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Angel of Darkness - PC Hidden Text Files

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The document contains hidden text files from the PC version of Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness, including cut content, dialogue, and credits.

It contains transcribed dialogue and narrative from the game's opening scene and other cutscenes, as well as credits for the game's development team.

It contains sections for dialogue and narrative from scenes in the game, as well as removed/cut content and credits for the development team.

Angel of Darkness - PC Hidden Text Files This document contains the entirety of the hidden text from the

PC version of Angel of Darkness. The substantial block of text found in the game files has been divided into sections, and arranged according to the material that is in the game and the material that was cut from the game, for one reason or another. While every attempt has been made to arrange this content correctly, some of it is extremely difficult to organise given the unknown nature of the material - some of the dialogue has little or no guide to its placement, and there is no known source by which to verify its arrangement. A lot of hard work has gone into organising these text files. Feel free to use this document to help you make sense of them, but please do not reproduce it on your own site without crediting Failing to do so will prompt us to complain verbosely. Game Opening Scene (Note: There appears to be part of this opening transcription missing from the text file.) There have been 17 reported murders so far in this latest outbreak of 'Monstrum' killings. It would appear to be the work of a single, highly psychotic perpetrator. The name of the latest victim was just released - a professor Werner Von Croy. A female, d Removed Opening Content Expelled from heaven the Watchers walked amongst men, and upon the Earth bred a curse, an abomination of shadow. In the darkest recess of every human soul slumbers the shadow of evil. Cast from darkness and formed of night fears, the horror approaches. FALLEN FROM LIGHT. REBORN IN SHADOW. HAUNTED BY MEMORIES. CONFRONTED BY EVIL. Lara (Note: Again, part of this transcript appears to be missing.) Of all the terrors in the world today the thing that haunts me still is Egypt. That and Werner's death. I could never forgive him for what he did but no one deserved to die like that. Not for some damn paintings. Someone has to pay. I just have to decide who. And how! The Periapt Shards are the only thing that can harm or weaken Eckhardt. The Lux Veritatis used all three Shards to keep Eckhardt locked away for 500 years. In 1945 something happened that released the Black Alchemist from the pit. The Cabal had a hand in Eckhardt In revenge for 500 years of pain, I swore an oath of malice against my Lux Veritatis jailors. Over the decades I hunted them down. None escaped. And all tasted the agony I had

endured in the pit. But the cursed Shards they had used to bind me vanished beyond my reach. I must own them and render them safe. Wherever they lie, I will have the Shards, as well as the Obscura Paintings. Never again will mortals be armed against me and my sacred quest. Nothing will stop me closing on the last Obscura Painting. Lara Croft is a minor distraction. Nothing more. And as for the Lux Veritatis whelp dogging my steps, what can he achieve acting alone, like a single maggot on a corpse. Putai You are almost returned to your full powers now. You are learning well Lara. Each challenge makes you stronger. Your inner strength is increasing. You are almost fully restored. One battle is not the whole war Lara. There are dangers, as yet unseen, that are aligned against you. A new world order is poised to emerge from the shadows. You must make your stand. The future needs you, now more than ever. Removed News Reports Newspaper Article PARISIAN 'MONSTRUM' KILLINGS CONTINUE. LARA CROFT WANTED FOR QUESTIONING. The latest victim of the Paris 'Monstrum' was discovered yesterday. The mutilated body of professor Margot Carvier was found after a woman was seen leaving the building under suspicious circumstances. The police are anxious to interview Lara Croft. The notorious Monstrum serial killer has periodically terrorized Paris and other European capitals over the last decade. A characteristic of these brutal attacks is the bizarre metallic eruptions on many parts of the victims' bodies. Forensic specialists are mystified by the process involved. There have been no reports of any survivors of these unconnected attacks. Radio Broadcasts NEWSFLASH - The Monstrum has struck again. This time the victim was a professor Margot Carvier of the department of Medieval and Renaissance Studies at the Louvre. Her body was discovered yesterday and police want to interview a woman seen leaving the premises around the time of the murder. She is described as Caucasian, brunette, about 1.8m and slim build. When last seen she was wearing jeans, dark jacket and a pony tail. This follows the similar murder of Prof Werner Von Croy a world renowned archaeologist murdered two days ago in his apartment. Newsflash - Prague, capital of the Czech Republic, was the scene of the latest Monstrum killing today. The notorious serial killer has been terrorising Paris in recent months but police in Prague say all the characteristic of a typical Monstrum killing. Police Radio Transmissions Eeeergh! Uggle! Etc.

Stand aside. She's taken care off. Halt or we shoot. Intruder in Madame Carvier's office. Intruder - male, and moving fast. Watch him. Spotted him. He's...urch! Team two report. Nothing in this sector. Clean sweep. Come in team four. Check in 'A' zone. All clean in this sector. Suspect spotted! Back up! Back up! Flank me. Check that alleyway. There she is! Suspect apprehended. Repeat - suspect apprehended. Secure prisoner and report! Suspect in holding. Suspect has escaped! Suspect is loose! Suspect has entered the building. Cover the back! Call for backup! Take the front door. Suspect on first floor. First floor clear. Suspect has moved to the second floor. Second floor clear. Suspect on third floor. Third floor clear. Suspect on fourth floor. Fourth floor clear. Suspect on roof. Call for air support. Watch it! Cover me. Employ gas. Surrender! Throw down your weapons. The building is surrounded. Give yourself up. This is your last warning. Intruder! Intruder in corridor nine! Close the security doors! Call for the police! Shut those doors! There she is! Watch the monitor. She's trapped. She's still loose. Come in. Where are you? Report back. You have your targets. Move out! Swing to sector A9. Fan out and keep low. Take the rear door. Stay sharp! Use double sweeps, watch the blind spots. Ok, maintain radio silence! Take her out. OK. Radio silence! Proceeding! Stay close. Starting sweep. Sector A clear. Sector B clear. All clear. Target sighted. I'm hit! Aaaaarhh! Conversations Flashback Lara/Von Croy (Note: The text in green indicates where there are lines missing from the complete in-game version of the flashback conversation.) Lara: What's all this about Werner? Von Croy: Help me Lara. I need you to get something for me or I'm going to be killed. Lara: Go on. Von Croy: I'm tracking five Obscura Paintings for a client called Eckhardt. But he's a psychopath. Lara: Not my problem. You took the commission and now you're out of your depth. Why should I care. Von Croy: Because I'm being stalked! I daren't go into the streets. People are dying out there! Lara: Handle it Werner. I had to when you abandoned me in the tombs. Von Croy: Lara, please. Look, go and see this woman, Carvier. She can help Lara: Sort out your own mess. I'm going Von Croy: No, wait!

Lara: Egypt Werner. You walked away and left me. There was no pity then. Von Croy: Get out! Get out of the way! Eckhardt/Karel: Von Croy! You located the Painting for me. Why have you not delivered it? Von Croy: I daren't collect it. It's too dangerous. But she'll be able to. Eckhardt/Karel: Your usefulness is finished. Von Croy: Aaaaaaargh! Noooo! Eckhardt/Karel: You humans break so easily. In-Game Conversations (Note: Where there are choices available in some conversations, good choices are indicated in blue and bad ones in red.) Carvier: Who is it ? Lara: Mlle Carvier, It's Lara Croft. I need your help. Carvier: Come up. Ms Croft. I recognize you from photos, and Werner's description. Come in. Lara: Thank you. Carvier: An evil night to be out alone Ms Croft. Our streets are not safe any more. Lara: Mademoiselle Carvier I have just come from Werner's apartment. Carvier: And how is Werner? Lara: I'm afraid Werner is dead. Carvier: Dead? Lara: Can I get you anything? Carvier: How was Werner killed? What happened? Lara: Yes, And I don't have time to waste. I'm being chased all over Paris. Carvier: You owe me an explanation. I'm waiting. Lara: It's all a bit vague. I arrived at his apartment today from London. He was babbling with fear. Carvier: He said he'd tried to contact you. Lara: He did. I never expected that. Not after Egypt. Carvier: Werner has been fearful for his life. He accepted a commission five weeks ago. Since then he's been acting strangely, jumping at shadows. He even left a package with me for safekeeping. Lara: Package? Carvier: His notebook. Addressed to you. Lara: Who was the commission from? Carvier: The client's name was Eckhardt. He wanted Werner to research something called the Obscura Paintings. Werner approached me at my department at the Louvre. Lara: Obscura Paintings? Carvier: Five 15th century images. Thought to be linked to Alchemy and the dark arts. Lara: Were you able to help him? Carvier: A little I think. Poor Werner was clearly terrified. Lara: I wonder why exactly? Lara: Werner didn't scare easily.

Lara: Can we move this along a bit? Carvier: He felt he was being stalked. Lara: He could well have been. The Monstrum is running around Paris according to the press. Carvier: Werner left a package here with me. I was to give it to you if anything happened to him. Lara: Do you know what it is? Carvier: It's his field notebook. Lara: If he left his notebook, he was spooked. Carvier: You still haven't explained what happened. Lara: We argued, I can remember that. And - gunfire! Lara: There was gunfire. That's all I can recall. Carvier: Gunfire! Werner was shot? Did you kill him? Lara: I can't remember. It's all a blur. Carvier: Ms Croft, I strongly suggest that you talk to the police. Lara: Mademoiselle, I was a good friend of Werner's. I didn't kill him. I didn't! Carvier: If you say so. Lara: If I'd wanted to kill Werner I could have done that in Egypt. Carvier: You don't look convinced yourself. Lara: I'm not going to waste any more time here. Do you have the notebook? Carvier: I do. It's safe for the moment. Lara: You mentioned Werner's notebook earlier Mademoiselle? Carvier: His field notebook. He said he wanted you to have it - if anything happened to him. Lara: I really am going to need Werner's notebook. Lara: Then I suggest you give it to me, now! Carvier: Somebody killed Werner. You say you don't remember clearly what happened. Perhaps the police are right in suspecting you. Lara: I never killed Werner! Carvier: I think you'd better leave Ms Croft. Lara: The notebook? Carvier: I am not sure this is the right thing but I must respect what Werner wanted. Lara: The right choice Mademoiselle. Carvier: And now you better had go. The police will be here any minute. Lara: Police? Carvier: I called them when you turned up on my doorstep. It was for insurance. Lara: You're all heart. Lara: What about the notebook? Carvier: I think not. Werner was unsure of you and so am I. Lara: Mademoiselle. What are you doing? Carvier: I've decided it would be wrong of me to hand over the notebook. I'm going to call the police. My warning is out of respect for Werner's memory but that's all the chance I'm giving you.

--Lara: Is this your pitch? Hobo: All Paris is my pitch. Got any spare change? For a coffee? Lara: Maybe. I need to find a man? Hobo: Then look no further ma petite. Lara: This is a particular man. Bouchard. Louis Bouchard. Know him? Hobo: No. Never heard of him. Lara: Even for spare change. Hobo: Go away! I never heard of him! Lara: So where could I ask? I could use a coffee. How about you? Hobo: Try the Caf Metro. In the Place d'Arcade. The owner might be able to help you. Knows all kinds of stuff. Lara: Sounds like my kind of caf. Hobo: What about the spare change? Mademoiselle? Lara: I didn't say I had any. Hobo: Welcome to Paris! --City Guide: You looking for anything special little lady? Lara: So what are you? A city guide? City Guide: That's right. I'm a city guide. All tastes and interests catered for. Lara: Good. I need directions. I'm trying to find a man called Bouchard. Do you know him? City Guide: That's not a healthy kind of question to be asking. Lara: Don't tell me Paris is dangerous. City Guide: Oh, we got all kinds of rough stuff here in Paris. Including our own serial killer. Have you heard of the Monstrum? Huh! Have you heard of him? Lara: What do you really know about the Monstrum? City Guide: Not much. The killings are very messy. Y' know, grisly. No one's safe. Lara: Even Bouchard? City Guide: Lady, no one! No exceptions! Have you heard what the Monstrum does to the victims? Lara: So how do I contact Bouchard? Lara: The Monstrum is a 'him'? How do you know that? City Guide: I don't know what 'it' is. But I'd watch my rear on the streets if I didn't know my way around. Lara: Which you obviously do. So how do I find this Bouchard? City Guide: He won't have time for casual callers. Been having staff problems at his club I hear. Lara: Bouchard runs a club? City Guide: Yeah. Le Serpent Rouge. Flashy joint. Lara: Why should losing staff be such a big deal? City Guide: Because these staff are dying on the job. Messily. No one knows why. Or how. Lara: You don't think Bouchard's up to handling it?

City Guide: Keep your voice down. Bouchard can handle all he needs to. But this is something different. Something creepy. His people didn't die pretty. It's got him really shaken. Lara: Is it the Monstrum? City Guide: Who knows for sure. I just try to keep my nose clean. You should too. Lara: So you've no idea where Bouchard is. City Guide: No. Lara: Well, I'm sure someone does. I'll ask around. City Guide: Yeah! Do that. Why don't you try Caf Metro. Lara: Who do I talk to there? The owner? City Guide: Hey, I'm kidding, really. The guy's a complete loser. Forget it. Go home. Do something recreational. Which is where I might be able to help. Lara: What's at Caf Metro? City Guide: Nothing man. Only the biggest loser in Paris. It's a joke. Forget it. Lemme show you some of our local specialties. Lara: No thanks. Lara: Having to keep low eh? That's hard, 'specially with the cops being so trigger happy. Should I give Bouchard your regards when I find him? City Guide: No! Don't do that! But if you're at a loose end look me up. I'm sure we could find something diverting for you. You know, something special. Lara: See you around. --Lara: Not a lot of passing trade at this hour. Janice: It's early yet. Move along ma chrie. You make the place look crowded. Lara: Have you worked in this neighbourhood for long? Janice: What can I do for you chrie? Lara: I'm looking for someone you might know. Name of Bouchard. Lara: I wouldn't worry, we're not in the same class. Janice: That attitude won't get you far round here sweet thing. Lara: I just want to find someone. Name of Bouchard. Janice: You won't find him here ma chrie. He did run the club across the road, Le Serpent Rouge, but had to move premises. There was a lot of trouble I heard. Things needed to lie quiet for a while. Lara: Oh? Trouble? Janice: Lost some of his best people. Very messy business. Made him nervous, and that's saying something. Lara: Do you know where he moved to? Janice: No idea. There are people who know. But if your man wants to lie low he won't be easy to contact. Lara: I'd have guessed as much. Everyone's in hiding. Janice: Not everyone, chrie. What do you want him for? Lara: And no one knows where he is. Janice: What do you need with a dangerous individual like Bouchard? Lara: I'm trying to track down a friend's movements.

Janice: Lost is he? Lara: Dead. But he made contact with Bouchard before he... checked out. Janice: Tell you what. There's two guys who used to work at Le Serpent Rouge. Lara: So Bouchard didn't lose everybody. Janice: No. These two left before the troubles closed the place down. One's a miserable old devil called Bernard who was the janitor there. He hangs about in the park sometimes. Lara: And the other one? Janice: The other one, Pierre, worked as a barman. Makes bad deals that backfire on him. He runs the caf in the Place d'Arcade now. Caf Metro. You never know. Might be worth a shot. Lara: What makes this caf owner so unlucky? Janice: Oh, he's a total loser. Claims Bouchard held back some money or something of his and kept it at the club. I don't know the details. Lara: Better than anything I have so far. Thanks. I didn't catch your name. Lara: You seem to know plenty. I didn't catch your name. Janice: Janice. Janice. Everyone knows me round here. Look, be careful chrie. Bouchard's a mean operator. And he's been targeted hard recently. Lara: Does anyone know who's causing Bouchard all this grief? Or why? Janice: No. Or they're not saying. The Monstrum has got everyone too scared to talk. Lara: I'd have thought Bouchard would be geared up for trouble. He can handle it alright. No one better. But the way his people have been dying - so ugly. And that poor woman... Lara: What woman? Janice: Someone called Carvier. She worked at the Louvre it said on the radio. I don't want to talk about it. Lara: Carvier! Janice: No. You watch out ma chrie. There's a lot of sickoes loose on the streets. Lara: Yeah. Janice: That's OK. Some of us like it that way. --Lara: Open for business? Rennes: You managed to get in didn't you! Lara: Just checking. I didn't want to waste your time or mine. Rennes: Discretion is my middle name. Especially with strangers who just walk in off the street. Lara: How concerned are you with legal niceties? Rennes: What concerns me is the police. They ask a lot of questions. Lara: Do you? Rennes: If it suits me. I make my own rules. Are you buying or selling? Lara: But you can keep your mouth shut? Rennes: Depends what's in it for me. Are you buying or selling? Lara: Possibly both. But not right now. Rennes: Come back when you have something to trade then.

Lara: How much for these? Lara: What would these be worth? Lara: What would this be worth? --Herbalist: Do you need any help? Lara: I'm looking for someone. Name of Bouchard. Herbalist: This is just a herbalist's. We stock medicinal potions and herbal extracts. Lara: I'm told there's a story about a doorman in this area. Do you know it? Herbalist: The doorman is Bouchard's bodyguard. Lara: Find him and I find Bouchard? Herbalist: Yes, probably. Lara: What would I need? Herbalist: Money. A password. Lara: Who would know the right password? Herbalist: I'm afraid I can't help you there. Lara: OK. Thanks anyway. Herbalist: Good day. --Gris: Hey lady, keep away from the ring! Lara: Nice watch. Gris: What? Lara: Am I talking too fast for you? Gris: OK sister. You're leaving. Now! Lara: What about a wager? Those boys in the ring. What are their names? Gris: Look lady.. Lara: Come on. What are their names? Gris: OK, guy with the tattoos is Zak. The one with the headgear is Carl. Lara: That's more like it. I bet all the cash in my pocket against your fancy gold watch that I can pick the best fighter. Gris: Do you have 200 smart mouth? Lara: Yes. Lara: Not on me, no. Du Gris: Come back when you do. Now get lost! Lara: Hey handsome, I have that 200 now. Gris: OK, you're on! Gris: Hey, you two! Lady here wants to bet on you decking each other. Match up! Lara: And just be glad I don't make you throw in your fancy gold chain too.

Du Gris: Don't push your luck lady. So, who do you want to lose your money on? *Lara: Zak looks a good mover. *Lara: My money's on Carl. Gris: Here, take it! Now get out! Gris: Cruel world huh! Go on, beat it! Lara: Yeah? On what? (*Note: Neither of these options are good or bad. The result of the boxing match is random, so whether your choice wins or loses is down to luck, rather than the option selected.) --Lara: I'm trying to find someone called Bouchard. Doorman: No one of that name in these parts. Lara: He'll want to see me. Doorman: Then I hope you find him. Lara: I want to see Bouchard. Doorman: Nothing doing. Lara: I have the price of admission. Doorman: Your admission ticket is light lady. 800 gets you in. Lara: I don't have that. Doorman: So I see. Lara: What about this? Doorman: Very nice but I deal in cash. Lara: Is Bouchard around? Doorman: What you got? Lara : How about this? Doorman: You got 800 in cash? Lara: Yes, I have 800. Doorman: 800 cash and the box. Lara: You planning to retire soon? Doorman: That's the price. Lara: You're a hard businessman. Doorman: Pass it through. Lara: Oh, I think not. Door first. Doorman: Follow the path round the back. --Lara: Nice day. Bernard: Hm! Lara: I'm trying to find someone. Are you from around here? Bernard: Leave me alone. I'm busy.

Lara: I only wanted to ask... Lara: Excuse me. Bernard: You're not from round here. Lara: No. Bernard: Then leave me alone. I'm busy. Lara: Your name's Bernard. Janice said I might find you here. Bernard: She shouldn't be giving my name out like that. What d'you want? I'm busy. Lara: Hey, take it easy. Janice... Lara: You should be more polite to strangers. You never know who they are. Bernard: I don't give a dead cuss who you are. Lara: Janice said you were a real charmer. Bernard: Janice! What did she speak to you for? Why did she tell you about me? Lara: I'm trying to find someone. Bernard: Can't help you. Never heard of 'em, whoever it is. Lara: That's odd. Janice said you worked for him. Bernard: D'you mean Bouchard? Lara: Watch your attitude old man! Bernard: I'll watch nothing. Leave me alone! Lara: I'm going to have to tell your old boss how rude you are to the ladies. Bernard: Not Bouchard! Lara: He may know what happened to a friend of mine. Bernard: Forget it. Bouchard doesn't like time wasters. Lara: Neither do I. So where is he? Bernard: Undercover. But 160 might jog my memory. Lara: I'll be back. Bernard: Back already, yeah? Got the money? Lara: Here. Now, how do I find Bouchard? Bernard: It's not going to be easy y'know. Lara: Let me be the judge of that. Bernard: Bouchard has had big trouble lately. And he owes me! Big time! Lara: Perhaps I can help you. What does Bouchard owe you? Bernard: A box. My box! And I want it back. It was hidden at his old club, the Serpent Rouge. But things got nasty. I had to leave it behind. Lara: What if I were to retrieve it for you from this club? Bernard: I know a password that'd get you past Bouchard's door guard at his new hideout. Lara: OK. So do we have a deal? Your box for the password? Bernard: Deal. This will get you into the garage next to Le Serpent Rouge. From there a passage leads you into the main building. Lara: You'd better not be giving me the run around old man. Bernard: Threats aren't gonna help you sweet thing. Lara: It may help me to feel better if I work you over a little. Bernard: What if I did help you? What's in it for me? Lara: Apart from the money? What do you want, advice, a decent coat, deodorant? Bernard: That's it! Get outta here. Leave me alone. And tell Janice she should keep her

mouth shut in future! Lara: Bernard! You're a big disappointment to me. Let's hope you feel safe out here when it gets dark. Lara: What am I looking for? Bernard: A small box. Hidden in a broken lighting rig. Lara: Good. Now, we're beginning to feel like old buddies aren't we. Where will you be in an hour? Bernard: In an hour? Here. But after that who knows. Lara: Make sure you are. I don't like wasting my time, remember? Bernard: Did you get it? Lara: Here it is. Bernard: No problems? Lara: None that actually crippled me, no. So what's the password? Bernard: Gimme the box first. It's mine! Lara: No chance old man! Password first! Bernard: OK, OK, it's 'Pluie Noire'. Talk to Bouchard's doorman. Lara: And this is guaranteed to get me to Bouchard. With no hitches. Bernard: I didn't say anything about no hitches. But it will work. Lara: It'd better. Where do I find this doorman? Bernard: He's at the side of the old church on Rue Dominique. It's run as a gym now. Lara: Right, we're done. But if this doesn't work out Bernard, I know where to find you. --Lara: Hi handsome. I want to see Bouchard. Doorman: I have the biggest Doberman Pinscher you've ever seen on this side of the gate. Lara: No you don't. Doorman: Yes I do. And in ten seconds I'm going to let him out for walkies. Lara: I have something for you. Doorman: I hope it's a dog proof suit coz you're going to need it. Lara: Two little words. Pluie noire. Doorman: Why didn't you say so. --Lara: I'm trying to find... Pierre: What can I get you to drink? Lara: I don't want a drink. I... Pierre: Only paying customers welcome. There's the door. Lara: Are you Pierre? Pierre: Possibly. What can I get you? Lara: Information. Pierre: Really! Well everyone wants something for nothing. Lara: It needn't be for nothing. We could trade.

Pierre: Trade? Lara: You used to work at Le Serpent Rouge. I need to find your ex-boss Bouchard. Pierre: You don't look like police. Lara: No, I don't but I do deal with problems. Sort them out. Pierre: And run errands no doubt. Hm! What sort of problems? Lara: How would you know? Pierre: I don't talk to police. Lara: With your reputation you'd be unwise to. Pierre: What do you...? Never mind. You mentioned a trade. Lara: What sort of problems do you have? Any situations need clearing up? Difficulties removed? Pierre: In exchange for information about Louis Bouchard. Hm. That's dangerous information. Lara: I'm a dangerous girl. And right now I'm losing patience. Pierre: I do have a 'situation' that needs tidying. A retrieval job. Something I forgot to pickup from Le Serpent Rouge when I left in a hurry. It's mine. And I want it back. Lara: Why don't you just pick it up yourself? Pierre: Two guesses. Lara: Bouchard? The Monstrum? Pierre: Don't joke about the Monstrum! Bouchard ran a lot of operations there. The place will be staked out. Lara: Just tell me where the item is in the club. Pierre: It's small, small enough to fit inside one of the stage lights. The one that doesn't work. Lara: That's it? OK. I can work with that. How do I get into the club? Pierre: With this. This'll get you in behind the stage area at the back. Return what's mine to me, here, and I'll put you in touch with Louis Bouchard. Lara: I'm sure he'll be glad to hear from you again. Pierre: He isn't going to. I just tell you where to find him. Then it's up to you. Lara: OK. And if this doesn't work out I know where to find you. Don't I Pierre. Pierre: Did you...? Everything go ok? Lara: It's quiet in here. Your voice really carries. Pierre: Don't mess me about. Lara: You were right about the place being staked out. There were gunmen all over the place. No sign of the Monstrum though. Pierre: You got it! HA! Lara: Now, a little matter of Bouchard's whereabouts. Pierre: Bouchard. Lara: You aren't going to disappoint me are you. You don't want to see my dangerous side. Pierre: No. it's just that someone else was asking for him. Just after you left. Lara: Asking for Bouchard? Pierre: Yes. The customer who was sat in the corner, reading his paper. I couldn't tell him anything, naturally. But he may have overheard us. Lara: You know, you talk real loud. It's hard not to notice it. Pierre: OK, OK. Take it easy. Are we going to deal?

Lara: Only if you behave. Pierre: Alright. Bouchard is lying low. I know someone who can show you where. Lara: You can trust them, this person you know? Pierre: Just about. Name of Francine. She's my ex. Lara: Reassuring. Pierre: This is her address and the code for the gate. Lara: And she can point me to Bouchard? You're sure? Pierre: Oh, absolutely. She knows a discrete route to the back of the premises. Lara: Discrete? Translation - dangerous. Pierre: Nothing in Paris is safe. But this route will get you where you want to go. Please. It's arranged. She's expecting you. Lara: I hope this arrangement works out Pierre. I'd hate for you to become a personal problem that I have to come back and tidy up. --Francine: Come in. Pierre said to expect you. Bouchard is in the old church. You need to find the mausoleum in the churchyard. It leads down into the church basement. Lara: Is this the best way? Francine: It's the only way past the Doorman. Watch out for the ledges. They are dangerous. Lara: Where isn't these days. Francine: Welcome to Paris. --Lara: What happened to your man in the room out there Bouchard? Bouchard: To Arnaud? You've got something to say about that? Lara: Maybe. It might be linked to what happened to a friend of mine. Bouchard: I doubt it. Get her out of here. Lara: Do you know the name Eckhardt? Bouchard: Never heard of him. Lara: OK. You helped a friend of mine a while back. Werner Von Croy. Bouchard: Names don't mean a lot here. Even real ones. What did he want? Lara: Maps and information, on the Louvre. I remember. Four weeks ago. Wanted to take a coach load of Japanese tourists to see the Mona Lisa. Lara: Easy Bouchard. I lost that friend yesterday. Now I'm wanted for his murder. Bouchard: There was a newscast about a Monstrum killing earlier. What would you know about that? Lara: Nothing that would interest you. Bouchard: You'd be surprised how much The Monstrum interests me. Lara: Don't jerk me around Bouchard. I lost that friend yesterday. Bouchard: You better watch your mouth lady. Lara: I'll watch nothing. I'm sick of your Parisian lowlife ways. I need results. Bouchard: Careful vixen. You don't need things to get any worse. Lara: And how will that happen? You'll set these pussycats on me, right?

Bouchard: Wrong. I'll take care of this myself. Welcome to Paris. Lara: My friend ... ? The Louvre ... ? Bouchard: Yes, the academic. Wanted access to recent archaeological diggings inside the Louvre. I gave him a contact. You want the same? Lara: And more. I need 9mm protection, backpack, plastic explosive, stun packs. Paris isn't safe these days. Bouchard: Who for? You obviously can take care of yourself. Lara: Do you have what I need? Bouchard: I know who does. Daniel Rennes. Works out of the pawnbrokers on the corner of Rue St. Mark and Cours la Seine. Lara: A front, obviously. Bouchard: Yes, Rennes needs careful handling. But he can get you what you need if you know how to make the right approach. Lara: What would you suggest? Bouchard: A trade. I have to get certain things into his hands. Passports. You could deliver them for me. Lara: Why not have one of your men deliver your ... passports? Bouchard: I have no one to spare. Lara: Passports! Bouchard: Czech passports. Nothing to dirty your hands with. It's a business arrangement. Lara: For which he would give me what I need? Bouchard: For the right price. The passports will prove you come through me. Lara: What happened to your man in the sickroom back there? Was he delivering packages for you too? Bouchard: Poor Arnaud. One of my toughest. The only survivor of four attacks so far. Lara: Attacks? By who? Bouchard: An interesting question. We don't know for sure. Yet. Lara: The Paris Monstrum perhaps. Bouchard: We're looking into that. You should take care. Lara: An automatic would help. You sold my friend Von Croy some hardware. I need the same. Bouchard: That was then. We need all the firepower we can get. Rennes is your man. Is it a deal? Lara: OK. Deal. Bouchard: My man will show you out. Lara: No problem. I can find my way. Bouchard: Ah, but I insist. In which case ... Make sure Rennes gets that package. And be sure it is Rennes. Lara: Why? Who could it be? Bouchard: I'd like to ask poor Arnaud that. But he can't talk anymore. Just take care. --Eckhardt: Esteemed Cabal members the hour of your reward grows ever closer. As you know we already possess three of the Obscura Paintings. Our contact Professor Von Croy

located the fourth one for us here in Paris When we have this we will reassemble in Prague. It is time to awaken THE SLEEPER. Hopefully we will be more successful this time. We are also closer to the fifth and last Obscura Painting in Prague We will gather at the Strahov. Gunderson Gunderson: Master Eckhardt... Eckhardt: Dispatch your team for the fourth painting. Gunderson: Immediately! --Bouchard: You ok? Lara: Bouchard! What are you doing here? Bouchard: No time now. Quickly! Lara: Was anyone around when you got here? Bouchard: No. No one. Come on! This way. Lara: Bouchard, I must get back to Von Croy's apartment. There's something I have to check out there. Bouchard: Your friend's place. Of course. Where is it? Lara: Rue Valise. The Chantell building. Do you know it? Bouchard: My driver will. Get in. Lara: What were you doing at the Louvre? Bouchard: Trawling police short wave. You were attracting a lot of attention in there. I figured you might need some help. Lara: Thanks. Bouchard: Wouldn't you prefer somewhere safer than your friend's apartment? Lara: I found some leads in the Louvre that may link to his death. I have to check his apartment. Bouchard: We're almost there. There's something you should know. The police bands were full of details of another Monstum killing - in Prague Lara: Prague!! Not a dealer named Vasiley? Mathias Vasiley? Bouchard: Yes. You knew him? Lara: He's connected with what I need to find at Von Croy's apartment. I need to go in alone. Bouchard: OK. I'll wait here. Lara: Appreciate it, Bouchard. Bouchard: She's inside now. You can send in the cleaner. Bouchard: Is she taken care of yet? Hello? Is she dead yet? We have to get back to Prague. Lara: No, Bouchard. She isn't. But your little friend is. I'll take care of you later. It's time I visited Prague. --Lara: What do you know about that building over there? Luddick: Eh...what? Lara: The one you're watching? With police tape all round it.

Luddick: The Vasiley place? It's a murder scene. I'm a reporter. Lara: That one. Big thing with snow on it. Luddick: Beat it. I'm busy. Lara: On an important case are we? Luddick: Yes. I'm a reporter. Lara: So what happened in there? Luddick: Another Monstrum killing. You're not from around here. Lara: No. I need information - which I'd be willing to pay for. Luddick: It'll cost you. Lara: I've no money. Luddick: Come back when you have. Lara: I gather Vasiley was some kind of an art dealer. Luddick: More than that. He was involved with the Mafia. Lara: Mafia? What makes you think so? Luddick: Lady, I know so. I've been investigating Vasiley's activities for some time. Lara: Just tell me what you have on the art dealer. Luddick: He was more than that. He was Mafia. Lara: Tell me why he was murdered then. Luddick: Vasiley found something they wanted and got smudged because he tried to hang onto it. They set the Monstrum on him. Lara: How could you possibly know that? Luddick: Because of the way he was spread out all over the place. Messy! Lara: You say he found something. Do you know what it was? A painting perhaps? Luddick: I don't know about that. But he was definitely silenced. The Mafia tidied away all the evidence. Took it to the Strahov. Lara: Now you're going to tell me what the Strahov is, aren't you. Luddick: No. Your credit just ran out. Luddick: You unsavoury little runt. Lara: You have a nasty mouth lady. Lara: What's your name Mr Reporter? Luddick: Luddick! My name's Luddick. Lara: Tell me what else you know Luddick, or I'll show you how nasty I can get. Lara: Keep talking till the money runs out. Luddick: It's not that. This is dangerous stuff I'm telling you. I shouldn't be shooting off my mouth. Lara: You're a big boy. You can handle it. Tell me your name. Luddick: Luddick. My name's Luddick. Lara: OK Luddick, what else? Luddick: The Strahov is the Mafia centre of operations in Prague. There's been a lot of activity there recently. Lara: You're well informed. Luddick: I'm a professional! It's my business! I've got dossiers on all of the main players. It'll cost you. Lara: OK, I'm in. Lara: You call these dossiers! Yeuch! Do you know who that is?

Luddick: No. He arrived yesterday. Lara: That's Bouchard. He's a Parisian gang boss. I ran into him over a personal matter. Luddick: Really! Is he Paris Mafia then? Lara: No idea. Who's that? Luddick: That's Eckhardt. He's the Mafia top guy from what I can find out but I know less about him than the others. They're all gathered in the Strahov at the moment. Lara: All of them? Luddick: All six major players. Eckhardt and the other five. Lara: Luddick, I have to get in there. Today. How would you manage it? Luddick: It's not easy. The place is heavily guarded. Security gates, cameras, ident scanners. But... But I could get an access code. I have contacts. It'll take me half an hour. Lara: You're right. You are a professional. OK, while you're on your errand I'm going to start with Vasiley's. Luddick: Be careful in there. And don't keep me waiting. It's not healthy to hang about on the streets. Especially in weather like this. Lara: Stay warm. Lara: Is that it! Is that all you've got? Luddick: For what you're paying you've got plenty. Lara: I need to get in there Luddick and you are going to tell me how. Luddick: Not without cash. The Strahov has heavy security. I can get you an access code within half an hour but I have expenses. Lara: Get me that code - or else! Luddick: Or else what! You're gonna shoot me?! Lara: Now there's an idea worth paying for. Luddick: Not here. Not out in the open, right by a police crimescene. I don't think so. Lara: I've no time to spare on small fry Luddick. I need fresh air. --Lara: I want some answers Bouchard. Why did you want me dead in Paris? Bouchard: You were just a side issue. A loose end that needed tidying up. Lara: Who ordered it? Bouchard: A madman called Eckhardt. He was putting pressure on all my operations, threatened my family, killing my men. You saw one of them at the church. Lara: A psycho huh! Bouchard: The worst. Eckhardt is the Monstrum. Lara: Is that right! What exactly were you doing for him? Lara: So, you sold out. Bouchard: I did what I had to. Especially when I realized Eckhardt was the Monstrum. Lara: What! You were prepared to deal with the Monstrum?! Bouchard: I had to take delivery of a Painting that was in the Louvre and bring it to the Strahov here in Prague. Lara: My painting! That wasn't easy to get that out of the Louvre Bouchard. Bouchard: Seems everyone's a loser. Lara: So why Prague? Bouchard: Eckhardt is protected by a group based in Prague called the Cabal. They're

almost as dangerous as Eckhardt and at least as insane. Lara: The Cabal? Not the Mafia? Bouchard: No. They're far more sinister than the Mafia. No one even knows how old they really are, but I've seen records suggesting they were active during the Second World War. Lara: Interesting. I was told the Mafia ran Prague. Bouchard: The Cabal uses the Mafia front to distract attention from their real activities. But they're far more dangerous and powerful. Lara: Dangerous enough to use the Mafia as a front? Bouchard: Anyone too inquisitive about Cabal business simply disappears. Lara: Like my friend Von Croy. What was his involvement in all this? Bouchard: He was hired to locate one of the five Obscura Paintings that was in the Louvre. But he found out too much. He contacted Vasiley here in Prague and they exchanged information. Lara: I found Vasiley's faxes. And four Obscura Engravings he sent to Von Croy. Bouchard: Vasiley originally had five Engravings but kept one back. Lara: So, they were working together. Bouchard: Trading information, nothing more. Vasiley worked alone. He also kept the fifth Engraving back. Lara: Why are the engravings important? Bouchard: Each Engraving contains an encoded map of a particular Painting's location. Lara: So one of those Engravings told Von Croy where the Louvre Painting was. Bouchard: Yes but your friend got careless. The faxes were intercepted by the Cabal. And then Eckhardt didn't need Von Croy. He was another loose end, to be tidied up like Vasiley. Lara: Killed, not tidied up! Why does Eckhardt desecrate the bodies like that Bouchard? Bouchard: It's to disguise something he does to them. He takes 'things' from the bodies. Things he needs to revive the Cubiculum Nephili. Lara: Killed like Vasiley you mean! Why does Eckhardt do that to the bodies Bouchard. And what does he want the Paintings for? Bouchard: I don't know the details but it's something to do with reviving The Cubiculum Nephili. Lara: The Cubiculum Nephili - The Sleeper, last of the extinct Nephilim race. Bouchard: You've heard of the Sleeper! Eckhardt is insane. He thinks he can use the Sleeper to breed the extinct Nephilim back into existence. Lara: There's no faulting his ambition, is there. So this 5th Engraving that Vasiley kept back is the key to the last Obscura Painting. I'm going to take a look round. Bouchard: It'll be well hidden. Vasiley was very cautious. Lara: Not cautious enough. Bouchard: The map in the last Engraving shows a location called the Vault of Trophies. The Vault was one of the last Lux Veritatis secret strongholds and Eckhardt's been desperate to get into it. Lara: A Lux Veritatis Vault! Bouchard: They seized all five Obscura Paintings in the late 1400's and hid them. The last one is almost definitely in the Vault. Lara: How do you know all this stuff Bouchard? Bouchard: Information is survival. I survive.

Lara: So do you know where the Vault is located? Bouchard: Only that it's beneath the Strahov somewhere. Lara: And the Painting is definitely there? Bouchard: Eckhardt thinks so. It's one of the reasons the Cabal built their stronghold there. Lara: I'm going to take a look around. Bouchard: Are you going leave me like this? Lara: Yes. Take a break. You've been running round a lot. I'll be back with the fifth Engraving. --Lara: Did you get me the Strahov code? Luddick: I told you. I'm a professional. But I want the exclusive story, events in Paris and whatever happens here. Lara: Done. Lara: Have you changed your mind about that Strahov code? Luddick: Yeah. I thought I'd give you another chance. But I want the story, the events in Paris and whatever happens here. Lara: It's a deal Luddick. Luddick: This pass code will get you into the warehouse area. It's only a low level pass but at least you'll be inside the complex. Lara: I can take it from there. Have you tried this code yourself? Luddick: Me! No! The place gives me the creeps. Workers have gone missing and all kinds of spooky stuff. Lara: What goes on in there? Luddick: God knows! I'd give my innards to find out. But it's way too gothic for me. If you uncover anything give me first shot at it eh! Lara: Sure thing. Luddick: I also got this. It could come in handy. The Strahov is one weird place. Lara: A handy machine pistol! Gas punch reloader. No invasion force should be without one. How much? Luddick: Have you seen what these can do...? Lara: How much?! Luddick: 800. Lara: OK. Lara: Let's talk in the car. Luddick: The Strahov isn't far. Lara: Gimme a break. How would I be carrying that kind of money! Luddick: Seller's market I'm afraid. Lara: I ought to just take it you runt. Luddick: Choke on it! --Luddick: You can't keep me here. My paper will miss me if I don't report in. Gunderson: Found him skulking around in the loading bay. Must have got a pass code.

Eckhardt: How very fortunate for me that you arrive just now, whoever you are. Close the door on your way out Gunderson. Luddick: No wait! I know about you, and your Mafia operations! You can't ... Eckhardt: Mafia! Mafia! Oh my, you are so very much out of your depth. No, what you have stumbled into is something much more - ah - accomplished than those oafs. Luddick: I have records on you Eckhardt! You can't hurt me! Eckhardt: If only there was time for us to read them together. But it's too late now, there are things - to be done. --Lara: Don't breathe and definitely don't move. Muller: You're in big trouble, whoever you are. Intruders don't last long in the Strahov. Lara: Just answer my questions ! Muller: Fine. Lara: First question - who are you? Second question - what are you and your buddies up to in here? Muller: You really don't know what the Cabal is? We are the beginning of a new order of life on earth. Lara: Well, I've never heard of you. Muller: Ignorant mortal! The Cabal! We control everything here in Prague. It means that we are going to be immortal, and you are going to be dead, intruder! Lara: Immortal? That is impressive. How are you going to manage that? Muller: I can't tell you. It's more than my life's worth. Lara: Does that help? Muller: Meister Eckhardt is about to return the Nephilim race to glory. For our part in that triumph he will grant us immortality. Lara: If I had a coconut for every time some lunatic said something like that... Muller: Your pathetic ignorance blinds you. We already have the last vital element from Turkey here in the Strahov. Lara: And that is...? Muller: The only true remaining Nephilim. The Cubiculum Nephili, the Sleeper. That's right. The last of the extinct race, here in the Strahov. Lara: Surely the Nephilim are just a myth. Muller: You see! Ignorance! With vital essences extracted from this precious specimen Meister Eckhardt can breed the next generation of pure Nephilim. No more abomination to run amok like Boaz's Proto-Nephilim. She deserved to pay for her stupidity. Lara: Yes, highly inconvenient having abominations running around loose isn't it. Muller: You have no idea what you are mocking! --Eckhardt: There's chaos out there! Why has the power has been cut off? Is this your doing Muller? Muller: No. The power's down everywhere. Eckhardt: Just control things in the Dome then. Do it! Is every thing locked down? We

don't want anything getting loose. Muller: It's under control Master Eckhardt. Boaz: We have a problem down in the Sanatorium! Eckhardt: What problem Boaz? Just have the guards deal with your inmates and pets. Boaz: I have a confession Master Eckhardt. I didn't destroy the Proto Nephilim! Eckhardt: The Proto! You are kidding! Right Boaz? I need to supervise this personally. That experiment was to be eradicated! I expressly ordered it. It's far too dangerous to keep alive! Boaz: I couldn't! It's half Nephilim. That makes it impossible to kill without your Periapt Shard. Eckhardt: You ignored my orders for the last time Boaz! Muller, I need the services of one of your little creations. Your own incompetence has sentenced you Boaz. I will be obeyed! Boaz: Ahhhh, pleeeease noooo!! Whimper... It wasn't' my fault. I'm loyal. Give me a chance. Not the pod, no, no! Eckhardt: Now, sort this mess out. --Kurtis: You really have made a mess of things haven't you. Lara: Who for? The stalker who stole my Painting! What do you need with the Painting? Kurtis: Maybe I'll explain later, Ms Croft, but for now I need to go and turn the power back on. Lara: Leaving me here. Kurtis: You've caused enough problems over the last two days. Safer for everyone if you stay in one place for a while. You'll be OK in there. Lara: And this? Kurtis: My Periapt Shard! You... Lara: ...picked it up in the Louvre, yes. After you stole MY Painting. Kurtis: All this can wait. I know where you'll be. Take a breather from damaging things why dontcha. --Kurtis: Hey, take it easy. What's going on down here? Truck Driver: Dying! We're all dying! Proto's on the loose. Black Angel's gonna kill us. Kurtis: Get a grip! What's gonna kill us? Truck Driver: The Proto! It got free. We got fed to it but it ate the guards when the power shut down. Kurtis: What the hell's the Proto? Truck Driver: The screamer! The Black Angel. Kurtis: Hey, I don't give a damn about your Black Angel. What are you doing down here? Truck Driver: I didn't sign on for this. Not devils and shadows. I'm just a truck driver. Kurtis: What? You drove here? Truck Driver: Four days on the road, from Turkey. Long way. Long way.

Kurtis: What did you bring here? What-were-you-carrying? Truck Driver: Death in five tons of stone. The Sleeper. Drove here, then they grabbed us. She locked us in here with her hungry pet the screamer. The Proto! Kurtis: You were fed to that thing? Truck Driver: Fed to it, yes. But not me. I'm safe in here. Kurtis: Yeah, sure. Keep the door locked, OK. --Kurtis: Thanks. Lara: Glad you came back to save me stranger Kurtis: Name's Kurtis. Lara: Lara. And this is business. Kurtis: I owe you one. Lara: You owe me a painting. Kurtis: Sorry. That went AWOL at the Louvre. Lara: What brings you here from Paris? Kurtis: Eckhardt! We have business that only one of us will walk away from. You? Lara: Personal reasons. Kurtis: Eckhardt plans to use all five Obscura Paintings to revive an ancient evil called The Sleeper and rebreed the Nephilim race. To do that he collects alchemically transmuted elements from his murder victims' bodies. Lara: I've seen him at work as the Monstrum, with that glove. Kurtis: Eckhardt is the original Black Alchemist and now he's very close to finding the last Painting. Lara: Does he know where it is? Kurtis: Yes. It's hidden in a Lux Veritatis Vault beneath the Strahov. That Paintings must be destroyed and to do that I need the Shard you picked up at the Louvre. Lara: There should be three Periapt Shards. Kurtis: Eckhardt has the last one. If all three Shards are united they can destroy him permanently, so he keeps it safe. Lara: Tell me about the Shards . Kurtis: They're ancient weapons of the Lux Veritatis. Two of them were entrusted to my father. Eckhardt murdered him to stop them passing into my hands. He failed. Lara: So Eckhardt went after your father. And you want revenge. Kurtis: Justice! Lara: We should work together. How can they be used to kill Eckhardt? Kurtis: You're trusting me? . Lara: We can divide the forces against us if we split up. You need the third Shard so you should go after that. I'll find the last Painting and destroy it. Kurtis: OK. Eckhardt guards the Shard in his old alchemy lab in the lower regions. I can find my way there. Lara: The Engraving shows the Painting hidden in something called the Vault of Trophies. Here. The entrance is underwater. No problem. Karel: How did she get the engraving and the map?

Eckhardt: It doesn't matter. We have lost too many men trying to open that damned Vault. Perhaps her special talents will help us get what we need. The male will be coming this way soon. Make the preparations. Karel: There's no danger she can destroy the last Painting? Eckhardt: We won't allow her the opportunity. The fifth Obscura Painting is mine already. And then ... --Eckhardt: Congratulations Ms Croft. You are positively Amazonian. That Vault has defeated us for months. Lara: What do you want Eckhardt? Eckhardt: I am not interested in you or your friend Ms Croft. Give me the Painting and you may both leave. Lara: What choice do I have. Eckhardt: Gunderson, release Boaz. This old colleague of mine was once a human - before she displeased me. Not you Muller, you useless piece of dross! You failed me too. --Kurtis: Come on. I'll give you a boost. Lara: Kurtis, quick. Kurtis: Here! Take these two! Lara: These are your specialty Kurtis. Kurtis: Don't worry about ugly here. You're wasting time! I can take care of her. --Eckhardt: Still alive Ms Croft. You are resilient. But over the decades I've killed more mortals like you than I can remember. Lara: And stole their body parts like a cheap grave robber. Eckhardt: As I will now take yours. Lara: To wake this thing! You are grotesque! Eckhardt: Only my great arts can cause the higher race to flourish again. Lara: So, I guess it's up to me to stop you then? Eckhardt: I hunted down and killed the last of the Lux Veritatis. I am immortal! The Shards! Lara: Scary huh! For you. Eckhardt: It is my destiny to breed Hell on earth. You are nothing to me. Lara: D'you know it's going to be a real pleasure to shut you up. --Eckhardt: Go on! Kill her! Lara: Karel?! Karel: I knew you'd find the third Shard

Lara: But why? You worked for him. Karel: No, unkowingly he worked for me, but his usefulness was ended. Lara: Will you destroy his work? Karel: Of course not. The Great Work will be finished. I'm offering you the chance to become part of a benign new order in the world. Lara: You are kidding! Right! Karel: We Nephilim have only ever been trying to survive. Lara: Too many people have died for me to trust you. Including a good friend, Von Croy. Karel: He was an unfortunate victim of history, Lara. Eckhardt was stupid to have killed him. I have helped you all along, both here and in Paris. You can trust me Lara Croft. Lara: You killed Von Croy! Karel: Stupid mortal! So be it Removed Conversations (Note: This section includes removed parts of the in-game conversations which do not appear in the final version of the game.) Von Croy: Give me your hand child Lara: Werner Noooooo ! [ screaming ] --Putai: You have unique strengths Lara. Learn to trust them. Lara: But how will I remember Putai? Putai: Whenever your need is strong remember the amulet. It will help you to learn. Lara: But the past still troubles me. Putai: You will learn Putai: There is a great darkness ahead of you Lara. Remember the amulet. And use your strength wisely. You are ready. Lara: Where are you Putai? Putai: Where I have always been. Remember the amulet. --Lara: What's a good time of day to catch you in a generous mood? Rennes: This is a business, not a charity! Lara: And next you're going to say - 'Take it or leave it' - right? Rennes: Take it or leave it. Lara: Hey, turn down the charisma. Alright I'll take it. Rennes: Welcome to Paris. Lara: How much? And for this? Rennes: No deal. Lara: What?

Rennes: No deal. We're closed for business. Lara: What about being discrete? --(Note: These conversations appear to be with a news vendor who was cut from the Parisian Ghetto part of the game. There is evidence to suggest that this news vendor could have been Karel in disguise.) Vendor: What can I get you M'moiselle? Lara: Do you know someone called Bouchard. Vendor: I've been on this spot for five years. I know everyone. Lara: Do you know how he can be contacted? Vendor: Directly? No. And I hope I never have to. Lara: To save time how could I avoid having to talk to every inhabitant this side of the river? Vendor: Without the right connections - my guess, no one would talk to you. Lara: The right connections? Vendor: And a lot depends on how you ask your questions, not who you ask. Lara: I've found that already. Everyone on the streets is terrified at the moment. Vendor: Well, let's say I offered to 'buy' something from someone ...they might remember something helpful. But what do I know. I only sell papers and magazines M'moiselle Lara: Do you have any foreign language newspapers? The London Times? Vendor: As chance would have it I do. Lara: Do you do barter? Vendor: Sorry. Cash only. Lara: Is there anywhere to get a drink nearby? Vendor: Try Caf Metro. The coffee is good even if the owner is a complete loser. Lara: Merci Vendor: Thank you Lara: You're welcome. Vendor: Do you want change? Lara: Keep it. Vendor: Merci. By the way, if you go into any shops ask about the story of the Doorman. Lara: The Doorman. Will that help me find Bouchard? Vendor: Maybe. It's just a friendly suggestion. But don't waste your time at Caf Metro. Lara: Oh? Why not? Vendor: The owner is a complete loser. He's well known for it. Bon chance. Lara: I bet you don't do credit do you. Vendor: M'moiselle, this is my livelihood. Do you want to rob me? Lara: That's the last thing on my mind. At the moment anyway. Is there anywhere to get a drink nearby? ---

Lara: So he isn't a customer of yours? Herbalist: A customer? No. Would you like to purchase something? Lara: What do you recommend for energy? Herbalist: This is our selection. Lara: Do you do barter? Herbalist: Cash only. I am so sorry. Herbalist: Welcome. Lara: I was impressed by your display of energy herbs. Herbalist: Ah, very well! What would you like to purchase? Herbalist: Welcome again. Lara: Those herbal preparations are very effective. Herbalist: Thank you. Do you wish to purchase more? Lara: What else do you have? --Lara: Excuse me. And excuse me too. Do you know a Louis Bouchard? Kurtis: I'm a stranger round here. Lara: Don't let me distract you from your paper. --Pierre: Stop wasting my time. Hand it over. Lara: Information first Pierre. Bouchard's whereabouts? Pierre: No chance. Gimme the Box first. Lara: Pierre, what happened to our friendship? You didn't ask if I got hurt at the club. Pierre: Cut it out! Look, you need my help. Bouchard is a hard man to find. And he's under a lot of pressure lately. Make the wrong approach and you're dead. Lara: I can be very careful. Pierre: And so should you. Especially if you want this. Lara: Stop messing me about. Pierre: You'll never find Bouchard without my help. Lara: Move that hand another inch and you'll be wiping counters with stumps. Put your hands where I can see them. Pierre: That's mine anyway! Hand it over. Lara: I don't think this friendship is working out, is it Pierre? Pierre: You can't back out now. You'll never find him without my help. Lara: D'you know I'm tempted to try anyway. It'd be your style to set me up for a double cross. How hard can it be to track down someone with his reputation. Pierre: Real hard, without the right contacts. And not everyone is as polite as me. Lara: Or as loud hopefully. Lara: But they might be more dangerous. The Monstrum isn't the only killer on the streets.

You'd do well to remember that Pierre. You wouldn't want this to get personal - would you. --Unknown Speaker: Found an intruder Bouchard. Says she needs to see you. Bouchard: Tell her I'm busy and throw her out. Bouchard: Clean this place up. --Bouchard: The Lux Veritatis were custodians of many dangerous secrets in their time. Weapons too. The Vault will contain other things, apart from the Painting. Lara: Good. Some of them may come in useful. Bouchard: They will be heavily protected. Lara: I'll bear that in mind. --Luddick: Get in. Lara: Jeez, it stinks in here. Tell me what you know, quick before I gag. Luddick: You can get out right now if you want. Luddick: OK, OK! Blacked out cars have been arriving all week. And there was a lorry convoy shipping in crates from Turkey. Something big is going on. Lara: Sweet mother Luddick, don't do that! --Lara: Someone was in the alley. Did you see them? Luddick: Yes. It was Bouchard leaving the shop. He was in a real hurry. Lara: Bouchard? Bouchard's dead! I've just seen his corpse in there. Luddick: You're famous. Lara: I was framed. Luddick: Is there a story in this for me? --Kurtis: Come on. I'll help you find a way out. Truck Driver: Aaaaaaaaargh! Get off me! Kurtis: Alright. But calm down. Truck Driver: Death sleeping inside five tons of Turkish stone. Then the Black Angel got loose. Kurtis: Guess we're all gonna have to take our chances then.

Truck Driver: You can't hide out there. He'll get you. He'll get us all. Kurtis: You OK? You said you drove here. --Lara: You degenerate throw-back. All those organs you ripped from your victims were for waking this THING. Lara: You had the Engraving? Karel: For a while, yes. That's how we knew where the Vault was. But we couldn't' get in. And I helped you in other ways. Karel: You are too late mortal The most powerful of us all awakens! We will harness the forces of Hell! Nothing can stop us. Our time has come. We Nephilim were once beings of light! NO! We were destined to rule! Aaaargh! Aaaaarghs etc Other Dialogue - In-game Lara Could be something useful in there. I need a way to prize those doors open. I need to shimmy to that walkway, but I don't think I'm strong enough yet. I feel stronger now. Maybe I can shimmy to that walkway. There's a crowbar down there! That'll come in useful. This looks like a safe area, but I need to find a way out. It looks like I need something to force this open. I can climb up on that air-con unit. Now I've got my strength back I can shimmy around that corner. Made it! No time to waste. I need to get to Carvier's appartment There might be more police around! I must get down this alleyway unnoticed. Uh oh! A guard dog. I'll try another route. There must be a way up from here. This door is locked, I'll need a key. Wall to wall vermin - yuck! I hate rats! I can't push it yet. I'm not strong enough. It won't turn. My arms aren't strong enough. It won't budge. I need to increase my strength. This ledge looks too far. I don't think I'll make it yet. My strength has increased. Maybe I can make it across that ledge. My strength has increased. Maybe now I can make it across that ledge. My Legs feel stronger. My Legs feel stronger. Maybe I'll make that jump. Maybe I can barge that door open. Maybe I can kick that door open.

I think I'm strong enough to turn those valves. It's too heavy for me to push. Maybe I can shift that heavy crate. I don't want to draw too much attention to myself. Werner obviously never had chance to collect it. I can smell oil. I'd better be careful I don't think I should plant the explosives there. I think this is the place. Better check the map. This room is mentioned on the map. I'd better check. Got to find a gas mask, quick! Use the map to find the exit. Dive girl! Dive! Another cold, dark city. Don't you just love this weather. Snow! Wonderful. There must be warmer places than this to get chased by police. It won't budge. I need to increase my strength. That's not any script that I know. I wonder what needs that kind of security to keep it in. Wouldn't you know it. My route goes through that Bio Dome. It's a long way round, unless I can shut the power off to that section. I'll shut the whole lot down to be sure. That's it. Better get moving whilst the grid's down. Now we're getting somewhere. I have business here. I can't leave yet. Maybe there's a clue in the notebook. I'll check the notebook. Perhaps the notebook can help. What the hell's going on around here? We need that third Periapt Shard. I can climb this. It's jammed. It's stuck. It won't open. I can't move it. Hm, Lux Veritatis - the Light of Truth. So, the Lux Veritatis were an inner order of the Templars. The Lux Veritatis. They link into all of this somehow. The Lux Veritatis, again! So, the Lux Veritatis had three Periapt Shards What else can I find out about the Lux Veritatis. I think I need to find out more about the Lux Veritatis I wonder if there's anything in here about the Obscura Paintings? I need more details on the Nephilim. I need more details on The Obscura Engravings I need more details on Alchemy I need more information on the Sleeper I need more information on Brother Obscura

I need more information on The Black Alchemist I need more information on The Cabal This is the security pass I need. Let's see if he's got keys to this place. Respirators. And not before time. Can't breathe. That ledge looks too far. I don't think I can make it across. Press duck to tuck my legs up. I feel stronger now. I reckon I'll make it across. That jump looks too far. My strength is increasing. That gap looks easy. It's slippery. Better be careful. Yeuch! Phew! What's that smell? Well, at least it's clean in here. Well, Mademoiselle keeps a tidy office. Another cold, dark city. Don't you just love this weather. Wooooow! Now we're getting somewhere. I'm not leaving without Von Croys Notebook. I'm not leaving without Von Croys journal. I'm not leaving without Von Croys Diary. Maybe now I can get through that door. I need to find Carviers office. Those look like that crystal object I picked up at the Louvre Kurtis And I thought this would be one of my easy days. My farsee ability will help here. Here. He must be stabbed with all three Shards. That - wasn't - so - hard! Oh gimme a break! Other Characters Perimeter guard where are you? All clear. Perimeter check - all clear. No, please I'm loyal, please forgive me, give me one more chance. You are too late mortal. The most powerful of us all awakens. Other Removed Dialogue Lara

Your luck just ran out. What are you doing here? What's this Bouchard? Handcuffs! Expecting trouble were we? Unbelievable! That glove must have some kind of alchemic power. I could hide in that building. I'll head for the doorway. The door is jammed. I can't open it yet. This wall looks weak but I'll need to get stronger to kick it through. The masonry is weak but I'm not strong enough to barge through. I think I can move that wardrobe. I feel stronger now. I think I can move that wardrobe. There must be a better way of dealing with the guards. I don't want to do that. I'm not supposed to alert anyone. That'll draw too much attention. No, there must be a quieter way of dealing with them. This method is sure to draw too much attention. Ooooh, my head. Too many police. What was that address? What did Von Croy get himself into? Perhaps his notebook will help. I'm going to need cash. Must reach that DJ booth. Looks like a way out. Dammit! I need to blow this thing open Damn! Yes, I have 800 I'm going to need those GPS's down here. I can smell oil. I'd better be careful I don't think I should plant the explosives there. I think this is the place. Better check the map. This room is mentioned on the map. I'd better check. Looks like an Inquisition torture device. A Nephilim sculpture. A terminal. Let's see what we've got here. I have a non-lethal weapon. This will help me get past the guards I have a tranquillizer gun. This will help me get past the guards. There should be respirators in here somewhere. This room could prove useful later. That X-Ray machine could come in handy. Maybe using the geo-thermal device will help me. This translates as, Use the map to find the exit. What's on his laptop? Looks like a language I don't know. Those symbols again - but not ones in the notebook. Looks like an Inquisition torture device. I need health items. This looks dangerous. I'd better be careful. Why are things never easy. I think this is the room mentioned in the map. I'd better check. I may be able to move that. I think I can open that. Maybe I can pick that up.

I don't think I'm strong enough. I can't lift this. I think I can lift this. I think I can make that jump. I don't think I can make that jump. It looks too far I'm not strong enough. I'm getting tired, need to rest soon. I can't climb any further. The terrain looks a bit unstable. I have a really bad feeling about this. I need to search this area. Maybe I should keep looking around here. I'd better check the map, it may have an exit marked. There could be more heavies hiding in here. Time to be silent. Better use stealth here. I have no more room. I have to drop an item. Dammit! Damn! Gotta get out of here. I need to overlay these. This is really something. Impressive! Wow! Why is 14th century air always so stale. Whoa! Made it! You still got it girl. Easy! Here we go again. Ah, a traditional welcoming committee. I hope you guys are in trim. The third Periapt Shard! Lets rock! OK, that's it! Let's see what you've got. Try this for size! See you in hell! OK, let's see your best shot. Time to leave. Bite this! I'm looking for a Louis Bouchard. Excuse me, I'm trying to find someone. Do you know a Louis Bouchard? Does the name Bouchard mean anything to you? Can you help me? Does Louis Bouchard live round here? His name's Bouchard. Who might know? Oh no. What have I done? It's an ambush. What the... Bad idea! Uh oh! Time to leave. If need be. And they pay well enough. Great! Another cushy job.

Welcome to Prague. Bouchard! I said I'd take care of you later. Looks like some kind of calendar and that's a Lux Veritatis symbol. Doesn't look like the Engraving's in here. I need to look elsewhere. I'm sure I recognise this. I saw a sketch of this at Carvier's. I saw a sketch of this at Von Croy's. A Nephilim figurine. Early Turkish from central Cappadocia I'd guess. What th'...? Where's he gone? These crates are from Turkey, Cappadocia. Invisible lasers - nasty. Thanks Fido. I didn't order hot dog. I must move quickly, the grid is down. It's good to be back. OK, let's kill something. Bring on the bad guys. I'd forgotten how much I missed this. Wear what's comfortable I always say. Dressed for the job. Feels good to be packing again. Great, broccoli with attitude. The grass in here needs cutting - badly. Who's a pretty boy then. Where's a good lawnmower when you need one. C'mon, let's see what you can do. You like biting things - bite this! You guys should play together. Just for once it'd be nice to walk into a room and not have the statues try to kill me. I've seen this before. All I need to do now is destroy it. Uh oh. Running won't save you Eckhardt! That Glove is the source of his power. He can change anything. Have to use the Shards. Using the Shards'll stop him. I need the Glove to fight him. Bullets only weaken him, the Shards'll finish him off. I need to get to sub level 6. What are you doing there ? I can't go back there till I have something to pawn. Let's see what's in here. This could be worth checking out. I can hide in here. This could be a useful hideout. I can keep out of sight for a while. Must be my lucky day. This'll fetch a good price. People mislay the oddest things. This could be useful. Well, well. Someone's been very careless. Finders keepers.

Werner's notebook mentioned a security pass for the new excavations in Carvier's office. That'll be useful. It'll get me to where Carvier's office is. That document has a Lux Veritatis symbol on it. I need a place to hide - quick! I can lay low in here. That's Kurtis' three Shards, again. I saw a copy of this at Vasiley's place. Those body parts look like Nephilim remains. These look like the Nephilim illustrations I saw earlier. These look like the Nephilim statues I saw earlier. That glow means the third Shard is nearby. The third Periapt Shard! We're in business. Now we can kick some serious butt. Let's see what Eckhardt has to say about this. I can't climb this. I can't use that. I don't need that. This doesn't work. That's not the way. Forget it! It won't fit. That's wrong. It's broken. That's a dead end. It's all messed up. What a mess. You will learn. I'll come back here later if I can find something worth pawning. I need to reach the new excavation site. Werner's notebook mentioned a security pass kept in Carvier's office. Great! Now for the site and the painting Five paintings, five engravings and five symbols. And that's how they link up! That was the Monstrum's style. Eckhardt must be Von Croy's killer too! If Eckhardt really was the black Alchemist he made a pact with the Nephilim 600 years ago. These Sanglyph images are the Obscura Paintings! That's like the Glove I saw him use on Luddick. The Sanglyph and the Glove work together! So it's all been to wake the Sleeper. If Eckhardt really has the Sleeper down here it must be destroyed. I have to find that third Shard! Eckhardt must be stopped. Now for some serious action. This had better be real good, dragging me all the way from London. I don't want to be here. You've got five minutes. Convince me I'm not wasting my time. So, there were three Sleepers, not one! And two were destroyed.

I wonder if the other two Sleepers were really destroyed by the Lux Veritatis? These Engravings seem important. I'll have to see what I can dig up on them. The Black Alchemist is linked to the Obscura Paintings. The alchemists' Tree of Matter was an early form of the periodic table. Carvier! Another Monstrum victim! I've seen this before An automatic. Boy could I use that. An automatic. He won't mind, he's finished with it. That shot gun will come in handy. I can always use more money. Small change. Ah well, waste not want not. The third Periapt Shard! We're in business. I need that gun. I need some extra firepower. That gun'll do. I'll take a harpoon gun. I can always use a harpoon. A harpoon gun will always come in handy. Those can boost my health. Where's the nearest medikit? There's a medikit pack. At last! A medikit pack. Just in time. The box! Just where it should be. I'll leave the passports here. I can use that adjustable spanner. Keys! Let's see what they fit. I need to use the key here. Let's see if they fit here. That camera will fetch a good price. Bingo! I can always use some extra cash. Someone's stash! That'll come in handy. Let's see if my credit card still works. I'll try my credit card. That crowbar will come in handy I need to use the key here. I could place a GPS here. This'd be a good place to drop a GPS. Save game here using a GPS. I'm going to need those GPS's down here. I'll take that key. I'll take those bandages. Bandages. They can come in useful. Those pills will boost my stamina. I need to get an antidote, fast. Saved! An antidote. A pass card. Exactly what I need.

I can use that crowbar. That crowbar is exactly what I need. That's the security pass I need. Those keys are the ones I need. I can use this torch. This pass will get me where I want to go. A torch. Just what I need. My luck's really in. I can pawn this. Must be my lucky day. People mislay the oddest things. This could be useful. Finders keepers. This'll fetch a good price. An antique hip flask. Nice workmanship. At last, the fifth Obscura Engraving. That's an antique. It'll be worth something. This record will be worth something. A diamond ring. Breaks your heart what people lose. That's Eckhardt's Glove. I can use that electrical flex Explosives! Your never know when a girl might need to make a bang. Flares! Too good to miss. The four Obscura Engravings! Good old Werner. Hm, classy. This goes with my tiara. Well, well. Someone's been very careless. The Paintings are all exactly the same. I need a clue here. What about that inscription. I wonder if that key will fit here. That key could be my way out of here. This tells me where to look for the Painting. A mobile. That can be pawned. This can get me in undetected. People are so careless. Lucky for me. Very nice. Not an antiquity, but nice. Let's see what been happening in the world. That claw hammer head might be useful. I can use that hammer handle. Let's see what the boys are saying behind my back. Silent and accurate. Just the way I like them. I can use those to create a distraction. A Taser. Now there's a bonus. This is the other half of Carvier's fax to Werner. This has an address on it What was that address? A tranquilliser gun. Handy. There's always a buyer for Vintage liquor. Let's have a look at Werner's notebook.

I'll check the notebook. Perhaps the notebook can help. A wallet. Worth a look. This looks like a safe combination. Perfect! A credit card and a pin number. Old stamps. These are valuable. There's everything I could need here. Medical supplies, weapons, stealth gear. It feels like Christmas. I'm getting weak. Need more health. Slowing down. Need a medi-pack. Taking too much damage. Need to restore my health. I'm feeling weak. Need to increase my health. I'm running low on energy. I'm tiring. Must get an energy boost. I need to find a medipack. My strength is returning. The amulet will show how much. I'll use the amulet. Gas! Gotta get out of here! Gas! Where's that respirator? Must hold my breath till I find the respirator. Getting low on ammo. Need to reload. Must find some more ammo. Uh oh! Need a reload. I'm not gonna make it. I think I'll need some leverage to open this. I need to rest, my arms are getting tired. I can't shimmy that far yet. It's stuck. I'll need some leverage. I'm just not strong enough yet. I'm still a little rusty you know. Love that adrenalin rush. I'm not quite ready for that. I'm a little rusty I guess. I need 35mm protection. What do you have that's discrete? Do you stock guns - and ammo? I want to buy a handgun. And shells. I need some hardware. What do you have? How about ammunition? This courtyards a real mess. Let's have a look around. That could be useful. This rain is freezing. I could catch my death in this rain. This place looks ready to collapse. The whole thing's rotten. Hm...unsafe. Phew! This place stinks. No one cleans up here, obviously. I hate this filthy weather.

Just rats and me creeping around. What a dump! Ugh, call Rentakill. How can anyone live here. Brr! It's so cold in here. That floor was uncomfortable. Damp and cold. I should complain to the concierge. Perhaps I could ring room service. The whole place is derelict. Paris. City of beauty. They don't show this in the brochures. It's a good thing doors never bother me. Paris has hit rock bottom since I was last here. Nice class of people on the streets. Phew! The types you have to deal with these days. This place is really run down. I love it - kind of derelict gothique. What a dump! I bet the rats love this. This place is a deathtrap! Chill out and die. Who'd work in a place like this? Hm. Classy joint. Looks like a real Frankenstein boudoir. Such a cheery place to shop at. Must recommend this place to all my friends. Bad air in here. Rat-arama! Ugh, the smell. See Paris and die. This has got to be the absolute pits. Ah, this all feels familiar. I could be right at home here. Now, how would Werner have tackled this? This stuff is really old. Yeuch! Slime walls! Uh oh. Looks like trap country. I don't like the look of this one bit. Grief! these things are really huge. Those guys knew how to build. Fire, burning oil and traps! What's next .. earthquakes! Built to last or what. I could use the fresh air but this is too much. Wow! It works! Everything looks so messed up. What a shambles! Oh, Werner! This shouldn't be how it ends. Great! Another cushy job. Welcome to Prague. This is impressive. I do love a place with atmosphere. Vasiley has some excellent artifacts here. Vasiley knows his stuff. I like it. This is very stylish. Let's see. Where would I hide the most dangerous thing I had?

Time to deal with that sleazebag Bouchard I guess. This has a familiar vibe to it. Hm, busy place. I could do some really serious damage here. What was Von Croy hiding, I need to look carefully. I can't leave before I find the Walking Stick. Vasiley was hiding something, I need to find out more. The Engraving is in here somewhere. It's locked, I can't open it yet. I must stay out of the search beam. Motion cameras, I need to stay out of the beam. A new exhibit, It looks like they've found the entrance to the tomb. Bouchard knew what Von Croy was up to, I really must find him I have to risk it underwater, the power switch is below. I need to distract the creature. Kurtis This thing won't budge. I'll use a psychic boost. 'Phew! That always drains me. That gap's too far. I need to boost my jump My psychic strength is increased. It's too dark in here. I need to boost my sight. Another goddamn demon to kill. Why are things never easy. I need to get inside there. I can farsee what I need here. What the hell have they been up to in here? What have they been breeding in here? How far did they get with this stuff? Send me back to the Legion. Raw meat on the menu - again. Nice dcor. Looks like happy hour. It's a kill zone in here. My god, they've actually created a Proto Nephilim hybrid! This looks bad. Real bad. What are they up to? Whatever it is it's serious. Oh no. These guys have been real busy. So, they've got the Sleeper. They really are insane. If I time this just right...I can get through. I could use these two as bait. So this is where they kept the Proto - till they lost power - good work Lara. They managed to keep the Proto in here - till they lost power. Clever girl Lara, you've let the Genie out. That was too close!

Yeah, livin' on the edge! Phew! I need a holiday. Alright, let's see what you got, chimp boy. No more running - it's showtime! OK, deal the cards. Death takes all. Time to die, Monkey! C'mon Bobo, don't be shy. End of the line. Let's dance! OK ugly, just you and me. Right, let's power up. Time to get the power on again. You must be kiddin'. Bitch! Goddam bug face! Witch! Hag! Rot in hell! I musta been real bad to deserve all this. I get all the dirty jobs. I gotta ask for a rise. That's my demon quota for today. Why are things never easy. Special jump here. I hate it when they do that. Three strikes and OUT! I hate this job. All the hassles and none of the perks. Ooh, that's gotta hurt. Sorry to cut you off. Take me back to the legion. Ha, last word to me! What really happened here?????? I'll have to take this real easy. What's this guy doing here? Damn, he's well equipped This guy's good. But not good enough. I see you. Ouch, I owe you one. Gotcha! Hey, no contest. My psychic strength has increased. Lux Veritatis mecum. Light of truth be with me. Ex hostium vi mea vis maior. The strength of my enemies empowers me. Luceat eais in materia virentis. Volare incipit ab initio ad scopus. Maxima vires ad incrementum. Ita vero. Lux Veritatis. Let's finish this quickly. Blade! Vires! Vires incrementum! Maxima vires! Levitatis! Occularis! Lamina!

Eckhardt (Note: These first few lines seem to come from a journal or notebook kept by Eckhardt. They also feature in the official Angel of Darkness strategy guide.) Autumn 1345 Prague. I have 100 summers to prepare for the revivifying of the Nephilim bloodline. And the reward for my labours will be immortality. 1425. By the means of human sacrifice the Sanglyph is complete! I have today cast the Nephilim metals into five symbols of power. The Glove, attuned in like fashion is almost complete. With it I shall harvest those essences necessary for the Sleeper's awakening. By the Glove and Sanglyph combined shall I bestir the Sleeper to my bidding. My every attempt to extract Nephilim essences have come to nought. I need the true cask of the Sleeper. It must be found! The thrice cursed Shard of the Lux Veritatis maggots I have placed beyond reach. With it hidden none will stand against me. Don't struggle. You are already dead. You can't win. I'm immortal. I can't die. I will harvest your organs. Surrender to your fate. I will rule the Nephilim darkness of mankind. Hiiiisssssss. Ssspiiiittttt! Diiiieeee iiiinnn paaaaaiiiin! Huuuurrrrt the fleeeesssshh! Poiiiissssson and paaaiiiinnnn! Ssssssstaaaaabbb and sssslaaaassshh! Rrrriiiippp and bliiiiinnnnd. Aaaaanguiiissssh and ssssstiiiing. Sssssuffeeerrrr, yeeessssss sssssuffeeeerrr. Buuuuurn aaaawaay sssssooooffttttt ssskiiinnn. Sssssscreeeaam fooor meeeeee. Veeeritaaaatisssss maaaaaggooot. Karel We will harness the forces of Hell! Nothing can stop us! Our time has come! We Nephilim were once beings of light! NO! We are destined to rule! Putai You are almost returned to your full powers now. You are learning well Lara. Each challenge makes you stronger. Your inner strength is increasing. You are almost fully restored. One battle is not the whole war Lara. There are dangers, as yet unseen, that are aligned against you.

A new world order is poised to emerge from the shadows. You must make your stand. The future needs you, now more than ever. Other Characters Ask somebody else. Ive no idea. I dont know anything lady. Forget it tourists! Leave me alone. Push off. Im too busy to talk. Stop hasslin me. Outta my way! Sorry. Hey, I know nothin. Wotcha lookin at! Lost are ya! Get away from me! Never heard of him. Hide, hide! Police, someone call the police! Mon dieu, thats gunfire! Thugs! Terrorists! Street gangs! Its the Monstrum! Get out! Use the fire escape! No, stay put. Its too dangerous. Keep down. Its the Mafia! That came through the goddam wall! Shriek! Shriek, shriek, shriek! Lock the door, quick! Ive been hit! The police are here! Keep away from the windows! Go away. Bonsoir. Hey, what's going on? Are you OK? Report in area 2. Halt! Got a runner here control. Say again. Get up against that wall you. Another driver under arrest control. Gates secure. Bring him in. Get those crates over here. Where's that delivery manifest? No sign of Janko still. Three days he's been missing now. Is this the latest Turkish consignment? Hey, don't park there clam brain. This must be the last of the crates. Hey that's my mug. Who left this on my goddam seat? Quit hagglin' you two. Who's got the paper. Where's the coffee? Two more runners today. Did they catch 'em? Oh, sure.

What happens to these drivers. No one sees 'em around here again that's for sure. Have you done your paperwork yet? No one sticks at their jobs these days. I used to drive a truck once. Yeah, I heard. Ended up drunk in the river. That's right. The security system is shut down. I have no idea why. That's not my job! Why is it shut down? We got lights and communications but nothing else. Get me some help down here. I don't care where the generator is. I'm not going down to level 6. Don't tell me not to panic! They're like sitting ducks down there. Lemme out! Don't let it get me! Open the doors! Keep 'em away! Don't leave me here! Please no! Noooo! Save me! All we got left is the auxiliary power. Just the bare essentials working. Yeah, I'm real glad this post is essential huh. We've closed off the east exit. We're heading back towards you. There's someone in there with you guys. Another escaped lunatic. Leave him. The Proto'll get him when it's trapped in here. He sure doesn't look like one of the inmates. You guys better get outta there. We just spotted the Proto. It won't close! It's jammed! Get the power on! Slam the lever! For god's sake! It's not working! Do something - quick! Agh, agh Dein nutzwert ist abgelaufen. Ken-ack akee morgu. Nole-hiin fooay kar-allial. Bar-kay kiim hatoo dem lama-llial. Choonek ol gash-akoo fenn-aka-kee. Sheeli-kar umi-nash okee-puhr chak. Texts and Inscriptions ULTRA VIGILIS UMBRAM, ECCE VERITAS. Through the spirit of the keeper behold the truth. ULTRICES ATRIUM CUSTODIUNT. The wrathful sentinels guard the hall within. FRATRIBUS COLLATES IANUAE PATENT. The brothers reunited see the gates thrown open.

CAVEAT IMPIUS. Unbeliever beware. TRES PERIAPTI CONIUNCTI CUM IUSTITIAE IGNE MALA CINGUNT. The three periapts joined together burn with righteous light to confine evil. OBSCURA PAINTINGS: There's information here on the Obscura Paintings: It says they were five images painted on thick wooden bases, like Russian icons I guess. They were created by the Black Alchemist Pieter Van Eckhardt in the 13 or 1400's. Together the five Paintings hide something called the Sanglyph, or The Blood Sign. I wonder what that does? The Paintings were seized by the Lux Veritatis from Eckhardt and painted over with religious imagery. I wonder who the Lux Veritatis were? It says each Painting has a metallic symbol of power built into it. So that's why Eckhardt want the paintings! BROTHER OBSCURA - Here's information on the artist who painted over the original images. Brother Obscura. It says he was ordered to disguise the Black Alchemist's Paintings with religious imagery. Then the Paintings were hidden. But he made secret copies of the Paintings, sketches, and hid them too. They became known as the Obscura Engravings. THE FIVE OBSCURA ENGRAVINGS - Ah, details about the Obscura Engravings. It says here that all five contain encrypted maps of a Paintings' secret location. Now that could be useful! THE LUX VERITATIS - Aha! Facts about the Lux Veritatis. They were a 12th century offshoot of the Knights Templar. Dedicated to suppressing evil, particularly works of Sorcery and alchemy. Responsible for destroying Eckhardt, the Black Alchemist, in 1445. Or so it says here. THE PERIAPT SHARDS - Heres something about the Periapt Shards. They were said to be three 'weapons of light' three crystalline shards shaped like spearheads Hm! No one knows how they worked. THE NEPHILIM RACE - It says here that the Nephilim were the hybrid offspring of angels and humans. They were thought to be able to change their physical appearance and flourished in Turkey in early biblical times. Now extinct. Well, you can't win them all. THE SLEEPER - CUBICULUM NEPHILI - It says here, The Sleeper or Cubiculum Nephili - a stone cask. Reputed to contain the last remains of the extinct race Nephilim race. Buried somewhere in Turkey. THE SANGLYPH - There's information here on the Sanglyph. It says the Black Alchemist, Pieter Van Eckhardt, created an artifact of alchemic power, the Sanglyph. It was made in five metallic parts and hidden. Perhaps those were the metal symbols in the Obscura Paintings.

ALCHEMY - It says here that Alchemy was the first real science in Europe. Alchemists claimed they could change the structure of all matter, like metals into other metals. THE BLACK ALCHEMIST - Now this is interesting. The Black Alchemist, Eckhardt, made a pact with the Nephilim in ancient Turkey. In return for using his alchemic skills to help the Nephilim he would live forever. THE CABAL - Let's see what we have on the Cabal...a powerful alliance of five alchemists and sorcerers in the 13 and 1400's. Eckhardt is said to have betrayed and murdered almost all of them to control their secrets. Now that IS interesting! It says the Cabal and the Lux Veritatis battled constantly even after the disappearance of the Black Alchemist Eckhardt in 1445. Removed Texts and Inscriptions "LE SERPENT ROUGE - NOTES SUR SAINT GERMAIN DES PRES ET SAINT SULPICE DE PARIS" "The Red Serpent - Notes on Saint Germain des Pres and Saint Sulpice of Paris" HISTORY OF THE SUPPRESSION OF THE BLACK ALCHEMIST AND HIS WORKS BY THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE LUX VERITATIS - YEAR OF SALVATION 1461. The Black Alchemist, Eckhardt, was to use his devilish arts to awaken the SLEEPER and breed a new race of Nephilim. For this he created the Sanglyph forged of five metallic symbols. Eckhardt was brought low when he tried to betray his unholy Nephilim masters. Good Lux Veritatis brothers now guard the accursed alchemist in the Pit. Only the power of the three Periapt Shards restrains him. Inventory (Note: A number of these items are listed more than once. This may be to account for minor text differences across consoles.) Necklace in locker Gym trainer's watch Wallet with pin number Wad of cash Vintage cognac in Serpent Rouge cellar Antique record in DJ's booth Antique gun in car boot of motor in garage Eckhardt's Glove Medikit pack Von Croy's notebook Caf owner's key Ex-janitor's key Crowbar Key to hatchway

The BOX - small trinket box Paper - with Francine's address Wad of Czech Passports Modern map of Louvre with sewers system Map of Archaeological dig Health Bandages Wallet - Rennes Security pass- from guard Guard's key Security pass- from Carvier's office Crystal Shard - a Periapt Shard Faxes from Vasiley to Von Croy 5th Obscura Engraving Keys to cellar (in Bouchard's body's pocket) Strahov Guard's pass Sanatorium Pass card Aqua - lung Health Pills Respirators Diamond Ring From Fountain Gym Trainers Watch 5th Obscura Painting Bar Tender Key Caf Owners Keys Carvier's Office Pass Card Water Crystal Air Crystal Fire Crystal Earth Crystal Czech Passports Eckhardt's Glove Engraving5 Whole Hammer Key To Cellar Key To Hatchway Key For Louvre Guard Crystal Shard Sanatorium Pass Card Strahov Assistants Pass Strahov Guards Pass Trinket Box Wallet Small Health Item Guard's keys Chocolate Bar Valuable item.

Valuable antique. Limited edition vinyl. Non working gun. Valuable but not working. You have XX Euros available. High level Louvre pass. Useful for heavy leverage. Used to transmute elements. Created by Eckhardt himself. Low level pass for Louvre areas. Could be valuable. For the Serpent Rouge club. For exit from Vasileys premises. Resonates to the element Earth. Resonates to the element Water. Resonates to the element Fire. Resonates to the element Air. Pawnable item. 5th and last Engraving with a hidden map of the Vault's location. Contact address for Francine. Useful for levering heavy objects. Contains security code. Protects against dangerous fumes during restoration processes. Crystal Shard of unknown origin. Low level security pass for Strahov areas. The gym trainer's prized possession. Prevents bleeding. Restores health 40 %. Energy boost. Restores health 10 %. Stamina boost. Restores health 20 %. Contains limited medication. Restores health 60 %. Extensive medication. Restores full health 100 %. Alchemic Phial # 1 Alchemically Purified Oxygen Alchemic Phial # 2 Alchemically Purified Hydrogen Alchemic Phial # 3 Alchemically Purified Salt Antique Doubloons Valuable Item Antique Flintlock Valuable Antique. Non Working Gun. Antique Record Limited Edition Vinyl Aqualung For Flooded Environments Caf Owners Contact Francine, 17 Rue Dominique - Gate Code 15328 Vasiley Full Fax Mlle Carvier, Please Refer To Website SHADOWWHISTORIES.PR To Access Restricted Information Type Code 31597 Farsee Code Door Code 17068 Door Code 06289 Glove Used To Transmute Elements. Created by Eckhardt. Sports Watch

A Valuable Item Hammer Head Jackal Cane Jackal Walking Stick Von Croy's Walking Stick Janitor's Password Pluie Noire Apartment Key Apartment 21 Bartender's Key For Access Into The Serpent Rouge Cellar Key For Exit From Vasiley's Premises Courtyard Key Old Brass Gate Key Ex - Janitor's Key For Access To The Serpent Rouge Lift Maintenance Key Access Rooftop Louvre Guard's Key Access Maintenance Areas Managers Key For Locked Off Area Stage Door Key Access To Dance Floor Ticket Office Key Old Steel Key Map Of Strahov Security Print Off Showing Strahov Plan Map Of Louvre Archaelogical Dig Up To Date Maps Of The Louvre Archaelogical Digs Map Of Sewers Around Louvre The Storm Drain System Beneath The Louvre Combined Maps Combined Louvre Map And Storm Drain Map Showing Weak Points Necklace A Valuable Item First Obscura Painting One Of The Five Paintings Originally Created By The Black Alchemist In The 1400's Last Obscura Painting The 5th And Final Painting Last Obscura Engraving The 5th And Last Engraving With A Hidden Map Of The Vault's Location Rennes' Wallet Old Leather Wallet Scrap Of Paper Code Number Protects Against Dangerous Fumes During Restoration Processes Carvier's Security Pass Carvier's Personal High Level Louvre Pass Strahov Assistant's Pass Access Medium Security Areas Louvre Low Security Pass Access Low Security Areas Louvre Medium Security Pass Access Medium Security Areas Louvre High Security Pass Access High Security Areas Botanical Low Access Pass Botanical Medium Access Pass Botanical High Access Pass Sanitarium Medium Access Pass Sanitarium Low Access Pass Sanitarium High Access Pass Strahov Low Security Pass Strahov Medium Security Pass Strahov

High Security Pass Shard Vintage Cognac Rare Vintage 1851 Wad Of Cash A Lucky Find Roll Of Cash Wad Of Passports For Lara To Take To The Pawnbroker For Bouchard Von Croy's Field Notes And Clues. Notes Are Added As The Game Proceeds. Antique Record Cash Gold Watch Diamond Ring Dig Symbol 1 Dig Symbol 2 Small Medipack Medium Health Pack Large Health Pack Full Health Pack First Ancient Symbol Copy Second Ancient Symbol Tracing Print Out Of Buried Symbol Print Out Of Symbol Tracing Gantry Gate Key An Old Iron Key A Selection Of Fake Passports Eckhardts Glove, Glove Of Immeasurable Power, In The Right Hands Weaponry and Ammunition Tranquilliser gun Explosives Von Croy's gun & ammo Assassin's automatic Luger Darts for Tranquilliser gun Shot gun ammo Luger ammo 45 caliber semi automatic. 9 rounds. Low velocity, short range. Basic design 9mm semi automatic. 12 shot clip. Long range. Advanced .50 caliber semi automatic. Medium range. Automatic and semi-automatic fire. Holds 70 rounds. Long range weapon. Single action 9mm handgun. 9 shot magazine. Short range weapon. 9mm, 30 round clip. Three modes - single action, semi automatic and fully automatic. Long range weapon. Fully automatic machine pistol. 9mm 30 shot clip. Medium range weapon. Pump action 12 bore shot gun. Close quarters. 6 shot, slow reload. Fires 50,000-volt twin electric probes. Effective at ranges up to 21 feet. Short range. Four dart stealth weapon. Renders target instantly unconscious. Short range.

High powered explosives pack with timer. Ideal for large obstacles. Vector - R35. Rigg 09 M-V9. Mag Vega Scorpion X Viper SMG. V-Packer K2 Impactor Dart SS Vector-R35 Clip M-V9 Clip Viper SMG Clip Rigg 09 Clip Mag Vega Clip Scorpion X Clip V-Packer Buckshot Box V-Packer K2 Impactor Battery Dart SS Tranq Darts 9 Round Clip of 45 Caliber Ammo. 12 Shot Clip Of 9mm Ammo. 9 Round Clip 50 Caliber Ammo. 70 Round Clip. 9x18 Caliber. 9 Shot Magazine Of 9mm Ammo. 30 Round Clip Of 9mm Ammo. 30 Shot Clip 9mm Ammo. Long Range Weapon. Rapid Charge Power Pack. Fast Acting Tranquilizer In A Four Dart Pack. Boran X Prototype Pistol Created By Kurtis Boran X Ammo High Impact 9mm Ammo Removed Inventory Cash behind loose brick in flat Diamond ring in the fountain Antique hip flask Mobile phone Old stamp book collection Car keys - camera in boot Hand held game console in skip MP3 dropped by Heavy Lara's Amulet Torn bloodstained fax from Carvier Credit card - Lara's own Screwdriver

Small pocket torch Coin Newspaper from kiosk Adjustable spanner Set of keys - policeman's GPS Torch Flares Security radio - from guard Electrical flex- to escape from holding room Wooden candle Mobile phone - for Bouchard Identical Obscura Paintings The other half of the torn, bloodstained fax from Carvier to Von Croy Four Obscura Engravings - inside the Jackal headed cane Assassin's car keys Cash - from the Assassin's 4x4 Old pickaxe head Key for circular door Mini canisters Flippers Health Herbs Poison Antidote Passport Cash From Assassins 4x4 Engraving1 Engraving2 Engraving3 Engraving4 Hammer Head Hammer Shaft Jackals Head Old Pickaxe Head Pickaxe Handle Pickaxe Head Screwdriver puzzle object Valuable and mysterious. Contents unknown. Lost keys. Still fairly new. Engraved copies of Four Obscura Paintings. Thought to contain hidden maps of the Paintings' location. From Carvier to Von Croy. From Carvier to Von Croy, torn and bloodstained. For the Serpent Rouge club. Used to turn power on for the lighting rigs.

Security print off showing Strahov plan. Latest model. Could be valuable. The first four Engravings. Compact high intensity beam. Not usable for health. Discarded pickaxe handle. Fast acting antidote for bite wounds or gas inhalation. Amulet Secret Item Canisters To Replenish Limited Air Supply Top Part Of Fax Margot Carvier. 17a Place St Sulpice. Paris Lower Part Of Fax Werner, Heard From Vasiley In Prague Again. He Has Sent His Website Address: SHADOWHISTORIES.PR The Codeword To Access The Restricted Area Is Fax Carvier Dear Werner, Vasiley, In Prague, Could Have All Of The Five Obscura Engravings As He Claims. He will Send Me His Website Address With A Password To Access A Restricted Area. Fax From Carvier Dear Werner, Vasiley, In Prague, Could Have All 5 Obscura Engravings. He Is Sending Me A Code To Pass On To You Loose Claw Hammer Head Hammer Shaft Loose Hammer Shaft Combined Claw Hammer Hammer Head And Shaft Combined Hip Flask Could Be Valuable Jackal Head Ornate Head From Walking Stick Cane Part Of Walking Stick Obscura Engravings Four Of The Five Obscura Engravings Wooden Handle Discarded Pickaxe Handle Socket Spanner Heavy Duty Socket Spanner Stamp Book Collection A Valuable Item To Pawn Camera Operates Assasin's Carlock And Ignition Necklace For Heavy Digging Spanner Weaponry and Ammunition Taser - from guard Stones Cans Bricks Gun - from Cabal soldier Assassin's shot gun

Silenced pistol with laser sight Harpoon gun Silenced pistol ammo Limpet Mine Smoke Grenade Various tips to harpoons. Standard and explosive. One shot. Slow reload. Short or medium range weapon. Optional fitting for some weapons increasing accuracy over any distance. Optional fitting for some models. Greatly increases stealth. Light powered explosive with timer. Can be placed or thrown. For concealment and to reveal hidden laser traps. To access the state of your strength, health and upgrades. Desert Ranger. Laser Sights Silencer Desert Ranger Clip On Point Box Harpoon Spear Harpoon Explosive Spear 6 Cartridges Of Wide Spreadshot. 6 Cartridges Of Limited Spreadshot. 4 Standard Titanium Tipped Spears. 4 Explosive Tipped Spears 9mm, 30 Round Clip. Three Modes - Single Action, Semi Automatic And Fully Automatic. A Pair Of Vector-R35's A Pair Of Scorpion-X Pistols V-Packer Spread Cartridges V-Packer Standard Cartridges 6 Cartridges Of Wide Shot 6 Cartridges Of Limited Shot Chirugai Blade The Lux Veritatis Weapon Of Light Notebook Text Eckhardt - client. Be wary! Louis Bouchard. Useful contact - purchased handgun. Discretion assured. Terrified to go out. Monstrum terrorising the streets. Tried contacting Lara again in London. No response. Still not forgiven me for Egypt. Obscura Paintings: five 15th century works of black alchemic magic. All lost, hidden by the Lux Veritatis. Five Obscura Engravings - drawn copies of the Paintings. Contain encrypted maps of each Painting's location? Mathias Vasiley in Prague. Has sent me four Obscura Engravings. He kept the fifth Engraving back. Wants more money. Deciphered the encrypted map in Vasiley's Engravings. One of the Paintings is beneath the

Louvre. Where the latest archaeological digs are. Carvier says she has a security pass for the digs in her office. A metallic symbol is hidden beneath surface of each Painting. Check with Carvier about XRay facilities in Louvre? Lux Veritatis - 'Light of Truth'. A secret 12th century Order of warrior monks who hid the Obscura Paintings in the 1400's. Said to posses the three Periapt Shards - artifacts of power, crystalline shards shaped like spearheads - 'weapons of light.' !!?? Lux Veritatis try to suppress the Cabal of the Black Alchemist from the 1300's onwards. Lux Veritatis - links to Nephilim??? Nephilim - from ENOCHIAN gospels. Cursed hybrid offspring of angels and humans. Exterminated in biblical times. Related prophecy: 'Through the Golden Lion the Nephilim will enslave the sons of man and inherit the Earth'. The Sleeper or Cubiculum Nephili - literally 'sleeping cask or 'chamber. Thought to be the last intact specimen of the Nephilim race. Supposedly buried in Anatolia, TURKEY. The Sanglyph - some artifact of alchemic power? Linked to the Black Alchemist in 1400's. Details scarce. The two missing symbols are hidden close by the buttress. Removed Notebook Text The Lux Veritatis Order was said to posses 'weapons of light', the three Periapt Shards. These were looted from ancient underground cities in ancient Turkey. The Lux Veritatis were said to have destroyed the last of the Nephilim Sleepers or Cubiculum Nephili. Other Removed Text (Note: Again, some of these lines end abruptly, indicating missing text.) Humanity crouches unknowingly in the shadow of countless evils. Many forms of malevolence from the past are not dead but wait with inhuman patience to slip in our world. And in our tainted daylight we dont see them taking their places in our lives until Levels Parisian Back Streets Derelict Apartment Block Industrial Roof Tops Margot Carvier's Apartment Parisian Ghetto Caf Metro Willowtree Herbalist St. Aicard's Church The Serpent Rouge

Rennes' Pawnshop St. Aicard's Graveyard Bouchard's Hideout Louvre Storm Drains Louvre Galleries The Archaeological Dig Tomb Of Ancients The Hall Of Seasons Neptune's Hall Wrath Of The Beast The Sanctuary Of Flame The Breath Of Hades Galleries Under Siege Von Croy's Apartment The Monstrum Crimescene The Strahov Fortress The Bio-Research Facility The Sanitarium Maximum Containment Area Aquatic Research Area The Vault Of Trophies Boaz Returns The Lost Domain Eckhardt's Lab Control Instructions (Note: Control instructions have been sorted by which character abilities and moves remain in the finished game - without versions of all consoles for which Angel of Darkness was made, it has not been possible to arrange these lines with absolute certainty.) Lara To move around use the Cursor keys, you can also use the Mouse to stear me left or right. To climb onto the bin stand next to it and press the up Cursor key. To grab the balcony walk to the edge of the bin and press the Jump key. Then push the up Cursor key to climb up. This gap looks easy, to jump it walk to the edge and stop. Remember, holding the Walk key will stop me from falling off. Now press the jump button and the up Cursor key at the same time. To climb the ladder stand facing it and press the up Cursor key. To get off press the left Cursor key. Maybe I can climb through that window, walk up to the window and press the up Cursor key. I ll have a look round whilst Im here. To open drawers and cupboards stand in front of them and press Action.

Now press up Cursor and Jump together. Then press Action in mid-air to grab the canopy. Walk up to the railings, stop and press the up Cursor key and Ill vault over easily. Walk up to the railings and press Jump and forward and I'll vault over easily. Remember that by holding the walk key I wont fall over any ledges. I can hop to the other side. Hold down walk and press Jump. To climb the drainpipe walk up to it and press the up Cursor key. To climb off the drainpipe at the top press the up Cursor along with the right or left Cursor key depending on the direction you want to go. Theres a crowbar down there! Thatll come in useful. To hang from the edge of the building walk to the ledge and press Action. To make me let go press Action again or press the up Cursor key to climb back up. I can clear those railings easily. To jump over the railings walk up to them and press the up Cursor key. To move the barrel stand next to it, then press and hold Action. Whilst still holding Action, press the up or down Cursor key to push or pull the barrel. Walk to the edge and stop. Press forward and Jump together. In mid-air press and hold Action to grab the wire. Remember, holding the Walk button stops me from falling off ledges. To try opening the door, stand in front of it and press Action. To move quietly press stealth button and walk towards the wall. To hug the wall whilst in stealth mode stand next to it and press Action. To Shimmy use the right or left Cursor keys. Maybe I can climb through that window, walk up to the window and press the up Cursor key. I need to move quietly. Press the Stealth key and then use the Cursor keys to move me around. To hug the wall whilst moving in Stealth, press the Action button when I'm standing next to it. Push right or left to move me. When I reach a corner I will peer around. To hang from the edge of the building walk to the ledge and press Action. To make me let go press Action again or push forward to climb back up. That cable'll take my weight. Stand beneath the cable and press Jump to grab and hold on, once on the cable push forward. To avoid the fence tuck my legs up using the Duck button. I can clear those railings easily. To jump over the railings walk up to them and push forward. That drainpipe looks climbable. To climb the drainpipe push forward. To turn on the spot use the left and right Directional buttons, to side-step use left and right Directional buttons whist holding Walk. That wire looks like it will take my weight. Walk to the edge and stop. Press forward and Jump together. In mid-air press and hold Action to grab the wire. Remember, holding the Walk button stops me from falling off ledges. Here we go. To hang from the edge of the building walk to the ledge and press Action. To make me let go press Action again or push forward to climb back up. Let's see if I can open this door. To try opening the door stand in front of it and press Action. Police everywhere! I've no weapons so I must move quietly here. To move quietly press stealth button and walk towards the wall. To hug the wall whilst moving in Stealth, press the Action button when I'm standing next to it. Push right or left to move me. When I reach

a corner I will peer around. I can safely peer round corners whilst hugging the wall. In stealth mode, whilst hugging the wall, walk to the corner and push right. To move around use the left Analog stick. Push forward gently to walk and all the way forward to run. That bin looks climbable. To climb the bin stand next to it and push forward on the left Analog stick. To grab the balcony walk to the edge of the bin and press the Jump button, then push forward on the left Analog stick to climb up. This gap looks easy, to jump it walk to the edge and stop, remember, holding the Walk button will stop me from falling off. Now press the jump button and push forward on the left Analog stick at the same time. Hm, shall I go straight on or climb that ladder? To climb the ladder stand facing it and press forward on the left Analog stick. To get off push left on the left Analog stick. I can check this apartment out and get out of the rain. Walk up to the window and push forward. I'll have a look round whilst I'm here. To open drawers and cupboards stand in front of them and press Action. To Shimmy push the left Analog stick in the direction you want to go. This drop's too high to jump. I need a key to open this gate. Then I'll be able to jump to that rooftop and land safely. I need to move quietly. Tap the Stealth button and then use the Left Analog stick to move me around. To hug the wall whilst moving in Stealth, press the Action button when I'm standing next to it. Push right or left to move me. When I reach a corner I will peer around. To check the coast is clear hug the wall whilst moving in Stealth. Push right or left when I reach a corner and I'll peer around. Great, there's the key! To move around use the Left Analog stick. Push forward gently to walk and all the way forward to run. If you tap L1 I'll walk everywhere. Tap L1 again to return to Run Mode. The jump to that canopy looks challenging but I think I can make it. Walk to the edge and stop. Now push forward and Jump together. Then press Action in mid-air to grab the canopy. Walk up to the railings, stop and push forward and I'll vault over easily. Remember that by holding the walk button I won't fall off any ledges. This jump looks easy. I can hop to the other side. Hold down walk and press Jump. Looks like that drainpipe is the only way to the rooftops. To climb the drainpipe walk up to it and push forward. To climb off the drainpipe at the top, push up and diagonal in the direction you want to go. Don't keep me hanging around. I need to reach the roof before I lose my grip. Push the left Analog stick in the direction you want to go. Maybe I can climb through that window, walk up to the window and push forwards. To move around use Movement buttons. To climb onto the bin stand next to it and push forward on the Movement buttons. To grab the balcony walk to the edge of the bin and press the Jump button. Then push forward on the Movement buttons to climb up. Now press the jump button and move forward at the same time.

To climb the ladder stand facing it and move forward. To get off move left. To Shimmy use the Movement buttons. I think I can move that To move an object stand next to it, then press and hold the action button. Use the left analog stick to push or pull it. I can climb up on that. To climb up onto an object stand next to it. Push forward on the left analog stick to climb up. This gap looks easy To jump the gap walk to the edge and stop. Now press the jump button and forward on the left analog stick I can clear this gap if I run at it To run and jump firstly line yourself up with the gap Push forward on the left analog stick to run. Then press the jump button near the edge. This looks tricky, I'll need to jump and catch. To jump and catch line yourself up with the gap. Push forward on the left analog stick to run. Press the jump button near the edge and hold the action button whilst in the air to grab the ledge. Now push forward on the left analog stick to climb up. I can climb that easily To climb the ladder stand facing it and push forward on the left analog stick Now push forward on the left analog stick to climb up. To climb down pull back on the left analog stick. Let's see if it's locked. Stand in front of the door and press the action button It's too narrow to walk here but I can shimmy along to continue To shimmy stand at the edge and press and hold the action button Pull back on the left analog stick to lower me over the edge Now push left or right on the left analog to move me along. That drainpipe will take my weight Stand next to the drainpipe and press the action button Now use the left analog stick to climb I think I can move that To move an object stand next to it, then press and hold the action key Use the cursor keys to push or pull it. I can climb up on that. To climb up onto an object stand next to it. Use the cursor keys to climb up. This gap looks easy To jump the gap walk to the edge and stop. Now press the jump key and the up cursor key I can clear this gap if I run at it To run and jump firstly line yourself up with the gap Press the up cursor key to run Then press the jump key near the edge. This looks tricky, I'll need to jump and catch. To jump and catch line yourself up with the gap. Press the up cursor key to run Press the jump key near the edge an hold the action key whilst in the air to grab the ledge. Press the up cursor key to climb up. I can climb that easily To climb the ladder stand in front of it and press the action key Use the cursor keys to climb. To climb down press the down cursor key Let's see if it's locked. Stand in front of the door and press the action key It's too narrow to walk here but I can shimmy along to continue To shimmy stand at the edge and press and hold the action key Push down cursor to lower me over the edge Now push left or right cursor keys to move me along. That drainpipe will take my weight Stand next to the drainpipe and press the action key Now use the cursor keys to climb My footspeed has increased. Hold down the sprint button to run faster. Removed Control Instructions

Lara To crawl press and hold the Duck button then press the up Cursor key. To commando crawl press Stealth and Action keys together. To draw your weapon press the Weapon button. To fire press Action. Use the Cursor keys to guide or swim around. To climb out at the waters edge press the up Cursor key and press the Action button. To swim under water press and hold Jump. Use the Cursor keys to guide me and the Jump key to stroke forward. To look around press and hold the Look button whilst pressing the Cursor keys or moving the mouse. Press the Walk button once to lock me into walk mode, press it again to return me to run mode. I can move that barrel under the drainpipe. To move the barrel stand next to it, then press and hold Action. Whilst still holding Action, push forward to push the barrel or pull back to pull it. Some moveable objects can be climbed on. I'll make a dash for those steps. I need a hiding place. That bin will do. Walk up to the bin and press Action. When the coast is clear press Action again to get out. Press the Walk button once to lock me into walk mode, press it again to return me to run mode. I can crawl through that gap in the gate. To crawl press and hold the Duck button then push forward on the left Analog stick. I need to get lower. To commando crawl press stealth button and then forward. At last! Some firepower! To draw your weapon press and hold R1. To fire press Action. With weapon drawn, tap Target button to switch between targets. Releasing R1 will holster your weapon. That water looks deep enough to swim in. Use the left Analog stick to guide or swim forward. To climb out at the water's edge push forward on the left Analog stick and press the Action button. To swim under water press and hold Jump. Use the left Analog stick to guide me and the Jump button to stroke forward. To look around press and hold R3 whilst moving the right Analog stick. Use the right Analog stick to rotate the camera. To look around press and hold R2 whilst moving the right Analog stick. I can crawl through that gap in the fence. To crawl press and hold the duck button, then use the Left Analog stick to move me around. I'll limber up with this punchbag. Double tap R1 to adopt the Hand-to-hand stance, press Duck to block. Press Jump to kick. Press Action once for single punch and twice for double punch. I need to get lower. To commando crawl press and hold the Duck button then press the Stealth button. Press the Roll button to perform a 180 degree roll. I need to get to the end of that alleyway. There's Police everywhere so I need to move quietly. Tap the Stealth button and then use the Left Analog stick to move me around. To sidestep, push right or left on the Left Analog stick whilst holding down L1. If I'm unarmed, or don't have a weapon drawn, tap Action and I'll punch my enemy. To hit the enemy with a right and left punch, double tap Action. To kick, firmly push Action Press R1 to draw my weapons, press again and I'll holster

them. Move in the direction you want to go. To move the barrel stand next to it, then press and hold Action. Whilst still holding Action, use the Movement buttons to push or pull the barrel. To turn on the spot use the left and right turn buttons, to side-step use left and right turn buttons whist holding Walk. To crawl press and hold the Duck button then push forward. Press the Hand-to-hand button to adopt the fighting stance then press Duck to block. To draw your weapon press the Weapon button. With weapon drawn tap Target button to switch between targets. Use the Movement buttons to guide or swim around. To climb out at the water's edge push forward and press the Action button. Use the Movement buttons to guide me and the Jump button to stroke forward. To look around press and hold the Look button whilst pressing the Movement buttons. Use the Mouse to rotate the camera. To look around press and hold the Look button whilst moving the Mouse. I can pick that up To pick up an object stand over it and press the action button I can throw this Pick up an object by pressing the action button, then press the action button once again to throw it. Cops everywhere. I need to stealth my way through. To stealth around press the stealth button In stealth mode I can keep close to some walls to stay hidden I can crawl under here To crawl, press and hold the duck button Then push forward on the left analog stick to crawl forward Will this switch work? Let's try. Stand in front of the switch and press the action button The water looks inviting To swim forward hold down the jump button and use the left analog stick to guide. Remember to come up for air Gasp' - to swim on the surface use the left analog stick To climb out swim to the edge and press the action button I can monkey swing over that fence by using the fire escape Standing under the fire escape press the jump button and then hold the action button to grab the rail. Push forward on the left analog stick to monkey swing forward To let go simply release the action button. Time for some target practice To shoot, press the combat button to draw guns and press the same button again to fire. For multiple targets press the lock-on button to toggle between targets in turn How's my sparring skills Stand in front of the enemy and press the hand to hand and action buttons to punch or kick To block an attack press the defend button I can pick that up To pick up an object stand over it and press the action key I can throw this Pick up an object by pressing the action key then press the action key once again to throw it. Cops everywhere. I need to stealth my way through. To stealth around press the stealth key In stealth mode I can keep close to some walls to stay hidden I can crawl under here To crawl, press and hold the duck key Then push up cursor key to crawl forward Will this switch work? Let's try. Stand in front of the switch and press the action key The water looks inviting To swim forward hold down the jump key and use the cursor keys to guide. Remember to come up for air Gasp' - to swim on the surface use the cursor keys To climb out swim to the edge and press the action key

I can monkey swing over that fence by using the fire escape Standing under the fire escape press the jump key and then hold the action key to grab the rail. Push the up cursor key to monkey swing forward To let go simply release the action key Time for some target practice To shoot, press the combat key to draw guns and press the same key again to fire. For multiple targets press the lock-on key to toggle between targets in turn How's my sparring skills Stand in front of the enemy and press the hand to hand and action keys to punch or kick To block an attack press the defend key Kurtis Let's finish this quickly - Chirugai! Chirugai! select the Chirugai from the inventory To throw the Chirugai press the combat button again To throw the Chirugai press the combat key again. Stand next to the door and select my 'psychic Strength' from the inventory. Then press the action button To clear this gap run at the edge and press the jump button. At the apex of the jump press the jump button again. I need to see beyond this door Select my Farsee ability from the inventory. Move my mind's eye forward by holding the jump button. Steer by using the left analogue stick. It's too dark in here. I need to boost my sight. To use my psychic sight select it from the inventory. Let's finish this quickly. Blade! Select the Blade from the inventory. Then Press the combat button. To throw the Blade press the combat button once again. For multiple targets hold down the combat button then select each target as it appears. Release the combat button to throw the homing Blade. The strength of my enemies' empowers me. To absorb an enemy's strength press and hold the action button. Then press the action key That gap's too far. I need to boost my jump To clear this gap run at the edge and press the jump key At the apex of the jump press the jump key again. Move my mind's eye forward by holding the jump key Steer by using the cursor keys Let's finish this quickly. Blade! Then Press the combat key. To throw the Blade press the combat key once again. For multiple targets hold down the combat key then select each target as it appears. Release the combat key to throw the homing Blade. To absorb an enemy's strength press and hold the action key. Miscellaneous Commands Find Bouchard. Check out Eckhardt. Get to the Louvre and find Werner's Painting. Find items to pawn for cash. Buy health items.

Find Caf Metro in Place d'Arcade Find Bouchard's club Le Serpent Rouge. Find Bouchard's new premises (Le Serpent Rouge closed down). Find Bernard, ex-Janitor at the club. Contact caf owner, Pierre, ex-barman at the club. Retrieve the 'Box' at Serpent Rouge. In broken lighting rig. Check out the stranger asking for Bouchard. Contact Francine. 17 Rue Dominique. Code 15328 Retrieve the 'Box' from Serpent Rouge. In broken lighting rig. Find Bouchard's Doorman. Find the Doorman. Find Bouchard's Doorman. Deliver passports to Daniel Rennes, pawnbroker - Rue St. Mark and Cours la Seine. Get into the Louvre. Locate Carvier's office. Need security pass to reach the archaeological dig. Get access to the archaeological dig at the second buttress. X-ray the Obscura Painting. Check out Von Croy's apartment for four missing Obscura Engravings. Check on Mathias Vasiley in Prague. Go to Prague. Look for 5th Obscura Engraving at Mathias Vasiley's premises. Get into the Strahov. Get Strahov entry code from Luddick. Locate the Vault of Trophies in the oldest part of the Strahov. Last Painting there. Check the premises for a hidden area. Find the security control room Gain access to the Biodome. Shut down power to clear a route through the Biodome to the Vault of Trophies. Find Eckhardt's old lab. We need that third Periapt Shard. Find aqua gear. Rearrange the statues - they are the key. Find Eckhardt's old lab and the third Shard. Use all three Shards to destroy Eckhardt. Use the Glove to destroy the Sleeper. Get the Great Engine working. Get into the Louvre via the sewers network Use the maps from the pawnbrokers to find the weak points. Shut off the water to get through. Escape from the Louvre via the toilets. Switch the power on Refer to field notes for diagram of the lock mechanism. Find the 2 missing symbols. Assemble the 4 elements to unlock the engine gate. Match the symbols to unlock the 4 element realms. Return to the Great Hall. Brother Obscura guards the painting. Find him. Weaken the guardian to take the painting. Turn the power on first. The exit lies underwater.

Activate the lift mechanism. Pull the feeder crate over to the lift. Find the other power switch. Need the scuba gear. Open the heavy doors to enter the vault tunnels. Lower the lift into the water. Find the security control room Gain access to the Biodome. Shut down power to clear a route through the Biodome to the Vault of Trophies. Find Eckhardt's old lab. Find aqua gear. Go to Prague. Look for 5th Obscura Engraving at Mathias Vasiley's premises. Get into the Strahov. Get Strahov entry code from Luddick. Locate the Vault of Trophies in the oldest part of the Strahov. Last Painting there. Check the premises for a hidden area. Find the security control room Remaining Miscellaneous Text Next morning - 6 a.m. Not Required Could Have All 5 Obscura Engravings. The light of truth reveals the true painting. This creature is deadly. Beware of the water. Its a Razorjaw, a mutant sea creature. Extremely deadly and hostile. He Is Sending Me A Code To Pass On To You Technical Information Insufficient space on memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 is unformatted. Format? Format Successful / Format failed! Please insert a memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) into MEMORY CARD slot 1. Saving data to memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Save failed! Save Successful No Tomb Raider:AOD save data present on memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Check memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) and please try again. Loading data from memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Load failed! Load Successful Formatting memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1 error! No memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Please insert a

memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) with at least 384KB of free space to save data, Do you wish to continue? YES/NO Do not remove memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1, reset, or switch off the console. Ok Overwriting data to memory card (8MB) (for PlayStation2) in MEMORY CARD slot 1. Overwrite failed! Overwrite Successful Create save data?, Save file?, Retry, Load file?, Save Game, Empty Slot, Overwrite save file?, Do you wish to continue? Use Directional buttons to adjust position Tomb Raider:AOD requires 384KB of free space to save data. Menu/Options Paused, Press START Button, Exit Game, Are you sure?, Music Volume Adjust, Sound FX Volume Adjust, Adjust Speech Volume, Extras, Movie Trailer, Adjust Music, New Game, Story so Far, Screen Position Select, Set Sound Mode, Video Volume, Stereo, Subtitles, Load Game, Load/Save, Save game, Making Of Gallery, Options, Pad Presets, Pad Vibration, Preset 1, Preset 2, Preset 3, Music Combine, Ammo, Weapons, Notebook, Health, Items, Use, Equip, Examine, Exit, Paused, New Game, Game Over Deutsch, English, Espanol, French, Italiano Miscellaneous Information/Controls action, back step, duck, stealth, move, roll, draw, next weapon, prev weapon, fire, jump / punch, kick, look, action, walk / run, walk / sidestep, walk forward, rotate / sidestep, sprint 50hz 60hz, Audio, Back, Cancel, Control, Left/Right, Mono, No, not used, Off, On, Refresh Rate, Speech, TimeSplitters 2, Video, TV, Refresh Rate Up/Down, Vibration, Yes Dolby Pro Logic II Effects (c) & TM Core Design Ltd, 2003 Development Notes (Note: These lines appear to be written instructions and script prompts to some of the character actors and other members of the development team.) (Missing Text!!!!!! TELL WATTY) DO NOT USE!!!!!! [Snarling, screaming defiance, screaming pain, Quiet laugh, maniac laugh. Breathing with exertion, gasping. Impacts, grunting, coughing, choking, gurgling,Dying- short, dying-

long.] |inaudibly in French] [She puts another round past Muller's ear. He shrieks again.] Laughing. Fighting impacts Dying [whispering] Various screams, dying, choking, whimpering, running away, short, long etc Aaaaarghs etc Credits Lead Programmer - Richard Flower Lead Animator - Mark Donald Lead Game Designer - Richard Morton Lead Artist - Andrea Cordella Systems Programmers - Chris Coupe, Neil Topham Animation System, Background System - Alex Davis A.I. - Stphane Denis Player Control System - Phil Callaghan Physics System - Ray Tran FX Programmer - Dan Scott Camera Systems Programmers - Mac Avory, James Graves, Stuart Yarham Level Scripting - Paul Field PC Programmer - Duncan Hopkins Animators - Phil Chapman, Matt Furniss, Graham Gallagher, Paschal, McGuire, Jerr O'Carroll Artists - Matt Charlesworth, Fergus Duggan, Wayne Elliott, Simeon Furniss, Andy Gibson, Herod Gilani, Damon Godley, James Kenny, Jamie Morton, Jerry Oldreive, Darren Price, David Reading, Ady Smith, Gary Tonge Music Composers - Martin Iveson, Peter Connelly, Peter Wraight Performed By The London Symphony Orchestra Conductor - David Snell Recorded At Abbey Road Studios Engineer - Peter Cobbin Sound Effects, Cutscene & FMV Audio, Audio Sytems Programming - Nigel James Brown Concepts & Lead Writer - Murti Schofield Concepts, Storyboards, Manual Text - Andrew Thompson Manual Design - Andrew Cockell, Amanda Holmes Voice overs and casting - Phil Morris, Allinthegame Ltd Voice Of Lara Croft - Jonell Elliott Voice Of Kurtis Trent - Eric Loren Voice Of Eckhardt - Joss Ackland FMV & Cutscene Visuals - Attitude Studios FMV Director - Antoine Charreyron FMV Producer - Anne-Christine Gasc # # QA, David Ward, Stuart Abrahart, Richard Apperley, Hayos Fatunmbi, Lance Moreland, James Shipley, Jayne Whitfield, Oliver Clarke-Smith, Steve Wakeman Producer - Andy Watt

Executive Producers - Jeremy Heath-Smith, Adrian Smith Special Thanks - Clint Nembhard, Colette Barber, Sue Mallet, Sandrine Nguyen, Axis Animations Orchestrator Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (c) & TM Core Design Ltd, 2003 Published by Eidos Interactive Limited, 2003. All Rights Reserved.

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