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New Features

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This document gives a detailed summery of the new features and modifications of FEM-Design version 8.0 and 7.0 in two parts. We hope you will enjoy using the program and its new tools and possibilities. We wish you success. StruSoft, the developers

Legend Pay attention Useful hints / tricks Examples / exercises Text Italic words marked in cyan are linked to their definition.

PART I FEM-Design 8
What's New in FEM-Design 8
New User Interface - Microsoft Windows Vista / XP style is now available. Load Commands The Load menu is editable e.g. to hide the unused load commands.

Model and Load Definition

IFC Model Import - Multi-selection of structural objects and material conversion are available in IFC file (version 2x2 and 2x3) import. The program automatically connects the misplaced architectural elements (e.g. with line-line connection) to avoid geometrical errors in FE mesh generation. Fast Shell Definition - Conversion of solid surfaces to shell elements can be done just in one step. Fast Thickness Definition - Definition way of constant and variable thickness is now separated. Fast Intensity Definition - Definition way of constant and variable intensity is now separated. "Go to Storey" - Fast navigation between storeys is available in FEM-Design 3D Structure. Material and Section Compatibility of Bars - Incompatibility definition is not possible in bars' design. Fast Modification of Connections - Quick edit tool to add or remove members to connections. Extended Section Library - The list of available sections is grown with huge number of steel sections.

Connection Forces - Forces and moments are calculated in connections in Analysis. Peak Smoothing of Line Reactions/Connection Forces - Average value is calculated by finite element. Stress in Shells' Middle Plane - New result of shells is available for load cases, combinations and groups. Seismic Analysis - "Modal analysis", "Static, linear shape" and "Static, mode shape" seismic calculation methods are available for EC8 and Norwegian codes. "Modal analysis" can be applied for other codes. The program contains built-in response spectra or you can define new one manually. Seismic loads can be added to load combinations, groups. New Codes in PreDesign - Automatic snow, wind and deviation load generation for 3D models are now available for the Danish, EC, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish codes. Quantity Estimation - The program calculates new quantity items for concrete and steel objects.

RC Design
Design vs. Checking - Easier way to document the RC design and checking results separately. Shrinkage - Modelling of shrinkage effect is now available in FEM-Design 3D Structure too. Bar Design - Required reinforcement and utilization calculation of bars is available in EC2. Shell Design - Required reinforcement and crack width in shell elements can be calculated in EC2. RC Checking of Shells - Applied reinforcement and RC checking as EC2 are available in 3D Structure. Column Punching - Steel bar quality for column punching can be set together with column position.

Steel Design
Steel Bar Checking - Utilization checking against stresses, flexural buckling, torsional buckling, shear and web buckling, and flange buckling is presented as EC3.

Error Handling - The position of the geometrical errors, the load misplacements, the problems of finite element mesh creation and design calculations is shown to help users in model correction.

Result Display and Documentation

Select and Display - Result would be displayed with its default or last-used settings. Quick Change - The scale and the text of the current figure can be modified fast with quick change icons. User-defined Styles - Settings of display techniques (scale, colour etc.) can be saved under names. Quick Selection - One-click browser is developed for fast display of previously displayed result figures. Tool Tip - Rolling the mouse over a result picture will display the numeric value as a tool tip. Sections Different results can be displayed in sections having fixed position. Deformed Shape - Displacement can be displayed together with other result types (e.g. internal forces). Contour Lines - A new "contour line" display technique is available for results with colourful settings. Concealment of Empty Tables - Empty tables generated by a template can be hidden at Documentation. Title for Document Contents Easy navigation between text boxes and figures in Documentation. 1

New User Interface
The user interface of FEM-Design 8.0 is developed in the height of Windows' fashion (Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows XP styles).

You can also work on a simpler interface. Just inactivate "Enable XP/Vista style" at Settings/ All/ Environment/ General/ View. This setting will effect on the current view after restarting the program.

Load Commands
To show the mostly used load type and hide the rarely used one; you can organize the icons in expanded or compact form.

In compact mode, you see the icon of the last used command. If you click on the command's symbol, the program opens its tool palette. You can reach the other same type load by clicking on the symbol.

Model and Load Definition

IFC Model Import
FEM-Design gives the possibility to import 3D models saved in IFC files from other architectural and structural programs (Smart Geometry Import). FEM-Design 8.0 adds new features to this connection type: Available file formats are IFC2x2 and IFC2x3 Material conversion table and style Object-orientated selection Solution for solving connections of misplaced objects (point-point and line-line connection)

Material Conversion Table

When you define structural objects in structural or architectural software, you associate materials to them such as in FEM-Design. As you know, FEM-Design needs a code and materials corresponding to it for design calculations. Opening an IFC file starts with choosing a code (available as your licence). If the materials of the opened file are inconvenient for the chosen standard, they can be modified at "Model import settings". This conversion can be done on different model levels: - for the whole structure, - by storey (e.g. 1st floor), - by object type (e.g. all slabs), - for selected single and multiple objects of the same type (e.g. 1 or more slabs).

You can choose from two ways: - Set only materials (Browse) A dialog appears with the built-in and user-defined concrete and steel materials of FEM-Design. Other custom materials created by you can also be available. You can create new concrete, steel and general materials too. - Set materials and save conversion table (Map) You can associate standard materials (as the applied code) to one or more materials of the imported model (= "IFC Material") in dialogue format. It works for the complete model, so there is not difference that you select an object or a storey or a building. There are two independent conversion maps, one for the architectural and one for the structural model. Click on Map... button (on any model level) and select one or more material in the "IFC Material" column. Press Assign material and choose one from the available design materials according to the current code. Here, new materials can also be created (New). After the selection, click on OK, and you return to the material conversion table. The selected material appears in the "FEM-Design Material" column. To validate the association, press Apply conversion, and all materials of the loaded IFC model will be modified as your definition.

Under Save as profile..., you can save your conversion rule by code. To apply your saved material conversion at another IFC import, load it with Apply profile.... Materials can be modified by one or more object later with the Properties tool of the matching structural command (3D Plate/Plate, Wall, Column and Beam).

Object-Orientated Selection
Now, it is possible to import objects using manual selection beside the complete structure at all types of IFC models (Structural, Architectural and Solid body).

Solution for solving connections of misplaced objects

If you open an Architectural-type IFC model in FEM-Design 3D Structure, the program generates the static system. If the surfaces of the imported solid objects are touching each other (but the generated calculation planes are not), the program connects them (= misplaced objects) with rigid point-point or line-line connections. The method depends on the types of the "connected" objects: - If a bar (Beam or Column) connects to an object, the program applies point-point connection. - If only surface elements (3D Plates and/or Walls) connect to each other, line-line connections are added to them. The next figure shows you an example. You can modify the connection stiffness with the Properties tool of the Point-point and Line-line connection commands.

Fast Shell Definition

In FEM-Design, you can create (drawing) solids with any shape. Use the command Solid (Draw menu) to do that (see User manual, Chapter 17.3.7).

Now, as a new feature, you can add shell elements very fast to a previously defined solids' surface. Use the Define/ Pick existing region tool of 3D Plate. The next figure shows the steps of defining e.g. a tube from a solid. Not to add shell element to the top surface of the solid, set a side view and use window selection (starting from right) to intersect only the needed surfaces. After you get the structure built from 3D plate objects, you can erase or hide the solid model.

Fast Thickness Definition

As a modification of FEM-Design 8.0, when you define a plate (FEM-Design Plate), a wall (FEM-Design Wall) or 3D plate (FEM-Design 3D Structure), a region with constant thickness will be created as default. If you would like to define an object with variable thickness (linear distribution only), you can do it in two steps: first define its geometry with constant thickness (Define) and then modify the thickness values at three points with the Variable thickness tool. Select the region, then set the t1, t2 and t3 values and finally define their positions inside or outside of the region.

Fast Intensity Definition

Constant or variable surface load definition is very similar to the definition of structural regions as it is described above.

"Go to Storey"
Fast navigation between storeys is now available in FEM-Design 3D Structure. If you define a storey-system (Structure/ Storey; see User manual, Chapter 4.11.2), the program automatically defines plane views by storey. These 2D views can be found under Go to storey (ALT+Home; View menu or right toolbar as default). Fast move between plane views by storey can be done with One storey up (ALT+PageUp) or One storey down (ALT+PageDown).

Material and Section Compatibility of Bars

To avoid design failures of concrete and steel bars (section type and material do not fit), the program checks the section type - material compatibility as the following rule when setting the bars' properties. The program sends you an error message when it finds incompatibility definition and you close Properties dialogue. Section type Built-in steel Built-in concrete Parametric steel Parametric concrete Parametric general "Rolled steel" (Section Editor) "Cold worked steel" (Section Editor) "Welded steel" (Section Editor) "Concrete" (Section Editor) "Wood" (Section Editor) "Generic" (Section Editor) Material Steel, General Concrete, General Steel, General Concrete, General General Steel, General Steel, General Steel, General Concrete, General General General

Fast Modification of Connections

First of all, as a new feature, the program displays the point-point and line-line connections in a new way. A new symbol system (darker colours, thicker lines etc.) shows the objects having one of the associated above mentioned connection types. The following figure shows an example how the program makes different symbols depending on what object was selected during the point-point selection. But note, that although the definition ways are differ at the column-plate connections, if the properties (directions, components and stiffness values) are the same at both point-point connections (here in the example, hinged connection = all rotation components are free), the static-systems are also the same.

There is a new tool at the Point-point and Line-line connection commands, which you can add or remove members to or from a connection with. The tool is called Edit connected objects. The next figure shows the steps of adding a new member (here beam) to a predefined point-point connection. With the Edit connected objects tool of the Point-point connection, select first the connection you would like to modify and then choose the new object you would like to add to the selected connection. To remove a member of a connection, do the same steps with Edit connected objects.

The next figure shows you the difference between the static-systems of the initial and modified states at all rigid bar end connections and defined hinged point-point connection.

Extended Section Library

The list of available steel cross-sections (Section library) is grown with huge number of new I-shape (UKB and UKC-type) sections.

Connection Forces
If your model contains connections (Edge connection, Point-point connection and/or Line-line connection), you can ask and display connection forces and moments by load case, load combination and load group as an Analysis-type result. Similar to reaction forces, you can show the results by component, by resultant and by load type (force and/or moment) in different scales. Connection forces in edge and line-line connections can be shown in different distribution modes: Original, Linear, Constant and Constant by element .

The figure shows an example for displaying connection forces at the three connection types. The Fy' is displayed at the line connections, and the Fx' and Fz' for the point-point connection. The colour of the figure of a component (e.g. Fy') is the same with the colour of the local axis (e.g. y') associated to the component direction.


Peak Smoothing of Line Reactions/Connection Forces

To solve singularity peaks at line reactions and line connections, the program also calculates the average value of the reaction and connection forces by element. That means, line reactions and connection forces can be displayed in a new way (distribution), with constant (average) value by element. In this case, you can easily insert numeric values onto the steps of a figure (Numeric value/ Find all local maximum/minimum; Selected objects; Minimum and maximum).

The next figure introduces the theory of the average calculation by element ("Constant by element").


Stress in Shells' Middle Plane

New output data for Analysis is available in FEM-Design 3D Structure. The program calculates stresses derived from the normal forces in the middle plan ("membrane") of the shell regions for load cases, load combinations and load groups: Sigma x', membrane (from Nx'), Sigma y', membrane (from Ny'), Tau x'y', membrane (from Nxy'), Sigma vm, membrane (von Mises stress), Sigma 1 / Sigma 2, membrane (main stress).


Seismic Analysis
A totally new seismic calculation was developed in FEM-Design 3D Structure and FEM-Design 3D Frame offering the following methods to the users (depending on the applied national codes): Modal response spectrum analysis ("Modal analysis") (Available in EC, British, Danish, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Norwegian and Swedish codes) Lateral force method / Equivalent static load method (Available in EC and Norwegian code) This method can be used to calculate the seismic effect in horizontal plan, x and/or y direction. The main point is to calculate "base shear force" taking into account the base vibration period and design spectrum in x or y direction, which is distributed into those nodes of the structure where there are nodal masses. The "base shear force" formula is taken from EC-8 (see Theory book). The "base shear force" is nothing else than the total seismic force of inertia that acts between the ground and the structure, and it can be distributed in two ways: -- Linear shape method (Static, linear shape) The distribution of the "base shear force" happens according to a simplified fundamental mode shape, which is approximated by horizontal displacements that increased linearly along the height. -- Mode shape method (Static, mode shape) See the detailed description and the applied theory of all calculation methods in the Theory book. This guide introduces only the user interface and the steps of seismic analysis.

Steps of Seismic Calculation

The suggested steps of seismic calculation are the followings: 1. Mass definition To calculate the seismic effect, it is necessary to know the vibration shapes and corresponding periods (except the Static, linear shape method). To perform dynamic calculations, it is necessary to define mass distribution which can be defined as concentrated mass or load case-mass conversion. Use the Mass or Load case mass conversion command (Load menu). In the latter case, add factors (Factor) to load cases you wish to convert to mass according to the applied code.


2. Design spectrum The program contains predefined design spectra in case of EC (EC8) and Norwegian code (NS3491-12). The user can also define its own spectra in these two codes and in the other standards. Use the command Seismic load (Loads menu). The horizontal spectrum is always necessary. The vertical spectrum is necessary when the vertical affect taken into account. Standard spectrum (EC8 and NS3491-12) If Standard is activated, the codes give the horizontal and vertical spectra, and although the value of variables is prescribed (see Theory book), they can be modified if necessary. In the Others tab, you should set some parameters that effect the calculation and results.

Foundation level At Static, linear shape, the program calculates the mass height from the foundation level. At Static, mode shape and Modal analysis the base shear force will be drawn in that level and it is taken into consideration in the so-called reduced mass calculation. Unique spectrum (all code) In the other national codes, you have to define the spectra in table or graphical way. Spectra can be defined at the above mentioned two codes too by entering to Unique mode.

Defined unique spectra can be stored in files under Save. These files can be imported with Load. 14

The applied / defined spectra and its properties can be added to documentation as figures and tables by clicking on Add to documentation. 3. Dynamic calculation Dynamic calculation should be done before performing seismic calculation, which gives sufficient vibration shapes of the structure. Although setup for the seismic calculation can be done at any time, but the seismic calculation could be performed only after Eigenfrequency calculation. Run dynamic calculation under Analysis by setting the required number of vibration shapes.

It is suggested to set the finite element number bigger than 1 at bars (Finite elements/ Division number, see User manual, Chapter 9.3.4). 4. Settings of seismic calculation National codes always provide which seismic calculation method has to be performed for different structure, where and when it should be performed and what other effects to be considered (e.g. torsional effect, P- effect). FEM-Design provides three types of calculation methods (depending on the applied code):


Static, linear shape (EC8 and NS3491-12) As a matter of fact eigenfrequency calculation is not necessary for this method, because giving the base period time in x and y directions (Tx' and Ty') is enough for the calculation. Practically, eigenfrequency calculation performs before setting this data, but these data can be defined using experimental formulas as well. Investigation can be done in x or y direction, or both together. User may set the calculation direction to be performed by selecting the desired direction. To set the desired x-y direction, you should give Alfa ( is the angle between the global X and x; see Direction of the horizontal effect). =0.0 means x-y directions coincide with global X-Y directions.

This method is unusable if the whole foundation is not in same plane or the horizontal foundation is elastic. In these cases, Static, mode shape or Modal analysis should be used. Static, mode shape (EC8 and NS3491-12) In this method the distribution of "base shear force" happens according to fundamental mode shapes (base vibration shapes). The table shows how to select the base vibration shapes. It contains all mode shapes (No), the vibration time (T(s)) and effective masses of the mode shapes in x and y directions (mx'(%) and my'(%)). The effective masses are given in a relative form to the total or reduced mass of the structure. The reduced mass means the total mass above the foundation or above the rigid basement. The value of the effective mass refers to how the mode shape responds to a ground motion direction, so the effective mass shows the participation weight of the mode shape. Select (or double-click on it) one mode shape in x' or/and y' direction(s) (mx' /my'). (Yellow field colour shows the activation.) It is recommended to select that mode shape which gives the largest effective mass as the fundamental mode shape. The calculation of "base shear force" is performed according to the total mass of the structure and not to the effective mass.


Modal analysis The essence of the method is the calculation of the structural response for different ground motions by the sufficient summation of more vibration shapes. Method gives possibility to take into account full x', y' and z (=global Z) direction investigation. In the table, more vibration mode shape could be selected in x, y and z directions if necessary. The last row (orange cells) of the table shows that how large is the sum of the considered effective masses compared to the total or reduced mass of the structure in a given ground motion direction. According to EC8 and NS3491-12, sum of the effective mass of the choosen mode shapes (at least in horizontal direction) should reach 90% of total mass. Additionally every mode shape has to be taken into account where effective mass is larger than 5%. If the sum of the effective mass is much smaller than 90%, eigenfrequency calculation should be done for more shapes in order to reach 90%. Lots of mode shapes should be ensured to reach the 90% of total mass in vertical direction. It is highly recommended to check the national code, whether it is necessary to examine the vertical effect or it is not. The mode shapes which have small effective mass may be neglected, because their effect in result is very small, but calculation time increases. Summation rule by direction According to the EC8 and NS3491-12, the summation rule in the individual directions can be selected. In all other codes always the SRSS rule is used for summation (there is no choice). Read more about SRSS and CQC summation rules in Theory book. If the Automatic is selected, the rule selection procedure is as follow: - Always three directions are investigated (if more than one mode shape is selected in a column), where all mode shape is independent from each others or not. - If at least one dependent situation exists in a direction, the program automatically uses the CQC rule for all mode shape in that direction, otherwise SRSS rule is used.

Direction of the horizontal effect Codes generally speak about seismic calculation in X-Y directions. These directions give the maximum effect, if the mass and elastic properties of the structure ensure that the calculated mode shapes lay in X-Z or Y-Z plane. But it is not always achieved in practice. To achieve the unfavourable direction, where the results of ground motion are maximum, the program gives the possibility to set x'-y' direction for the seismic horizontal effect (Alpha). The program suggests the Alfa value, if you click on Auto button. It finds the most unfavourable direction, where any of the mx and my is zero and the other is maximum in the same row (same shape). But, there is a rule: the direction can be ensured only for one mode shape, so the program selects the row where the effective mass is the maximum. If manually definition is chosen, give an angle for Alfa and press the button Set. 17

On the left hand side figure you can see a badly adjusted x-y direction ( = 0). Appling Auto button, the program arranges the direction for the 58.5% effective mass my' and correct it to 78%.

Effective mass The modal effective masses can be compared to the total mass or reduced mass at Eff. mass : In FEM-Design Reduced mass means the difference between the total mass of the structure and the basement mass. The basement mass is the sum of all masses which lay on the foundation level (set at Seismic load/ Others). EC8 defines the total mass without basement (Reduced mass). The effective masses are generally compared to the Reduced mass, but this is not valid for the massive basement with elastic foundation. If the above mentioned situation is the case, it might happen that the sum of the effective masses of a column is larger than the 100%. It is uninterested in the calculation point of view, that effective masses are compared to the total or the reduced mass, because these values are given in percentage and only gives information, that which mode shape is the fundamental or which shapes are dominant in a given direction. At Options, more calculation properties can be set: Combination rule The combination rule of effects in the x', y' and maybe z directions can be set here. In EC8 and NS3491-12, you can choose from two possibilities, but in other codes, the program always calculates as the first one called SRSS. Consider torsional effect / Consider second order effect (Available only in EC8) Additional effects can be taken into consideration during seismic calculation. See the detailed description of these effects in Theory book. The calculation of both effects needs the definition of storeys (see User manual, Chapter 4.11.2). 5. Seismic calculation After choosing a calculation method and setting its properties, activate first Seismic analysis under Analysis and then press OK.

The Results
Besides displacement, reaction and connection force and internal force results, the list of available results increases with new data: Equivalent loads and "Base shear force". Results can be displayed by vibration shape (selected at calculation settings), from torsional effect, from sums by direction and from the total sum (Seismic max). If equivalent loads are displayed, also the "base shear force" appears on screen (in grey colour). Torsional moment effect on the whole structure can also be displayed, if torsional effect was taken into consideration during calculation. 18

Because of the square combination rule, the results summed by direction (Sum, x, Sum, y, Sum, z) and the total sum (Seismic max) gives only positive values, so absolute maximums. Also, because of combination rule, the displacement components and the internal forces in one point are not simultaneous results.

Summary of Static and Seismic Effects

Seismic effect can be combined with static loads in two ways: By defining new load cases contain equivalent seismic loads to take them into consideration at analysis or design calculations as real static loads, By adding the maximum seismic effect to load combinations or load groups.

Seismic loads as load cases The x' and y' directional loads (also torsional moments in EC8) equivalent to the horizontal ground motion can be converted to load cases. "Seismic,..."-type load cases behave as static loads: they can be combined, they can be added to groups, and they can be taken into consideration at stability, imperfection and design calculations. As you see in the list of load case types, the seismic effects can be considered with positive and/or negative sign.


Maximum seismic effect in load combinations The total, the maximum seismic effect (see Seismic max at Equivalent loads) can be added to load combinations. Start the command Load combinations (Loads menu). Apply Insert case(s) on a predefined or new load combination, choose "(Seismic max)", define a load factor and press OK.

The maximum seismic effect is always positive (because of the square combination rules). So, if you would like to define negative effect, just type negative factor before "(Seismic max)". Maximum seismic effect as load group The maximum seismic effect (Seismic max) can also be added to groups in all codes. In EC8 and NS3491-12, define a group as "Seismic", and in the other codes as "Accidental". The program automatically takes the "(Seismic max)" into consideration with +/- values in the generation of the most unfavorable results.


New Codes in PreDesign

Pre-calculation of multi-storey buildings and automatic snow, wind and deviation load generation are available in FEM-Design PreDesign in the Danish, EC (British), Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish codes. After choosing one of the abovementioned codes, set the main sizes of the building and its site and load information at Building information (Structure).

Depending on the applied code different site and load information can be set.


The settings effect on the automatic snow and wind load definition. If you click on the Automatic generation of the Snow load command, the program automatically adds snow surface load on the "roof" parts inserted in the Snow load layer. If you apply the same tool at Wind load for a selected direction (X or Y "main" direction defined with Structure/ Main directions), the program generates wind line loads in the proper direction and location inserted in the proper layers: Wind load X or Wind load Y.

Quantity Estimation
Quantity estimation is available in all design modules. Depending on the applied module, main quantities for concrete and steel objects can be listed out, be sorted by priority importance or be documented. The calculated quantities can be found in table format under the command Quantity estimation (Tool menu, or in the Analysis menu of FEM-Design PreDesign). Some data (e.g. formwork) needs solid model generation. The program does it automatically, but the quantity estimation operation may take a lot of time in the case of complicated structure. 22

Available quantities:

Steel (bars, columns and beams) > - Unit weight - Total weight - Total length - Painted area

Concrete > - Volume - Formwork - Reinforcement quantity (for bars only in EC2 and MSz codes)

Reinforcement quantity can be calculated in ways, by choosing one of the following options: - Max of load combination (Plate, Wall, 3D Structure and 3D Frame) The quantity is the maximum of the required reinforcement calculated from the load combinations. RC design has to run before quantity estimation. - Max of load groups (Plate, Wall, 3D Structure and 3D Frame) The quantity is the maximum of the required reinforcement calculated from the most unfavourable combination of the load groups. RC design has to run before quantity estimation. - Applied reinforcement (Plate and 3D Structure) The quantity is equal to the quantity of the user-defined, so-called "applied" reinforcement. - Estimated reinforcement (only in PreDesign) The reinforcement quantity is always equal to the quantity of the userestimated reinforcement quantity (Structure/ Estimated reinforcement). The structural objects can be sorted by priority importance. Just click on "Sort" and set the order of grouping:


Clicking on "Add to documentation" inserts the current (steel or concrete) table to documentation's last page. You can directly print out the quantity list tables or you can export them into other programs (copy to Clipboard) with the List tool. (This works the same with the Tools/ List.)


RC Design
Design vs. Checking
To separate the results of RC design and RC checking (for applied reinforcement) and to make clear the difference between the two different methods in FEM-Design Plate and 3D Structure, you get either RC design or checking results depending on what you run under Calculate.

Do not forget that shrinkage effect can be taken into consideration and the plates' cracked-section analysis can be run only at Checking (for applied reinforcement).


Shrinkage effect as a load action can now be taken into consideration for shell elements, plates and walls in FEM-Design 3D Structure in all codes. The definition way is the same with written at FEM-Design Plate: 1. 2. 3. 4. Define the shrinkage strain value at the concrete material properties (Default settings/ Material). Define a load case as +Shrinkage type (see Shrinkage as Load Case) Add the load case to a combination. Run RC checking. You have to add applied reinforcement (see User manual, Chapter 11.3.1) to the shell objects having defined shrinkage property.

You can read about the theory of shrinkage in the Theory book, Chapter 2.2.2.

Bar Design
FEM-Design 8.0 gives the possibility to do bar design in Eurocode 2 in the following design modules: FEM-Design Plate: beam design; FEM-Design 3D Frame: beam, column and bar design; FEM-Design 3D Structure: beam, column and bar design.

Bar design means that you get the optimum distribution of longitudinal bars and stirrups and utilization results in concrete beams and columns. Here we summarize only the main steps of the bar design and its possibilities; the detailed description about this topic can be found in User manual, Chapter 11.3.2. Read more about bar design in EC2 in the Theory book. Steps of bar design overall: 1. Define buckling length ( in the stiff and weak directions) of concrete bars you would like to check in RC design mode (see the restrictions and suggestions of the standard). 2. The program automatically adds parametric reinforcement to the concrete bars. The parameters of this reinforcement can be checked and modified with Bar reinforcement.


The distribution, the distance of the design sections can be set at Design:

The settings under Manufacturing also effect on the final positions of bars and design calculations:

Maximum length The value is taken into consideration at placing longitudinal bars and utilization calculations. Aggregate size The maximal aggregate size in the calculation of reinforcement utilization. Vibration space The territory of vibration procedure can be set here. The program will not place bars in the "vibration" area. Activate the option, and define the size and the position of the vibration with Edit. 27

3. Run RC design for load combinations and/or load groups. 4. You get design forces and bar reinforcement as result. Bar reinforcement can be displayed for the whole structure or by bar (Single beam / bar result). If the whole structure is shown, the program displays the utilization of bar sections in different colours. Utilization over 100% means that the bar or a part of it cannot be reinforced. The default meanings of the "utilization" colours: GREEN 80%; 80%< YELLOW 100%; RED >100% You can show utilization percentages by bar with Numeric values. Sort bars in descending order according to their utilization by clicking on the Utilization column in the table header.

Single beam / bar result for a selected bar contains the proposed distribution of longitudinal bars and stirrups calculated from the utilization checks of the section against the axial forces (eccentricity calculated from the 2nd order effect and imperfection is also considered in calculation), the concrete part, the stirrups and the torsional reinforcement.


In Single bar result mode you can change between concrete bars (beams and/or columns) calculated for bar reinforcement. You can also choose from the available design load combinations. Modifying the properties (quality, diameters etc.) of the bar reinforcement (Parameters) updates the design calculations of the currently displayed bar.

The properties of the figures (scale, text etc.) can be set with Display options. Detailed calculation parts can be also displayed with tables. Under Font size you can modify the size of text of figures, the tables and the titles.


Bar reinforcement also includes stress and strain diagrams by design section in another window. The program shows strain and stress diagrams by checked section. A thick red line symbolizes the strain of the extreme tensile steel bar and a coloured area shows the compressed concrete zone. If a section can be reinforced, the steel bars are displayed in blue and the compressed concrete zone is cyan. The compressed concrete zone is red, if the concrete is not able to wear more compress force. A bar is red, if more reinforcement is needed but cannot be applied.

There is difference in bar reinforcement result (quantity and distribution) depending on using Column or Beam to model a column. If the load, support and connection condition, material and section are the same in the two models, the internal forces (N = normal force and Mz = bending moment), the maximum stress and strain diagrams (section 9) are also the same. By using Column, the program places the maximum quantity of the longitudinal bars got in one section (see the figure, section 9) all over the length. Design restrictions of columns and beams differ in EC2.


Beams together with regions (e.g. ribbed slab) In FEM-Design versions before 8.0 the program decreased the area and inertia of beams connected to plate by the common area of the beam and the plate. Now, this feature is removed! The reasons: - The previous method was developed, because we could not calculate normal (membrane) forces in the Plate module of the previous versions. Since 8.0 has this possibility, so there is no reason to keep it any more. - According to numerical investigations the previous method does not influence the deflections significantly. In a normal case the difference is less then 10%, which is less then the accuracy of our calculations. And, EC2 clearly regulates this issue on the present way (see EC2, Chapter (4)): "For structural analysis, where a great accuracy is not required, a constant width may be assumed over the whole span." So, FEM-Design 8.0 runs Analysis and RC design for the whole cross-section of beams; it does not decrease the beam size with the overlapping part of the beam and slab.

Shell Design
FEM-Design 3D Structure gives required reinforcement and crack width results for shell objects, slabs and walls in Eurocode 2:

The design calculation method is the same as applied in FEM-Design Plate. The meaning of "top" and "bottom" depends on the z' axis direction of the regions' local coordinatesystem. If you would like to modify the local z' direction, use the Swap top and bottom faces tool (Edit/ Region operations). The x' and y' at design results are the same with the x' and y' directions of the parametric reinforcement (RC design/ Surface reinforcement).


RC Checking of Shells
Checking concrete slabs, walls and shell objects for applied reinforcement is now available in FEM-Design 3D Structure. The definition steps are the same as introduced at FEM-Design Plate (see User manual, Chapter 11.3.1 Slab design, Chapter 11.3.5 Checking and Chapter 11.3.7 Checking results); now we summarize only the main features and the most important possibilities. RC design and checking steps overall: 1. Set the design parameters of the shell elements. With Surface reinforcement (RC design) set the design directions (x' and y') by defining the bar directions. Orthogonal > - Predefined: bar directions are parallel with the object's local x' and y' - Rotated: define the x' direction in the plane of the object's region and the y' will be perpendicular to it. - Skew: define arbitrary directions for x' and y'. Centric > The x' and y' is the radiant and the peripheral bar directions Also set the steel quality, bar diameter and concrete cover values if needed under Reinforcement settings. 2. Run RC design for load combinations and/or groups. 3. Check the required reinforcement results. 4. Define applied reinforcement in the top and/or bottom surface of the shell elements. You can define reinforcement partly on an object (Rectangular, Circular, Polygonal and Pick lines) or add bars to the whole surface (Pick existing region). The x' and y' directions are the same with the x' and y' directions of the Surface reinforcement (see 1.). The local z' direction of the object defines the Bottom and Top faces (see Shell design). It is proposed to define the bar diameter and spacing by considering the required reinforcement quantities. The program shows you the applied reinforcement quantity (= Applied area). 5. Run Checking for the applied reinforcement. (RC design/ Calculate/ Checking)

"Shrinkage effect" needs applied reinforcement, so it can be taken into consideration only at Checking. Cracked-section analysis is not available in FEM-Design 3D Structure ( FEM-Design Plate).


Column Punching
You can define steel quality for the shear reinforcement at column punching definition (in FEM-Design Plate).


Steel Design
Steel Bar Checking
Checking steel bars, beams and columns in Eurocode 3 is now available in FEM-Design 3D Structure and FEMDesign 3D Frame. The definition steps and the possibilities are the same as introduced at the Hungarian, the Norwegian and the Swedish codes (see User manual, Chapter 12); now we summarize only the main features and the most important possibilities. Read more about steel bar design in EC3 in the Theory book. The program starts checking with categorizing the bars as the components of their cross-sections. Steel design for class 4 cross-sections has not been available yet. Steel checking can only be done for ULS load combinations. Steel design and checking steps overall: 1. Set the buckling length parameter () of the steel bars by buckling type: flexural buckling in stiff and weak directions and lateral-torsional buckling (Steel design/ Buckling length). The program does not calculate the from the end support conditions, so you have to do this process manually as the code descriptions. You can set by bar with Define or you can set more than one bar in the same time with Properties (box and multiple selection). With the Steel bar stiffener command you can place stiffeners in the bars (Steel design).

2. It is proposed to set the finite element number to higher than the default (1) for compressed bars (e.g. columns). Use Division number at Finite elements (see User manual, Chapter 9.3.4). 3. Run steel checking as: 1st order theory Just run Checking without activating "Second order analysis" at Analysis/ Load combination.


2nd order theory Proposed steps: 1. Run Imperfections and check what imperfection shape is the dominant by ULS load combination. 2. Run analysis for load combinations and for second order theory (Analysis/ Load combinations) together with Checking. Add principal imperfection shape numbers to ultimate load combinations.

4. Display the maximum utilization of checking procedures for the whole structure (New result/ Checking/ Load combinations/ Utilization). You can set different colours to show utilization intervals. An example for discrete colour distribution: GREEN: 0% 60%; YELLOW: 60% - 100%; RED: over 100% You can show utilization percentages by bar with Numeric values. Sort bars in descending order according to their utilization by clicking on the Utilization column in the table header (see the next page).


5. Display steel checking results by bar selected with Single bar result (in a new window): 1st order analysis - Utilization (Summary): -- Shear stress -- Normal capacity -- Shear buckling -- Flexural buckling, stiff direction -- Flexural buckling, weak direction -- Lateral torsional buckling -- Interaction 1 -- Interaction 2 - Capacities for buckling checks - Section classes - Code checks (details) 2nd order analysis - Utilization (Summary): -- Shear stress -- Normal capacity -- Shear buckling -- Lateral torsional buckling -- Interaction 1 -- Interaction 2 - Capacities for shear buckling - Section classes - Code checks (details)


In Single bar result mode you can change between steel bars (beams and/or columns) checked for utilizations. You can also choose from the available design ULS load combinations.

The properties of the Summary figure (content, scale, colours, grids, line types etc.) can be set with Display options.

Error Handling
Warning and error messages assist you when problems appear in mesh creation functions, during analysis or design calculations. But, how you can find the position of these cautions to solve them later? Although the program points the location of the problems on the screen, the user is sometimes not able to find the real positions because of the too many objects visually intersect each other, or because of the huge size of the model, or the problematic part is not seen on the screen, etc. As a new feature, the program shows the coordinates (in the Global coordinate-system) of the geometrical errors, load misplacements and any other messages having positions. The program shows the global coordinates of a geometrical error found in the automatic calculation of the regions' average elements size.

If you would like to display the errors and warnings on the drawing area after closing messages, just draw points with the announced coordinates.


Result Display and Documentation

Select and Display
Just select a result data and a display technique for it, and a result figure would be displayed with its default or last-used settings. The steps of displaying a result are the followings: 1. 2. 3. 4. Click on New result (Analysis, RC Design or Steel Design). Select the result data you would like to display from data list. Choose a display technique (Display options). Press OK. If display options are not available, the selected data can be displayed in one way. In these cases just press OK.

The scale / colour distribution of the current figure can be modified fast with Quick Change/ Scale, or all display settings can be customized by Change result.


Quick Change
Quick change tools give fast and real-time modification in scale/colour distribution (step) of the current result figure and in size and decimal numbers of displayed numeric values. Quick change tools work for all type of display techniques (Graph, Colour palette, Contour lines and Sections). The next figures show some examples.

Scale increases/decreases the scale (e.g. graph, section) or the step distribution (e.g. contour lines, colour palette) of the currently displayed result figure with 10% percent. Use the "+" or "" key of the keyboard's numeric pad as the fast key of Increase scale or Reduce scale. Font size modifies the font size of the numeric values with 10% of the initial size. Changing scale causes the loss of the numeric values, so defining numeric values is suggested after finishing the scale setting of the current figure. 39

User-defined Styles
Display settings (scale, colours, steps etc.) can be stored in files (so-called styles) by display technique or by figure. The saving and the loading facilities can be found at Change result/ Settings > : Save as default The program saves the current display settings as the default (without file name!) settings of the applied display technique. If you do not use a style (see later), the program always offer the last saved default settings when you apply the same technique inside one example or in further ones. Load default You can restore the default settings after any change by clicking on Load default. Save Colours of the current settings can be saved as a style. Save with scale A style with all display settings (scale, steps, colours etc.) can be saved as a named style. Load User-defined styles can be loaded from a file browser.

The following example helps in understanding the difference between Save and Save with scale after loading styles created by them. The colour palette settings of an Mx internal force diagram was saved with Save and Save with scale. The figure shows the settings of My also displayed with colour palette after loading (Load) the two saved styles. After loading "Save" style, the palette contains the same colours but the scale is optimised for My values. Loading "Save with scale" style results the same scale together with the same colour information with Mx.

Styles are stored in files with different file extensions by display technique. The files can be swapped between users, so companies can create standard display setting for result documentation. 40

Quick Selection
A one-click browser (Quick selection) is developed for changing between result figures displayed earlier on the screen. By clicking on "" symbol next to Select result, a list appears with titles of results displayed so far. Just click on the result you wish to display again. The content of the list can be organized with Select result: hide current figure or delete items.

Tool Tip
Rolling your mouse over a result picture will display the numeric value in the proper metrical unit as a tool tip. Tool tip works for all types of display techniques.

If sections are created to show a result in them, the program fix their positions and the later result figures will also appear in the sections. For example, you can easily and fast check a part of a slab, wall etc. for different internal forces or different loads / load combinations. Display an analysis result (e.g. Mx') and one of its derivatives in design (e.g. Required reinforcement, bottom, x') in the same section positions. Select the first result type with "Sections" display option, and define the sections with their start and end points. To define the next figure use jointly New result and "Sections" selection again.


New sections can be added to a picture or predefined sections can be deleted with Change result.

Deformed Shape
A new display setting gives the possibility to show displacement of surface elements together with other analysis results (such as internal forces). Deformed shape works only together with Colour palette display technique. Now you can display a result with Colour palette in 4 ways: Colour palette Deformed shape Wireframe mode Shade mode

Apply Deformed shape for the colour palette of Mx' plate result (Analysis/ Plate internal forces). First display Mx' with Colour palette (New result), and then open the palette's setting with Change result. Activate the Deformed shape tool under Others.

Deformed shape can be also shown together with colour palette results at bars. See the next figure.


Contour Lines
A new Contour line display technique is developed to display results of plates, walls, shells etc. Besides a new interface of the contour lines (new dialogue), you can define as many colours as you want both in "Continuous" and "Discrete" cases like in Colour palette. "Continuous" palette contains colours (and values) by equal step, and you may specify arbitrary values with colours in "Discrete" palette.

The parts and tools of Contour lines (Colour palette has the same modified interface): Palette --

Continuous or Discrete Activate the icon what palette type you wish to use. Display on screen If it is activated, the palette appears on screen to show the meanings of the colours.


-- Step of colour distribution -- Pen width of the contour lines -- Size of the palette symbol appears on screen, if Display on screen is activated Value -Insert This option inserts a new colour line at the given value (mainly suggested for Discrete palette.)


Delete The option deletes the colour line (together with value) currently selected from the palette. It is equivalents with the "drag and drop out" of the line's coloured "" symbol. Modify This option modifies the position (value) and/or colour of the line currently selected in the palette as new defined changes.


View --

Zoom all, Zoom in, Zoom out Enlarge or reduce the range of the palette. The last status will appear on screen at activated Display on screen option. Reset absolute/relative Pressing the buttons, the top and bottom limits of the palette adjust to the absolute/relative maximum of the current result (see User manual, Chapter 13.1.1). 43

Concealment of Empty Tables

In Documentation, if an applied template generates document with tables having no valid values, the empty tables can be hidden at settings. Select the title of the document in the Control panel of Documentation, then click on Properties and inactivate "Display empty tables" option in the dialogue that pops up.

Title for Document Contents

Titles added to the content of a document provide easy navigation through defined text boxes and figures (Graphical window, Image and Draw box). Text box


Graphical window / Image / Draw box

A title can be added to a figure during its definition (Graphical window, Draw boxes and Image) or later by modifying the settings with Properties. If you would like to show the title in the documentation (above figure) too, activate the Display title option besides giving its name.


PART II FEM-Design 7
What's New in FEM-Design 7
Simple Preview - The position of models can be set quickly on the drawing area at printing procedure.

Drawing and Editing

Auto-text - Text with variable (manual/automatic) content can be defined in Documentation Editor. More Powerful Undo/Redo - Undo and Redo can be applied for more commands as before.

General Settings - Auto-check of new upgrades and manually definition of the number of Undo steps are available now. Featured Text - "Script" property solves the character problems in different languages. Project Safety - Automatic saving procedure can be performed before and after calculation.

Structure and Support

Smart Geometry Import - Model-based IFC connection gives the possibility to import 3D models from other software. Local Coordinate System - More structural objects and supports have own local system than before. Connections - Different types (rigid, hinged and semi-rigid (spring)) of connections can be defined among different or same type structural objects: point-point, line-line and edge connections. Wall Stiffness - New method of stiffness calculation is applied in FEM-Design Plate for wall supports. Fictitious Bar - As a special modelling possibility, bars with given stiffness values can be defined. 3D Shell Model of Steel Bars - Steel bars can be modelled with their shell members to prepare their stability and utilization check in 3D as EC. Bars with varying cross-section can be also modelled now. Surface Support - Stiffness in all directions can be set for surface support in FEM-Design 3D Structure. Shrinkage - Shrinkage effect can be taken into consideration for concrete slabs in FEM-Design Plate. Local System Checking - The program indicates the local system of surface objects having wrong position to avoid misunderstanding the calculated results and component directions.

Shrinkage as Load Case - Special loads such as shrinkage effect can be defined easily as load cases. Copy Load Case - Loads can be copied among load cases very easily with a new command. Combinations and Groups - The program offers an easier way to combine and group load cases. Initial Internal Load - Post-stress can be modelled in bars and structural regions. Load Case Mass Conversion - Mass conversion from loads can be done with given load factors too. Local System as Load Direction Fast definition of loads parallel with the local system directions of bars and surface objects is now available.

Analysis and Steel Design

Results by Load Case - Analysis results can be displayed by load case in FEM-Design Plate too. Steel Bar Checking by Shell Model - Stability calculation and utilization checking against flexural, torsional, lateral torsional and local buckling can be done for bars by modelling by shell member.

List Data - All tables of input and output data can be collected and printed out with one command. Documentation Module - A module to create complete, multi-page documentation is now available.

RC Drawing
Faster Drawing Display - To save time, the solid model can be regenerated when the client needs that. Mirrored View - View can be set normal or mirrored by plane view, section and detail. Display Settings - Display settings of RC bars and meshes are organized under a clear user-interface. Data System Styles, display settings and drawing items are stored in a database as the applied codes.


Simple Preview
It is generally a problem to plot big models; setting the final position of drawings on the paper takes time. Version 7.0 offers a faster method for this process (File/ Plot). By activating the new option called Simple preview the program shows only the frame of the selected printing area to reduce the generation time of the drawing when setting its position (Origin) and scale.

Drawing and Editing

You can place main information about the current project on the Drawing area or in the cells of the title label of your documentation (Documentation Module). Some texts can be filled manually and the others are generated automatically. Use the command Field (Draw menu) to insert autotext. First choose Define and set its content by browsing in Type field. Available field types: - Project is the text which is filled in Titles Project (Settings). - Description is the text which is filled in Titles Description (Settings). - Designer is the text which is filled in Titles Designer (Settings). - Signature is the text which is filled in Titles Signature (Settings). - Comment is the text which is filled in Titles Comment (Settings). - File path is the storing folder path for the current project. - File name is the saved file name of the current project. - File date is the date of the last modification of the current project. - File time is the time of the last modification of the current project. - Current date is the actual date of the computer. - Current time is the actual time of the computer. - Current page this content is derived from Documentation Module as the current number of the selected documentation page. - Number of pages this content is derived from Documentation Module as the current number of pages in the document. - Document title this content is derived from Documentation Module as the current title of the document (Properties). - Code this is the applied national code for the current project. 47

Set the position of the insertion point at Alignment and the font type of the text under Default settings.

To place the text on the Drawing area, give the coordinates of the insertion point or click on the required position on the drawing document, and then define its direction (with the right button you can set the direction parallel (horizontal) to the X direction of UCS).

More Powerful Undo/Redo

The new version has more commands for undoing and redoing actions. Undo and Redo commands (Edit menu) works from now on: - Load case, - Load combination, - Load group, - Load case mass conversion, - Copy load case.


General Settings

The program sends a message if a newer commercial FEM-Design version (not update) is released, if the Check for upgrade at start option is activated (Settings/ All/ Environment/ General). In this case you can download the newer version, but it can be used only in demo mode until you renew your license agreement (please contact your local distributor). The number of executable undo steps (Edit/ Undo and Redo) can be set in the field Undo buffer. But do not forget, that there are some commands that cause complex calculation processes (e.g. Calculate, Prepare (mesh), etc.), on which Undo does not work.

Featured Text

A new setting property called Script solves the character problems at different languages. An example for the Times New Roman font: character appears as in Western, but as correct in Central European Script.

Project Safety
Automatic save can be performed before and after calculation in all modules by activating the options marked on the upper figure (Settings/ All/ FEM/ Calculation/ Perform). The current project will be saved as timesave. (The goal folder can be set at Settings/ All/ Environment/ Directories/ Timesave.) As a modification, different calculation options are also merged under Perform (Virtual memory in 3D modules and result effects of Peak smoothing). 49

Structure and Support

Smart Geometry Import
FEM-Design is able to import 3D models from other structural and architectural programs via the nowadays most popular model-based connection called IFC (Industry Foundation Classes). An IFC file can be opened in -- 3D Structure module to design the complete building with its all structural components (slabs, beams, walls and columns), or in -- Plate module to design complete buildings by storey (e.g. ground floor, 1st floor etc.). FEM-Design 7.0 can handle only IFC2x2 files. So, first check that the partner program has a built-in or additional (add-on) IFC2x2 creator. The steps of the importing procedure in FEM-Design are: 1. Load the IFC file by using File/ Open. Set first the file type to "IFC...".

2. Choose the required model type from the first list: Architectural model The static system is converted from the architectural solids define the building, so FEM-Design creates the structural objects such as plates, walls, shells, beams, columns and bars. FEM-Design 7.0 connects misplaced elements close to each other (e.g. walls to slabs) with fictitious regions (3D plate) and/or fictitious bars. This procedure is developed to avoid FE mesh generation against geometrical errors. The loading process may take a long time depending on the complexity of the building.


Solid body model The solid body model contains the architectural solids saved in the IFC file, so FEM-Design loads the 3D drawing built from drawing solids. This model gives the possibility to define the structural objects later by tacking into consideration of the solids' surfaces. For example, to define a wall object in FEM-Design 3D Structure, just pick on a solid surface defines a wall by the Pick existing region tool of the 3D Plate command. Solid body model gives the contour of the structure as a background such as the drawing lines in an opened DWG or DXF file.

Structural model (Models defined by programs having the possibility to save structural type IFC files.) Several other programs are able to create structural models built from plate, wall, beam and column objects, supports and loads (and load combinations too) such as we do it in FEM-Design. If you receive an IFC file saved as structural type in these programs, you can load the ready static system very fast, because solid body conversion such as at architectural models is not needed.

3. Choose the objects you want to design (to load) in the Selection tree on the left side of the dialog. Scenarios: - Loading an architectural model First choose a building or a part of it in the Selection tree using the radio buttons. Refine your selection using the checkboxes next to the building elements to filter out unwanted elements.


Storeys having no content (empty storeys) will not be loaded. In the Plate module slabs and their under or upper supports (walls, beams and columns) can be imported only by storey. As an example, let us see the suggested selection for designing the slab on the 2nd floor (the supports are on the 1st floor, e.g. walls).

Loading a Structural model First choose a building and then select an Analysis model assigned for that building. (Note that you can only select a single structural model at a time.)

4. (Only for Architectural models). On the right side of the dialog, at Properties, you can see some info about the element currently selected in the model hierarchy tree on the left and set its main properties (e.g. material, support type and layer settings). The available materials depend on the current code. The program assigns a code-dependent default material to all the elements, but you can modify it here with Browse by structural type (e.g. Plates) and/or by element (e.g. Plate (Slab-001)) or later, after loading the model with the structural commands (e.g. Properties tool of 3D plate command). 5. Press OK to load the IFC model.

Local Coordinate System

More objects have own local coordinate systems than in the previous versions, so local system is available for the following objects:

Beam and Column (Plate, 3D Frame and 3D Structure), 3D Plate and Wall (3D Structure), Edge connection (NEW!), Point-point connection (NEW!), Line-line connection (NEW!), Fictitious bar (NEW!), Surface support (3D Structure). 52

The local system symbols can be displayed by object, but the colours of the axes (x, y and z) can be set in one common dialog for all objects:

FEM-Design 7.0 provides the possibility to define different connections between different objects. Some examples: plate wall hinged connection in 3D models; connection between slabs (e.g. 3D plates) at different levels (Line-line connection); connection between intersected bars; modelling of the real 3D position of bars (Point-point connection); etc. The next chapters show the new connection possibilities.

Edge Connection
The Edge connections tool of Plate (in Plate), 3D plate and Wall commands (in 3D Structure) lets you define hinged, free or semi-rigid (with given stiffness values) connections between regions connected to each other at their common edges. Let see for example the tool palette of the Plate command:

We introduce the definition steps of edge connections via 3 examples.


Hinged connection between structural regions

We defined a hinged connection (free rotation around the edge), so we will get the following bending moment diagram in the connected slabs:

As a real example, Edge connection gives the possibility to model prefab concrete elements too. Define the objects with the Plate/3D plate commands, set the thickness value of the regions to substitute the real crosssection with the holes, and finally add hinged edge connection (Cx = 0) to one of the region at the common edge with the other one (see the next figure).

The next figure shows the steps of defining a hinged connection between a 3D plate and a wall in FEMDesign 3D Structure. 54

The Mx (bending moment around local y axis) result of the structural elements shows the effect of the defined hinged connection:

Independent objects (free connection) The definition steps are the same as in the first example, but only the stiffness settings (and so the result) differ: all components are free (click on free macro). The figure shows the result of disconnection (e.g. in Plate module): only the structural region part containing surface load moves because of the free connection with the other region.

An edge connection has its own local system, where the x' direction is the same as the edge direction; the y' direction is perpendicular to x' and it is situated in the selected object's plane; and Z is perpendicular axis to the object's plane. 55

The Macros buttons help you in quick defining of special connection types If you use macros e.g. Hinged, check the component settings before validating them, because they can cause stability problems if used incorrectly. E.g. Hinged means free rotation about all axes. You can remove a connection from the current region edge by defining a totally fixed connection at the edge (use the Fixed macro). Edge connections can be used not only to define e.g. a hinged connection, but also to separate the edge of the parent structural objects from the other part of the structure. The local system for edge connections can be hidden together with the local system of the region objects (containing them) at Display settings.

Point-Point Connection
With the Point-point connection command you can easily define different connections between crossed or connected bars. It is very useful in 3D modules. The tool palette of the command contains the following tools:

The meaning of the directions (Direction settings):


Each connecting object has its own local system, which can be hidden or displayed at Display settings (Settings/ All/ Display/ Connections). The connecting objects are placed onto the Modelling tools layer. The steps of definition are explained via 4 examples. Bracing (called St Andrews cross)

This is a hinged connection between two channels intersecting each other (free rotation around the axis perpendicular to the plane defined by the two channels). It is not necessary to define the eccentricity (the upper figure is schematic).

Independent bars

Defining two bars crossed each other with their structural lines but having no connection in real state is a typical problem of modelling. Now, you can solve it easily to define point-point connection in the bars' intersection with all components set to free. The definition steps are the same as with bracing. Semi-rigid connection between members At the Connection settings of members (Beam & Column/ Default settings) you can only define fully rigid or different type of hinged connections at the end points of the members. But, as a new feature of Point-point connection command, you can set connections between members with given stiffness values against motion and rotation. 57

For example, semi-rigid connection with given stiffness values for rotation can be applied at member connections. The following figure shows you an example of a column and beam object (e.g. with HE-A steel sections). The stiffness values can be set as your current code instructions. First set the stiffness values at Default settings (e.g. here, set the stiffness values of rotations around local Y and Z axes), then following the steps of the next figure (setting of the position and directions of local system and place the connection type in the common end point of the beam and column).

Real state modelling of bars The following figure shows an example for connecting two bars having distances between their axes, but connected at their web plates (real 3D state). The two bars (I and U shape) positioned as centric are connected at their common surfaces. The distance between them is 350mm (=hI/2+hU/2). If we define rigid connection the directions and the "Interface position" are indifferent (so global system and r=0 can be set).

Applying a connection different from rigid state, the Interface position (r) is very important. ( 0 r 1 .) r = distance between connection position and start point of definition / distance between start and end points of connection The meanings of special positions are (see a representative example at Line-line connection): 58

The Point-point connection command can be used not only to define e.g. a hinged connection but also to separate the point of the parent structural objects from another part of the structure.

Line-Line Connection
With the Line-line connection command you can easily define different connections between two regions having different positions in 3D (so not having common parts in the geometry model). The tool palette of the command contains the following tools:

The following examples show the definition steps. The meaning of the directions is the same as introduced at Point-point connection command. Each connection object has its own local system, which can be hidden or displayed at Display settings (Settings/ All/ Display/ Connections). The connecting objects are placed onto the Modelling tool layer. The steps of defining are explained via 2 examples.


Two regions in the same plane but having a gap An example for a hinged connection in Plate module (here the directions are defined parallel with UCS):

Two regions on different level An example for a totally rigid connection between two shell regions being in different level (3D Structure):


The definition steps are the same as written at the previous example.

The Line-line connection command can be used not only to define e.g. hinged connection but also to separate the line of the parent structural objects from another part of the structure. Two examples of setting direction mode for curved edges (the dotted lines symbolize the connection and not the direction components):

Applying connections differ from rigid state, the Interface position is important (see at Point-point connection). The figure shows two different interface positions at hinged line-line connection between two plate regions: at the first example, the hinged line (the place of the interface) is on the edge of the left plate (rs=re=0), and at the second example the interface position is in the middle (rs=re=0.5). At both examples, the left plate is rigidly supported and the right one has simple support against to Zdirectional motion. The Mx moment diagrams show zero moments where the interface positions are placed.


Wall Stiffness
From now, the program calculates the rotation stiffness around the local Y axis of wall supports as the following: 2 th 3 h E + th , where 12 2 E is Youngs modulus, t is the thickness and h is the height of the wall. This stiffness is taken into consideration in plate calculations. The meaning of X and Y axes of wall supports (they do not appear on the drawing) are:

The calculated stiffness values can be queried with the Info tool of Wall command and can be listed by List command (Tools menu) as Structure/ Wall properties.


Fictitious Bar
With this new object you can define bar elements with given stiffness values. Connection types can also be defined, but other properties such as material, section and eccentricity are not available (not required). The tool palette of the command contains the following tools and settings:

The definition of end point positions and directions is the same as used under Beam command, but the direction options define the 1st principal direction to which I1 relates.

The program automatically generates rigid fictitious bars in the end points of bars modelled in a shell model (end edges of shell regions; see 3D Shell Model of Steel Bars). The fictitious bar objects are placed onto the Modeling tools object layer. The local system of fictitious bars can be shown or hidden by activating Local system at Settings/ All/ Display/ Beam and Column.


3D Shell Model of Steel Bars

As a great new feature you can design bars as 3D shell object(s) to apply more accurate stability analysis and steel design (Steel Bar Checking by Shell Model). You can model straight bars with varying cross-section too. Apply the Steel bar, shell model command. It works only in 3D Structure module, because the result of modelling would be combinations of 3D plates. The program can convert only those steel sections on which steel checking is allowed (built-in and parametric steel sections; with the exception of closed welded sections). Let us see two examples.

Straight Bar with Constant Cross-section

Straight Bar with Varying Cross-section


The local x' axis (red as default) of the original bar points to the End point of the shell model. As a bar is converted to shell members, you can add holes into them with the 3D plate's Hole tool.

Steps of defining stiffeners: 1. Draw stiffener plates (set thickness and steel material) with the 3D plate or Wall command. 2. With Associate objects to bar tool (Steel bar, shell model command) add them to the shell model.

The original state of the shell model can be restored with the Reset shell model tool (click on one part).


With Steel bar, shell model command you can go back to line bar object. Just use the Switch to bar tool on the shell model.

After converting a bar to shell members, the program automatically defines "rigid" Fictitious bar objects at the end points of the shell model to guarantee continuous connection to other objects (such as bars).

The stiffness of these fictive elements can be modified with the Fictitious bars/ Properties. Depending on, beam or column element was converted to a shell model, the model can be hidden together with the Beam or Column object layer.

Surface Support
Different stiffness values can be defined by local direction at a surface support in FEM-Design 3D Structure. That can be done, because a local coordinate-system is assigned to surface supports. The directions are parallel with the axes of the Global system as default. The system orientation can be modified with the Rotate command (Edit menu, see the next figure). The symbol of the local system can be hidden/shown by activating/deactivating the Display local system option (Settings/ All/ Display/ Support/ Surface support).


In Plate module, free shrinkage strain as a load effect can be taken into consideration for concrete slabs and in all codes. First define the shrinkage strain value at the concrete material properties (Default settings/ Material; set the shrinkage parameter as the instructions of the current code), then define a load case that contains the shrinkage effect (+Shrinkage type load case; see Shrinkage as Load Case), and finally add the new load case to combinations. Read more about shrinkage in the Theory book. The shrinkage effect has to be used together with applied reinforcement (run RC design/ Checking).

Local System Checking

The top and bottom sides of main region objects are distinguished in different tones of colours in Wireframe display mode: a dark tone for top surfaces and a light tone for the bottom sides. This is very useful for finding regions not having the same local system settings as the others. The wrong position of local can cause misunderstanding the meanings of the top and bottom surfaces of the structural regions. As you can see on figure "A", the wrong direction of the local z' axis causes opposite colours in the internal force results too. You can easily solve this type of problems by mirroring the system with the Swap top and bottom faces tool of Edit/ Region operations (see figure "B").

This colour differentiation works for shell regions (3D plate and wall), Surface temperature variation load and Initial internal surface load. 67

Shrinkage as Load Case
FEM-Design 7.0 offers you an easier way to define load cases. Start the Load cases command and follow the steps introduced in the next figures. The figures also show the difference between the manual and insertion methods.

Each load case has to have a type as follow: - Ordinary: This load case type may include manually defined loads. - +Dead load: Program automatically will include self-weight loading, which is calculated from structural elements. You may add other loads in addition to self-weight. It is possible to define more than one load case that includes auto dead load, but you should take into consideration only one auto dead load can be added in one combination. +Shrinkage: It is available only in Plate module. Defining a load case as the Shrinkage type means that the program will take into consideration the free shrinkage strain material behaviour during concrete design (Shrinkage).

Copy Load Case

The Copy load case command (Loads menu) gives an easy way to copy loads from one load case (Source) into another (Destination).

Combinations and Groups

FEM-Design 7.0 offers you an easier way to combine load cases into combinations or load groups. Start the Load combinations / Load groups command and follow the steps introduced in the next figures. The figures also show the difference between the manual and insertion methods. The best feature of the insertion method is that the combination procedure is faster than in the other method, because multi-selection (Shift or Ctrl) works in dialogs.


Load combinations

Load groups


Initial Internal Load

FEM-Design 7.0 now provides the possibility to define post-stress in bars (Initial internal line load) and structural regions (Initial internal surface load). Constant moment and normal force values in a given direction (e.g. only in one direction) may be defined by points of line and surface structural objects. The stress load commands are useful for defining post-tensioning loads and for taking into consideration global shrinkage effects in concrete bars and slabs. Post-stress is also good for steel bars at welded connections. The definition steps are the same as introduced at Line / Surface temperature variation load commands (see User manual, Chapter 7.8 - 7.9). An example for defining initial internal normal force (compression) in a stiffener bar (in FEM-Design 3D Structure / 3D Frame):

Load Case Mass Conversion

Beside the new definition dialog of the Load case-mass conversion command, you may assign a factor to the selected load case in mass conversion. The figure shows the steps of definition. If you type 1 into the Factor field, it means that only original load will be converted to mass. You can remove a conversion of a load case by typing 0 value for its factor (you get "--" symbol).


Local System as Load Direction

FEM-Design 7.0 ensures the fastest definition of load directions parallel with the axes of the objects' local system. This new feature is available for Line load, Line temperature variation, Line support motion load, Surface load, Surface stress load and Surface support motion load in the 3D modules. The direction tool (Select objects to load in local system) can be reached under Define of the above mentioned loads. Let us see two examples of the definition steps. One-click definition of constant surface loads perpendicular to shell regions (e.g. wind load):

Only surface loads having constant intensity can be defined with the tool Select objects to load in local system. But, you can change intensity values (linear distribution) with the Change values tool of the applied load command in the next step. One-click definition of line load (constant or variable) perpendicular to a bar (e.g. wind load):


Analysis and Steel Design

Result by Load Case
Now analysis results (e.g. displacement, internal forces, reactions, etc.) can be calculated and displayed by load case (e.g. dead load, live load, wind, snow, etc.) in FEM-Design Plate. Just activate Load cases check box at Calculation/ Analysis.

Steel Bar Checking by Shell Design

As mentioned before, you may create 3D shell models from selected steel bar elements (see 3D Shell Model of Steel Bars) to prepare them for steel checking by the shell method. Run first stability analysis for the whole structure to get the required buckling shapes for utilization checking; then display the investigation results by applying the Check bar by shell model command for the shell model.

Do not forget that calculations take longer for shells than bars, because the size of the problem and the numbers of finite elements are much bigger with shells than with line elements. If the surface mesh is too dense for the shell region parts, reduce the element numbers by increasing the elements sizes (Finite elements/ Average element size).


Entering into a new window, you can display the buckling shape of the 3D model by calculated shape number (set at stability analysis) on the left, and check the utilization values by flexural buckling, torsional buckling, lateral torsional buckling and local buckling on the right. To show a buckling shape, first set the required load combination and then the required shape number in the roll-down lists.

To show the utilization calculations in details, click on the required result type in the Buckling mode column of the table. The page under the table contains the detailed calculation steps and the maximal utilization result of the selected buckling analysis. If you change the shape number on the left, the results are automatically modified (see the next figure). There are two ways to prepare documentation for buckling calculations of bar shells: Print calculation Clicking on the Print calculation button opens the Plot command and you can print out the current page (of the selected buckling analysis). Send shapes and calculations to Documentation module With Add view to document command (Tools menu) you may send the buckling shapes together with utilization calculations to Documentation (Documentation Module). Buckling analysis types set for buckling shapes can only be selected for documentation. You can set the current shape (selected in the list of the left side) for a required buckling result by clicking on Set shape button. To deselect a buckling result from the further documentation list click on the Not relevant button. Results for not relevant shape type are not collected for documentation.


List Data
All tables of input and output data can be collected and printed out with the command List (Tools menu).

In the previous version you can also do this listing procedure but separately for input (Tools/ List input data) and for output data (List result command at Analysis, RC or Steel design). The listing process is the same as before (see User manual, Chapter 13.6.4). Only the structure of the dialogue has been changed to a more user-friendly interface. You can send the required tables to the Clipboard (for later insertion into other software), to a printer or you can save them in TXT files. The steps of saving a table or tables as TXT file: 1. Select the required input or output data in the available lists. 2. Choose "File" at "Send to". 3. Define a name with ".txt" extension in the file name field. 4. Click on list data. As result, the program saves the table in the given name in your current working folder (Settings/ All/ Environment/ Directories).


Documentation Module
As a new feature you can create your own complete and multi-page documentation with title figures, texts, tables, images, headers, footers etc. The new module called Documentation can be run in all design modules (depending on your licence).

The next chapters introduce the possibilities and the proposed steps for defining complete set of design documentation.

Main Commands
The commands and their functions:

Section With Section command you can define documentation parts (sections) having different properties such as page size, orientation, margin sizes and associated printer. Define a section for the cover page with a colour image as A4 page size and with a colour associated printer, and another section for the other pages as A3 size and with grey-scale printer for texts and figures with black lines.

Title block This is a command for creating and registering new labels, headers, footers and frames, and for inserting stored title templates into the document from the built-in or user-defined title block library. You can apply drawing and auto text tools to design your private label, title and frame style and then register it with Title block command for current and future use. Table of contents With this command you can insert a table of contents into the current document. It contains the list of chapters (see the next command) and their page numbers. If you define a new chapter or make modifications, the program refreshes this list. Chapter You can place titles of main and sub-chapters into the document with item numbers and names. 75

Page break Defining a page break a new page is generated with the same properties of the current section. Graphical window The command lets you to insert (working) windows in which you can display different figures (geometry, loads, mesh, analysis and design results, etc.) into the current document. A window object defined by Graphical window is not a static figure with constant and fixed content. It is a working window, where you can use the layer systems, display settings and view commands (zoom and rotate operations, plane, side and space views, shade and wireframe display modes, etc.) to set the required appearance of the model, the loads, the supports, the results, etc.

Table You can insert tables of input and output data by Table command (e.g. list of load cases and load combinations.) This command is similar to the List command (Tools menu in Model 1 mode), but the tables are inserted into the drawing area by Table and are not sent into the Clipboard or printer as by List. Draw box The command inserts a working window into the document where you can create your own drawing. Use the commands of Draw and Edit menus. An own drawing layer-system also can be used. Text box It is a simple word processor for creating texts, notes into the document. The size of the text box, the font styles and text alignment can be set manually. Image You can insert different image files (e.g. jpg, bmp etc.) into the document with this command.

Control Panel
The control panel enables you to easy move between different parts of the current document, to set the properties of the inserted objects, and to print and create templates for further documentation. (List part) The list contains the defined title boxes, sections, graphic boxes, images, drawings and texts (hereafter called objects). You can activate the selected list object by double clicking on its name. Navigation You can manage moving between pages by Page up, Page down, Home and End buttons. By clicking on Go to button you can switch to (activate) the object selected in the list (the same as double clicking in the List). Items With Cut, Copy and Paste tools you can modify the position of selected list items (multi-selection also works by using the mouse together with Shift and/or Ctrl keys). You can move a selected list object into a new position by holding down the Alt key and moving the mouse into the required row of the list. To erase one or more selected objects click on Delete. With Properties the settings (sizes, styles, contents, etc.) of the selected object can be modified. The variability of objects depends on the type of object (drawing, text, image, section, etc.).

Document With Reset, you can delete all contents of the current documentation and open a new, empty document with the default settings. At Templates you can save the current document structure and settings under a name as a template. You can also load a predefined one to create fast documentation of your current project (see later Templates). The Print command lets you print out the whole document or a part of it. 76

Steps to Create Your Own Documentation

This chapter shows the proposed steps of document creation via an easy example (in Plate module). For a faster documentation process, we recommend that you start documentation after finishing model generation and calculations and not before them. 1. Main properties of the document Set the main properties of the document by selecting Untitled in the list and click on Properties at Items. Give a name for your document (in Title) and set the font settings by chapter orders (levels). Under Utilities you can save the settings as default or as a named style, so you can then load styles for future projects.

2. Document cover Text box & Image (Section 1.) Set the properties of Section 1. by activating it in the list and by clicking on Properties:


Set the paper size and orientation (e.g. A4 and portrait). Choose a printer for the current section. You can set different printers and plotters per sections. That is very useful if the main parts are wanted to print as A4 and the figures as A3, etc. Set the margin, from which the texts, figures, images, etc. start (in this example text as the title of the document, 60mm in this example).

Write the title of the document on the first page with Text box. The text will start from the upper margin.

Also a subtitle can be created by re-running Text box. Empty rows and new lines can be defined with the Ctrl + Enter key-combination.

Place an image file (e.g. a picture about the model displayed in Shade mode) with the Image command. To open an image file, search for it under File name. Set the position of the picture from the side margins at Alignment. At Size you can define arbitrary size or special size by choosing from the list under > symbol. Apply Preserve ratio to avoid figures from distortion during size definition.


The settings for an inserted object (text box, image, etc.) may be modified by selecting it in the list and by pressing on the Properties option. It works the same as with the initial dialog of the object. 3. Insert Contents Table of content (Section 2.) Create a new section (leave your selection on the last item in the list, here Image) with Section and set the value of the top margin, which the table of content will start from (e.g. 30mm). Click on Table of content command and an empty table appears on the Section 2 page. The table will be refilled with content after defining chapters.

4. Create your own header and footer Title block (Section 3.) Create a new section (leave your selection on Contents) with Section and set top and bottom margin values that define the available area for further text, figures and tables (30mm in this example). Use the commands from the Draw menu to prepare the appearance (frames and texts) of headers and footers. Apply e.g. Line and Field commands (Auto-text).


Where you see "?" symbol at an auto-text, the content can be defined at Settings/ Title. After finishing drawing use the Register tool of Title block to save your header and footer as built-in label parts. Type an identifier (header&footer in this example) for the title in Name field, select the lines and texts by window selection and give an insertion point (bottom left corner of the page in this example).

After registration, delete the drawings and text from the document by Erase. Insert the defined and registered title block into the document with the Insert tool of Title block. Choose the saved header&footer from the Name list, and then place the insertion point of the selected title block on the bottom left corner of the page. As result, the header&footer will be repeated on every page in the current section (Section 3.).

5. Define chapters Chapter (Section 3.) Place your first chapter with the Chapter command. Give a name in Title field for the current chapter (Geometry in this example).


For further chapters the program offers alternative numbering systems for the next main chapter (2) or subchapter (1.1). It depends on which button is active: Increase or Decrease indent. 6. Insert figures Graphical window (Section 3.) Under a chapter you may insert text (see Text box), images (see Image) and figures of geometry, loads, results, etc. In this example, first place the figure for geometry (plate and supports). Click on the Graphical window command, choose Structure and set the display parameters of the window in the appeared dialogue box: you may give a name to the figure for displaying it (Display title, Plane view); a 1m scale bar can be displayed in Figure (Display scale); the size of the window can be set at > or manually with a width and a height value; and the required position of the figure can be defined by activating one of the buttons for Alignment (centre in this example). The position of the title is the same as the activated Alignment of the window. After clicking on OK in the dialogue box, the program inserts the window into the document.

Another graphical window can be defined by the same method. For example to place a side view of the structure. To work in a window clicks on the area of the window. The available options and commands depend on which type of window is active. For example clicking on a Structure-type graphical window, display settings (Settings menu), view commands (View menu) and layer system (Current layer) may be used; but at an Analysis (result)-type graphical window you can use selection of results (New result & Select result), displaying numeric values (Numeric value), etc. (see the figures on the next page). 81

You can repeat the previous steps to define more chapters (e.g. 2. Supports, 3. Loads, 3.1 Load cases, 3.2 Load combinations, etc.), but first return back to the documentation page by clicking on its area. Also figures (e.g. loads) can be inserted as written before (Graphical window/ Loads/). Each graphical window has its own layer system, main and display settings. For example FEMDesign gives the possibility to define different units for displaying geometry and various results. There is no facility to set the distances between texts, chapter title rows and figures, but with Text box command you can insert empty lines into the document. See the next figure as an example (inserting a space between a chapter title and a figure).

You can directly and quickly insert the current view (and display settings) of model mode (e.g. Model 1.) onto the last page of the document via the Add view to document command (Tool menu).


7. Insert tables Table (Section 3.) Input and output data as tables can be documented via the Table command. Choose data to print out as a table from the available Tables, Data and Result lists. In this example, place a table of load combinations under chapter 3.2: Load combinations. First select Load combinations in Data list (Tables/ Loads), second set the table settings at Table and Options, and finally click on List data. As a result the selected table appears after the current documentation object.

8. Document result figures Graphical window (Section 3.) To document results, click on Graphical window/ Analysis, RC design or Steel design (it depends on the result type you want to display). After insertion, activate the window to choose result types from the modified tab menu. These commands let you choose output data, display modes (colour palette, etc.), change display settings, display numeric values and find local and global maximum/minimum values (see the detailed description in User manual, Chapter 13.). See the 2nd figure at the 6th step. 83

The structure (cover, chapters, text and window positions) you defined in Documentation can be saved under a file name (.DSC) as a template for further projects. Click on Templates/ Save as. The program automatically generates your complete documentation, if you apply a previously defined or built-in template. Use Templates/ Apply in Documentation mode after modelling and calculate a new project, and the program generates the complete documentation by refreshing the content of the template (title label, table of content, page numbers, figures and tables). A pictures inserted by Image are deleted in a new template! If you load a template into a document having no calculated results, the Analysis, RC design or Steel design-type graphical windows contain only the structure, but they will be refreshed after running calculations.

The completed document or only some parts of it can be printed out by Print (Document). Set the Page rage as: All The whole document (from start to end) will be printed out. Selection The objects selected in the Control panel (multi-selection also works) and their pages will be printed out. Pages This provides the possibility for printing by defined page. Enter page number and/or page ranges by separating by commas and using - (an example: 1,10,15-20,25, etc.). The printing process requires associated printer(s) for the sections (of the document). If a section has not got a defined printer (Undefined), you can add one by selecting the section name in the document list and by using the Properties tool (Change option). If you associate a PDF creator program to all sections (Section/ Properties), you can save your documentation as a PDF file.


RC Drawing
Faster Drawing Display
In this version, the contour of the solid structure (that modified in Model space or Solid model mode) is automatically regenerated only if a work window is activated. This change was made to save time. A new command called Regenerate structure contour has however been added to the Drawing tab to regenerate the contour of the solid structure in all windows.

Mirrored View
FEM-Design 7.0 provides the possibility to set normal or mirrored view independently for plane views, sections and details. A new option (switch) is developed in the Default settings dialog of Work window command: Hidden / visible contour lines considered according to mirrored view.

Display Settings
The structure and mode of setting display properties have been changed. The bar and mesh setting dialogs are extended with the display settings that can be reached from Settings/ Bars and Mesh/ Display settings or by clicking on Display settings button of different bar/mesh commands.


The way of defining styles (templates) has also been modified. You can do this in a new dialogue box (click on Styles). To store the current display settings of a bar/mesh command under a name, use the Save option. Previously defined styles can be imported via the Load option.

Data System
Default settings for the reinforcement module depend on the current code, so they are stored by code in FEMDATA under the following file types: .STY : styles saved at all bar/mesh commands, .INI : default values of display settings and last values of bar/mesh geometry and material parameters, .TTB ::titles, headers and frames made by Title block command (Drawing).


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