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Deviated Sects As They Divided & Split From Pristine Islam

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Deviated Sects as they divided & split from Pristine Islam.

An Analysis of Past and Contemporary Sects Ibn Taahir al-Maqdisi al-Haafidh said, "I heard the Imaam, Abu Ismaa'eel 'Abdullaah bin Muhammad al-Ansaari saying, whilst in Haraah: 'The sword was put to my neck five times [and each time] it was not said to me, 'Leave your madhhab' but it was said to me, 'Remain silent about those who are in opposition to you'. So I would say, 'I will not remain silent'." [Aadaab usSharee'ah (1/207) of Ibn Muflih al-Maqdisi al-Hanbali]. Al-Humaidee, the Shaikh of al-Bukhaaree said, "By Allaah, that I war against those who reject the Hadeeth of the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) is more beloved to me than that I should war against the same number of Non-Muslims." [Al-Harawi in Dhamm ul-Kalaam]. Ibn al-Qayyim said, "The jihaad with decisive proofs [from the Book and the Sunnah] and the tongue takes precedence over the jihaad with the sword and the spear." [Al-Jawaab us-Saheeh of Ibn Taymiyyah (1/237)]. Nasr bin Zakariyaa said, I heard Muhammad bin Yahyaa adh-Dhuhlee saying, I heard Yahyaa bin Yahyaa saying, "Defence of the Sunnah is more superior than Jihaad in the path of Allaah." So I said, "A man spends his wealth, tires his body and strives (in jihaad), so is this one (still) better than him? He said, "Yes, by many times!" [Dhammu ul-Kalaam of al-Harawi]. Introductory Materials (1) Basic materials highlighting the splitting and differing in the Ummah and that its cause is the introduction of newly-invented matters and principles into the religion. The Khawarij (8) The very first sect to split away from the main body of the Muslims. They will remain in the Ummah till they fight alongside Dajjal against this Ummah. The Raafidah (Shi`ah) (4) Initiated by the Jew, Abdullah bin Saba, this sect has developed into what we now know as the Shi'ah whose beliefs and thoughts are repugnant beyond belief.

The Murji`ah (5) One of the earliest sects. They did not include actions in the definition of faith and claimed that sins do not affect a persons faith. The Ash`arees (6) A sect that denies the Attributes of Allaah, ta'weel being one of its outstanding hallmarks. Qutubis and Surooris (32) The Qutubis and their more recent foster-brother, the Surooris are characterised by an exaggerated emphasis to political issues and affairs and inciting and arousing the common-folk into bloody revolutions and civil strife, such as those of Algeria.

Takfiris (3) The Takfiris make unlicensed takfeer of governments and scholars and call the commonfolk to bloody revolution as a way to remove such governments and establish Islamic Law.

The Soofees (1) The Sufis have introduced many innovations into Islam in the name of Tasawwuf and have justified such practises by fabricated statements and unsound arguments. The Naqshabandis (1) The present-day Naqshabandis are determined in their war against Islam and the Muslims and seek to pull in unsuspecting and ignorant Muslims by their "populist" and cleverly devised approach. The Perwaizis, Khalifites (19ers) And Rejecters of the Sunnah (6) These are the Rejectors of the Sunnah, and spring from the works of Ghulaam Ahmad Parweiz and Rashid Khalifah, both of whom were declared apostates, due to their very clear and apparent kufr. The Deobandis (1) A look at the essentials of the Deobandite School of Thought, which is a concoction of Taqleed, Sufism, Baatinism, Tasawwuf and other affairs. Hizbees (Biased Partisans) (6) Looking at the Hizbiyyah, its people, its characteristics and traits and how it is upheld and promoted and related affairs. Hadaadis (1) A partisan group that has arisen opposing the Salafi Manhaj in these times. They declare others to be innovators without distinction and proof, they curse the Imaams of the Salafi Manhaj and raise themselves as Imaams of guidance. They wage war upon the S Ikhwan ul-Muslimoon (1) A group founded by Hassan al-Banna and which serves as an umbrella organisation to accommodate all and sundry, regardless of deviation in creed and methodology.

Jamaa`at ut-Tabligh (8) Founded by Muhammad Ilyas who had pledged allegiance to four Soofee Tariqahs, this group has exceeded all bounds in innovations and aspects of shirk.

Hizb ut-Tahreer (5) Founded by Taqi ud-Din an-Nabahani, a Mu'tazilee and Ash'aree in thought and belief, this group has made the restoration of the Khilafah the main focus of its call.

Jam'iyyah Ahlul-Hadith UK (1) This organisation is well-known for it's call to political activism and cooperating with Ahlul-Bid'ah

and compromising the Salafi Manhaj.

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