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Organizational Behaviour - Chart

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The key takeaways are the introduction to organizational behavior, what managers do, and the chapter outline.

The four management functions are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Mintzberg's managerial roles include interpersonal roles like figurehead and leadership, informational roles like monitor and disseminator, and decisional roles like entrepreneur and disturbance handler.


Organizational Behavior
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Chapter Outline
What Managers Do Enter Organizational Behavior Replacing Intuition with Systematic Study Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field Challenges and Opportunities for OB

What Managers Do
Gets things done through other people Make decisions, allocate resources, and direct the activities of others to attain goals Do their work in an organization

Management Functions
We have four management functions
Planning, organizing, leading, controlling.

1) Planning
Includes defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities.

Management Functions
2) Organizing
Determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, howthe tasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.

Management Functions
3) Leading
Includes motivating subordinates, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels, and resolving conflicts.

Management Functions
4) Controlling
Monitoring activities to ensure they are being accomplished as planned and correcting any significant deviations.

Mintzbergs Managerial Roles

Interpersonal Roles
Figurehead. For example when a manager is supervising a department then he is the figurehead of that department.

Leadership. this role includes hiring, training and motivating and disciplining the employees.

Managerial Roles
Informational Roles
Monitor This role includes collecting information by reading magazines and talking to other people to knowabout the public taste, planning of the competitors etc.

Disseminator When the managers transmit this information to organizational members they are playing the role of disseminator.

Managerial Roles
Spokesperson When the manager is making any announcement regarding the organization then he is playing the role of a spokesperson.

Managerial Roles
Decisional Roles
Entrepreneur As entrepreneur the manager initiates and oversee the newactivities that will improve organizational performance Disturbance Handler The manager takes corrective actions in response to arising problems

Managerial Roles
Resource Allocator. Allocating resources to different departments

Negotiator. They discuss issues and bargain with other firms to get advantage for their own unit.

Management Skills
1. Technical Skills . . . the ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise in any given organizational environment. 2. Human Skills . . . the ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in groups. 3. Conceptual Skills . . . the mental ability to analyze complex situations and making decisions for solving the problems.

Organizational Behavior
Definition. Organizational Behavior is a discipline, concerned with understanding, describing, predicting and controlling human behavior in an organizational environment.

Explanation of definition
A manager can know the behavior of employee through interacting with him/her and by observation. Predicting a behavior means telling whether the employee will be fruitful for organization or will create problems in future. Although every individual carries a different behavior, in order to have a uniformed behavior of all employees

Why Do We Study OB?

To learn about yourself and how to deal with others You are part of an organization now, and will continue to be a part of various organizations Organizations are increasingly expecting individuals to be able to work in teams, at least some of the time Some of you may want to be managers or entrepreneurs

Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field. Psychology

The science that seeks to measure, explain and sometime change the behavior of human beings and other animals.

Basically psychology is the study of mind and behavior, if a manager is good in psychology, it will help him in understanding the behavior of

Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field.

The study of people in relation to their fellow human beings.

Sociology is the study of group behavior, because an organization is a social unit where different individuals work in groups, therefore sociology can help a manager in understanding group behavior

Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field.

Social Psychology an area within psychology that blends concepts from psychology and sociology and focuses on the influence of people on one another.

Psychology studies individual behavior and sociology is concerned with group behavior, social psychology focuses on how group behavior influences individual behavior. Any new employee who joins organization,

Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field.

Anthropology The study of societies to learn about human beings and their activities. It helps us understand differences in fundamental values and attitudes between people in different countries.

In organization we find people from multiple cultures, Difference of religion, education, customs and values causes difference between two cultures if a manager has some knowledge of

Contributing Disciplines to the OB Field. Political Science The study of people in a political environment and allocation of power among people to any single individual.
Political science is concerned with allocation of power, it talks about the factors which make people give the right in hand of a single individual to rule them. Inside organizations managers promote

Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior

Responding to globalization. todays businesses are not limited to their native countries and crossing the boundaries of their countries. it is quite possible today that a manager is from one country and staff and market is from other. It is a growing challenge to understand the needs, preferences and attitudes of other cultures in order to better satisfy them and provide them better services.

Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior

Workforce diversity. Todays workforce is becoming diverse. It includes different age groups, gender, races. Managing the workforce diversity has become a global concern.

Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior

Improving quality and productivity. companies are rapidly starting their operations in other parts of the world, thus resulting in increased competition. In order to gain their share the companies have to provide good quality. For this purpose two terms are being used. Quality management and process reengineering.

Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior

Quality management. QM is the name of the constant attainment of customer satisfaction through continuous improvement of all organizational processes. Process reengineering. It asks managers to reconsider howwork would be done and howtheir organization would be structured if they were starting from today their business.

Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior

Empowering people. Empowering employees in the organizations is considered the key of success. Even decision making is being pushed down to operational level. The concept of self managed teams is emerging in business world.

Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior

Coping with temporariness. jobs are becoming more diverse, the employees have to update their knowledge continuously, they all have to knowhowto operate computers, and other latest communication tools, and should be ready to fill temporary work assignments.etc.

Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior

Working in Networked organizations. the internet and the ability to link computers within organizations and between organizations have created a different workplace for many employees. It allows people to work together even they may be thousand of miles apart. Managing employees online requires special skills and techniques which are to be learnt on the part of the Manager.

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