Oh. My. Lord. But He would have been covering His eyes and praying to His God.
Their legs were shoc!loced. Mouths "uted. #ecs craned and heads dropped. Mothers s"othered
the eyes o$ their children% $athers covered the eyes o$ the "others& but so"e 'ust had to see the sight to see
what it was that they didnt want to see. (ingers ra""ed into ears to bloc the $ilth swirling around the
gully. )choing "oans and dirty tal had hi'aced the $orest air and didnt care where they crashed.
Oh. My. Lord.
Isaac& still ogling with "outh agape& He didnt help you the $irst ti"e Ted so I doubt hes listening
This was a site o$ sin by anyones boo * not 'ust His% and i$ the devils singed eyes had been
s"eared with this sight& he would have poed the" out with his pitch$or& dusted o$$ his harp& and auditioned
$or his old 'ob bac.
+harles buried his eyes in the cold da"p $orest $loor that had been so$t on his soles. It was then that
the ground began to pulse. His body swayed as his blood betrayed hi". Being the leader o$ the ),iles and a
disciple o$ science& +harles always used his head. But in the depths o$ the gully& these $eral ani"als suced
the "ind out o$ it. He $ell lie a $ir in the $orest and everybody heard it.
24 Hours Earlier...
-ro$essor +harles Hawings was a weather"an with a dis"al $orecast. More accurately& he was a
cli"atologist with cli"actic data. He had nown about it $or "onths. a great tidal wave was brewing and
would soon drown the land. +harles had tried to warn everybody $ro" the -resident to the /cience Minister
to the paperboy& but only little 0ac pretended to listen. He couldnt get the nu"bers behind hi"& despite
having the $igures in $ront o$ hi"& $or in the 1ingdo" o$ (alleria& religion was the party and science was the
pooper * which is why +harles was always just a weather"an.
He had $orecasted that in a $ew "inutes& the $irst leviathan o$ water would rise up $ro" the ocean. 2s
such& this atheist scientist led his 343 $aith$ul disciples * the sel$!styled ),iles * on an epic hie that tested
their cardio and ca"araderie. +harles calculated that he and his s"all band o$ bacers would be sa$e on the
highest plateau o$ Messenger Mountain. #ow& as the hands wound down the $inal hour& they stood and ga5ed
at the vista $ro" 6744 $eet above sea level * their soon!to!be $or"er nation a distant stage in the natural
a"phitheatre o$ the valley. But even up that high they could taste the sea salt in the cold "ountain air that
swirled a"ongst the blue "ist o$ the crowded eucalypts. It had been whipped up by the sa"e howls that
ripped the rings o$$ the trees down below and up high it shoo their shivers as they watched.
The tsuna"i warning alar" blared lie drill sergeants with a chronic case o$ /hort Man syndro"e. 2
screa"ing $lood o$ (allerians spilled onto the streets and $lowed uphill& given an e,tra push by the shrieing
horns. /o"e tricled bac down when they realised theyd never get high enough. Instead& they 'oined the
huddles o$ bowed heads in the town centres& and drowned out the warning bells with prayer and denial.
+harles had tried to set o$$ the alar" about 84 years earlier but the (allerians thought he was 'ust
being an alar"ist& which he o$ course was& hence the whole alar"ing the" bit. #ow those that were le$t
behind were bla"ing hi" and the rest o$ the under$unded and politically castrated Ministry o$ /cience $or
not doing anything about it. But ever by the Boo& they reconciled the co"ing deluge with prophecy& a
greater $lood than the Great (lood to wash away the non!believers. +harles $igured god "ust have rinsed his
china with a $ire hose and brushed his teeth with napal".
Their insides dru""ed as they waited $or the e,ecutioner. 2nd the sirens cried as death stirred the
waters. They hoped * so"e even prayed * that it wouldnt be as brutal as +harles said it would be. But no
one& not even the pro$essor& was prepared $or it being o$ supernatural proportions. Those le$t in prayer looed
up to heaven and $elt God shaing His $ist or at the very least stubbing His toe& probably His big one.
+harles and "ost o$ the ),iles new it wasnt god& let alone God% rather it was nature * ob'ective&
e"otionless& $istless and no doubt toeless. But the crac that tore through the clouds did sound venge$ul and
the lightning that bolted down looed a lot lie a "iddle $inger.
9r. +aroline Hawings& 3: year!old Libby and si, year!old 1atie stood on each side o$ their husband
and $ather. They clung tight& especially 1atie who dug her nails deeper into his leg with every strie $ro"
above. 2s the cracs hit harder& 1atie ripped her right hand $ro" her $ather to pu$$ on her inhaler * this
altitude was stingy with its air.
;everend Ted <a"es& an old $riend and sparring partner& stood behind +harles. Ted also stood beside
God& in who" he still had $aith. But with todays weather& the line to heaven cracled lie the clouds. 2nd
when the sy ru"bled again Ted new it wasnt God returning the call. It scared the chees o$$ little )llie
and 1i"& twin $ive year!old girls& who wrapped the"selves even tighter around their single!"other <acie.
Being an historian at the =niversity o$ (alleria& <acie acted as the ti"e!capsule o$ the group. /he had
paced her great!grand$athers 'ournal * a $a"ily heirloo" * in the hope o$ eeping a record o$ (allerian
history. Thus she held her daughters and braced her bacpac.
-ieces $ell $ro" the cracing sy. +louds shot down nails and needles * it wasnt "eant to be lie
this. /trea"ing $aces pleaded with +harles $or answers. He looed up and around& seeing the sa"e.
Heathen!seeing lightning >so"e started taing it personally? opened pocets o$ hell on the hillside. Too late
$or raincoats and no place $or turncoats& the ),iles too to shrieing and running around in circles& ellipses
and other $utile shapes. They cla"bered $or a natural bo"b shelter but one unlucy bastard too a direct hit
and was cooed $aster than the noodles in his ration pac. Those around hi" see"ed to grow an e,tra leg
a$ter that * thats evolution. /o"e "anaged to cower under a hanging roc as $lashes went o$$ all around
the". One $lash& and surely this "ust have been deliberate& lasered the roc and sent it onto those that it was
"eant to protect.
+louds that hovered lie bullies over a $at id in a cubicle upped the a""o and $ired round a$ter
round o$ ar"our!piercing rain. It sealed up hell and covered the hills in "ist and s"og but the reprieve was
as short lived as shore leave. The bullets o$ water bored through the ground& turning it into sludge. /o"eone
near +harles& whose na"e hed $orgotten& lost the ground beneath hi" and splattered onto his sto"ach.
2nother "an that looed lie he had a $oreign sort o$ na"e lent a hand but lost his $eet and the two "en
tu"bled down the hill into the "isty abyss. The saviour "ay have waled on water but not even He would
have been able to cli"b this "udslide.
2 howling gale 'oined in the blit5rieg& hitting the" $ro" every cardinal point. )asterlies conspired
with westerlies& which were in a triple entente with the northerlies and southerlies. The ),iles scattered the
hill& blowing about in their search $or $ir"er terra $ir"a. Ted tagged along with +harles& riding his $ootprints
in the gloop. +harles& as always& treaded his own path and as always& so"eone $ailed to $ollow. Ted watched
+harless $eet but not his hands and grabbed onto the wrong branch. It snapped& sending Ted down on his
way into the bowl o$ the valley that would soon be $illed with the ocean and the naturally unselected.
+harles& sharp $or a "iddle!aged scientist& turned to help but $ell $or his charity.
His wi$e and daughters watched on with their sto"achs in their throats. +harles rode Teds trail
down the hill& $iguring Ted had s"oothed out a path o$ least resistance. He was vindicated as he caught up to
Ted and latched onto Teds right ar". 2ll that was le$t was to grab a tree but all that re"ained were drooping
saplings. His panic levels hit a pea that had never be$ore been cli"bed. He clawed at the ground but got
nothing but "ud under his nails. He scratched again at the $ace o$ the )arth. He was going down and had to
let Mother #ature now that she was a two!ti"er. 9idnt she re"e"ber all that he did $or her@ That he went
toe!to!toe with the sceptics@ That he drove an overpriced hybrid@ That he pretended to en'oy an hour o$
Blues and ;oots at an environ"ent rally@ 2s he and Ted headed towards the edge o$ a cli$$& he loaded his
hand to deliver one last i"potent s"ac. But 'ust as his pal" ca"e down to slap the slop& it was pluced out
o$ the air in an i""aculate interception.
+harles and Ted 'olted to a stop and in one "otion were dragged behind the sa$ety o$ a roc. The two
"en whose na"es he couldnt re"e"ber& he would soon now very well. (ernando ;a"ire5 clutched
+harless ar"& while <uan ;a"ire5& a s"aller& younger version o$ his handso"e brother gripped (ernandos.
<uans other hand dug its calloused $ingers into a benevolent roc and those $our hardened digits were the
only things that ept the" $ro" 'oining their country"en below sea level.
The brothers were athletic and as $ate would have it * or coincidence as atheists call it * roc
cli"bers. Their dar sin was "ade darer by years o$ scra"bling up cli$$ $aces that "ade this "ountain
loo lie an escalator at a shopping "all& i$ it werent $or the conditions. Behind the roc& they hid $ro" the
stor" as it blew its blit5.
Aith his sBuinting eyes shielding hi" $ro" the whipping winds& <uan still "anaged to $ind a s"ile.
Light showers huh@
Being wrong bothered +harles 'ust as "uch as the weather. He had placed the "ountain conditions
so"ewhere between I 1new I /houldve Brought in the Aashing >yellow? and 2t Least its Good $or the
(ar"ers >orange?. But this was a +hec Cour Insurance +overs 2r"ageddon >bleeding red? ind o$ a stor".
Aas it his $or"ula@ 9id he "istae a three $or an eight@ It didnt "atter& as +harles and the ),iles were now
lie all other creatures in the "uddy soup o$ evolution& swi""ing $or their survival.
Aell thans $or saving us.
(ernando was even darer than <uan $ro" several e,tra su""ers o$ cli"bing. Aeve cli"bed
widow "aers covered in ice but this is cra5y.
<uan scanning the sight below& what ti"e did you say it was going to hit@
<uan $lung the "ud $ro" his watch. Aell what do you now@
On the second& as tic turned to toc& what see"ed lie the entire ocean rose up in a great wall o$
water. It towered over the land and sti$$ened its brics. (ro" up high on Messenger Mountain& the ),iles
watched as it collapsed onto their tiny nation& taing the 1ingdo" o$ (alleria to the botto" o$ the sea.
+arolineF 1atieF LibbyF
+harles sBuelched about& his boots $illing with oo5e. One by one he ripped his $eet $ro" the sucing
"ud and plunged the" bac in again as he scanned the plateau. The "uc grew heavy in a hurry and $orced
+harles to hunch over with his hands on his nees. His chest pulsated as he suced in the thin $ree5ing air
that "ade hi" wince as it $lowed over his ageing teeth.
Ted trudged along with +harles& who at this point was nearer than God. He gri"aced as he pu"ped
his way through the swa"p& whose danness overpowered the $reshness that had once pro"ised salvation.
I now theyll show up. I 'ust now they will.
Ahys that@
BecauseG you need to thin positively +harles. Good things happen when you thin positively.
2nd the right thing happens when you act rationally.
The line between dead and alive wouldnt be drawn by s"iles and pithy a$$ir"ations. )ven with his
beauti$ul girls "issing& +harles could not bow to irrational thining. Its not that he was a glass!hal$!e"pty
sort o$ a guy * he never understood the obsession with one perception over the other >to hi" the volu"e o$
water relative to the glass was irrelevant so long as the water was su$$icient $or its purpose?. Here& they were
alive or they were not& or a co"bination o$ both. This was a si"ple binary eBuation that could be solved with
a logic board and instead o$ their $aces in his "inds eye he saw ones and 5eroes in eight di$$erent
co"binations $ro" 444 >all dead? to 333 >all alive?.
Teds $aith ept hi" rosy even though nature held bac its colours and le$t the lucy ones scattered
over a desolate landscape. The blue "ountain had turned brown while the sy stayed blac. Truns lay
snapped and others stood burnt. Teds lips turned purple as the wind continued to haunt& giving his soaed
goose bu"ps another reason to shae. He cupped his war" breath $or so"e relie$ and while his hands were
together& snuc in a Buic prayer $or +harles.
9rops $ell $ro" the blac sy and it didnt tae a weather"an to now that they would soon unleash
"ore. ),iled voices boo"ed and shrieed over the distant cracles& co"bining in a"plitude& $reBuency and
urgency as they raced against the charcoal clouds.
)llieF )llieF <acie continued to yell& $unnelling her voice through her $ro5en hands. Her screa"s
pitched higher as her hopes got lower. Her body pulsed as her heart rattled her ribcage. /he glued 1i" to her
side as she waded through the "ud& looing $or )llie who had slipped $ro" her grip. /he was one o$ "any.
That was at least 443.
433. One to go.
Mu""y& Libby $ound daddy.
333. #ow he let the $eelings tricle& which $or +harles was not "uch "ore than a sigh.
<acie also $ound )llie. Only she was a 4. /he dropped to her nees and san into the sad earth.
Beside her was the body o$ a s"all girl lying $ace down& swallowed by "ud. 1i" clung onto her wailing
"other and buried her $ace deep in her "others chest. <acie howled as she dragged out her li"p daughter.
Her tears streaed the dirt on her $ace as she sBuee5ed both her girls.
9r. +aroline Hawings rushed to <acie. /he wanted to get to her be$ore the shoc but she was
beaten * and it wouldnt be the only ti"e.
/o"e survivors carried the wounded& while others cradled the dead. Aailing walls o$ grie$ closed in
on the "ire& $or"ing an e"ergency ward and "aeshi$t "orgue. /urviving with +aroline were doctors
2le,andra +hang& Har"inder Gurung& and 9i"itri -olov. They dragged their legs about in the "ud& doing
their best to eep death in the waiting roo". 9r. Gurung set up a sterili5ation station on the "ud that san
hi" the least. 9r. +hang bossed around anyone with the reBuisite "edical training * that is& anyone that
could peel a band!aid& no e,perience necessary. The $irst aiders wrapped up all things "inor and reported
bac anything "a'or. 9octors -olov and Hawings too the "ost urgent cases& such as a lacerated ar" and
an idle $oetus.
+o"e on "ate& on your $eet. Ben Aycli$$e& stuc out a hand. His "oney grip was "ore lie a
gorillas. He had bigger ar"s than a rogue "ilitia and a 'aw that inspired cinder blocs to harden up. He
latched onto a soggy boy whose head drooped lie the punished leaves and yaned hi" onto his $eet. Aith
his position in society& he had the authority to do that.
Itll be alright * pro"ise.
The survivor& Buivering in his red and white $ootball 'ersey that was two si5es too big& eed out&
wow * I cant believe youre taling to "e.
Ben s"iled and patted his $an on the bac. I dont thin the "ountain cares $or trophies.
Libby Hawings didnt dare unloc a single $inger $ro" her little sister 1aties intertwined hand.
They stood in one place as the grown ups did what grown ups do. But being a restless 3: year!old& she
wanted to 'oin the".
Aant to play a counting ga"e@
1atie too a pu$$ $ro" her inhaler as she nodded. /he was only si, years!old but had counted to
in$inity twice. Ahat are we counting@
+o"e on...
Meanwhile& buried in the "ud& their $ather $ound a row o$ pearls. 1rystall +andy couldnt help but
s"ile. /he had the e"inent pro$essor +harles Hawings neeling be$ore her& splinting a suspected sprained
Tae your ti"e * pro$essor.
+harles looed up and reassured her with a nod. He shot his eyes bac on her ar"& blurring out her
drenched blonde hair and wet T!shirt that clung lie body paint. +aroline& watching the" out o$ all corners o$
her eyes >and the bits in between?& rushed over.
On their way up the "ountain& +aroline had spied +harles surveying peas that had nothing to do
with their survival. It was 'ust a Buic $lic o$ the eyes that could have been sweeping across the trees but
+aroline was $a"iliar with his clandestine reconnaissance o$ the $e"ale ind. 1rystall was the ind o$ girl
that would show up in +harless browser history be$ore he learned how to snea through the dar corridors
o$ private browsing.
Ahats wrong with you@ +arolines words $lew out lie pepper spray at a prostitute resisting arrest.
My wrist. I" better now though.
+harles gave his eyes over to his wi$e and assured her& I" al"ost done.
9adF Libby called out as she and 1atie swooshed towards +harles.
+aroline you can tae it $ro" here.
He trudged o$$& leaving +aroline and 1rystall in his "uddy wae.
1rystall watched in awe as the tireless pro$essor bounded away to greet his girls. I" so glad hes
our leader.
I" so glad hes "y husband.
+harles "et Libby and 1atie& who were $ast beco"ing ladies.
EH dad& said Libby& panting.
EH what@
Ae need to dig the graves be$ore it gets too dar& added 1atie.
How did you girls get so s"art@
<uan and (ernando led the gravediggers& who dug lie dogs& scooping goop with their cupped hands.
/plashes o$ slosh $ound their way into "ouths and noses and tasted as dull as they looed. 2s the "ud
splattered onto sloppy piles& (ernando glanced upward. 9aylight was $ading $ast& as i$ it itsel$ were a$raid o$
the dar. He got his second wind& which was "ore lie a gale. He e"ptied three holes to everyone elses one
and too over when others too a brea.
Ted $loated around taing tears on his shoulders as they $ell $ro" the "ourners. He sought his
co"$ort in "u"bling passages $ro" God and tried to translate His words into his words. But to an atheist&
dead is dead& no reason was reason enough& and Heaven was a whorehouse on Main /treet. He $igured "ost
o$ the ),iles wouldnt understand and with nothing le$t to say& all he could do was listen.
The last clu"p o$ dirt hit a heap o$ slop. The digging stopped and the silence said what no one else
could * it was ti"e. (ernando $lung his hands as clean as he could get the" and looed around& wondering
where to start $irst. 2s a construction engineer& wor$low was everything to hi".
Marty <ay didnt want to loo up. He new tools had been downed but he had to hold his wi$e $or a
little longer. The hard rain had so$tened his tattooed body. He didnt cry * "en dont do that * but he did
scowl at the earth and shae his head& swearing vengeance against nobody in particular. He pressed his
stubbled chee into her cla""y $ace and tried to get so"e war"th $ro" the cold touch.
2 wo"an nearby was twitching to du"p the body in her ar"s. He had saved her $ro" a $alling tree
only to be i"paled by it. /he tried to drag hi" hersel$ but couldnt yan hi" through a puddle let alone a
<uan waded over to her and too the guilt $ro" her hands. He snatched the body and lugged it onto
his right shoulder. He san a little $urther into the ground with the e,tra weight be$ore re!ad'usting. He got to
the closest hole and tossed in the <ohn 9oe. The diggers beca"e $illers and led a procession o$ corpses to
graves. -allbearers bore all the weight& woring solo& and one by one the holes were $illed.
<acie was last. /till a "uddy "ess& she blubbered her way to a ditch in the "ud. /he ran her gritty
$ingers through )llies soiled hair and brushed the bac o$ her earth!coated hand on )llies plush chees that
were $urther so$tened by the rain. 2nd& 'ust as shed always done& she put )llie to rest. ),cept this ti"e she
didnt have a story to tell.
#obody did. The surviving ),iles gathered around the graveyard waiting $or so"eone else to say
so"ething. 2nyone. 2nything. Libby and 1atie looed to their $ather but his "inds eye was on
reconnaissance& looing $or a site tough enough to tae their pegs. It was a di$$icult eye to $ocus though and
would o$ten $licer to the past and re!read the calculations that he had got so wrong. -oor +harles. Had he
got the "ath right and scouted the $ull artillery o$ the stor"& they still would have been stuc in the "ud.
Ted scanned the $allen $aces. Their lips o$$ered nothing but Buivers and the odd sob. /o Ted said
what he could. Our (ather in heaven& please tae these poor souls and guide the" into your ingdo".
(orgive the" o$ their sins and love the" as you love us. I now not why you spared us& perhaps it was the"
that you spared. 2"en.
It was echoed by the $ew that were $aith$ul. Isaac -eters though& was "ore practical. =""& guys...
2s "uch as I love the idea o$ sleeping in a graveyard in a puddle o$ "ud& I recon so"ewhere else& lie
anywhere else& would be heaps better.
Gildo (ractar agreed. (attys right.
9ont call hi" thatF Isaacs 'ust!as!$at "u"& (aye& had so"ehow "anaged to wrap her batwings
around the coarse trun o$ a bending tree. /he had sBuee5ed her eyes shut and clung on as the rain and wind
lashed her bac. )ven with the howling gale whipping past her ears& she could hear the roots tearing. /he
hadnt been this close to death since her last burger and instead o$ having her lungs re$illed by an o$$!duty
para"edic that happened to en'oy a pattie as "uch as her& she was saved when the stor" stopped $or a
I can handle this "u". 9ont call "e $at.
I called you $atty.
Then dont call "e $atty.
9ont argue with "e son. 9o you have any idea how "uch I" worth@
Isaac craced hal$ a s"ile. #o idea "ate but loo around you. 9o you have any idea how "uch
youre not worth@
Gildo didnt need to loo anywhere to now that the blac and brown landscape outweighed all o$
his gold and silver.
GuysF This isnt helping. (ernando then turned to +harles. Ae cant sleep here boss.
+harles snapped bac& yeah I $igured that.
He re$lected on the original plan& which entailed tents& ca"p$ires and u"bayah until the water
receded. The new plan had the" up shit cree without a canoe.
+harles turned his head and ran his eyes over every blot in the landscape. Mud& "ush& puddles and
gush. The sludge that seeped its way into his boots that $elt "ore lie sli"e and the chill in the air that
brushed their $aces told hi" that he didnt need to loo any $urther. )ither they could try to ca"p in the "ud
or they could... try to ca"p in the "ud. Aith grie$ and loss as near as the night& it was a pain$ul truth to
Ted also looed over Gods green )arth only to $ind brown. +harles you have a plan right@
I had a plan& yeah. But I" sort o$ scratching "y head on the plan B and i$ anyone else wants to
chip in that would be great.
Ted didnt lie his tone * neither did +harles. He wasnt used to being so wrong.
1rystalls chest hadnt $elt this tight since she $irst got her i"plants. Aere $uced arent we@
HeyF Aatch your "outh theres ids aroundF bared <acie.
1rystalls eyes were weary but she was annoyed enough to roll the".
(ine * were e$$ed arent we@
The so$t rain hardened& answering her Buestion be$ore night $ell and inevitability dawned * in a $lash
o$ lightning the ar"istice was o$$.
;ein$orce"ents were called in to support the occupying rain and a bo"bard"ent heavier than the
$irst began to "elt the pre!so$tened hills. The pelting deluge $illed their ears with water and clatter. +old sin
tightened and goose bu"ps sti$$ened. 9irt washed down paniced $aces and $looded pursed lips& giving the"
a taste o$ what was to co"e. #ature it see"ed had e"ptied its barracs.
<acie sBuee5ed her little 1i" tight. The salt o$ her tears "i,ed with the pure rain as she prayed
theyd "eet )llie on the other side in which they had never be$ore believed. (ernando and <uan e"braced in
stoic silence as brothers and best $riends. Others latched onto who"ever they could. Ted decided to let go o$
+harles. He clasped his hands and dropped his head * it had to pay o$$ sooner or never.
The Hawings $a"ily held each other without a gap between the". They paced in so tight that i$
they were wrong and there really was a God& it would be i"possible $or Hi" to conde"n one soul $ro" the
The "ud rose $ro" their anles to their nees. 9eath crept up their thighs lie a sea o$ spiders that
illed with volu"e rather than veno". They san as the sludge surged& doubling the velocity o$ $ate.
9addy what happens when we die@
+harles gave Libby the only answer he could. He issed her on the $orehead and closed his eyes and
waited to $ind out $or hi"sel$. It set o$$ a $lood o$ tears& whose acco"panying wail was drowned out by the
$iring rain. Aater ran down the cracs o$ broen $aces. Le$t without light& $ro5en blue on a "uddy "ountain
under a "oonless sy& the ),iles o$ (alleria were set to not "eet their non!"aer.
But 'ust when it see"ed that their devolution bac into earth was co"plete& a halo rose behind the
hill. It glided towards the" lie an angel o$ "ercy and hovered above the" * but this angel had no wings.
The sining re$ugees lobbed "ud as they pointed at the sy with "ouths agape. +harles blined&
shoo his head and wiped his eyes >albeit with dirt? but it was still there. He had never trusted the
eyewitnesses who clai"ed to see such things. 2nd now that he was one hi"sel$& he doubted his own sight.
+aroline stared at the sy with unblining eyes that swelled lie balloons at a school $air.
+harles& do you see what I see@
I$ youre looing at a blac $lying saucer hovering above us& then yes.
<ust checing.
The giant levitating disc bobbed in the air& as i$ 'udging the drowning. 2s the "ud s"othered necs
and ticled chins& the saucer reached its verdict. In another $eat o$ science de$iance& it shot out an a"ber
tractor bea". The laser li$e buoy hu""ed as it $ired out o$ the blac hovering plate. It radiated the gentle
war"th o$ an autu"n sun around each o$ the ),iles and they rose as one $ro" the pri"eval "ud& into the
heavens and disappeared inside the cra$t.
+harles... Ahere are we@
I have no idea.
2le,andra +hangs chin dragged along the pristine white $loor as she stu"bled about lie a
hypnotised 5o"bie entranced by a warloc that per$or"ed one!"an co"edy!"agic shows under a stage
na"e pre$i,ed by The 2"a5ing. This is... irrational.
/he thought bac to her "uch!loved sci!$i $il"s. #ever did she thin the +GI and studio sets would
lose the bo, around the" and stand up in her world. /he ran her $ilthy hands along the $rictionless white
walls lie a cavewo"an touching sil. #ot a spot o$ "ud stuc& instead the dirt $ro" her pal"s slopped to the
$loor in sub"ission. Its lie so"ething I wouldve written in third grade. 2ll I need is a unicorn...
)very sur$ace appeared to illu"inate itsel$. The round roo" had a brand!new $reshness that "ade
new car!s"ell ree lie a "usty pic!up on a rainy day. There was no noise nor vibration and it see"ed that
there was no "ove"ent at all. There were no visible entry points nor sea"s. There was a high ceiling * about
38 $eet tall * that prevented any $eeling o$ stu$$iness.
<acie sBuee5ed 1i" even tighter than when on )arth. /he pinned her bac against the curved outer
wall and bounced her eyes side to side& waiting $or the captors to show the"selves. 1i" $elt her "others
chest beating against the bac o$ her head and couldnt hold bac the war" tricle $ro" running down her
leg. Ben Aycli$$e baced up beside the" and clenched his arse!chees * 'ust in case.
+harles ran his pal"s all over the polished white walls and had the" cleaned in the process. He tried
to rationalise the situation but it "ade about as "uch sense as an audio boo o$ carpet sa"ples. O$ all the
branches o$ science& +harles decided to perch upon physics but it soon wilted under the weight o$ anti!
gravity and blac saucery. I"possible...
The ),iles $elt so"e hovering& as i$ the disc were waiting $or tardy passengers lie a sy"pathetic
train conductor. They wondered i$ it would tae o$$ and to where.
But they had already le$t and they had already arrived. Aithout warning& the $loor o$ the saucer
snapped opened lie a ca"era lens& revealing an abyss as blac as the dar side o$ -luto. They screa"ed out
in panic but were cal"ed by the invisible net that lowered the". They touched down on a $ir" $oreign $loor
and were le$t in the dar.
Isaac looed around at the $aces he couldnt see& hoping they werent as pu55led as his. =""& what
'ust happened@
(ernando was 'ust as perple,ed but a$ter a beat& "anaged to sta""er out& we were rescued by a
$lying saucer.
Thought so.
The ),iles huddled together lie penguins in the trough o$ winter. Their already!tense bodies
tightened $urther& hunching their shoulders& bracing $or cold and death. Lined ar"s shoo& conducting body
war"th and $ear. They looed around& hoping their eyes would ad'ust to the blac but saw nothing but
Out on his $eet but still on his toes& <uan dropped his shoulders and stuc his $ace into the night air.
He tightened the lids over his eyes and tuned his e,pert ear into the surrounds. He piced up distant roars&
nearby coo!ees& chirps& hoots& and hisses.
(ernando& 'ust as well treed in the outdoors& used his nose. He $lared his nostrils and tugged in the
evening air& pulling in strea"s o$ wild $reshness. Its so pure.
+harles where are we@
I have no idea +aroline.
<uan& accounting $or the obvious shi$t to darness& at the very least were in a di$$erent ti"e 5one.
2nd at the very "ost@ ased +aroline.
2nother planet.
+aroline curled her toes and rubbed the ground between the"& oblivious to her lost boots. The gentle
dirt was "oist and its $ineness belied any earthliness. -etals o$ wild $lowers see"ed to be scattered around
the tur$ and were so$ter than $airy wings.
<acie tre"bled and shoo "ore $ear into her re"aining daughter 1i". Ahat do we do@
Aait. Thats all we can do. +harles stayed rational. But i$ he were de$eated& his answer would have
been the sa"e.
They pressed in closer& tightening the lins between ar"s until Isaac broe the chain. He stretched
out his collar and invited the evening air to $low over his boobs. 2nyone else really hot@
Ben unlined his ar"s& shoo hi"sel$ $ree and pulled at his "ud!soaed shirt. +o"e to "ention it...
He $anned his $ace with a $lopping right hand.
1atie did the sa"e and then dropped onto the da"p ground. +aroline tried to pull her bac up. Ahat
are you doing@
I" tired. /he slid her "oist ar" out o$ her "others grip. /he leaned bac on her pal"s and $elt
tingles run through her as her legs throbbed $ro" her toes to her hips.
+aroline $elt others drop around her. Ted patted the earth beneath hi" and hoped it was indeed )arth.
I suppose i$ anything is going to bite us it could always cli"b up our legs anyway.
The rest ru"bled a concordant "u"ble and ached their way onto the ground. Libby put her head in
+harless lap and closed her eyes& replacing darness with darness. +harles stroed Libbys coarse wet hair
and ga5ed up at the blac cloa that he hoped was sy. Ted couldnt sleep either and he too looed to heaven
as others laid their heads on the dirt.
Its a "iracle.
It was... so"ething.
God wors in "ysterious ways.
I$ he needs a $lying saucer then hes not really woring at all.
)ither way it was a "iracle.
Miracles are "ade with the sa"e hands as sandcastles.
2nd $lying saucers@
I dont now what hands built those.
2s they dri$ted into drea"land& they both hoped $or their saviour to return.
The sun peeed over the trees and tipped bucets o$ light over the ),iles. They shot up onto their
behinds as the war"th washed over the". 2 cacophony o$ cheeps chirped all around& welco"ing the" into
the new day.
Libby& with eyes wider than ever& this is incredible.
2nd (aye& with "outh as loud as ever& shut up * I" listening to the birds.
The $reshness that wa$ted through last nights air was 'oined by scents $lowing out o$ wild$lowers
that opened to disciplined hy"ns. It $looded the ),iles senses and poured out o$ their noses. But they
pinched their allergies as their soles connected with the unta"ed )arth. Birds stroed by the sa"e bright
brush as the bloo" carried their har"onies as i$ the world wasnt watching * it wasnt& and it never had.
This was Mother )arth when she was still a virgin& be$ore she had been gang!raped by industry and
its cronies. +hirpy and with $ull bush intact& $oliage that dripped with wet green& soaed by "orning sun%
reds& blues and other hues colouring the $orest $loor * i$ the $ootprints o$ sinners had not "ared the $irst
garden& it "ay have blosso"ed into this.
<uan liced the "orning dew $ro" his lips as he too in the colours& scents and sounds. )lysiu"...
Libby raced up onto her $athers shoulders $or a better view. /he scouted the pristine wilderness
be$ore taing o$$ lie a leprechaun that had 'ust spotted a glint o$ gold.
LibbyF But +harles was too late.
Her parents put on a paniced dash and the rest o$ the herd $ollowed. 2$ter brushing past sily
$oliage on their chase& they $ound their rainbow beyond a green grove.
(ernando stopped beside <uan and concurred& it is paradise brother.
The clear unspoiled strea" tricled over s"ooth rocs and pebbles and was liced up by the ta"est
o$ wild deer. It seeped into alluvial $lats that blosso"ed with berries. Libby had been drawn by the "orning
sun that glistened o$$ the "oving water lie hope on the hori5on. #ow& that hope $lowered into belie$.
Libby scooped a hand$ul o$ luewar" water and slurped it with all o$ her $aith. It ran down her chin
as she closed her eyes and s"iled as i$ she were ha""ing it up in a touris" pro"otion $or these parts
9ad its better than in the pictures.
Its better than... anything.
Baed by sunshine& standing in paradise& the ),iles $orgot that they were covered in "ud. Their
bacpacs had been shrugged o$$ to cope with the "uc and their shoes iced o$$ to lighten their legs. But
in the "idst o$ the "iracle& <acie hadnt $orgotten that they had le$t everything behind.
/orry to rip up your doilies but we were taen away by a =(OF Ae dont even now where we areF
This isnt anything but nor"al and you people are acting lie youve won e,tra child supportF
Isaac& whose eyes were $i,ed on the sparling water& but youve gotta ad"it we got lucy.
My daughters dead * you call that lucy@
But we did get lucky. Isaac was standing in what see"ed to be an enchanted wood that was tended to
by blonde ny"phs. He pluced a berry and dropped it into his "outh. He "oaned as it "elted over his
tongue in all its organic "acrobiotic goodness. Oh thats some good luck.
Ted sidled up to <acie and put a co"passionate hand on her shoulder. <acie& God wors in
"ysterious ways.
+harles cringed at the hacneyed& cop!out o$ a line& but a$ter being bashed by the weather& he was in
no "ood $or a $ight. My brain is still "ashed by it all but the point is were here and were alive.
<acie ept Ted on her shoulder and argued& but we dont even now where here is.
Aell Id rather be here than thereF Isaac ripped o$$ his shirt lie it was the last chip pacet in the
cupboard. He ran& or at least did his version o$ running& which was a 'iggle and a shu$$le& down to the water.
The war" strea" ept its cool even a$ter being bo"bed by a $at bastard. He closed his eyes as the
"ud swa" o$$ his puri$ied body. Isaac too in deliberate "outh$uls as he bobbed and blobbed through the
water. Its lie its been $iltered through Gods $ingersF +o"e onF Ahat are you all waiting $or@ The
rapture@ Aell it 'ust ca"e and we iced its arseF
1rystall looed to those beside her. /he waited $or so"eone else to $ollow Isaacs $lat $eet into the
river. But when none were $orthco"ing& she ran to the shore& dove lie a seal and glided towards the
shi""ering rays that blessed the water. The river washed o$$ any $ear and soaed her in opti"is". Her s"ile
popped up through the sur$ace as she ran her nails $ro" her dar roots to her blonde tips. Its so war"F
They laughed as they splashed around lie college ids on spring brea. But when <uan caught a
shadow on the other shore& he played the role o$ the ca"pus pastor. /hhhF Juiet guys.
Their splashing dropped to a ripple and all ears waited $or the ne,t beat.
On the other side o$ the river& a naed "an stepped out o$ the bushes. 2ppearing beside the naed
"an was a naeder wo"an. 2lthough one cannot be "ore naed than co"pletely starers& Isaac got that
i"pression as he could see two lots o$ naughty bits& since a wo"an is twice as naughty as a "an. He was so
overawed by her per$ect breasts that he thought naeder was a real word and wanted to use it in his blog&
which o$ course had been taen o$$line by the apocalypse. 2nd it got naederer * he couldnt even thin
straight * when two "ore wo"en popped out& doubling the group and tripling the boobies.
The sa"e rays that had coated their s"ooth uni$or" sin with a gentle tan lit the" in the "ost
$avourable light. Their taut bodies stood out $ro" the greenery and too the attention away $ro" the bush.
They were $it and athletic& looing lie theyd spent a lot o$ ti"e in the 'ungle gy".
The naed $ourso"e& probably in their "id twenties& stood on the riverban and screwed up their
Bui55ical $aces. The sight on the other side o$ the river * strangers swathed in cloth and "ud& lie a troupe o$
"ethod actors auditioning $or the role o$ a blind potter * caused the" to stare with enough curiosity to neuter
a $eral cat. 2$ter so"e con$erring whispers the sinny dippers e,changed nods and caused yet another splash.
They waded into the water and $lowed with it be$ore rising towards the sy $or air. They glistened in the sun
as they wiped their hair $ro" their $aces and the river $ro" their eyes. Invigorated by the water& they stroed
across strea" towards the clothed strangers.
+harles patted around $or a hand to hold as they swa" closer. He $ound +arolines& who wrapped her
"aternal ar"s around her girls and pulled the" to her boso". Isaac sun his body $urther into the water. He
was now certain that they hadnt survived the $lood and had instead gone to atheist heaven * his version o$ it
at least. -aradise got wild * and a lot less virginal.
The naed "an and three nude wo"en slowed into polite paddles& care$ul not to spray the outsiders.
They stood up and s"iled lie a"bassadors& with the strea" covering the" up to their nees. On the
riverban& the two tribes $aced o$$ with "ore than 'ust $aces.
The re$ugees bunched together& bound by their racing hearts. <acie covered 1i"s eyes as a
precaution while Ted ept his eyes on his toes.
Ben stole glances o$ the $ir" $igures o$ the $e"ales and niced o$$ with a $ew "ore. Isaac though&
checed out the ladies with the subtlety o$ an ar"ed hold up with a shotgun& and it threatened to go o$$ at any
second. But there was no need $or a heist * the "ain recipient o$ his attention didnt "ind. /he had her
'ewels out without hi" even asing. 2nd had he ased $or the co"bination to her vault& shed have opened it
This particular stunning naed wo"an& 2na& stepped $orward. The "en drooled as the river ran over
her tanned breasts. #e,t to her& beauty was a hal$!eaten pie at a truc stop. Her proportions were "ore
precise than an ato"ic cloc% her eyes shone with "ore green than a 'ade "ine% and her lips were paced
with "ore $un than a long weeend.
Aeve never seen you around here be$ore.
+harles& being the leader& weve never been here be$ore.
Aho are you@
The sinny dippers listened and nodded with all their attention while +harles recounted the
cataclys" that clai"ed their country. He lined the chains o$ chaos that swung in all directions& bringing
nations to naught around the". Their eyebrows 'u"ped and their "ouths widened as he regaled the" with
the story o$ Mother #atures "orning sicness and how she spewed out lava $ro" her volcanoes% how the
over!stressed stress $ractures in her bones $inally snapped& ra5ing buildings and raising oceans% and how she
coughed out o$ her lungs all the years o$ passive s"oing she was $orced to inhale& blasting away her
i"purities. ...Ae hoped to return in three "onths * and now were here.
Aow& no wonder you loo so aw$ul. /o how did you get here@
Aell& thats the weird bit.
The nudes ca"e $orward& eyes and ears wide open in anticipation o$ an e,cla"ation "ar to
punctuate the end o$ the strangest o$ the strangers days.
/o 'ust as we were about to die a $lying saucer ca"e and saved us.
/o what was the weird bit@
The $lying saucer.
Ahat was weird about it@
Aell it was a saucer and it was $lying.
2na looed to her naed $riends and they didnt get it either.
But +aroline did. /orry& you "ean to tell "e that $lying saucers are co""on place@
Ahat planet are you $ro"@
)arth * what planet are you $ro"@
That was rhetorical.
+aroline rela,ed her lungs a little * at least they were on the sa"e planet.
2nother o$ the gorgeous naed ladies stepped $orward and whispered in 2nas ear. /he nodded and
turned bac to +harles.
1ii here thins that you should co"e with us. 2nd I agree. Aell get you cleaned up and checed
Aait& where are we@
1ii s"iled. +o"e with us and well show you.
1ii pointed across the river. The other side.
Isaac and 1rystall crossed the river with care$ree stroes. They treaded water in a sea o$ sun and
closed their eyes. They $loated on their bacs and threw their $aces up to the sy& soaing the"selves in rays.
There they waited $or the others who werent as ready to $reestyle across $oreign waters.
2na and her sinny!dipping play"ates strutted along the opposite riverban and led the herd to a
$ord. /he turned and looed over her shoulder to chec on the new arrivals and slowed her slender $eet into a
shu$$le to let the ditherers catch up.
Libby and 1atie clung to their "other +aroline as i$ they were bac in the "uc% <acie carried her
re"aining daughter 1i" in her vigilant ar"s and scanned the trees $or unnowns% and (ernando and <uan
$ollowed up $ro" the rear. The elder brother bobbed his head as he counted cattle& ensuring the drove stayed
at :H.
+harles $elt the war" water lap up against his anles as he crossed to the other side. He trailed
behind his $a"ily and dragged his eyes along the ground& daring only to go near the nudes with his voice. /o
how $ar is it@
2na glanced over her shoulder and shot& 'ust through these trees.
+aroline waited instinctively $or the naed Buartet to pic up their clothes. But when they le$t the
ban with nothing but their sin& she called out& wait * arent you $orgetting your clothes@
2na turned& con$used. My what@
+lothes. +aroline pinched at her "uddy shirt. These things.
2na shoo her head. #o.
2na continued on& brushing past leaves that were "ore lie petals and le$t +aroline $ro5en $or a
"o"ent. +aroline then rushed $orward and "ade sure her body was a bu$$er between the sinny dippers and
+harles * $or i$ 1rystall were the town bie& this trio o$ wo"en were the city "etro.
They weaved their way into a cooler part o$ the 'ungle whose crisp air $lowed over their sin without
drawing any bu"ps. Leaves that padded their $eet lie baby ducs coated in sil carpeted the plush ground.
Bea"s o$ sunlight snuc through the canopy and lit the path and ept danness away $ro" the darness&
ensuring the $orest $reshness wa$ted through the shade o$ the woods.
Libby and 1atie stu"bled with their heads tipped bac and their eyes in the treetops as gibbons
swung and birds $luttered through the branches. 2"ongst this air& 1aties lungs $orgot they had asth"a&
which was lucy as her inhaler hadnt "ade the trip up into the saucer. The sisters s"iled in wonder"ent as a
wildli$e docu"entary played out in $lesh. But when the group went beyond the tall teas that see"ed to stand
as guards& a di$$erent ind o$ scene with a di$$erent ind o$ $lesh ca"e out to play.
Oh. My. Lord. But He would have been covering His eyes and praying to His God...
In the shadows o$ the trees& in the dar o$ the 'ungle& the $orest $loor throbbed with bucing bodies&
naed as the day evolution sBuee5ed the" out. This patchwor o$ sweaty sin o$ all shades "oaned&
screa"ed and begged $or "ore in pro$ane ways as it changed shaped and recon$igured itsel$ lie a beast with
"any bacs. 2n invisible cloud o$ tang hung over the heaps o$ ecstasy where wo"en piled on "en& wo"en
piled on wo"en& "en surrounded wo"en& "en surrounded "en& and indistinguishable bodies snaed in
daisy chains. 2dults o$ all ages& all bodies and all orientations were welco"e.
They pounded& slurped& liced& rubbed& gri"aced and s"iled with parts that 'ered out o$ ti"e. Other
naed natives encircled the throbbing throng and watched while eating and drining. Their hands strayed
down low as they chatted a"ongst each other as i$ standing by the $orest water cooler. It see"ed lie a pit
stop as they soon 'oined in. /paces opened up and greeted the" as the pile got bigger& louder and dirtier.
#othing was o$$ li"its.
2na addressed the group o$ (allerians. /o lets get you checed out.
The ),iles turned to each other. They looed upon what "ust have been the birthplace o$ $our!letter
words and the place where sin $irst learned to crawl.
2na turned to +harles and beca"e con$used when she noticed the colour draining $ro" his chees.
/he wondered what had suddenly gone wrong. But her con$usion rose when +harles collapsed.
+harlesF +aroline rushed to +harless side. Her heart thudding through her ears& she patted his $ace
with double taps and broe the beat with a periodic& +harles... +harles...
+urious nudes see"ed to sprout out $ro" behind every tree as the co""otion beconed the". They
rushed over be$ore slowing into cautious steps. They surrounded the ),iles that had circled +harles and
peeed between the clothed bodies at the $allen "an.
Ahat happened@
Aho are they@
Ahat are they wearing@
He began to stir as 9r. 2le,andra +hang elevated his legs and +aroline rained down her slaps a little
+harlesF +harlesF
+harles snapped his eyes open. He shot to his $eet& $orcing +aroline to dodge his rising head with the
de$tness o$ a banta"weight. His heart pulsed lie a blender. He staggered be$ore propping hi"sel$ by
clutching +arolines bony shoulder. 2s his head slowed its spin& naedness ca"e into $ocus. 2 wave o$ bare
sin and dangly bits crashed in on hi". #ipples threatened to stab hi" in the eye. /till!glistening penises
radiated the ic o$ a truc!stop toilet ri". 2nd the sa"e ic crusted and $laed on the insides o$ s"ooth legs.
He gri"aced as he sni$$ed the air. In his indignation& +harles had grown the nose o$ a pregnant
wo"an. The tang o$ sweat and private $luids strea"ed through the thicened air& $orcing hi" to inhale
droplets o$ depravity. He scraped his tongue o$$ with his teeth and spat the 5est into the dirt. /urrounded& the
),iles huddled together as their eyes darted about.
2n old nude "an put a ind * although "oist and wrinled * hand on +harless shuddering shoulder.
2re you oay there@
+harles shrugged hi" o$$ lie an 2I9/ in$ected leech. He brushed o$$ his shirt and wiped his ar"s
but his hand absorbed the i"aginary coating o$ war" sticiness carried on the se,!charged air. Get away
$ro" "eF
The old "an put up his pal"s and baced o$$.
+aroline hid behind her husband% Libby and 1atie $used the"selves to her legs. Ted "oved in closer
and tried to steady his tre"bling legs behind +harless wobbly ones. (ernando and <uan towered behind with
their ar"s $olded across their protruding chests in a conscientious display o$ $orce.
/o"e& lie Isaac -eters& werent e,actly sure where they stood but they shu$$led closer to +harles
'ust to be sa$e.
>=n?9ressed in a "anner that would "ae a naughty!nurse loo lie a $ru"py "atron& 2na sBuee5ed
through the crowd to get to her patient. +o"e on +harles& wed be better get you looed at right away.
Coure 'oing right@ Aere not going anywhere with you.
Ahy not@
Ahy not@ Ahat do you "ean why not@
2na s"iled. Loo at yourselves you silly silwor"sF +o"e with us and well help you.
<acie& with her right hand choing the light $ro" 1i"s eyes& loo at us@ Loo at youF
2na sta""ered& have... we done so"ething to o$$end you@
2$$ronted& <acie hu$$ed& what do you thin@
Ahat did we do@
I thin you now.
2na searched her "ind $or answers and $ound her "anners. /he threw a hand up to her $ace& s"iling
with e"barrass"ent. /he shoo her head. I" so sorry * did you want to 'oin in@
The ),iles gasped and gri"aced. +harles turned to his people. +o"e on lets go. ;ight nowF
2na was taen abac. Go@ Ahere are you going@
But youre not $ro" around here.
2nd dont we now itF
+harles stor"ed bac along the path on which they ca"e. His people bunched up behind hi" *
single $ile would have had the" too $ar apart. They ripped their way bac through the $orest lie a swar" o$
locusts& leaving snapped branches in their wae.
2na and her nude cohorts watched as the strange clothed tribe disappeared into the 'ungle.
Ahats their proble"@
I have no idea.
9o they even now where theyre going@
They dont even now where they stand.
The ),iles reached the spot at which they had landed and turned to each other with disgust and
con$usion splattered over their $aces. ),asperated hu$$s pu$$ed up the silence& and they shoo their collective
head to $lic the taste o$$ their tongues.
1atie struggled to $ind her breath and $u"bled through her pocets. My pu$$erF I lost "y pu$$erF
#ow her lungs re"e"bered. The little one whee5ed and clutched her throat. Her "other dropped to a nee
and attended to her& as did the other doctors. Try to breathe sweetheart.
/icened& pu55led and scared& the ),iles were le$t standing around ga5ing in a da5e at the blue sy&
shell!shoced at the lost world that had $ound the". The ),iles were again in e,ile but this ti"e it was sel$!
They stared wide!eyed& unable to crac the shell shoc. /to"achs began to stir up yesterdays
rations. Leaving the site behind was easy but leaving the sight was i"possible. Ted roced bac and $orth
and shoo his head& wishing he could tae the bubbling acid in his sto"ach and splash it over his "inds eye
and pour it into his "inds ears.
Libby& being a 3: year!old& was curious. /he sidled up to her "other and snuc in so"e girl tal.
Mu"& what was going on out there@
+harles and +aroline had "ade sure that Libby went to the right school. 2s open!"inded secular
liberal le$t!leaning progressives& se, education was para"ount. 9iagra"s o$ sper"s& ova and ovaries% and
e,planations o$ love& se, and disease spanned the pages o$ the syllabus& covering everything they wanted
their daughter to now about se,. However anything beyond basic reproduction was le$t to the "argins o$
a$ter!school Internet research. But Libby was not that ind o$ girl and i$ she were& the $ilter applied by her
parents would have rerouted any suspect Buery to the +onservative -arty website.
2lthough his head was still scattered a"ongst the trees& +harles "anaged to overhear her $urtive
words. Libby * $orget what you saw.
Her $ather had always encouraged her to as Buestions. Long drives on $a"ily vacations "eant hours
o$ why@ +harles and +aroline never tired o$ it and loved the opportunity to educate their daughters&
especially as the girls were trying to annoy the". =nlie other dads& +harles loved being ased why the sy
was blue and usually it was the ids who turned up the radio in sub"ission. But this was a test $or which
+harles could not have studied. #ow all he could thin o$ was se,. 2nd all he wanted was $or his daughters
to do the opposite.
1atie& having recovered $ro" her asth"a attac& had other things on her "ind. 9addy what were all
those "en doing to that other "an@
Hed 'ust dodged a bullet only to step on a "ine. He searched $or an e,planation * logical or not * to
placate 1atie but could only $ind a $eeble& they were... wrestling hi"& giving the ter" rear naed choe a
whole new "eaning.
(ernando bounced his inde, $inger and "outhed nu"bers as he again counted cattle. He wasnt a $an
o$ what he wished he hadnt seen but rationally& survival too precedence. (or the groups sae& he was able
to put the sight o$ the site on his things!not!to!do list and $ile it away. :H +harles& theres a bit o$ good
+harles nodded a than you. 2t this point& that was as nice as he was going to get.
Ted roced onto his $eet and shot up o$$ the ground. He turned to +harles and $ired& what are we
going to do now@
<acie $ired straight bac& were not going bac thereF
+harles& having a natural aversion to stating the obvious& rolled his eyes. Cou dont say. He ga5ed
across the river to the other side. He then tilted his head bac and looed to the sy that had dropped the"
o$$. He continued ga5ing up into the blue& as i$ his thoughts would be enough to con'ure a $lying saucer.
Theyre going to co"e bac $or us.
Libby too turned her eyes to the sies. How do you now that dad@
Cou 'ust have to have... +harles caught hi"sel$. Ted put his hand on his $riends shoulder and
The )arth turned and put the" into shadow. +harles continued to stare at the sy with pleading eyes.
His "outh twitched as he willed his rescuers to return. He searched every whi$$ o$ white $or a hint o$ blac
but $ound nothing but $lu$$.
He didnt notice that Libby had sidled up to hi". /o you really thin theyre co"ing bac dad@
Thin about it * why would so"eone pluc us $ro" the "iddle o$ the )arth& save us and bring us
here only to du"p us with savages@ It doesnt "ae sense. 2 "oney laughed as it swung past +harles&
breaing his "o"ent with his daughter. They watched it leap away be$ore +harles added& there "ust be a
reason were waling a"ongst these ani"als.
Then where are the saviours@
-robably... $lying around saving others.
2nd what *
LibbyF <ust rela, oay@ Theyre co"ing.
It wasnt a raised voice but +harles did give his words an e,tra shove. Libbys nees bucled as she
wilted lie an unwanted rose.
+harles looed around at the group that he had led up the "ountain. Heads drooped over nees and
adult sobs laid the bass $or the high!pitched cries o$ the children. The "orale o$ the rabble had been reduced
to rubble and +harles& yet again& had to rebuild. Oay everybody on your $eetF Aeve got wor to do.
Heads li$ted and turned to his con$ident voice lie $lowers to the sun.
Isaac had stayed clear o$ the shadows. He lay $at on his bac& shirtless& every inch o$ his blac sin
absorbing golden rays. His $lab spilled o$$ to his sides lie chocolate $ondue. Aith his hands supporting his
head& you now what@ Lets get so"e $ood. My sto"achs been gru"bling lie "y grandpa in a roo" $ull
o$ i""igrants.
+harles nodded& pleased with Isaacs positivity. ),actly what I was thining.
1rystall concurred& yeah I" sic o$ i""igrants.
=""... anyway& listen up everyone. Aho"ever it was that brought us here will be bac $or us soon.
But until then we need to tae care o$ things ourselves. I" sure there are "ore $ruits than 'ust berries.
1aties eyes widened. 2nd then theyll be bac@
),actly. +harles clapped his hands together to punctuate his procla"ation. Lets go.
There was such thing as a $ree lunch. (ruits weighed down the branches that dangled the" so that
heavy hands didnt have to reach too high. Iine leaves cupped water while eeping their constitution. 2nd
$ish swa" to the shore in sacri$ice. Aell& thats how it looed to the". In truth& the ),iles got lucy with low
hanging trees& durable $oliage and naMve "arine li$e.
2$ter an hour o$ $ishing and $oraging& the $ood was sorted in co""unal heaps. The $reshest $ish
$u"es $lowing $ro" the ad hoc oven carried "ore protein than regular earthly barra"undi. The pure taste and
crispness o$ $ish $lesh "ade up $or any lac o$ $lavourings and presentation.
2s they tore white $laes o$ rainbow trout and stu$$ed the" into their gaping holes& they watched the
sy as the )arth inched its way around its a,is. 2s each "o"ent passed& longer shadows were cast and every
e"pty hour le$t the" deeper in the dar.
But <uan wanted to speed up the light. He sat down ne,t to +harles& whose lips were painted pin by
berries. Cou now +harles& I was thining& we "ight be able to speed this up a little.
9oes your plan involve ti"e travel@
The nudists on the other side sounded lie they new what was going on.
Ahats your point@
Loo& I now theyre a bit... wrong& but they could help us here.
2 bit@ Cou now I wouldnt be surprised i$ they were $orsaen and we were brought here to save
their civilisation * whatever that "ay be.
It couldnt hurt to as. I "ean& they did o$$er to help.
+harles put his berries aside and gave <uan a $ull $ace. Ahen I was at uni I hitchhied up the coast
o$ 9oien and one day it was raining lions and 'acals. The "ost clichNd pic!up truc splashed by with a
couple o$ red!necs in the cab. #ow I could have hopped in but you recon I was going to 'u"p into a truc
with a Ahite -ride bu"per sticer on the bac@ <uan shoo his head at the rhetorical Buestion. 2nd you
now what happened@ I got piced up by a nice blac guy 34 "inutes later. Aere in the outlands <uan and
were dealing with lawless $erals. 2nd goodness nows what theyd do with us * with our wives and
daughters * i$ we did go into the stics with the".
<uan nodded but didnt Buite understand. 2s a brown!sinned "an hi"sel$ he understood the part
about not 'u"ping into a truc with a couple o$ guys that would sooner lynch a "an based on the colour o$
his sin than practice dental hygiene based on the colour o$ their own teeth. But not hopping into bed with
the nudists due to a distaste o$ their se,ual tastes was one righteous stand that they "ight regret in the
<uan didnt want to ad"it it& not even to hi"sel$& but he wasnt as disgusted as the others. He didnt
now why his threshold was a little higher and where others saw "e"ories that they wanted $iltered $ro"
their strea" o$ consciousness& he saw answers.
#ow he looed around $or so"e help with the Buestion. He $ound it leaning against a tree& hands
behind head. <uan "arched over with his chest swelled with gall. Cou had enough to eat@
(ernando wiped his "outh with his thic hirsute $orear". I could do with another banana.
+an you grab one on the way@
On the way to where@
The other side.
But +harles said to stay on this side.
Hes wrong.
Be$ore we set out we all swore to stic together and unite behind one leader. Things will $all apart
pretty Buicly i$ we split up and do our own thing.
Ceah& because its all so together right now. #ow co"e on.
Theyll see us crossing.
I now& thats why we have to be invisible.
<uan treed along the ban& and as always& upstrea" and against the current. He ept his head
straight and his eyes lie lasers as he ignored the prics o$ protruding branches. (ernando $ollowed his little
brother and swivelled his head in constant recon& paranoid o$ Big Brother.
This doesnt $eel right.
(eelings are sub'ective. +harles said that hi"sel$ in his boo.
But were "eant to stic together.
Ae are... its 'ust our glue is a little "ore $le,ible.
Once they were $ar enough& they did a Buic scan o$ nearby bushes and reeds to chec i$ anyone was
<uan s"ired. ;eady to put on your invisibility cloa@
;e"inds "e o$ Mad Monday.
Aell thats what you get $or not scoring a goal all season.
I stopped hundreds but that never counts does it glory boy@
<uan ripped o$$ his shirt and pulled down his pants. (ernando went pants $irst then shirt.
The brothers spun around to the one bush that they so"ehow "issed. Isaac popped out shirtless. He
had wandered o$$ in search o$ "ore e,otic $ruits * and he appeared to have $ound the".
Ive already seen enough $or one day. /o can you please $ind so"ewhere private to bu" your
(ernando threw his hands over his crotch. I" not bu""ing "y brother.
I dont care whos the toilet and whos the plunger 'ust do it so"ewhere else.
#o ones plunging anyones anything * were crossing the river. <uan continued to e,plain their
ruse and how they hoped to hop between the pings and pongs o$ +harless radar.
2s soon as <uan $inished speaing& Isaac ripped his pants to the ground. I" in.
<uan looed up and down Isaacs sagging layers o$ blubber * his sBuadron o$ stealth $ighters had 'ust
recruited a bli"p. Loo... I dont now...
Its 'ust... I recon they "ight recognise you.
He wont be able to "ae out "y $ace $ro" this $ar.
Cou have a body that is... distinguishable& even at a distance.
2re you saying I" $at@
I" 'ust saying this "ission probably isnt $or you.
Aell& then try stopping "e.
Isaac splashed into the water. He did so"ething ain to paddling& as $ast as his $lab would allow hi".
(ernando turned to <uan. I guess that "eans lets go.
=h huh.
The brothers dove in and stroed their way to the other side.
2s they rose onto the ban& their $aces were "ased by their nudity. Their naed bodies caught the
ire o$ so"e o$ the ),iles who had done what they were told and re"ained on the right side o$ the river.
<acie shoo her head. Lets hope the natives stay up that end.
The ruse wored. They rushed $ro" the shore and ran into the wild.
(ernando scanned the unta"ed bush as the trio penetrated the depths o$ the other side. Is this all
they do@
<uan swallowed as he strode along the path. Loos lie it. Ahat is this place...
The at"osphere was charged with the sa"e se, particles as be$ore. The "oneys were the only ones
that werent swinging. the wild $lowers o$ the $orest lined in daisy chains around the gully. 2s $or the
wildest ones& they bunched together in colour$ul bouBuets in the "ost e,otic arrange"ents.
The trio treaded with caution& "aing sure they didnt step on any diseases. Their $aces were tight&
braced $or goo. Isaac was sure that no one in the history o$ "edicine had contracted herpes while
bushwaling but he still wished he had his shoes on.
<uan began to Buestion hi"sel$. He turned to the other two and ased& so... should we 'ust go up to
2nd say what@ Hi I" Isaac& would you "ind not putting that in there and help us out $or a second@
/hhhF They "ight hear you.
Aow youve lost your ragsF
The boys turned to $ind 2nas radiant visage popping up and shining $ro" behind a bed o$ poppies.
/he had been laying on her bac * alone. /he sprang to her $eet and bounced over to the trio. I was hoping
to see you people again.
I was hoping to see you too. Isaac bea"ed as he returned the co"pli"ent.
2na s"iled be$ore glancing down at their crotches. The $orce o$ her widened eyes 'olted her head
bac as i$ shed been hit by a sniper. /he wanted to now what theyd been hiding under there * and now she
AhoaF #o wonder you were covering the" upF 2na looed up at their $aces with genuine concern.
Ahat happened to you@
Isaac shined his eyes on his penis in a panic. He li$ted it up and patted around his balls as i$ looing
$or his eys. His was considered s"all $or a blac "an but he never bought into the patriarchal "yth o$ si5e
"atters. Knob bit check. Veiny bits check... Thats about all there is to a penis right?
He checed out the brothers and saw the sa"e nobular attributes.
(ernando gave his a twice!over and couldnt $ind $ault. Ahats wrong@
#or could Isaac. Its all there.
Aheres the sin at the end@
Isaac snorted& oh * weve been circu"cised.
Couve been what@
+ircu"cised@ Ahats that@
Getting your $oresin cut o$$.
In a $ight@
#o not in a $ight. It was done properly.
Ahat do you "ean properly@
By a guy who new what he was doing.
Ahat... what did you do to provoe hi"@
The three (allerians turned to each other& pu55led by what was either naivety or the result o$
generations o$ inbreeding. 2na ran through i"ages o$ pro$essional penis assassins practicing their sword
stroes on baby carrots.
Isaac answered& My parents ased hi" to.
<uan 'u"ped in and stated his case. 2ctually it was our grandparents that organised ours.
Ahat@ Ahy did they want to hurt you@
(ernando shrugged. Tradition I suppose.
/o you agreed to this@
<uan laughed& o$ course not * we were only babies.
2nas body began to retreat into itsel$. Her sin tightened as her "uscle $ibres contracted and her
nervous syste" too an adrenalin du"p on her chest. /he pressed her s"ooth thighs together and wondered
out loud what happened to baby girls. The civilised atheists assured her that clitoral cleaving and labial
lacerations were indeed illegal in (alleria& despite so"e sects clai"ing it custo"ary.
Isaac $inished o$$ the e,planation& assuring her& ...and theres no way wed ever let that happen to
poor little girls.
But what about the poor little boys@ Thats oay with you@
#o but...
Inaction speas louder than words. Isaac wondered why hed $ight against one but tolerate the other
and lie a circu"cision gone wrong he was stu"ped.
2na * being in the co"pany o$ "ale baby "utilating& violence tolerating& $oresin hating
psychopathic savages * needed a bit o$ bac up. 1iiF
Her call reverberated through the $orest. It dru""ed in 1iis ears and she sat up lie a dog upon
hearing its "aster. /he pulled out her "ale co"panions and leapt through the $orest.
/he ran $or 2na and slid to a halt as she saw the three $oreigners. Ahat are you doing here@ AhoaF
Ahat happened to your *
Isaac snapped& weve been through this.
2na clasped 1iis hand. Ill tell you later.
(ernando& worried that their absence would soon be noticed& 'u"ped in. (lying saucers arent weird
to you but circu"cision is * why is that@
2na and 1ii turned to each other be"used& unsure i$ these "en had lost "ore than 'ust their
Because one is technological advance"ent $or the better"ent o$ hu"anity and the other is... hacing
up a baby.
<uan edged $orward. 9o you now anything about $lying saucers or not@
Then tell usF
1ii turned to 2na& we have to show the".
2na nodded. Aill you be happy to $ollow us@
I thin I spea $or all o$ us when I say well be right behind you. By that& Isaac "eant all "en in
the history o$ "en.
2na screa"ed& +higanoF
Ahere there were predators there were protectors. +higano stor"ed through the bushes a$ter hearing
2nas call $or help. The (allerians recognised hi" as 2nas "ale sinny dipping $riend. He was about as big
as Ben Aycli$$e but looed bigger in the bu$$.
2na and 1ii led the way along a tight path. +higano $ollowed up behind the group. He wasnt a
paranoid "an but $oreign eyes had a di$$erent slant to the"& thus he ran his pupils over the strangers and set
his snarl to $i,ed.
Isaac studied the ladies per$ect curves. He loved the way 2nas hips swayed as she waled. He
salivated at 1iis side!boob every ti"e she turned to chec on the rearguard. But when the luscious ladies
led the" over the trun o$ a giant $allen tree& Isaac voluntarily tore his eyes away $ro" their $igures. 2nd
here I was thining the greatest wonder o$ the world was behind you.
<uan ga5ed upward and 'aw downward. Incredible.
(ernando shoo his head. Cou call this a village@
#estled between trees& nudging the $oliage with the greatest o$ care& were 84!so"ething hovering
blac discs. The saucers were about 3H "etres in dia"eter and seven "etres o$$ the ground. They bobbed in
silence lie ships anchored in a tranBuil harbour& oblivious to the te"pest o$ the nearby ocean. They listed
lie politely tipped hats when birds glided through the shared airspace. 2nd they were 'ust as ind to the
"oneys& holding still while the agile arboreal pri"ates scra"bled over the blac "atte saucer shells& leaping
$ro" one to the other.
2na turned to the stunned (allerians& whose eyes stayed in the treetops. 9o you want to co"e inside
Isaac dropped his eyes to "eet hers. Coure re$erring to your saucer right@
2nd by saucer you "ean o$ those things@
Oh. Ceah alright.
/he ushered the" to a disc and stood under it. /he looed up as a low $reBuency hu" resonated&
li$ting her lie an angel into heaven& pro"pting Isaac to rush in lie a pervert to a peep show.
Ahat would have had the" placed on the registry $or li$e bac ho"e didnt even register here. <uan
tried not to loo up at 1ii but gave up hal$ way up and dropped his head bacwards. (ernando didnt
struggle * he had +higano dangling over hi". I$ there were any Buestions as to why upshorting had never
taen o$$& this would answer the".
They landed inside and the $loor closed beneath the". The three ),iles spun around and absorbed
the views& as the walls o$ the cra$t were $ully transparent. The saucer $elt lie an open plate surrounded by
lush. 2 circle o$ DH white pods $anned out near the peri"eter& leaving enough space $or the cha"ber to be
circu"navigated. There were so"e double pods and a $ew that looed lie lounges. There were no visible
vents but the raw crisp scents o$ the $orest wa$ted through the acco""odation cha"ber. In the centre o$ the
ceiling was a circle that led to the cocpit. There was no ladder leading up and (ernando presu"ed it
operated in the sa"e way as the li$t on the outside. Ho"ely war"th radiated around the" as they wandered
around the cra$t.
Aelco"e to our world away $ro" the world& said 2na.
(ernando counted up the pods. How "any o$ you live here@
2bout E4 at the "o"ent.
<uan dri$ted about& running his abrasive hands over the sea"less pods. Its a"a5ing...
2na $urrowed her brow& be"used. Its 'ust a roo".
Isaac threw a leg up over the side o$ a pod and thudded into it. He stretched out. Ahere we co"e
$ro"& we dont have anything lie this.
;eally@ How do you live@
Isaac replied& in houses& on the ground.
2na and 1ii turned to each other& hoping that the other new what Isaac "eant.
<uan leaned against the wall and looed out at the other saucers. Aho gave you these things@
2nas $orehead grew "ore lines. Ahat do you "ean@ Ae built it.
Cou@ How@
1ii shrugged& 'ust $ollow the plan.
+higano piped up& and use the right tools.
(ernando treaded toward the three nudes. Ahere did you get the "aterials@ #o o$$ence but you
dont loo lie the "ost technologically advanced race o$ people.
The warning did nothing to te"per 2nas o$$ence. ),cuse "e@ Ahile you were busy de$ying nature
and "utilating children& we were de$ying gravity.
1ii& 'ust as a$$ronted& we dont waste a single brain cell on anything i"aginary.
Ahere did you get the "aterials@ ased (ernando
Its a big $orest.
+higano began to get agitated. He stuc out his chest and edged in $ront o$ the ladies. Theres a lot
"ore to us than you can see.
Isaac raised his eyebrows. Ill say.
<uan "oved away $ro" the window. Aas it you that piced us up@
2na shoo her head. I dont now who piced you up.
How "any o$ you are there@
Lie I said& its a big place. This is 'ust one village.
2ny ideas on why wed get piced up@
Ahat do you call this place@
2 $orest. Ahat do you call it@
I "ean does your country have a na"e@
+ountry@ Ahat do you "ean by that@
This land that you live in& what do you call it@
I 'ust told you& we call it a $orest.
1ii reiterated& $orest& you now& lie... 'ungle... wilderness...
+higano e"phasised& the wild.
Isaac shoo his head. /o... whose land are we on@ 2liens@ /ubterranean reptile overlords@
2na suced in a breath. This is no "ans land. Those o$ us that live in this $orest dont have a lot o$
Isaac rolled his eyes and "uttered to hi"sel$& wow youre 'ust $ull o$ surprises...
But one thing that we have to be "ind$ul o$ is to ensure that no one has any do"inion over it.
(ernando nodded& $inally understanding. /o its no oneOs@
2na returned his nod and added& how on earth can one own the )arth@
Oay... oay... let "e get this straight... youre living in a nude... =topia * a virginal $orest unnown
to the rest o$ civilisation * and you have technology that is "ore advanced than our "ilitary@
I dont now what "ilitary "eans but as $or the rest * yes.
;ight... Oay that still doesnt help.
2 beat o$ silence was le$t as (ernando dri$ted into his own con$used thoughts. <uan& rushing in to $ill
the gap& how did you co"e to be here@
Aeve always lived here.
9o you now o$ the outside world@
1ii 'u"ped in& enough to now its best to stay hidden.
Isaac cla"bered out o$ the pod. /o what are we doing here@
2na shrugged. #o idea.
<uan swallowed. 9o you thin the saucer that brought us here is co"ing bac $or us@
I dont now who was piloting it so I cant say.
Aas it one o$ your people@
It was so"eone $ro" this land. But no one is anyone elses person. /o no& theyre not "y people.
2nd neither is 1ii nor +higano. Ae are all our own.
(ernando turned to his people and pulled the" aside. Ae need to tell +harles. Hes running $ro" the
sa"e people hes waiting $or.
<uan nodded. But then what@
Hes the leader * let hi" decide.
Isaac though wasnOt so sure. He whispered& hell never believe it. I "ean& these two hotties loo lie
theyd screw anything but a light bulb. Aho would believe that they could build an advanced gravity!de$ying
(ernando "ulled on a it $or a "o"ent be$ore conceding& youOve got a point.
<uanOs eyes were on the $loor as he thought. He $liced the" up at 2na and 1ii and concurred with
Isaac. The ladies werenOt stereotypical engineers or scientists. Instead& it looed as i$ the only laboratory they
had ever seen was the ne where they were they were genetically engineered by porn addicts and groo"ed by
veteran clergy"en. But there was a si"ple solution staring the" in the... well& that they were staring at all
2na& can you $ly this thing@
I say God.
2nd I say space"en.
Ted s"iled. The two old $riends had recovered 'ust enough $or another round o$ sparring. They sat
beside each other on the riverban and watched the gentle clear strea" roll over rocs. It couldnOt Buite wash
away what they had seen * only hydrochloric acid applied directly to the visual corte, co"bined with a dose
o$ early onset de"entia held any hope $or the" * but it did $ill their $ield o$ vision. They $i,ed their eyes on
it and shut out the perils o$ their periphery.
2t least we can agree that we were spared. /o hows the head@
Bloods bac. Hows the gut@
/till churning. Ted postured up as thoughts turned serious. +harles& what i$ they do co"e over
here@ I "ean& its 'ust a river between us.
Aere still better o$$. Besides& +harles swept his eyes around the surrounds& were probably
surrounded by the" anyway.
Ted swivelled around& scoping out the bush. Ae can never go bac over there.
#o. Ae were put here $or a reason. 2nd you now what& we shouldnt have strayed.
2re we still taling about *
/hut up Ted. +harles $liced Ted with a bachand. The old $riends eed out a s"ile& re"inded o$
their old wrangles. Aho nows * in the ti"e we were over there they "ay have been bac here $or us.
)ither way& its better here than * +harles snapped his head bac and looed up with eyes as wide as his
gaping "outh. 2 shadow had eclipsed anything he had to say. Both +harles and Ted 'u"ped to their $eet.
Theyre bacF I told you theyd be bacF )verybody theyre bacF
The scattered ),iles sitting around roced onto their $eet. Libby and 1atie ran to their $ather&
dragging their "other behind the".
9addy theyre bacF
Its the"F
Theyre hereF
I nowF Ahat did I tell youF
The rest o$ the (allerians gathered around and dropped their heads bac. +harles put out his ar"s
and ushered the "ob to one side. Mae so"e space so they can land.
The cra$t lowered itsel$ to within a $ew "etres o$ the ground. +harles bounced lie a $ive year!old
$ighting a $ull bladder as he watched the saucer steady itsel$. He wasnt aware o$ his "ove"ents and lucily
neither was anyone else.
He willed space!ti"e to hurry up along its continuu" so that he could at last than his rescuers and
as to e,plore their technology. But when three $a"iliar $aces $loated down with their acco"panying bodies
wrapped in rags& +harless "ind $ell through a wor"hole. His hope$ul $ace angled its eyebrows in con$usion.
Cou three@ Ahat... whats going on@
(ernando stepped $orward& +harles *
2nd why are you wrapped in rags@ Ahen did they pic you up@
(ernando looed up into the saucer. I thin youd better co"e down.
2na& 1ii and +higano $loated down lie bad news. +harles glowed red and +aroline redder. /he
stepped up beside her husband and $olded her ar"s lie a bodyguard.
#ow you three@
2na s"ired. Hello again +harles.
(ernando stood between the two ca"ps. He looed to 2na and pro"pted& I thin youd better tell
hi" straight up.
2na repeated what shed e,plained to the others and +harles reacted as e,pected.
Cou build these@ Cou couldnt.
Ahy not@
Coure too pri"itive.
Ahat do you "ean by that@
)volution doesnt wor lie that. Cou cant go $ro" hunter!gatherer to technological geniuses and
sip the invention o$ pants.
Ae now all about evolution. In $act& this particular cra$t was designed by "e& replied 2na.
1ii proudly stuc out her already stuc!out chest& I calibrated the stabilisers.
2nd I too care o$ the thrusters. +higano punctuated his assertion with a $ir" nod.
Thats his specialty& wined 1ii.
(ernando 'u"ped in& hoping a "ore $a"iliar voice would be "ore convincing. +harles you should
see the cocpit.
<uan couldnOt hold bac his enthusias" either. 2na 'ust put on a hel"et and $lew it with her "indF
Isaac nodded lie an over!e,cited dog and sprang $orth with& and the view $ro" up thereF
+harles raised his hand& having heard enough $ro" the three rats. He $ocused his glare on 2na and
shot out with $rosted $ire& so you piced us up@
2na shu$$led bac& unused to such cold in the tropics. /he swallowed be$ore spilling out& as I told
the boys& I have no idea who piced you up or why. However we can help you and can acco""odate you.
/o i$ youd lie to co"e with us *
2bsolutely not. #o way.
2na $urrowed her brow& al"ost crushing her nose. Ahy not@
The $act that you have to again as Pwhy notQ is why not.
+an you elaborate@
2re you serious@
),plaining secular "orality was the chorus in the song o$ +harless li$e. His words ca"e out with
such ease and consistency that it would have been $air to accuse hi" o$ lip!syncing. He had taen on tea"s
in "oc debates on television and in lecture halls o$ the "ost prestigious universities o$ (alleria. He was
unde$eated * although no one other than +harles was really eeping score * but $or hi" it was his opus
orality !ithout "od that ended the argu"ent and got everyone taling. It was the boo $or those that didnt
believe in the Boo and s"ote the "yth that atheists believed in nothing and were there$ore prepared to do
His to"e cut down God to a lower case& be$ore casting hi" into the $ires o$ $actual hell and $illing
his seat with an upper case Hu"an. This Hu"an stood above every god that had the cruelty to hurl down
thunderbolts at their hapless sub'ects& the sicness to plague their beggars with disease and the narcissis" to
turn up in the victory speeches o$ pro$essional athletes.
+harles e,plained to 2na * as i$ reading $ro" his own boo * that atheists had "orals and ethics and
that "ost advances in those $ields had in $act co"e $ro" secular hu"anists. There were standards o$
behaviour regarding how one treated others& how hu"ans should interact& and what was considered decent.
There were acts that were appropriate in public and deeds that were inappropriate even in private.
This particular brand o$ atheis" earned hi" his $ollowing. It swayed agnostics lie <acie * who
wanted a righteous secular path on which to wal * to 'u"p o$$ the $ence and land in his yard. It
deprogra""ed $or"erly religious $ol lie (ernando and <uan who needed an ethical $ra"ewor in which to
live but could do without the dog"a. 2nd atheists lie 2le,andra 'ust lied having so"eone to articulate
how they $elt.
The debate $ollowed +harles o$$ the lectern. To be the $igurehead o$ such a "ove"ent and to counter
ad ho"ine" attacs& +harles had to beco"e that Hu"an. He had to prove that an atheist could be as "oral as
any religious leader * not only to his opponents but also to hi"sel$. This ca"e naturally to hi". He despised
the raunch culture that denigrated wo"en * be it pornography& strippers& e,cessive cleavage or even
cheerleaders% he $ought against "isogyny that inevitably led to se,ual assault% and he discouraged
pro"iscuity which he believed lowered sel$!estee". He was a cubicle "an and a stall!in!the!locer roo"
ind!o$!a!guy. He "ade love in the dar to his wi$e and only his wi$e and he did so tenderly. you see we have rules * were not 'ust savages.
2na $elt her breath leave her chest but not co"e bac. /he scra"bled every bit o$ her lungs $or air as
she $elt so"ething she had only tasted once be$ore. It had been served up by (ernando when he o$$ended her
earlier. But this ti"e it was "ore intense. /he scanned her body and $elt every last $ibre tighten% her $ingers
see"ed to want to curl her hands into $ists% and her insides $elt lie they were trying to beco"e her outsides.
The $eeling was as $oreign to her as the (allerians. Her nostrils $lared and her lips snarled as she
struggled to regain control o$ her body. /he began with her breath& $eeding her head with air be$ore her blood
carried it elsewhere. 2s her co"posure returned& she heaved in be$ore heaving out& let "e be clear.
)veryone in the $orest has $ree will. Ae are healthy and tend toward peace. Our resources are plenti$ul and
used only as needed. 2nd as to that thing with which you see" "ost concerned& grown adults and other
grown adults consent to do whatever it is they consent to do. #ow tell "e +harles& what are the negative
conseBuences o$ our actions@
+harles ased hi"sel$ the Buestion. in a per$ect world& what are the conseBuences@ The irony was
that i$ the natives o$ this 'ungle looed lie traditional third!world tribes people& the ),iles would have gone
along with condescending nods and acceptance o$ the cultural di$$erences * as it would be politely and
euphe"istically put. But seeing as the nudes were "ainly white& looed lie co""on (allerians and spoe
the sa"e language as the"& the ),iles passed 'udge"ent on their e,posed bits and cultural practices * that is&
the wild shit that went down earlier. +onte,t and re$erence points * things that only e,isted in their "inds *
shaped their thining.
+ivilisation would $all apart i$ we were to live lie this.
OCet here we stand naed in $ront o$ you. Besides& dont "istae "orality $or civility. 9oing things
$or survival en "asse is not a "oral issue * its a logistical one. #ow nowing that our civilisation is robust&
Ill as you again * what are the negative conseBuences o$ our actions@
+harles hesitated $or a $ew beats as he looed $or the negatives. He wished he had goggles on to see
the" as he was "et with a $lood o$ cons and couldnOt discern one $ro" another and there$ore gru"bled out a
vague and inarticulate& its 'ust wrong.
2na too a deep breath. Ieil what you will. #ow * would you lie our help@
(ernando and <uan watched +harles& willing hi" with truncated nods. They had anticipated resistance&
reluctance& and recalcitrance but nevertheless a yes. But instead& +harles de$ied anti!gravity with a $ir"&
In sync& the brothers drew their lids over their eyes and let out an oh shit o$ a sigh.
2na shoo her head be$ore shrugging her bare shoulders. /o what are you going to do@ /tay in the
Ae "anaged last night. Besides& in three "onths well be ho"e.
1ii sco$$ed& do you now what crawls in the night@
It couldnt be worse than what lays in the day.
+higano& sharpening his teeth& then good luc in the dar.
2na turned to her $riends and "otioned towards their saucer. 2s one they rose up the light that they
called an =p 9own. The ),iles watched as the dish bobbed above the tree line and glided away.
/till searing $ro" the betrayal& +harles shot a glare at (ernando& <uan& and Isaac and set $ire to the
three rodents. Ahat were you thining@
<uan& still with blood in his balls& +harles I really thin we should have *
<uan opened his "outh to con$ess his sins but his big brother too the nails. (ernando nudged <uan
out o$ the way and o$$ered& IO" sorry +harles. 'ust wanted to speed things up.
2ctually it was *
/hut up bro.
Aell you shouldnt have gone over thereF +harles spat as he spoe. He swiped a glistening blob o$
drool $ro" his chin be$ore adding& weve got to stic togetherF
(ernando dropped his head and nodded lie a schoolboy scolded by the head"aster. /orry +harles.
His apology was $ollowed by a non!consensual silence. Iocal cords were throttled by throats that
understood that it was best to stay silent& lest the low "orale a"ongst the survivors $all deeper than the
botto"less pit it was already in. <uan $ound it hard to choe the" bac& still $u"ing $ro" the gi$t that they
had 'ust passed up. Isaac let his shaing head spea $or hi".
His "other though was never one $or decoru". Isaac * its nice to see you with a bit o$ con$idence
$or onceF
+harles snapped& sorry but youre not helping.
#either are youF That o$$er was better than "y two!$or!one bingo coupon * and I love bingoF
),cuse "e but I" the leader here. Aith the silence shattered& +harles shoved away the shards and
didnOt care i$ his hands bled. Ahy did you tae o$$ your clothes@
The three o$ the" looed to each other be$ore (ernando spoe up& we wanted to $it in.
Aith that@ Aith those savages@
Cou now& theyre actually Buite nice once you get to now the"& sprayed Isaac& perhaps i"bued
by his "otherOs spirit.
+harles glowered at Isaac. He ran his eyes up and down Isaacs bread!dough body and stopped at the
sheet wrapped around his waist. Go get your clothes.
+harles& as a scientist you need to see what theyve got.
2s a guilty re$le,& +harles $liced his eyes over to his wi$e. +aroline swallowed. Ive seen enough.
2lright listen up everyone.
The $loc shu$$led lie 5o"bies and "ade a ring around +harles. He looed at the" and new $ro"
their tired $aces that the te"ptation o$ "i,ing with the natives had grown with the hours. +harles hu$$ed as
he thought $or a "o"ent. 2$ter a $ew seconds he settled on a line o$ attac. He decided to hold the herd
together with a re$erence $ra"e and $or that& there was nothing lie division. These savages are $eral inbred
outlanders. They are the biies at the clubhouse. They are the hics that you would shoot i$ they got
anywhere near your daughters. Thats what they do in the open * in $ront o$ childrenF I"agine what they do
behind closed... whatever it is that they close their saucers with. Ae wouldnt have gone anywhere near their
ind at ho"e and were not "i,ing with their ind now.
<uan rolled his eyes and shoo his head. They have $lying saucersF They "ust be good $or
It doesnt "ae the" good. 9o you really thin we can trust the" * especially with our wo"en@
Aith our sons and daughters@ Cou thin theyre not in$ested with paedophiles@
+harles stopped $or a breath but needed si,. His chest rose and slu"ped lie a stone trapdoor. Loo&
do you re"e"ber where we were yesterday@ Ae were about to die and i$ we had survived& we would have
been stuc in a swa"p. #ow loo at where we are. Ae couldnt go $ro" swi""ing about in the "ud to
waling around up here $or no reason. Ahoever it was that saved us will be bac $or us. They wouldnt have
le$t us here $or nothing.
Ted stepped up and stood beside +harles. )verything happens $or a reason right +harles@
+harles ground his teeth. He could $eel his old $riend rubbing it in& although Ted didnt "ean it that
way * $or once. Lets 'ust stic to the plan.
2nd what is the plan +harles@ hu$$ed <uan& still ruing the "issed opportunity.
/a"e as be$ore.
Isaac "u"bled& I dont re"e"ber any o$ this in the original plan.
Then you need to read the updated version. Theyre co"ing.
This PtheyQ that you have so "uch $aith in is the sa"e as the". <uan pointed across the river $or
e"phasis and wanted to swi" over to prove his point.
But +harles was $i,ed in his stance. #o * they couldnt be. #ow lets be happy ca"pers. Ted * start
collecting the wood.
2 stoc!tae o$ e,tant eBuip"ent unearthed not "uch "ore than a soggy co"pass& surprisingly intact
bottles o$ "edicine and a couple o$ tourniBuets. Aith last nights sleep on nothing "ore than the unnown
dar beneath their $eet& the ),iles wanted to "ae this night right. Aithout a ni$e between the"& they tooled
up with teeth and nails. They scattered lie sand on the wind and scoured the surrounding $orest $or anything
use$ul. Giant $erns and pal"s were ripped $ro" their ste"s. They laid leathery leaves to pad the pal"s that
would bed the banished. Tropical $ruits were twisted $ro" their vines and stocpiled lie a""unition at a
5o"bie outbrea. Li$e was breathed into dead wood& as ar"$uls were clutched to weary chests and cluned
onto sprawling heaps.
+harles oversaw the operation. It built $ro" a tricle into an e$$icient wor$low& rendering his role as
an overseer redundant. He 'oined the other ants and got wood while while calculating probabilities. 9espite
dee"ing 2na an ene"y co"batant& he trusted that she was truth$ul about the dangers o$ the dar. 2t night&
anything could bite. Last night they were lucy that no creepies crawled or crawlies crept their way& "aing
it two "iracles in one day. +harles thought such luc i"probable and directed every pair o$ hands to ready
piles o$ branches to be lit as decoys to attract any bloodsucers away $ro" the ca"p.
He began a pile at the edge o$ the clearing. He grated his $orehead with his $orear"& clearing the
sweat away $ro" his eyes& be$ore wandering into the $orest in search o$ to"orrow nights $uel. 2lone& he
too a "o"ent to hi"sel$ and was generous enough to allow his body to slu"p against a tree. He re$lected
on the "adness o$ the past two days * the bigger!than!biblical $lood& the rescue by alien!tech& and o$ course
their current location. Me"ories o$ the day saturated his thoughts& as i$ his "inds eye were held hostage by
a swinging voyeurs. His chest grew heavy with his sto"ach rising into it. He weaved through the beauti$ul
natural naed bodies that so repulsed hi" and 5oo"ed up to 2na. His "ind settled on her. Those lips. Those
eyes. That voice. The golden locs. Aithout realising it& his reliable right hand $ound its way down to his
crotch. Light was $ading and +harles $ound hi"sel$ in a dar spot. He wrapped his hand around his dic and
$ound it harder than it had ever been& lie a lu"p o$ clay baed in a nuclear!powered iln. He stopped $or a
beat and wondered what the hell he was doing but his body wondered the sa"e thing and told hi" to eep
going. He pulled away& away $ro" his conscience and toward the dar light. He pictured 2na and 1ii doing
what their co"patriots did& which was "ore e,tre"e than the unwritten lost history o$ his internet browser. It
brought hi" to the edge and threw hi" over it.
He spilled "ore than a sacs worth over the dirt in $ront o$ hi". He panted and lie a priest a$ter a
poe with a prostitute& +harles $elt he had a $oot in hell. He needed a shower to wash o$$ the past E: seconds.
He put his penis away and straightened up. Thats when he heard& Aas that $un@
The gentle voice noced the wind out o$ hi". He twisted his nec to his le$t. In the grey ha5e o$
twilight& he could "ae out the $lesh o$ a naed body. The last o$ the days light caught the edges o$ her
blonde hair& giving her an ethereal glow. +on$ronted with this $igure& +harles did what he had to * he ran.
Breathless& rudderless and scared shitless& +harles ran.
2s he snapped the $allen branches below hi" with his paniced strides& thoughts $lew by hi" lie
neon billboards. /urely the $irst layer o$ night concealed hi"% no& it couldnt have * he realised that the sun
was behind the wo"an and there$ore spilled all over hi". It then hit hi" * right in the sto"ach * who the
blonde "ust have been. O# all the places $ could ha%e gone.
Bac ho"e in (alleria& any se, scandal would i""ediately destroy the pro$essional li$e o$ a
politician. /e, itsel$ was a scandal. 2 by!election was once called when a high!raning "inister was caught
using a govern"ent e!"ail address to send a picture o$ his genitals to his own wi$e. It didnt help that hed
included diplo"ats $ro" $our neighbouring trading partners on the list o$ addressees and that his wi$e
replied!to!all with a down!the!blouse shot. The public outrage "ade his position untenable& although the
response behind closed curtains ensured he and his wi$e were taen care o$ by the private sector.
+harles $eared he would be hung in disgrace. Hed never $elt guilt $or "asturbating be$ore& but this
was a politically charged and hypocritical wan& one that could "ae a "issile crisis loo lie a lovers ti$$.
He stu"bled his way away $ro" the river and broe into a 'og. He scraped through the thic $oliage and
broe into the clearing. His stride shortened and slowed as he tried to hide his urgent dash.
Its looing good +harles.
He snapped his nec to the le$t and $ound Ted. Behind Teds se"i!relieved $ace were strategically
placed piles o$ wood& busy bodies bringing bright $ruits to a table "ade o$ branches driven into the ground
and supporting sturdy $erns& and children testing the co"$ort o$ the i"provised beds.
+harles swallowed. O$ course it is. Aell be right.
Ted put a $raternal hand on +harless shoulder. Its nice to now that youre on "y side.
Ahy wouldnt I be on your side@ Ahat ind o$ person do you thin I a"@
Ted piced up the de$ensiveness in +harless voice. 2re you oay@
O$ course I a".
+harles had always believed that whether drawn by "an or ruled by God& there was a line between
right and wrong. It "ay have snaed in so"e parts and even whipped $ro" side to side% it "ay have been
$aded in $orgotten sections and blurred in others& but it was there. Here though& in the naed land that veiled
itsel$ $ro" the rest o$ the world& there was no line * only wrong. That he had crossed it * again * was
so"ething he had to at least pretend didnt happen& $or the sae o$ his own survival.
Ahat happened on that side was clearly wrong. =neBuivocally& sel$!evidently& undeniably wrong. I$
nature wanted us to do... those... things then it wouldve given us evolutionary cues.
;eplace PnatureQ with PGodQ and were not 'ust in the sa"e ca"p * were in the sa"e tent.
The old $riends stood side!by!side& and looed to the hori5on& "ind$ul o$ the onset o$ sunset.
Get ready to light the $ires scout"aster.
The day le$t the" alone with the night. They readied the"selves as well as they could have& given
the circu"stances. +harles pu$$ed out his chest& pretended to be the Hu"an that he wanted to be& stuc his
$ingers to his lips and whistled the tops o$$ the trees. The ),iles raised their heads and obeyed their "asters
call. +harles watched the" co"e with the cold $ace o$ a general& having already accli"atised to the $orest
2lright listen up everyone. I thin weve got enough to lie on and enough $ood to last us through to
"orning. Ted * "ae sure that any $ire you light is contained. (ernando& <uan& I need you to tae $irst
(ernando nodded with a ind o$ de$eated respect. Aill do.
<uan tongued his teeth be$ore Buestioning with belligerence& 2nd what are we looing out $or
Coull $ind out when you see it. Ben& youre on second.
Ces sir.
2lright * Libby& 1atie... Libby@ 1atie@
He paused when he realised his girls were not in $ront o$ hi". He 'ered his head $ro" side!to!side
as he scanned the crowd. LibbyF 1atieF Have you seen the" +aroline@
They said they were getting so"e "ore leaves.
There they are& said 1rystall as she spotted the".
+harles craned his nec and scouted around and $ound the" $acing a bush& about :4 "etres $ro" the
+aroline called out& LibbyF 1atieF +o"e here nowF
Girls theres no ti"e $or "ucing aroundF +harles thundered& trying to shae the two statues.
Libby& 1atie * please co"e here now.
+harles shoo his head& unable to $atho" why they would disobey hi". He stor"ed towards the
girls& re"inded o$ the i"potence hed $ace i$ word o$ his one!"an tryst got out.
Ahat are you girls doing@
He snatched 1aties ar" and the "o"ent he yaned it and 'olted her tiny body was the instant he
realised he had the "ost obedient& clever and collected daughters in the nown universe. He had taught his
daughters that should they ever encounter a snae& it was best to stand co"pletely still and i$ possible& slowly
bac away $ro" it. In this case& with leaves past their anles& any "ove"ent could have caused cala"ity.
2nd now& the "o"ent +harles yaned 1aties ar" and 'olted her tiny body was the instant he realised that
he had "ade the biggest "istae o$ his li$e * yes& even bigger than the 'ungle 'er o$$ that was not even an
hour old. 2s she was pulled bacwards& the snae lunged $orward and snapped its $angs. It pierced deep into
her chest and noced her over. Libby screa"ed louder than 1atie but the elder played the hero. /he sei5ed it
and sBuee5ed it& $orcing it to hiss its anger at her instead. /he catapulted it as $ar as she could and cradled her
baby sister. +harles stood stunned. The crawlies had crept but it was +harles that "ade the" bite.
He bent down and pluced 1atie $ro" Libby. Her li$e * what +harles usually considered to be a
rando" string o$ events * was now on the edge o$ his tre"bling $ingertips. +arolineF +arolineF
+aroline was already on her way. /he $ound her husband holding their daughter and dropped down
to 'oin the". Ahat happened@
+harless voice Buivered as i$ cloced by his 'ittering hands. 2 snaeF 2 snae... I didnt see it... it
'ust leapt up and bit her... He was no longer thining. /hoc and guilt severed "ind $ro" brain. He was all
$eeling. ;aw& visceral. It consu"ed hi"& turning hi" inside out. He clutched at his sto"ach& instinctively
trying to stop it $ro" co"ing out o$ his "outh.
9id you get a good loo at it@ Ahat ind o$ snae@ +harlesF +aroline bared& $inally getting
+harless eyes to dri$t towards her. Ahat ind o$ snae@
I dont now... It all happened so $ast.
It was a brown snae& said Libby& still with her wits.
2 brown snae@
I" oay. It doesnt even hurt. 1atie tried to sit up but her head was too heavy. /he collapsed onto
her elbows and then sun her bac into +harless lap.
+aroline put on her doctorOs hat but it didnOt supersede her "otherOs cap. Cou need to stay as still as
you can.
By now the rest o$ the (allerians had rushed over. 2gain she tried to sit up but now her head was
heavier. /he peeled a shoulder o$$ +harles but it $ell bac down be$ore it could even get to an inch.
Mu" I cant "ove.
Bring her to a bed& ordered +aroline.
+harles hesitated.
9ad& bring her to a bed.
He snapped to and sprang up and rushed her to a bed o$ leaves and laid her down.
+aroline crouched beside her& youre going to be oay sweetie. I pro"ise. It was then that the
sy"pto"s spiralled.
/tars grew in the blac sy as the hours passed. +harles nelt beside 1atie with his hands $ull o$
head and head $ull o$ $ault. His sto"ach ate its way to his chest as he recalled his recoil that "ade the snae
snap. He darted periodic glances at 1atie be$ore shuttering his eyes * he had done enough already. +aroline
tried to play the role o$ doctor but the "other in her pulled ran. /he dabbed 1aties $orehead $or no
particular reason. It looed co"$orting but had a lot less bite than the veno". /he clutched 1aties hand and
put it to her $orehead and did her best to not loo at +harles& lest she pull her $angs on hi".
1aties chest barely rose as she sipped the air. 2sth"a& her old bane& had colluded with her new one.
The other doctors in the group surrounded her but their "edicine was as useless as an altar boy on his nees
* praying that is.
<uans $rustration was lie a vice on his head. It crushed his te"ples and he stor"ed up to +harles as
his brain throbbed. Tae her to 2na.
+harles snapped& I now what I" doing.
Ive seen what they have over thereF
Libby watched her $ather argue with reason as her little sister slipped in and out o$ worlds. /he
pushed o$$ the ground and "arched to +harles& as <uan sto"ped o$$ in the other direction.
9ad hes right. Ae need to tae her to the". They have saucers * theyd de$initely have "edicine.
I said I now what I" doingF
<uan scurried lie a hunchbac. The shy "oon and e,troverted teas that towered lie alpha "ales at
a urinal s"uggled hi" across the river. <uan then slowed his run to a wal& having e,pected the $reainess to
rise at night$all. But the gully was e"pty. He pushed on and stu"bled towards the path to the village in the
He re"e"bered that theirs was the southern "ost saucer and ran $or the $aint green bea" and stood
under it. He threw his head bac and held out his ar"s as he $elt the ground "ove away $ro" his $eet. (or a
"o"ent& weightlessness outweighed his $ear and nerves.
<uan touched down on the acco""odation cha"ber $loor. He anticipated everything $ro" an all!out
all!in orgy to an elite gerbil training acade"y. He strained his eyes as he stuc his $ace $urther into the roo"
and $ound rest$ul souls asleep in near darness. He treaded around the circle o$ sleeping pods. His heart
dru""ed as he peered into each capsule. He passed naed breasts that rose and $ell with peace$ul breaths.
/o"e bodies were wrapped around others while so"e slept alone. He reached 1iis nude taut physiBue and
<uan guessed 2na would be close by. /he was nearer than he thought. -ressed against the inside wall o$ the
capsule was the tall lithe $ra"e that * despite having only "et her twice * he could never $orget. The body
rolled over and laid a gentle hand with slender $ingers on 1iis belly. 1ii stroed the bac o$ 2nas hand
as she s"iled in her slu"ber.
<uan stood over the top o$ the" but was still so $ar $ro" what he wanted. &hit. !hat do $ do now? He
leaned into the pod and put his $ace over 2nas ear. 2na. 2na. Aith his words $alling on sleeping ears& he
shoo 2na by the shoulders. 2naF
2na stirred& then si""ered be$ore going o$$ the boil. /he sprang up and screa"ed at the sight o$ the
$oreigner in bi5arre clothing standing over her as she slept. 1ii sprang up lie a brand new recliner and
roused the rest $ro" their sleep. /teele * a young "an that had been involved in the "ultidi"ensional $orest
tryst * 'u"ped out o$ his capsule and stood beside 2nas. Cou@ Ahat are you doing here@
<uan too a step bac and put his hands in the air. I co"e in peace.
2na wiped her eyes and brought <uan into $ocus. <uan@ Ahat do you want at this unnatural hour@
2 girls been bitten by a snae.
Is she dead@
#oF Ahat an aw$ul thing to sayF
#o its Buite pertinent actually.
2na we need your help. 9o you have any anti!veno"@
2ny what@
2nti!veno". <ust give "e a vial or whatever it co"es in and Ill do the rest.
1ii threw her hands on her hips and tsed& didnt we tell you that it was dangerous@
+higano nodded and added& youre lucy the girl didnt get eaten by an anaconda.
This isnt helping& <uan said cal"ly. /hes dying. +an you help her@
2na yawned and rolled her eyes. Ces.
Great& give "e the anti!veno" * we have no ti"e to waste.
Aell have to co"e with you.
Because you cant carry the "achine.
Machine@ 9ont you "ean "edicine@
1ii sighed. Ahat are you& a cave"an@
Ahile <uan was on his clandestine "ission& Libby was o$$ on her own.
Libby can you please get so"e water@
Libby sto"ped o$$ to $ul$il her "others reBuest. 2$ter plunging a dirty rag into a pit o$ water& Libby
paused. 9espite her lac o$ "edical training she new it was a $utile "ission. /he new that she needed to
convince her $ather to cross to the other side but couldnt thin o$ any words that could tal hi" into seeing
help $ro" a potentially paedophilic se, cult that "ay want so"ething in return while their own noble
saviours "ay be bac at any "o"ent. In a $ew seconds Libby thought and thought. /he "ade her choice *
she dropped the rag.
<uans plot was +harles!proo$. The ),iles didnt now one saucer $ro" another and by the ti"e the
benign bea"s would have snatched the" $ro" the ground& it would be too late to undo the deception.
+harles would have to accept the treat"ent& 1atie would be saved and perhaps theyd have a better place to
lay their heads. It was a conservative and sensible stratage" * but he should have shared it with Libby& who
should have shared hers with +harles.
Both Libby and <uan should have nown better. +harles wasnt an e,tre"ist and wouldnt let his
daughter die. 2 heady "i, o$ $aith and $ear ept hi" $ro" going to the other side. But he did set a deadline
$or his act o$ brin"anship and with an hour al"ost up& he was about ready to concede and ris e,posing
hi"sel$& a$ter having e,posed hi"sel$. He scooped 1atie into his ar"s and stood. He stared at the "oon that
hid behind heavy clouds and hoped it would light the way.
This was about the sa"e ti"e <uan was rousing the nudes. It was also the sa"e "o"ent that Libby
was up to part 0 o$ her plan B. /he crouched down to be sure and sca"pered towards the "ost distant $la"e
lie a rat to a scrapheap. The e"anating light was littered with tiny winged bugs& grate$ul $or the decoy& as
was Libby. The burning wood sped up the sweat that would have bored out on its own accord and the pine!
lie $u"es o$ the plu"es drew tears that would have done the sa"e. /he $lashed her nervous eyes $ro" side!
to!side and all around& too a lung$ul o$ breath and bugs and... co""itted...
/he ignored her pounding heart and $ollowed the one that bled $or her sister. /he wiped her eyes
be$ore icing away an arc o$ stones $ro" the ring that contained the $ire. /he waited $or it to spread but the
ta"ed $la"es stayed in captivity. The little $ire starter then re"inded the" o$ their wild origins and coa,ed
the" out with leaves and twigs. The building bree5e blew the cage wide open and the "onster leapt out.
Libby ran bac.
Have you got the water@
Oh& sorry "u"& I $orgot.
Then what have you been doing this whole ti"e@
I was *
/hitF Isaacs blac $ace glowed orange as he pointed. The bla5e cracled& erupted& and "oved lie a
wave. The huddled "asses turned and $elt the heat. The air coagulated with charcoal& sparing coughs and
tears. The $la"es ate up trees and burnt the blac sy. 2nd it was co"ing right $or the".
The ),iles& $aced with $ire& were $ro5en.
1rystall& paniced& what do we do@
Isaac sBuealed& what do you thin@
He $ought his $ears and $ound his re$le,es. He grabbed his "other (aye and rushed to the $ord. Libby
latched onto her $athers ar"& ar"ed with an irre$utable argu"ent. 9ad we need to go.
(ernando& who had already been watching +harles& turned his eyes to Libby. They widened with the
soaring $la"es as he caught sight o$ her calculating $ace& illu"inated by the in$erno. /he pointed and
gesticulated as she redundantly i"plored her $ather. &he couldnt ha%e... (orced out by $lood and now by
$ire& he sprinted bac to help his people with their latest $light. But when he realised his brother wasnt
a"ongst the"& he began to panic.
The burning bush roared and absolved +harles o$ any wrong doing. -art o$ hi" was relieved that the
decision to cross the river wasnt his and he could not be held to account should it turn out badly. He ran $or
the $ord with the rest o$ the herd.
(ollowing Isaacs lead& they crossed the river. Libby yelled over the top o$ the roaring $la"es& we
need to eep going. The $ire could 'u"p the water. (ernando noted her coolness in the "idst o$ the $ire. His
logical "ind agreed it was wise to "ove but his heavy heart sensed a ga"bit. He ept a suspicious eye on her
as the group pushed on& into the $loating village as the wild$ire lit its way to the river. 2le,andra& still $inding
ti"e $or awe& this is better than a unicorn.
They were dragged $urther into the pages o$ "ae!believe when three saucers darted out and broe
$or"ation. They 5oo"ed towards the river and in their urgency ignored inertia with their sudden stop. They
suced the strea" with their tractor bea"s then reversed the direction o$ the $orce and $ired the water at the
in$erno. The heat!resistant properties o$ the $lying saucers allowed the" to straddle the $la"es as they $ought
the"& "aing it a si"ple ground!and!pound victory $or the discs. Libbys heart continued to pound but relie$
spread "ercy through her nerves. $t worked.
The s"oe that rose $ro" the ashes wa$ted the ),iles way across the river. It set o$$ another
cla"our o$ coughs as well as wells o$ tears. Libby still had the vision to see through it all and& lie her $ather&
looed $or salvation in the sy above.
2 saucer sought the" out. Libby stu"bled through the ha5e& $ell underneath it and looed up at it
lie a beggar with an e"pty bowl. It was charitable. It lent a bea"& raised her up and with its in$rared eyes&
searched out the others be$ore li$ting the" to sa$ety.
The (allerians landed inside& blacened by the hard night. #udes surrounded the" with cynical eyes.
Their crossed ar"s loced tight across their chests and sealed away their helping hands.
<uanF I was worried when I didnt see you out there& coughed a relieved (ernando.
Ceah... I $elt the sa"e about you.
2na& with her hands stuc to her hips& what happened@ How did the $ire start@
/a$ety!$irst Ted teetered be$ore $inding (ernandos shoulder. $m sure $ checked them all. $ always
check them all.
Aell@ How did it start@
Ted sta""ered& it... was an accident. He plopped onto the ground& heaving& as he tried to recall his
actions. He replayed the night and saw rings o$ stones around his $ires. $ did check them all... didnt $?
(ernando watched Libby as she told her tells. /he swallowed& scratched and shoo as she tried to
blu$$ her way through with silence. But (ernando could read her hand.
2na looed at the li"p child in +harless ar"s. I guess shes the one with the snae bite.
+harles $urrowed his brow& how did you now there was a snae bite@
<uan stepped $orward. <ust hand her overF They can help * probably.
+harles& still in a ha5y da5e& couldnt argue. He stood in a waing co"a as /teele snatched 1atie and
ran her to a large white capsule with an open lid where 1ii was waiting. He laid 1atie down and 1ii
sla""ed the lid shut. The "achine whirred as lights blined& pulsed& $lashed& and $licered while on another
display& wave$or"s wavered and diagra"s o$ anato"ies were checed $or incongruities.
/teele watched with the eenest o$ peepers as the diagra""atic bodies "elded into one another. 1ii
had her cal" hands on two dials and calibrated with care. Cou have to re"e"ber not to rush.
/teele nodded with the respect an apprentice gives to his "aster. The precision o$ the
instru"entation reBuired $our eyes and a si,th sense but they 'ust had to do with the $ive they had. 2lthough
the displays outputted the pertinent para"eters& there was an art to healing the sic that could only be
"astered through absolute concentration. 2s such& they ept their heads down and eyes on the "onitor even
though +aroline had rushed over and repeatedly ased the"& what are you doing with "y daughter@ to
which they would have replied& saving her li$e. #ow shut up so I dont ill her instead.
2$ter a "inute o$ tuning and "on!lie $ocus& 1ii breathed& oh shit.
/teele turned to her and ased& what is it@
/hes going.
+aroline& already in the pits o$ panic& broe through to another layer o$ crust. /he stuc her $ace in
$ront o$ 1iis and said& going@
+harles $oundered his way over to be o$ no assistance. Ahats happening@
Aill so"eone please tell us what is happening@
1ii raised her voice. /hut up ladyF
/o"eone tell us what is going on@ How did you now she had a snae bite@
/teele baced up his "aster. Cou need to be Buiet.
Lights went red as the display went blac and 1ii went white. /he "outhed inaudible obscenities as
+arolines growls grew greater. 1ii spun the dials with wild elbows& oblivious to the (allerians that had
gathered around her.
<acie held her 1i" tight& $eeling lucy that she still had one. +harles went pale& with guilt and grie$
draining hi" o$ colour. 2nd Libby watched on as her bush$ire $lared into bac$ire. Then ca"e the beep. Its
pitch slit eardru"s as it rang out $ro" the capsule.
Open that da"n capsuleF +aroline stretched her sin with her gaping "outh as she screa"ed over
the sound with an urgency that whipped 1ii into irrational action. 1ii wored the nobs harder and $aster&
but no "atter which way she twisted the"& she was always going against the cloc that turned only one way.
I cant save her. /he has to go. 1ii "ashed a glowing green button with a ha""er!$ist.
/teele ased his "aster& has she gone@
+aroline yelled& open itF +aroline pounded the capsule. The beep persisted. 1ii sla""ed her hand
on a latch and popped open the hydraulic lid * 1atie was gone.
The three re"aining Hawings hu$$ed beside the open capsule. It was worse than they had e,pected.
+aroline& with $ear and panic s"eared on her $ace& what did you do to her@
/hes gone to a better place.
+harles hu$$ed& where@ 1atie was indeed gone * the capsule was e"pty.
To a purpose!built "edical $acility. I did everything I could to save her. But there are hands "ore
silled than "ine.
+harles shoo his head I dont believe you.
1ii shoo hers in return. It doesnt "atter what you believe.
+harles patted his hands around the interior o$ the capsule and stuc in his head& looing $or a
trapdoor. He turned to 1iis not!so!lovely assistant with a cold stare te"pered by $ire and $elt lie sawing
hi" in hal$.
Cou illed her didnt you@
/teele replied& no * the snae did.
/hes dead@
O$ course. Thats why we sent her o$$.
Cou couldnt haveF
Ahy not@ replied 1ii& curiously.
Because its i"possible.
+learly not.
This is 'ust so"e sic "agic tric.
/cience is "agic +harles and i$ your bag doesnt have these trics then you need to chec it $or
holes. 2 Buic succession o$ beeps rang out $ro" the open capsule. 2nd the witches are done with her.
1ii wrapped her $ingers around the lid and sla""ed it shut. +harles slipped his head out o$ the way 'ust in
+aroline& ashen $aced& ased& what did they do with her@
Aell now in seven seconds.
-raying eyes watched as the "achine lit itsel$ bac into action. ;ed lights ca"e to li$e. Green ones
were even livelier. Hearts ha""ered as the seconds counted down. In $ive& $our& three& two& one& they would
either open a capsule or a caset.
1ii gestured to the latch and turned to +aroline. /hes your daughter.
+aroline $lowed on $ro" 1iis words and whaced the latch without hesitation. The lid rose.
+harles& +aroline& Libby& 1ii and /teele surrounded the capsule and hung their heads over it as their hearts
threatened to e,plode. The lid peeled away * she was bac. Her body lay still with her eyes closed. Her $eet
$lopped outwards. Her inde, $inger and corresponding thu"b touched on each o$ her hands as her ar"s were
outstretched on each side o$ her body.
+harles leaned closer. 1atie can you hear "e@
+aroline snatched 1aties wrist. /he closed her eyes and tuned out o$ the world as she $elt $or a
pulse. The beat got +aroline dancing. Her eyebrows 'u"ped with the "o"entu" o$ her leaping eyelids as
she turned to +harles and Libby. /hes aliveF
Libby& e,citedly& she is@ /he grabbed the edge o$ the capsule and leaned into 1aties $ace. 1aties
lashes $luttered as her eyelids strained. /he overca"e their heaviness as the light $ound her eyes.
The light was too "uch. /he snapped her eyes shut and winced.
Ahy are the lights so bright@
Its oay& 'ust rest.
Turn the" down.
-i"pi" turn down the lights& co""anded 1ii. The roo" di""ed. Its oay now 1atie& you can
open your eyes.
1aties lids $luttered be$ore shutting down again. Its so bright.
+harles and +aroline looed at each other in con$usion& lit by a $aint glow.
The lights are hardly on& said +harles.
1ii stood at the $oot o$ the capsule and leaned in. Ahat do you re"e"ber@
I dont now.... I $elt things.
+harles interrupted& you were eating bananas earlier in the a$ternoon. Cou had $ive o$ the"& added
+harles. In between heightened pulses& +harles re$orti$ied the walls where scepticis" was ing. He dug
"oats and "anned turrets with a wooden $ace as he re"inded 1atie that potassiu" coupled with carbon
dio,ide were 'ust two o$ the physiological $actors that contributed to the occurrence o$ a near death
e,periences. 2nd in this instance& bananas and bush $ires were the ingredients that gave 1atie a taste o$
1ii shouldered +harles and got closer to 1atie. /hut up +harles. /hes been to the place between
"ind and "atter. Ahat did you see when you were dead@
I dont... I was dead@
1ii nodded. 9id you have a choice to stay or did you have to co"e bac@
+harles spat& stop itF Coure putting ideas into her head. 2ll that "atters is shes sa$e now.
Cou need to tell us everything * anything * that you re"e"ber.
Its lie I was a ite in an electrical stor".
Thats enough youre scaring herF snapped +harles.
Cour daughter 'ust ca"e bac $ro" the dead.
Coure not the only one with "achines. Aeve got de$ibrillators that restart hearts everyday.
+aroline& e"ploying a "ore diplo"atic tone& than you $or saving her. But we need to be with our
daughter now.
2na stepped $orward and too 1ii aside. Best we leave it $or now.
But 2na this is the best chance Ive ever had. Her senses are a"pli$ied and her "ind has grown
There will be "ore opportunities.
1ii threw her hands on her hips and shoo her head at the lost chance. 2na rubbed 1iis shoulder
be$ore turning to the Hawings $a"ily.
I" glad you "ade it little one.
2s the Hawings reunited& <uan thought about the s"all "atter o$ acco""odation. +harles& "aybe
now would be a good ti"e $or you to re!thin their o$$er& he said.
+harles looed at <uan and swallowed& be$ore dropping his eyes to the $loor. Aith the evenings
events behind the"& his hard line stance bucled at the nees. But those sa"e events o$ tonight hardened the
nudes so$t touch.
2$ter what weve seen tonight& I thin its us that should re!thin our o$$er& said 1ii. /teele
nodded in agree"ent. <uan looed to 2na& with a loo that pleaded $or cle"ency.
2na thought $or a $ew beats. /he cast her eyes onto the dangers o$ darness be$ore bringing her ga5e
bac into the saucer and turning it onto the ha5ards o$ the unnown. /he sighed. Coure both right.
/o where does that leave us@ ased <uan.
=p in the air& answered 2na. I have a saucer that was built long ago. It is about to be
deco""issioned. However it will be adeBuate $or at least another three "onths. Three "onths +harles * isnt
that your "agic nu"ber@
<uan nodded. Its all win +harles.
Ahat about the people that brought us here@ ased +harles.
Lie I said& I dont now who they are but its not i"portant& responded 2na.
O$ course its i"portant who brought us here. Theyre the whole reason were here.
1atie "ustered up the strength to sit up in the capsule. ),cuse "e "iss& can snaes get into your
$lying saucers@
Thats one o$ the reasons were in the air. Aere sa$e up here and theyre sa$e down there.
2nd its ours@
(or three "onths.
1ii leaned into 2nas ear. 2re you sure about this@ Aith a bit o$ wood and $lint they burn the place
down& i"agine i$ they had control o$ one o$ these.
I$ theyre still lighting $ires& chances are& they wont realise the power that sits on their $ingertips.
2nd i$ they learn to tap it@
Then theyll have the wisdo" to now what to do with it * thats the nature o$ it.
I" not so sure.
#either a" I.
2 ready!"ade ca"p and a way bac ho"e. <uan was right * this was the "ost co"prehensive win!
win situation since the networing con$erence where raisins were seated ne,t to sliced bread. +harless plan&
albeit with a $ew genetic "odi$ications& could $inally bear $ruit.
2na led the" up the =p 9own * the levitation $ield that elevated the" to their ho"e out o$ this
world. The acco""odation Buarters were si"ilar to 2nas. The walls o$ the cha"ber were set blac& eeping
in sync with the night. There was a ladder near the "iddle o$ the roo" >it was an older "odel a$ter all? that
led up to the cocpit. /leeping pods were strewn throughout the circular lodgings in no particular
The ),iles $anned out& shu$$ling their weary legs across the white $loor. They had seen enough
action in one day to $ill a wor o$ $iction and gravitated towards the beds that would end this chapter.
They peered into the pods and looed to each other% unsure whether theyd be sa$e to sleep in. Isaac
noced on one to chec i$ it was structurally sound. The dull tap barely bounced bac& reassuring hi" that
the sleeping capsule could handle his rotund $igure.
<acie was "ore concerned about hygiene. Ahat the nudes did in public had her suspecting
inconceivable shenanigans "ust have gone on in these beds. /he ran her $ingers along the inside o$ one to
scrape $or dirt but couldnt get her righteous nails past the cleanliness.
2na pointed to a panel by a window. The washroo"s are through there. -lease "ae your beds as
you lie to lie in the".
<uan bowed his head. Than you 2na& $or everything.
Coure welco"e. I" sure you can tae care o$ yourselves $ro" here. Good night.
2s 2na turned $or the =p 9own& 1ii shot up with a naed young "an and lady.
+harles * Ive got so"e people that want to say hello. This is Mooi and this is Aite.
Mooi shrugged. Ae didnt really want to say hello. /he "ade us co"e up here.
Aite scanned the $oreign $aces. /o whos +harles@
+harles $liced his head up toward the naed young "an with the snarl.
Aere your saviours.
Cou still got "ud in your ears@ I said we saved you.
Cou two@
Cou need to give this guy a "edical. I thin he "ay have landed on his head when we dropped the"
Ahy did you save us@
Mooi looed at the $loor sheepishly. This is a bit e"barrassing but we were actually lost and by
lost I "ean drun. -robably not a good ti"e to tae a saucer $or a spin. 2nyway& we happened to see you and
thought you could use so"e help.
Aite added& and sorry to 'ust du"p you lie that. Ae were pretty loaded by that point and werent
in the "ood to e,plain anything.
Mooi nooded /o"e are "ean druns. /o"e are ugly druns. Aere 'ust la5y druns.
/o now you now the hows and whys...
1ii looed at +harles s"ugly. Happy@
Is this so"e ind o$ a set up@
Ahat do you "ean by that@
Thats the stupidest story Ive ever heard. I$ you wanted to tric us into whatever it is youre trying
to tric us into& the least you couldve done is co"e up with so"ething believable.
Cou dont believe us@
O$ course notF
Mooi began to bac away toward the =p 9own. Ceah loo& whatever. Aeve got a girl waiting $or
Aite and Mooi so"ersaulted down the =p 9own and hollered lie a cowboy and cowgirl at a barn
dance& all the way to the $orest $loor.
Cou set this up didnt you 2na@
/et it up@
2 "inute later and we would have been one with the "ud. Coure telling "e that two yahoos 'ust
happened to glide by in a $lying saucer and pluc us to sa$ety@
Thats what they told us& said 1ii. <ust tae the saucer. Ae need our rest. /he too 2nas hand.
They turned their naed bodies toward the =p 9own when +aroline surged $orward.
Ahat was that "achine@
1ii replied& you now& a$ter "eeting you& I thin its best we eep those things to ourselves. #ow
try not to get yourselves illed. Good night.
Aait * how does this ship wor@ ased (ernando.
2ny Buestions about this ship& 'ust as -i"pi".
Ahos -i"pi"@
But be$ore the Buestion "ar could even curl& the two naed ladies had le$t $or the wild.
+harles shoo his head. Ive seen septic tans with less crap than thatF
/o you dont believe the"@ ased (ernando.s
O$ course notF 9o you@
Honestly& I dont now what to believe any"ore.
+harles surveyed the acco""odation Buarters where "ore than hal$ o$ the $aces had $allen. Cou
people believe the"@
/o what i$ it is true@ ased Isaac.
It cant be.
Ahy not@ It "aes sense when you thin about it.
Then youre thining wrong. +o"e on& were here $or no reason@ Our survival is a rando" event@
How can any o$ you believe that@
/o theyre lying@ goaded <uan.
/o why are we here +harles@ Isaac pinned his eyes on +harles as he waited $or his answer. +harles
swallowed as he thought. The ),iles dropped heads turned up the silence.
Loo& listen up everyone. I now its late and you all want to lay your heads. But Ive got one last
thing to say be$ore lights out. I dont now why were here& how we got here or what were "eant to do here&
but there is no way in the per"utations o$ probability that this was an accident. #ow the plan was to "ae
ca"p& wait $or the waters to recede and then go ho"e. Aere HH.H repeater percent o$ the way there. 2nd I
pro"ise that we will return ho"e.
<acie& clutching 1i" tight& were already in hell and ho"es under high water so thats one hec o$
a pro"ise.
Trust "e * I" a scientist. Ive got a whole boo o$ $orecasts that say well have our ho"e bac.
Three "onths in the wilderness. 2nd then ho"e.
The re$ugees turned to each other. In collective thought& they conte"plated three "onths waling
with savages. In E7 hours they had $ound the"selves in a world without "eaning& a ingdo" with no
boundaries& a place without pants. #ow they were le$t to $ind the"selves again.
<acie hu$$ed& so how are we supposed to live alongside the"@ Gosh * how are we supposed to
By sticing together. By having each others bacs& 'ust as we agreed when we set out in the $irst
place. +harles paused $or e$$ect be$ore adding& by being (allerians. I$ we hold onto what "aes us who we
are& we will never lose sight o$ our ho"eland.
+harles bea"ed an a$$ir"ing loo to bac up his words. He "et every eye in the crowd and assured
the" with a straight and deter"ined $ace. The "ob nodded with patriotic $ervour and +harles nodded bac.
But be$ore it could $ully evolve into a slow!clap "o"ent& Libby shot out& oh "y god.
The (allerians snapped their heads towards her.
Ahat is it@
::F I 'ust did a head count.
+aroline bobbed her head as she counted. Others looed around and tallied their totals.
2le,andra said& I got :: too.
Ben added& sa"e.
1rystall& with breath shortening& whos "issing@
Libby "ay have saved her sister but so"eone else had died $or her sin.