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Indonesian Life Style

Indonesia has a very diverse life styles. There are many rich people, and at the same time there are poor people too. In big cities, like Jakarta, you will find big houses which may be more expensive than houses in Beverly Hills. (The land itself is so expensive, as if there is gold underneath.) In slum areas, you will see homeless people live on the street. In street intersection you will see beggars going from car to car begging for money.

Health care reform

While we clearly need health care reform, the last thing our country needs is a massive new health care entitlement that will create hundreds of billions of dollars of new unfunded deficits and moves us much closer to a complete governmental takeover of our health care system. Instead, we should be trying to achieve reforms by moving in the exact opposite direction-toward less governmental control and more individual empowerment. Here are eight reforms that would greatly lower the cost of health care for everyone: 1. Remove the legal obstacles which slow the creation of high deductible health insurance plans and Health Savings Accounts. The combination of high deductible health insurance and Health Savings Accounts is one solution that could solve many of our health care problems. For example, Whole Foods Market pays 100% of the premiums for all our team members who work 30 hours or more per week (about 89% of all team members) for our high deductible health insurance plan, and provides up to $1,800 per year in additional health care dollars through deposits into their own Personal Wellness Accounts to spend as they choose on their own health and wellness. Money not spent in one year rolls over to the next and grows over time. Our team members therefore spend their own health care dollars until the annual deductible is covered (about $2,500) and the insurance plan kicks in. This creates incentives to spend the first $2,500 more carefully. Our plans costs are much lower than typical health insurance, while providing a very high degree of team member satisfaction. 2. Change the tax laws so that that employer-provided health insurance and individually owned health insurance have exactly the same tax benefits. Right now employer health insurance benefits are fully tax deductible for employers but private health insurance is not. This is unfair. 3. Repeal all state laws which prevent insurance companies from competing across state lines. We should all have the legal right to purchase health insurance from any insurance company in any state and we should be able use that health insurance wherever we live. Health insurance should be portable everywhere. 4. Repeal all government mandates regarding what insurance companies must cover. These mandates have increased the cost of health insurance many billions of dollars. What is insured and what is not insured should be determined by individual health insurance customer preferences and not through special interest lobbying. 5. Enact tort reform to end the ruinous lawsuits that force doctors into paying insurance costs of hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. These costs are ultimately being passed back to us through much higher prices for health care. 6. Make health care costs transparent so that consumers will understand what health care treatments cost. How many people know what their last doctors visit cost? What other goods or services do we as consumers buy without knowing how much they will cost us? We need a system where people can compare and contrast costs and services. 7. Enact Medicare reform: we need to face up to the actuarial fact that Medicare is heading towards bankruptcy and move towards greater patient empowerment and responsibility.

8. Permit individuals to make voluntary tax deductible donations on their IRS tax forms to help the millions of people who have no insurance and arent covered by Medicare, Medicaid, SCHIP or any other government program.

Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

By Paige Waehner, Guide Updated August 15, 2011 Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board You hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple, doesn't it? The trick to healthy living is making small changes...taking more steps, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water...these are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic changes. Exercise One of the biggest problems in America today is lack of activity. We know it's good for us but avoid it like the plague either because we're used to being sedentary or afraid that exercise has to be vigorous to be worth our time. The truth is, movement is movement and the more you do, the healthier you'll be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference. Just adding a little movement to your life can:

Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes Improve joint stability Increase and improve range of movement Help maintain flexibility as you age Maintain bone mass Prevent osteoporosis and fractures Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression Enhance self esteem Improve memory in elderly people Reduce stress

So, even if you opt for small changes and a more modest weight loss, you can see the benefits are still pretty good. One study has found that just a 10% weight reduction helped obese patients reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and increase longevity. Simple Ways to Move Your Body You can start the process of weight loss now by adding a little more activity to your life. If you're not ready for a structured program, start small. Every little bit counts and it all adds up to burning more calories.

Turn off the TV. Once a week, turn off the TV and do something a little more physical with your family. Play games, take a walk...almost anything will be more active than sitting on the couch. Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. When you get the mail, take a walk around the block, take the dog for an extra outing each day or walk on your treadmill for 5 minutes before getting ready for work.

Do some chores. Shoveling snow, working in the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the floor...these kinds of activities may not be 'vigorous' exercise, but they can keep you moving while getting your house in order. Pace while you talk. When you're on the phone, pace around or even do some cleaning while gabbing. This is a great way to stay moving while doing something you enjoy. Be aware. Make a list of all the physical activities you do on a typical day. If you find that the bulk of your time is spent sitting, make another list of all the ways you could move more-getting up each hour to stretch or walk, walk the stairs at work, etc.

Learn about more ways to fit in exercise. Eating Well Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and quality of life as you get older. You can use the new MyPlate to determine how many calories you need and what food groups you should focus on or, if you're looking for smaller changes, you can use these tips for simple ways to change how you eat:

Eat more fruit. Add it to your cereal, your salads or even your dinners Sneak in more veggies. Add them wherever you can--a tomato on your sandwich, peppers on your pizza, or extra veggies in your pasta sauce. Keep pre-cut or canned/frozen veggies ready for quick snacks. Switch your salad dressing. If you eat full-fat dressing, switch to something lighter and you'll automatically eat less calories. Eat low-fat or fat-free dairy. Switching to skim milk or fat free yogurt is another simple way to eat less calories without having to change too much in your diet. Make some substitutes. Look through your cabinets or fridge and pick 3 foods you eat every day. Write down the nutritional content and, the next time you're at the store, find lower-calorie substitutes for just those 3 items.

Find more ideas for healthy foods with this Healthy Foods Grocery List. Creating a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to mean drastic changes. In fact, drastic changes almost always lead to failure. Making small changes in how you live each day can lead to big rewards, so figure out what you can to be healthy today.

Tips for a Healthy Teen Lifestyle

While it might not seem like it sometimes, you can control much of what your teen does and is exposed to. Remember, you pay the bills, you buy the food, you plan the vacations and when it comes down to it, you are the boss! If you are looking for a few parenting health tips to help guide your youngster to a better and more healthy teen lifestyle, hopefully the following ideas will get you started. Food - Sure, it's darn near impossible from keep your teen from eating fast food with friends or sneaking junk food, but you should be doing the shopping. Therefore, use this advantage to buy healthier products. Television - While it might seem extreme, if you are having a problem with your teen watching too much television, consider canceling the cable. It's a good way to save money, and without television, your teen will have to look for alternative, and hopefully, healthier hobbies. Internet - One of those hobbies should not be moving from the television to the internet. Again, you control this aspect of your household and don't be afraid to limit or get ride of it all together in order to promote a healthier teen lifestyle.

Healthy activities - Whether it is at school or at home, you should support healthy teen activities. If there is a sport or physical event your teen excels in, support them in their efforts by attending games, buying their gear, getting them to practice, or just cleaning their sweaty clothes. Gifts - In your support of healthy hobbies or activities, consider purchasing your teen gifts that inspire good health. Workout equipment, sports gear, a bicycle, treadmill or other such items that encourage healthful living can be the perfect gift ideas. Check ups - Many of us falter in our physical preventative maintenance routines once we are out on our own. Therefore, take the opportunity to ensure your teen is getting check ups and physicals while you still can. Healthy home - Keep a healthy home. Consider putting up a basketball goal, having a workout room, setting up a soccer goal in the backyard, or supply other activities or structures that encourage a more physical and healthy teen lifestyle. Vacations - Vacations are a great way to relax and unwind, but can also be healthy. Taking trips that involve canoeing, camping, even going to the beach, can be beneficial to teen health. Lead by example - Eating well, maintaining good health, going for check ups, not watching too much television, and generally having healthy habits yourself can be infectious to your teen. Even though it might seem like your teen is ignoring you, he or she is often are taking mental notes. Communicate - One of the most important parenting tips when it comes to ensuring a healthy teen lifestyle is communication. Teach them about your health, your problems, and what steps you take in dealing with them. Much of their physiology will depend on their parent's genetics, and your problems may one day be theirs. Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. Any action taken by the reader due to the information provided in this article is at the reader's discretion.

Top 10 Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Living a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be hard. It just takes the motivation to change our bad habits into good, healthy ones. Below is a list of 10 healthy lifestyle tips to get you started. Once you start, you can come up with more healthy choices that work for you. o The first thing is to eat a balanced diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and get rid of the high sugar, processed foods. Along with eating better is getting the right nutrients in the system. o So the second thing is to take vitamins and minerals to help your body work properly. o The third tip is to quit all those nasty unhealthy habits. Smoking, drinking, drugs, chewing tobacco, whatever your vice may be quit now. You are in charge of your health and living a healthier lifestyle means getting rid of the things that may kill you. o The fourth thing to do is exercise. Exercise makes you feel good and can motivate you to get other things done as well. o Along with exercise, number five is making sure you see a doctor each year for an annual physical. This is more important in women, but men should be seeing a doctor every 2-3 years to make sure there are no big health concerns. o The sixth is to surround yourself with a strong support network, or a group of people who will be there for you and participate in a healthy lifestyle as well. o Your family and friends can help you with the seventh tip, have fun and enjoy life. o Eighth tip is to create a good balance between work and play. o The final two tips are to accept yourself for the unique individual you are and love what you do. If you can accept yourself, the good and the bad, it will show in all you do. Your job is something you

will be doing for at least the next 20 years, so you should love it. If you don't keep looking until you find something you do love. Start with those healthy lifestyle choices and see how you feel in the next few weeks. You should feel more energized, motivated, and positive. Ursula writes for She has a big interest in healthy lifestyle since she decided to change her life and improve her wellbeing. If you like to change your life and discover more about healthy lifestyle for your wellbeing, start applying small changes today.

Definition of Balanced and Healthy lifestyle

Posted on April 26, 2011by BVG Janaka das

Balanced and Healthy lifestyle is the life long effort to saturates whole our life with balanced and healthy activities by body, speech and mind in Balanced and Healthy ways in all fields of our life, like physical, mental, professional and social, in order to life at every moment Meaningful life, wealthy, healthy and wise life full of Happiness, Blissfulness and Knowledge forever. The definition can be so simple. To fulfil it, that can take a lot. To help all of us to fulfil this simple Balanced and Healthy lifestyle definition, we are offering our encouragement and support in form of Successful Balanced and Healthy lifestyle program. Others our website definitions we can find in our category Our Definitions. Definitions on Balanced and Healthy lifestyle from other sours: = According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being. Interestingly enough, health is not simply defined as just the absence of disease. The actual definition of Healthy Living is the steps, actions and strategies one puts in place to achieve optimum health. Healthy Living is about taking responsibility and making smart health choices for today and for the future. Eating right, getting physically fit, emotional wellness, spiritual wellness and prevention are all apart of creating a healthy lifestyle. Since the entire YOU, meaning all aspects of ones self, must work in harmony to achieve wellness, you need to put balanced energy into each aspect of yourself. = Having the right amount of Food and Exercise. A way of life which must involve regular exercise where you, as a person, are in complete state of physical, social and mental well being, whilst having the ability to meet the demand of the environment without undue fatigue. A healthy lifestyle is made up of a healthy balanced diet, regular exercise, good work-life balance and sleep with the absence of harmful drugs, alcohol, tobacco, illness and stress.

= A balanced diet contains sufficient amounts of fibre and the various nutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals) to ensure good health. Food should also provide the appropriate amount of energy and adequate amounts of water. The diet should not contain items that are harmful. In other words, a balanced diet should be both adequate and wholesome. This definition is easy to give, but it is much more difficult to state precisely what constitutes a balanced diet for any particular individual. Government departments, using advice gained from expert committees, provide dietary guidelines that are designed to help us achieve a balanced diet. As far as exercises goes, the average person NEEDS 3-6 days of exercise Any more than 6 is unhealthy. You must change up your exercises. Some should be aerobic and some should be cardiovascular. Cardiovascular workouts are things with higher intensity levels, and aerobic is lower intensity. Cardiovascular is like running very quickly. Aerobic is something like yoga or biking.



Mar 30, 2011 | By Contributing Writer A healthy lifestyle leaves you fit, energetic and at reduced risk for disease, based on the choices you make about your daily habits. Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the foundations for continuing good health. Managing stress in positive ways, instead of through smoking or drinking alcohol, reduces wear and tear on your body at the hormonal level. For a longer and more comfortable life, put together your plan for a healthy lifestyle and live up to it.

Your cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, immune and other body systems depend on a continual supply of nutrients to feed cell growth and metabolism. To get the dozens of essential forms of protein, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and fats, you need to eat a varied diet. Rotate your choices among the USDA grain, vegetable, fruit, dairy and protein food groups to take in diverse nutrition. Limit your portion sizes at meals to control your weight and your risk for cardiovascular and other diseases through your lifestyle.

Calories accompany the nutrition in foods, and if you don't expend them all, you'll gain weight. Carrying extra weight increases your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Your lifestyle should support a constant healthy weight, so remain active daily. The American Heart Association recommends 30 minutes a day of moderate aerobic exercise to burn calories and build up your heart and lungs. Additional weightlifting or another form of strength training keeps your muscles and bones fit and free from pain, strain and fractures.

Daily metabolism perpetuates the decline and rejuvenation of cellular tissue, and the body's self-repair takes place when you are asleep. Memory consolidation and appetite regulation also occur during this time of reduced physical activity. The National Sleep Foundation considers seven to nine hours of sleep a nightly criterion for a healthy lifestyle.

Reducing Stress
Your body responds to everyday stress with a release of hormones that prepares you to react. If you don't relieve this state through relaxation, the effects build and can create muscular pain, headaches, sleep disturbances and other symptoms. A lifestyle that includes regular stress management breaks this cycle before it can progress to unhealthy levels. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services suggests limiting some of your activities to make time for relaxation. Achieve physical release through stretching, massage, yoga or enjoyable exercise. Connect with friends and family to relieve mental pressures, and take time out to read, pursue a hobby or experience another activity that makes you feel good.

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