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PPSC Robert Prior

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PATRIK BERNARD KAPUSCINSKY Office of the Director, Dually Appointed Administrator 15-791 Braidwood Road, Courtenay BC, Canada

V9N 3S1

February 15th 2012

Court File Number: 35900-1 Court Location: Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada.

This Notice is a matter of Public Record


Robert PRIOR, Chief Federal Prosecutor, Regional Offices, British Columbia PROSECUTOR P P S C
Public Prosecution Service of Canada, British Columbia Regional Office (Vancouver), Robson Court, 900 840 Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2S9 604-666-5250

Brian SAUNDERS, Headquarters, Director of Public Prosecutions,

Public Prosecution Service of Canada, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions 284 Wellington Street, Room 2359, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8


Andre A. MORIN A/Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions

Public Prosecution Service of Canada 284 Wellington Street, Room 2329, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8


George DOLHAI A/Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions

Public Prosecution Service of Canada 222 Queen Street, Room 1128, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0H8


Brian D. JONES and co-workers, JONES & CO. Barrister & Solicitors
Suite 402-17 Church St Nanaimo, BC Canada, V9R 5H5


Hugh STANSFIELD, (The Honorable)

The Judicial Council of British Columbia,
Office of the Chief Judge Suite 602 700 West Georgia Street PO Box 10287 Pacific Centre Vancouver BC V7Y 1E8


Robert NICHOLSON, P.C., M.P.

Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
House of Commons Ottawa ON K1A 0A6
284 Wellington St. Ottawa, ON K1A 0H8



Shirley BOND,
PO Box 9053 STN PROV GOVT VICTORIA B.C., V8W 9E2, 128 Parliament Buildings Victoria B.C., CanadaV8V 1X4, C/o Legal Services Branch, Ministry of Attorney General, 1001 Douglas Street, Victoria, B.C., Canada


Breach of Trust: Harassment Trespassing Abduction & 93 hours unlawful Confinement Affidavit:
Court File Number: 35900-1, location: Courtenay BC Canada

February 15th 2012

I, _____________________________________do swear and know these facts to be true and accurate.

To the attention of Brian D. JONES, Marsha DOWN, Timothy MORGAN, Jill VIVIAN, A. MACDONALD, and Robert L. GIBSON, and all other Public Servants involved, We are in a common law jurisdiction. I am operating under common law since May 2010. The law of Canada is that we in Canada are in a common law jurisdiction and the contract makes the law. For statute law to become valid there must be agreement from both parties that this particular law is in fact law. Without this agreement or consentthere is no law in effect. Acts of Statute Law are given the force of law only through VALID consent. Acts that intentionally cause harm and are being forced by any aspect of the less than perfect system in place with clear lack of valid consent is in fact criminal negligence and now goes under contract law. I have not yet seen the contract that you require to do business with me. I have asked numerous times for you to provide this contract; you have failed to produce this necessary proof of a valid consensual contract. You have already agreed to the fact that Acts do not apply to a private individual back in September of 2011. There is no need for more of the tax payers money to pay for unnecessary court time when this had been resolved through non-contested and non-disputed or non-rebutted sworn affidavits inserted into court file # 35900-1 on the 21rst of September of 2011. Also inserted into the Court file on the same date, is a Motion to Strike the Matter from the RecordNotice of Default Judgment and Notice of Duties and Intent, had been added to the court file on October 27th 2011 According to actual Law you have agreed with my claims by failing to rebut my affidavit within the 10 days specified in each affidavit. Your ignorance of law or that of others is NO excuse. It is a maxim of law that an un-rebutted affidavit stands as truth, and which is recognized by our court systemtherefore there is no need for court since there is no controversy aside from bringing you to the front of the Queens Bench for unnecessary damages done. Your ongoing lack of response to my request to see a valid contract between our parties is very irresponsible and juvenile behavior on your part. One member of your legal team, Robert L. GIBSON has finally responded by letter on the 8th day of February, 2012, stating his and apparently your ignorance of law. This printed and signed ignorance of law is truly remarkable. Inform me, in writing Brian D. JONES, exactly whom do you represent in your claim of me owing you or the corporation that you represent a hundred and fifty dollars for apparent damages done of breaking rules that only apply to Government Agents such as Public Servants Do you claim to represent Queen Elizabeth from the House of Windsor..? or do you represent the privately owned Crown Corporation operating out of Inner City London..? Whom exactly do you represent and work for? I do not abide by any acts of Statute Law due to the misuse and abuse of law being perpetrated by malintentioned men through abuse of Statute law in the form of harmful Acts created by Corporations.

As a private individual, I require a contract from you to prove our agreement of contract within this common law jurisdiction. I did not choose to engage into contract with you, you chose to continue to engage into conflict with me, despite my Notice of clarification along with a Notice to stand down. You presently have an outstanding balance of Fee Schedule activation of $ 634 556.00 due to your choice of conflict, despite my clear and honest actions taken to clarify proper status claim with you, non-disputed or non-contested by you and others, having made these claims facts, and that you are in agreement to these facts by September 21rst 2011. Your lack of rebut IS your agreement to the claim, making the claims, Facts due to lack of contest. Should another illegal and unlawful warrant be issued over this nonsense, you will be billed an additional $ 6 936 936.00 over and above your original bill and your corporate boss will be billed much more than the present outstanding bill due to your insistence on attempting to continue to perpetrate fraud upon a private individual. An additional $ 500 000.00 per day of detainment will be billed to you, the Province and any other Public Servant involved in the event of further illegal and unlawful unwanted services of abduction or unwanted service of detainment or the unwanted service of unlawful confinement in the event of any further law breaking choices made by Servants of the Public. In order for law to be broken, there must be an injured party. Are you claiming that I have injured you or anyone else in this process of criminal Public Servant behavior? Are you claiming that I have perhaps injured Queen Elizabeth from the House of Windsor? Are you claiming that I have injured any of the men who own and operate the privately owned Crown Corporation out of Inner City London? Are you claiming that I have injured the unlawful Constables who blatantly stole life & health promoting and pain management medication from me? (For your own information, concerning facts of actual lawStealing is truly criminal behavior in this Common Law Jurisdiction.) Are you claiming that the Officers who abducted me over a previously addressed and resolved warrant and proceeded to lock me in a jail cell for nearly 94 hours total have been injured by me? Abduction of another human being is very criminal behavior. Illegally detaining someone for any length of time is severely criminal behavior especially coming from people who claim to be Peace Officers and Public Servants working the legal system, known as members of the Law Courts or Court Services Clear lack of consent makes this behavior of Servants very illegal as well as unlawful. So far the collective Servants involved in this ongoing nonsense are guilty of all three legitimate ways to actually break the law and that is, #1, to hurt or harm another #2, to steal or damage anothers property and #3, to knowingly participate in fraud There have been 12 dates set for this nonsense in court of which I had attended 7 to clarify and spell it out for a host of law breaking Servants operating in Breach.

Failure to produce a valid contract between our two parties is reason and grounds for me to order you to cease and desist from attempting to continue to perpetrate fraud upon me, as I have by way of Notice. Failure to stand under this fair warning will cause your bill to grow remarkably. Your Bill and that of others that you have dragged into this lawsuit will grow substantially due to your choice of engagement into conflict, after failing to produce a valid contract upon my reasonable and valid request. Whether you are simply unable to grasp the facts through taking the time required to read my Notices or are simply in denial of facts of law I have shared and served plenty of factual claims with you in the form of documents concerning accurate law Your claimed ignorance does not change the law or how law comes about. Ignorance of law is of no excuse. You are the creator of an outstanding balance for your insistence on damages done to me despite my multiple communications of relevant facts with you and others, and despite my demand that you stand down, through registered mail and Process Server. It is up to you if your outstanding bill and that of others increases drastically from this date forward. Despite the fact that I have showed you my contract, you continued to attempt to process me as property of the Crown, with which I have seen no subsiding contract as per my valid request. I am a private individual presently operating under the common law, since May of 2010. I have officially revoked consent to be governed due to horrific damages done to me by words of deception in the form of acts which led to the study of human rights and in turn, the intense study and application of law for the purpose of gaining remedy through law within this common law jurisdiction. I am bound by contract to not participate in fraud therefore I will not be participating in tax fraud of yet another non-consensual court appearance on the 23rd of February or the 3rd day of April, 2012 over this abusive process for any reason or anyone unless you produce a valid contract to verify the legitimacy of your claim to do business with me against my will, under your terms and conditions without my consent. Show me the contract that you claim to have the right to exercise and abuse force upon me within this common law jurisdiction. Your lack of contest or rebut to this affidavit is your agreement to all details contained within. Witnesses: Sincerely, Patrik-Bernard:Kapuscinsky

Dually Appointed Administrator

PATRIK BERNARD KAPUSCINSKY February 15th 2012 Office of the Director, Dually Appointed Administrator Court File Number: 35900-1 15-791 Braidwood Road, Court Location: Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada. Courtenay BC, Canada V9N 3S1 This Notice is a matter of Public Record Robert PRIOR, Chief Federal Prosecutor, Regional Offices, British Columbia
Public Prosecution Service of Canada, British Columbia Regional Office (Vancouver), Robson Court, 900 840 Howe Street, Vancouver, British Columbia V6Z 2S9 604-666-5250


Breach of Trust: Harassment Trespassing Abduction & 93 hours unlawful Confinement

To the attention of Robert PRIOR, I demand that you direct the local Servants operating in Breach to stand down including yourself. I have made it clear that I am operating under common law in this common law jurisdiction since May of 2010 by way of served affidavits and clear description of my role and purpose before Justice April Dark and Judges Brian SAUNDERSON and Peter DOHERTY. I will not tolerate illegal warrants and or unlawful detention at the hand of people who are operating outside the law. The failure to provide a valid contract between Brian D. Jones or the Public Prosecution Services Of Canada and I as per my request regarding the false presumption of jurisdiction along with the choice of ignoring law and the facts that I have communicated with Servants within the court room has resulted in your inclusion in this lawsuit for severe Breach of law in this common law jurisdiction. Failure to communicate the facts of law to these unlawful Servants operating in Breach will result in the expansion of your Bill in the present lawsuit for severe BREACH of law in this common law jurisdiction. I thank you Robert PRIOR for communicating the demand to stand down with all Servants concerned; otherwise you will also be sued personally. Support in any way of re-activation of illegal warrant will cost each Public Servants involved $ 6 936 936.00 and $ 500 000.00/day for unwanted service of detention or detainment. Even a partial day spent in jail over this unlawful and illegal matter will cost you $ 500 000.00/day from this day forward. Due to illegal refusal of local Justice and Judges to receive proper service of documents, by way of Registered mail recently I am giving all parties involved until the 22nd of February to contest or dispute, otherwise it is Our mutual understanding that we are all in agreement that this matter is now stricken from the record and resolved, aside from the damages done to me by paid Servants which will be remedied in the front of the Queens Bench. In the light and truth of the consciousness of Christ, sincerely, Patrik-Bernard:Kapuscinsky


Dually Appointed Administrator 5

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