cards. 2. Get students to match the root words given to any prefix. 3. Make students guess the meanings of the new words formed and discuss their answers. 4. Reward any student who is able to form as many correct words as possible. Teacher Resource: Lesson 17 Student Worksheet: Lesson 17

10 minutes

WRITING Objective: Students will improve writing fluency 1. Encourage students to write down as many words with the prefix mis and un that they have seen in the lesson. 2. Time students as they do so and commend students who are able to list the most number of words within the given time. Student Worksheet: Lesson 17

Adapted from Supplemental Instruction for Struggling Readers, Grade 3: A Guide for Tutors (University of Texas / Texas Education Agency, 2002)

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Appear at the beginning of some words that influence their meaning.

Examples of prefixes: (refer to examples given by your teacher)

Prefix Un Un Un Mis Mis Mis Mis

+ + + + + + + +

Word Able Kind Lock Use Behave Place Spell

= = = = = = = =

New Word Unable Unkind Unlock Misuse Misbehave Misplace Misspell

Un = The Opposite of Mis = Badly, wrongly

Other examples of words with prefix mis and un Prefix Mis Misprint = print wrongly Miscount = count wrongly Mismatch = bad match Mistrust = cannot be trusted Mistreat = treat badly Prefix un Undone = not done (incomplete) Unsafe = not safe (dangerous) Unreal = not real (fake) Unsure = not sure (has doubts) Unwrap = not wrapped (opened)

Go through the meanings of the words with them.

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Name: _________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________

Part 2: Word Study Prefix: Appear at the _________________________ of some words that influence their meaning. Examples of prefixes: (refer to examples given by your teacher)

Prefix Un Un Un Mis Mis Mis Mis

+ + + + + + + +

Word Able Kind Lock Use Behave Place Spell

= = = = = = = =

New Word

Un = ______________________________________________________ Mis = ______________________________________________________ Other examples of words with prefix as given by your teacher. Prefix + Root Word = New Word Meaning

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Teachers Resource STARHUB-CENTRAL SINGAPORE NURTURE PROGRAMME NURTUREPLUS LESSON 17: PREFIX Part 3: Instructional Reading (Title of story:______________________________________________) Have you spent some time with your grandparent like the character in the book? What did you do? Where did you go? When was it? What did you learn? How did you feel? Draw what you did with your grandparent in the box below and tell a story about it to your friends and teacher.

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Part 4: Writing Write as many prefix words that you have learnt or come across today in the box below in the shortest time possible.

Check Time: How do you feel after todays lesson? (Tick the box)

Why do you feel so? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What have you learnt today? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 3 of 3

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