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Material Properties and Device Physics Basic To Photovoltaics

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Semiconductor Physics and Devices

Chapter 2.

Material Properties and Device Physics Basic to Photovoltaics (reading assignment)


Department of Electronic Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST)

2.1 Introduction 2.2 Material Properties
2.2.1 Structure of solids 2.2.2 Phonon spectra of solids 2.2.3 Electron energy levels in solids

In order to conceive new photovoltaic energy-conversion schemes, improve existing confi gurations, develop and improve cell materials, and understand the origins of the technical and economic problems of solar cells, the basics behind photovoltaic device operation must always be kept in the forefront.
With that in mind, an overview of the material properties and physical principles underlying photovoltaic energy conversion is presented in this chapter. The mathematical models for phenomena that are fundamental to solar cell operation, such as recombination, drift, and diffusion, are discussed rather than just presented.

This is done with the firm conviction that awareness of the assumptions behind the various models better enables one to judge their appropriateness and to make adjustments as necessary, when analyzing and developing new solar cell structures. This is particularly the case for solar cells today, which can involve combinations of a variety of features or phenomena, such as nano-scale morphology, amorphous materials, organic materials, plas-monics, quantum confi nement, and exciton-producing absorption.


Both solid and liquid materials are used in solar cells. Homojunction, het-erojunction, metal-semiconductor, and some dye-sensitized solar cells use all-solid structures, whereas liquid-semiconductor and many dye- sensitized cells use solid liquid structures.

These materials can be inorganic or organic. The solids can be crystalline, polycrystalline, or amorphous. The liquids are usually electrolytes. The solids can be metals, semiconductors, insulators, and solid electrolytes.

2.2.1 Structure of solids

The solids used in photovoltaics can be broadly classified as crystalline, polycrystalline, or amorphous. Crystalline refers to single-crystal materials; polycrystalline refers to materials with crystallites (crystals or equivalently grains) separated by disordered regions (grain boundaries); and amorphous refers to materials that completely lack longrange order. CRYSTALLINE AND POLYCRYSTALLINE SOLIDS The distinguishing feature of crystalline and polycrystalline solids is the presence of long-range order, represented by a mathematical construct termed the lattice, and a basic building block (the unit cell), which, when repeated, defines the structure of the lattice. The atoms or molecules of the crystal have their positions fixed with respect to the points of the lattice. Amazingly, there are only 14 crystal lattices possible in a three-dimensional universe.

FIGURE 2.1 Some important unit cells characterizing crystalline solids. The simple cubic (SC) unit cell has lattice points only at the cube corners, the face-centered cubic (FCC) unit cell has additional lattice points in the center of each cube face, whereas the bodycentered cubic (BCC) unit cell has lattice points at the cube corners and an additional lattice point at the center of the cube. The simple hexagonal (SH) unit cell has lattice points at the corners defining each hexagonal face and at the center of these two faces.

Four common ones are shown in Figure 2.1 . Different planes in a crystal can have different numbers of atoms residing on them, as may bededuced by comparing, for example, the simple cubic and the bodycentered cubic lattices in Figure 2.1 . In solids that are compounds (e.g., the semiconductors CdS or CdTe), different planes can even be composed of different atomic species.Miller indices are a convenient convention for labeling different planes. Polycrystalline solids differ from single-crystal solids in that they arecomposed of many single-crystal regions. These single-crystal regions(grains) exhibit long-range order. The various grains comprising a poly crystalline solid may or may not have their lattices randomly oriented with respect to one another. If there is correlation in the orientations of the grains, the material is referred to as being an oriented polycrystalline solid.

The transition regions in a polycrystalline solid that exist between the various single crystals are what we termed grain boundaries. These regions of structural and bonding defects can extend for perhaps a fraction of a nanometer or more and may even contain voids. Grain boundaries can have a significant influence on physical properties. For example, they can getter dopants or other impurities, store charge in localized states arising from bonding defects, and, through the stored charge, give rise to electrostatic potential energy barriers that impede transport.

The grain boundaries of polycrystalline materials can be broadly classified as either open or closed. An open boundary is easily accessible to gas molecules; a closed boundary is not.

However, even a closed boundary is expected to be an excellent conduit for solid-state diffusion. Diffusion coefficients are generally an order of magnitude larger along such boundaries than those observed in bulk, single-crystal material. There are actually many types of crystalline and polycrystalline materials used in solar cells. They can be classified according to structural feature sizes, as seen in Table 2.1.



The classification scheme of Table 2.1 is used throughout this book. As is shown in the comments section of the table, there are large differences in the terminology currently in use.


Amorphous solids are disordered materials that contain large numbers of structural and bonding defects. They possess no longrange structural order, which means there is no such thing as a unit cell and a lattice. Amorphous solids are composed of atoms or molecules that display only short-range order, at best.
There is no necessity for uniqueness in the amorphous phase. For example, there are a myriad of amorphous silicon-hydrogen (aSi:H) materials that vary according to Si defect density, hydrogen content, and hydrogen-bonding details.


2.2.2 Phonon spectra of solids

Because of the interactions among its atoms, a solid has vibrational modes. The quantum of vibrational energy is termed the phonon. At a given temperature T, atoms of a solid are oscillating about their equilibrium sites; therefore, there are phonons present in the solid.

In thermodynamic equilibrium, the distribution of phonons among allowed modes of vibration (phonon energy levels, E pn ) is dictated by Bose-Einstein statistics.



Phonons can be involved in heat transfer, carrier generation (thermal or in conjunction with light absorption), carrier scattering, and carrier recombination processes. They behave like particles. For example, when an electron in a solid interacts with a vibrational mode, the event is best viewed as an interaction between two types of particles, electrons and phonons.

Phonons have a dispersion relationship E pn=E pn ( k ) , which relates the phonon energy E pn to the wave vector k[|(k)|=(2/)] of the vibrational mode.
This is analogous to the dispersion relationship for light, which relates photon energy E pt to the wave vector k of the light. For free space, this dispersion relationship for light has the extremely simple form E pt=c|(k)| where is Plancks constant divided by 2 .

In the case of phonons, the function Epn= Epn(k) is more complicated and gives what is termed the phonon spectrum or phonon energy bands in a solid. In the case of both phonons and photons, k has the interpretation of particle (phonon or photon) momentum.


In single-crystal, multicrystalline, and microcrystalline materials, both total energy and total momentum are conserved in phonon electron interactions.

For example, in a collision between an electron and phonon in a crystal (or in a crystal region in the case of polycrystalline material), the change in the k -vector of the phonon and the electron must conserve total (electron plus phonon) momentum as well as energy.

This constraint is termed the k -selection rule. In addition, in single-crystal, multicrystalline, and microcrystalline solids, only specifi ed values of k are allowed and therefore can be used in the E pn= Epn(k) relation.

Since only certain modes (certain k -vectors) are permitted in a given crystal, there is a density of allowed phonon states in k -space which translates into a density g pn (E) of allowed phonon states per energy per volume, as shown graphically in Figure 2.3 . The density of states g pn (E) is such that g pn (E) dE gives the number of phonon states per volume between some E and E + dE.


The k -space just mentioned for plotting E pn =E pn ( k ) in crystalline solids is also called reciprocal space. This space has a lattice, too, and its distances have the dimensions of reciprocal length. Directions in reciprocal space correspond to directions in the real crystal.

The reciprocal-space lattice can be viewed as the Fourier transform of the real-space lattice of a crystal. Because the real-space lattice is so structured, its reciprocal-space lattice is equally structured. Just as all the information on the structure of a crystalline solid is contained in the unit cell of the real-space lattice, all the information on the dispersion relation E pn=E pn ( k ) is contained in the unit cell of the reciprocal lattice. The unit cell in reciprocal space is termed the first Brillouin zone or simply the Brillouin zone. The rest of reciprocal space repeats this E pn= E pn ( k ) information. Figure 2.4 shows the Brillouin zones corresponding to the FCC and BCC real-space lattices seen in Figure 2.2 . The notation is standard in Figure 2.4 and denotes symmetry points and axes.


A part of the phonon spectra E pn= E pn ( k ) for two materials of interest to solar cell applications, crystalline silicon and gallium arsenide, is presented as an example in Figure 2.5 .

Here the function E pn= E pn ( k ) is depicted for k values lying along the to direction (and equivalent directions) of the Brillouin zone for FCC crystals. This Brillouin zone is utilized for both materials, since both have the FCC direct (real-space) lattice.

The data in Figure 2.5 specifically give the phonon energies or bands (the functions are multi valued) found in these crystalline materials for k -vectors varying from (| k |= 0) to (| k |= 2/a) in their Brillouin zone. In Figure 2.5 , the notation O refers to optical branches (in polar materials these modes can be strongly involved in optical properties); the notation A refers to acoustic branches (so called because frequencies audible to the human ear are on these branches at about the origin in Fig. 2.5 ). The notations T and L refer to the transverse and longitudinal modes, respectively.

The largest values of | k | in the Brillouin zone will depend on the lattice constant a of the semiconductor; however, using reasonable values of a, it Is seen that | k | max in Figure 2.5 is of the order of 10 8 cm 1 . If we were to extend the ordinate and superimpose the plot for all photon energies E pt= 3 eV (which easily covers the solar spectrum of Fig. 1.1) versus k onto Figure 2.5 , we would see that such a plot would fall essentially on the ordinate.
We can take a very important point from this: the momentum of the photons constituting the majority of the solar spectrum (see Fig. 1.1) is very small compared to the momentum of phonons. From Figure 2.5 it may also be inferred that phonon energies in solids are of the order of 10 2 eV to perhaps 10 1 eV.

Photon energies, at least those in the near infrared, visible, and near ultra-violet range, where the spectra of Figure 1.1 are at their richest, are of the order of 1 eV.

As particle or grain size becomes smaller, the surface-to-volume ratio obviously increases and surface-stress effects on bulk and surface pho-non modes become more important. However, when a nanoparticle s or nanocrystalline grain s characteristic dimension approaches some multiple (< 5 50) of the lattice constant, very fundamental change is also possible; i.e., the vibrational modes can start to change, due to their being limited in spatial extent, and the constraint of a phonon energy corresponding to a well defined k -vector can disappear, also because of spatial limitations these changes are the result of what is termed phonon confinement.


The removal of the constraint of a precise k for a phonon of a given energy makes sense if viewed in terms of Heisenbergs x k = (2 ) ; i.e., as x becomes smaller due to confinement, the phonon momentum becomes ill-defined. The implication for phonon-electron collisions is that a phonon can now supply its energy and a range of momenta. As a particle becomes even smaller, the vibrational modes can become discrete in energy, as would be seen for a molecule. The impact of phonon confinement at a given nanoparticle or nanocrystalline grain size will depend on the degree to which isolation is accomplished.
For nanocrystalline materials, this means that the proximity of other nano-crystal grains will act to reduce the influence of phonon confinement.

In amorphous solids, a vibrational mode may extend over only a few nanometers. It therefore again follows from x k = (2 ) that phonons in disordered materials are not characterized by a well-defined wave vector k and there is no phonon k -selection rule.
The quantity k is no longer a good quantum number. In amorphous solids there is no Brillouin zone in reciprocal space because there is no unit cell in real space, since there is no crystal lattice. Also, in these materials, it becomes difficult to distinguish between acoustic and optical phonons.However, in amorphous solids, phonons play the same critical roles in electron transport, heat conduction, etc., as they do in crystalline solids. It follows that the concept of density of k states in reciprocal space is not valid for amorphous materials. However, the concept of a density of phonon states in energy g pn (E) is still valid. In fact, the g pn (E) of an amorphous solid will conform to that of the corresponding crystalline material to a degree depending on the importance of second nearest-neighbor, third nearest-neighbor, etc., forces.

2.2.3 Electron energy levels in solids

A very helpful approach that is usually valid for many solids is the Born-Oppenheimer or adiabatic principle. This principle asserts that, if one is solving the Schrdinger equation for the collection of the cores (nucleus plus core electrons) and valence electrons that make up a crystalline, polycrystalline, nanocrystalline, or amorphous solid, then one can separate the core motion (the vibration field we just discussed) from that of the valence electron motion. In this picture, a single electron sees an effective potential resulting from (1) the cores in their aver- age positions and from (2) all the other valence electrons. Solving this single-electron problem gives rise to what are termed single-electron energy levels.

However, as we note in this section, it is not always possible to separate the Schrdinger equation for a solid into one problem dealing with phonons and into another dealing with electrons treated as single particles immersed in an effective potential. For example, the multi-particle core-electron interactions in which the cores polarize to shield an electron s charge give rise to multiparticle solutions to the overall Schdinger equation which are called polarons. Multi-particle electron electron interactions can give rise to solutions termed excitons .Polarons and excitons are examples of multi-particle states .


(a)Single-electron states
Because the unit cell of the direct lattice of a single-crystal, multicrystalline, and microcrystalline material completely specifies the structure, it completely determines the environment of an electron in a crystalline solid. Essentially, the Schrdinger equation for single-electron states in a crystal need be solved for only one unit cell, subject to boundary conditions that represent the periodicity of the structure. The dispersion relation E = E( k ) that comes out of this solution specifies the energy E available to an electron in a single-particle state with wave vector k .


This wave vector k , when multiplied by , may be viewed as the momentum of the electron, just as a phonon of wave vector k could be viewed as having the momentum k in a crystalline material.
As in the case of the phonon dispersion relation for a crystal, the periodicity of the direct lattice ensures that the electron dispersion relation E = E( k ) is periodic in reciprocal space.

Hence, all the E = E( k ) information is completely contained in the first Brillouin zone appropriate to the crystal. That information just repeats throughout the rest of k -space.
As is also the case for phonons, only certain k -vectors in k - (reciprocal) space are permitted to electrons in a crystal. Consequently, there is a density of allowed electron states in k -space.


Through the dispersion relationship, this can be transformed into a density of states in energy per energy per volume. We designate this density of allowed electron single- particle states per energy per volume as the quantity g e (E). This is another example of the density of states in energy concept seen in Figure 2.3 The E = E( k ) relationships between a single-electron allowed energy level E and the wave vector k for silicon and gallium arsenide are seen in Figure 2.6 for specified directions in the Brillouin zone.


FIGURE 2.6 Allowed electron energies versus k -vectors (wave vectors) for two crystal- line, inorganic semiconductors: (a) silicon; (b) gallium arsenide. Silicon is indirect gap (the maximum in the valence band Ev and the minimum in the conduction band Ec have different k -values); gallium arsenide is direct gap (the maximum in the valence band E V and the minimum in the conduction band E C have the same k -value). The valence band edges are aligned here in energy for convenience only. (After Ref. 3 , with permission.)

Both materials have the same Brillouin zone, as noted in conjunction with the phonon plots of Figure 2.5 .

From the electron energy dispersion relationships for these two example materials, it can be seen that both have a lower band of allowed electron energy levels (actually two bands), then a gap of forbidden energies of width E G , and fi nally a band (or, more precisely, overlapping bands) of allowed energy levels. This type of band structure with allowed levels in a band, an energy gap with no allowed states, and then allowed levels in a band typifies an ideal crystalline semiconductor, with the stipulation that the valence electrons completely fill that lower band at T = 0 K. In other words, this lower band is the home of all the valence electrons; consequently, it is called the valence band (VB).


The highest allowed energy in this lower grouping of bands (valence band) is termed the valence band edge E V . The lowest allowed energy in the upper grouping of bands (conduction band, CB) is termed the conduction band edge E C . The energy levels in these bands are single-particle states that are delocalized; i.e., they extend throughout the crystal. Formally, bands like those seen in Figure 2.6 (which shows the locations in energy of EC and EV ) are representative of a region in the crystal that is large compared to a unit cell but small compared to the characteristic length over which material composition (such as in an alloy semiconductor) or some electrostatic potential (such as in an elec-trostatic fi eld barrier region) may vary. As an imposed electron potential energy or the material composition changes with position in a solid, energies like EC and EV will move up or down in energy with respect to a fixed reference.


As we noted, in a semiconductor the VB is filled with valence electrons at absolute zero, and therefore the CB is empty of valence electrons at absolute zero. When electrons leave the states of the valence band due to picking up thermal energy or due to photon absorption, the ensemble of remaining electrons acts like positive particles (holes).

The number of these valence band holes equals the number of vacated states. When electrons enter the conduction band due to picking up thermal energy or due to photon absorption, they act like electrons and their number equals the number of electrons in that band.
The holes in the valence band are free carriers in that they are in delocalized states and can move in an electric field (drift) or diffuse. The electrons in the conduction band are free carriers in that they, too, are in delocalized states and can move in an electric field (drift) or diffuse. If essentially all the electrons per volume in the conduction band n came from the holes per volume p in the valence band, then the semiconductor is said to be intrinsic and n= p. If an intrinsic material is in thermodynamic equilibrium (TE), n = p = n i where n i , the intrinsic carrier population in TE, is dictated by the energy gap and the temperature.

Frequently , the detailed E = E( k ) information relating E and k shown in the examples of Figure 2.6 is not needed. In many applications it is necessary only to know the location in energy of the conduction band edge E C , of the valence band edge E V , and of the local vacuum level E VL (energy needed to escape the material at x) as a function of position.

Such a diagram is given, as a function of position x in the crystal and with respect to an arbitrarily chosen reference energy, in Figure 2.7 . This diagram also introduces a new quantity, the electron affinity . This is the energy required to promote an electron from the bottom of the conduction band to the vacuum level at some position x.

The energy required to go from the top of the valence band to the vacuum level at some position x is the hole affinity E G = , where E G is the forbidden energy gap. An ideal insulator differs from the ideal semiconductor of Figure 2.7 only in that E G = 2.5 eV, where the lower bound of 2.5 eV is somewhat arbitrary. The real point is that, if a material is an insulator at room temperature, then its E G is too wide to give any significant intrinsic carrier population at 300 K.
From the perspective of Figure 2.7 a metal arises either when the gap E G is zero or when valence electrons only partially fill the lowest band at T = 0.


Figure 2.7 represents the electron energy band scheme for a uniform composition, ideal crystal. Such a material only has the delocalized (extended) states of the valence and conduction bands. However, real materials have surfaces, and surfaces introduce localized states (with atomic-like wave functions physically localized at the surfaces), which may be populated by carriers. In addition, the bulk of a real crystal is not perfect, since in the bulk there will be impurities and defects that will also introduce localized, atomic-like states at the positions of the impurities and defects. Further, if a solid is nano-, multi- or microcrystalline, the structural and bonding defects that are the grain boundaries cause localized states to exist in the grain boundary regions. A localized state is represented in energy band diagrams like Figure 2.7 by introducing a short horizontal line drawn at its position in energy and space. Localized states may have energies that lie in the range of the bands or of the energy gap. The former case is uninteresting from a technological point of view because the levels are degenerate with those of delocalized band states.

Consequently, carriers in such localized states immediately transfer to the delocalized states of the band and are free to move about. The latter case of states that lie in the energy gap is very important technologically because the carriers in these states cannot move unless they are demoted or promoted to delocalized states. These states in the energy gap are often referred to as localized gap states or simply gap states. Drift and diffusion are not possible for carriers in gap states unless the gap state density is extremely high. Hopping transport, discussed shortly, can be possible for high densities. Gap states can be purposefully present to dope a material. Gap states can act as conduits between the conduction and valence bands (i.e., support generation and recombination) and they can store charge, thereby affecting the electric field in a device. If they principally do the latter but are not dopants, they are referred to as traps. As we discuss later, whether a gap state is principally a recombination center or a trap depends on its energy position and its capture cross-sections for electrons and holes.

Localized gap states found in crystalline, polycrystalline, amorphous, nanocrystalline, and nanoparticle solids may be broadly classified as acceptor-like, donor-like, or amphoteric in nature. Acceptor and donor- like states are single- electron states with the following definitions: 1. Acceptor states Neutral when unoccupied by an electron and, therefore, negative when occupied by an electron (ionized). 2. Donor states Neutral when occupied by an electron and, there-fore, positive when unoccupied by an electron (ionized). Amphoteric gap states can be occupied by none, one, or two valence electrons. Their charge state depends on their occupancy; e.g., one electron could be the neutral state, no electrons the positively charged state, and two electrons the negatively charged situation.


The charge per volume resulting from acceptor-like states at energy E in the gap depends on whether they have captured an electron and is given by -en T where n T is the number of acceptor states per volume at the energy E that have been successful in capturing an electron.

Correspondingly, the charge per volume resulting from donor-like states at energy E in the gap depends on whether they have lost an electron and is given by ep T where p T is the number of donor states per volume at energy E that have been successful in losing an electron.
Amphoteric states, as noted, can give rise to positive or negative space charge, depending on their occupancy. As mentioned, gap states can serve as sources (dopants) of carriers for the bands. They are purposefully introduced for this role (doping), when desired, or can be inadvertently present and have this function.

Due to trapping and doping, the electrons in the conduction band per volume n and the holes in the valence band per volume p may not equal each other as they do in an intrinsic (i.e., defect-free) material.

When this occurs, the material is referred to as extrinsic. Interestingly, it is possible to have so many gap states present in a material that they form a band within the energy gap. This is the high density of gap states situation mentioned earlier.
These states, depending on the distance between the physical sources of the states, can be delocalized or localized in nature. Such a band within the energy gap is termed an intermediate band (IB).


(b) Excitons

Single -crystal, multicrystalline, and microcrystalline solids can also harbor the solutions to the Schrdinger equation that are known as polarons and excitons. The former, an electron-phonon interaction as noted earlier, increases the inertia of electrons, thereby giving them a larger effective mass.

Polarons are generally only of any significance in crystals with some degree of ionicity. Excitons are of much more interest, since they are a multi-particle phenomenon that can be involved in the light absorption process in solar cell materials. Specifically, excitons are multi-electron solutions that may be viewed as an electron bound to a hole via Coulombic attraction.
Figure 2.8 shows an exciton ground state superimposed on the single-electron levels of a band diagram. The binding energy is the energy needed to have the exciton in its ground state dissociate into a free electron in the conduction band and a free hole in the valence band. Since the binding energy is dictated by the Coulombic attraction, materials that polarize more have lower binding energies; i.e., the binding energy correlates inversely with the dielectric constant. Excitons can be created by photon absorption and they can be mobile in a solid. When they move, energy, but not net charge, moves. Since they are not charged, they can only move by diffusion.



The single-electron energy levels can evolve in the case of nanoparticles and nanocrystals from the band picture of single-crystal, multicrystalline, and microcrystalline solids to a molecular orbital picture as the size parameter is decreased, as shown in Figure 2.9 . The extent of the evolution depends on the confinement. Analogous to phonon confinement, reducing the size of nanoscale structures can cause changes in the allowed states and a relaxation of the electron k -selection rules.
These effects, in the case of electrons, are usually called quantum confInement effects. The spacing in energy between the occupied molecular orbitals and the unoccupied molecular orbitals (the energy gap) increases with confinement, as would be anticipated from the particle in a box problem. As may be noted from Figure 2.9 , the highest occupied molecular orbital is called HOMO while the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital is called the LUMO.


We will use this terminology from time to time in place of the corresponding terminol-ogy from solid-state physics and electrical engineering; i.e., valence band edge and conduction band edge. We also note that the energies and binding energies of excitons change in these materials with confinement. The impact of the quantum confinement effects depicted in Figure 2.9 for a given nanoparticle or nanocrystalline grain size will depend on the degree to which isolation is accomplished. For nanocrystalline materials, this means that the proximity of other nanocrystal grains will act to reduce the influence of quantum confinement. In the case of molecules, the quintessential nanoparticles, interaction among the orbitals may allow transport from molecule to molecule.


A band picture of the type seen in Figure 2.7 can be used to describe amorphous solids, but diagrams like Figure 2.6 are not applicable. The concept of density of electron states (states available per energy per volume) is still valid in amorphous materials.
Figure 2.10a shows a schematic representation of such a density of states function g e (E). This may be contrasted with Figure 2.10b , which shows g e (E) for a crystalline solid that happens to have a donor level present.



From Figure 2.10 it is clear that amorphous materials can contain large numbers of localized gap states. These are essentially of two types: intrinsic and extrinsic.

The intrinsic localized states are defined as arising from the distribution of bond angles and interatomic distances statistically occurring in an amorphous solid. Extrinsic localized states are defined as arising from defects (broken chemical bonds) and impurities. Intrinsic localized states are expected to be the principal contribution to the localized states occurring near the band edges (see Fig. 2.10a ); defect and impurity states are believed to be the source of the large density of localized states typically seen over the remainder of the gap in many amorphous materials.

As long as the density of these defect states is large, doping will have little effect on dislodging the Fermi level position in the gap and recombination and trapping will be severe problems.


In the case of amorphous silicon, hydrogen is used to suppress the number of these states by forming chemical bonds to the defects. So much hydrogen is used that the material is actually a silicon-hydrogen alloy denoted as a-Si:H. Since the localized state density is so large in many amorphous materials, transport via these gap states is possible; i.e., an electron can move from one localized site to another. We discuss this in detail later. It suffices to note at this point that transport via these localized states would give rise to small mobilities compared to transport involving the delocalized states. Hence, Figure 2.10a shows a mobility gap, which denotes the switch from small to larger mobilities, rather than a true gap.

This mobility gap is expected to have sharp boundaries E C and E V , which serve as the demarcation between localized and delocalized states.


This is all my report. Thank you for your attention.


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