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As 2360.1.4-1993 Measurement of Fluid Flow in Closed Conduits Pressure Differential Methods - Measurement Usi

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This standard provides guidance on measuring fluid flow in closed conduits using differential pressure methods like orifice plates, nozzles, and Venturi tubes. It describes how departures from the specified conditions can affect measurements.

This standard aims to establish procedures for accurate measurement of fluid flow using differential pressure devices. It also seeks to keep users updated on revisions through amendments or new editions.

Some examples given include an orifice plate with a rounded edge instead of a sharp one, insufficient straight pipe before or after a device, misalignment of pipes or devices. These can increase or decrease pressure differences and affect flow calculations.

AS 2360.1.

BS 1042: Section 1.5:1987

Australian Standard
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Measurement of fluid flow in

closed conduits

Part 1.4: Pressure differential

methods—Measurement using
orifice plates, nozzles or Venturi
tubes—Guide to the effect of
departure from the conditions
specified in Part 1.1
[BS title: Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits—
Part 1: Pressure differential devices—Section 1.5 Guide to the
effect of departure from the conditions specified in Section 1.1]
This Australian Standard was prepared by Committee CE/24, Measurement of Water
Flow in Open Channels and Closed Conduits. It was approved on behalf of the Council
of Standards Australia on 3 August 1993 and published on 20 December 1993.

The following interests are represented on Committee CE/24:

Association of Consulting Engineers of Australia
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Department of Water Resources, New South Wales

Engineering and Water Supply Department, South Australia
Forestry Commission of New South Wales
Institute of Instrumentation and Control, Australia
Melbourne Water
Monash University
Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation
University of New South Wales
University of Queensland
Water Authority of Western Australia
Water Board, Sydney—Illawarra—Blue Mountains
Water Resources Commission, Queensland

Review of Australian Standards. To keep abreast of progress in industry, Australian Standards are subject
to periodic review and are kept up to date by the issue of amendments or new edit ions as necessary. It is
important therefore that Standards users ensure that they are in possession of the latest edit ion, and any
amendments thereto.
Full details of all Australi an Standards and related publi cati ons wil l be found in the Standards Australia
Catalogue of Publi cati ons; this informati on is supplemented each month by the magazine ‘The Australi an
Standard’, which subscribing members receive, and which gives details of new publi cati ons, new edit ions
and amendments, and of withdrawn Standards.
Suggesti ons for improvements to Australian Standards, addressed to the head offi ce of Standards Australi a,
are welcomed. Notif ication of any inaccuracy or ambiguit y found in an Australi an Standard should be made
without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken.
AS 2360.1.4—1993

Australian Standard
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Measurement of fluid flow in

closed conduits

Part 1.4: Pressure differential

methods—Measurement using
orifice plates, nozzles or Venturi
tubes—Guide to the effect of
departure from the conditions
specified in Part 1.1

First publi shed as AS 2360.1.4—1993


ISBN 0 7262 8494 7


This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee on Measurement of Water
Flow in Open Channels and Closed Conduits. It is identical with and has been reproduced
from BS 1042: Section 1.5:1987, Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits ,
Part 1: Pressure differential devices, Section 1.5: Guide to the effect of departure from the
conditions specified in Section 1.1.
Under arrangements made between Standards Australia and the international Standards
bodies, ISO and IEC, as well as certain other Standards organizations, users of this Australian
Standard are advised of the following:
(a) Copyright is vested in Standards Australia.
(b) The number of this Standard is not reproduced on each page; its identity is shown only
on the cover and title pages.
(c) There may be occasional dual language sections, but English is always one of the
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languages reproduced.
(d) Where any cross-references to page numbers appear within the text, these relate to page
numbering in the British Standard and are to be disregarded.
This Standard is one of a series, to be published progressively, which deals with methods of
measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. The following Parts were published
concurrently with this Part:
2360 Measurement of fluid flow in closed circuits
2360.0 Part 0: Vocabulary and symbols
2360.1.1 Part 1.1: Pressure differential methods—Measurement using orifice plates,
nozzles or Venturi tubes—Conduits with diameters from 50 mm to
1200 mm
2360.1.2 Part 1.2: Pressure differential methods—Measurement using orifice plates or
nozzles—Conduits with diameters less than 50 mm
2360.1.3 Part 1.3: Pressure differential methods—Measurement using orifice plates,
nozzles or Venturi tubes—Guide to the use of methods specified in
Parts 1.1 and 1.2
2360.1.4 Part 1.4: Pressure differential methods—Measurement using orifice plates,
nozzles or Venturi tubes—Guide to the effect of departure from the
conditions specified in Part 1.1 (this Standard )
2360.1.5 Part 1.5: Pressure differential methods—Measurement using orifice plates,
nozzles or Venturi tubes—Pulsating flow, in particular sinusoidal or
square wave intermittent periodic-type fluctuations
2360.6.1 Part 6.1: Volumetric methods—By mass
2360.6.2 Part 6.2: Volumetric methods—By volume
2360.7.1 Part 7.1: Assessment of uncertainty in the calibration and use of flow
measurement devices—Linear calibration relationships
2360.7.2 Part 7.2: Assessment of uncertainty in the calibration and use of flow
measurement devices—Non-linear calibration relationships
At the date of publication of this Part the following parts, with the numbers of the parent
international Standards in parenthesis, had not been published:
Pressure differential methods—Measurement using orifice plates, nozzles or Venturi
tubes—Connections for pressure signal transmissions between primary and secondary
elements (ISO 2186)
Pitot static tube methods—Measurement of velocity at a point of the cross-section of a
conduit (ISO 7145)
Pitot static tube methods—Measurement using Pitot-static tubes (ISO 3966)
Pitot static tube methods—Measurement in swirling or asymmetric flow conditions using
ISO 3966 or ISO 3354 (ISO 7194)

Current meters method—Measurement of clean water in full conduits and under regular flow
conditions using current meters (ISO 3354)
Non-radioactive tracer methods—Review of alternative methods (ISO 2975.1)
Non-radioactive tracer methods—Measurement using constant rate injection (ISO 2975.2)
Non-radioactive tracer methods—Measurement using transit time (ISO 2975.6)
Weighing methods—Verification of static type (ISO 9368.1)
Weighing methods—Verification of dynamic type (ISO 9368.2, not published)
When published, the details for the above unpublished Australian Standards will be listed in
the Catalogue of Australian Standards and Other Products.
For the purposes of this Australian Standard, the BS text should be modified; wherever the
words ‘British Standard’ appear, referring to this Standard, they should be read as ‘Australian
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Users of Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all Standards Austr alia publi cati ons and software. Except where the
Copyri ght Act all ows and except where provided for below no publi cati ons or soft ware produced by Standards Austr alia may be
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commercial soft ware royalti es should be dir ected to the head off ice of Standards Australi a.
Standards Austr alia will permit up to 10 percent of the technical content pages of a Standard to be copied for use exclusively
in-house by purchasers of the Standard wit hout payment of a royalty or advice to Standards Austr alia.
Standards Austr alia wil l also permit the inclusion of its copyri ght materi al in computer soft ware programs for no royalt y
payment provided such programs are used exclusively in-house by the creators of the programs.
Care should be taken to ensure that material used is from the current editi on of the Standard and that it is updated whenever the
Standard is amended or revised. The number and date of the Standard should therefore be clearly identif ied.
The use of materi al in print form or in computer software programs to be used commercially, with or without payment, or in
commercial contracts is subject to the payment of a royalty. This policy may be vari ed by Standards Austr alia at any ti me.
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Page Page

A Bibliography 24

Guide Tables
1 Symbols 3
Section one. General 2 Effect of taper pieces 5
0 Introduction 2 3 Percentage discharge coefficient changes
1 Scope 2 when the straight pipe lengths before the
2 Symbols and definitions 2 orifice are less than specified in BS 1042:
3 Effect of errors on flowrate calculations 2 Section 1.1 12
4 Formulae for additional uncertainty in the
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orifice discharge coefficient to be used with the

Section two. Effects of deviations in construction
percentage changes of table 3 for all tapping
4 Orifice plate edge sharpness 4
arrangements 13
5 Thickness of orifice edge 4
5 Effect of deposits on β = 0.2 and β = 0.7 orifice
6 Flatness of upstream face 4 plates 18
7 Position of pressure tappings 4 6 Recommendations regarding extent of cleaning 23
8 Condition of pressure tappings 4
Section three. Effects of pipeline near the device 1 Carrier having internal diameter D 1 less than
9 Pipe diameter 5 pipe diameter D 6
10 Steps and taper sections 5 2 Effect of incorrect carrier diameter 7
11 Diameter of carrier ring 5 3 Possible orifice plate eccentricity resulting
12 Undersize joint rings 6 from specified tolerances on bolt hole, bolt
13 Protruding welds 8 hole pitch circle, pipe o.d. and flange bore 8
14 Eccentricity 8 4 Discharge coefficient error vs eccentricity for
an orifice plate with D, D /2 and flange taps 9
Section four. Effects of pipe layout 5 Triple-T connection arrangement 10
15 General 11 6 Flow straightener installation 13
16 Discharge coefficient compensation 11 7 Effect of a Zanker straightener on the
17 Pressure tappings 11 measurement error 14
18 Devices for improving flow conditions 11 8 Flow straighteners 15
9 Effect of orifice plate buckling on flow
Section five. Operational deviations measurement accuracy 17
19 General 16 10 Effect of welding rods in meter tube 19
20 Buckling of an orifice plate 16 11 Effect of debris in meter tube (on both sides
21 Deposition on the upstream face of an orifice of plate) 19
plate 16 12 Variation of venturi meter coefficient with
surface roughness 20
22 Deposition in the meter tube 16
13 The combined effect of abnormal roughness
23 Deposition and increase of surface roughness
and diminution in pipe bore on orifice plates
in venturi tubes 20
with corner tappings for all pipe sizes larger
24 Orifice plate edge squareness 21
than 75 mm 22
14 The effect of abnormal roughness on orifice
Section six. Pipe roughness plates with corner tappings for all pipe sizes
25 General 22 larger than 75 mm 23
26 Upstream pipe 22
27 Downstream pipe 23
28 Reduction of roughness effects 23
29 Maintenance 23

Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits

Part 1.4:
Pressure differential methods—Measurement using orifice
plates, nozzles or Venturi tubes—Guide to the effect of
departure from the conditions specified in Part 1.1
Section one. General 2.2 Definitions
For the purposes of this Section of BS 1042, the definitions
0 Introduction given in BS 1042 : Section 1.1 apply.
BS 1042 : Section 1.1 constitutes a standard for flowrate 3 Effect of errors on flowrate calculations
measurement. Adherence to that standard will result in
flowrate measurements whose accuracy will lie within 3.1 General
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specified limits. If, however, a flowmetering installation In this Section of BS 1042 the effects of deviations from the
departs, for whatever reason, from the conditions specified conditions specified in BS 1042 : Section 1.1 are described
in the standard, then the specified accuracies may not be in terms of changes in the discharge coefficient of the
achieved. Many metering installations exist where these meter. The discharge coefficient of a pressure difference
conditions either have not been or cannot be met. In these device (C) is given by the following equation:
circumstances it is usually not possible to evaluate
precisely the effect of deviations from the standard.
However, a considerable amount of data exists, which can
be used to give a general indication of the effect of
non-compliance with the standard. It is presented here as a
guide to users of flow metering equipment. The effect of change in the discharge coefficient is best
shown by recourse to an example.
1 Scope
Consider an orifice plate with an unduly rounded edge. The
This Section of BS 1042 provides guidance to assist in result of this will be a decreased inward radial momentum in
estimating the flowrate when using pressure differential the jet and a consequent increase in the area of the vena
devices constructed or operated outside the scope of contracta leading in turn to reduced velocities at that
BS 1042 : Section 1.1. position. The observed differential pressure will therefore
decrease. From the equation above, it can be seen that the
It should not be implied that additional tolerances or discharge coefficient would therefore increase.
corrections can necessarily compensate for the effects of
deviating from the standard. The information is given, in the 3.2 Quantifiable effects
first place, to indicate the degree of care necessary in the
When the user is aware of such effects and they can be
manufacture, installation and maintenance of pressure
quantified. the appropriate discharge coefficient can be
difference devices by describing some of the effects of
used and the correct flowrate calculated. However, the
non-compliance with the requirements; and in the second
precise quantification of these effects is difficult and so any
place, to permit those users who may not be able to comply
flowrate calculated in such a manner should be considered
fully with the requirements to assess, however roughly, the
to have an increased uncertainty.
magnitude and direction of the resulting errors.
Except where otherwise stated, an additional uncertainty,
Each variation dealt with is treated as though it were the equivalent to 100% of the discharge coefficient correction,
only one present. but where more than one is known to should be added arithmetically to the discharge coefficient
exist, there will be interactions causing increases or uncertainty when estimating the overall uncertainty of the
decreases of error, largely unpredictable. This list of flowrate measurement.
variations is by no means complete and relates largely to
examples with orifice plates. There are, no doubt, many 3.3 Non-quantifiable effects
similar examples of installations not complying with If the user cannot quantify the effect of a deviation or is
BS 1042 : Section 1.1 for which no comparable data has
unaware of its presence, and calculates flowrate using a
been published. Such additional information from users,
discharge coefficient which has not been corrected, then an
manufacturers and any others may be taken into account in error in the calculated flowrate will occur. In the example of
future revisions of this Section of BS 1042. 3.1, the failure to increase the discharge coefficient would
NOTE. The titles of the pub lication s referred to in this stand ard are produce a calculated flowrate that was too small.
listed on the inside back cover.
It can therefore be concluded that:
2 Symbols and definitions (a) an effect which causes an increase in discharge
coefficient will result in an under-registration of flow if the
2.1 Symbols coefficient is not corrected, and conversely
For the purposes of this Section of BS 1042, the symbols (b) an effect which causes a decrease in discharge
given in table 1 apply. coefficient will result in an over-registration of flow if the
coefficient is not corrected.

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AS 2360.1.4-1993, Measurement of fluid flow in

closed conduits Pressure differential methods -
Measurement using orifice plates, nozzles or
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Venturi tubes - Guide to the effect of departure

from the conditions specified in Part 1.1

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