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1BACKGROUND Consumer behaviour may be defined as the acts of individuals in obtaining and usinggoods and services including both the ultimate consumer and the purchaser of theindustrial goods. Our approach is to view consumer behaviour, we must examine theevents that precede and follow from the purchase act. Consumer behaviour results fromindividual and environmental influences. Consumer often influences goods and serviceswith they want to accept is therefore determined by the individuals psychologicalmakeup and influences of others. The duel influence has been summarized in thefollowing simplified equation of the S. B = F (P, E)Consumer Behaviour (B) is, therefore the results of the interaction of the consumerspersonnel influences (P) and the environment (E), understanding consumer behaviourrequires that we understand the nature of these influences. The four basic determinants of consumer behaviour are the individual needs motives, perception and attitudes. Theinteraction of these factors with the influences of the environmental cause of theconsumer act. The starting point in the purchases decision process is the recognition of felt need. A need is the simply lack of something useful. Everybody is motivated byneeds and wants. The consumer is typically confronted with numerous unsatisfied needs.Some needs are physiological while others are his relationship with others. Wants arebasic these are learned during the courses of the individuals life. When a need or want isnot satisfied, it needs to drive, the drive state is one of the satisfaction his drive, motivesare inner attention that direct us towards the goal of satisfying a fall need. 1.2 INTRODUCTION OF THE TOPIC The purpose of this research was to have practical experience of working within theorganization, in the field of marketing and to have exposure to the important managementpractices in field of marketing.While writing this report the language has been keep simple and the entire discussion hasbeen logical and has coherent outlines. The main motto of the project work was CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR OF HYBRID MAIZE SEEDS AND STUDY OF HYBRID MAIZE MARKETPOTENTIAL OF SOLAPUR DISTRICT . It includes through market Research in. Itincludes consumer buying behaviour analysis, by surveying number of farmers anddealer. The project report is divided into two parts, first part consist market research forfinding out the factor affect consumer buying behaviour, and second consist hybrid maizemarket potential of Solapur. 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF STUDY:1.

To know Consumer behaviour of hybrid Maize consumer at the time of seedpurchase. To know the consumer behaviour of seed dealer towards Hybrid Maizeseeds sales.2.

To know the sales potential of Hybrid maize seeds in different Talukas of Solapur District.3.

To find out opportunities in for increasing the KSL Hybrid Maize share. 1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1.

What are the factors which affect the consumer behaviour?2.

What is the purpose of growing maize?3.

What is the hybrid maize market potential of Solapur district? 1.5 SCOPE OF THE STUDY: The study carried out in Solapur so its scope is mainly limited to Pune. This project is helpful for company in following aspects:-1.

Consumer preference: by the market survey of dealer and consumer of Hybridmaize company can know preference of the consumer towards brand of milk products. Also can know the reasons for giving preference by them.2.

Market potential: through the Solapur hybrid maize market survey company canknow the untapped market potential of hybrid maizeIt provides suggestions to the company to improve their products sales. 2.1 COMPANY PROFILE :Krishidhan was established in 1996 and has grown into a group of companiescommitted for excellence in an integrated seed business based on quality R&D,Production, Quality Control, Processing, Marketing,

Sales and Extension with sole goalof ushering prosperity to farmers both at national and global level. Krishidhan has itsregistered office at Indore and corporate office at Pune and major infrastructure base is at"Jalna", the seed capital of Indian agriculture industry. Krishidhan Seeds is a pioneer anddynamic agricultural biotech company delivering high quality seeds for the Indiancommercial seeds market. Krishidhan is a research-based organization. Its R&D activitiesand research stations are recognized by the Department of Scientific and IndustrialResearch (DSIR), Govt. of India. The company is actively involved in research,production, processing, packing, and marketing of high quality seeds of Cotton, Cereals,Pulses, Oil seeds and Vegetables. Recently, it has incorporated a separate legal entity asKrishidhan Vegetable Seeds India Pvt. Ltd (KVSIPL), a company dedicated exclusivelyfor vegetable seeds business. Krishidhan is one amongst the first three sub-licensees of M.M.B. India Ltd., which has commercialized Bollgard (BG-I) &Bollgard-II (BG-II)cotton hybrids in India. Introduction of other GMOs are on anvil.Krishidhan seeds are engaged in seed production of different crops seed.Production of genetically pure and good quality pedigree seed is an exacting task. Itrequires high technical skills and comparatively heavy financial investment. AtKrishidhan, during seed production strict attention is given to the maintenance of geneticpurity and other qualities of seeds in order to pass on maximum benefits to farmers byintroduction of new superior crop plant varieties. Seed production activities at Krishidhanare carried out under standardized and well-organized conditions assisted by SAP.In India, seed production program of Krishidhan is spread over 1,00,000 acres of land in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh,Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Karnataka, and Haryana. Apart from India, Krishidhansproduction pime frame. The company recognizes that this is possible only through Quality SeedProduction.Krishidhan group of company is also have a biotechnology & research centre inwhich they can apply various techniques to improve the productivity. Biotechnology iscommitted not only to care human being but to care total ecology. The Krishidhan Grouphas a great belief that application of biotechnology can give quantum jump toproductivity and quality of various field and vegetable crops. The Group has a team of highly skilled scientist involved in innovative research work using cutting edgetechnologies with focus on high value field and vegetable crops like cotton, paddy,sunflower, tomato, chilies, brinjal etc. By combining classical conventional breedingapproaches with the state-of-the-art technologies scientists strive to deliver value addedquality products that would ensure higher yields at lower cost to farmers. Krishidhan alsoencourages various not-for-profit organizations for promoting activities that would leadto additional wealth to Farmers. A team of high caliber and internationally experiencedplant physiologist & breeders, molecular biologist, biotechnologist, entomologist andgeneticists is working to develop antiviral, antibacterial, quality improvement and multi-stress resistance traits. We are promoting product development through biotechnologyand have successfully transferred BG-I and BG-II in our elite cotton genotypes. Thecompany has following major products already approved to various zones and severallines with improved agronomic traits are in pipeline. 2.2 VISION: To emerge as one of the biggest technology driven Indian agri input companywith a significant global presence and provide access to the latest technologies and allrequired quality agri inputs for the socioeconomic growth of farmers.

2.3 MISION: We at Krishidhan Seeds have professional business approach, State-of-artInfrastructure matching the global research standards to make our productstechnologically superior and eco-friendly. These superior products, shall, in turn improvethe quality of farmers life and contribute towards their prosperity rogram is also spread in parts of Europe. KSL has taken up the exigent task of providing superior quality seeds of wide range of crops to the farmers within the s2.4 COLLABRATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS: Krishidhan has extensively collaborated in several national and Internationalresearch projects with academia and other leading Industry partners: 2.5 TECHNOLOGY CENTRE: KSL has a wide range of laboratories including Biotech Lab, Plant MolecularBiology Lab, Tissue Culture/Transformational Lab & Entomo0lgy Lab, and Seed TestingLab & Quality Analysis Lab. It further has plans to add Molecular Marker / GenomicsLab & Bio control Agent Lab.i) KSL has the best brains in seed industry to conduct and guide its research. Very seniorand eminent scientists and breeders with vast experience in public sector lead its R&Defforts in different crops. Research in each crop group is being led by an eminent breederas Chief R&D. They are guided by VP (R&D) a person of international repute. KSL has8 crop specific research teams which are supported by 51 scientists out of which 26 areDoctorates.ii) The diversity of germplasm is the backbone of any crop improvement program. KSLhas about 18,000 entries in its collection in gene bank.iii) Knowing the potential of application of Biotechnology in crop improvement thecompany started its Biotechnology Division in 2002. The Biotechnology division hasnow moved to a new facility in the technology center (Approximate area: 30,000 sq.ft)with a group of 13 scientists.iv) KSL has also entered into research collaborations with various national &internationalinstitutes and universities benefits of which will be reaped in near future.v) KSL's, KVSIPL's and KRFPL's R&D are recognized by the DSIR which is an obviousindicator of its R&D standards. 2.6 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT:Seed is the most vital input that sets the potential for crop yield and so achievingthe best seed quality standards is the KSL's prime goal. For this purpose, the qualityspecifications/norms for field and seed stages prescribed in the Indian Minimum Seed eCertification Standards published by the Govt. of India are kept as the minimum base;and additional specifications are indicated and adhered to.Quality Management is a mechanism in-built in the entire seed production andhandling chain; right from the choice of seed used for seed production up to the ultimateuse of the final seed for commercial crop production. Hence, the company enforces strictQuality Management (QM) measures. The Company has well equipped QM Lab, strictlyaccording to the Seed Testing Procedures/Rules of the International Seed TestingAssociation [ISTA].The Company also maintains elaborate Grow Out Testing Facilities in 4 differentlocations/ agro climates - about 30 ha

in all - where , annually about 15000 samples aregrown out for Genetic Purity confirmation as pre or post control as may be relevant forthe seed in question. 2.7 SALES AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK:

Krishidhan Group has widespread presence across different agro climatic zones inIndia. Its Sales and Distribution network covers 15 prominent agrarian states in Indiawith a dedicated team of more than 250 Agribusiness professionals.To achieve its vision of improving socio economic status of the Indian FarmerKrishidhan Group has invested in creating outreach covering more than 1600 distributorwith 25000 plus no of retailers across 30000 villages benefiting more than 600000farmers Its warehousing space which is approximately 60000 sq.ft is managed byestablished Carrying and forwarding agentsKrishidhan Seeds Ltd has also subsidiary companies which are dealing withfertilizer & micronutrient production. 2.8 KRISHIDHAN SEEDSLTD. :Krishidhan Seeds Limited (KSL) is a dynamic agricultural biotech companydelivering high quality seeds for Indian commercial seed market. It is one of the top tenfield crop seed companies in India. It was incorporated in 1996 and its registered office isat Indore (MP). Corporate office is in Pune (M.S.) and the operational office is spread over 16 acres of land in Jalna (M.S.) which is also known as "the seed capital" of Indianagricultural Industry. A brief description of the progress of the group is given below:KSL belongs to Karwa group of industries. It is a closely held company wherein 100%ownership vests with the Karwa family. KSL is 100% holding company of four othercompanies in the group. Figure 1 Karwa group of industries 2.8.1 KRISHIDHAN VEGETABLE SEEDS INDIA PVT. LTD.: Realizing the potential of vegetable seeds market the vegetable seed segment wasseparated from KSL and was vested to a separate new company was under the nameKVSIPL in 2007. This company is headed by an independent director Mr. MangeshKadgaonkar who has more than three decades of experience in the vegetable seedbusiness. The product portfolio comprise of a wide range of vegetable seeds of 38 cropsand on an average four segment per crop. KVSIPL aims at doubling its business everyyear and is also exploring exports. In 2009, its research activities received the recognitionof Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Govt. of India. 2.8.2 SUBHASH FERTILIZERS PVT. LTD.: Genesis of plant nutrition business in Krishidhan through its wholly ownedsubsidiary SFPL is to augment the growing needs of increasing crop productivity,improving crop quality, imparting crop tolerance to biotic and a-biotic stresses throug

balanced and integrated nutrient management. SFPL therefore, strategize to carefullymap the farmer needs and identify innovative yet cost effective technologies and productsto mitigate these nascent needs. SFPL through its associations with organizations of national and international repute aims at making available only the best to the IndianFarming Community. SFPL plans to produce Gluconate based environment friendly plantnutrient products at its proposed state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. SFPL is currentlyengaged in manufacturing and marketing of steam-granulated NPK mix fertilizers andspecially plant nutrient products, respectively. SFPLs well qualified and skilled fieldforce disseminates information on usage of these products to the trade channel partnersand farmers. 2.8.3 KRISHIDHAN RESEARCH FOUNDATION PVT. LTD.: KRFPL came into existence on account of separation of R & D activities fromKSL in 2007-08. As on date it is a 100% subsidiary of KSL and operates under the expertguidance of an independent director Dr. Govind Garg an eminent scientist in India. Thegroup is one of the first few companies in the Seed Industry, which has recognition of Department of Scientific & Industrial Research, Govt. of India and achieved significantdevelopment in GM Seeds. The Groups R & D philosophy is KRISHIDHANRESEARCHNEED BASE RESEARCH and so the group has sizeable investment in R& D which in turn helped KSL to produce superior products to meet the customer needs.Taking a step further, the group has entered into collaborative research projects withmany national and international companies & agricultural institutions. 2.8.4 RAJENDRA SEEDS COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED:

100% subsidiary of KSL and is basically engaged in the development of agribusinessopportunities and marketing of agri-input products. 2.8.5 KRISHIDHAN SEEDS EUROPE B V: Krishidhan Seeds Limited, One of the top five seed companies in India hasopened its first European subsidiary from the 1 st July 2010 under the name and style KRISHDHAN SEEDS EUROPE B V having HQ at Enkhuizen, Holland. The companydeals in high quality seeds in Field crops, Vegetable crops and Plant Nutritions Products.The group has State of the Art Infrastructure for R & D, Breeding, Biotechnology,Supply Chain and Marketing. The company is

determined to implement the three Ps(Planet, People and Profit) in their International and Domestic Business. With this newsubsidiary, Krishidhan Group became the first Indian seed company spreading its wingsinto High Tech, High Value and Attractive Market of International Seed Industry. 2.9 PRODUCT PROFILE: The company is having network of 1600 distributor with 25000 plus no of retailers allover India. Krishidhan seeds are involved in sales of BT Cotton, Hybrid Jowar, researchmulticut fodder Jowar, research maize, Hybrid Bajra (research), research gram, researchmustard& notified varieties in moog, Udid, wheat, & soybean. These varieties arepopular throughout the country. The list of product is as follows

.12 INDUSTRY PROFILE: The present research is done for Krishidhan seeds, a very well reputed companyin the seed market in India.Seed is the basic and most critical input for sustainableagriculture. The response of all other inputs depends on quality of seeds to a large extent.It is estimated that the direct contribution of quality seed alone to the total production isabout 15 20% depending upon the crop and it can be further raised up to 45% withefficient management of other inputs.Indian seed industry, comparatively young by worldstandards have expanded at a spectacular pace during last decades. Consequently it nowoccupies a place of pride in India's seed industry. The spectacular achievement reflectsthe maturity and dynamism of seed manufacturers and also the policies adopted by thegovernment to enable it to meet the demand effectively. The seed industry in India hasmade a significant progress in terms of production. It is a typical sector where bothimported technology and indigenous developed technology have developed towardsmeeting the overall national requirements. In India seed industry has played a vital role inthe development.India's gross cropped area is next only to United States of America and Russiaand along with fragmented land holdings has helped India to become the largest seedmarket in the world. India is second country in the world cotton production after China.The Indian seed industry is the eighth largest in the world with an estimated valueof INR 49 billion (USD 1.06 Billion) and with an annual growth rate of 12% to 13 %.The industry has shown a buoyant growth over the last two years on well supportivemonsoons. The development of private seed industry is no more confined to justproduction and marketing of seed. It has well acquired technological strength to cater tothe varietal needs of tomorrow. Along with industries Indian farmers have in recent yearsadopted intensive cultivation practices in order to meet the growing demand fo agricultural_produce.If we look at the production capacity 70% of Indias seeds sales come from farmer bredseeds, 26% from those bred in publicly financed institutions, and only 4% fromresearched hybrids. The domestic hybrid seeds market is placed at INR 4.9 Billion and isannually growing at 10% a year, against the 5% global growth rate. Here, majors playerslike Monsanto India and Syngenta India dominate the hybrid seed market. The homemarket works out to about 3.7% of the global market. As the organized Indian seedindustry is just forty years old. Yet, its growth has been phenomenal. India is among thefew countries where the seed sector is already reasonably advanced. 2.13 INDIAN SEED MARKET : Seed industry plays an important part as agriculture sector has a major contribution toIndias GDP. Seeds are part of agricultural industry. India is one of the country in theworld where all the crops are cultivated because of different climatic conditions indifferent regions. In India varieties of crops are cultivated, for this there is great demandfor seeds in India. Indian seed market has very wide scope in terms of its expansion indifferent varieties crops seeds. This market is expanded rapidly in last decade. Maizeseed market has greater opportunities for its expansion. There are private seed companiesand some public seed companys i.e. state seed corporations and National SeedCorporation. Due to this maize seed supply in the Indian market is there, but theincreasing demand for quality maize is more for Food Industry Feed industry,Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing industries, Ethanol (Clean gas) production, etc. Toincrease the quality maize seed supply in the market there is need to enter private seedcompanies with quality seed in the maize seed market. So private seed companies havegreater opportunity in Indian seed market

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