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Advanced TF Russian Study Results W-Graph 4ld

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The Study Results are in!

A Study Summary Report: 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formulas

Increase Immune System Effectiveness
With two products—4Life Transfer Factor Classic and Samples containing several different blends of transfer
4Life Transfer Factor Plus—that already set new and factors sourced from cow colostrum and egg yolks were
higher standards in immune system support—providing incubated with the NK cells for various time periods, in order
boosts in Natural Killer (NK) cell activity of 103 and 248 to identify the most potent blend ratio and the optimal
percent—how did 4Life think of trying to improve them? It activation time of NK cells to provide maximum health
started with a dedication to the long-term pursuit of transfer benefits. Comparison of times demonstrated that the
factor research, which led to the discovery of eggs as activation time of 48 hours promoted the greatest NK cell
another viable source for transfer factors. A commitment to response.
remain the leader in transfer factor technology and to
provide the highest quality, most effective products for Results of this study conclusively demonstrated the ability of
good health further drove 4Life to be even better. And 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula to boost NK cell
finally, it came from the belief that one of the best ways to activity by 283 percent and of 4Life Transfer Factor Plus
improve 4Life Transfer Factor was to broaden the spectrum Advanced Formula to propel NK cell activity to a remarkable
of support by combining safe and effective sources of 437 percent above normal immune response (a response
transfer factors. established as a baseline from this study). They also showed
that 4Life Transfer Factor Classic increased NK cell activity
4Life researchers and scientists developed the Transfer by 204 percent when tested at a 48-hour activation time.
Factor E-XF™ proprietary blend in an effort to further Further, results from this scientific experiment showed that
maximize immune system support using transfer factor NK cells activated with 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced
molecules. Transfer factors were taken from both the cow Formula killed 97 percent of cancerous cells, which exceeded
and chicken sources and combined in hopes of sparking a the Interleukin-2 (IL2) activation kill rate of 88% during the
synergistic–effect which was definitely achieved. same time period.

4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula and 4Life The Russian scientists who conducted this study found the
Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula both feature the results to be exceptional and requested further information so
scientifically proven Transfer Factor E-XF proprietary their results could be published in professional journals. One
blend. Developed exclusively by 4Life using patented and scientist stated: “The 4Life sample [4Life Transfer Factor
patent-pending technology, the E-XF blend calls upon the Plus Advanced Formula] activated NK cell activity more than
knowledge of two sources, providing an enhanced the Interleukin-2 (IL2) drug used as the standard. Here, we
combined effect of transfer factors from both cow now refer to your sample as the Golden Interleukin,” said Dr.
colostrum and chicken eggs. Research shows that the Kisielevsky, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. These
immune building effects of this transfer factor blend are outstanding test results are certain to be reflected in human
more effective than that of colostrum or egg sources alone. health through an increase in immune effectiveness, leading
to improved overall health. People around the world can be
In an effort to determine how powerful the 4Life Transfer confident in the ability of 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced
Factor Advanced formulas are, researchers Calvin Formula and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula to
McCausland, Ph.D and Emma Oganova, Ph.D, M.D. more effectively modulate immune system function, making
designed a study to test NK cell activity. Dr. Anatoli it more response “able” and to provide broad-spectrum
Vorobiev at the Russian Academy of Medical Science support that is unmatched in any other health supplement
directed his team in the independent testing. Using blinded today.
cytotoxicity testing, cancerous cells were combined with
NK cells from humans and divided into groups of NK cells
activated with transfer factors and groups of unactivated
NK cells.


Objective: To determine the extent to which Transfer Factor E-XF blends and 4Life Transfer
Factor Plus Advanced Formula increases Natural Killer (NK) cell activity above baseline.
Study Design: Dr. E. Oganova and Dr. C. McCausland designed the blinded cytotoxicity study.
The independent testing of the coded samples was done under the direction of Academician
Anatoly Vorobiev, M.D., Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS) and the experimental
work was conducted by, Dr. M.V. Kisielevsky, Dr. E.O. Khalturina, at the Russian Cancer
Research Center, RAMS.
Methods: Blood was obtained from RORC donor station. A standard method of density
gradient was used to isolate mononuclear cells [NK Cells]. The isolated cells, 60 thousand
cells per well, in 100 ml of culture medium, were introduced into each well of Costar 96 well
plates. Then, portions of coded test samples [Transfer Factor E-XF blends of selected ratios,
4Life Transfer Factor Plus E-XF blend and others samples] were introduced into the wells at
predetermined concentrations (wt./vol.). An Interleukin-2 (IL-2) standard was used to compare
effectiveness. The preparations were incubated in a CO2-incubator with a 5% CO2 atmosphere,
100% humidity and 37° C for 24 or 48 hours. Next 30 thousand K-562 tumor cells
(erythroblastic human leukemia) were introduced into the wells. (Thus, the ratio of effector and
target cells was 2:1. Each sample was tested in triplicate). The preparations containing both
the effector (NK cells) and target cells (K562 cancer cells) along with control wells were again
incubated for 18-24 hours under the same incubator conditions. An MTT (dye) solution was
used to spectro-photometricly determine the number of viable cells remaining in each well.
The cytotoxic index (CI) expressed in % is reported for each sample.
Results: Each of the samples significantly increased NK cell activity. The Transfer Factor E-XF Blend (Advanced
Formula) resulted in greater NK cell activation (283%) than the Transfer Factor XF (204%). 4Life Transfer Factor Plus
Advanced Formula increased NK cell activity by 437%. The drug IL-2 increased NK cell active by 389%. In the study
activation by 4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula, 4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula and IL-2 resulted in
a kill rate of K562 cancer cells of 69%, 97% and 88% respectively with the 48-hour incubation period giving the greatest
NK cell activation.
As a Result of These Tests 4Life® Transfer Factor™ Is Now Approved By the Health Ministry of
Russia for use in Hospitals and Clinics! The First Ever Dietary Supplement to be approved for Use
by Doctors and Hospitals in Russia

SANDY, UT (October 1, 2004) - 4Life announced today that 4Life Transfer Factor products as immune
modulators have been approved for use in hospitals and clinics in the Russian Federation. The
results of ten separate clinical trials and two experimental studies on 4Life Transfer Factor products were
combined in a Methodological Document that was approved by the Ministry of Health, which now allows
doctors to recommend 4Life Transfer Factor Classic and 4Life Transfer Factor Plus® products to their
patients. Transfer Factor is the First Dietary Supplement Approved for Use by Doctors and Hospitals
in Russia. The Russian Ministry of Health is the equivalent of the Food and Drug Administration in the
United States. Doctors and scientists from Russia have been working jointly with scientists from 4Life for
several years to arrive at this accomplishment. This approval establishes a new roll of dietary supplements
in the Russian health care system.
Remarkable Response from Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
In another sector of research of 4Life Transfer Factor, Dr. Kisielevsky of the Russian Academy of Medical
Sciences stated, “The 4Life sample [Transfer Factor Advanced Formula] activated NK (natural killer) cell
activity more than the Interleukin-2 (IL2) drug we used as the standard.” This discovery has attracted the
attention of The International Scientific and Technical Center (ISTC) of Russia.
Scientists from Several Countries Join Forces for Additional Clinical Studies of Transfer Factor The
ISTC of Russia is a member of a joint international project with other health agencies of Japan, Europe and
the US. The objective of the international project is to combine efforts in finding improved
immunotherapies. Following the discoveries from the NK cell testing, the scientists of 4Life have been
invited to join the project. 4Life Transfer Factor as an immune modulator will be further researched in this
international forum. The cost of the studies will be paid by the ISTC.
Worldwide Ramification Speaking of this benchmark achievement, Dr. Calvin McCausland, VP of
Research of 4Life, and Dr. Emma Oganova, 4Life/Eurasia President, jointly expressed that because of the
acceptance by such a reputable organization and doctors from Russia and other major countries, 4Life
Transfer Factor will gain wider acceptance in the professional and private sectors as a superior immune
system enhancing product. The worldwide ramifications to this acceptance are just beginning.4Life is the
world’s foremost leader in the development, production and distribution of natural immune support products
and were recently recognized by Inc. magazine as the fifteenth fastest growing privately held company in
*We make no claims that our products will cure an illness. We suggest that you consult a physician if
ill. The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or our company.
Provided by Nature,
Proven by Science

4Life Transfer Factor Plus Advanced Formula E-XF 48hrs

4Life Transfer Factor Advanced Formula E-XF 48hrs

4Life Transfer Factor Classic XF 48hrs

4Life Transfer Factor Classic XF 4hrs

*Transfer Factor XF (from cow colostrum)
*Transfer Factor E-XF (from cow colostrum and chicken egg yolks)
ill;,. Activation Time

'Test results obtained from two independent NK cell studies. Original test using 4Life Transfer Factor Classic bovine formula utilized a four-hour activation time.
Secondary blind study test results, conducted by Dr. Anatoli Vorobiev, head of Immunology, at the Russian Academy of Medical Science, used 4Life Transfer
Factor Advanced Formula (Transfer Factor E-XF proprietary blend of both cow colostrums and egg yolk sources) and a 48-hour activation time. Comparison of
activation times demonstrated that the longer activation time (48 hours) using the 4Life Classic and Advanced Formulas promoted a significantly greater
percentage increase of NK cell response. Samples were tested for maximum time of effectiveness.

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