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Morrosite Cosmology

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Explanation of the Rounds of Eternity The large central ball represents the first celestial planet that was

ever created, and the first God of all resides there with his family. The celestial sun revolves around it once in one thousand years, and all celestial planets that surround it, are governed by it; that is the reason why the Almighty declares that one day with Him is a thousand years with the children of men. The planet marked number 2, with all others below it, are in their first or spiritual estate. These are the abodes off spirits who are progressing towards mortality. The planet next above, marked number 4, is in its second or mortal estate, and represents our earth. The planet marked number 1 is the last celestialized planet, and is the abode of the Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ, and the family of heaven. The inhabitants of this planet are all celestial beings, and they govern the inhabitants upon number 4 and all others below it. Number 3 represents a spiritual planet, designed to receive all spirits previous to their taking missions upon the mortal earth. Adam and his firstborn son, Abel, are now presiding there, and directing the coming of his children to this earth according to the missions they have to fill. When our earth occupied the position of number 2, and was about to take its change to mortality, all its inhabitants moved off it upon number 3, as spirits, whence they have since been sent into our earth to take upon themselves mortal bodies. When they have finished their part in mortality, they go to the terrestrial planet, marked number 5, where paradise is located, or to number 6, the telestial planet, where is located the spirit prison to which our dear Lord went to preach during the three days his body lay in the tomb. It was in number 6 the antedeluvians were imprisoned until the gospel of our dear Lord was offered to them for their acceptance. Those who embraced the gospel were liberated to take up their abode in paradise. Many of them were again sent upon the earth to take mortal bodies, with an opportunity of redeeming the time and experience they lost during their first mortal probation. Planets number 5 and 6 are the abodes of all departed spirits of Adam's family until this earth undergoes its last great change and becomes purified and celestial. Then its inhabitants who kept their first estate, will come forth in the resurrection, every man in his own order. The traveling planets, in the perpendicular line, which are in their first or spiritual estate, number one hundered and forty-four thousand, and are owned by one hundred and forty-four thousand high priests, whom John saw standing with Jesus upon Mount Zion. Do those planets grow? Yes. They were created very small in the beginning. This world wich we now live in, when it was created was not one-hundredth part as large as it is now. It has moved since then 144,000 times, and it has been growing all the time. Are there any inhabitants upon those planets? Yes; there are millions of spiritual beings upon them in their first estate, and each of the planets moves one degree upwards every seven thousand years, and another is created at the bottom of the quorum, while the mortal earth moves up among the celestial planets; so that the quorum of one-hundred and forty-four thousand is always full and complete. How long is it since this world of ours was created? Then hundred and eight millions of years. It was then placed at the bottom of the quorum as the smallest and the youngest planet in the entire quorum. Since that time it has been the abode of spirits, with the exception of the last six thousand years, when it arrived at its present positon and passed from its spiritual to its mortal condition. In one thousand years it will have passed through the millenium. Satan and his emmissaries, Who kept no their first estate, will suffer second death; the earth will be purified with fire, and become as a sea of glass to inherit celestial glory, together with inhabitants. It will then ascend into a celestial atmosphere and become numbered with the redeemed, celestialized world. Concerning the resurrection, all the animal creation that has lived upon the earth in connection with the human famly had a spiritual existence before they had a mortal one, and they were created for the use of man, and they move with him as he moves, and will receive a resurrection, and become celestialized and will continue to be used by him eternally.

The trees, the herbs, the flowers, the grass, and in fact every good thing that grows upon our mortal earth, had a spiritual existence before they sprang up in mortality and they will have a celestial existence in a purified, perfect sphere. Biblical quotes used to justify this cosmology: Doctrine and Covenants (Joseph Smith) Sec 2, para 1 Therefore His paths are straight, and His course is one eternal round D & C Sec. 22, pars. 6,7,8 D & C Sec. 36, para. 6 Times and Seasons, page 490: Or we may be called upon with the other sons of God to shout for joy at the organization of new systems of worlds, and new orders of being, over which we may reigh as kings, or to whom we may minister as priests. Jude 1:6 II Peter 3:13 John 8:23,58 John 3:3, 13,16 Matthew 21:11

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