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Collective Agreement

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Collective Agreement


Canadian Union of Public Employees and its Local 2544


Peel District School Board

September 1, 2008 August 31, 2012


THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD (hereinafter referred to as "The Board") of the first part

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CANADIAN UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES, AND ITS LOCAL 2544 (hereinafter referred to as "The Union") of the second part

September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2012

1 3 4 5 6 7 10 12 17 18 20 23 24 25 28 30 31 32 33 36 37 38 39 40 42 44 45 49 53 54 66 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 83 84 85 86 87 1 Definitions 2 Purpose 3 Recognition 4 Board's Rights 5 Union Security 6 Grievance Procedure 7 Arbitration Procedure 8 Seniority 9 No Strike, No Lockout 10 Union Executive and Grievance Committee 11 Job Posting 12 Safety Provisions 13 Probationary Period 14 Leaves of Absence 15 Hours of Work 16 Sick Leave 17 Retirement Gratuity 18 Fringe Benefits 19 Vacations 20 Paid Holidays 21 Annual Increments 22 Wages 23 Termination 24 Miscellaneous Provisions 25 Part-Time Employee Additional Hours List 26 Joint Modified Work Committee Schedule "A" Custodial Services Schedule "A" Maintenance Services, Print Shop, Purchasing, L.T.S.S. and Food Service Departments Salary Schedule Notation Schedule "A" - Salary Schedule Schedule "B" - Grievance Form Letter of Intent - Administrative Transfers Letter of Intent - Re: School Painting Letter of Intent - Maintenance Services Delivery Model Letter of Intent - Job Evaluation 72 Letter of Intent Union Security Letter of Intent Casual Employees Letter of Intent Working Conditions Letters of Understanding 1. Inclement Weather, 2. Leaves Policy 3.Heating Season Letter of Understanding Displacement Letter of Understanding Professional Development Allocation Letter of Understanding Staffing Funding Enhancement for 2009-10 - Custodial/Maintenance Staff (School Operations) Letter of Understanding Group Benefits and Other Working Conditions Letter of Understanding OMERS Contributory Earnings Letter of Understanding Enhancements Arising from Other Education Support Workers PDT Agreements Letter of Understanding In-School Replacements Memorandum of Settlement - November 27, 1996 Letter of Understanding Floater Custodian Mileage Letter of Understanding Permits

ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS 1.01 "Board" means The Peel District School Board.

1.02 "Union" means the Canadian Union of Public Employees, and its Local 2544. 1.03 "Parties" shall mean both the Board and the Union. 1.04 "Employee" means an employee of the Board included in the bargaining unit defined in paragraph 3.01. 1.05 Where a noun, pronoun or adjective indicating gender or sex is used, the other gender or sex shall be deemed to be included unless specifically excluded. 1.06 "Regular hourly rate" means the applicable hourly rate set forth in the salary schedules contained in Schedule A to this agreement. "Certificated tradespersons" means any tradesperson employed by the Board in the following capacities: carpenter, plumber, electrician, heating technician 1, heating technician 2, heating and pneumatic control technician, electronics technician, locksmith, painter, preventive maintenance mechanic, small engines mechanic, refrigeration mechanic, welder, digital equipment operator leadhand, digital equipment operator, printer, intermediate printer/bindery person, bindery person, chief A.V. computer repair technician, A.V. computer repairperson 1, A.V. computer repairperson 2 and any further classification which the Board, after consultation with the Union, may from time to time wish to designate as certificated. Employees within these groups must hold certificates, licenses, etc., required by the Department of Labour, where applicable.


1.08 "Casual Employee" shall mean a person employed by the Board who is a member of the bargaining unit and does not work a regular number of assigned hours or days per week but works only when called in by the Board to do so and shall not permanently replace a Regular employee.

ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS (Continued) 1.09 "Custodial Staff" and "Custodial Services" shall be deemed to include the classification of "School Attendant", but the term "Custodian" and "Head Custodian" shall be deemed not to include or refer to the classification of "School Attendant". "Regular part-time employee" shall mean a person employed by the Board who is a member of the bargaining unit and works a regular number of assigned hours per week, which shall normally be less than 24 hours per week.


1.11 "Students" shall mean a student employed by the Board during the summer vacation period to perform custodial and maintenance duties. The following provisions of the collective agreement shall be the only provisions which apply to such students: Article 2 3 Article 4 Article 5 Article 6 Article 7 Article 9 Article 10 Purpose Article Recognition Board's Rights Union Security Grievance Procedure Arbitration Procedure No Strike, No Lockout Union Executive and Grievance Committee Article 12 - Safety Provisions Article 23 - Termination Article 22 & Chart 1, Schedule "A" - Salary Schedule (Student Rate only) Article 24.02, 24.04 and 24.05

ARTICLE 2 - PURPOSE 2.01 The general purpose of this Agreement is to maintain harmonious relations between the Board and its employees, to provide for collective bargaining, for the prompt and equitable disposition of grievances, and to establish salary levels, hours of work and working conditions generally for all employees who are subject to the provisions of this Agreement.

ARTICLE 3 - RECOGNITION 3.01 The Board recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all its custodial staff, maintenance staff, stores staff, printing staff, cafeteria help and school bus drivers, save and except Assistant Supervisors, persons above the rank of Assistant Supervisor, those employed as office personnel, and any other employees covered by a subsisting Collective Agreement. 3.02 This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Board and the Union and, during the term of this Agreement, neither will be required to negotiate on any further matter affecting these terms and conditions or on any other subject not included in this Agreement.

ARTICLE 4 - BOARD'S RIGHTS 4.01 The Union acknowledges that it is the right of the Board to: a) b) c) d) maintain order, discipline and efficiency; lay-off subject to the provisions of Article 8; hire, direct, classify, transfer, promote; discharge, demote, suspend or otherwise discipline employees for just cause; e) maintain and enforce rules and regulations; f) generally to manage Board affairs, and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, to determine the number of personnel required, the standards of performance for all employees, the methods, procedures, machinery and equipment to be used, schedules of work and all other matters concerning the operation of Board facilities not otherwise specifically dealt with elsewhere in this Agreement; g) none of the rights set forth in this Article will be exercised in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

ARTICLE 5 - UNION SECURITY 5.01 The Board shall deduct Union dues from each pay of each employee, and remit the sum deducted together with a list of employees from whom this pay deduction is made by the 15th of the month following. The Union shall notify the Board in writing of the amount of such dues from time to time. The Board agrees to insert on the T-4 slips given to each employee the amount of dues deducted each year. 5.02 The Board shall not be required to discharge any employee who is not a member of the Union other than for the refusal of such employee to comply with Section 5.01 of Article 5. 5.03 No member of the bargaining unit having completed probation, and classified as a permanent employee as per Article 8.02 shall be terminated, nor for a period of one (1) year, be demoted or suffer any loss of salary as a result of the Board contracting out work or services which are performed by members of the bargaining unit. After this period of one (1) year the employee will be paid the maximum salary for the services he/she is performing.

ARTICLE 6 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 6.01 It is the mutual desire of the Parties hereto that complaints by employees be adjusted as quickly as possible and it is understood that an employee has no grievance until he/she has first given his/her immediate non-bargaining unit supervisor an opportunity to adjust his/her complaint. If an employee has a complaint, he/she shall discuss it with his/her immediate supervisor within ten (10) working days after the employee becomes aware or would reasonably be expected to have become aware of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint and in doing so the employee may have the assistance of the employee's steward if the employee so desires. His/her immediate supervisor will, within ten (10) working days of having been made aware by the employee of his/her complaint, advise the employee of the supervisor's decision regarding the complaint. The employee may then, within ten (10) working days of receiving his/her immediate supervisor's decision, take the matter up as a grievance in the following manner and sequence. STEP 1 The Union will present the alleged grievance to the Department Supervisor in writing in a form such as that attached as Schedule "B" to this Agreement which shall include: a) the nature of the grievance; b) the remedy sought; and c) the Article(s) of this Agreement alleged to have been violated. The Department Supervisor or his/her designate shall convene a meeting with the appropriate Board Officials, the grieving employee, the Union Grievance Committee and such others as he/she requires within ten (10) working days following the presentation of the grievance to him/her. The decision, in writing, to the grieving employee and to the Chairperson of the Union Grievance Committee shall be rendered within ten (10) working days following the above meeting.

ARTICLE 6 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) 6.01 STEP 2 If the employee is not satisfied with the decision rendered at Step 1, he/she may within ten (10) working days thereafter submit his/her grievance in writing to the Manager of Labour Relations. The Manager of Labour Relations, or designate, shall convene a meeting with the appropriate Superintendent or designate, the grieving employee, and the Union Grievance Committee and such others as required within ten (10) working days following the presentation of the grievance. The decision, in writing, to the grieving employee and to the Chairperson of the Union Grievance Committee shall be rendered within ten (10) working days following the above meeting. STEP 3 If the employee is not satisfied with the decision rendered at Step 2, he/she may, within ten (10) working days, submit his/her grievance to the Board's Grievance Committee through the Director of Human Resources Support Services. The employee will be assisted by the Union Grievance Committee. The Board's Grievance Committee shall meet within fifteen (15) working days to deal with such grievance. The Grievor shall attend at this meeting. The Board's Grievance Committee shall render its decision in writing to the grieving employee and to the Chairperson of the Union Grievance Committee or in the case of a Union grievance, the Union within ten (10) working days following the meeting. STEP 4 If the employee is not satisfied with the decision rendered in Step 3, he/she may, through the Union Grievance Committee, demand, in writing, that the matter be taken to arbitration in accordance with the procedure set out hereunder.

ARTICLE 6 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued) 6.02 Any of the time limits specified in the Grievance Procedure may be extended by the mutual agreement of the Parties. Where no such agreement has been made or where the agreed extension has expired (a) the grieving employee, or in the case of a Union Grievance, the Union may proceed to the next step of the procedure if the appropriate Board Official exceeds the time allowed for him/her to act, or (b) the Board may consider the grievance abandoned if the grieving employee, or in the case of a Union Grievance, the Union exceeds the time allowed for him/her or the Union to act.

6.03 A complaint or grievance arising directly between the Board and the Union may be initiated by either party commencing with Step 2 within ten (10) working days of the occurrence complained of. 6.04 At any Step of the Grievance Procedure, the number of Union members will be restricted to a maximum of five (5) including the grievor, with the exception of Step 3 at which the number of union members will be restricted to a maximum of seven (7) including the grievor. When any employee covered by this Agreement is called to the office to appear before the Manager of Custodial Services or Manager of Maintenance Services or other non-bargaining unit supervisors for the purpose of being disciplined or discharged, he/she shall have a member of the Union Executive with him/her.


6.06 The Board agrees to place copies of any disciplinary letters or documents in each employee's personnel file. A copy of the letter must be given to the employee and to the Union.


ARTICLE 7 - ARBITRATION PROCEDURE 7.01 Both Parties to this Agreement agree that any dispute or grievance concerning the interpretation, application or administration or alleged violation of this Agreement including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable which has been properly carried to Step 3 of the grievance procedure outlined in Article 6 above and which has not been settled will be referred within thirty (30) working days to a Board of Arbitration at the request of either of the Parties hereto.

7.02 The Board of Arbitration will be composed of one person appointed by the Board, one person appointed by the Union, and a third person to act as Chairperson chosen by the other two members of the Board of Arbitration. 7.03 No person shall be appointed as an arbitrator who has been involved in an attempt to settle the grievance or alleged violation. 7.04 Within ten (10) working days of the request by either party for a Board of Arbitration, each party shall notify the other of the name of its appointee.

7.05 Should the person chosen by the Board to act on the Board of Arbitration and the person chosen by the Union fail to agree on a third person within twenty (20) working days of notification mentioned in 7.04 above, the Minister of Labour of the Province of Ontario will be asked to nominate someone as an impartial Chairperson utilizing the services of the Labour Management Arbitration Commission.


ARTICLE 7 - ARBITRATION PROCEDURE (Continued) 7.06 The decision of the Board of Arbitration or a majority thereof constituted in the above manner shall be binding upon both Parties. If there is no majority award, the award of the Chairperson shall govern. 7.07 The Board of Arbitration shall not make any decision inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, nor shall they alter, modify or amend any part of its existing provisions.

7.08 Each of the Parties to this Agreement will bear the expenses of the Arbitrator appointed by it; and the Parties will jointly bear the expenses of the proceedings including the Arbitration Chairperson. 7.09 Notwithstanding the above, the Parties to this Agreement may mutually agree to the appointment of a single arbitrator rather than a Board of Arbitration. If the Parties do not agree to the appointment of a single arbitrator then the provisions of Article 7.02 shall apply.


ARTICLE 8 - SENIORITY 8.01 a) Seniority as referred to in this Agreement shall mean the length of continuous service in the employ of the Board or its predecessors, in a position now included in this bargaining unit or the bargaining unit represented by C.U.P.E. and its Local 1628. However, employees employed under the Local 1628 collective agreement shall have no seniority rights under this agreement unless and until they become employed in this bargaining unit. b) The following rules governing seniority are designed to give employees an equitable amount of job security based upon their qualifications to perform the work that is available and their seniority with the Board. c) Casual employees will not accrue seniority; however casual employees will receive preference over non-bargaining unit applicants when applying for regular positions. d) Notwithstanding the foregoing a casual employee who is subsequently hired as a regular employee, without any interruption of the employee's continuous service, shall be credited with seniority on the basis of the employee's most recent date of hire as a casual employee. 8.02 a) A newly hired person will be on probation and will not have any seniority standing until after he/she has worked for a total of six (6) months, provided the employee has worked a minimum of three hundred and ninety (390) hours. The employee will then be considered a permanent employee and the employee's seniority will date back six (6) months. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4.01 (d), the Union acknowledges that it is the right of the Board to demote, suspend with or without pay, discharge or otherwise discipline a probationary employee for any reason at the sole discretion of the Board subject to Article 24.06 and the right of a probationary employee to grieve any discipline or discharge for strike or lockout related misconduct. The Board will notify the Union when it decides to discharge a probationary employee. Neither the Union nor any employee will question the dismissal or discipline of any probationary employee, nor shall the dismissal or discipline be the subject of a grievance, except as noted above.


ARTICLE 8 - SENIORITY (Continued) 8.02 b) Notwithstanding 8.02 (a), where the Board is not satisfied that it wishes to retain a probationary employee beyond the end of the normal probationary period, but the Board has not decided to terminate the employee's employment immediately, the Parties may agree in writing to an extension of the normal probationary period, pursuant to such terms and conditions as they consider reasonable in the circumstances. Such an extension agreement must normally include the employee's consent, unless the employee is not available or able to provide it at the relevant time. 8.03 Whenever, in the judgement of the Board, lay-offs of members of the bargaining unit will be required, the Board will notify the Union in writing, at least twenty-one (21) calendar days prior to the layoffs involved, the number of personnel affected and any variations from normal seniority which will be required as the result of Article 8.05. a) A seniority list, current as of September 1st and February 1st of each year, will be forwarded to each location. The seniority list will include all current members of the bargaining unit listed in order of seniority. The Board shall send a copy of the seniority list to the President of the Union. b) The seniority list is deemed to be accurate if the Union does not advise the Board of any discrepancies within a period of ten (10) days. In the event that the Union challenges the accuracy of the seniority list and the Board determines that a change is required, after consultation with the Union, the revised seniority list shall be sent to the President of the Union and redistributed to the system. c) Ties will be broken by the Human Resources Services Department with the use of computer technology. All employees hired prior to September 1, 2004 will have random tie breaking each time the seniority list is produced. All employees hired September 1, 2004 or later will have the ties broken once and will then maintain that relative seniority order on a going forward basis.



ARTICLE 8 - SENIORITY (Continued) 8.05 In all cases of lay-off or recall from lay-off seniority will govern provided the employee has the ability and qualifications to perform the job. a) In cases of lay-off which include employees who have been trained in particular job functions which remain a Board requirement, such employees will not be laid off unless more senior members of the bargaining unit who would otherwise be laid off are fully capable of carrying out the functions of the job. b) In cases of recall where the work which becomes available is of a special nature, the most senior members of the bargaining unit on the lay-off list capable of carrying out the special functions will be recalled. 8.06 In all cases under Article 8.05 or 8.07, a member of the bargaining unit replacing a less senior member, the individual "Bumping In" to the position, will be given ten (10) working days to familiarize himself/herself with the new job. This period is not to be deemed a training period. If after ten (10) working days the individual in the judgement of the Board is not capable of carrying out the duties of the position, he/she will be notified why he/she is so considered and will be laid off subject to recall in accordance with the recall procedure, when a suitable job which he/she is capable of performing is vacant and available. 8.07 Permanent employees who are laid off because of lack of work will be retained on the seniority list for a period equal to their seniority at the time of lay-off but in no event to exceed twenty-four (24) months. During that period, they will be subject to recall if suitable work becomes available which they are qualified to perform. 8.08 Recall to work shall be by registered letter or telegram addressed to the last address recorded by the employee with the Board. It shall be the duty of the employee to notify the Board promptly of any change of address. Should an employee fail to do this, the Board shall not be responsible for failure of a notice sent by registered mail to reach such employee. An employee who is recalled to work must signify his/her intention to return within five (5) working days after a notice of recall has been sent out and must return within a further ten (10) working days or forfeit his/her right to recall. ARTICLE 8 - SENIORITY (Continued)



Seniority previously accumulated will be lost and the employee's service deemed terminated whenever an employee: a) voluntarily leaves the employ of the Board; b) is discharged and not reinstated through the grievance or arbitration procedures; c) is absent from work without permission and without a reasonable explanation in excess of three working days; d) fails to return to work upon termination of an authorized leave of absence, unless excused by the Board, or utilizes a leave of absence for purposes other than those for which the leave of absence was granted; e) retires.

8.10 An employee who is or has been transferred from a position which is not part of the bargaining unit may be returned to the said bargaining unit by the Board and shall retain his/her full accumulated seniority. He/she may not, however, displace any employee as a result unless that employee is the most junior member of the bargaining unit. In such cases the provisions of Article 11.01, Job Posting, will not apply. It is understood that there will be no accumulation of seniority for services outside of the bargaining unit. 8.11 a) An employee temporarily appointed by the Board to an acting position outside of the bargaining unit shall not be required to pay union dues while in the temporary acting assignment. Such an employee will be entitled to return to the bargaining unit and retain his/her full accumulated seniority provided such employee returns to the bargaining unit within a period of not more than two (2) consecutive years. It is understood that there will be no accumulation of seniority for services outside of the bargaining unit. The Board will notify the President of the Union regarding these acting assignments. b) In the event that an employee in 8.11 a) above does not return to the bargaining unit within two (2) years and if the Board determines there is a vacancy, and chooses to fill the vacancy, the position will be posted in accordance with Article 11.01. 8.12 No employee shall be dismissed or have his/her hours reduced due to technological change.


Technological change 8.13 Subject to Article 8.11, the Board may make adjustment in the number and assignment of its employees as a result of technological changes and may make any such changes which are necessary to maintain efficient operations and optimal service to the public. In recognition of the impact that any such major changes may have upon employees and the concern of the Parties regarding employees who may be affected, the following will apply. a) The employer undertakes to advise the Union as far in advance as feasible of any such changes which the Board has decided to introduce which will result in significant and immediate changes in the employment status of employees. b) In providing such notice the Board shall advise the Union of the following information: i) the nature of the change; ii) the approximate date on which the employer proposes to effect the change; iii) the approximate number classification and location of employees likely to be affected; iv) the effects the change may be expected to have on the employees' employment status. c) Either the Union or the Employer may refer to the Joint Training Committee the issue of what, if any, training may be necessary as a result of the notice given by the Employer.


ARTICLE 9 - NO STRIKE, NO LOCKOUT 9.01 During the term of this Agreement the Board agrees that there will be no lockout and the Union agrees that there will be no strike. Strike and lockout shall be as defined in The Ontario Labour Relations Act.


ARTICLE 10 - UNION EXECUTIVE AND GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE 10.01 The Board agrees to recognize not more than a total of twenty-four (24) members of the Union as members of the Union Executive and related Committees. The negotiating committee shall be composed of not more than ten (10) members. 10.02 a) It is understood that a member of the Union Executive or a committee member has his/her regular work to perform. If it is necessary to deal with matters arising out of this Agreement or to attend negotiations for a new Agreement during working hours he/she will not leave his/her work without first obtaining the written permission (in an emergency situation oral permission may be obtained with follow up written permission) of the Director of Human Resources Support Services or designate. The supervisor and applicable school official shall record the leaving and returning time of Union members absent on Union business. The Union will be responsible for reimbursing the Board for time off on Union business at the individual's applicable rates. No employee, other than those described in 10.01 shall engage in any Union activity during his/her regular working hours unless a request for approval for such activity from a member of the Union Executive has been received and approved in writing by the Director of Human Resources Support Services or designate. The Director of Human Resources Support Services will set out the terms and conditions of said permission in the written approval. b) Notwithstanding the above, the Union will not be responsible for reimbursing the Board for: the first (1st) one hundred and twenty-five (125) days utilized per contract year; the attendance of up to five (5) representatives who serve on the Parties Joint Labour Management Committee under Article 24.02; the attendance of up to two (2) representatives who serve on the Training Committee under Article 24.03; and the attendance of the union representatives on ad-hoc Committees agreed through Letters of Intent in the Collective Agreement.


ARTICLE 10 - UNION EXECUTIVE AND GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE (Continued) 10.03 The Union shall keep the Board informed of the names and areas of responsibility of its executive and committee members. The effective date of appointment shall be included in such notifications.


ARTICLE 11 - JOB POSTING 11.01 In the event new jobs are created or vacancies occur in jobs, the Board shall post such new jobs or vacancies for a period of five (5) working days in order to allow employees to apply in writing, before outside applications are invited. When the ability and qualifications of more than one applicant for the posted position are relatively equal, seniority shall be used as the determining factor by the Board. No outside advertisements shall be placed until present employees have had an opportunity to apply. If the Board chooses to fill the vacancy, the Board shall, if possible, make posting awards within twenty (20) working days of the closing date of the posting. 11.02 Employees shall be given five (5) working days notice regarding permanent transfers to other locations. 11.03 a) The Employer may hire personnel on a temporary or casual basis for special projects and during periods of heavy workload and in cases of emergency, for a period of not more than 90 calendar days in any 12 month period and such personnel shall not thereby become permanent or probationary employees and are not covered by any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement save for the rates of pay in Schedule A. The Union will be informed of all such hirings at the time of hiring. In the event any such temporary or casual employee is later hired by the Employer on a permanent basis, the employee shall acquire seniority as provided in Article 8. It is the intention of the Parties that no employee who has acquired seniority under this Agreement and who is shown on a seniority list will be laid off work by reason of the employer hiring personnel under this Article. The time periods provided for herein may be extended by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union. b) In case of an employee who is on a pregnancy or parental leave of absence, the Union agrees to waive 90 calendar days in Article (a) for the duration of the leave.


ARTICLE 11 - JOB POSTING (Continued) 11.03 c) When a casual employee is hired as a replacement for a regular employee who is off work on a long-term illness, supported by a Doctor's certificate indicating the period of absence is likely to be in excess of 90 days or extended leave of absence in excess of 90 days, the 90 calendar day period will not apply for such periods of absence of up to 12 months duration. In such circumstances the casual employee may only fill the position for which the casual employee was originally hired. The Union will be informed of all such hirings at the time of hiring. 11.04 Job Posting Applications are to be received by the Human Resources Services Department. 11.05 All notices of vacancies or new jobs inviting applications shall be posted in each location and shall be numbered sequentially. 11.06 Each job posting must include the following information if relevant: a) b) c) d) e) classification; name and location; category of school; square footage of school; qualifications - such qualifications shall not be established in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner.

11.07 An employee who has been successful in a job competition must remain in the position for a 12-month period before applying for another position, unless he/she has approval of the appropriate Regional Co-ordinator. In order to be eligible to apply for a posted position, approval must have been obtained ten (10) days prior to the date of the posting. The Union will be advised, in writing at the same time as Human Resources, when approval has been granted. Notwithstanding the above, the employee may apply for a position in a lower or higher classification.


ARTICLE 11 - JOB POSTING (Continued) 11.08 The Board shall notify in writing each employee who has made an application for a job posting in accordance with this Article and who is unsuccessful, indicating the name of the successful candidate. The Board shall post notices at each location on a monthly basis, announcing the names of successful applicants for job postings. 11.09 Where there are extenuating circumstances, an employee may phone Human Resources prior to the close of a job posting and submit the written application within twenty-four (24) hours. 11.10 Prior to invoking the provisions of Article 11.03, the Board will offer such work to qualified part-time employees in accordance with Article 25.01, so long as it does not result in a part-time employee working in excess of twenty-four (24) hours in a week.


ARTICLE 12 - SAFETY PROVISIONS 12.01 It is mutually agreed that both Parties will co-operate to the fullest extent in the prevention of accidents and with such promotion of safety and health as is deemed necessary. 12.02 Safety equipment required by the Ministry of Labour or the Board, shall be supplied by the Board and must be used or worn where and when conditions demand. 12.03 Whereas the Board and the Union recognize their obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act and are Parties to an agreement entitled "Guidelines for the Structure and Function of the CUPE Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee", the Board and the Union agree to continue to participate in a Joint Health and Safety Committee. 12.04 Violence shall be defined as any incident in which an employee is assaulted, threatened or physically intimidated. 12.05 The CUPE Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee shall concern itself with matters relating to violence, including receiving and reviewing reports of violence in the workplace. The Board agrees to have in place policies and procedures to deal with violence, including the prevention of violence and the management of violent situations.


ARTICLE 13 - PROBATIONARY PERIOD 13.01 A newly hired person is considered to be on probation for a period of six (6) calendar months after the date of assuming his/her position with the Board, provided the employee has worked a minimum of three hundred and ninety (390) hours. During this period he/she is eligible to be a member of the Union. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 4.01 (d), the Union acknowledges that it is the right of the Board to demote, suspend with or without pay, discharge or otherwise discipline a probationary employee for any reason at the sole discretion of the Board subject to Article 24.06 and the right of a probationary employee to grieve any discipline or discharge for strike or lockout related misconduct. The Board will notify the Union when it decides to discharge a probationary employee. Neither the Union nor any employee will question the dismissal or discipline of any probationary employee, nor shall the dismissal or discipline be the subject of a grievance, except as noted above. 13.02 Notwithstanding 13.01, where the Board is not satisfied that it wishes to retain a probationary employee beyond the end of the normal probationary period, but the Board has not decided to terminate the employee's employment immediately, the Parties may agree in writing to an extension of the normal probationary period, pursuant to such terms and conditions as they consider reasonable in the circumstances. Such an extension agreement must normally include the employee's consent, unless the employee is not available or able to provide it at the relevant time. 13.03 The probationary period under Article 13.01 shall be extended for employees who during their probationary period are absent from work due to WSIB or unpaid medical leave. The probationary period shall be extended by the length of time that an employee is absent.


ARTICLE 14 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE 14.01 Leaves of Absence shall be as per Board Policy. The Board will not amend the Policy in such a way that the number and duration of the leaves of absence for this bargaining unit are reduced during the term of this agreement. 14.02 Union Leaves of Absence If, at some future time, the duties of the President and/or other executive officer of the Union become full-time positions, they shall be allowed Leaves of Absence for the duration of their term of Office. This leave shall be without loss of seniority. At the end of the leave the employee shall have the right to return to his/her former position and location. 14.03 An employee who is not on any other leave of absence or lay-off shall be entitled to two (2) days leave with pay for: a) paternity leave at the time of birth of a son or daughter; b) adoption leave at the time of adoption.


ARTICLE 14 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE (Continued) 14.04 a) An employee granted a Pregnancy Leave or Parental Leave in accordance with the provisions of the Employment Standards Act pursuant to the Boards Leaves Policy shall be compensated by the Board under an Employment Insurance Commission of Canada (E.I.C.) approved S.E.B. Plan provided that the employee: i) is eligible for pregnancy or parental leave benefits under E.I.C. laws and regulations; and ii) makes a claim to the Board on a form to be provided indicating the weekly amount payable by E.I.C.

The plan will pay: A) during the two (2) week waiting period for pregnancy or parental benefits under E.I. regulations, 95% of the employee's normal weekly insurable earnings; B) effective September 1, 2005, during the six (6) weeks immediately following the birth of a child, the childs natural mother shall be eligible for 100% of her normal weekly earnings minus the E.I. benefits the employee receives in respect of that period. For further clarity, the combined level of E.I. benefits, S.E.B. payments and other earnings shall not exceed 100% of the employee's normal weekly earnings. Where this benefit period overlaps with the period described in clause A), this benefit shall be provided; and C) if an employee is not eligible for E.I. and supplementary employment benefits under clause B), the employee may apply for sick leave benefits in accordance with Article 16 in respect of the six (6) week period immediately following the birth of her child.


ARTICLE 14 - LEAVES OF ABSENCE (Continued) No supplementary benefit will be paid under this plan for any week in the waiting period which falls outside the employees normal employment period (i.e. July and August if 10 month employment). The supplementary plan shall be subject to approval by E.I.C. b) The pay and benefits provided for in Article 14.03, 14.04, and 18.05 shall be the only entitlements for pay and benefits of employees on Pregnancy Leave or Parental Leave.


ARTICLE 15 - HOURS OF WORK 15.01 Hours of work for full-time custodial staff normally shall be eight (8) hours per day, forty (40) hours per week, Monday to Friday. For the term of this Collective Agreement, for full-time custodial staff, a day shift shall normally commence between 6:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. and an afternoon shift shall normally commence between 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., but the Board may schedule shifts to start at other times in accordance with the provisions of Article 15.02. The regular hours of work for a School Attendant who is a regular part-time employee, shall normally be scheduled between 8:00 a.m and 11:00 p.m. The normal hours of work for the maintenance department and the print shop shall be from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. but the Board may schedule shifts at other times in accordance with the provisions of Article 15.02. The normal hours of work for the Central Stores Department shall be from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. but the Board may schedule shifts at other times in accordance with the provisions of Article 15.02. The normal hours of work for Food Service Assistant and Food Service Assistant - Group Leader shall be at least twenty-four (24) hours per week and up to thirty-five (35) hours per week, Monday to Friday. The normal hours of work for Maintenance Clerk classification shall be thirty-five (35) hours per week, Monday to Friday. During the Christmas, March and Summer breaks, the normal hours of work for full and regular part-time employees shall be scheduled between 6:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except at locations where evening activities are held in which case hours may be scheduled later than 5:00 p.m. and all hours worked after 6:30 p.m. shall be paid at time and one-half the employee's regular hourly rate.


ARTICLE 15 - HOURS OF WORK (Continued) 15.02 It is understood that the Board will prepare a regular schedule of hours to be worked by employees. Where changes in that schedule are necessary involving three (3) or more employees the Board will provide the employee and the President of the Union with at least seven (7) calendar days advance notice. However, in the case of emergency there shall be no obligation on the part of the Board to give such notice. 15.03 All employees are expected, as a condition of their employment, to work in excess of their regular hours on request. The Board shall endeavour to give forty-eight (48) hours notice except where emergency conditions exist. Employees required to carry out such work shall be expected to do so unless they can demonstrate urgent personal reasons why they cannot. 15.04 a) A School Attendant who is regularly scheduled to work but is unable to do so is required to call in to their Facilities Managers Office by 10:00 a.m. on the day in question giving the reason for the absence. b) The Board shall endeavour to notify casual employees before 1:00 p.m. on the day in question, if they are required to fill in for an absent employee.


ARTICLE 16 - SICK LEAVE 16.01 Employees will be entitled to accumulate sick leave at the rate of two (2) days per month of service. At no time, however, shall such sick leave exceed the maximum accumulation of 320 days. 16.02 For absence in excess of five (5) consecutive working days, the employee shall provide medical evidence verifying the illness. The Board may require an employee to produce a medical certificate as proof of illness of any duration. Such request must normally be made prior to the employee's return to work. 16.03 An employee shall notify his/her immediate supervisor as soon as possible or as outlined in his/her departmental directives, of any illness or other reason which will prevent him/her from performing his/her duties. 16.04 In the case of injury which is covered by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, employees will be paid their wages in full by the Board up to a maximum of nine (9) months from the time of the injury and the Board will receive compensation for wages awarded by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. 16.05 Where an employee has used all of his/her accumulated sick leave, no further sick leave may be accumulated until the employee returns to active employment. 16.06 The Board shall replace a Food Service Assistant who is absent on sick leave for a period in excess of five (5) consecutive working days. 16.07 The Board will provide replacements in accordance with Article 16.06 provided suitable replacements are available. 16.08 The Board shall ensure that all medical records are stored in a secure location and in a confidential manner. Normal, daily access to such records and information shall be limited to the Superintendent of Human Resources Support Services, Disability Management Coordinator and those personnel designated by the Superintendent. The Superintendent shall, upon request, advise the Union Executive of the names of those so designated. Such personnel shall not be members of the Union.


ARTICLE 17 - RETIREMENT GRATUITY 17.01 Each full-time employee on staff as of June 30th, 1978 is eligible for a retirement gratuity after ten (10) years continuous service with the Board. The gratuity is paid to an employee who has attained the age of sixty (60) years or who is eligible for retirement under O.M.E.R.S. After ten (10) years continuous service, the gratuity will be twenty (20) percent of the current salary. The gratuity will increase two (2) percent per year of service up to a maximum of fifty (50) percent.


ARTICLE 18 - FRINGE BENEFITS 18.01 The Board agrees to contribute 100% of the prevailing premium rates for O.H.I.P., Extended Health Benefits (including vision and hearing), Group Life Insurance and Dental Plan. 18.02 Board contributions for regular part-time employees (i.e. excluding casual employees) will be pro-rated in proportion to the number of hours worked except for employees whose normal hours of work per week are thirty-five (35) hours or more. 18.03 Upon retirement from the Board, an employee with 10 or more years of continuous service with the Board or its predecessors may elect to continue to participate in any Fringe Benefit Plans in which he/she is enrolled, until the employee reaches the age of sixty-five (65). The retired employee shall assume the full cost of the premiums for such plans. 18.04 The Board shall administer a Long Term Disability Plan provided that: a) any such plan conforms to the requirements of the Board's insurer; b) the necessary level of employee participation is ensured; c) the employees assume 100% of the premium cost, which shall include an administration fee of not more than 5% of the premiums, which shall be paid to the Board. 18.05 Effective July 1, 1989 the Board shall pay 100% of the premium cost of any plan under Article 18 in which the employee participates, excluding Long Term Disability, during the statutory period of an approved Pregnancy or Parental Leave.


ARTICLE 19 - VACATIONS 19.01 Members of the Union shall be allowed an annual vacation in accordance with the following: 26 or more years service completed as of the employee's anniversary date 20 - 25 years service completed as of the employee's anniversary date 9 - 19 years of service completed as of the employee's anniversary date 1 - 8 years of service completed as of the employee's anniversary date Less than one (1) year of service

6 weeks

5 weeks

4 weeks

3 weeks 1-1/4 days per month

Vacation pay shall be calculated on the basis of the standard work week and day as outlined in Article 15 at the regular hourly rate applicable. Employees on unpaid absence from work as scheduled in excess of twenty (20) days of work during the calendar year shall receive vacation pay based on a pro-rata portion of full vacation. 19.02 Should a holiday as defined in Article 20, fall or be observed during an employee's vacation period, he/she shall be granted an additional day's vacation for each such holiday in addition to his/her regular vacation time.


ARTICLE 19 - VACATIONS (Continued) 19.03 The Board reserves the right to schedule vacations to meet its operating requirements. Subject to the approval of the appropriate supervisor, employees may schedule vacation at any time during the year. Employees may elect to take their full vacation at one time subject to the agreement of the appropriate supervisor. 19.04 Where an employee has used up all of his/her accumulated sick leave, he/she will not be eligible to accumulate further vacation credits other than that earned prior to his/her sick leave expiring until he/she has returned to active employment. 19.05 Should a pay date fall during a full-time or a regular part-time employees' scheduled vacation the employee may have the option of receiving the payment for that pay date immediately prior to taking such vacation leave, provided the Payroll Department has been given at least four (4) weeks prior notice of the employee's scheduled vacation. 19.06 Vacations shall not accumulate from year to year except that an employee may carry over vacations to the next year in accordance with the following: i) Employees with three (3) weeks of vacation but less than four (4) weeks may carry over up to five (5) days of vacation entitlement. Employees with four (4) weeks of vacation or more may carry over up to ten (10) days of vacation entitlement.


For the purpose of this Article 19.06, a year is defined as the period from September 1 until August 31 of each year.


ARTICLE 19 - VACATIONS (Continued) 19.07 An employee whose employment is terminated at any time in his/her vacation year before he/she has had his/her vacation shall be entitled to a proportionate payment of salary or wages in lieu of such vacation. Should an employee die, his/her estate will be credited with the value of vacation credits owing him/her. 19.08 Ten month employees shall receive vacation pay at the end of May of each year in accordance with Article 19.


ARTICLE 20 - PAID HOLIDAYS 20.01 The paid holidays recognized by the Board are undernoted: New Year's Day Heritage Day (if proclaimed and is a school holiday) Family Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day (if declared a school holiday by the Ministry of Education) Christmas Day Boxing Day 20.02 In order to qualify for paid holidays, the employee must work his/her full scheduled work period immediately preceding and following the holiday or be on authorized vacation during this period or be on authorized paid leave.


ARTICLE 21 - ANNUAL INCREMENTS 21.01 With the exception of preventive maintenance mechanics, new employees on completion of six (6) months service from starting date, will be brought to one half (1/2) of the maximum of salary range, and on completion of one (1) year service from starting date, will be brought to maximum of salary range. 21.02 The Preventive Maintenance Training Program will be of three (3) years' duration. Each participant will progress from minimum to maximum salary in three (3) yearly increments each equal to one third (1/3) of the difference between minimum and maximum salary. These increments will only be allowed if the participant has been successful in all required classroom training and related examinations and in the opinion of the Manager of Custodial Services has progressed favourably within the training program. Increments will be applied on each participant's anniversary of joining the program. One half (1/2) of the increment will be considered applicable to the classroom training and related examinations, the other one half (1/2) to job experience and progress. 21.03 Any tradespersons who are required to take compulsory courses in order to maintain their present licenses shall be permitted paid leave for time spent at the course if held during normal working hours. Compensation for tuition and material will be given in all cases.


ARTICLE 22 - WAGES 22.01 The Board agrees to pay and the Union agrees to accept, for the term of this Agreement, the rates and wages as outlined in Schedule "A" attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement. 22.02 The direct deposit payroll method will apply to bargaining unit employees. 22.03 a) The Board shall not make deductions from wages and salaries unless authorized by the employee, statute, court order, an arbitration order or by this collective agreement.

b) Notwithstanding the above, in the case of overpayment of wages, the Board shall contact the employee with respect to the repayment plan.


ARTICLE 23 - TERMINATION 23.01 This Agreement shall continue in effect from September 1, 2008 to August 31, 2012 and shall continue automatically thereafter for annual periods of one year each, unless either party notifies the other in writing not less than thirty (30) days and not more than one hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the expiration date that it desires to amend or terminate this Agreement. 23.02 In the event notice of amendment or termination is given, negotiations shall begin within fifteen (15) days following notification of amendment as provided in the preceding paragraph or any longer period which may be mutually suitable.


ARTICLE 24 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 24.01 Copies of the new Agreement in a mutually agreed format shall be issued to all employees. New employees shall be given a copy of the contract on their date of hire by the Board. The cost of printing will be shared equally by the Board and the Union. 24.02 A Labour Management Committee shall meet once a month during the school year or as otherwise mutually agreed. The Committee shall not meet during the months of July and August. The agenda for meetings will identify the issue and the department responsible. Board and Union representatives on the Committee may vary depending on the issues to be discussed. The Committee shall attempt to solve problems arising during the term of the Agreement. 24.03 There shall be a training committee consisting of up to two (2) representatives of the Board and up to two (2) representatives of the Union. The mandate of the training committee shall be to review the needs of the employees and the Board with respect to the training of bargaining unit members. The committee shall make recommendations to the Board. The committee shall have such resources and assistance as may be agreed to be necessary. It shall meet every two months or as otherwise mutually agreed. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the committee's mandate shall include the development of the annual Professional Development Programme for bargaining unit employees. 24.04 The Board shall notify the Union of all promotions, demotions, hirings, transfers, recalls, resignations, retirements, deaths or other terminations of employment, provided however, that failure by the Board to do so shall not nullify or affect the validity of any such Board action. 24.05 The Union shall be provided semi-annually or as mutually agreed, with a mailing list of Union members' addresses, home telephone numbers and names.


ARTICLE 24 - MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS (Continued) 24.06 Neither the Board, the Union nor the employees shall discriminate against any employee in his or her employment, because of race, creed, colour, national origin, religion, age, sex, or disability, as those terms are defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code, nor by reason of membership or non-membership in a union. 24.07 Personnel Files An employee shall have reasonable access to review his/her personnel file, in the presence of an appropriate member of the Human Resources Department. An employee may make a copy of any material contained in his/her personnel file. An employee may request the removal of documents of a disciplinary nature from his/her personnel file. Such request shall be made in writing to the Director of Human Resources Support Services who shall review the request and render a decision in his or her sole discretion. 24.08 a) The Board shall provide all newly hired employees with such information regarding the Union as the Board and the Union may agree is appropriate. b) A Union representative shall be entitled to attend the group orientation session for new employees provided by Facilities Services and will be placed on the agenda in order to give the Union representative an opportunity to speak to the new employees in attendance. 24.09 Employees are not required to provide general supervision of students, except as may be required in emergency situations. Notwithstanding the above, a Food Service Assistant may be required to monitor and assist students as part of their duties.


ARTICLE 25 - PART-TIME EMPLOYEE ADDITIONAL HOURS LIST 25.01 The Board shall maintain a "Part-Time Employee Additional Hours List". The said List shall contain the names of those employees in the bargaining unit who regularly work less than twenty-four (24) hours per week and who indicate in writing to the Director of Human Resources Support Services or designate their desire to work additional hours. The List shall include the employee's name, telephone number, classification and present location. The List shall also indicate the job classification(s) which the employee is trained and qualified to perform. 25.02 Any eligible employee who makes a request in accordance with paragraph 25.01 shall be included on the said List in order of seniority. Employees whose seniority dates are the same shall be listed in alphabetical order. 25.03 At the time an employee requests inclusion on the said List, the employee must select, from amongst the geographic areas designated as available by the Board, one or more geographic areas within which the employee wishes to accept additional assignments. Such employees shall then be placed on the sub-list for such designated geographic areas. Notwithstanding the employee's selection of a particular geographic area or areas, the Board may request an employee to work in another geographic area if required. Refusal to accept assignments outside the employee's designated geographic area will not jeopardize placement on the List. 25.04 It is the responsibility of each employee to notify the Director of Human Resources Support Services or designate, in writing, of any change of address or change of telephone number needed to contact the employee regarding additional assignments.


ARTICLE 25 - PART-TIME EMPLOYEE ADDITIONAL HOURS LIST (Continued) 25.05 a) An employee whose name has been included on the said List and who does not accept any additional hours assignment for a period of one (1) complete contract year, shall be deemed to be removed from the List. b) An employee who is included on the said List and who, because of illness, maternity or adoption of a child or for other reasons acceptable to the Board, becomes unavailable for assignment, shall be retained on the List in an inactive status during the period of such unavailability for the remainder of the contract year, provided that such employee must make himself/herself available for assignments during the contract year following the commencement of the period of unavailability in order to be retained on the List. An employee becoming unavailable for such reasons shall inform the appropriate office in the Human Resources Services Department of the date of commencement of, and return from, the period of unavailability. c) On or about November 1st of each year the Board shall provide the Union with a copy of the said List currently in effect. Additions and deletions to/from the List will be provided to the Union on a monthly basis. 25.06 It is understood that paragraph (f) of Schedule "A" applies fully in the event of temporary assignments in a higher category. 25.07 It is understood that the foregoing procedure does not diminish the Board's right to accommodate temporary vacancies or absences through other methods, consistent with the Collective Agreement.


ARTICLE 26 JOINT MODIFIED WORK COMMITTEE 26.01 a) The Parties agree to establish a Joint Modified Work Committee consisting of the employee, up to two (2) members selected or appointed by the local Union, the employee's Supervisor(s) or designate together with the Board's W.S.I.B. Claims Officer or designate, who shall act as the Committee Chair. The Union shall provide to the Board, in writing, the names of the Union representatives to the Committee and advise the Board, in writing, of any changes. b) The Board and the Union agree to work cooperatively to accommodate ill or injured employees in accordance with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, and the Ontario Human Rights Code. c) The Committee shall meet at such times as may be mutually agreed. All such authorized time spent in Committee meetings shall be in accordance with Article 10.02.


SCHEDULE "A" - CUSTODIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT a) b) Annual Salary - see attached Chart "1". Overtime (Board Operation) i) Authorized overtime in excess of eight (8) hours per day will be paid at the rate of one and one half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate. Work performed on Sundays and Statutory holidays will be paid at the rate of two (2) times the employee's regular hourly rate. ii) An employee called in to work outside his/her scheduled shift without previous notice shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours at the appropriate overtime rate. iii) All work performed after 4:30 p.m. on the day before Christmas and the day before New Years will be paid at twice the regular rate. c) Summer Playground Allowance An allowance of $31 per week will be paid to a Custodian who looks after a drop-in Supervised Summer Playground program held at his/her school whether for part or full day. Effective September 1, 2009, the Summer Playground Allowance will increase to $32 per week. Effective September 1, 2010, the Summer Playground Allowance will increase to $33 per week. Effective September 1, 2011, the Summer Playground Allowance will increase to $34 per week.


SCHEDULE "A" - CUSTODIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT (Continued) d) Promotion Any employee appointed to a higher category, upon satisfactory completion of a trial period of sixty (60) calendar days, is to be confirmed in that appointment. In the event that an employee is absent during the trial period, the trial period will be extended by the period of such absence and the employee and the Union will be notified. e) Allowance Paid on Appointment to Higher Category When an employee is appointed to a higher category he/she shall receive the maximum salary of that category immediately upon his/her appointment, including during the trial period referred to in clause (e). When an employee is demoted from one category to another, his/her salary will be reduced to the maximum of his/her new category. f) Acting Positions If an employee is temporarily appointed to a higher category, he/she shall be paid at the rate of that category commencing with the first day. Acting appointments may not be made as a direct result of absence due to vacation during the summer vacation period. g) Uniforms Upon employment, an employee shall receive a full set of uniforms, i.e. 3 shirts, 3 pairs of trousers, 1 tie, 1 windbreaker and 1 parka. After one (1) year of service employees may request uniform replacements to a maximum of $249 per year plus sales tax. The annual uniform replacement allowance may be used to purchase safety apparel (glasses, shoes, snowsuits and smocks).


SCHEDULE "A" - CUSTODIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT (Continued) g) Uniforms (continued) A School Attendant shall receive an allowance of $140 effective September 1, 2007. Appropriate uniforms, once supplied, must be worn at all times during regular and overtime working hours, except with the approval of the employee's supervisor. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. h) Shift Premium The Board agrees to pay a shift premium of 57 cents per hour on any shift that commences at or after 12 noon on Monday to Friday inclusive and that the shift premium be paid on all hours worked in that shift. Effective September 1, 2009, the shift premium shall increase to 59 cents per hour. Effective September 1, 2010, the shift premium shall increase to 61 cents per hour. Effective September 1, 2011, the shift premium shall increase to 63 cents per hour. i) Compensating Time in Lieu of Overtime Compensating time off in lieu of overtime pay will be granted up to a maximum of forty (40) hours per contract year and will be calculated at time and one half or double time. Compensating time off can only be taken with the approval of the appropriate supervisor provided such time off does not interfere with the Board's operating requirements, and provided at least two (2) working days notice has been given of intent to take time off. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. There shall be no carry over of such accumulation from year to year. If, in the judgment of the supervisor, the granting of compensating time off will interfere with the Board's operating requirements the employee may be required to accept payment at the appropriate overtime rate in lieu of compensating time off.


SCHEDULE "A" - CUSTODIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT (Continued) j) In-School Replacements Subject to the provisions of paragraph (f) of Schedule "A" of the Collective Agreement, the following procedure shall be used to provide opportunities for the use of School Attendants, on an as needed basis, to perform temporary assignments in a higher category: i) School Attendants will be canvassed, through a posting, with respect to their interest in performing temporary assignments as full-time Custodians. ii) Qualified applicants would be placed in a pool called "Available for Temporary Assignment Pool".

iii) When the Board determines that it requires a person in this Pool for a temporary assignment as a Custodian, preference will be given to the most senior school attendant in the Pool who normally works in the school in which the assignment arises. iv) It is understood that the foregoing procedure does not diminish the Board's right to accommodate temporary vacancies or absences in Custodian positions through other methods, consistent with the collective agreement.


SCHEDULE "A" - MAINTENANCE SERVICES, PRINT SHOP, PURCHASING, L.T.S.S. AND FOOD SERVICE DEPARTMENTS a) b) Annual Salary - see attached Chart "2". Apprentices - Annual Salary The minimum annual salary for apprentices will be that percentage of the Board's trades' rates as established under the Ontario Apprenticeship Act. c) Overtime i) Authorized overtime in excess of eight (8) hours per day will be paid at the rate of one and one half (1-1/2) times the employee's regular hourly rate. Work performed on Sundays and Statutory holidays will be paid at the rate of two (2) times the employee's regular hourly rate. ii) An employee called in to work outside his/her scheduled shift without previous notice shall be paid for a minimum of two (2) hours at the appropriate overtime rate. Notwithstanding the above, call in pay will not apply if an employee is called in one (1) hour or less prior to the beginning of his/her scheduled shift.

iii) All work performed after 4:15 p.m. on the day before Christmas and the day before New Years will be paid at twice the regular rate.




Upon employment, Maintenance Department employees will be supplied with: 2 pairs of trousers, 1 nylon storm coat, 1 windbreaker, 1 tie, 2 shirts, 1 hat and 2 sets of coveralls. After one (1) year of service, employees may request uniform replacements to a maximum of $268 per year plus sales tax. Tradespersons are required to report for work dressed in the approved uniform clothing and are responsible for any expenditure over and above the annual uniform replacement allowance required to maintain this clothing. The annual uniform replacement allowance may be used to purchase safety apparel (glasses, shoes, snowsuits, etc.). For Printing and Stores Department staff, the uniform replacement allowance will be $249 per year effective September 1, 2007 and coveralls will not be provided. Food Service Assistants will receive an allowance of $149 per year for uniforms effective September 1, 2007. Appropriate uniforms are expected to be worn at all times during regular and overtime working hours. Notwithstanding the above, Maintenance, Printing and Stores Department staff shall be supplied with their first pair of C.S.A. approved safety footwear, at the Board's expense, upon commencement of employment in these Departments. Safety footwear must be worn by the employees at all times during regular and overtime working hours. A safety footwear replacement allowance of $125 per year will be included in the uniform replacement allowance for these employees, or for any other employees who in the future are required to wear safety footwear by the Ministry of Labour or the Board.


SCHEDULE "A" - MAINTENANCE SERVICES, PRINT SHOP, PURCHASING, L.T.S.S. AND FOOD SERVICE DEPARTMENTS (Continued) e) Allowance Paid on Appointment to Higher Category When an employee is appointed to a higher category he/she shall receive the maximum salary of that category immediately upon his/her appointment, including the trial period referred to in clause (f) below. When an employee is demoted from one category to another, his/her salary will be reduced to the maximum of his/her new category. f) Promotion Any employee appointed to a higher category, upon satisfactory completion of a trial period of sixty (60) calendar days, is to be confirmed in that appointment. In the event that an employee is absent during the trial period, the trial period will be extended by the period of such absence and the employee and the Union will be notified. g) Compensating Time in Lieu of Overtime Compensating time off in lieu of overtime pay will be granted up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty (120) hours per contract year and will be calculated at time and one half or double time. Compensating time off can only be taken with the approval of the appropriate supervisor provided such time off does not interfere with the Board's operating requirements, and provided at least two (2) working days notice has been given of intent to take time off. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. There shall be no carry over of such accumulation from year to year. If, in the judgement of the supervisor, the granting of compensating time off will interfere with the Board's operating requirements the employee may be required to accept payment at the appropriate overtime rate in lieu of compensating time off.




If an employee is temporarily appointed to a higher category, he/she shall be paid at the rate of that category commencing with the first day. Acting appointments may not be made as a direct result of absence due to vacation during the summer vacation period. i) Acting Lists The Board will establish an acting list for Preventative Maintenance Mechanic Leadhand, Locksmith, Food Service Assistant, and Maintenance "A" acting positions. Qualified employees will be given the opportunity to apply to the lists on an annual basis. A copy of the acting lists will be provided to the President of the Union on an annual basis. Employees on the lists will be appointed by the Board to acting positions on a rotational basis in seniority order. An employee appointed from this list will be permitted to remain in an acting position for a period of up to two (2) years and then the position will be subject to the normal rotation. The vacancy created by the appointment to an acting position will normally be filled for the duration of the acting assignment.


Salary Schedule Notation To calculate the weekly salary, divide the annual salary by 52 weeks. To calculate the hourly rate, divide the annual salary by 2080 hours for those staff working 40 hours per week. For those staff working 35 hours per week (Maintenance Clerks) divide the annual salary by 1820 hours to calculate the hourly rate.

Custodian Head Custodian Category 01 less than 35,000 sq.ft. Category 02 35,000 - 65,000 sq.ft. Category 03 65,000 - 175,000 sq.ft. Category 04 + 175,000 sq.ft. Building Leadhand Category 01 130,000 - 175,000 sq.ft. Category 02 + 175,000 sq.ft. School Attendant Student 51,887 53,288 (997.83) 24.95 (1024.77) 25.62 16.42 52,447 53,811 (1008.60) 25.21 (1034.83) 25.87 17.52 52,971 54,335 (1018.67) 25.47 (1044.90) 26.12 18.63 11.72 41,879 (805.37) 20.13 (827.00) 20.68 (850.87) 21.27 (887.75) 22.19 44,418 (854.19) 21.35 (875.90) 21.90 (905.02) 22.63 (942.92) 23.57 46,953 (902.94) 22.57 (924.92) 23.12 (958.42) 23.96 (997.33) 24.93 40,553

(779.87) 19.50

42,318 (813.81) 20.35

44,039 (846.90) 21.17




44,245 46,163

47,061 49,032

49,838 51,861

Preventive Mtce. Mech. - Leadhand Preventive Mtce. Mech. Maintenance "A" Gardener/ Transportation Worker Maintenance Clerk Storesperson Driver - I Storesperson Driver - Leadhand School Bus Driver 50,111 47,977 42,998 42,998 34,666 41,930 44,138 39,434

(963.67) 24.09 (922.63) 23.07 (826.88) 20.67 (826.88) 20.67 (666.65) 19.05 (806.35) 20.16 (848.81) 21.22 (758.35) 18.96

53,606 51,468 45,738 45,738 37,000 44,597 46,768 41,325 (1030.88) 25.77 (989.77) 24.74 (879.58) 21.99 (879.58) 21.99 (711.54) 20.33 (857.63) 21.44 (899.38) 22.48 (794.71) 19.87

57,088 54,920 48,477 48,477 39,333 47,267 49,402 43,210 (1097.85) 27.45 (1056.15) 26.40 (932.25) 23.31 (932.25) 23.31 (756.40) 21.61 (908.98) 22.72 (950.04) 23.75 (830.96) 20.77 67,349 (1295.17) 32.38

Carpenter, Welder, Electrician, Plumber, Small Engine Repair Mechanic, Refrigeration Mechanic AND Heating and Pneumatic Control Technician

Landscape Gardener - Leadhand Grounds and Transportation - Leadhand


(972.00) 24.30 (982.23) 24.56


Heating Technician 1 Heating Technician 2 Painter Locksmith and Plasterer Mason A.V. Computer Repairperson 1 A.V. Computer Repairperson 2 Chief A.V. Computer Repair Technician Inventory/ Warehouse Clerk Digital Equipment Operator Leadhand Digital Equipment Operator Printer Bindery Person Intermediate Printer/ Bindery Person Food Service Assistant - Group Leader Food Service Assistant 43,102 35,451 39,258 (828.88) 20.72 (681.75) 17.04 (754.96) 18.87 44,848 37,119 40,968 (862.46) 21.56 (713.83) 17.85 (787.85) 19.70 40,553 (779.87) 19.50 42,318 (813.81) 20.35



62,405 56,698 55,883 62,405 55,883 48,477 62,405 44,039 (1200.10) 30.00 (1090.35) 27.26 (1074.67) 26.87 (1200.10) 30.00 (1074.67) 26.87 (932.25) 23.31 (1200.10) 30.00 (846.90) 21.17 (1044.90) 26.12 (982.23) 24.56 (895.29) 22.38 (745.42) 18.63 (820.63) 20.52 20.18 18.63

54,335 51,076 46,555 38,762 42,673

Custodian Head Custodian Category 01 less than 35,000 sq.ft. Category 02 35,000 - 65,000 sq.ft. Category 03 65,000 - 175,000 sq.ft. Category 04 + 175,000 sq.ft. Building Leadhand Category 01 130,000 - 175,000 sq.ft. Category 02 + 175,000 sq.ft. School Attendant Student 53,444 54,887 (1027.77) 25.69 (1055.52) 26.39 16.91 54,020 55,425 (1038.85) 25.97 (1065.87) 26.65 18.05 54,560 55,965 (1049.23) 26.23 (1076.25) 26.91 19.19 12.07 43,135 (829.52) 20.74 (851.81) 21.30 (876.38) 21.91 (914.38) 22.86 45,751 (879.83) 22.00 (902.17) 22.55 (932.17) 23.30 (971.21) 24.28 48,362 (930.04) 23.25 (952.67) 23.82 (987.17) 24.68 (1027.25) 25.68

41,770 (803.27) 20.08

43,588 (838.23) 20.96

45,360 (872.31) 21.81




45,572 47,548

48,473 50,503

51,333 53,417

Preventive Mtce. Mech. - Leadhand Preventive Mtce. Mech. Maintenance "A" Gardener/ Transportation Worker Maintenance Clerk Storesperson Driver - I Storesperson Driver - Leadhand School Bus Driver

51,614 49,416 44,288 44,288 35,706 43,188 45,462 40,617 (992.58) 24.81 (950.31) 23.76 (851.69) 21.29 (851.69) 21.29 (686.65) 19.62 (830.54) 20.76 (874.27) 21.86 (781.10) 19.53

55,214 53,012 47,110 47,110 38,110 45,935 48,171 42,565 (1061.81) 26.55 (1019.46) 25.49 (905.96) 22.65 (905.96) 22.65 (732.88) 20.94 (883.37) 22.08 (926.37) 23.16 (818.56) 20.46

58,801 56,568 49,931 49,931 40,513 48,685 50,884 44,506 (1130.79) 28.27 (1087.85) 27.20 (960.21) 24.01 (960.21) 24.01 (779.10) 22.26 (936.25) 23.41 (978.54) 24.46 (855.88) 21.40 69,369 (1334.02) 33.35

Carpenter, Welder, Electrician, Plumber, Small Engine Repair Mechanic, Refrigeration Mechanic AND Heating and Pneumatic Control Technician

Landscape Gardener - Leadhand Grounds and Transportation - Leadhand


(1001.15) 25.03 (1011.69) 25.29


Heating Technician 1 Heating Technician 2 Painter Locksmith and Plasterer Mason A.V. Computer Repairperson 1 A.V. Computer Repairperson 2 Chief A.V. Computer Repair Technician Inventory/ Warehouse Clerk Digital Equipment Operator Leadhand Digital Equipment Operator Printer Bindery Person Intermediate Printer/ Bindery Person Food Service Assistant - Group Leader Food Service Assistant 44,395 36,515 40,436 (853.75) 21.34 (702.21) 17.56 (777.62) 19.44 46,193 38,233 42,197 (888.33) 22.21 (735.25) 18.38 (811.48) 20.29 41,770 (803.27) 20.08 43,588 (838.23) 20.96



64,277 58,399 57,559 64,277 57,559 49,931 64,277 45,360 (1236.10) 30.90 (1123.06) 28.08 (1106.90) 27.67 (1236.10) 30.90 (1106.90) 27.67 (960.21) 24.01 (1236.10) 30.90 (872.31) 21.81 (1076.25) 26.91 (1011.69) 25.29 (922.15) 23.05 (767.79) 19.19 (845.25) 21.13 20.79 19.19

55,965 52,608 47,952 39,925 43,953

Custodian Head Custodian Category 01 less than 35,000 sq.ft. Category 02 35,000 - 65,000 sq.ft. Category 03 65,000 - 175,000 sq.ft. Category 04 + 175,000 sq.ft. Building Leadhand Category 01 130,000 - 175,000 sq.ft. Category 02 + 175,000 sq.ft. School Attendant Student 55,047 56,534 (1058.60) 24.46 (1087.19) 27.18 17.42 55,641 57,088 (1070.02) 26.75 (1097.85) 27.45 18.59 56,197 57,644 (1080.71) 27.02 (1108.54) 27.71 19.77 12.43 44,429 (854.40) 21.36 (877.37) 21.93 (902.67) 22.57 (941.81) 23.55 47,124 (906.23) 22.66 (929.23) 23.23 (960.13) 24.00 (1000.35) 25.01 49,813 (957.94) 23.95 (981.25) 24.53 (1016.79) 25.42 (1058.08) 26.45 43,023

(827.37) 20.68

44,896 (863.38) 21.58

46,721 (898.48) 22.46




46,939 48,974

49,927 52,018

52,873 55,020

Preventive Mtce. Mech. - Leadhand Preventive Mtce. Mech. Maintenance "A" Gardener/ Transportation Worker Maintenance Clerk Storesperson Driver - I Storesperson Driver - Leadhand School Bus Driver 53,162 50,898 45,617 45,617 36,777 44,484 46,826 41,836

(1022.35) 25.56 (978.81) 24.47 (877.25) 21.93 (877.25) 21.93 (707.25) 20.21 (855.46) 21.39 (900.50) 22.51 (804.54) 20.11

56,870 54,602 48,523 48,523 39,253 47,313 49,616 43,842 (1093.65) 27.34 (1050.04) 26.25 (933.13) 23.33 (933.13) 23.33 (754.87) 21.57 (909.87) 22.75 (954.15) 23.85 (843.12) 21.08

60,565 58,265 51,429 51,429 41,728 50,146 52,411 45,841 (1164.71) 29.12 (1120.48) 28.01 (989.02) 24.73 (989.02) 24.73 (802.46) 22.93 (964.35) 24.11 (1007.90) 25.20 (881.56) 22.04 71,450 (1374.04) 34.35

Carpenter, Welder, Electrician, Plumber, Small Engine Repair Mechanic, Refrigeration Mechanic AND Heating and Pneumatic Control Technician

Landscape Gardener - Leadhand Grounds and Transportation - Leadhand


(1031.19) 25.78 (1042.04) 26.05


Heating Technician 1 Heating Technician 2 Painter Locksmith and Plasterer Mason A.V. Computer Repairperson 1 A.V. Computer Repairperson 2 Chief A.V. Computer Repair Technician Inventory/ Warehouse Clerk Digital Equipment Operator Leadhand Digital Equipment Operator Printer Bindery Person Intermediate Printer/ Bindery Person Food Service Assistant - Group Leader Food Service Assistant 45,727 37,610 41,649 (879.37) 21.98 (723.27) 18.08 (800.94) 20.02 47,579 39,380 43,463 (914.98) 22.87 (757.31) 18.93 (835.83) 20.90 43,023 (827.37) 20.68 44,896 (863.38) 21.58



66,205 60,151 59,286 66,205 59,286 51,429 66,205 46,721 (1273.17) 31.83 (1156.75) 28.92 (1140.12) 28.50 (1273.17) 31.83 (1140.12) 28.50 (989.02) 24.73 (1273.17) 31.83 (898.48) 22.46 (1108.54) 27.71 (1042.04) 26.05 (949.83) 23.75 (790.83) 19.77 (870.62) 21.77 21.41 19.77

57,644 54,186 49,391 41,123 45,272

Custodian Head Custodian Category 01 less than 35,000 sq.ft. Category 02 35,000 - 65,000 sq.ft. Category 03 65,000 - 175,000 sq.ft. Category 04 + 175,000 sq.ft. Building Leadhand Category 01 130,000 - 175,000 sq.ft. Category 02 + 175,000 sq.ft. School Attendant Student 56,698 58,230 (1090.35) 27.26 (1119.81) 28.00 17.94 57,310 58,801 (1102.12) 27.55 (1130.79) 28.27 19.15 57,883 59,373 (1113.13) 27.83 (1141.79) 28.54 20.36 12.80 45,762 (880.04) 22.00 (903.69) 22.59 (929.75) 23.24 (970.06) 24.25 48,538 (933.42) 23.34 (957.12) 23.93 (988.94) 24.72 (1030.37) 25.76 51,307 (986.67) 24.67 (1010.69) 25.27 (1047.29) 26.18 (1089.83) 27.25 44,314

(852.19) 21.30

46,243 (889.29) 22.23

48,123 (925.44) 23.14




48,347 50,443

51,425 53,579

54,459 56,671

Preventive Mtce. Mech. - Leadhand Preventive Mtce. Mech. Maintenance "A" Gardener/ Transportation Worker Maintenance Clerk Storesperson Driver - I Storesperson Driver - Leadhand School Bus Driver 54,757 52,425 46,986 46,986 37,880 45,819 48,231 43,091

(1053.02) 26.33 (1008.17) 25.20 (903.58) 22.59 (903.58) 22.59 (728.46) 20.81 (881.13) 22.03 (927.52) 23.19 (828.67) 20.72

58,576 56,240 49,979 49,979 40,431 48,732 51,104 45,157 (1126.46) 28.16 (1081.54) 27.04 (961.13) 24.03 (961.13) 24.03 (777.52) 22.21 (937.15) 23.43 (982.77) 24.57 (868.40) 21.71

62,382 60,013 52,972 52,972 42,980 51,650 53,983 47,216 (1199.65) 29.99 (1154.10) 28.85 (1018.69) 25.47 (1018.69) 25.47 (826.54) 23.62 (993.27) 24.83 (1038.13) 25.95 (908.00) 22.70 73,594 (1415.27) 35.38

Carpenter, Welder, Electrician, Plumber, Small Engine Repair Mechanic, Refrigeration Mechanic AND Heating and Pneumatic Control Technician

Landscape Gardener - Leadhand Grounds and Transportation - Leadhand


(1062.13) 26.55 (1073.31) 26.05

55,812 26.83

Heating Technician 1 Heating Technician 2 Painter Locksmith and Plasterer Mason A.V. Computer Repairperson 1 A.V. Computer Repairperson 2 Chief A.V. Computer Repair Technician Inventory/ Warehouse Clerk Digital Equipment Operator Leadhand Digital Equipment Operator Printer Bindery Person Intermediate Printer/ Bindery Person Food Service Assistant - Group Leader Food Service Assistant 47,099 38,738 42,898 (905.75) 22.64 (744.96) 18.62 (824.96) 20.62 49,006 40,561 44,767 (942.42) 23.56 (780.02) 19.50 (860.90) 21.52 44,314 (852.19) 21.30 46,243 (889.29) 22.23



68,191 61,956 61,065 68,191 61,065 52,972 68,191 48,123 (1311.37) 32.78 (1191.46) 29.79 (1174.33) 29.36 (1311.37) 32.78 (1174.33) 29.36 (1018.69) 25.47 (1311.37) 32.78 (925.44) 23.14 (1141.79) 28.54 (1073.31) 26.83 (978.33) 24.46 (814.56) 20.36 (896.73) 22.42 22.05 20.36

59,373 55,812 50,873 42,357 46,630


,ft CuJ-.::;,

.' of Public Employee


Case No: Employer: Employee: Department: --- - - ------- Classification: LocalNo:

Supervisor: - --- - - - -- Employee II Seniority Date To Phone II Grievance Leve l: (h) (w) Address: _

1 0 20


//We the undersigned claim that

Therefore, /!we request that

Signature of Employee(s) and/or Union Officer: Grievor Union Officer Date: Date:



CalladWn Umon

of Public Employees

DATE OF SETTLEMENT: IN FAVOUR OF EMPLOYEE: {YES/NO): PARTICULARS OF DISPOSITION OF GRIEVANCE: (Describe carefully and indicate at what Step or Stage of grievance procedure case was finally closed).

S ignature or Forema'"l or other Repres<:lntative or the Emp loyer

Signature or Shop Steward or other Union Officer)



This Collective Agreement

Reached at Mississauga this 24th day of October, 2008. Signed at Mississauga this 2nd day of November, 2008.


LETTER OF INTENT Letter of 1991 05 17 to T. Pelleja, President, C.U.P.E. Local 2544 Re: Administrative Transfers for C.U.P.E. Members The current Collective Agreement contains the Letter of Intent which was agreed to by the Board and the Union regarding a process to be followed in situations where an Assistant Custodian and/or a Head Custodian is declared excess to a location. It is the Board's proposal that, in order to provide consistency for all members of the bargaining unit, this process would be followed as closely as possible for the other members of the bargaining unit. We are therefore, suggesting that the wording of the Letter of Intent would be amended to read As agreed between the Parties, in situations where a 2544 member is declared excess to a location, the following will apply: 1. When a 2544 staff member is declared excess to a location he/she will be given the opportunity to take a transfer to a full-time or part-time position depending on the employee's status at the time of being declared excess. The Board will make available to the individual the first 3 vacancies at or below the employee's job rate for which the employee is qualified. 2. If the individual accepts the transfer, the union agrees to waive the requirements for job posting under Article 11 of the collective agreement. The board will then implement the administrative transfer. 3. If the individual declines the transfer, the Board will place the individual in accordance with the Collective Agreement. I trust you will find this satisfactory, however, I would be glad to discuss this further. Signed by Lorna Raney, Manager of Employee Relations Copies to D. Lawson, M. Fowler, L. Decaire, G. Whaley, D. Paton, and J. Amon.



June 23, 2005

Memo to: Superintendents, Principals of Secondary Schools, Principals of Elementary Schools, Facilities Managers, Members of C.U.P.E. Local 2544 Re: School Painting

This is a reminder that a letter of intent was agreed to by The Peel District School Board and C.U.P.E. Local 2544 some years ago as follows: LETTER OF INTENT It is the Intent of the Board to advise Principals and Superintendents that major requirements for painting should be referred to the Facilities Managers. It is further the intent of The Board to advise the Superintendents and Principals that the painting requirements for Custodians will generally include such areas as outside doors, boiler room floors, fan room floors, conditioning gym floors and existing parking lot lines. Any further clarification you may need on this matter should be sought from the Facilities Managers. It has come to our attention that this agreement is not being upheld in some locations within the system. Would you please ensure that the custodial staff are not requested to do any painting beyond these parameters. The Facilities and Transportation Support Services department will not be approving any expenditure of funds for any paint supplies that do not meet these guidelines. Judith Nyman Associate Director Instructional Support Services Jaspal Gill Controller of Facilities and Transportation Support Services



At recent collective bargaining negotiations, the Union raised issues with respect to the Maintenance Services delivery model. The Parties agreed to refer this issue to a Committee comprised of three (3) representatives of the Board and three (3) representatives of the Union for discussion. The Committee will have the support of the Director's office in undertaking the task of reviewing the efficiency and cost effectiveness of the current Maintenance Services delivery model. Information necessary for this review, including current maintenance contracts, will be made available to the Committee.



At recent collective bargaining negotiations, the Union raised the issue of job evaluation. The Board agreed to meet with the Union during the term of the Agreement to discuss the issue of job evaluation.


LETTER OF INTENT RE: UNION SECURITY At recent collective bargaining negotiations, the Union raised concerns regarding the use of contracted services by school locations. The Board agreed that it would establish a Committee comprised of three (3) representatives of the Board and three (3) representatives of the Union, plus appropriate resources, to review these concerns. The Parties agreed to have their first meeting no later than October 2005.


LETTER OF INTENT RE: CASUAL EMPLOYEES At recent collective bargaining negotiations, the Union requested information from the Board regarding the use of casual employees. The Board agreed that it would provide a list to the Union, on a bi-weekly basis, that would identify any casual employee working 24 hours per week or more, or working more than 4.75 hours per day. The list will detail the locations and classifications in which the hours were worked.



At recent collective bargaining negotiations, the Board and the Union discussed the following issues: staffing protocols for custodial staff; overtime for custodial staff; Letter of Understanding (March 2000).

The Parties agreed to establish a Committee of up to three (3) representatives of the Board and up to three (3) representatives of the Union, plus appropriate resources, to review these issues.




This will confirm that in recent negotiations the Board and the Union discussed inclement weather policies. The Board indicated that its administration is conducting a review of these policies and procedures and will consult the Union during this review.


This will confirm the Board's intention to provide a copy of its Leaves Policy to all bargaining unit members when a change is made, and to new-hires.


During the heating season in schools with oil or gas fired boilers, if the Board requires a custodian and/or maintenance employee to perform work on a Saturday, Sunday or a statutory holiday, the Board will call in a custodian and/or maintenance employee in accordance with the provisions of Schedule "A" - Custodial Services Department (b)(i) and/or (ii) and/or the provisions of Schedule "A" - Maintenance Services, Print Shop, Purchasing, L.T.S.S. & Food Service Department (c)(i) and/or (ii) as may be applicable.


LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING Between PeelDistrict School Board (hereinafter called "the Board") - and C.U.P.E. Local2544 (hereinafter called "the Uni n") o

The Union has raised concerns regard1ng contracting out tllat results in the displacement of CUPE Local2544 members The Board agrees that it will discuss, with the Union, any future contracting ou that would result in the displacement of CUPE Local 2544 members before any final decision is made by the Board. These discussions will take place through a jon t committee comprised of three (3) representatives of the Board and three (3) i representatives of the Union, plus appropriate resources. Both parties agree that they will evaluate the viability of any suggestions made by the committee. The suggestions of this committee will be considered by the Board before any final decision is made by the Board.

DATED at Mississauga this1day of


For the Un1on:

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_L. ---

- _:.:-;-



The Board will receive, in 2008-09, a one-time projected allocation of $1,244,718 for professional development and training for support workers. The proportionate share of money for CUPE Local 2544 as provided by the Ministry of Education (approximately $375,000) will be used to support the professional development of CUPE Local 2544 members in 2008-09 and/or 2009-10. It is understood that the total amount used for professional development activities for members of CUPE Local 2544 shall not exceed the Union's proportionate share of the fund provided by the Ministry of Education. The Parties agreed to establish a Joint Professional Development and Training Committee comprised of up to three (3) representatives of the Union and up to three (3) representatives of the Board, plus appropriate resources. The Committee will commence its deliberations no later than sixty (60) days following the date of ratification. The Committee will be responsible for reviewing and determining the professional development and training for CUPE Local 2544 members for this one-time allocation.



WHEREAS the Government has indicated its intention, conditional upon the approval by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, to increase in 2009-10 the School Operations benchmark per square meter by $1.41; WHEREAS the Government will require that this funding enhancement in 200910 be fully used to address the workload of Custodial/Maintenance/Skilled Trades Staff; Subject to the above, in 2009-10, the Board will apply this enhanced funding, up to the value of the Board's share (approximately $2.5 million) in the following order: 1) Offset staff reductions in Custodial/Maintenance/Skilled Trades Staff that may otherwise have occurred between the 2008-09 and 2009-10 school years due to declining enrolment; 2) Use all remaining funds to hire additional unionized Board-employed Custodial/Maintenance/Skilled Trades Staff in 2009-10. The Board shall share the financial analysis and calculations of this allocation with the Union. For information purposes only, the full-time equivalent (f.t.e.) for C.U.P.E. Local 2544 as of May 27th, 2008 was 1063.46 f.t.e. The Parties agree to establish a Joint Staffing Funding Enhancement Committee comprised of up to three (3) representatives of the Union and up to three (3) representatives of the Board, plus appropriate resources. The Committee will commence its deliberations no later than sixty (60) days following the date of ratification. The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and determining the staffing funding enhancements in paragraph 2) above. It is understood that the total amount used for the staffing funding enhancements shall not exceed the Board's share of this new allocation. In determining the additional unionized staff, the Committee will review the trades classifications in the Collective Agreement including: Electrician, Preventative Maintenance, Plumber, Heating and Pneumatic Control Technician, Carpenter, Maintenance A, Painter, Landscape Gardener, Small Engine Repair Mechanic, Locksmith, Plasterer Mason, and Welder. In addition, the Committee will also review Inventory/Warehouse Clerk, Storesperson Driver, auto scrubber repair, glaziers (window repair) and vacuum/buffer repair.



The Board will receive, effective in 2010-11, an additional annual projected allocation of $2,358,640 to enhance group benefits and other working conditions. CUPE Local 2544's share of the Board's allocation (approximately $190,000) shall be the ratio of its FTE of employees eligible for benefits compared to the total FTE of unionized and nonunionized employees as reported in the 2008-2009 Financial Statements. The Parties agree to establish a Joint Benefits and Other Working Conditions Committee comprised of up to three (3) representatives of the Union and up to three (3) representatives of the Board, plus appropriate resources. The Committee will commence its deliberations no later than sixty (60) days following the date of ratification. The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing and determining the group benefits and other working conditions enhancements to be applied to CUPE Local 2544 for implementation by September 1, 2010. It is understood that the total amount used for group benefits and other working conditions enhancements shall not exceed the Union's proportionate share of the fund provided by the Ministry of Education.


LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING RE: OMERS CONTRIBUTORY EARNINGS The Parties agreed that this Letter of Understanding is for information purposes only and is not grievable. As a reference for employees, the Parties have agreed to include the definition of contributory earnings under the OMERS Pension Plan, as amended from time to time. For more information, employees may access the OMERS website at Definition of Contributory Earnings: Contributory earnings must include all regular recurring earnings for all plan members including the following: base wages or salary; regular vacation pay if there is corresponding service; normal vacation pay for other-than-continuous full-time members. Include vacation hours in credited service; retroactive pay (including any pay equity adjustment) that fits with OMERS definition of earnings for all members, including active, terminated, retired and disabled members; lump sum wage or salary benefits which may vary from year to year but which form a regular part of the compensation package and are expected normally to occur each year (for example, payment based on organizational performance, some types of variable pay, merit pay, commissions); market value adjustments (for example, percentage paid in addition to a base wage as a result of market conditions, including retention bonuses if they are part of your ongoing pay strategy and not a temporary policy); ongoing special allowances (for example, flight allowance, canine allowance); pay for time off in lieu of overtime; danger pay; acting pay (pay at a higher salary rate for acting in place of an absent person); shift premium (pay for shift work); ongoing long service pay (extra pay for completing a specified number of years of service); sick pay deemed to be regular wages or salary;


salary or wage extension for any reason, provided service is extended (the member must be kept whole for example, continuation of salary and benefits). If the member becomes employed in another position and begins contributing to another registered pension plan (except CPP), the balance of the extension period becomes unpurchasable service; stand-by pay/call-in pay (pay for being on call, not pay for hours worked when called in) where this pay is in relation to duties that are an extension of the member's normal job; living accommodation premiums provided (if paid as a form of compensation and not as a direct expense reimbursement); ongoing taxable payments to pay for costs (for example, educational or car allowance); taxable premiums for life insurance; taxable value of provided vehicle or car allowance (for example, if an employer provides an allowance (that is, expenses that are not reimbursed) then the allowance is considered part of contributory earnings. If an employer reimburses mileage, this reimbursement represents payment for gasoline, maintenance, insurance, wear and tear on the vehicle and licence fees and should not be included as part of contributory earnings); payments for unused accumulated sick days or vacation time, only on retirement and only if credited service is extended. When you include lump-sum payments for unused sick days or vacation time as contributory earnings, you must also extend the retirement date and the credited service by the number of days covered by the payment. The members pension will begin on the first day of the month following the revised retirement date.



The Government has made a commitment that School Boards and Local Unions would not receive amounts proportionately less than the overall financial settlements reached in any other PDT Agreements that relate to education support workers, subject to the School Boards and Local Unions fully complying with the conditions associated with their governing PDT Agreement. The School Board Associations and CUPE have also agreed that in the event that a classification of employees covered by their governing PDT Agreement receives a greater enhancement under a PDT agreement respecting support workers concluded with another support workers union, the greater enhancement shall be provided to the group of applicable employees covered by the governing PDT Agreement. If the circumstances described above occur, the Board and the Local Union will reopen the collective agreement, but for the sole purpose of giving effect to the enhancements referred herein, subject to the conditions attached thereto, as the case may be. No other proposals or demands will be submitted or considered by either party in the context of this exercise.


LETIER OFUNDERSTANDING Between: PeelDistrict SchoolBoard (herein fter and CU.P.E.Local2544 (hereinafter . called "the Union")

In an aHempt to provide opportunities for lnSchool Replacements and to assist the Board in managing absences,the parties agree as follows: 1.In accordance with Schedule "A"CustodialServices Department Artide Q In-SchoolReplacements,the parties agree that In-SchoolRep lacements will be permitted to cover absences of School Attendants, in add ition to their regular School Attendant assignment, up to an aggregate totalol 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week. In-School ReplacemenVSchool Attendants who work in excess of 4 % hours per day or 24 hours per week will be compensated at the stra ight lime In-School ReplacemenVCustod ian rate. School Attendants who have been interviewed for an In-School Replacement position, but who have not had the opportunity to take the train ing program, may be utilized as an In-School Replacement provided that they take the training when it becomes available. 2. The paries also agree that th Letter of Understand t is ing does not change the parties understanding that School Attendants and Custodians are different job dassifications and as such are appropriately paid differently. 3. This Letter of Understanding is without prejudice to the position e ither party may take in the next round of contract negotiations.


:> ' '' )

Dated at Mssissauga thisJ': day of March, 2000. i "



' . c==>


MEMORANDUM OF SETTLEMENT BETWEEN THE PEEL BOARD OF EDUCATION (BOARD) AND CUPE AND ITS LOCAL 2544 (UNION) RE: GRIEVANCES 19-96, 21-96, 22-96, 23-96, 24-96, 62-96, 63-96, 65 to 71-96 inclusive and 76-96, and all other grievances by individual school attendants related to the issues in Grievance 21-96 (29 to 36-96 inclusive; 38 to 54-96 inclusive; and 56 to 57-96 inclusive). At the request of arbitrator, Mr. Mitchnick, the Parties entered into settlement discussions which resulted in this Memorandum of Settlement. The Board and Union hereby agree to settle the above-noted grievances on the following terms based on the facts to date: If, in the future, the Board considers it necessary to effect a temporary layoff of custodial staff without a total shutdown, casuals shall be laid off first, and then any necessary temporary layoff of custodial staff shall be in reverse order of seniority. In consideration of this, it is understood that the Board shall have the necessary flexibility to temporarily transfer during this layoff any employee who is retained to ensure that the necessary tasks can be carried out in each location. In making the transfer decisions, the Board will take into account the availability of public and private transportation for the employee to be transferred but in no event will an employee be transferred beyond the municipality of the employee's home location or the adjacent municipality except by mutual consent. Dated at Toronto this 27 day of November, 1996

Peter Torchia Union

M.A. Fowler Employer


LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING RE: FLOATER CUSTODIAN MILEAGE At recent collective bargaining negotiations, the Board agreed that it would continue its current practice with respect to the mileage paid to Floater Custodians. The current practice is as follows: Mileage is paid, to the Floater Custodian, from the Floater Custodian's home to their first work location or if the employee does not live in Peel, from the Peel District School Board border to the employee's first work location. Mileage is then paid to the Floater Custodian for any travel between Board locations during the course of the work day. Mileage is not paid to the Floater Custodian to return home from the employee's last work location of the day.


LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING RE: PERMITS At recent collective bargaining negotiations, the Board agreed that it will provide a Board location to the union for ratification purposes and for the annual children's Christmas party, and will not charge the union for any permit charges.

INDEX Administrative Transfers for CUPE Members ...............................................69 Annual Increments........................................................................................37 Arbitration Procedure....................................................................................10 Board's Rights .............................................................................................. 5 Custodial Services Department ....................................................................45 Definitions..................................................................................................... 1 Fringe Benefits .............................................................................................32 Grievance Procedure.................................................................................... 7 Hours of Work...............................................................................................28 Job Posting...................................................................................................20 Joint Modified Work Committee....................................................................44 Leaves of Absence .......................................................................................25 Maintenance Services, Print Shop, Purchasing, L.T.S.S. and Food Services Departments ..............................................................................49 Miscellaneous Provisions .............................................................................40 No Strike, No Lockout...................................................................................17 Paid Holidays................................................................................................36 Part-time Employee Additional Hours List ....................................................42 Personnel Files .............................................................................................41 Probationary Period ......................................................................................24 Purpose ........................................................................................................ 3 Recognition................................................................................................... 4 Retirement Gratuity ......................................................................................31 Safety Provisions ..........................................................................................23 Seniority .......................................................................................................12 Sick Leave ....................................................................................................30 Termination...................................................................................................39 Union Executive and Grievance Committee .................................................18 Union Security .............................................................................................. 6 Vacations......................................................................................................33 Wages ..........................................................................................................38

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