Auto Cad
Auto Cad
Auto Cad
Session 1
Session 2&3
About CADD centre Introduction to Engineering Drawings o Projections (First & Third angle) o Views (Orthographic, Isometric & Perspective) Introduction to AutoCAD o History o Exploring GUI o Workspaces Co-ordinate systems Orthographic Views o Drawing settings Units, Limits o Drawing simple sketches using Line, Circle, Arc, Ellipse, Polygon, Rectangle, Dynamic Input o Editing commands Erase, Oops, Undo, Redo, Move, Copy, Rotate, Array, Mirror, Align File Management - New, Qnew, Open, Save, Save as, Close, Exit, Quit Mini Project 1 Orthographic Views Editing commands Fillet, Chamfer, Scale, Stretch, Offset, Break, Drawing settings. Trim, Extend Isometric View o Isoplane Mini Project 2 Isometric Views Join, Solid, Donut, Fill, Fillmode Creating Detail Drawing - Revcloud Perspective Views o One, Two and Three points Perspective views Mini Project 3 2 Point Perspective View Object Selection Methods o Select, Qselect Annotations - Text, Style, Ddedit, Mtext, Scaletext, Spell, Table, Tabledit Object Properties - Color, Linetype, Ltscale, Lineweight, Properties, Matchproop Display Control - Zoom, Pan, Steering wheels(2D), View, Regen, Dsviewer, Viewres Layer Management o Adding / Removing Layers o Layer Status o New Property Filter o New Group Filter o Layer Status Manager o Plot Control Hatching utilities - Bhatch, hatch, hatchedit Grip Editing
Session 4
Session 5
Session 6
Session 7
Inquiry commands - Id, Dist, List, Radius, Angle, Area, Volume Lengthen Advanced drawing objects & their editing - Pline, Pedit, Spline, Splinedit Dimension - Linear, Aligned, Radius, Diameter, Center Mark, Angle, Arc length, Continuous, Baseline, Tolerance, Dimension Space, Dimension Break, Inspection, Jogged radius, Ordinate dimensions. Leader, Qleader Mleader, Multi leader style, Add leader, Align Leaderlines, Collect Leader Dim edit, dimtedit, Dimension Associative, Reassociate Dimension Style Construction lines - Xline, Ray Project 1 (4 hrs theory only) A generic visualization of Project Management How does knowledge of Project Management affects you? (4 hrs theory only) Some Key aspects that need clarity Common Sense Project Management
Session 9
Session 10
Session 11
Session 12
Session 13
Session 14
Parametric Drawings o Geometric Constraints o Dimensional Constraints Dynamic Block with Parametric constraints Defining &Editing attributes Attdef, Attedit,Eattedit, Attdisp,Attdia, Attext, Eattext Action recorder Mini Project 4 Creating BOM / Joiner Details Divide, Measure,Mslide, Vslide,Script,Slide Library OLE concepts Olelinks, Olescale, Insertobj Hyperlink Copy, Copybase, Copylink, Pasteclip, Pastespecial, Pasteblock, Pasteoriginal External references Xref, Xbind,Circular Xref, Refedit Mini Project 5 Develop a project with Xref Underlay Design Center , Tool Palettes, Etransmit, Xplode Introduction to plotting, Page setup, Plot Styles, Plot Mini Project 6 Trace a Manual Drafting (Underlay)
Session 15
Session 16
Session 17
Session 18
Session 19
Publish 2D and 3D DWF Markup Manager Publish to Web Mini Project 7 Create a customized Title Block using Attributes and store it as a Template Layout Management, Floating Viewports Project 2 Complete a Project with Orthographic Views, BOM and arrange them in a Layout as per scale Take the Printout
Session 20