03 Cic Part 3 Pmgsy F
03 Cic Part 3 Pmgsy F
03 Cic Part 3 Pmgsy F
I. Objective/purpose
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) was launched on 25 th December, 2000 as a centrally sponsored scheme to provide road connectivity in rural areas of the country. The programme envisages connecting all habitations with a population of 500 persons and above in plain areas and 250 persons and above in Hill States, Tribal (Schedule V) areas, the Desert Areas (as identified in Desert Development Programme) and in the Left Wing Extremism affected (LWE)/ Integrated Action Plan (IAP) districts as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs/Planning Commission.
Mission Sustainable and inclusive growth of rural India through all-weather road access to rural eligible habitations to improve their livelihood opportunities including farm to market connectivity and quality of life bringing them in the main stream of socio-economic activities. Vision Rural road connectivity for sustainable and inclusive growth of rural India. Brief history and duties On the recommendations of National Rural Roads Development Committee, PMGSY was launched on 25th December, 2000 with a view to provide road connectivity in rural areas of the country. The programme envisages connecting all habitations with a population of 500 persons and above in plain areas and 250 persons and above in Hill States, Tribal (Schedule V) areas and the Desert areas (as identified in Desert Development Programme). Recently, the programme guidelines have been amended to extend the benefits of the scheme to habitations having population of 250 persons and above in the districts identified as LWE affected/implementation of Integrated Action Plan as identified by the Ministry of Home Affairs/Planning Commission. For technical and managerial support in the implementation of the programme, National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) was established by the Ministry in 2002 under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Main activities/functions List of services being provided by the public authority with a brief write-up on them. 1. To frame appropriate policy/action plan for the effective and optimum result-oriented implementation of PMGSY keeping in view the broad policies/ guidelines and the budgetary resources made available by the Planning Commission and Ministry of Finance, etc.
2. To interact with State Governments and other bodies with a view to take concerted action for effective and meaningful implementation of PMGSY/ Rural Road Component of Bharat Nirman in an effective and convergent manner. 3. To seek sufficient budgetary support for implementation of PMGSY/ Rural Road Component of Bharat Nirman and release the funds to the State Governments. 4. Meetings of the Performance Review Committee for periodic reviews of PMGSY/Rural Road Component of Bharat Nirman.
5. Monitoring the progress of Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) for providing
rural connectivity. Execution Mechanism a. The National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) is responsible for provide Operational and Management support to the programme.
b. As Rural Roads is a state subject, PMGSY is executed by State/UT Governments.
Therefore, State Rural Roads Development Agencies (SRRDAs) are created by all the States at state level as autonomous agencies for implementation of PMGSY programme. The mandate and the performance review is carried out by the States on a defined charter, which may be as per the decision of the State. In three States, NEAs (Nominated Executing Agencies) have also been engaged for execution of PMGSY programme. c. At the District level, the Programme is co-ordinated and implemented through one or more dedicated Programme Implementation Units (PIUs).
Organizational Structure Diagram at various levels namely State, Directorate, region district, block etc. Organizational Structure Diagram of PMGSY scheme are as under Honble Union Minister of Rural Development Tel: 011-23782373,23782327 Fax: 011-23385876 e-mail: minoffice@nic.in
Director (RC) Tel: 011-23074307 Fax: 011-23381251 e-mail: sukh.ram@nic.in Director (RC) Tel: 011-23071372 Fax: 011-23071372 e-mail: ys.dwivedi@nic.in Director (RC) Tel: 011-23381028 Fax: 011-23074060 e-mail: rohit.kumar@nic.in
Section officer Section Officer Tel: 011-23387150, e-mail: resec-mord@nic.in (RC Section) Organizational Structure Diagram of NRRDA is given at Annexure-I Expectation of the public authority from the public for enhancing its effectiveness and efficiency. Feedback on the implementation of PMGSY. Arrangements and methods made for seeking public participation/contribution. There are adequate provisions in the participation/contribution as detailed below:3
Master Plan and the Core Network: In identification of Core Network, the priorities of elected representatives, including MPs and MLAs, are expected to be duly taken into account and given full consideration. The District Panchayat shall be the competent authority to select the set of socioeconomic/infrastructure variables best suited for the district, categorize and to accord relative weightages to them. The block level Master Plan and the Core Network are placed before the Intermediate Panchayat for consideration and approval of the Core Network. They are simultaneously sent, along with the list of all unconnected habitations to the Members of Parliament and MLAs, for their comments, if any. After approval by the Intermediate Panchayat, the Plan would be placed before the District Panchayat for its approval. Information Board: The Citizen Information Board has been designed to provide details of actual work proposed at the site. Details relating to width of each layer of the pavement along with the quantity of the materials required to be used in each of the layers are displayed on the Board. State Governments have been advised to fix Citizen Information Boards on every PMGSY road in local language with a view to share information with the citizens and enhance transparency in the programme implementation. In order to further enhance transparency in the programme, State Governments have been advised to adopt a system of inviting public representatives for joint visit of PMGSY roads.
Mechanism available for monitoring the service delivery and public grievance resolution:1. 2. Performance Review Committee (PRC) Meetings Regional Review Committee (RRC) Meetings 3. Feedback Module consisting of Comment, Complaint and Query are available on PMGSY website (www.omms.nic.in). 4. CPGRAMS: It is a centralized Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System which is accessible at www.pgportal.gov.in and covers all Ministries/ Departments of Government of India. The grievance received are examined and forwarded to NRRDA or SRRDA concerned in accordance with the nature of the grievance for necessary action at their end. II. Please provide details of the powers and duties of Officers and Employees of the Organization. The Officials of the Ministry exercises the powers delegated under FR&SR, General Financial Rules, Delegation of Financial Power Rules and other relevant rules for discharging their duties for implementation of the programme. As regards to the powers and duties of officials of NRRDA, detail is available at Annexure-II.
III. Please provide list of rule, regulation instructions, manual and records, held by public authority and under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions as per the following format. This format has to be filled for each type of document. The following types of main records in this regard are held by National Rural Road Development Agency, 5th Floor, NBCC Bhavan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi . (1) (2) Memorandum of Association Rules & Regulations & Bye-Laws NRRDA (Regulation of Pay & Allowances) Byelaws, 2004.
IV&V. Whether there is any provision to seek consultation/participation of public or its representatives for formulation of policies? If there is, please provide details of provisions in following format. Policies under PMGSY are formulated following due process prescribed by the Government of India. The programme guidelines have inbuilt provisions for consultations with community through an informal Transect Walk to determine the most suitable alignment, sort out the issues of land availability and to moderate any adverse social and environmental impact, eliciting necessary community participation in the programme. These provisions have been further reiterated by way of issuing instructions that; (a) Henceforth, the States should ensure to enclose a minimum of ten photographs taken during Transect Walk and a copy of the minutes of a meeting after the Transect Walk for each road at the time of sending any fresh proposal to the Ministry; (b) Appending appropriate proof regarding consultations with concerned Honble Members of Parliament while submitting proposals under programme to the Ministry. VI. Use the format given below to give the information about the official documents. Also mention the place where the documents are available e.g. at secretariat level, directorate level, others (Please mention the level in place of writing Others). The Programme Guidelines of PMGSY and Annual Report are the official documents on the Programme held by the Ministry. The same are available in the Library of the Ministry. Also, these are uploaded on website www.pmgsy.nic.in and www.rural.nic.in. VII. Please provide information on Boards, Councils, Committees and Other Bodies related to the public authority in the following format:
The list of members of Empowered Committee of PMGSY is attached at Annexure III. The List of members of General Body of NRRDA is attached as Annexure IV.
VIII. Please provide contact information about the Public Information Officers, Assistant Public Information Officers and Departmental Appellate Authority of the Public authority: As far as PMGSY is concerned, the name, address etc. of CPIO and Appellate Authority at Ministry level are as under:CPIO (PMGSY) Shri Ram Raj Meena, Under Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Rural Development, Room No. 458-A, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. Tel. No. 011-23389820 Appellate Authority (PMGSY) Shri Rohit Kumar, Director, Ministry of Rural Development, Room No. 254-C, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. Tel. No. 011-23381028 As regards, APIO, PIO and Appellate Authority at NRRDA, details are at Annexure-VI. IX What is the procedure followed to take a decision for various matters? (A reference to Secretariat Manual and rule of Business Manual, and other Rules/Regulations etc. can be made). As per the programme guidelines, Project Proposals received from the State Governments under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana are scrutinized by NRRDA to ensure that the proposals have been made duly keeping in view of the programme Guidelines and that they have been duly verified by the State Technical Agencies (STAs). Then the proposals would be put up before the Empowered Committee for PMGSY to be Chaired by Secretary, Department of Rural Development for its consideration. The recommendations of the Empowered Committee would, thereafter, be submitted to the Honble Minister of Rural Development and in case the proposals meet the programme requirements, they would be cleared. X. What are the documented procedures/laid down procedures/ defined criteria/ rules to arrive at a particular decision matters? What are different levels through which a decision process moves?. The procedure prescribed under the PMGSY programme guidelines and other relevant rules are followed for processing proposals under the programme. Decision process
moves from Section level and culminate at the level of senior officers as per delegation of powers under the rules. XI. What are arrangements to communicate the decision to the public? All decisions and important communications including Citizen Charter, Grievance Redressal Mechanism etc are uploaded on the website www.pmgsy.nic.in & www.omms.nic.in. In addition the feedback received in the form of Comments, Query and / or Complaints are replied to the feedback provider through letter etc. XII & XIII Who are the officers at various levels whose opinions are sought for the process of decision making? As far as Technical issues under PMGSY are concerned, opinion of National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) is sought by the Ministry. As regards Administrative and Financial issues are concerned, opinion of the Authorities prescribed under FR & SRs, DFPR, GFR and other relevant rules are sought. XIV. Who is the final authority that vets the decision? The Authorities prescribed under FR & SRs, DFPR, GFR and other relevant rules are the final authority at Ministry level that vets the decision in accordance with the powers delegated to them under the programme. As regards NRRDA, Executive Committee/ General Body/ Director General /Director are the final authorities that vet various decisions in accordance with the powers delegated to them. XV. Please provide information separately for the important matters on which the decision is taken. Policy decisions and decision regarding clearance/sanction of project proposals and release of funds under PMGSY is taken at the Ministry level with the approval/concurrence of the competent authority. XVI Directory of Officers and Employees Sl.No. 1 2 3. 4. 5. 6 7. 8 9 Name of the Officer Dr. P.K. Anand Shri S.R. Meena Shri Y.S. Dwivedi Shri Rohit Kumar Shri Darshan Lal Shri D.P. Singh Shri R.R. Meena Shri Narendra Singh Shri S. Dasgupta Designation Joint Secretary Director Director Director Under Secretary Under Secretary Under Secretary Section Officer Section Officer
Telephone No. 23323553,23388207(F) 23074307 23071372 23381028 23382406 23038870 23389820 23387150 23387150
Directory of Officers of NRRDA is given at Annexure-VII. XVII. Please provide about the details of the budget for different activities under different schemes in the given format. Budget Estimates/ Revised Estates for the year 2010-11 for PMGSY is Rs. 12,000 crore/Rs.22,400 crore respectively XVIII. The Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes Not applicable as PMGSY is not a subsidy scheme. XIX. Particulars of Recipients of concessions, permits or authorization granted by it. Not applicable under PMGSY. XX. Please provide the details of the Norms/Standards set by the Department for execution of various activities/programmes. As per programme guidelines, the PIUs will ensure the following in preparing the Detailed Project Reports:(i)
The rural roads constructed under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana must meet the technical specifications and geometric design standards given in the Rural Roads Manual of the IRC (IRC:SP20:2002) and also, where required, the Hill Roads Manual (IRC:SP:48) The choice of design and surface for the road would be determined, inter alia, by factors like traffic, soil type and rainfall, following the technical specifications laid down in the Rural Roads Manual (IRC:SP20:2002). Normally rural roads would need to be designed to carry upto 45 commercial vehicles per day (CVPD) only. Where the road passes through a habitation, the road in the built-up area and for 50 metres on either side may be appropriately designed preferably as a cement road or with paved stones, besides being provided with side drains. Appropriate side drains and cross drainage will be provided, so that improper drainage does not damage the road or the dwelling alongside.
XXI. Please provide the details of the information related to the various schemes which are available in the electronic format. PMGSY scheme is available at website www.pmgsy.nic.in under Icon PMGSY Scheme. XXII. Means, methods or facilitation available to the public which are adopted by the department for dissemination of information. The entire information about the programme and road works is made available to citizens through websites www.pmgsyonline.nic.in and www.pmgsy.nic.in.
XXIII. Frequently Asked Questions and their Answers Detailed frequentently asked questions in respect of PMGSY with replies are available at Annexure VIII.
XXIV. Related to seeking Information Information regarding PMGSY is available www.pmgsy.nic.in and www.omms.nic.in . on Websites www.pmgsyonline.nic.in
XXV. With Relation to training imparted to Public By Public Authority. No training to Public is imparted under PMGSY. However, Training to personnel engaged in implementation of PMGSY including Engineers, Financial personnel, Contractors etc. is imparted by NRRDA for their capacity building.
2. Grade improvement of work on the basis of Action Taken Reports as per approved guidelines.
Deputy Secretary/Director Incharge of Rural Connectivity Programme in the Department of Rural Development will be convener of the Committee. *******
Additional Secretary and Financial Advisor, Ministry of Rural Development, Ex-Officio Member Government of India Addl. Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ex-Officio Member Government of India Director General (Road Development) & Special Secretary, Ministry of Road Ex-Officio Member Transport and Highways. Advisor(Transport), Planning Commission, Government of India Joint Secretary, Ministry of Panchayati Raj , Government of India Ex-Officio Member
6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
Ex-Officio Member Joint Secretary, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India and Ex-Officio Director General, NRRDA Member Director(RC), Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India Ex-Officio Member
Principal Secretary, Public Works Department, Government of Haryana Member Principal Secretary, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development, Government of Member Andhra Pradesh Secretary, Panchayati Raj & Rural Development, Government of Maharashtra Member Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Rural Development Department, Government of Member Orissa Principal Secretary, Public Works Department, Government of Rajasthan Member Secretary cum Commissioner, Public Works Department, Government of Assam Director, Central Road Research Institute, Delhi President, Indian Roads Congress, Mumbai Director General, National Informatics Centre, Delhi Shri H.L. Mina, Member, Rajasthan Public Service Commission, Ghooghara Ghati, Jaipur Road, Ajmer Prof. P.K.Sikdar, Director, Intercontinental Consultants & Technocrats Pvt. Ltd., A-8, Green Park, New Delhi-110016. Shri S.C. Sharma, Retd. DG, MoRTH, 175, Vigyapanlok, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, Delhi-110091. Shri R.C. Sinha, Maharashtra Airport Development Company Ltd., World Trade Centre, 8th Floor, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400 005 Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member
4 5 6 7 8
011-26716930 ex-104
Technical Division P-I Division P-II Division P-III Division
011-26716930 ex-115
hbhardwaj.2007@rediffmail.com nrrda@nic.in
Appellate Authority (NRRDA) Dr. Pramod Kumar Anand, Joint Secretary (RC) & Director General (NRRDA) NRRDA, 5th Floor, 15th NBCC Tower, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066. 011-46166660(off.) 011-41000475(fax)
41000475 41000475 41000475 41000475 41000475 41000475 41000475 41000475 41000475 41000475
bpc@nic.in nc.solanki@nic.in rchauhan@nic.in dt.thube@nic.in ik.pateriya@nic.in nrrda@nic.in mvedula@nic.in nrrda@nic.in nrrda@nic.in nrrda@nic.in
Dr. D.T. Thube Dir(P-III) & 46022221 Chief Quality Coordinator Dr. I.K. Pateriya Joint Director (T) Shri Sunil Kukreja Joint Director (F&A) Mrs. Madhavi Vedula Assistant Director (Technical) Shri Rakesh Kumar Assistant Director (P-I) Shri C.P.S. Yadav Assistant Director (P-I) Shri G.P.Shankar Assistant Director (Technical) 26716930 26716930 26716930 26716930 26716930 26716930
Question 1 Answer:
What is Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) and when it was launched? PMGSY is a centrally sponsored programme aimed at providing connectivity to target habitations through construction of good all-weather roads. This programme is a special central intervention as part of a poverty reduction strategy. What is the primary objective of PMGSY? The programme envisages providing all weather connectivity to habitations with a population of 500 and above in plain areas and 250 and above in Hill States, desert (as identified in DDP) areas and Tribal (Schedule V) areas. Recently, a modification has been made in the programme guidelines, whereby, the habitations having population of 250 and above in 60 Integrated Action Plan (IAP) districts including 35 Left Wing Extremism (LWE) districts (identified by Planning Commission/Ministry of Home Affairs) will be considered under programme for providing connectivity, whether these fall under Schedule V areas or not. What is habitation? A habitation is a cluster of population, living in an area, the location of which does not change over time. Dhanis, tolas, majras, hamlets etc. are commonly use to describe habitation. What does all weather connectivity mean? An all weather road is one which is negotiable in all seasons of the year. This implies that road-bed is drained effectively but this does not necessarily imply that it should be paved surface with black topping or cement concrete. How are habitations selected for coverage? coverage under the programme? Who decides the annual proposal for
Question 2 Answer:
Question 3 Answer:
Question 4 Answer:
Question 5 Answer:
Habitations for coverage are selected by the Block Panchayats and Zilla Panchayats as per Comprehensive New Connectivity Priority List (CNCPL) prepared for the district by the Zilla Panchayat, at the time of preparation of District Rural Road Plan (DRRP) and Core Network. How is alignment selected? Are local villagers associated with this process? Selection of alignment is done with the help of local villagers and officials. A transect walk is conducted by local officers alongwith Panchayat Pradhan / Ward Panch, Local Revenue and Forest officials for finalization of alignment of the road. Local people including those likely to affected by proposed alignment are also given opportunity to put forth their view in this process. 17
Question 6 Answer:
Question 7 Answer:
How is the problem of drainage tackled in the portion of roads passing through built up residential areas? Road portions passing through built up residential areas is prone to damages caused by waste water from households. Programme guidelines provide for construction of cement concrete pavement or cement / stone block pavements alongwith covered or uncovered Pucca side drains as per site condition. Is adequate provision for culverts or cross-drainage works made? Yes, adequate numbers of cross-drainage (CD) works including cause-ways, where appropriate, are provided. What about bridges on rivers / streams? Minor bridges on rivers / streams crossing the alignment of the road are taken up under the programme. In case of span of CD work exceeding 50 m pro-rata cost beyond 50m is required to be provided by the State Government. Recently, guidelines have been amended for funding the bridges upto 75 m in 60 IAP districts (including 35 LWE affected districts). Pro-rata cost beyond 75 m in these cases will be funded by the concerned State Government. Whether compensation for land acquisition is paid in the programme? Rural Roads is a State subject and it is responsibility of State Government / District Panchayat to ensure availability of land for construction of road works under the programme. How are executants selected for construction of roads? Executants for construction of roads are selected through open competitive bidding for which well established procedure for tendering is followed by the State Government. As per provisions, the bidders who have the prescribed qualifications and have capacity to execute the works are required to take part in bidding process. What happens if contractor delays execution? If contractor delays the work, he/she is liable to pay liquidated damages @ 1% per week subject to a maximum of 10% of value of work. How is the quality of work checked and monitored? Three tier monitoring system is provided under the programme guidelines. Every contractor is required to establish a field laboratory in every package of road works in which he is required to test the quality of material and workmanship under the supervision of executing agency. In addition to checking of quality by departmental officers of executing agency, the State Government is required to deploy independent monitors for monitoring of quality or road works. Independent National Quality Monitors are also deployed by the Central Government for monitoring of quality of works at random. 18
Question 10 Answer:
Question 11 Answer:
Question 14 Answer:
If defects are noticed after completion of roads, how are they rectified? As per provisions of the contract, the contractor is liable for any defects that may occur till five years after completion of the road work. To enforce liability of defects, security amount is deducted from the bills of the contractor. The contractor has to rectify the defect in the above period and if the rectification has not been carried out, the PIU is required to rectify the defects and recover the cost from security deposit from the contractor. Is there provision for display of project related information at project sites? Citizen Information Board in local language containing detailed information of work such as description of every layer of work, quantity of material involved etc. are provided on every work sites. General information containing information about executing agency contractor, estimated cost of work and time period for completion is also provided. What is the role of public representatives in checking the quality of implementation of the programme? In the interest of total transparency and with a view to ensure pro-active role of public representatives, the States have been advised to organize time bound inspection of road works with local public representatives in the following manner: The Superintending Engineer would request the Honble M.P. and Zila Pramukh once in 6 months duration to select road works in respective areas and joint inspection/visit would be organized. The Executive Engineer would request the Honble MLA and Chairperson of Intermediate Panchayat once in three months duration to select road works in respective areas and joint inspection/visit would be organized. The Assistant Engineer would request the Sarpanch once in two months duration to select road works in respective areas and joint inspection/visit would be organized.
Question 15 Answer:
Question 16 Answer:
Question 17 Answer:
How can a citizen lodge any complaint with regard to quality of construction, use of sub standard material or delay in execution by the contractors? A citizen can lodge any complaint to head of project implementation unit (PIU). The address of PIU is available in the citizen information board on every work site. The citizen can also lodge complaint to State Quality Coordinator of State Rural Road Development Agency of the relevant State. A complaint can also be lodged directly to Ministry of Rural Development or National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA). In addition, the web based Online Management, Monitoring and Accounting System (OMMAS) available through site www.omms.nic.in as a Feedback module in its menu bar. Through this module, any citizen can lodge a complaint about the programme. Whether information about the programme is available on any website? The information about the programme and details about every work are available on programme website www.pmgsyonline.nic.in and www.pmgsy.nic.in Online Monitoring and Management System is being used for effective management and monitoring under the programme. The required data is entered by the field level staff and the State units under this web based package. 19
Question 18 Answer:
Question 19 Answer:
How are the roads maintained? Alongwith the tendering for the construction the routine maintenance of road works for the period of five years after completion of work is also included. Programme guidelines envisage transfer of road works for maintenance to Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) beyond 5 years after completion of the road work. ******