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Fiji National University CIN707 IT Project

Requirements Document Project Name: Village 6 Cinemas Online Movie Ticketing System

Project Team Project Manager/ Programmer System Analyst Network Systems Admin and Technician Technical Writer and Database

Varun Kumar Rahul Narayan Kameli Daulakeba Natashni Kumar

1. Introduction Purpose This document is based on the Requirement phase for an online movie ticketing system, to be implemented by our project group. The project ensures that the system fulfills the requirements outlined below. The main purpose of our online movie ticketing system is to provide another way for the customer to reserve cinema ticket. It is an automated system. The essential goals of our system are: Enable the cinema employee to register new films and other information related to these films, edit prices and seats and have the ability to control the booking system. Enable customers to have an overview over all films shown at the cinema, and make their own reservation. Enables a normal user (visitor) to register into the website and become a member Through online booking, one can print seat numbers, movie name, movie ratings, movie durations for verification purposes, pay at front desk, participating in movie reviews To establish an efficient database which delivers appropriate service to the website To minimize the number of staff at the ticket box To obtain statistic information from the booking record. Providing the celebrity news and frequent ask questions in regards to the security. As for customer service efficiency they is an assistance provision available Basically, the function of our software: Online movie ticketing system is to carry out transactions with customers. The customer/client can get the detailed information of the movies available and will be able to make reservation with ease and be given satisfactory service. The website is to attract a lot of attention from both customers and potential advertisers which are some of the basic functions of the software. Thus, as its operational, the customer/client will be able to view upcoming movies, new promotion (i.e. Super Tuesday and other promotions), competent to view the movie ratings (i.e. G, PG, and R13 etc.), ability to view the timing of the movie that is when will it start and finish and which day, and the cinemas number. In addition, the system will also allow the staff to display the details of the movies shows. The system will have some restrictions as setting a maximum number of tickets booked online because it is to ensure that the system is not abused. Lastly, the software will allow customers to post their ideas or comments on Facebook and tell friends about the movie.

Background (Current system) Damodar Brothers Limited is the tangible owner of the Village Cinemas in Fiji which consist of Village 6 in Suva, Village 4 in Lautoka and newly build Golden Cinema in Raiwaqa. The business has been around for the last couple of years and has been a dominant player in the market as a current sole movie provider. Currently they are in a process of upgrading their network infrastructure that will allow all sites to connect to each other so they can manage their network more effectively and efficiently. Their website is hosted outside Fiji and it cost lot of money to maintain so as a result they are hoping to host their site once the infrastructure is in place. Benefit There are a few areas where the current system is beneficial to the organization. The Website is hosted on a secure site outside Fiji. This technique always clowns hackers as they will look for IP addresses in Fiji and look for Damodar sites but little did they know its hosted outside the country. The other benefit is the lack of quality information on the website that suite the local community to attract customers inorder to understand and buy whatever they advertise. There is no friendly and simple attraction to capture their web visitors. Limitations There are a number of limitations that exists in the current system (website) which we believe that need to be change in order to attract customers around the country. Firstly, there is no choice for customers to book their ticket online as this will reserve the seat for the client way in advance. This will ease the congestion during movie time and also will allow those who travel from long distance to book there seat ahead. Secondly, there should be a feature in the online booking where the customer gives his or her experience regarding the benefit of online booking and how the whole application(Booking Online Ticket) satisfy their needs. Thirdly, the online booking and whole website should be simple and selfexplanatory. This is what the web visitor desires that everything is simple and can be easily understood. Fourthly, the current cinemas in Suva, Lautoka and Head Office are not connected. They have their own network (LAN) and internet connection and as a result there is a significant increase in their cost of production by paying fees and buy extra hardware for each centers and overall wont be feasible for the long run. Finally, the cost of license software they used. They are not using any open source application which is free of charge but instead used Microsoft License software like Server 2003 and SQL 200 which cost them thousands of dollars.

Scope This system is very feasible. The core benefit of this system is that our organization, Village six does not need to hire too many people for booking tickets. Fewer people are needed to operate a site than to operate a current system. This system will certainly generate profits once being implemented. This system also will assist the firm owners to reach peoples home very conveniently. The time schedule for the system is three months and all the phase is going to be completed within that timeframe. Therefore, at the end, we will be able to accomplish or make an Online Movie Ticketing System for Village six.

ID 1 2 3 4 5 6

Village 6 Cinemas Online Movie Ticketing System

Project Proposal Feasibility Study Requirements Documentation Design Documentation Project Implementation Post Implementation

Jun 2012

Jul 2012 6/24 7/1 7/8 7/15 7/22 7/29 8/5

Aug 2012 8/12 8/19 8/26

Start 6/4/2012 6/11/2012 6/26/2012 7/16/2012 7/31/2012 8/13/2012

Finish 6/12/2012 6/25/2012 7/17/2012 8/24/2012 8/24/2012 8/31/2012

6/10 6/17

7d 11d 16d 30d 19d 15d

2. Definitions, Acronyms and abbreviations Actors: Actors are any external entity that makes use of the system being modeled, including any person, device, or external system that have access to, or make use of, the information and functions present in the system being modeled. They are drawn as stick figures. Current system: is the actual system that is currently present in an organization. Functional Requirements: functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system-or what the system will do. This behavior may be expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is required to perform. Interfaces: these describe a group of operations used or created by components. Non-functional requirements are constrain the system being developed or the development process. Proposed system: is basically what will be the actual system after implementation of either from the current system or a new system Requirements set out what the system should do and define constraints on its operation and implementation. Requirements analysis phase: the business requirements for a new system.

Scope: the boundaries of a project, the areas of a project that may (or may not be addressed) System requirements are intended to communicate the functions that the system should provide. System requirements are intended to communicate the functions that the system should provide, also called business requirement Use Case Diagrams: In requirements analysis, uses cases describe the functionality of the system from the end user perspective, which identifies the system's boundaries and scope. They describe a sequence of actions initiated by external entities, either users or other systems called actors that provide some value to the project stakeholders or to other actor User requirements: are high-level statements of what the system should do. User requirements should be written using natural language, tables and diagrams. Use case: This represents the use case itself, drawn as a horizontal ellipse. A business scenario or event for which the system must provide a defined response

3. General Project Description Proposed System There are two types of users for the system, the staff of the cinema (the operator) and the customers of the cinema (the user). The basic flow of the proposed system is as follows: First of all, in the home page, the user can have an overview of the movies currently going on. Next, the user can select the desired movie. The system then guides the user as to which cinema number are the movie shown and the particular seat in which he/she wishes the tickets to be booked. Once the seat area is decided, the user has a look at that particular seat number at which he/she is booked. Once the user has finished booking ticketing, he/she could either decides to read the celebrity news or get a print out of the movie name, seat number, cinema number, and total amount of the tickets reserved for verification purpose at the counter. Furthermore, as for the staff part, the staff has its own user name and passkey (password). The staffs can do verification and updating tasks. One of the vital thing the user has to do is to keep track of the collections of movie shows so that they aware of which film to be replaced. The staff can replace a new movie with an old one, or can also add new movie into the screens which will update the webpage. The system provides an overview to the movie that is the user, by the help of it can get to know how the movie might be and it may also help the user to decide among the options such as the movie ratings. Some of the benefits that over weighs the current system are: convenient online ticket reservation through the internet, which in turn leads to more and repeat customers and shorter queues, access to information and other movie-related information such as: promotional news, movie ratings, advertisements and support service (help).

System Requirements There are two types of requirements which are primary requirements and Secondary requirement. Primary requirement must be met. There are two categories for primary requirement, the first category is concerned with the administrators who should be enabled to add, edit, delete movies and look after the system from the server side. They should also update the database frequently. Second category is regarding the customers, they should be able to engage in some of interaction with the server which will allow the choose seats and make reservation. These requirements should be completed with the time frame of the project. General Requirements (functional) 1. A way in which the customer can create its own account (Registration). 2. A way in which the users (both customer and staff) can login to the system to perform different operation. 3. A way in which the customer can reserve the seat is by just clicking the seat (which is shown on the screen) 4. A way in which the customer can check the ticket record according to the transaction number. 5. A way in which the staff can use the system to add data (e.g. film description) to the database. 6. The system can verify the data before transaction. 7. The system can generate some reservation records according booking and ticket selling record.

Use Case Diagram


Current Movies Register/sign up View celebrity news Advertisment Help Customer Search movies Logins Add Edit Delete Find Reservation Edit news Update advertisment Movies Movies Movies



Detailed Description Customer Functionality Current Movies Brief Description : Show the movies that are being shown this week Step by step description: 1.The user will have to select a movie 2.Select from the option( Hindi movies or English movies) 3.The system will show a list of all current movies 4.Customer should be able to select one Alternative Flows: as the user has selected the movie the details for the specific movie was not displayed on the system, as a result we can assume that it is a database error

Search Movies Brief Description: Search for a specific movie Step by step description: 1.From the list of the current movies on the screen the user will select a movie of their choice 2.The user will be taken to another page where the movie details will be given

3.The user will read the movie story, view movie ratings ,the cinema hall and the timing for the show 4.The user will have to make a choice if they want to reserve a ticket Alternative Flows: as the user enters the name of a movie to check movie details the user will not receive any information of that movie. In this case movies information may not be entered in the database or the user will is entering the name of the movie which is not available at the moment

Register/sign up Brief Description: the visitor has to login to reserve a seat Step by step process: 1.The visitor has to login in order to have reserve a ticket 2.In order to login the user has to register for an account and fill a form 3.If all the information is correct the user can login next time as a customer Alternative flows: the user information should be entered correctly; if wrong data is entered the system should use the validation to prompt the errors made by the customer. Another error message can be for maximum length for the password, it should be more than 6 characters. Login Brief Description: to have access to reserve seats and access staff(server) functionality Step by step process: 1. the user must login to have access to reserve seat and staff to make changes to the database 2. to login the user must enter user name and password 3. if correct the user will be taken to the next page

Alternative flows: when the user enters wrong user name and password the system should allow to enter again and another error in the system can be when the user is logging out they should not be able to access any other functionality which they access when they login

Reservation Brief Description: book a seat for specific show Step by step process: 1.the user has found a movie and want to reserve a seat 2.the has to login 3. the system will take the user to the next page where seat can be selected 4.the user will be able to select a seat from which will be in green(available seat) 5.the user can either print the information for verification purpose 6. the information about the seat reservation will be entered in the database Alternative flow: the user can only be assigned to limited number for seat reservation

(example max of 5 seats). Another feature can be user can have only 5minutes to reserve a seat, after that the system will take the user back to seat selection page. View Celebrity News Brief description: view Bollywood and Hollywood news Step by step Process: 1.the user will click on celebrity new 2.will be able to view latest new Alternative Flows:

Advertisement Brief Description: village six ads will be placed in the website Step by step process: 1.user will be able to view all ads that are telecasted in village six 2. Alternative Flows: user can add comment on advertisement, from this they also can advertise their business as village six ads

Staff functionality Add movies Brief Description: creating a movie in the system Step by step Process: 1.User logins and will open admin screen to add movie 2. the user will add needed information about the movie 3.changes are saved in the database Alternative Flows: the user enters the data and the system validates the entered information, in case of missing information the user will be prompt to enter data again.

Edit movies Brief Description: updating information about a movie that is already registered in the system. Step by step process: 1.the user will click edit movies 2. the user make changes or adds data related to movies and clicks update button 3. changes made by the user will be stored in the database Alternative Task: the user enters the data and the system validates the entered information, in case of missing information the user will be prompt to enter data again.

Delete movies Brief Description: removing movie that is already entered in the database Step by step process: 1.user search for the movie which needs to be deleted 2.when selected user clicks delete button 3.the record of the movie will be deleted from the database 4. When deleted the user will be notified. Alternatives Flows: 1.once the user has deleted the movie 2. click refresh button 3. the database will be updated and the movie record will be deleted

Find reservations Brief Description: shows that which is pre-loaded in the database Step by Step process 1.User Clicks find reservations 2.the user will be taken to another page where find movie reservation will be shown 3.the user enter the movie name and inserts customer number 4. data regarding reservation will appear Alternative Flows: in case if there is no reservations made the user will be notified saying there were no reservations appears on the screen Edit News Brief Description: enable staff to update celebrity new Step by step process: 1.Allows user to add, update or delete information 2. make changes to the news weekly Alternative Flows: links can be added to the page so all news can be viewed and the user will not have to update manually Update Advertisement Brief Description: update add ads on the website Step by step process: 1.user will update all new ads on their website Alternative Flows: the user can find contact address of the ads if they want more information



This system can essentially reduce the physical efforts that are needed to reserve a ticket of a movie show. The system also has a feature to allow the user to provide feedbacks using the Facebook. The user can also have a look at what the critics has to say about the movie. Thus, also the user can get the idea about what the upcoming movies are all about. Younger uses prefer to have more browsing tools like recommendations and news, while older users prefer a more direct and functional approach. This system makes the user believe that watching a movie was never this easy. 5. Reference
Systems Analysis and Design Methods/ Jeffrey L. Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley, Kevin C. Dittman. 6thEdition

Systems Analysis and Design/ Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall. 3rd Edition Software Engineering/ A Practitioner's Approach", Fifth Edition, Roger Pressman, McGraw Hill 2000 Use- Case Model: Writing Requirements in Context/ Ben Stein, Chapter 6

6. Appendix It is essential to consider and identify user needs which will be done using questionnaires, and interviews.


Gender o Male o Female 2. How often do you go to the movies o Every Week o Once or twice a Month o Rarely 3. Age o 12-16 o 16-20 o 21-28 o 28-38 o 38-58 o 58+ 4. How vital is the visual and interactive aspect of a ticketing website to you o Bare minimum is enough. A blank page with a search field and buy button is enough for me. o I like aesthetics but nothing more. Just enough to be soothing on the eyes and none of the extra stuff, no recommendations, trailers, news or extra sections not related to the exact search Im doing unless I go to those sections specifically. o I prefer the extra stuff. I like going to search for something and getting 5. On a normal visit in how many steps would you expect to reserve a ticket o 2-4. I want to be in and out and accept no less. o 4-6. I dont mind entering a couple of fields and following some links. o 6+. I really dont care as long as I get my ticket.

6. How do you book tickets using the current system a. b. c. d. Served by the staff Telephone Sms Others

7. What are your comments about the current movie system? Reliable or Efficient Explain why? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

8. What problems you face when buying tickets? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 9. Would you prefer a movie ticketing system that allows you to choose the seating when making your seat reservations? a. Yes b. No 10. Please rate the current system that you are using now. Convenient Fast --> no long queue Updated rating of movies Good services Usability, helpful and effective system Rank values must be between 1 and 5 11. Would you be able to accept the online movie ticketing system which would be replaced by the current system? Please give your comments ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ (You may have more than one choice) 12. What are your expectations for an online movie booking system? Review bookings Add bookings Choose seating User friendly system Easy navigation/ easy to use system View ratings of movies Convenience (can reserve movie tickets anywhere)

Fiji National University Village 6 Cinemas Online Movie Ticketing System

Interviewee: Paresh- Chief Information Programmer Project Team Project Manager, Programmer: Varun Systems Analyst: Rahul Network Systems Admin and Technician: Kameli Technical Writer and Database Specialist: Natashni Hello, we are all CIN707 IT Project students of Fiji National University and we are currently developing online movie ticketing system as an IT project assessment. Online movies ticketing system allows movie viewers to make reservation through the internet. You will be able to choose a seat during the process of ticket reservation. When a reservation is made through the internet, they have to key in the booking reference number when collecting movie tickets from the counter. Besides that, they can also view the ratings of current and up-coming movies online. I would appreciate if you could spend a few minutes in answering some questions regarding the online movie Ticketing System. 1. On which platform did your network run
If Windows; please specify?

If Linux please specify? If other please specify ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are your expectations from this online movie ticketing system or what are your requirements for the proposed system? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Is the Village 6 website being hosted by your network or hosted by others? (Please elaborate.) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. What backup procedures do you follow (please specify)? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. 4.


5. Did you use both Incremental and Full back up or just one? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 6. Can you give an estimate figure for the budget purpose of your current system so that it would integrate with the proposed online movie ticketing system? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 7. How many seats are there in each cinema (i.e. numbers of rows by number of columns)? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 8. Do you have a Disaster Recovery Plan and how often in a year did you exercise DRP? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 9. 9. What are the total numbers of users within your network? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 10. What is you internet speed (mbps)? ____________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 11. Who is your Internet Service Provider (ISP) ? ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 12. What type of database are you using and did you think it is sufficient to for the next 7 years? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 13. What are the main security issues that you are currently facing and what are the resolutions that you have employed to address these issues. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 14. In your Firewall, did you have Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) and Intrusion Detection System (ID installed? If no please explain. ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 15. Did Village Six and Village 4 is link? ______________________________________________________________________




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