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Digital Control Engineering Model Question Paper

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SET I 1. What is meant by frequency domain analysis? Mention any four of its specifications. 2. What is meant by compensator?

List out the different continuous time compensators. 3. Define sampling theorem. Why is proper selection of sampling important?
4. What is a sample and hold? What is the need for hold circuit? Draw a practical S/H circuit. 5. Obtain Z-transform of (i) Unit Step Sequence and (ii) ak-1.

6. What are the advantages of (i) Companion Form of the State Model and (ii) Jordan Canonical Model? 7. Write the equation of discrete differentiator and discrete integrator. 8. What are Z-plane specifications? 9. How is data acquisition system selected for digital controller implementation? 10. For control applications, which one do you prefer between microprocessor and microcontroller and why?


1. What is a dominant pole? 2. Define ramp error constant. 3. Define aliasing.

4. A signal is passed through a device whose input output relation is given by y(t)=x2(t), where

x(t)=sin200t+sin200t. What is the minimum sampling frequency to get the sampled signal? 5. Draw a general difference model and its equation. 6. When is a system said to be marginally stable? 7. What is frequency warping?
8. What is the basic difference between analog and digital controllers?

9. List all the finite word length effect and define truncation.

10. What is meant by velocity PID algorithm?

1 a. State the frequency and time domain specification and discuss hpw they are Correlated with each other. b. Draw electrical equivalent of phase lead and phase lag compensator n/w along with their frequency domain characteristics and state where they needed. (Or ) 2. For the given RLC network in Fig.1 derive the continuous time state variable modal. Draw the state diagram and derive the transfer function of the system.

3 a. Write the note on folding and aliasing. b. Derive the transfer function of the first order hold circuit. (Or) 4. Explain in detail the practical aspect of the choice of sampling rate.

5.For the digital system represented by the following pulse transfer function derive an expression represent it in observable canonical form

b. obtain the closed loop pulse transfer function of the following system. or 6. Find a state variable model for the given transfer function in three different realizations.

7.for the digital control system shown below design a digital controller in Z plane such that the dominate closed loop poles have a damping ratio of 0.5 and a setting time of 2 sec. the sampling period is assumed to be 0.2 sec. or 8. Realize the digital controller with transfer function model

Using recursive and non-recursive method.

9. Explain in detail the digital temperature control system.

10 (i) Give the software implementation of algorithmic development of PID control algorithm.

(8) (ii) Write short notes on: a. Finite Word Length Effect b. Reset Windup c. Choice of data acquisition system (3) (2) (3)

1. (a) (i) Draw the typical unit step response of a digital control system and explain.

(ii) Explain the specifications of control system in terms of frequency response futures. (b) (i) Explain the Lead Compensation with Bode-plot.

(ii) Compare the performance of all continuous time PI, PD and PID controllers.

2. (a) (i) Obtain the state equations for the first order, second order discrete time system and also generate the same for MIMO systems. (ii) Find the response of discrete time system shown in fig. to the (a) unit step sequence, (b) unit alternating sequence.

(b) (i) Derive the expression for Zero-order hold and first-order hold operations. (ii) A discrete time system is described by the transfer function

Find the response y(k) to the inputs r(k)=(k) and r(k)=(k).

3. (a) (i) Check the stability of the following system using Jury Stability test.

(ii) Obtain the State variable model of LTI system and find its state and output equations.

(b) Consider the digital controller defined by D( z ) = U (z) 4( z 1)( z 2 + 1.2 z + 1) = 2 . E ( z ) ( z 0.3 z + 0.8)( z + 0.1)

Realize this digital controller in the cascade scheme and in parallel scheme. Use one first-order section and one second-order section. (a) (a) Consider the feedback control system, and the plant is described by the transfer function G ( s ) = K . Design a digital control scheme for s ( s + 5)

the system to meet the following specifications:

(i) the velocity error constant K v 10 ; (ii) peak overshoot Mp to step input 25%, and (iii) settling time ts (2% tolerance band) 2.5 sec.

(b) Design a lead compensator D(z) in the W-plane such that the phase marigin is 50, the gain marigin is at least 10dB and the velocity error constant Kv is 2 and assume that the sampling period is 0.2 sec. With the transfer function of the plant is G(s) = 1/s(s+1)

15. (a) (i) Briefly explain about the choice of data acquisition system.


(ii) Explain in detail about the microcontroller based temperature control systems.

(b) (i) Compare the implementation of digital control algorithms in microprocessors and microcontrollers. (ii) Explain the microcontroller based motor speed control systems.

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