March, 2006
Recently, efforts to prevent global warming have been recognized as a challenge to be shared by
all humankind, while sustainable development of economy has been sought for. Mankind is
facing with the challenge of overcoming the two different conditions entirely conflicting each
In order to get over these severe conditions, what are required are technical innovations such as
technologies to use energy efficiently with as little burden on the environment as possible and
the development of energy having little impact on the environment, etc.
In order to contribute to the balanced development of economy and environment in developing
countries, it is necessary to render support that is adoptable and appropriate to the respective
countries concerned based on the understanding of the actual condition of their energy use and
environmental measures and on the results of in-depth surveys on the progress in development
of infrastructure, living habits, etc.
Under these circumstances, we advanced to and worked on a new stage in this project as the
second year followed by 2004 that aimed to strengthen the infrastructure for implementing and
promoting energy audits and improvement plans, on the strength of the achievements of the
energy audits and energy audit skills transfer programs that we implemented in 10 ASEAN
counties regarding one selected industry per country during the past 4 years, 2000~2003.
For an effective tool to help achieve such an aim, we carried on to create the Technical
Directory and Database/Benchmarks/Guidelines by business category.
In the meanwhile, as the activities to strengthen the infrastructure for the mentioned
implementation and promotion, we conducted follow-up surveys on the factories that were
subject to energy audit in the past to check the progress in the practice of the recommended
improvement plans and also walk through energy audits in other factories to ensure the transfer
of energy audit skills. In 2005, the factories that received our follow-up survey and walk
through energy audit included that of the garment factories in Cambodia, the steel factories in
Philippines, a pulp & paper and a textile factory in Indonesia and a cement and beverage factory
in Brunei Darussalam. Furthermore, we held seminar and workshop in each country, inviting
people from the government agency or factories of different categories of industries in countries
other than the host country to make a report on their successful energy conservation cases so
that information could be shared in the ASEAN region and the foundation of promotion
activities could be provided. In the seminars and workshops, the concept and development
policy regarding the creation of the Technical Directory and particularly database by category of
industry were discussed, and a concrete example as a part was shown off.
We believe it is very meaningful that as the result of the activities for the second year in the
project, we could achieve the above objectives and create steadily the bases of the promotion of
energy conservation in the new stage.
We hope that this project will contribute to energy conservation in the industrial sector and
environmental protection in the respective ASEAN countries so that they can eventually achieve
environment-friendly and sustainable development in economy and also that this project will
serve as a bridge of technical exchange and friendship between Japan and the countries
March, 2006
The Energy Conservation Center, Japan
Abbreviation List
4.2 Results of the Seminar Workshop .......................................................................Ⅲ-30
Questionnaires and answers of audited factories
Seminar-Workshop programs and presented materials at 4 countries
Materials for the Summary/Post Workshop
ASEAN counties are continuing to achieve dramatic economic development and their energy
consumption is anticipated to increase rapidly from now on. It will become vital to use energy
more efficiently and to give sufficient consideration to prevention of global warming.
This project has entered its 6th year. ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE), our ASEAN counterpart
and people concerned of the respective ASEAN countries are engaged in more and more
enhanced and substantial energy conservation activities, thereby contributing to gradually
spread change in the consciousness of the people in ASEAN countries toward the reduction of
energy consumption, particularly with the increases in energy price resulting from the recent
soaring crude oil prices and the Kyoto Protocol put into force in the background.
The current year was positioned as the second year of the 2nd stage for making serious efforts to
put into practice and disseminate the results we have made to date by combining all the
achievements we made in the projects of the phase-1, past 4 years and making further
self-supporting efforts. In other words, the 2nd stage aims to establish the infrastructure for
implementing and promoting practical improvements centered on improvement plans discussed
and proposed in the respective countries in the past, based on the achievements and results of
energy audits conducted on factories of 10 different types of businesses in all ASEAN countries
over the past 4 years.
Specifically, the following activities were developed in 4 countries; Cambodia (garment
industry), Philippines (steel industry), Indonesia (pulp/paper and textile industries) and Brunei
Darussalam (cement and food processing industries).
• Follow-up survey on the factories that underwent an energy audit in the past and walk
through energy audits on newly chosen factories
Intended for understanding of the problems lying in carrying out, promoting improvement
plans and the development of improvement measures
• Creation of Technical Directory
Intended to introduce effective technologies usable in garment/steel/pulp & paper/cement
industries in ASEAN countries and also successful cases of the utilization of the respective
technologies for the purpose of information-sharing and enhancing the possibility of
implementation and dissemination of these technologies
• Development of databases/benchmarks/guidelines
Intended to establish a scheme for setting numerical targets to advance energy conservation
activities and providing guide lines to achieve such goals
As an immediate task, the development of databases in 4 categories of businesses;
Garment/steel/pulp & paper/cement, is essential.
In the above mentioned countries, surveys including energy audits and seminars/workshops
were conducted. In the survey conducted in each country, guidance was given to the local
people concerned on the site again while the progress in their acquisition of energy audit skills
transferred from Japanese specialists in the past was confirmed so that technology transfer could
be further ensured. In addition, as it was found in the survey that some factories had not
practiced improvements as instructed, factors seemingly constituting impediments to the
implementation as well as solutions were discussed, which lead to create the clue for the
implementation and progress in the future.
In the seminar/workshop held in each country, in addition to the aforesaid discussions, people
from the governments and the factories including those of different categories of industry in
other ASEAN countries (including people of the factories undergoing energy audit in the past)
were invited to join with the people of the factories of the countries concerned to report on their
respective activities and the cases of practicing improvement plans. The seminar and workshop
held in each country had a large number of participants each, playing an important role in terms
of information sharing and dissemination.
On-site activities of the project of the current year were commenced with Inception Workshop
held in late June 2005 (Same as the one for both Building and Energy Management
Infrastructure Development Projects).
In the Inception Workshop, for the purpose of smooth launching of the project, the action plan
was explained and finalized, and preparations for the activities at site were confirmed among the
participants. Following that, surveys and workshops in 4 countries were smoothly completed by
December 2005, and topped off by Summary /Post Workshops conducted in late January 2006
(common with Building and Energy Management Infrastructure Development Projects).
In Summary Workshop/Post Workshop where delegates from ASEAN countries (Focal Points)
were present, reports on the activities and the results in the 4 countries, including those on the
ASEAN Benchmarking activities and the results, were made with the view to knowledge- and
information-sharing, and discussions regarding the creation of Technical Directory and the
development of database/benchmark/guideline for each country were held. Finally, the policy
for action plans for the project next year and in the future was discussed.
Specific details of activities of the major industry project for this year are as follows;
approved in principle from the participants. The seminar- workshop was concluded
(1) Energy conservation policy and program (each country and Japan)
(2) Report on energy conservation cases by people concerned in major industries in each
host country and other ASEAN countries
(3) Discussions on the policy regarding the creation of Technical Directory
(4) Discussions on the action policy regarding the development of database in each host
the policy regarding and the progress in the development of Database/Benchmark/Guideline in
each country were made, lively and active discussions were held.
Although we confirmed that it remained our future challenge to make more efforts to improve
mutual understanding of the specific ways of advancing these practical works, we could earn
high evaluations from ASEAN countries on the results of our activities for this year and also
gain agreement in principle on the policy for advancing the project in the years to come.
Opening address (Delegates of the countries surveyed and the organizations concerned)
Summary Workshop
Session 1: Major industries
- Activity report of this year/results and evaluations
- Evaluation and future improvement of local activities
- Country initiatives towards the preparation of TD and status / plan of Database
- Status of preparation for TD and Database for major industries in ASEAN
- Policy for approaches to be taken after next year.
Session 2: Buildings
Session 3: Energy management
Post Workshop
Session 1: Summary of discussions held in Summary Workshop for each project
Session 2: Basic implementation plan for years after next
In the current fiscal year, with an aim to support ASEAN countries in the establishment of a
firm foundation for developing continuous energy conservation activities, we improved the level
of our activities, requesting them to further make self-help efforts. As we could gain cooperation
in our activities from all the participating countries, we successfully made significant results. On
the other hand, we recognized the necessity to gain further understanding of our improved
activities and build a system in each country so that they could fully respond to us. Thus, our
future task was clarified. At the same time, we appreciate such identification of our future issue
as a step forward in our activities, because it looked emerging when our project made
substantial advance and results.
Finally, we hereby would like to thank all those at ACE along with the organizations and
companies concerned in each country for their all-out cooperation.
Abbreviation list
Ⅰ. Purpose and Background of the Project
This project generally aims to contribute to the promotion of energy conservation and
environmental protection in Southeast Asian countries by helping promote energy
conservation measures in the major industries in the countries concerned through providing
support for activities on the ASEAN with the view to promote and disseminate technologies
for the efficient use of energy in the major industrial fields.
This project was set up in 2000 with ASEAN Center for Energy as the core organization,
with the aim of reducing ever-increasing energy consumption in the industrial sectors in the
ASEAN region. ASEAN call this project PROMEEC (Major Industries). PROMEEC is an
abbreviation of “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation” and a cooperative
project with Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry certified by the conference of
ministers of energy-related ministries of 10 ASEAN countries. We are providing support for
the promotion of energy conservation in the industrial sectors of ASEAN countries in the
aspects of technology and management through the activities of the project.
The current year is positioned as a second year of the activities to be developed in the
second stage, with the understanding that this cooperative project are advanced in the 3
stages based on the discussions held to date with ASEAN countries including ACE.
Through the activities we developed in all ASEAN countries by March 2004 in the first
stage, we could build a foundation for developing energy conservation activities on an equal
footing with ASEAN countries.
1st stage: Transfer of technologies and experiences from Japan to ASEAN countries
(Completed in 2003)
2nd stage: Japan-ASEAN joint implementation of improvement plans in each country and
promotion in other countries
3rd stage: Promotion of energy conservation with independent efforts by ASEAN countries
Starting in last year, we began to create a basis for advancing implementation and
dissemination of energy conservation based on the prepared foundation. In short, our
activities are centered at follow-up surveys on the factories that underwent energy audit in
the past, the creation of Technical Directory and the development of Database/ Benchmark
/Guideline for each category of industry. In the current fiscal year, we developed such
activities mentioned above targeting the garment industry in Cambodia, the steel industry in
Philippines, the pulp & paper industry in Indonesia and the Cement Industry in Brunei
In the respective countries, we conducted follow-up surveys on the factories that underwent
an energy audit in the past to grasp the progress and the issues lying in the implementation
of improvement plans and also OJT-based walk through energy audits of newly selected
factories jointly with local people involved. In addition, we held seminar- workshop in
which we invited instructors from a government agency or factories of several categories of
business in the host country and other countries to introduce successful cases of
implemented improvement plans and cases of cutting-edge energy conservation technology
to further raise the awareness of energy conservation among ASEAN countries. The concept
for promoting the creation of Technical Directory and Database/Benchmark/Guideline for
the use of each country and practical preparation activities were discussed and the future
direction was determined. These activities are intended to serve as the core work for
establishing the foundation for promoting energy conservation in the respective countries
subject to the survey and to establish networks to promote it to other countries.
In the end, we held Summary Workshop bringing together delegates of the respective
countries to share the results and achievements of the activities made in the respective
countries and to discuss the basic plan for future activities.
∐. Cambodia (Garment Industry)
The follow-up energy audits of the companies that had performed energy audits in Phase I (Dec.
2002 and Feb. 2003) were conducted, and the Seminar-Workshop was held in Phnom Penh
(Cambodia), which involved the results of follow-up energy audits and the presentations on
practical examples for energy conservation in various industries.
This time, the energy audits were carried out in two garment factories as a follow-up and newly
walk through energy audit in one garment factory.
In the inception workshop held in June 2005, it was agreed that, starting this fiscal year, the
MIME should play a leading role in conducting follow-ups and reporting the results. However,
the ECCJ eventually had to have an initiative instead. Furthermore, the problems were that,
when we visited two garment factories, questionnaires, which had been sent to the MIME via
the ACE prior to the visit, had not reached two factories. Therefore, it took long time obtaining
and confirmation of the answers.
Here, we describe two garment companies as “Company A” and “Company B” according to
demand of these companies.
∐ -1
Aug. 26 (Fri.): Seminar-Workshop
∐ -2
Situation of Cambodia
∐ -3
2. Follow-up Survey of the Garment Factory of Company A
2.1 Outline of Garment Factory of Company A
Figure ∐-2-1 shows a flow chart of the manufacturing process and utilization of energy in a
typical garment factory. Company A has adopted a similar manufacturing process.
∐ -4
Original cloth
Paper matrix
Labels &
Lighting Packing
Compressed Steam
2) Facilities
Boilers: No.1 boiler: Once-through boiler 783kg/h
No.2boiler: Once-through boiler 500kg/h (suspended)
No.3 boiler: Once-through boiler 300kg/h (suspended)
No.4 boiler: Once-through boiler 783kg/h (in operation)
Power receiving equipment: 22kV (Transformer: 22kV/400-230V, 1500kVA,
one transformer)
Air compressors: No. 1 compressor = 12.95m3/min×85.9kW, reservoir tank 1m3
No. 2 and No. 3 compressors were removed.
No.4 compressor (New) = 75kW plus a reservoir tank 0.3m3
Other facilities: Cutters, sewing machines, steam irons, lighting fixtures, air
conditioners, etc.
3) Energy consumption
Table ∐-2-1 shows the production and each type of energy consumption of 2001 and 2004.
∐ -5
Table ∐-2-1 Energy consumption (2001 and 2004)
2.2 Outline of the Results of Previous Energy Audit on Garment Factory owned by Company A
The items suggested for improvement at the previous audit were as follows:
(1) Utilize recycled drain from ironing process for water supply to boiler or for heating.
The recycled drain from the ironing process had not been effectively utilized, but just
disposed. Effective utilization of the drain will contribute to saving about 7 kL/y of fuel
(2) Heat insulation of the bare piping lay between boilers, steam headers and the factory.
Binding a 60m bare 40A pipes with a 30mm thick heat insulator can save about 7.2 kL/y of
fuel oil.
(3) Energy conservation by introducing a device controlling the number of air compressors in
Of the three air compressors (75kW: 1 unit, 37 kW: 2 units), 75kW type has always been in
operation and repeating a cycle of loading and unloading. Therefore, we suggested an
introduction of a system to control On/Off operation of multiple air compressors through the
∐ -6
use of the pressure of a newly installed reservoir tank. It was estimated to reduce about
(4) Energy conservation by relocating lighting fixtures
The cutting and sewing rooms are provided with both ceiling and pendant fluorescent lights.
By lowering the position of those pendant lights, the number of fluorescent lights can be
reduced. Reduction of about 47MWh per year is possible.
∐ -7
sent to the MIME prior to the visit, had not reached the factory. Although the factory was
very cooperative to the investigation, the investigation efficiency was poor because they had
no time to prepare their answers to the questionnaire. The team conducted a walk through
energy audit of the factory in the morning, Aug. 22, and made question-and-answer in the
afternoon about production and energy consumption etc. The team agreed that some data
would be received next day because it took time. In the morning of Aug. 23, Audit team
visited there again to receive the answers, audited again the checkpoints on job site and
measured the temperature and illumination, etc.
Compared with the previous investigation of the factory (December 2002 and February
2003), the production process (receiving textile stuff, cutting, sewing, ironing, packing and
shipping) as well as operational methods were basically unchanged, but the production in
quantity over 40%, and partial improvements (renewal of air compressors, improved air
conditioning system, recycling of steam drain, etc.) have already been made. As a result,
primary fuel/electricity units significantly decreased, approximately 30% and 12% down,
As for recycling of steam drain, they seem to have followed previous suggestion. Following
the suggestion about air compressors, they adopted a high-efficiency model. The steam
pipes have been partially insulated, but the lighting fixtures have been untouched.
Relevant technical explanations on this matter are shown in an attached document No.
D-116 “Follow up of Energy Audit EE&C Activities in Garment Industries, Cambodia”.
In addition, there were not any documents received from Company A.
∐ -8
(k Dozens)
2001 2004
0.200 4.000
0.150 3.000
0.100 2.000
0.050 Fuel 1.000
0.000 0.000
2001 Year 2004
Figure ∐-2-4 Change in primary energy unit (Comparison between 2001 and 2004)
∐ -9
The energy audit team highly evaluated C/P’s understanding of the importance of energy
conservation. It is expected him to set up a measurement system and develop persuasive
activities based on quantitative data.
The energy audit team obtained the results shown in Table ∐-2-2 through questions and
answers as well as on-site investigation to grasp each type of electricity consumption. In the
factory, the team checked specifications and the number of equipment, readout electric
power and consumption indicated by the electric switchboard, the control panel, etc., and
estimated the consumption by taking into account the information obtained from the Q&A
sessions. The estimation would be helpful for participants in the MIME and C/P of
Company A.
In the future, it is necessary to grasp the kaleidoscopic changes quantitatively.
Consequently, the point at issue will become clear, and they must be able to take measures,
more easily.
∐ - 10
pressure of about 0.5MPa at the time of energy audit. No. 1 and No. 2 compressors had
been removed. Figure ∐-2-5 shows the present configuration of air compressors.
No.1 Compressor
Screw type 100Hp R.T New factory
85.9kW (Input) (75kW) 1.0m
The compressed air was sent to the sewing process (the four sewing sections: each section
had about 500 sewing machines, half of which were those which feed thread cut by the
compressed air. At the inlet of each sewing machine, there was a regulator controlling the
outlet pressure at the setting of about 0.4MPa. Although ECCJ experts had suggested
improvements previously, the audit team again placed an emphasis on the following
1) Decreasing the outlet pressure
The pressure of the regulator seemed higher than necessary, so we suggested that they
should perform a test to find whether or not decreasing the pressure of the regulator would
create a problem. If the regulator pressure is decreased, the outlet pressure of the air
compressor can be decreased. This will lead to energy conservation. For example, when
the outlet pressure is lowered from 0.5MPa to 0.45MPa, the electricity consumption will
be decreased about 6%.
2) Looped piping
If the ends of the branched piping are connected in a loop to decrease the loss of piping
pressure, the distribution of the pressure in the factory can be leveled out and piping
pressure loss can also been reduced.
3) Prevention of air leakage
Check air leakage and repair a leaking place. The team insisted that it was difficult to
decrease the amount of leakage to less than 5%, but possible to decrease it to 5% easily.
Decreasing the amount of leakage directly reflects electricity conservation. C/P of
Company A said that his superior had instructed him to consider the modification of the
piping of the compressor outlets
∐ - 11
(4) Lighting fixtures
1) Improvement of the illumination in the workplace
ECCJ suggested that the position of lighting fixtures should be lowered in the workplace
at the previous investigation but they have not done it yet this time. Operations using
sewing machines belong to detail work, so insufficient illumination negatively affects
operation efficiency and reduces yield. The measurement of illumination at a considerably
dark place indicates 400Lux, which was a little low from the viewpoint of the Japanese
Industrial Standards (JIS). Comparing with the standards, desirable illumination is about
The illumination is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. If the position of
pendant lamps is lowered by 500 mm as we suggested, the distance decreases from 1,800
mm to 1,300 mm, and the illumination becomes as follows:
This value almost satisfies the abovementioned standard. This should be considered
continuously. In contrast, in the rooms where additional fluorescent lights were installed at
a lower position, the ceiling lights might be turned out. In addition, we thought it was
brighter than necessary near the windows, in the warehouses, and packaging and shipping
rooms. However, C/P of Company A explained such high illumination was necessary for
CCD-type surveillance TV cameras.
2) Installing refractors
By installing aluminum mirror refractors and specially coated refractors, actual
illumination can be improved. Figure ∐-2-6 shows the examples of improved reflectance.
In this case, a 1.5-times improved reflectance is obtained. Various types of refractors
attached to lighting fixtures are available and some of them are directly attached to
fluorescent lamps.
3) Adopting high-efficiency fluorescent lights at the time of replacement
For fluorescent lights, the use of the Hf (high-frequency lighting lamps) enables further
energy conservation. Through the use of high-frequency lamps, various illumination
adjustment functions can be added.
∐ - 12
White painting refractor Aluminum mirror refractor Improved mirror refractor
60% 70% 95%
∐ - 13
when considering the number of the workforce in the room.
On the other hand, there were air conditioners (64 units, 1.5kW each) in each room of the
office. We suggested that they should increase the preset temperature (20℃).
∐ - 14
Through these measures, they will know how to challenge other issues for energy
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (h)
(9) Summary of energy conservation activities for the past three years through follow-up
For the four improvements for which ECCJ made suggestions at the previous investigation,
mentioned in 2.2, Table ∐-2-3 shows the survey results at this follow-up.
Table Ⅱ-2-3 Results of energy conservation activities performed on the items suggested for
improvement at the previous survey
∐ - 15
3. Walk-through Energy Audit of the Garment Factory of Company B
At the meeting in the morning of Aug. 23, the counterpart of Company A made a sudden
request, saying “Your advice and recommendations are very helpful. A new factory of another
company that belongs to the same group has started operation. So, would you kindly pay a
short visit there and tell us any points to be improved?” We discussed it with the MIME and
accepted the request.
We stayed the factory for a little more than one hour. First, we toured the factory and then
explained the items to be improved for energy conservation.
∐ - 16
The ceiling seemed to be about two stories high and for the air cooling system, “the air
cooling draft system by dripping water”, the same as that of Company A, was introduced.
Transparent vinyl sheets were hanging from the ceiling at intervals of ten meters, so the
airflow was limited within some meters above the floor of the working place. We felt the
airflow and found that it produced comfortable environment.
2) Ironing process
Like the factory of Company A, two pipes for supplying and returning steam were installed,
to which two flexible pipes with small diameter from each ironing machine were connected.
We could not find how drain recovery was performed, but the effective use of drain was not
conducted at present.
3) Air compressors
Also like the factory of Company A, Screw compressors manufactured by Hitachi Co., Ltd.
have been installed. The outlet pressure was set at about 0.67MPa, a little high value.
4) Boilers
Fuel oils were used (there were the tanks marked as Petronas, a petroleum company in
Malaysia). The heat insulator was attached only to the bodies of the boilers but heat
recovery drain has not been performed. Headers were arranged in the near the boilers, and
the drain from the lower part of the boiler was discharged to the nearby street via the steam
trap, and a cloud of steam was rising.
∐ - 17
4.Follow-up Survey of the Garment Factory of M&V International Manufacturing Ltd.
(2) Manufacturing process of the sewing (knitting) factory and energy consumption
The results of this follow-up visit are described compared with those at the previous
examination as follows:
1) Outline of operations
The factory (MV3) manufactures only sweaters under the management of the headquarters
located in Macao, China. The MV3 did not have detailed data as previous investigation
because the headquarters control the organizations for production and the factory only
manufactured under the order of the headquarters.
M&V International Manufacturing Ltd. was established in 1994 and the MV3 factory
started operation in 1997. The annual production increased from 5.1 million (2001) to 8.3
million (2004). The production is mainly winter clothes, so production decreases in the
winter. All of the manufactured products are exported to the U.S.A., EU, etc.
Energy sources are electricity and oil products, and self-generated electricity by a diesel
generator is mainly used. Electricity for nighttime lighting etc. is purchased from the EDC
(Electricite du Cambodge, a Cambodian government-owned company). For the boilers,
river water and heavy oil are used. The above-mentioned state hardly changed compared
with that of the previous investigation three years ago.
Figure∐-4-1 shows a flow chart of manufacturing process of the sewing (knitting) factory
and of energy used.
∐ - 18
Original cloth
(Knitting yarn)
Diesel oil
Electricity Water Fuel oil
Figure Ⅱ-4-1 Flow chat of manufacturing process of the sewing (knitting) factory
and of energy used
2) Facilities
Boilers: No. 1 boiler horizontal fire-tube boiler 4,200kg/h
No. 2 boiler once-through boiler 1,560kg/h
No. 3 boiler once-through boiler 783kg/h
No. 4 boiler horizontal fire-tube boiler 6,000kg/h
Generators: Of three generators, No. 2&3 Diesel generators were operating
Power receiving equipment: 380V (no transmitter)
The facilities of the sewing (knitting) factory consists of dyeing equipment, washing
machines, dryers, sewing machines, knitting machines, irons, lighting fixtures, air
conditioners, and water treatment facilities, etc.
3) Energy consumption
Table ∐-4-1 shows each type of energy consumption in 2002.
∐ - 19
Table Ⅱ-4-1 Energy consumption (2001- 2004)
Year 2001 2003 2004
Production 5.10 (100) 6.50 (127) 8.30 (165)
million pieces/y, and (ratio)
Energy consumption
Heavy oil (for boilers) kL/y 928 1,044 1,152
Light oil (for generation) kL/y 480 536 592
Electricity (purchased power) MWh/y 214 unknown unknown
Primary energy unit
Heavy oil (for boilers) L/piece (ratio) 0.182 (100) 0.161 (89) 0.139 (76.3)
Light oil (for generation) L/piece (ratio) 0.094 (100) 0.082 (87) 0.071 (75.8)
Unit price of energy
Heavy oil (for boilers) US$0.25/L
Light oil (for generation) US$0.35/L US$0.60/L
Electricity (purchased power) US$0.152/kWh
4.2 Outline of the Results of the Previous Energy Audit on M&V3 Garment (Knitting) Factory
The items suggested for improvement at the previous energy audit were as follows:
∐ - 20
We thought the M&W3 factory was not cooperative in the investigation, probably due to
busyness. A technical engineer who accompanied us spoke only Chinese, while a person in
charge of general affairs translated in English, Khmer and Chinese, but did not know much
about technical terms, so the efficiency in communication was bad.
This factory did not receive the questionnaire either that we had sent to the MINE via ACE
prior to the investigation, so we could not obtain sufficient data in spite of our request. We
were told that only the headquarters in China grasped the statistic data. Consequently, we
only confirmed the production and consumption of fuels in 2003 and 2004. Furthermore,
we were prohibited from entering more areas than at the previous investigation. We only
saw the generators, boilers and passed by the yard for packaging and ironing. We just
conducted a simple follow-up audit investigation for a short time.
∐ - 21
previous visit, we obtained data of 2001 and, this time, data of 2003 and 2004. These data
showed that production steadily increased, which was the main cause of a large decrease in
the primary energy unit. They didn’t seem to invest exclusively for energy conservation.
The number of enrolled employees was 3,000 in 2001 and presently 3,200, which showed
no big difference.
Heavy oil
10,000 1,500 Diesel oil
Fuel (KL)
(k pieces)
6,000 1,000
4,000 500
0 0
2001 2003 2004 2001 2003 2004
Year Year
0.200 0.100
0.150 0.080
Heavy oil
Diesel oil
Diesel oil
0.050 Heavy oil 0.020
0.000 0.000
2001 2003 2004
∐ - 22
(2) Management of energy
Due to an increase in production, the primary energy unit has been greatly improved as
mentioned above, but we had no impression that the factory’s system of energy
management was excellent. However, for electricity consumption, it seemed that the
instantaneous value of a control board meter was obtained several times a day as mentioned
below, but due to lack of explanation, it was unknown how they analyzed and used the
measurements. Relevant items are described below.
1) Seasonal change
The products are exported mainly to the U.S., etc.; accordingly demand varies with
seasons. The production changes proportionally. The peak production period is from April
through October and other period is off-peak production period. Since there is a big gap
between the peak and off-peak periods (the number of employees in clock hours varies
with the number of enrolled employees), therefore, it is impossible to grasp the data
throughout the year only by obtaining instantaneous values of electricity consumption.
2) Change in electricity consumption during a day
It was in the peak consumption period. For example, the time-series values of electricity
measured yesterday (Aug. 24) varied as follows (The production was 30,000pieces.):
07:00 - 11:00 630kW (full operation) self-generation
11:00 - 12:30 380kW (during lunch time) ditto
12:30 - 16:30 630kW (full operation) ditto
16:30 - 21:00 470kW (operation) ditto
21:00 - 07:00 ? (Electricity consumed for the safety purpose,
purchased power)
Figure II-4-4 shows a daily load curve (graph) based on the values read by this wattmeter.
This graph will enable to grasp general tendency of electricity consumption.
∐ - 23
70 0
60 0
Power (k W )
50 0
40 0
30 0
20 0
10 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time ( h )
3) Fuel price
Compared with data in 2001, the price of fuels has increased. For the price of electricity,
the present price of light oil is US$0.6/L. If 1 liter of light oil could generate 4kWh of
electricity, it costs US$0.15 per 1kWh.
∐ - 24
109℃ on the surface of the external wall of pipes for exhaust gases.
(6) Summary of the results of the follow-up investigation of energy conservation in the past
three years
Table II-4-2 indicates the follow-up investigation results of the three items of 5.2 whose
improvement was suggested at the previous audits.
Table II-4-2 Results of energy conservation activities performed in order to resolve the items
suggested for improvement at the previous audits
∐ - 25
5. Seminar and Workshop
5. 1 Summary
The seminar and workshop was held on Aug. 26 (Friday), 2005.
Dr. Sat Samy, Under Secretary of State of Cambodia delivered an opening address, while
Mr. Tun Lean, Director General, General Department of Energy, MIME (Ministry of
Industry, Mines and Energy) gave a closing address. Less than 60 serious people took part
in the seminar and workshop. The fruitful meeting ended successfully.
(2) Venue
Phnom Penh Hotel, 1F Crystal Ball Room, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
∐ - 26
us a list of participants as an electronic file within one week, but have not received it
ACE (ASEAN Center for Energy):
Mr. Christopher Zamora, Project Manager
Mr. Ivan Ismed, Project Officer
Mr. Nor Hisham Sabran, Technical Assistant, Energy Industry & Sustainable
Development, Division – MIEEP, Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM)
Lao PDR:
Mr. Vanthong Khamloonvylayvong, Deputy Manager of Nam Ngum Hydropower
Plant, Electricite du Laos (EDL)
Mr. Subagyo, Supervisor, Pencana dan Evaluasi Produksi, PT Kertas Leces (Persero)
Mr. Le Tuan Phong, Official on Energy and Environment, Ministry of Industry,
Science and Technology Department
Japan: International Engineering Department, ECCJ
Messrs. Mr. Fumio Ogawa, Mr. Hisashi Amano and Hideyuki Tanaka,
Technical Experts
∐ - 27
Dr. Sat Samy, Under Secretary of State, gave a speech in Khmer. He emphasized reduction
of the rising cost of oil by means of energy conservation to achieve competitiveness, and
necessity of further energy conservation and measures against global warming, by gaining
and utilizing new knowledge through a seminar. (English version was distributed.)
This ceremony was covered and filmed by the TVK (Cambodian TV) and the Cambodia
Daily (an English newspaper). After that, photographs were taken.
1) Follow-up Energy Audit Findings at Garment Factories - Mr. Bora, Mr. Amano (Material
No. D-116)
We had previously agreed that the members of the host country would play a leading role in
conducting a follow-up and make a presentation at the workshop. However, for Cambodia,
it was difficult in terms of the willingness and capabilities of the MINE. Therefore, ECCJ
∐ - 28
prepared Materials for this theme and asked Mr. Bora of the MIME to make a presentation
of the first part (three sheets of slides) (He explained it in Khmer). Mr. Amano made a
presentation of the remaining.
For the presentation of the follow-up, Company A asked us “not to reveal the name and
details of the company.” So, concerning Company A and M&V, we were forced to make a
vague expression, such as “These things generally apply to garment factories in Cambodia.”
The audience (including many in the same trade) was greatly interested in this topic and we
thought the presentation sufficiently satisfied their interest.
2) Barriers and Measures to implement EE&C - Mr. Ogawa (Material No. D-117)
Using the last year’s documents, he explained the topic, based on garment industries in
Cambodia as well as quoting the presentations made by other persons on the day.
(4) Workshop
1) Technical Directory - Mr. Tanaka (Material No. D-118)
He explained the purpose of TD, its preparation and format, etc. and presented examples in
order to give better understanding. Mr. Ivan was newly employed, so Mr. Zamora told
“ACE will be in charge of this matter from now on.”
2) Database/Benchmark/Guideline for Industry - Mr. Ogawa (Material No. D-119)
He made a brief explanation on this topic because its priority was lower than TD and the
garment industry in Cambodia was not well developed yet.
Q: Which should cover a leading part, provider or user, in responsibility for promoting
energy conservation (EC)?
A: Both. In Cambodia, it is practical that the user side of energy makes efforts to reduce the
consumption of energy.
Q: What are the criteria when choosing the equipment for EC?
A: The technical directory (TD) will help you choose the equipment in the future, not
presently. It is because the TD is based on the users’ experiences, which is different from
a manufacturer’s catalogue.
∐ - 29
The workshop ended after Mr. Tun Lean, Director General of General Department of
Energy, the MIME, delivered a closing speech in English. (The handout was provided to the
∐ - 30
Ⅲ. Philippines (Steel Industry)
We have held seminar and workshop that included follow-up energy conservation audit of
Company C, with whom we have conducted Phase I (Feb 10-14, 2003), follow-up of Feb 2004 and
Feb 2005 JETRO-JEXSA energy audit of Primary Steel Co. and presentation of examples of energy
conservation efforts in various industries in the Metro Manila, Philippines.
Actually, we will describe one company name as “Company C” according to the agreement at
Phase I.
Department of Energy (DOE) of the Philippine Government was to mandated to take the initiative
in conducting follow-up energy audit and assessment reporting at Inception Workshop at
Philippines, June 2005, however, ECCJ had to have initiatives instead.
Mr. Marlon R.U. Domingo, Sr. Science Research Specialist, Energy Efficiency Division
(The Focal Point in the Philippines)
Mr. Michel Estrada, Energy Efficiency Division
Department of Science and Technology (DOST)
Mr. Oscarlito Malvar, Science Research Specialist, Fuels and Energy Division
Ms. Rochell, Fuels and Energy Davison
Japan: International Engineering Department, ECCJ
Mr. Fumio Ogawa, Technical Expert
Mr. Hisashi Amano, Technical Experts
Mr. Hideyuki Tanaka, Technical Expert
Current Situations of Philippines
(1) General
- Area: 299,404km2 (80% of total area of Japan): Comprised of 7,109 islands
- Population: 81.5 million (2003 World Bank data)
- Religion: Roman Catholics 83%, Other Christian Sects 10%, Islamic 5%
- Constitution; Constitutional Republican Form of Government
- Economy: Major Industries: Agriculture and Fisheries (Approx. 37% of the entire work
GDP per Capita: 1,050 US dollars (2003)
Economic Growth: 4.5% (2003)
Currency: Philippine Peso, approx. 2 yen (June 2005)
Trade (2003):
Export: Electronic, electric machinery and tools, transportation
equipment to US, Japan, and the Netherlands: Export value
35.75 billion US dollars.
Import: Communications and electric machinery and tools,
electronic parts, heavy electric equipment for generation,
etc. imported from Japan, US and Korea: Import value
37.45 billion US dollars
- Economic Condition: In gradual recovery since Asian currency crisis. Recorded GDP
growth rate of 4.5% in 2003: Government Objective of 4.2 - 5.2% was met. To
sustain growth, economic structural reform, elimination of budget deficit,
disposal of bad debts, and restoration of civil order are necessary to secure
public/international confidence in Philippine economy.
(2) Energy Situations
The self-supplied primary energy in Philippines was 56%, such as the renewable energy
(RE), geothermal energy, hydropower and natural gases. Import of oil and gas was 44%.
The energy consumption in industry sector was 26.5Mtoe/y, 31% of total (2003).
The electricity price, varying in region, was US$0.12/kWh in Metro Manila in 2005. The
prices of gasoline and light oil were US$0.57/L and US$0.52/L each.
2. Follow-up Survey of Rolling Mill Factory of Company C
2) Facilities
Billet Yard: Out of door, 2 gantry cranes
Reheating Furnace:
Type: Walking beam, bunker oil burning with recuperator
Capacity: 65t/h max. 12mL billet
Burner: Two-row configuration
Rolling Mill: 18-stand tandem, horizontal/vertical type, linear array
Incidental Equipment: Continuous quenching equipment, cooling bed, and automatic binder,
Power Receiving Equip.: Transformers: 4 units
Air Compressors: 6 units
Cooling water supply and water treatment: 1 unit
Also emergency power source, illumination and air conditioning as devices for rolling mill
facilities were equipped.
3) Energy consumption
Relationship between output of the rolling mill and energy consumption is presented in Table
In addition, the Mill uses LPG and oxygen (billet cutting) and diesel oil for emergency
private electric generator.
the unit consumption of fuel further, installation of regenerative burners was recommended.
Since the regenerator in the regenerative burner system is heated by the exhaust gas of high
temperature as opposed to the recuperator uses the furnace exhaust gas, which has lost some
heat in the preheating zone and ducts as the source of heat in heat exchange with the
combustion air, the former generates preheated air of higher temperature, raising the energy
conservation effect by 10 to 20%.
(3) Power factor improvement through deployment of MERALCO Receiving Power Factor
Enhancement System.
The mean receiving power factor for 2002 was 94.25%. When raised to 100%, about
US$22,560/y in power factor discount can be realized. Investment required may be recovered
in approximately 4 and half years.
Though demand power reduction or power factor improvement does not directly result in
energy conservation in the user’s side, such measures are beneficial for energy conservation of
the supplier of the power.
Visited the rolling mill factory of the Company C for 2 days of monitoring of implementation of
the Phase I recommendations and additional other miscellaneous activities.
Even though the first visiting day happened to be a State holiday and the mill scheduled to be
closed, however, the corporate management acceded to DOE request and received the survey
team. In spite of the holiday, all of the necessary personnel was present and cordially received
the surveyors.
(1) Date of energy audit: Mon, Aug 29, 2005 Company C Plant Visit (follow-up)
Tue Aug 30, 2005 Company C Plant Visit (follow-up)
has been mailed prior to the visit (Material No. D-105E). On the second day on August 30, we
have made rounds of the mill again and quantitatively monitored electrical equipment.
Subsequently, we have summarized our findings and presented them.
Because Energy Management Team was put in place only in May of this year, the results of
improvement effort implemented since the last visit have been somewhat ambiguous, but they
were good enough to expect future improvements. We believe that achievements such as we
noted were due to Senior Manager’s visit to Japan as one of members for “FY2005 Trainee
Invitational Program under International Energy Use Rationalization Measures for the
Philippines (ECPH)” held in June, 2005.
Technical details of the present summary may be found in the attached “Follow-up of Energy
Audit EE&C Activities in Steel Industry, Philippines”. (Material No. D-126 (1) & (2))
25,000 Electricity
Energy consumption
(KL, MWh)
2002 2003 2004
Energy intensity
40.0 120.0
Heavy oil
20.0 60.0
Heavy oil 40.0
10.0 Electricity
0.0 0.0
2002 2003 2004
(2) Energy management activities
The Company has taken a step in May 2005 toward systematic activities in internal energy
conservation by organizing the Energy Management Team. The team membership consists of
representatives of departments and meets on a weekly basis. The team leader is Senior
Manager as mentioned above.
The Company intends to make full use of training Senior Manager received in Japan in June
2005. As a starting point, the Company has decided to focus on “minimization of downtime
energy consumption and in ‘awareness-raising’ of employees in general toward energy
(3) Furnace air ratio control and heat recovery from exhaust gas
1) Installation of regenerative burner
No action has been taken on this matter. The Company explained that fuel conservation of
the existing recuperator is 30% and apparently is satisfied with its performance.
In actuality, the temperature of the exhaust gas at the recuperator intake port is 700℃ and
temperature of the furnace air supply is raised from 30℃ to 350℃. Some times it reaches
400℃ (however, under these conditions, fuel saving should be in the 20% level at the
While regenerative burner is effective, and installation of regenerative burner system by
Japanese manufacturers is possible in newly constructed furnace, decision is a difficult one
because conversion is costly due to the equipment price and necessity for operational
shutdown during the period of conversion.
We do hope that Company C considers it important to keep the project on the agenda for the
since we have not determined the oxygen content at the air intake of the recuperator, we
disregarded air leakage at the billet charge and discharge ports, furnace body and ducts. The
result of the calculation indicated that, of the preheated air in the recuperator, leakage rate
into the exhaust gas was 17% when the oxygen content was 5% at the throat of the stack,
23% when the oxygen content was 6% and 28% when the oxygen content was 7%.
We expect the Energy Management Team to take this matter seriously and inspect the
recuperator and repair any deficiencies it might find.
(4) Demand control (maximal power control) at the power receiving station
Recommendation was not implemented; however, it is true that reactivation of M-II altered the
condition and the issue needs to be reconsidered.
The electric power charge is composed of the combination of basic charge and metered charge.
The basic charge is imposed on monthly maximum power consumption measured in terms of
15-minute demands. The time period of 15 minutes is too short to render control by means of
manned watch. Thus, deployment of automatic measurement system is appropriate and
functional integration into the factory automation system (FAS) is recommended.
While it is conceivable to utilize the demand meter system recommended in the 2003 Phase I
energy audit, functional integration into the FAS that is a control system for production
facilities may be superior, in consideration for future expansion of the control functions.
On the other hand, daily power consumption control is also important. It may be implemented
on the basis of various power indications in the power distribution system.
The simpler approach is to read off various cumulative power consumption indications at the
same time period on a daily basis, calculate the differences with the readings of the previous
day and summarize the results by Department. This method would generate clues for further
approaches to energy conservation. Data so obtained could also be used to generate the daily
load curve of power consumption.
In order to obtain more detailed equipment data for examining energy conservation, power
measurements would be required.
A condenser was already installed directly after installation of the transformer. Therefore, effect
generated by the power factor improvement on the loading side is limited to the improvement
in ohm-loss in the power distribution line.
The Company indicated that they would take care of larger motors. In this respect, we have
made some calculations based on measurements made on August 30.
Transmission loss, W(kW) is approximated by formulas presented below:
W = Voltage drop rate×apparent power = (∆V/V) × (P/cos φ)
∆V = Voltage drop rate, V = line Voltage, P = load power, cosφ = power factor, P/cosφ =
apparent power
The results of the estimation are shown in Table Ⅲ-2-3.
Distribution loss due to pumps and compressors is below several percent of the load power.
Such values are within the allowable range and installing a condenser on the motor for the
purpose of improvement of power factor is not a wise policy.
(6) Energy conservation measures for air compressors
1) Reduction of number of air compressors in operation
No air compressor consolidation system was provided.
Company C has appealed that it would like to start working on the compressor issue with
minor refitting (changeover of control valves, etc.) for rationalization of piping and work on
such matters as revolution frequency in the future.
Company C air compressor configuration includes four 200hp and two 100hp units.
Difference in deployment number came about as a result of reactivation of M-II. When M-II
was inactive, all air compressors were moved to M-I for concentration.
At this point, we have described an approach to determine the required capability and focal
points in controlling the number of units of air compressor in operation in the following
While the air compressor configuration is four 200hp and two 100hp units, however, we
assume that actual operating requirement may be met with two 200hp and one 100hp units.
Calculate the actual load rate requirement in routine operation in terms of load time T1 and
unload time T2 and apply them in the following formula for estimation:
Load ratio = T1/(T1+T2)
Compressor discharge rate = Load ratio × rated value
On the basis of the results of above calculations and rated output, assign main units for rated
operation and sub-units for load/unload operation. In operation control, customary approach
is to use a unit number control panel, but it is possible to accomplish the objective through
adjustment of discharge pressure control values of each unit. By narrowing the range of
controllable pressure of the sub-units in comparison with the main units, they can serve as
load/unload units, respectively.
2) Determination of leakage and control measures
To facilitate this operational mode, it is necessary to locate leaks and repair the exit side of
piping system. Company C side has told us that the company has “conducted piping
inspection based on the steps planned by the Energy Management Team approximately 2
weeks ago. Some 50 leaks were found”. In that case, it would be possible to lower the
pressure on the exit side provided leaks are repaired.
In any compressed air system, invent in a newly installed system, there is generally leakage
of 3 to 5%, exceed 10% as a function of aging and even reach 35%. Leaks principally
develop in connecting parts of piping (corrosion of the flange, deterioration and development
of gaps in the gasket, loosening of bolts, etc.), sealed area of devices (rubber or metal seal on
an elastic body), slackening or break of the hose and incomplete closing of the valves.
Quantitative determination of leakage may be accomplished through measurement of loading
factor in operation of the compressor system when the mill is not in operation.
3) Placement of compressors
The air pressurized by the compressor is delivered with pressure to the terminal equipment
through piping and is subjected to loss of pressure and flow (leaks) under delivery.
Thus, needlessly distant delivery with pressure is not always warranted. That is, it is possible
to have an instance in which it is more effective in terms of energy conservation to set up
multiple independent compression systems according to the load.
In addition, other miscellaneous measures such as looping of branching pipes, placement of
receiver tank in locally heavy loaded area, etc. is possible against loss of pressure. Timely
response is desirable.
4) Reduction of discharge pressure
The discharge pressure control of the compressor is set at a rather high level of 100 to 110psi
(0.7 – 0.77MPa). Company C side explained that this high level of compression is needed to
maintain the terminal equipment pressure in M-II Mill, 300m far from compressor room. A
close study may reveal that it would be necessary to reinstall the compressors for M-II in the
original location.
In decreasing the discharge pressure of the compressors and determining the optimal values,
it would be desirable to first ascertain the pressure requirement of each unit before
decreasing the pressure. For instance, discharge pressure reduction from 0.7MPa to 0.6MPa
would result in power saving of approximately 8%.
Low-pressure load: Pressure reduction by mean of reducing valve
High-pressure load: Consider pressure increase by means of boosters
For example, air blow pressure for the cleaner can be low (approximately 0.3MPa),
An abnormally high pressure of 0.85MPa was indicated on one of the receiver tanks. The
first step in data management is to conduct comparative examination immediately to do
calibration at abnormal meter readings.
5) Selecting the inverter unit (variable load-compatible type)
A throttle valve generally affects capacity control of the screw type compressor and such a
compressor consumes approximately 70% of rating under unloaded condition; partial load
property of the screw type compressor is not good. For this reason, as a sub-unit requiring
volume regulation, an inverter-controllable compressor is favorable. This topic must be on
the agenda in time of system renewal.
Figure Ⅲ-2-5 shows compressor characteristics and those under systematized operation.
Output control of compressor
Power consumpiton
Throttle valve control
Power consumption
Power saving
60 70% screw
Inverter control INV-type
Desirable control
Number control in ope.
20 M-type
0 100%
0 20 40 60 80 100
Load factor
Air consumption (%)
(8) Summary of energy conservation activities of the past 2 years as of the Follow-up visit
Concerning status of the four measures of improvement proposed in the Phase I visit for energy
audit and other miscellaneous items described in 2.2, results of the Follow-up visit are
presented in Table Ⅲ-2-3.
(9) Energy conservation measures noted at the time of the DOE visit
Energy conservation issues noted at the DOE offices are as follows:
1) English translation of Japan’s “5S” was on display on the office wall. It gave us the
impression that such Japanese approach/spirit is spreading.
2) Two bulbs of the set of 3 bulbs in the fluorescent light fixture were taken out and a large
stainless steel reflector was installed in stead.
Table Ⅲ-2-3 Energy Conservation Activities Concerning Improvement
Measures Suggested at the Time of the Phase I Visit for Energy Audit
3. Energy Audit of Rolling Mill Factory of the Primary Steel Corporation
Rolling mill of the Primary Steel Corporation is a newcomer as a subject for the energy audit under
our PROMEEC Project. Nevertheless, the energy audit visit for energy conservation guidance has
been made in February 2004 and February 2005 under the JETRO-JEXSA Project “The FY2004
Support Project for Establishment of National Steel Industry Energy Conservation Audit Program
in the Philippines”, and as such it was a de facto follow-up visit, and after that, improvement has
been made somewhat. We were given the impression that the corporate management is enthusiastic
toward taking further action in improvement effort.
Mr. Go, Vice President and Plant Manager, has been a trainee member of the ECPH Program and
visited Japan in June 2005. His awareness of the necessity of energy conservation was clear and
was very helpful toward the visiting entourage.
3.l Outline of the Rolling Mill Factory of the Primary Steel Corporation
1) Outline of corporate operation
The current products consist of steel rods for concrete reinforcement and steel rods (10、12、
16mm in diameter), square rods and small angle irons (20mm maximum), and these products
are manufactured on the OEM-basis from other corporations of the steel industry. For this
reason, clients deliver the raw materials into the mill and receive the finished products on site.
Thus, manufacturing operation of this company is simpler than independent rolling mills to the
extent of the lack of row material procurement and product transportation.
In comparison with steel rods of larger size, small rods manufacturing is less efficient in rolling
efficiency and as a result higher in energy intensity. This corporation, consequently, is
aggressive in cost-reducing efforts such as energy conservation and in its effort to expand its
involvement in smaller steel products other mills tend to avoid.
2) Facilities
Billet Pool: Outdoors, 1 unit gantry crane
Rolling Furnace Pusher type bunker oil burning furnace
Capacity: 40t/h max. 6mL billet heating is possible
Burner configuration: Two-side in heating zone, axial type of burners
in the soaking area with exhaust heat recovery recuperator
Rolling Equip. 15-stand tandem, horizontal/vertical type
Line configuration except first two roughing stages in cross-country
Cooling bed, automatic binding unit and others
Power Receptor Transformers: 4 units (34.5kV)
Air Compressors: 2 units (180kW)
Cooling water distributor and wastewater processor unit: one complete set
Miscellaneous items in the rolling mill including emergency power source, lighting and
air conditioning and others
3) Energy consumption
Relationship between output of the rolling mill and energy consumption is presented in
Table Ⅲ-3-1.
Table Ⅲ-3-1 Rolling Mill Output and Energy Consumption
Energy Intensity
Bunker Oil L/t 40.93 (100) 36.49 (89.2) 33.45 (81.7) 33.35 (81.5)
Electricity kWh/t 105.97 (100) 115.46 (109) 116.13 117.62 (111)
(Incr. over previous yr) (109.6)
Energy Price & Transition
Bunker Oil PHP/L 8.74 (100) 10.73 (123) 11.89 (136) 13.84 (158)
Electricity PHP/kWh 4.98 (100) 5.56 (112) 5.50 (110) 7.08 (142)
(Incr. over previous yr)
In addition, the Mill uses LPG and oxygen (for billet cutting) and diesel oil for emergency power
source equipment.
(1PHP = approximately 2 yen at Aug 2005)
3.2 Suggested Energy Conservation Measures for the Rolling Mill Factory
at the billet discharging port; it requires considerable work to keep outside air from entering.
The furnace and ducts also require their heat-keeping capability to be raised. The combustible
air ratio of less than 1.0 means either the furnace is operating under the assumption of having to
compensate for considerable penetration of outside air or malfunction of the indicator.
Recuperator was replaced in July 2004, but penetration of the pre-heated air in the recuperator
was detected already in February 2005. Procedure in maintenance appears to require
strengthening, now and in future.
We have made a 2-day visit of the Rolling Mill of the Corporation for the purpose of follow-up
energy audit of the status of implementation of recommendations made in the JEXSA visit and
monitoring of other activities.
Mr. Go, Vice President and the Plant Manager, has participated in the METI-ECCJ reception
training program (ECPH) of June 2005 as a trainee and was an avid believer in energy
conservation efforts. He stated that cost reduction achieved in 2004 exceeded 4 million pesos
(PHP, Philippines Peso). Also, he is planning to achieve even greater savings this year. He was
very cordial toward us, the visiting investigators.
(1) Date of the energy audit:
August 30, 2005 (Wed) Visitation of the rolling mill of Primary Steel Corp.
September 1 (Thu) Return visit of the rolling mill
3.4 Survey results
Heavy oil
160,000 20,000 Electricity
Energy consumption
120,000 15,000
Steel bar(t)
80,000 10,000
40,000 5,000
0 0
2002 2003 2004 2002 2003 2004
Year Year
50 120
Heavy oil 40 115
10 105
Heavy oil
0 Electricity 100
2002 2003 2004 2005(to July)
meter is faulty. It is necessary that Primary Steel pursue the matter at a later date.
The exhaust stack was issuing a slightly smoky gas, however the oxygen content of the
exhaust gas taken at the intake port of the recuperator (furnace exit port) indicated the level
indicative of good combustion condition within the furnace.
Since the oxygen content level of the exhaust gas at the exit port was greater than that of the
intake port by 2.4 – 3%, it was conceivable that combustion air was leaking into the exhaust
gas inside the recuperator and, as a result, the temperature of the exhaust gas at the exit port
was lowered. From the measured oxygen content, the air ratio could be roughly estimated to
be resulted by air leak of approximately 17% to flow rate of exhaust gas. This level was
sufficient enough to be remedied from the standpoint of energy conservation. We have,
accordingly, advised the corporate side “to take advantage of next plant closing to inspect the
recuperator for air leaks.” In addition, we have demonstrated a method of calculating the
exhaust gas flow rate on the basis of the characteristics of the fuel and to obtain an estimate of
leaked air.
iii) Improvement of sequencer on the insertion pusher side.
iv) Improvement of sequencer on the billet-discharging door: The door occasionally
remained open too despite the improvement. The corporate side explained that the
cause was deformation of the billets and it was unavoidable.
Pressure loss reduction in piping can be expected by looping of piping system and
eliminating leaks (reduction in flow rate). Installment of boosters where high pressure is
required must also be considered. In addition, consider whether there are other measures
to facilitate energy conservation.
2) Consideration of air compressor loading rate
There are 2 units of 250hp (186kW) air compressors installed and one of them is always in
operation (and the other in standby). Since it is constantly loaded and unloaded repeatedly, it
is conceivable that the compressor is a device of overcapacity.
i) Electrical measurements
In an effort to estimate the loading factor of the compressor, loading and unloading
time were measured and electrical measurements during periods for loading and
unloading were made. Each measurement was carried out twice and the mean values
were adopted for calculation. Table Ⅲ-3-3 presents the result of measurements.
The measurements were taken when the compressor No. 2 was in line during the
production of 10mm reinforcing bars. Discharge pressure conditions for pressure
control were set at Pmax = 0.57MPa and Pmin = 0.54MPa.
iii) Estimation of optimal rate
Efficiency of the compressor may be expressed as a ratio of its output and input in the
following manner:
η = 117.6kW/191.8kW = 0.613 (61.3%)
When the ratio of the nominal output (186kW) and the output of full load (216.5kW)
as η100, then it is
η100= 186kW/216.5kW = 0.859 (85.9%).
If the operational efficiency is 61%, installment of inverter type of air compressor is
difficult to establish as economically efficient. Thus, we have made a
recommendation to consider leak detection discussed above to determine the
measures to prevent diminution of air flow rate and pressure loss at the exit port and
to consider installation of the inverter-controlled air compressors at the time of future
occasion to replace the air compressors.
(9) Miscellaneous
1) One of inappropriate practices we noted was that defective finished products were stacked at
various places on the premises. Such a practice is serious enough to offset all the steady
efforts for energy conservation the Corporation has been accumulating over these years. We
have thus attempted to convince the corporate staff that the following efforts would be
meaningful while improving the product yield significantly contributed toward conservation
of energy.
- Reducing down time
- Increasing productivity (reducing losses) - According to Mr. Ramon, the process yield
reached 95%, however, observation of the site gave us the impression it was actually
less. We feel that raising the product yield even by 1% is needed.
2) 5S of rolling operation electrical control room
When we looked at the electrical control room of the rolling mill, we were surprised by the
cleanliness of the room. Its cleanliness made us wonder that this was in a plant and gave the
impression that not a spec of dirt could be found in the room. Mr. Go told us that the staff
decided that they should have at least one thing that they could be proud of. We expect that
this movement would affect other units of the plant, and if it does, implementation of energy
conservation would become easier in this mill.
4. Seminar and Workshop
4.1 Summary
The seminar-workshop was held on September 2, 2005.
Mr. Matanog M. Mapandi, Assistant Secretary of DOE made the opening speech. The seminar
and workshop attended by 42 participants appeared to be meaningful to attendants and may be
considered to be a successful one.
(2) Venue
Second floor Yakal Room, Dusit Hotel Nikko, Makati City, Philippines
Mr. Ghazali Talib, Energy Audit Engineer, Energy Industry & Sustainable Development
Division – MIEEIP, Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM)
Mr. Subagyo, Supervisor, Pencana dan Evaluasi Produksi, PT Kertas Leces (Persero)
Mr. Van Long, Official on Energy and Environment, Ministry of Industry, Science and
Technology Department
Japan: International Engineering Department, ECCJ
Messrs. Fumio Ogawa, Hisashi Amano and Hideyuki Tanaka, Technical Specialists
- Mr. Domingo (Material No. D-120)
His discussion included objectives, strategies, educational campaigns, energy management
advisory services, demand-side management, the “Don Emillio Abello EE Award” and other
topics. Especially interesting was the introduction of the new DOE motto, the “EC Way of
Life” (the DOE staff was wearing the tee shirts bearing the new motto at the time of site
2) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Activities of Industries in Japan
- Mr. Tanaka (Material No. D-121)
He described structural changes in energy consumption in Japan, historical review of
regulatory and administrative changes on energy conservation, efforts of Japan’s industries
toward energy conservation, Action Plan of Keidanren and many of the ECCJ activities. We
believe that these topics were helpful to participants as reference information.
1) Overview of Wholesale Electricity Spot Market - Mr. Fernandez (Material No. D-122)
He described the development of the Wholesale Electricity Spot Market (WESM) and what it
means to the South East Asia and proceeded to state that WESM is becoming the new trend in
the Region. The talk we felt was very interesting.
2) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Best Practices in Chemical Industry
- Mr. Veloso (Material No. D-123)
His talk centered on his successful effort to develop a method of producing cold water by
applying waste heat. Through his work with the RI Chemical Corporation he was successful in
applying Vapor Absorption method to produce cold water.
3) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Best Practices in Food Industry - Mr. Erestain
He spoke on examples of energy conservation through efficient lighting system and motors
but he spoke without any presentation materials, rendering understanding of his talk quite
4) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Best Practices in Iron & Steel, and Food Industry,
Malaysia - Mr. Talib (Material No. D-124)
As a part of PTM (Pusat Tenaga Malaysia) activity, the government of Malaysia provides free
energy conservation audit. In connection with this service, the author has visited plants of a
variety of industries for energy audit and will summarize his experience herein. PTM has
acquired a variety of measuring equipment for the purpose of energy audit.
One of the steel industry cases, the Malayawata Corporation has an electric furnace and a
rolling mill in its organization and worked on many of the issues of the present workshop such
as those involving furnaces, compressed air, electrical power and cooling water, and the case
certainly would of interest to the participants of this workshop (many participants belonging to
the steel industry). In another example, in manufacturing addible oil (palm oil), the company
has shown us excellent results.
5) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Best Practices in Pulp & Paper, Indonesia
- Mr. Subagyo (Material No. D-115)
The talk was identical to one presented in Cambodia.
6) Energy Efficiency and Conservation in Ceramic Industry, Vietnam
- Mr. Long (Material No. D-125)
The talk was identical to one presented in Cambodia, but a different speaker presented it.
frequent voices pertained to the invalidation of the energy conservation bill submitted by DOE
of the Philippines due to the lack of action within the time limit after the legislation of specified
duration; they were urging the government (DOE and Department of Science and Technology)
of the Philippines requiring more efforts.
Also numerous was the suggestion that the security protection requirements of DB/BM/GL
were impracticable and that data collection and analysis themselves (in major industries) were
too cumbersome.
IV. Indonesia (Paper/Pulp and Textile Industries)
This survey includes a follow-up energy audit of PT KERTAS LECES, whose initial Phase 1
energy-conservation audit was carried out from January 22-25, 2001, and a new
energy-conservation audit recently carried out on a spinning mill. A workshop was also held in
Jakarta, at which case studies of energy-conservation activities in various industries were reported.
International Engineering Department, ECCJ
Messrs. Fumio Ogawa, Hisashi Amano and Hideyuki Tanaka, Technical Experts
2. Follow-up Survey of the Pulp and Paper Mill of PT KERTAS LECES
The situation during the first energy audit and the follow-up investigation were as follows:
CT (condensing turbine) × 1 unit, output =19,400kW
ECT (extraction c. t.) × 1 unit, output = 27,000kW
Paper machines
No. 1 machine: 2,700mm × 125m/min (for cardboard liners: 30t/d)
Steam consumption: 0.6MPa steam × 3.5t/t-paper
Electricity consumption: 876kWh/t-paper
No. 2 machine: 2,700mm × 325m/min (for industrial paper and writing
paper: 60t/d)
Steam consumption: 1.25/0.6MPa steam × 3t/t-paper
Electricity consumption: 695kWh/t-paper
No. 3 machine: 6,000mm × 550m/min (for writing paper and printing
paper: 175t/d)
Steam consumption: 0.6MPa steam× 3t/t-paper
Electricity consumption: 810kWh/t-paper
No. 4 machine: 2,400mm × 900m/min (for tissue paper: 30t/d)
Steam consumption: 3.3/1.25MPa steam × 3.5t/t-paper
Electricity consumption: 1,528kWh/t-paper
No. 5 machine: 7,000mm × 750m/min (for newsprint paper, writing paper
and printing paper: 275t/d)
Steam consumption: 0.6MPa steam × 1.8t/t-paper
Electricity consumption: 684kWh/t-paper
Facilities for bagasse pulp
DIP (De-inking Plant: facility for de-inking)
Wastewater treatment plant
Water supply pump: 11 units
Air compressor: 6 units
3) Amounts of energy consumption and energy costs
The production volume, energy consumption, and energy price are shown in Table IV-2-1 and
Table IV-2-2.
Table IV-2-1 Production volume of paper and amounts of energy consumption
Items Year
2000 2005
Production & Used Energy Unit
Baggase pulp t 14,876 823
De-inked pulp t 42,865 0
Paper production t 135,717 114, 273
Energy source toe/y toe/y
*** LPG used at PM (Paper Machine) #3 for Infrared Dryer up to Nov. 2001 and then
changed to Natural Gas. Natural Gas was used at PM #3 and at the Power Plant, but
2.2 Summary of the Results of the Previous Energy Audit of PT KERTAS LECES Pulp and Paper
The following issues were pointed out in the previous energy audit as being in need of
improvement. It was noted that the “5 S’s” were not being enforced sufficiently.
(1) Measures for energy conservation in the use of boilers and turbines for power generation
The percentage in-house power generation at LECES Mill in 2000 was about 99%. Since the
price of heavy oil was US$43.5 (¥5,000)/kL, which was very inexpensive, the cost of in-house
power generation was only $0.0052 (¥0.60)/kWh for extraction power generation and US$0.019
(¥2.17)/kWh for condensing power generation.
The cost of condensing power generation was about half that of purchased power (RP315,840 =
¥4.62/kWh for peak hours and RP263,200 = ¥3.85/kWh for night-time use). Therefore, any
further investment in electricity saving was not usually worthwhile. Furthermore, since the
condensing power generation had to be increased by about 0.45t/h in order to save 1t/h of steam,
although the simply calculated steam cost was about US$3.78 (¥435)/t, the actual effect of any
saving was thereby reduced to little more than half this amount: US$2.09 (¥240)/t. This fact
indicated that any effective investment in further energy conservation was practically
1) Currently, large amounts of steam are leaking from steam traps, valves, piping, and heaters all
over the plant, and heat insulation and painted surfaces are not adequately maintained.
2) Reduction of wasteful operation of water supply pumps (BFP)
A total of four pumps (three BFPs for Stage III and a BFP for Stage IV) are currently in
operation. Although their design pressure is 6.85MPa (2.9m3/min), 6.MPa should be adequate.
Since the maximum load for pumps is 240m3/h or less, one or two pumps are sufficient in
operation (BFP: Boiler Feed Pump)
The actual loads on the pumps are 25, 25, 27, and 26 Amperes, respectively; making the total
load 889kW while the rated load is 36.5 Amps. If only one pump was operated, then 600kW
could be saved, and 390kW could be saved with two-pump operation. The conversion cost is
estimated at US$4,350 (¥500,000) for the 30m of 150A piping and two diversion valves
3) Excessive blowdown water ― installation of drain filters
While the electrical conductivity of the supply water is only 0.788mS/m, the blowdown water
amounts to 15% of the average volume of supply water used for the four evaporators. The
heat contained in the superheated blowdown water corresponds to 4.67t/h of steam and all this
heat is currently wasted. Since the specified maximum electrical conductivity of circulating
water for boilers operating at a pressure of 5.0MPa is 80mS/m, (according to JIS B
8223-1977) the amount of blowdown can be reduced to about 1% (= 2.5t/h) for all four
evaporators, even if the electrical conductivity of the supply water is kept at the present value
of 0.788mS/m.
LECES Mill has an excellent water purification system that provides pure water with an
electrical conductivity of 0.5mS/m or less. However, the electrical conductivity of the
condensate can be up to 0.788mS/m. Installation of drain filters would prevent any resultant
damage to the boiler tubes.
Total cost for the installation of drain filters and changeover of piping: US$261,000 (about
¥30 million).
Although the average temperature of waste gas can be as high as 214.2℃, waste heat can be
recovered down to about 130℃ since the sulfur content of the heavy oil used at LECES Mill
is low as 2.5%. However, the price of heavy oil, about ¥5,000/kL, is already so low, as
described above, that it is effectively impossible to invest in further energy conservation.
By taking the measures described above, it is expected that the heat efficiency of this boiler
plant could be improved up to about 93%.
4) The temperature of the steam generated by the boilers is low.
It can be seen from the daily logs that the steam pressure is kept stable between 4.4 and
4.5MPa, but the two-day average values of steam temperature for No. 1 to No. 4 boilers are
425, 435, 445 and 405℃, respectively, showing fluctuation among the individual boilers. The
temperatures of No. 1 boiler and No. 4 boiler are particularly low. By raising the temperatures
of No. 1 and No. 4 boilers by 10℃ and 30℃, respectively, the amount of power generated
would be increased by 7kW/t and 2kW/t, respectively.
Steam condensate would also decrease by the following amounts:
(2) Problems and recommendations relating to evaporators and recovery boilers
1) The wastewater from the bagasse pulp contains large amounts of calcium silicate and calcium
oxalate derived from the large amounts of calcium silicate in the fresh water and bagasse, and
this causes a serious problem with tube staining. Taking this problem into consideration,
LECES Mill always alternates the use of No. 1 evaporator and No. 2 evaporator, while the
other is being cleaned in a five-vessel quadruple-utility operation. However, it is also
necessary to wash the other three evaporators. By raising the design value for the
concentration of rich black liquor from 37.8% to 45%, the amount of generated steam per unit
of solid content is increased and fuel costs are reduced. In addition, corrosion of the IDF and
other parts are reduced due to the decrease in the use of heavy oil with high sulfur (S) content.
The profit from this is expected to be US$20,000/y.
2) It is recommended that the supply vessel used be changed from #5 vessel to #4 vessel.
Since the temperature of the dilute black liquor supply can reach 85-90℃, the liquor should
be supplied to #4 vessel, whose design vaporization temperature is 70-75℃. This will save
energy because the steam vaporized in #4 vessel can then be used as heating steam in #5
vessel. The profit from this is estimated to be US$7,600/y.
3) The CO content can be as high as 5ppm, whereas the remaining O2 content in the exhaust gas
can be as high as 7.0%.
Since the maximum allowable CO concentration in the exhaust gas is 20ppm, this value does
not cause an environmental problem. However, it is still important to control the CO content
in the recovery boilers. Each recovery boiler has four injection burners for the black liquor,
but only three are used at present. Since this causes non-uniform combustion, decreasing the
size of each burner should use all four burners. Because a large amount of supplementary
heavy oil is used, the remaining O2 content will then be reduced to 2% or less, resulting in an
increase of generated steam by about 3%. The profit from this is estimated to be US$980/y.
4) It seems that considerable amounts of NaO, NaCO3, and NaSO4 are dispersed in the exhaust
gas from the cascade evaporators used for the condensation of black liquor (making use of the
heat of the exhaust gas from the recovery boiler). The recovery rate of NaOH could be
increased from 50% to 90% or more by installing a scrubber to collect NaO + NaCO3 and by
using CaO of better quality. The limestone being used at present is a yellow color, indicating
that its purity is low.
If 30% of this uncollected 50% NaOH is then successfully recovered (assuming that 80% of
the design value is collected), an annual profit of US$613,700(= ¥70million) could be
obtained through the increase in NaOH recovery.
Since the cost of steam is low, it is possible to install evaporators for drying the exhaust gas
from the scrubber, but it is better to utilize the heat of the exhaust gas from the heavy oil
boilers, whose temperature is 200℃ or higher (As described above) for the condensation
process, since this would not require the use of any additional energy.
Since the necessary construction cost is estimated at only about $435,000 (¥50million), this
renovation should also be made for reasons of environmental pollution control.
(3) Problems and recommendations relating to PM5
1) Promotion of the “7 S’s” (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke, Sho-shigen and
Pulp and scraps of paper are scattered all around the plant. The campaign should start with the
first “3 S’s”.
2) Since the surface temperature of the dryer groups is roughly equal and since there is no
difference in steam pressure between the dryer groups, the condensed steam draining from the
dryers is not always discharged satisfactorily. This results in accumulation of the condensed
steam in the dryer cylinders causing an increase in the load on the driving motors.
Consequently, only one doctor is used in the dryer and the others have been removed (and
even the one remaining doctor does not actually work because it is kept raised).
The load on the doctors need not be large if they are well maintained. Therefore, all the
doctors should be reconditioned and put back into use. If doctors are not used, then
perforation and tearing are caused in the calender because paper scraps and powder residues
cannot be removed. In addition, adhesive materials attached to the dryer surface cause
pinholes in the paper and can adhere to the paper. This may result in the paper tearing.
Therefore, all doctors should be reconditioned and restored.
3) In order to implement energy conservation, it is necessary to stop the process in order to inject
steam equally to all 20 dryers in the steam drainage system, providing a pressure difference of
0.04MPa or more between the dryer groups. If this is not done, the driving load rises making
it impossible to increase the speed. If such an improvement is carried out, the optimum speed
could be increased to 750-1000m/min. Speeding-up the process requires an increase in electric
power (proportional to the speed raised to the power of about 2/3) and, since the steam
consumption rate is also improved, this results in significant energy conservations. Increasing
the speed to 1,000m/min could increase the present maximum daily production of 240t/day to
500t/day. This would produce remarkable economic benefits. Speeding-up the process can
also be realized by preventing paper break.
4) When paper break occurs, the operation is often restarted without eliminating the causes of
paper break. Thus, the average resetting time can be as short as 12.0 min/reset, as shown
below, but another paper break may soon occur. On PM5, paper break sometimes occurs 7 to
10 times a day. During the 300 days of operation per year, paper break accounts for 1.3% of
the total operating time on PM1, 7.8% on PM3, and 4.0% on PM5. The effect of preventing
paper break is significant because the energy-conservation effects are doubled when the large
amounts of defective paper wasted before and after the paper break are also taken into
In particular, PM3 is out of operation for more than three weeks (23.4 days) each year. The
“zebra patterns” caused by the presence of adhesive materials are often observed on the paper
rolls at the 3P outlet of the paper press. Such stains must be cleaned off whenever a paper
break occurs. Since the removal of adhesive materials from the DIP is not sufficient, the DIP
pulp must be cleaned thoroughly.
5) The maintenance of dryer hoods is inadequate. All the hoods on the 2FL are open and some of
those on the 1FL are also open. This not only wastes energy but also adversely affects the
paper drying process. Hoods must be maintained properly and kept closed.
6) Repair costs in 2000 were only US$1.200 million, which corresponds to 1.5% or less of total
sales. The standard value for such repair costs in Japan is between 3 and 3.5% of total sales.
Since the labor costs for repair work in Indonesia are even less than those in Japan, this value
are too low. Judging from the present status of the plant, the decent facilities will deteriorate if
spending on maintenance is not increased to about 2.5%. The low operating rates of the paper
machines shown in Table III-2-3 reflect inappropriate levels of maintenance. In Japan, the
normal operating rate for such machines is about 95%, and some paper machines achieve 98%
or more.
Table III-2-3 Operating rates of paper machines at LECES Mill and the number of personnel
employed for each paper machine in 2000 (four groups in three shifts)
Speeding-up the process, using the measures described above, would increase production by
125t/day × 340 days/y = about 43,000t/y.
1) Actual production capacity is about 200t/day, whereas the design capacity is 250t/day. The
major bottleneck is the lack of capacity for rough screening. Changing the shape of the slits in
the screen plate could solve this problem.
2) The pulper has surplus capacity and the number of revolutions can be increased by 6%. The
capacity of the present facilities would then be increased to about 300t/day. However, the
following measures, described in 3) and 4) below, must also be taken in order to achieve this.
3) The amount of froth in the flotator (sponge cake-like aggregates of ink, fillers and pulp
attached to bubbles formed by the air injected during the de-inking operation) is abnormally
large, resulting in an excessive amount of good-quality pulp spilling out.
The percentage of reject froth that includes a large volume of good-quality fibers can be as
high as 5.7%. This must be reduced.
Five flotators are being operated in parallel. However, half will reduce losses if four of them
are used as primary flotators and the remaining one is used as a secondary flotator, increasing
the pulp yield by 2.9%.
Prices of used paper in Indonesia are high because used paper is currently imported. In
particular, ONP (waste newsprint) costs about ¥24/kg, which is about twice that in Japan. As
of 2000, 42,865t/y of DIP was produced using 61,151t/y of used paper. If this yield could be
improved from 70.1% to 73.0%, the following benefits would result. Considering the fact that
the yield of ONP in Japan is 85% or higher, it seems to be possible for this mill to achieve a
yield of about 83% because the used paper at this mill is of good quality. This means that an
increase of yield by 12% (18% overall) could be achieved.
61,151t/y - 42,865t/y/0.73 = 2,432t/y
2,432t/y × US$205/t = US$498,600/y (= ¥57.3 million/y)
4) Johnson screens are used for the final treatment of rejects and round holes of 5-6φ are used for
all screens, except for the tertiary screening.
Since large particles of foreign material are not removed, they circulate until they are crushed
and then pass through the secondary screen.
It is strongly recommended that the screen be changed to a slit plate with 0.20-0.25mm² slits.
By raising the yield to 83%, significant profits would result (as described below) because the
price of used paper at LECES Mill can be as high as US$205/t.
In 2000, 61,151t of ONP was used to produce 42,865t of DIP. If the yield were raised to 83%,
significant benefits would result, as described above. Furthermore, the scale of the sludge
incineration facilities required would be reduced.
42,865t/y/0.83 = 51,645t/y
51,645t/y― 61,151t/y = ▲9,506t/y
9,506t/y × US$205/t = US$1,950,000/y = ¥224 million/y
Investment: a rough estimation is $2,000,000 (¥230 million), including the renovation of the
incineration furnace.
1) The harvesting season for bagasse is about 6 months, during which it is stored outdoors.
LECES Mill says that such bagasse stored outdoors does not deteriorate since hypochlorite
solution is used to prevent bio-deterioration. Although HYPO solution is sprayed on to
prevent bio-deterioration, mildew is observed growing even on newly brought-in bagasse
because the HYPO solution is washed away by frequent rain. Silos should be installed to store
the bagasse.
2) The yield of bagasse is only 36.8%, in spite of its high price of US$83 (¥9,545)/BLT.
Although the yield of bleached bagasse depends on its place of origin, it is usually 42% or
higher. Assuming that the actual production of pulp was 14,258t/y in 2000, the benefits
obtained by reducing the deterioration of bagasse in order to increase its yield would be:
(6) Paper machines other than PM5
1) There are 4 single canvases of PM2 at present. It would be better to increase this number to
eight. Half without reducing the drying capacity would then decrease the driving load.
2) Both the #1P and #2P presses of PM2 have a small diameter. It would be better to change
these to the #3P type that has a larger diameter.
3) The doctor of the dryer for PM3 is not being used. Since this is one of the reasons for paper
break, it should be reconditioned and put back into use.
4) PM1 has only primary and secondary cleaners. A tertiary cleaner should be installed, as in the
other PMs.
5) Furthermore, it is recommended that a fourth and a fifth cleaners installed or that FRU be
installed for PM3 and PM4. This would not be very effective in terms of energy conservations
because the energy cost is low, but it would be very effective in terms of resource savings
because the costs of used paper and pulp are high. If the amount of raw materials saved by
PM3 and PM4 were 3t/day and 5t/day, respectively, and assuming that the average price of
pulp was ¥50/kg and ¥30/kg, annual savings in raw materials would be about US$435,000 (=
¥50 million) each, totaling US$870,000 (= ¥100 million) overall.
Estimated facility costs are US$174,000 (= ¥20 million) and US$261,000 (= ¥30 million),
totaling approximately $435,000 (= ¥50 million) overall.
2.3 Follow-up Energy Audit
We visited the PT KERTAS LECES Paper Mill for two and a half days to carry out a follow-up
energy audit on the implementation of previous advice given by the ECCJ team in January 2001
and to investigate the other operations of the mill. Although the Indonesian MEMR was
supposed to play a key role in the follow-up energy audit, ECCJ actually led the survey.
The purpose of the visit was explained and the schedule was discussed. Since many of the
facilities were not operating, No. 3 paper machine was selected as the object of investigation.
Since a detailed energy audit had been carried out on the paper-making process in the previous
visit, this investigation focused mainly on the utility facilities and the detailed advice was given.
On December 5 (Mon), the purpose of the visit was explained and the overall schedule was
On December 6 (Tue), PT KERTAS LECES explained the changes in the external environment
and a walk through on-site audit was carried out for the bagasse storage yard, power generators,
boilers, No. 3 paper machine, and the wastewater treatment plant. The investigation team
toured the plant and made comments. Since many facilities were not in operation, No. 3 paper
machine was selected as the object of investigation. Since a detailed energy audit had been
carried out on the paper-making process in the previous visit, this investigation focused mainly
on the utility facilities and the detailed advice was given. Issues such as the prevention of paper
break were also discussed.
On December 7 (Wed), a tour of the plant was undertaken, measurements were carried out on
air compressors and pumps (in the water supply room), and the rest of the time was spent
writing a report. We visited the mill once again on the afternoon of December 9 (Fri) to collect
additional information and materials.
The information and materials we received from PT KERTAS LECES included:
The “Boiler Performance Curve”, “Boiler Blowdown Volume”, “Specification and operating
rate of Air Compressors”, “Electrical power chart of paper machines”, and “Table of downtime
of No. 3 paper machine caused by paper break (2001-2005)”.
a fuel instead. This measure is expected to secure 68,000 tons in 2006.
- To find alternative raw materials, including long fiber wood such as Kalimantan.
b. Sluggish sales of newsprint paper
Sales of newsprint paper are decreasing because newspaper companies increasingly
produce newsprint paper by themselves. Although PT KERTAS exports newsprint paper,
production is decreasing. The operation of the DIP that treats used paper has therefore been
suspended. Consequently, No. 5 paper machine (PM5) has stopped producing newsprint
paper and is now producing printing paper instead.
c. Unstable supply of natural gas
PT KERTAS succeeded in reducing costs by converting from heavy oil to natural gas in
June 2003. However, the production volume of the natural gas field (owned by a PT
Pertamina-related company) is now decreasing and the pressure of the gas source supply is
also decreasing. For this reason, a quota system is now used for the natural gas supply,
which sometimes reduces daily production to 250-300 tons. To cope with this situation, the
amount of in-house power generation that uses natural gas has been reduced and electricity
is now purchased instead. They seem to be waiting for the discovery of new gas fields.
d. Price rise of heavy oil
Although the consumption of heavy oil is not as large, the price of natural gas goes up so
too does the price of heavy oil. As a result, the cost of fuel, as a proportion of the total
production cost, has risen from 17% to 22-23%. This value is comparable to the level
before fuel conversion, which was 24%. Possible measures for remedying this are as
- To improve energy efficiency.
- To convert the fuel supply yet again.
It was originally planned to convert from natural gas to coal in 2006, but this cannot now be
realized due to the lack of investment funds.
Re-causticizer & Chlor-Alkali Plant, DIP Operation suspended production
Among the other facilities inspected, only three out of five power boilers were operating, and
only one out of three turbine generators. The wastewater treatment facilities were operating.
3) Energy prices and activities for reducing costs and consumption
Energy costs are as follows:
Natural gas: US$4.36/MMBtu
Heavy oil: US$9.60/MMBtu
Coal: US$1.90/MMBtu (Base: 22,190kJ/kg, 1Btu = 1.055kJ)
・Reactive Power Charge = 609 × {effective power (kW) - 0.62 × reactive power
(kVAr)} RP/kWh
This is the same in Japan as the charge is zero when the power factor is 85%.
・Active Power Charge: normal time = 439RP/kWh
@ Peak Load period (18:00-22:00) = 878RP/kWh
Total power consumption at PT KERTAS Mill is 17,400kW, of which 2,400kW
(14%) is purchased from PLN and 15,000kW (86%) is supplied by in-house
generation. The proportion of in-house generation was 99% at the time of
diagnosis in 2001.
Since PT KERTAS does not have an energy manager, a comprehensive, overall perspective
seems to be lacking.
4) Results of the follow-up diagnosis (in comparison with the previous results)
The items advised by Miyabe (technical expert of ECCJ) in the previous energy audit (January,
2001) are described in 2.2. Referring to the activity report on energy conservation submitted
by PT KERTAS in the PROMEEC Seminar Workshop, the explanation presented by PT
KERTAS and the comments made by the investigation team are listed in Table IV-2-4
(relating only to items that have not been implemented, however). Some items have not been
implemented because the level of operation is now much lower due to the environmental
changes mentioned above.
Table IV-2-4 Comments on the items which were identified by ECCJ previous audit
and have not been implemented
No. Finding PT’s Comment/Action Follow-up result
F Recovery Boiler
3 Change the FDF and IDF to the Has not been done yet: too Company policy on the payback
proper size, for both the quantity expensive period of investment is 3 years
and the head or less.
G Power Boiler
2 Should be connected to each Has not been done yet: the In the past, connecting the
pump by a common header so characteristics of the pumps are pumps was tried and major
that you can stop the two BFPs not the same. problems resulted.
and thereby save about 400kW of (The issue may still be worth
electricity. studying further.)
3 Change the FDF and IDF to the Has not been done yet: too Same as F-3 above
proper size, for both the quantity expensive
and the head.
4 Remaining O2 content is too high O2 monitor has been installed. PT is now controlling the
(4 to 7%, as measured by our Excess O2 in the stack can be remaining O2 content at 2-4%,
team) and should be reduced to adjusted to 2% manually. depending on load levels.
less than 2%. (Recommended that O2 be
reduced to 2-3%.)
5 Exhaust gas temperature is a little We have tried to add an There is no space to add a heat
high at 170 to 180˚C. economizer. The flue gas exchanger on-site.
temperature has been decreased
to 160˚C.
H Turbine and Generator
3 Electrical technician has Since 2001 we have had to PF has now reached about
mistakenly made some kind of repair the old capacitor and 0.95 and should be OK.
error with the Power Factor (PF) install a new capacitor. The
power factor has now increased
from 0.71 to 0.74. The budget to
install new capacitors is
4 If the PF is rose from 70% to over New capacitors have been Confirmed the situation as
85%, then the pay back from the installed in the electrical described
Electric Company will cover company (PLN) line since
some of the cost. 2001 and no payments have
been needed to the Electric
Company for reactive power.
5) Results and impressions gained from the on-site survey
The impression gained from the on-site survey is that employees are seriously committed to
achieving a high level of operation. As described in the previous energy audit report (Phase 1),
the original motto of PT KERTAS, namely the “5 R’s” (corresponding to the Japanese “5S’s”
in Bahasa Indonesia), is posted everywhere throughout the plant and offices.
a. Paper machines
As for the paper break problem, we obtained specific data on this problem for No. 3 paper
machine. Although the occurrence and amount of resultant downtime fluctuates, the
frequency of occurrence is gradually decreasing compared with the data from 2000 (Table
IV-2-5). The speed of the paper machine (m/min) has not been changed.
We explained our experiences with the paper break problem in Japan (and how the
incidence of paper break was reduced by ensuring that the machinery was cleaned properly
whenever the operating rate dropped). They commented that they had the same experience
and that downtime had been reduced to as little as 4%.
b. Boilers for power generation
Three boilers are operated in order to supply the approximately 150t/h of steam required
(50t/h each). We asked why they didn’t just operate two boilers at 75t/h each, and they
replied that they operated three boilers for safety reasons because the natural gas supply
was unstable. It was understood that this was a separate matter from that of energy
c. Power generators and power receiving installations: only one of three generators is being
d. Air compressor plant
Although the plant is spread over a large area, a central air supply system is employed. The
plant has four centrifugal compressors and two screw type compressors, of which two
centrifugal compressors (CENTAC: 500hp, KOBELCO: 500hp) were operating. The
KOBELCO model was newly installed after scrapping one of the screw type compressors
(commissioning had been carried out two weeks earlier, on November 23). In fact, four
compressors (including two screw types) were on standby, showing that the utilized
capacity was very low.
All the operating air compressors are of large-scaled type, and use suction vanes for
capacity control so that the partial-load vs. power consumption characteristics is poor. Past
data on power consumption has been obtained and will be studied (described later).
The control range of the discharge pressure is between 0.65 and 0.7MPa, which is relatively
high. This range has probably been set after taking possible pressure drops in the piping
into consideration. However, the actual fluctuation in discharge pressure is very small and
the pressure is kept at around 0.66MPa. This may be because the compressors are of the
centrifugal type.
Compressed air is supplied through a receiver tank and dryer (adsorption type).
e. Water supply pumps
We investigated water supply pumps that were representative of the utility facilities,
The eleven water supply pumps have a large capacity of 200kW, and water is supplied to
each plant from three sites located outside the mill (two sites in Ronggojalu and one site in
Sumber Kramat). However, when we visited, the facilities at only one site were in use
because some plants were out of operation. On the day we visited, water was being supplied
from a water reservoir in Ronggojalu, about 1km from the mill, using only two out of the
five pumps installed on the line. This is another example of low capacity utilization.
The power factor has been improved to 95% by installing phase advance capacitors on the
pump motors. Since a capacitor is installed on each pump, there is no adverse leading
power factor effect. The electricity is supplied at a high voltage (6kV), which is
transformed to a low voltage (400V), using a transformer of 1,000kVA installed at the pump
site, before the current reaches the motors.
This case is a typical example of the measures employed to reduce distribution loss. The
installation of phase advance capacitors was reported in the PROMEEC workshop held last
The preceding energy audit report described how the water is taken from wells. However,
the actual feed water is taken from water reservoirs, and PT KERTAS has an obligation to
the government to supply a certain amount of treated wastewater for agricultural use in the
neighboring region.
Capacity of Facility
Large Production Under partial loads
High performance
Small Production
Average performance
Poor performance
When production corresponds to the capacity of the plant, the equipment efficiency is high and
the energy intensity is also kept at a low level. However, when production decreases, waste and
low efficiency in every facility cause to raise the energy intensity. In such a case, the size of the
production facilities is usually adjusted to the actual production volume, but it is often difficult
to adjust utility facilities in this manner.
The following are countermeasures for partial operation taking PT KERTAS’ utility facilities as
an example.
Three steam boilers, capacity 90t/h per each, supply steam to a steam turbine with a rating
of 150t/h. The load factor of the boilers is 56% (= 50t/h/90t/h).
Since the specified capacity is 90t/h, two boilers could supply the amount of steam required.
If one boiler was shut down, the following benefits could be expected:
・Improvement in efficiency due to the increase in the load factor of the boiler.
・Energy conservation coming from the shutdown of auxiliary equipment.
b. Improving the boiler efficiency
By reducing the number of operating boilers to two, the load factor rises to 83% (=
Figure IV-2-3 shows the partial-load characteristics of the boiler (based on data received
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Load Factor (%)
The partial-load characteristics are excellent. This is probably because all necessary
measures for lower level combustion have already been taken and any further significant
saving of fuel cannot be expected. The graph shows that the expected improvement is only
0.4% (= 90.4% - 90.0%).
c. Effects of the shutdown of auxiliary equipment
The amount of auxiliary equipment operated can be reduced from three units to two units.
Table IV-2-6 shows the auxiliary equipment and its rated power consumption. Excluding
FOP (which currently uses a gas-fired boiler), the total power consumption of the auxiliary
equipment is 705kW. Taking the increase in load factors of fans and pumps into
consideration, it is assumed that the power consumption could be increased from 65% to
90% of the rated value. The values of estimated power consumption are shown in Table
Table IV-2-6 Auxiliary equipment for the boilers
Fan/Pump (kW)
FOP 11
BFP 315
DEP 75
FDF 315
Surging point
Mechanical vibration
Pressure (P)
Stonewall point
Sharp decrease of pressure
Figure IV-2-5 shows operation patterns when a turbo type compressor is combined with a
screw type compressor.
Figure IV-2-5 Operation of a turbo type compressor combined with a screw type compressor
b. Operating system
The number of turbo type compressors being operated is controlled either manually or
automatically. Two compressors are operated continuously at the base load and one
compressor is operated intermittently according to the required load. Figure IV-2-6 shows
the changes in power consumption over two specific months when three compressors were
operated at the base load and two compressors were operated intermittently. A peculiar
characteristic of this graph is that very few data points are found in the zone between
15,000kWh/d and 20,000kWh/d. Since the load of an air compressor is normally
continuously distributed, the distribution shown in Figure IV-2-6 is abnormal. It seems that
this phenomenon derives from the partial-load characteristics of this turbo type compressor.
Figure IV-2-7 shows partial-load characteristics of compressors that use various types of
capacity control methods.
Vacant zone??
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 2
22 25 28 31
Day 2
Suction Vane Control
80 Around 70%
Load/Unload Control Ideal Control
Inverter Control
0 20 40 60 80 100
Load Factor (%)
Figure IV-2-7 Characteristics of air compressors using various types of capacity control method
Suction vane control is used for the capacity control of turbo type air compressors. When
suction vane control is used, as shown in the figure, power consumption is about 70% of
the full load, even if the load is zero. On the other hand, air compressors with inverter
control (screw type) that have been put on the market recently have almost ideal control
characteristics, while those with load/unload control fall in the intermediate range. Figure
IV-2-8 shows the relationship between power consumption and capacity control in the
operation of two compressors with suction vane control when the number of operating unit
is controlled.
Power Consumption
2nd M/C
1st M/C
Air flow
Figure IV-2-8 Operating unit control by air compressors with suction vane control
At maximum load, two air compressors are used to supply the compressed air. As the load
decreases, the first M/C is run at its maximum load and the second M/C is partially run
according to the required load. When the load decreases to about 50%, the second M/C is
brought to a halt, and only the first M/C is kept running. The y-axis in the figure above
shows the power consumption in the operation.
As the load decreases, power consumption decreases in accordance with the partial-load
characteristic curve of the second M/C. Since the partial-load performance characteristics
are inferior to those at full load, the decrease in power consumption is slow and as much as
85% of the power consumption at the maximum load is still required even when the load
decreases to almost 85% (= 50% + 1/2 × 70%). When the load drops below 50%, the
second M/C stops so that only the first M/C continues to operate. In this case, as shown on
the graph, the power consumption then follows the characteristics curve of the first M/C.
In these circumstances, power consumption then drops abruptly in the neighborhood of
50% from 85% down to about 50%. This explains why the “vacant” region is found in the
above graph.
c. Countermeasures
Although the use of an inverter controller with superior partial-load characteristics is
desirable, in practice this is impossible because the maximum capacity of the existing
equipment (75kW) does not meet the required capacity of 500hp. However, using the screw
type compressor for load/unload control of the capacity control can reasonably solve the
FigureIV-2-9 shows control conditions after the partial load and characteristics are
A turbo type compressor can be used for constant load operation in conjunction with a
screw type compressor whose capacity is controlled by the load and unload control. When
the load is heavy, two compressors are operated. As the total load decreases, the output of
the screw type compressor decreases and power consumption also decreases in accordance
with the decrease in output. When the load reaches 50% or less, the compressor of the
constant load air compressor is brought to a halt and only the air compressor whose
capacity is controlled is operated. With this arrangement, the large “gap” in power
consumption, as shown in Figure IV-2-6, does not occur.
The improvement achieved depends on the distribution of the load factor. Here, 50% is
taken as the center of the distribution, and a normal distribution with 2σ ranging from 0 to
50% and 50 to 100% is assumed.
While the use of suction vane control increases power consumption by 38% relative to the
ideal control state, the calculation shows that the increase is 14% in the load/unload control,
which represents an energy conservation of about 25%. It is therefore recommended that
the control of existing screw compressors be investigated and the operating unit control
panel be used for capacity control.
Power Saving
Power Consumption
Screw M/C
Turbo M/C
Screw M/C
Air flow
Figure IV-2-9 Operating unit control of screw type and turbo type compressors
a. Motors
Measuring the power consumption and comparing it with the rated value obtain the load
factor of an induction motor. This measurement is not always easy because both the voltage
and the current must be measured simultaneously. However, it is not difficult to judge
whether the motor is oversized or not by just measuring the current. Figure IV-2-10 shows
the characteristic curves for efficiency, power factor, and current (as a percentage of the
rated value) against the load factor of a squirrel-cage induction motor (400V).
factor, Current (% )
Efficiency, P ower
Power factor
60 Current
25 50 75 100 125 150
Load factor (% )
It can be seen from the diagram showing the relationship between the current and the load
factor (above) that the load factor is 50% when the current is 60% of the rating. The power
factor decreases from 88% to 77%, and the efficiency decreases from 92% to 90%. In a
motor operated at a higher voltage as well, the load factor is about 50% when the current is
Although the decrease in efficiency observed is several percent, at most, in a motor driven
at a high voltage its operation must be improved because the load factor of 50%
corresponds to about twice the actual demand.
That is, the criterion for judging whether the motor used is oversized or not is 60% of the
rated current.
b. Pumps and fans
Compared with motors, the efficiency of pumps and fans depends more on the load factor
(Figure IV-2-11).
Efficiency (% )
M otor
40.0 Pump
25 50 75 100 125
Load factor (% )
Figure IV-2-11 Relationship between the load factor and the efficiency of pumps and fans
At a load factor of 50%, efficiency decreases by about 10% in both pumps and fans. In
addition, the rate of efficiency decreases drastically below 50%.
Table IV-2-8 shows the measured values of the current of #701B supplementary equipment
in the previous energy audit (January 2001).
The measured values of current for DFP and FDF are less than 60% of the rated design
values. This indicates that the load factor is less than 50%. For example, the damper of the
FDF can be narrowed down to about 50%. In such a case, it is possible to make significant
savings in energy by adjusting the number of revolutions by changing either the pulley ratio
or the gear ratio.
0.7 Setting pressure
p1 = Specified pressure
Working pressure range
Estimation of the Air leakage 0.6 p1 – p2 = 0.05~0.1MPa
t2 p2 = Specified pressure
L: Air leakage (%) 0.5
t2 Pressure descent
t1 Pressure ascent
L= × 100 (%)
t1+t2 0.3 Smallleakage
Large leakage
Time (min)
2) Dryer
Adsorption type dryers are installed. The adsorption type dryer can, by purging adjust, be used
for electronics production plants and suchlike where a very low dew point is required. In such
a dryer, valuable compressed air may be uselessly released by purging if the dew point is set
excessively low. It is recommended that the dew point control be reviewed, following these
- Confirmation of the required dew point.
- Adjustment of the purging volume (purging time)
- Investigation of the possibility of using a heating type (or refrigeration type) dryer
(either in a changeover or in parallel use).
(3) Examples of successful energy conservation in the distribution system (energy conservation in
the pump station and improvement of the power factor)
PT KERTAS has constructed an ideal system for the water feed pump station, which satisfies
all these conditions. Actual measures taken are as follows:
2) Pump station
The water feed station is located at the water reservoir about 1km from the mill, and five
pumps are installed.
Figure IV-2-13 shows the equipment connections involved by means of a one-line diagram.
The following are measures taken to ensure the reduction of distribution loss:
Low voltage line
3. Walk-through Energy Audit at the Patal Grati Spinning Mill of Industri Sandang Nusantara
We visited a second new plant in the neighborhood, Unit Patal Grati Textile (Spinning) Mill, to
make a walk through energy audit.
Since the visit to the PT KERTAS Paper Mill was scheduled early in our trip, we asked MOE to
arrange another visit to a new plant in the neighborhood. However, it was only three days before
the departure of the investigation team that the visit to the mill was confirmed. Although the visit
was arranged at short notice, the mill staff accepted the visit by the investigation team in a friendly
and cooperative manner.
Patal Grati Spinning Mill is very eager to save energy, having organized the EC Committee in 1996.
After hearing a description of their activities, we made a tour of the plant and then gave our
comments. This mill is a spinning mill mainly used for polyester yarn manufacture. Cotton and
rayon yarn manufacture is carried out in other factories belonging to the same company.
Area of the mill: 26ha
Type of operation: Continuous operation, including nights, holidays and
Periodic maintenance and repair are carried out sequentially by suspending
operations once every three months, for four hours each time.
Energy used: Electricity only (purchased from PLN)
a. Blowing: Raw material (yarn) is aspirated by air blowers and then transported
through a duct before being compacted on a roller-beater.
b. Carding: Filaments with a diameter of about 2 cm are formed (then stored in
a drum type vessel).
c. Drawing: After carding, eight strands of filament are simultaneously on one
side of the machine, which are intertwined to form threads.
d. Speed: The threads are further drawn and wound on longitudinal bobbins.
e. Ring Spinning: Finished textile threads are formed in this step, using several hundred
bobbins connected to a single machine.
f. Cone Winding: The final twist is given to the threads and the threads are wound
around cone type bobbins.
g. Packing (not investigated.)
h. Storage (not investigated.)
Mr. Mulyono (Technical Manager) is the energy manager (director of the EC Committee).
Although some managers and staff members from other departments are included as members,
the committee mainly consists of about 40 dedicated personnel with knowledge of technology
and electricity and who have been recruited from within the mill and trained especially for their
role on the committee. The committee members are divided in half into the following two
G1: In charge of process matters: patrolling the plant periodically to check processing
equipment and to promote efficiency.
G2: In charge of utility matters: In addition to the same responsibilities relating to utility
equipment, maintenance is within the scope of job.
The following improvements in unit cost have been achieved as a result:
1996: 950kWh/Bale-Product (1 Bale = 181kg)
2002: 850kWh/Bale
2005: 750kWh/Bale (Peak Load: 650kWh/Bale)
1) Illumination
Attempts to save energy could be seen, such as the diligent reduction in the number of or
extinction of fluorescent ceiling lamps in use. Some of the regular bulbs are also being
replaced with fluorescent lamps.
2) Air conditioning
The control targets for temperature and humidity are from 30˚C to 33˚C and 65% respectively,
and wet and dry bulb thermometers are provided to monitor the workplace environment.
However, there are no actual facilities to control the humidity.
Since the workplace environment for spinning and winding must be carefully controlled, cold
water is provided by chillers, and two large-scale AHU units are installed.
Since it was the rainy season, the temperature was not too high and the two water-cooled
turbo chillers (800RT) were not operating. They are operated during the dry season. Using the
AHU, cold water for showering is prepared by exchanging heat with the cold water of the
chiller, and the cold water is then used to directly exchange heat with the air to provide cool
air for the building.
Although the system is basically a circulating system, it is possible to take in outdoor air or
exhaust indoor air according to the enthalpy relative to outdoor air. The temperature of the
incoming air on the day of our visit was 29.3˚C.
3) Air compressor
The main compressors used are four screw type compressors driven by 30kW motors. Three
compressors were running on the day of the visit and the discharge pressure was 0.72MPa at
the receiver tank. There was very little pressure fluctuation between the screw type
Although the person in charge explained that the compressors were controlled by load-unload
control within the range of 0.65 to 0.8MPa, no load-unload action was observed while we
were on the site (about 20 minutes). The air is supplied to the load equipment through a dryer.
Hot air is directly released into the environment and the condition of the indoor atmosphere
was fairly good when we visited. There is both a compressor line and a blower line, and it
seems that the discharge pressure of the compressors can be reduced.
4) Power receiving system and the emergency generator
The electricity is received at 20kV and the system consists of two lines: one line that reduces
the voltage to 3.3kV using two main transformers (1,600kVA) and another line that directly
reduces the voltage to the low voltage used in the plant using a one-stage transformer.
Seven low-voltage transformers decrease the 3.3kV to 380V. This two-stage step down
appears to be redundant and may be a historical result. The main transformers are of an old
oil-immersion type equipped with a conservator and should be replaced shortly. It is also
necessary to reconsider the distribution system when doing this.
However, since the output voltage of the emergency generator is 3.3kV, some consideration
must be given to the type of linkage used.
Although all the feeders are equipped with ammeters, watt-hour meters are only provided for
the three systems used for receiving power. Energy meters are installed in all the workshops.
Mr. Mulyono explained that measurements were being made, but no measuring system was
seen for any of the utilities, including the power receiving system.
(1) Measures suggested (in order of priority) based on the analysis of the power consumption data.
Although it is appreciated that the members of the EC Committee are dedicated to the
patrolling and collection of data on equipment use, how the data are analyzed is also important.
For example, the data may be classified according to the processes and areas concerned, but
they should be further classified according to use (such as illumination, air conditioning,
compressed air, and pumps). The data should then be analyzed in order to set priorities based on
their importance and effectiveness for energy conservation.
(2) Key points for selecting appropriate operating conditions and facility capacities
In the on-site survey, it was found that some facilities are oversized for the capacity actually
required. It is necessary to adjust their size according to actual operating conditions. It is also
necessary to maintain high efficiency in accordance with the fluctuating load. One example of
an inappropriate specification is the air compressor outlet pressure of 0.8MPa. This value is too
Mr. Mulyo said that 0.8MPa was required to prevent thread breakage in cone winding, but the
pressure gauges for compressor operation and the receiver tank actually indicated 0.7MPa.
checking the leakage of compressed air pipelines and repairing when necessary is an effective
means of ensuring efficiency. Grati Plant explained that they check for leakages once a week.
(5) Advice and comments from Mr. Parlin (MOE) are as follows:
1) Openings on the vacuum suction part of the roller-beater used in the blowing process should
be closed.
2) Suction air for the ventilation fan in the air compressor room should be taken directly from
outdoors (where the temperature is lower than that of indoor air).
3) Ventilation in the main transformer room should be improved in order to lower the ambient
cooling water temperature as 5℃). When the outlet temperature of the chiller is raised from
5℃ to 7℃ and then to 9℃, the power consumption (motor power) decreases to 96% and
then to 92% if the cooling water temperature is maintained at 32℃.
This means that raising the cooling water temperature when the load is light can reduce the
power consumption.
Motor Power (%)
5 7 9 11
Outlet Temp. of Chiller (℃ )
Figure IV-3-1 Relationship between cold water temperature cooling water temperature,
and motor power (turbo refrigerator)
The wet bulb temperature was calculated from ambient temperature and relative humidity.
The wet bulb temperature varies between 21ºC and 29ºC. Figure IV-3-2 shows the relationship
between the wet bulb temperature and cooling water temperature at the outlet. Since the
cooling tower is usually operated with ∆t = 5ºC, the minimum temperature of the cooling
water is 28ºC and the maximum temperature is 33ºC.
By lowering the cooling water temperature from 32ºC to 28ºC while the cold-water
temperature is kept at 9ºC, the refrigerating capacity increases by about 8% (= 1-85%/92 =
0.08) so that the motor power required decreases.
It depends on the method used to control the capacity of the refrigerator whether it is better to
save the energy of the cooling tower by fixing the cooling water temperature at 32ºC or to
save the energy of the refrigerator by lowering the cooling water temperature according to the
decrease in the wet bulb temperature. The cooling tower and refrigerator should both be taken
into consideration when choosing the optimum operation pattern to use in order to save power.
20 ⊿t=5 ℃
⊿t=4 ℃
⊿t=3 ℃
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Temperature (ºC)
in pressure loss caused by friction in the pipelines and flow loss due to leakage. The pressure
loss is adjusted considering the piping costs and the flow loss can be controlled, aiming at
zero leakage. Please refer to Item 2 for details of the leakage measurements and
Material loss problems
Ene rgy
Ene rgy
los s
Waiting time
Since there is little material loss in Patal Grati Mill because materials are not processed there,
other losses are discussed below.
available equipped with a data transmission function. It is recommended that a system be
constructed utilizing such functions.
2) Loss due to machine breakdowns and waiting time
The energy lost due to machine breakdowns and waiting time is ineffective energy that does
not contribute to production. Waiting time is a matter of production scheduling and the
occurrence of machine breakdowns is a matter of maintenance.
Patal Grati explained its system of preventive maintenance in which maintenance is
implemented periodically so that breakdowns are avoided. This system is recognized as being
very effective. It is suggested that this maintenance system could be improved further by
adding an automated system for the trend control of deterioration and abrasion of equipment.
4. Seminar and Workshop
4.1 Summary
A seminar Workshop was held on December 12, 2005 (Mon).
At the Seminar Workshop, the Honorable Mr. Soekanar of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources made the opening speech and Dr. Weerawat, Director General of the ASEAN Center
for Energy (ACE) gave the closing speech. There were about 60 active participants and the
Workshop was very successful and productive.
(2) Venue
Gran Mahakam Hotel, 2F (Ball Room), Jakarta, Indonesia
(4) Participants
Major participants were as follows:
Mr. Soekanar, Secretary for Director General, MEMR, Directorate General of Electricity
and Energy Utilization (DJLPE or DGEEU)
Ms. Maryam Ayuni, DJLPE, MEMR
Mr. Ir. Parlindungan Marpaung, Inspektur Ketenagallistrikan, DJLPE, MEMR
Ms. Sutji Rahayu, Tariff Expert, Marketing Division, PNL
Mr. Djoko, Manager of R & D, PT Kertas Leces (Persero)
About 60 Indonesian delegates from government offices and various industries attended
the seminar. Although we asked to see the list of participants later, in an electronic form,
we have not received it yet.
Dr. Weerawat Chantanakome, Director General
Mr. Christopher Zamora, Project Manager
Mr. Ivan Ismed, Project Officer
Mr. Junipard
Ms. Maureen
Ms. Tewi
Mr. Vanthong Khamloonvylayvong, Deputy Manager of Nam Ngum Hydropower Plant,
Electricite du Laos (EDL)
Mr. Pubalan, Energy Auditor, PTM
Mr. Marlon Domingo, DOE
Mr. Arthit Vechakij, Managing Director, Excellent Energy International Co., Ltd.
Japan: International Engineering Department, ECCJ
Messrs. Fumio Ogawa, Hisashi Amano and Hideyuki Tanaka, Technical experts
1) Speech by ACE
Dr. Weerawat, Executive Director of ACE, stated in his speech that, in recognition of the
recent high price of crude oil, energy conservation was now more important than ever. He also
explained that the basic plan for the period from 2004 to 2009 was decided at the ASEAN
Ministers Meeting held in Manila last July and he then introduced the activities of PROMEEC
and the outline of the program for the day.
Mr. Tanaka, representing Japan (METI and ECCJ), made a speech. He explained the
significance, history and recent developments of this project, and described Japan’s
cooperation with and contribution to ASEAN.
The Honorable Mr. Soekanar made a speech explaining the energy-conservation policies of
the Indonesian government and announced the opening of the meeting.
1) Overview of ASEAN Plans and Programs on EE&C (Dr. Weerawat, ACE) (Material No.
The establishment of ASEAN in 1967 and its subsequent development was explained from the
viewpoint of geopolitics, and the history and the present role of ACE were outlined. Mention
was also made of “ASEAN+3” that had been held in Kuala Lumpur just before the seminar.
He then introduced the outlook for primary energy every 5 years until 2010, in ASEAN region
and predicted that the consumption of oil would decrease and that of natural gas would
increase. Furthermore, he remarked that the estimated amount of investment necessary for the
development of energy resources in each ASEAN countries adding that the amount of
Indonesia is enormously large. He also reported that basic principles are being negotiated with
the EU on the Energy Charter Secretariat. Six basic strategies for Multinational Cooperation
in the period between 2004 and 2009 were also explained.
2) Initiatives and Programs of ECCJ on EE&C in Industry in Japan (Mr. Tanaka, ECCJ)
(Material No. D-128)
Mr. Tanaka outlined the status of energy consumption in Japan, the history of energy
conservation, methods of energy conservation, designated factories, qualified persons for
energy management, ECCJ activities such as energy audit, education and training courses, and
presented successful cases of energy conservation and the award system.
1) Barriers and Measures for the implementation of EE&C – Mr. Ogawa (Material No. D-117)
This presentation was based on past data, with the Indonesian paper industry in mind and
referring to the reports submitted earlier that day.
2) Technical Directory – Mr. Amano and Mr. Ivan, ACE (Material No. D-138)
The purpose, method of preparation and format of TD were explained, and examples were
presented to help develop a better understanding. Mr. Ivan presented several actual examples
of TD sheets.
3) Database/Benchmark/Guidelines for Industry – Mr. Ogawa (Material No. D-119)
A plan to construct an ASEAN database by linking the databases of participating countries
was outlined.
Many other questions, in addition to those described above, were also asked relating to
bio-diesel, risk management of ESCO, time of completion of TD, etc.
V. Brunei (Cement Industry and Food Processing Industry)
This survey includes a follow-up energy audit of a cement company whose initial (Phase 1) energy
conservation audit was carried out in February 2001, and a new walk through energy audit
implemented for energy conservation at a beverage factory. A seminar workshop was also held in
Bandar Seri Begawan (BSB), Brunei, at which case study of energy conservation activities in
various industries were reported.
The follow-up energy audit and survey of the cement factory was only a walk through energy audit
and no measurements were carried out using instruments. Many people participated in the diagnosis
including FP representatives from the government. ECCJ played a key role in the energy audit and
the company presented the results of its energy conservation activities over the past five years.
There were many participants in the energy audit of the beverage factory as well and several people,
including the factory manager, also participated in the seminar workshop.
Mr. Haji Abd Shawal bin Yaman, Energy Division
Mr. Pg. Zamra (Pg. stands for Royal Family.)
Mr. Ismail bin Hj. Mohd. Daud, Head of Safety and Enforcement Unit
Japan: International Engineering Department, ECCJ
Messrs. Fumio Ogawa, Hisashi Amano and Hideyuki Tanaka, Technical Experts
2. Follow-up Survey of the Cement Factory of Butra Heidelberg Cement (BHC)
Crushing capacity: 72t/h
Mill size: 4,200mm diameter × 10,500mm length
Mill motor capacity: 2,800kW
Separator: O-SEPA・N-1500 type × 3,000mm diameter
Mill bag filter: Dust collecting capacity 10,000m /h × 1unit
Mill bag filter fan: 110,000m /h × 700mmAq × 355kW × 1unit
Cement transport equipment: FK screw pump 80t/h × 55kW × 2units
Cement storage silo: Capacity 7,000t × 2units
Power receiving facility: Receiving voltage: 11kV, transformer: 7,500kVA
3) Amount of energy consumption
Electricity is the only energy source. Table V-2-1 summarizes the production, power
consumption, and unit consumption of electricity from 2000 to November 2005, based on
the data provided by BHC.
Items 2000 2002 2004 2005 (2004/2000)
(1~11) [2005/2000]
Production Cement 232,174 231,697 247,733 213,240 (1.07)
(t/y) [1.0]
Energy Electricity (1.13)
consumption (MWh/y) 14,723.4 14,296.4 16,674.64 14,150.8 [1.05]
(Entire Plant)
Energy Electricity 63.42 61.70 67.31 66.36 (1.06)
Intensity (kWh/t) [1.05]
Energy Price Electricity 0.045 0.045 0.045 0.045 (1.0)
(US$/kWh) [1.0]
2.2 Outline of the Results of the Previous Energy Audit of BHC Cement Factory
The aim of the previous energy audit was to survey the cement crushing line. The results of
temperature and pressure measurements were close to specified values, which suggested fairly
good operating conditions. We recommended implementing the following items to further
improve energy efficiency under these operating conditions.
(1) Upgrading and maintenance of sensors and meters (for pressure, temperature, and electric
The piping of pressure gauges had been left in a clogged condition, electrical meters were not
working, and all the sensors and meters were uncontrolled. Since it is very important that
meters and sensors function correctly and without error in order to ensure the normal and
efficient operation of facilities, as well as to prevent accidents, daily checks of measured values
and periodic calibration of all instruments are required.
(2) Utilization of the exhaust from the dust collector as secondary air for the O-SEPA
Although ambient air is used as secondary air for the O-SEPA, the specification of the O-SEPA
permits the use of air containing dust. Dedicated dust collector (bag filter) is installed in front
of the mill to collect dust from the clinker hopper and the gypsum hopper. Since this dust
collector is located close to the O-SEPA, connecting the dust collector and the secondary air
duct of the O-SEPA with pipelines can use the exhaust from the dust collector. This reduces the
operation of the dust collector and saves power. Furthermore, maintenance of the dust collector
is no longer needed so that maintenance costs are also reduced. The annual saving in power
consumption (43.8MWh/y) and maintenance costs could total US$5,300.
(5) Measures for preventing any recurrence of breakage in the clinker shoot and gas duct
The amount of wear on the gas ducts and clinker shoot is remarkable. Even though this damage
is repaired immediately, the repair work is always done in the same way so that the cycle of
wear-damage-repair is simply repeated. The actual causes of the damage should be identified in
order to prevent any recurrence of the problem.
2.3 Follow-up Energy Audit
We visited BHC Cement Factory to carry out a follow-up energy audit on the progress made in
addressing the issues raised in the previous visit and to review new activities.
was under a halt due to a failure at the mill and only the shipping facilities were operating.
Since we received the written replies to the questions that had been submitted to DES through
ACE (included in Material No. D-108) on the way to visit BHC, the investigation proceeded
smoothly. However, the report on Phase 1 had not been sent to BHC so it was necessary to
explain some of it to them.
We found that their business prospects were worsening because of low-cost cement imported
from China since July 2005. As a result, the company is facing a serious crisis with a low
operating ratio of only about 50%, making it difficult to invest in energy conservation.
The president of the German stock-holding company only visits the factory once every three
months, for several days at a time, and no technical assistance is provided. The factory manager,
Mr. Wdjaja, has had experience working at the Indonesian Cement Company, located about
30km south of Jakarta. He was doing his best to cope with the low operating ratio.
The government of Brunei announced that December marked the start of an energy
conservation campaign and the activities of PROMEEC appeared in newspapers in both
English and the Bruneian language.
We obtained the following materials from BHC:
“Brochure about BHC”, “Power consumption in 2005”, “Table showing the operating ratio of
the mill” and “Material for presentation at the seminar”
(1) Recent changes in the situation and operating conditions of the facilities
As described in Material No. D-135, demand from the Brunei domestic market recorded a
maximum value of about 770,000 tons in 1996 and has decreased since then due to the
economic stagnation in the region. Demand over the past five years has varied from 230,000 to
250,000t/y, which corresponds to about 50% of the maximum production capacity of
The quality of the cement produced by BHC is a little higher than that of regular cement due to
the higher content of clinker, but BHC is not competitive because their factory is not an
integrated operation provided with its own kiln, and neighboring countries charge import duties
of about 5%. Therefore, it is difficult for them to export their products. In addition, inexpensive
Chinese products (of uncertain quality), which are imported tax-free into Brunei, began to
invade their market in July 2005. About 20,000 tons of cement has been imported from China.
(2) Status of production and unit consumption of energy
Electricity is the only energy source used, and this is purchased from the government (DES).
The unit consumption of electricity in the mill is 50-56kWh/t-product. In 2005, the electricity
consumption was 55.4kWh/t in January and 57.9kWh/t in November, which was a little higher
than usual. These values are about 84% (on average) of the unit consumption of electrical
power for the whole factory. It was explained that consumption would only be 45kWh/t if the
plant had been operating at 100% of production capacity and that the inferior power
consumption was due to the higher quality of the products produced and the increased loss
caused by the starting and stopping brought about by the low operating ratio.
(3) Walk through energy audit of the cement factory
During the plant tour, we inspected the mill and the drive unit in the crushing plant, the raw
material feeders for clinker and gypsum, the dust collectors, electric room, cement transport
devices, receiving equipment for clinker and gypsum, and the storage silo, cement silo, air
compressors and cement-bagging devices. The facilities were almost the same as those
described in the previous report. The finishing mill, which is a major user of electricity, was not
operating due to a problem that had occurred two days before. In the previous report, it was
pointed out that the mill motor (made in China) could not achieve the rated crushing capacity
due to the restriction placed on its use by the bearing overheating. The motor had therefore
been replaced with one made in the U.S.A. Although the new motor has only the same capacity
of 2,800kW, it can be used without problems because of its higher design temperature.
The only facilities operating at the time of the investigation were the cement-bagging machine
and the loading machine for tank trucks. Products were being shipped in bulk using tank trucks
and packed in bags. These are 50kg bags made of paper and printed with a mark indicating that
the product conforms to BS certification. The overall impression gained was that the
workplaces were disorganized.
The factory had received ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification since the previous energy audit.
The following comments are based on those issues discussed during and after the walk through
energy audit.
(4) Power receiving and distribution system.
Electricity is received at 11kV and reduced to a high voltage of 6.6kV by a 7,500kVA
transformer. Motors (2,800kW) for the mill and fans (355kW) for conveyors are operated with
this voltage. A phase advance capacitor of 1,200kvar is provided for the high voltage line.
However, since costs are not charged to the power factor in this country, the only advantage
gained is loss reduction at the main transformer.
It seems to be insecure that only one receiving transformer is installed. Since the factory only
operates at 50% of full capacity, and from the viewpoint of energy conservation, it would be
better to use two transformers of about 3,000kVA each.
Electricity at a low voltage of 380V is obtained from the 6.6kV supply using a 1000kVA
transformer. A phase advance capacitor is also provided for the low voltage line to reduce the
loss in the distribution system.
We commented on these matters as follows:
Mill & related Other
facilities facilities
Figure V-2-1 General connection diagram for the power receiving and distributing system
The demand factor (= maximum power demand/facility capacity) of the receiving transformer
is 47% (= 3,500kVA/7,500kVA) when the mill is operating but only 4% (=
300kVA/7,500kVA) when the mill is idle. Therefore, the amount of electric power required
for the mill is assumed to be 3,200kW, and the amount of power and the power factor of the
other facilities are assumed to be 300kW and 100%, respectively.
2) Remedial plan
The following procedure is recommended to reduce the loss from the 7,500kVA transformer
in the low-demand period.
Use the 7,500kVA transformer only for the mill and parallel off when it is not operated. This
eliminates the loss from the 7,500kVA transformer during the low-demand period. Install a
750kVA transformer for the other facilities. The transformer can be connected to the 11kV
power source separately. Figure V-2-2 shows the connection diagram for the remedial plan.
Mill & related Other
facilities facilities
Figure V-2-2 Power receiving and distributing connection diagram for the remedial plan
3) Estimation of benefits
Assuming that the demand for mill-related power is 3,200kW, and it is operating 50% of the
time, while the other facilities use 300kW constantly throughout the day with a power factor
of 100%, then the benefits can be estimated as shown below. (The values shown in Table
V-2-2 are used for the no-load loss and load loss of the transformers).
Table V-2-2 Loss characteristics of transformers used for receiving and transforming power
The transformer loss per day is found by calculating the load loss and no-load loss, as
- Transformer loss in the present arrangement
7,500kVA transformer: 14.5kW × 24h/d + 60.6 kW × (3,500/7,500)2 × 12h/d
+ 60.6 kW × (300/7,500)2 × 12h/d = 507.5kWh/d
1,000kVA transformer: 1.88kW × 24h/d + 11.89kW × (300/1,000)2 × 24h/d =
- Transformer loss in the improved arrangement
7,500kVA transformer: 14.5kW × 12h/d + 60.6 kW × (3,200/7,500)2 × 12h/d =
750kVA transformer: 1.44kW × 24h/d + 9.52kW × (300/750)2 × 24h = 71.1kWh/d
Thus, the following energy conservation benefits are obtained:
(507.5+70.7)kWh/d - (306.4+71.1)kWh/d = 200.8kWh/d (= 73MWh/y).
Assuming that the power consumption in 2005 is 15,437MWh (=14,151MWh × 12/11), then
the improvement ratio is:
73MWh/15,437MWh = 0.0047 (= 0.47%).
In this plan, while the 7,500kVA transformer requires only a change of connection, the
750kVA transformer must be newly installed. Since the improvement ratio is not very high,
this plan should be implemented in the future on a suitable occasion unless low voltage power
receiving is possible.
(5) Air compressors
Two screw type compressors of 200hp (= 149kW) are currently installed. When we visited the
factory, one of them was still operating even though the factory was almost at a halt. It was
explained that discharge pressure was controlled between 105 and 90psi by capacity control
and that the pressure was about 103psi. Load/unload action was not observed. However, the
pressure was reduced to about 90psi when the regenerative cooler was operated in the
regenerative mode. (Note: 100psi = 0.689MPa)
A receiver tank is provided for each air compressor, next to the cooler, from which the air is
supplied throughout the plant. Although a pressure gauge was provided at each receiver tank, it
was hard to read the gauge because cement powder covered the surface of the gauge. One of
the facilities making use of the air was the packing equipment, and the pressure for this
equipment was kept stable at 0.6MPa. However, it seemed that pressure control was insufficient
because a rubber tube of about 10mm diameter, probably used for cleaning, was attached
directly to the piping system.
We asked whether the regenerative cooler was really necessary for the cement factory. Their
reply was that it was necessary because problems had resulted when they had carried out
experiments at high dew points. They also said that the pressure could not be reduced. There
must be problems involving the capacity of the air compressors.
0.9 18%
0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Discharge pressure (MPa)
Reducing the discharge pressure from 0.7MPa to 0.6MPa saves about 10% of power and
about 18% by reducing it to 0.5MPa. After studying the pressure needed for each load
facility, it is therefore recommended that the discharge pressure be reduced.
Possible measures for reducing the pressure are:
Low-pressure load: Reducing the pressure using pressure-reducing valves
High-pressure load: Increasing the pressure using a booster
The air blow pressure for cleaning can be reduced to about 0.3MPa.
2) Pressure and air leakage
The compressed air generated by the air compressors is supplied to all facilities through
pipelines, during which some pressure and flow volume are lost, as shown in Figure V-2-4.
Compressor Terminal system
Pipe line
Pi Po
Loss ΔP
Qi Qo
ΔP Pressure loss
Air power Leakage loss
at terminal system
0 Qo Qi
In the figure, ∆P is the loss generated by friction, the curvature of the pipe, and expansion and
reduction of the pipe, while ∆Q is the leakage from the pipeline. The former problem is set
based on the balance with the piping cost and the latter can be controlled, aiming at zero
3) Flow control and air leakage control
The factory air compressor system is centralized. While such a system has advantages in
ensuring the effective utilization of facilities and centralized control, air leakage and pressure
loss due to the long pipelines and an imbalance between supply and demand are apt to occur.
Therefore, careful control is required for effective operation.
Since little air is consumed when the plant is not in operation, this is an opportunity to install
flow meters to control the airflow and implement periodic air leakage checks.
Generally speaking, leakage of 3 to 5% occurs even in newly installed pipelines and increases
over time, up to 10% or even 35%. Air leakage occurs mainly at the following points:
・Piping joints: due to the corrosion of flanges, creation of gaps between flanges, and
the loosening of bolts,
・Seals: elastic seals (rubber), and metal seals.
The amount of leakage can be checked by operating the compressors when the plant is not in
operation, as shown in Figure V-2-5.
After completely closing the ends of all pipelines, operate the compressor until the pressure
reaches the specified value. Then stop the compressor. The discharge pressure will change as
shown in Figure V-2-5, where P1 is the working pressure. Usually, P1-P2 is set at 0.05 to
0.7 Setting pressure
p1 = Specified pressure
Working pressure range
Estimation of the Air leakage 0.6 p1 – p2 = 0.05~0.1MPa
t2 p2 = Specified pressure
L: Air leakage (%) 0.5
t2 Pressure descent
t1 Pressure ascent
L= × 100 (%)
t1+t2 0.3 Smallleakage
Large leakage
Time (min)
4) Dryer
Adsorbent type dryers (heatless dryers) have been installed. Adsorbent type dryers can, by
adjusting the amount of purge, be used in electronics plants producing electronic parts and the
like, where very low dew points are required.
Table V-2-3 shows the relationship between purge and dew point. A dew point of -19ºC can be
obtained with 15% purge.
The dew point of the BHC factory is -8ºC, with saturated water content of 2.531g/m3.
Figure V-2-6 shows the relationship between dew point and saturated water content.
Water at dew point (g/m )
-50 -30 -10 10 30 50
Dew point (℃ )
In this cement factory, there is no process in which the temperature of the compressed air
pipelines drops below 0ºC. Excessive dew point setting results in the wasteful release of
precious compressed air by purging. Therefore, it is recommended that a review of dew point
control be undertaken, comprising the following steps:
① Confirmation of required dew points,
② Adjustment of purging volume (purging time)
③ Studying the possibility of using heat type dryers (chiller type), (either in changeover
or in parallel use)
To M/C
Compressor Dryer
(Chiller type) Heatless dryer
Compressor yard
Figure V-2-7 System in which a chiller type dryer is used in the first stage
In this system, since regeneration is carried out using dry compressed air, less time is
required and the purging volume of the absorber is reduced. Assuming that the present
purge is 15%, the reduction in purge volume is estimated as follows.
According to the manufacturer’s catalog, the discharge volume of an air compressor of
200hp (= 149kW) is 28.5m3/min. Thus, the amount of air used for purging is:
28.5m3/min × 60min/h × 0.15 = 256.5m3/h
Converting to electricity, this value corresponds to 15% of the supplied power. Assuming
that the motor efficiency is 90%, the following value is obtained:
149kW/0.9 × 0.15 = 24.8kW
Assuming that the temperature of the output air from the compressor is 42℃ and the air is
100% saturated with water, the amount of water contained in it is 56.5g/m3. When the dew
point of the outlet air (PDP) of the chiller type dryer is 10℃, the amount of water
contained in it is 9.39g/m3.
Since the water content of the purging air has dropped from 56.5g/m3 to 9.39g/m3, the
efficiency of purging has been improved. The amount of reduction in the purging of the
adsorbent dryer due to the installation of a preliminary dryer is proportional to the water
content at the inlet. Therefore, the ratio of the reduction in purging volume is:
1 - 9.39g/m3/56.5g/m3 = 0.83.
Thus, the amount of reduction in power saving is:
24.84kW × 0.834 = 20.7kW.
Subtracting the power consumption of the preliminary dryer (about 6.5kW) from 20.7kW
results in energy saving of 14.2kW. The ratio of this amount to the total power
consumption is 14.2kW/(149kW/0.9) = 0.0858.
This indicates that the total efficiency is improved by adding a preliminary dryer to the
adsorbent type dryer.
(6) Central control room and data control
The FAS data control system has been installed, which monitors all major data collected in the
factory using two CRTs. This system is made in China. Although many data printouts are
produced, the data do not seem to be utilized systematically.
The data are manually recorded on daily log sheets on an hour-to-hour basis instead of being
automatically recorded directly from the CRT display. These data are then manually entered
into a computer in order to prepare charts for analysis. Since there are 10 personnel in the
utility section for maintenance, etc., there seems to be enough labor to carry out all this
manually. They therefore have no plan to computerize the data collection/calculation process.
Some old-fashioned operating systems are incompatible with other versions and this system
may be one of them, making it difficult to add a data logging function. Since data collection is
the basis of energy conservation activities, however, it is recommended that a computerized
central data monitoring system be introduced as soon as possible.
(7) Partial load characteristics of motors and fans
1) Motors
While the load factor of an induction motor can be obtained by measuring its power
consumption and comparing this with the rated value, the measurement of electric power is
not always easy because the voltage and current must both be measured simultaneously.
However, it can be easily judged whether the motor is oversized or not just by measuring the
current. Figure V-2-8 shows the performance characteristics of a squirrel-cage induction
motor (driven at 400V). These characteristics include the efficiency, power factor, and current
(as a percentage of the rated value) plotted against the load factor.
The relationship between the current and the load factor indicates that the load factor is 50%
when the current is 60% of the rated value. It can also be seen that the power factor decreases
from 88% to 77% and that efficiency decreases from 92% to 90%. In motors that are driven at
a high voltage, the load factor also decreases to about 50% when the current is 60%.
Although the decrease in efficiency is only several percent at most, even in high voltage
motors, the load factor of 50% means that each motor has double the capacity needed and so
the overall system is in need of improvement.
Therefore, a rough guide to judge whether the motor is oversized or not can be obtained from
60% of the rated value.
factor, Current (% )
Efficiency, P ower
Power factor
60 Current
25 50 75 100 125 150
Load factor (% )
Efficiency (% )
M otor
40.0 Pump
25 50 75 100 125
Load factor (% )
Figure V-2-9 Relationship between load factor and efficiency of a pump and a fan
Figure V-2-10 shows the ratio of shaft power of the motor for the damper control and
rotational speed control.
Shaft power (%)
Suction damper
40 Ideal curve
Speed control
0 20 40 60 80 100
When the airflow is reduced to 80%, energy conservation of 40% is realized by adjusting the
rotational speed. Since the amount of energy conservation is approximately in proportion to
the capacity of the motor, the energy conservation is 400kW × 0.40 = 160kW. Assuming the
operating ratio is 50%, annual savings will be:
160kW × 24h/d × 365d/year × 0.5 = 700,800kWh/y.
This value corresponds to 4.5% of the estimated total power consumption of 15,437MWh/y of
the factory.
(2) BHC’s original improvements
As described in the explanatory material (attached PPT Material) and the written reply to the
questions, the following items have either been implemented or planned:
1) Improvement of the power factor by introducing a Reactivated Capacitor Bank ・ ・ ・
2) Use of a Grinding Aid (an aqueous solution of chemicals that functions as an antiadhesive
agent. This solution prevents the pulverized powder from adhering to the milling balls) ・・・
at the planning stage.
3) Introduction and establishment of SOP・・・implemented.
4) Reducing the clinker receiving time from 7 days to 4 days・・・implemented.
This contributes not only to a reduction in the power consumption of the receiving operation but
also to the prevention of demurrage payments.
5) Timers added to the lighting equipment to save the outdoor illumination during daytime・・・
6) Since two of the three pier hoppers were not provided with bag filters, these were added to
both hoppers.・・・implemented.
(This item is not for energy conservation but for environmental improvement.)
In addition, changing the present mill to a more energy-efficient type is under consideration.
However, profitability is doubtful under the present operating conditions.
3. Walk-through Energy Audit of the Beverage Factory of Kingston Beverage & Creamery Sdn.
DES selected a factory that produces beverages and ice cream, owned by Kingston Beverage &
Creamery Sdn. Bhd., as the second factory for energy audit. This factory is located in an
industrial complex close to the center of the capital. This was the first experience by the factory
of an energy audit and the management responded in a very friendly and cooperative manner.
In Brunei, there are not many factories that consume large amounts of energy, and more energy is
consumed by other facilities such as night golf courses owned by hotels and resort facilities.
3.1 Outline of the Beverage Factory of Kingston Beverage & Creamery Sdn. Bhd.
is for ice-cream production, and one line is for molding plastic bottles. Most parts of these lines
are automated by electrically operated devices. Part of the cartoning operation is the only
process carried out manually.
Energy consuming facilities (except in the beverage bottling process) are as follows:
Boiler: Diesel oil-fired smoke tube boiler: 150PSI (= 1.05MPa) ×
5t/h × 1unit
Air compressors: - General purpose centrifugal compressors: 22hp × 4units
- Reciprocating type compressors for ice-cream production
1.3MPa: 20hp× 1unit and 30hp× 1unit
Ammonium compressors: 100hp × 1unit
Refrigerators: 5hp and 7.5hp, one each
Water supply pumps Many pumps
Emergency diesel generator: 380kVA × 1 (Just enough capacity for the operation of the
ice-cream process when there is a power outage. It is kept
outdoors on a wheeled rack.)
Power receiving facilities: The receiving voltage of 11kVA is transformed to 400V by
a 1,000kVA transformer.
A watt-hour meter (owned by the government) is provided.
(4) Consumption
Electricity and diesel oil are used as energy sources. Diesel oil is used for the boilers and
transport equipment such as trucks and forklifts. A receiver tank of 40 to 50m3 is installed in
the factory.
(1) After listening to the outline of the factory, we surveyed the production lines for beverages and
ice-cream, related utility facilities, and the plastic bottle molding machines.
As might be expected of a food manufacturer, special care is taken for hygiene in the
production lines, and quality inspection is carried out frequently. Facilities related to utilities
are separated in a different building from those used for food, and include city water receiving
and storage facilities, boilers, diesel fuel receiving and storage facilities, refrigerator
compressors, and air compressors.
Among the machines present, the 100hp ammonium compressor for the ice-cream production
process uses the most energy, followed by the plastic bottle molding machine, consisting of a
50hp motor and a 2-stage molding machine. Since the voltage drop caused by reactive power
was our main concern, we asked about the phase advance capacitor. However, they replied that
they did not have a phase advance capacitor. They are not interested in reactive power because
they don’t have a rate system for reactive power.
There seems to be a considerable amount of reactive current loss, including the outdoor
electricity distribution lines. Since capacitors are relatively inexpensive, it may be an effective
strategy for the government to promote improvement of the power factor at a national level.
Among the various power loads, compressors are the most numerous, comprising a wide range
of types and discharge pressures. Since all the compressors are of a reciprocating type, partial
loads do not cause a serious problem, but energy conservation may be possible by reducing the
discharge pressure.
a. Monthly use
Monthly use can be determined from the electrical bills, but this involves a time delay.
Daily consumption data are required in order to assess day-to-day activities. Daily
consumption is easily measured using a watt-hour meter, but it is also possible to calculate
the power consumption by reading the supply meter of the electric power company if a
dedicated watt-hour meter is not available.
A simple method is to read the watt-hour meter at a specific time every day then compare
this with the values obtained on previous days. Table V-3-1 shows an example of a
record-keeping form.
② Measuring the rotational speed of the circular plate
To measure the rotational speed of the circular plate, utilize the black mark on the edge
of the plate. The speed can be measured in many ways, but one simple method is to
measure the time required for 10 rotations.
The rotational speed of the circular plate thus obtained is then designated as S
Circular Plate
Direction of the rotation
The purpose of the above explanation is to introduce a method for measuring the power
used when other instruments are not available. The use of a watt-hour meter provided with
a recording function enables an even more complete daily load chart to be compiled.
By drawing a graph noting the power consumption every hour, a daily load chart can be
obtained, as shown in Figure V-3-2.
c. Electric power consumption by use
To get a better understanding of detailed power consumption by classifying the loads, it is
convenient to divide the received power by the number of trunk lines at the electricity
receiving board. Measure the current of each trunk line using a clamp ammeter and assume
that the power factor is about 0.8. Then divide up the total received power in proportion to
the calculated currents. This calculation includes some error due to the estimation of the
power factor, but this will only deviate by 10% at most, which does not matter for the
purpose of this calculation.
However, this measurement gives only those values for a given moment in time, and a
watt-hour meter must be used to compare the proportion of power consumption used over
periods of days or months. It is therefore recommended that a watt-hour meter be installed
to implement comprehensive electric power control.
Pe ak
200 Ave r age
50 Nigh t po we r
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Time (hour)
時 刻(時)
Compare the chart with the operation pattern of the factory to check whether there is waste
power consumption during recess time or at night, when factory operations halt. Since power
consumption during the night and on holidays is fixed, any reduction in power consumption
is very effective because the loss is constantly integrated over time.
Changing the operation schedule can sometimes disperse peak power. Peak power is directly
related to the electricity tariff. The same measures described for reducing power
consumption during off-peak operation should be taken when the electricity rate is high.
2) Unit consumption
Unit consumption is defined as the index expressed “by dividing the energy used for
production by the production volume”. Unit consumption can therefore be calculated as
Unit consumption = amount of energy used/production volume
Unit consumption is a useful index for evaluating the achievements of energy conservation
activities, and can be used for many different purposes such as comparison with other
companies and setting targets for energy conservation (for example, a 1% REDUCTION IN
Since the unit consumption expresses the degree of energy conservation on a macroscopic
level, the ratio of energy consumption to the production volume for each process can also be
used to assess the degree of energy conservation at each stage of the process.
3) Converting fixed energy to variable energy
By plotting energy consumption against production volume on a graph, as shown in Figure
V-3-3, energy consumption can be divided into fixed elements and variable elements.
Energy Consumption
Energy Consumption
Production Production
In a production system where the fixed elements dominate, unit consumption drastically
increases as the production decreases. One of the targets of energy conservation is therefore
to convert fixed elements into variable elements. Facilities that operate regardless of
production must be converted so that they operate in conjunction with production. Generally
speaking, facilities for utilities are apt to contribute more to fixed elements.
Making improvements
Improving using the
through PDCA PDCA cycle
and pump.
Efficiency (% ) 60.0
M otor
40.0 Fan
25 50 75 100 125
Load factor (% )
Figure V-3-5 Relationship between load factor and efficiency for a motor, fan, and pump
When the load factor is only 50%, efficiency decreases by 10% both in the pump and the fan.
When the load factor decreases even further, efficiency decreases drastically. Since a load
factor, 50% means that a motor capacity is more than twice as necessary used. This situation
must be improved.
The easiest way to identify a facility with excessive capacity is to measure the current of the
driving motor. If the current is less than 60% of the rated value, it is possible that the load
factor of the pump or fan is 50% or less.
A simple method to improve the load factor is to adjust the capacity by reducing the
rotational speed by changing either the pulley ratio or the gear ratio.
2) Air compressors
a. Reduction of discharge pressure
Since the number of operating compressors is controlled using a main compressor and an
auxiliary, reciprocating compressor, partial load must be dealt with appropriately. To
confirm this, it is recommended that the current be measured both when loaded and
unloaded to check whether the capacity is adjusted properly. The control is appropriate if
the current decreases to about 30% when unloaded.
In displacement compressors such as a reciprocating or screw type, decreasing the
discharge pressure can reduce the shaft output of the motor.
Figure V-3-6 shows the energy conservation effect when the discharge pressure is reduced,
taking the reference pressure as 0.7MPa. (Same Figure V-2-3)
When the discharge pressure is reduced from 0.7MPa to 0.6MPa, the results in power
saving is 10% and about 18% when the pressure is reduced to 0.5MPa. Therefore, reducing
the discharge pressure to the value actually required by the load facility should save the
Base pressure: 0.7MPaG
T1 アンロード
Load f actor=
T1+ t2
T1 T2
Figure V-3-7 Air leakage check
4. Seminar and Workshop
4.1 Summary
A seminar workshop was held on December 17 (Sat), 2005.
The seminar workshop started with the opening address of Mr. Pg. Zamra (DES) of Brunei who
took the chair. The seminar was well attended with more than 100 people, including participants
from Brunei DES and three presenters from ASEAN countries. There were many relevant
questions and answers and the seminar workshop was very successful.
(2) Venue
The Centrepoint Hotel, 6F (Purple Jade Room), BSB, Brunei Darussalam
(4) Participants
Brunei: DES
Mr. Hj Umar bin Hj Mohd Tahir, Head of Energy Policy & Planning
Mr. Haji Abd Shawal bin Yaman, Energy Division
Mr. Pg. Zamra (Pg. stands for Royal Family)
Mr. Ismail bin Hj. Mohd. Daud, Head of Unit, safety and Enforcement
Many other people
Dr. Weerawat Chantanakome, Executive Director
Mr. Ivan Ismed, Project Officer
Mr. Subagyo, PT Kertas Leces
Mr. Tran Minh Khoa, Institute of Technology
Mr. Ibrahim Hishamdin, Pusat Tenega Malaysia (PTM)
Japan: International Engineering Department, ECCJ
Messrs. Fumio Ogawa, Hisashi Amano and Hideyuki Tanaka, Technical Experts
More than 100 participants from Brunei attended the seminar, including DES members. Many
of them represented governmental organizations, but people from the state-controlled
petroleum company, Brunei Shell, and the two factories we visited were also among the
attendees. We asked to see an electronic file listing the participants, but we have not received
this yet.
1) ACE
The speech given by Dr. Weerawat, Executive Director of ACE, was almost the same as that
delivered in Indonesia. However, he added that he was impressed by the lush beauty of
Brunei, which he was now visiting for the first time, and that energy was one of the most
important topics of the recent East Asian summit meeting held in Kuala Lumpur. He further
stated that his successor in ACE would be selected from Vietnam and that it would be
Brunei’s turn to fill the position if Vietnam was to decline.
Mr. Tanaka represented Japan (METI and ECCJ). He stated the significance, history, and
recent background of this project and outlined the Japanese cooperation and contribution to
3) DES
The Honorable Hj. Umar bin Hj. Mohd Tahir greeted all those present. He outlined the
energy conservation policies of the government of Brunei, introduced recent activities such
as the PROMEEC (industry) audit, and then declared the seminar open. He attended the
workshop for the whole day, listening carefully to the discussions and, at the end of the
seminar, handed a diploma to the participants and shook their hands. He also participated in
the question and answer session.
1) Overview of ASEAN Plans and Programs on EE&C (Dr. Weerawat, ACE)
The same material used in Indonesia was presented again, although emphasis was placed on
the portion most relevant to Brunei. (Material No. D-127, the same as that used in
2) Energy Overview in Brunei Darussalam (Mr. Yaman, DES) (Material No. D-134)
Production of petroleum and natural gas, power generation facilities, the use of energy by
industry, changes in the demand and supply of energy in the past, policies on energy use
(petroleum and electric power), and policies on energy conservation in Brunei were all
3) Initiatives and Programs of ECCJ on EE&C in Industry in Japan (Mr. Tanaka, ECCJ)
(Material No. D-128)
Immediately before the presentation, the chairman, Mr. Zamra, stated that although he had
understood the significance and aims of energy conservation, how should energy
conservation actually be implemented? Technical Expert Tanaka replied that it would be
helpful to refer to Japanese cases, and he then started his presentation. As a result, the
attendees listened to Mr. Tanaka’s explanation very carefully. He described such topics as
harmonization of the “3 E’s”, methods of energy conservation, designated factories,
qualified energy managers, and the national convention of energy conservation.
these industries actually exists in Brunei, only the general principles were reported, and
Tanaka gave a lecture relating to methods for promoting energy conservation in general.
VI. Activities and Efforts as ASEAN
Summary workshop and post-workshop discussions on three project areas shared by all
participating ASEAN countries -- promotion of energy conservation in major industries and
buildings, and the development of a common basis for energy management -- were held in
Bandung, Indonesia. These workshops were attended by the representatives of the seven ASEAN
countries and the representatives of the ASEAN Center for Energy (ACE) and the Energy
Conservation Center, Japan (ECCJ), in order to assess the results and achievements of each
project carried out this year and to confirm the activities to be carried out in coming years. In the
summary workshop, the year’s activities for each of the three project areas -- promotion of energy
conservation in major industries and buildings, and the development of a common basis for
energy management -- were reported by Japanese representatives. All participants then discussed
the assessment of the achievements and problems to be resolved.
Indonesia (7 persons)
Ms. Maryam Ayuni: Head of Energy Conservation Div., MEMR
Ms. Endang Lestali: Coordinator, Energy Conservation and Environmental Research
Program, Center for R & D on Energy and Electricity Technology,
Ms. Devi Laksmi: Staff of Energy Conservation Div., MEMR
Dr. Nugroho Sulami: Department of Engineering Physics, Institute Technology
Ms. Sutji Rahayu: Tariff Expert, Marketing Div., Indonesia Electricity Corporation
(PT PLN (Persero)), Observer
Dr. Ir. Widodo W. Purwanto: Head of Clean Energy & Products Research Group, Universitas
Indonesia, as an observer
VI - 1
Mr. Pramdi B. Pradja PT KONEBA, Observer
Brunei Darussalam (1 person)
Mr. Haji Abd Shawal bin Yaman: Head of Energy Div., DES
Cambodia (1 person)
Mr. Lieng Vuthy: Deputy Director, Dept. of Energy Technique, MIME
Lao PDR (1 person)
Mr. Khamso Kouphskham: Deputy Chief of EMD, Ministry of Industry and Handcrafts, Dept.
of Electricity, Elect. Manage. Div. (EMD)
Malaysia (1 person)
Mr. Ahmad Zairin Ismail: Deputy Director, Energy Industry & Sustainable Development
Div., PTM
Philippines (1 person)
Mr. Marlon R. Domingo: Senior Science Research Specialist, Energy Efficiency Div.,
Energy Utilization Management Bureau, DOE
Thailand (1 person)
Dr. Prasert Sinsukprasart: Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency
ACE (5 persons)
Dr. Weerawat Chantanakome: Executive Director
Mr. Christopher Zamora: Administration and Finance Manger
Ms. Maureen C. Balamiento: Database and IT Specialist
Mr. Ivan Ismed: Project Officer
Mr. Junianto M.: IT Staff
ECCJ (4 persons)
Mr. Tsuzuru Nuibe: Senior General Manager
Mr. Kazuhiko Yoshida: General Manager
Mr. Yoshitaka Ushio: General Manager
Mr. Hideyuki Tanaka: Technical Expert
VI - 2
2. Summary Workshop related Major Industries
For the outline of the achievements of the project, related to major industries, Dr. Prasert took the
chair of the meeting, which proceeded according to the workshop agenda (Material No. D-201).
Countries visited in the second year (Phase 2) activities and periods of activities.
Cambodia 22 to 26 August, 2005
Philippines 29 August to 2 September 2005
Indonesia 5 to 12 December, 2005
Brunei Darussalam 14 to 17 December, 2005
Brunei Cambodia Indonesia Philippines
Items Time Dec. 13∼17 Aug. 22∼26 DEC. 5∼12 Aug. 29∼Sep.2
Cement & Food Pulp/Paper and 2 Rolling Mill
1. Follow-up / Energy Audit Processing Factories 3Factories
Textile Factories Factories
2. Seminar-Workshop Brunei - MOE Cambodia-MIME ACE Philippines - DOE
Cement (Brunei) Brunei - BHC
Ceramics (Vietnam) Vietnam - MOI Vietnam - MOI Vietnam - MOI
Chemical (Caustic Soda) Philippines -
(Thailand) R.I. Chemicals Co.
2) EE&C Activities
VI - 3
In the seminar workshop, the host country reported policies on energy conservation and the
energy conservation activities carried out by the industry. Presenters from three or four ASEAN
countries, listed above, attended the meeting in order to report on the status of activities for
energy conservation in the major industries of their own country. When the presenters from other
countries/industries could not attend the seminar in person, ECCJ representatives took their
There were many reports presented by various countries other than the host country, describing
ceramics in Vietnam; hydroelectric power generation in Laos; the pulp and paper industry in
Indonesia; glass, textiles, food, iron and steel in Malaysia; iron and steel in the Philippines; and
cogeneration and ESCO in Thailand.
The following overview concerns the activities carried out in these four countries. (Refer to
items II to IV for details of the activities of each country.)
VI - 4
through energy audit was also carried out in the same region and a seminar workshop was held
on the sixth day.
The staffs of the pulp and paper factory were very serious about energy conservation, and all the
items for improvement recommended in Phase 1 had been implemented, wherever possible.
They have reported on energy conservation activities at every PROMEEC seminar workshop,
having a significant influence on the industrial world of the ASEAN countries.
Among the ASEAN countries, successful cases of energy conservation were reported by Laos,
regarding hydroelectric power generation; by Malaysia, regarding the glass and textile industries;
by the Philippines, regarding the iron and steel industry; and by Thailand, regarding
cogeneration and the ESCO industry.
Combining the results for 2004, it can be seen that 83.3% of all activities have been implemented,
which surpasses the 64.5% figure for 2004. This indicates that all activities are being
energetically carried out. This table also shows that energy conservation activities are especially
common in the Indonesian pulp and paper factory studied. The results at the Vietnamese
ceramics factory were achieved after the follow-up energy audit in 2004, which shows that the
VI - 5
achievements there are due to the concerted efforts of the whole factory.
Items Numbers
Item Numbers and Ratio
and Ratio (%) (%)
Country Company Name Not Imp-
Recommended Finished Under Non-
(Industry) lmented
by ECCJ or Studied Study activity
Brunei Butra Heidelberg Cement 5 0 1
6 17%
(Cement Industry) 83% 0%
M&V International Mfg 2 0 1
3 33%
(Garment Industry) 67% 0%
June A Co. Ltd.
Textile 2 0 1
(Garment Industry) 3 67% 0% 33%
Indonesia PT KERTAS LECES 34 28 34 0 6 0
(Pulp/Paper Industry) 100% 0% 0%
Philippines Company
Steel Asia C
Mfg. Corp. 2 1 1
(Iron/Steel Industry) 50% 25% 25%
2004 + Presentation
(3) Participants in the energy audit of factories and the seminar workshop
In the PROMEEC activities of 2005, government officials from member countries and managers
and engineers of private companies were supposed to play a proactive role in the follow-up
investigation and energy audit of new factories, with the assistance of ECCJ experts, on an OJT
basis. As a matter of fact, nothing happened unless ECCJ experts took the initiative themselves.
OJT training had the intended result of increasing the number of participants in the energy audit
of factories in 2005 from an average of 1.6 to an average of 4.2, as shown in Table VI-2-3.
On the other hand, the number of attendees at the seminar workshop decreased from 71.5 to 56.5,
VI - 6
which may have been caused by budget restrictions.
Table VI-2-3 Number of participants in the diagnoses and seminars in various countries
Item Year
2004 2005
Energy audit Number of factories 7 9
Total number of 11 38
Average number of 1.6 4.2
Seminar workshop Number of seminars 4 4
Total number of 286 226
Average number of 71.5 56.5
VI - 7
Table VI-2-4 Successful cases of energy conservation reported by ASEAN countries
2.3 Outline of the Reports Presented by the Four Host Countries at Summary Post Workshop
This year’s four host countries submitted reports on EE&C activities.
VI - 8
(2) Report of Cambodia (Material No. D-204)
To overcome the low electricity diffusion rate of 17% and high electricity prices, it is planned
to triple the power supply over the next decade. The report presented was mainly concerned
with PROMEEC activities in the garment industry. Further dissemination of energy
conservation in this country still seems to be necessary.
Activities planned in the future are: cooperation with Thailand regarding renewable energy and
energy conservation; participation in further PROMEEC activities; and the promotion of CEEP
(Cambodian Energy Efficiency Project) as a local initiative.
VI - 9
written reply to the questionnaire. A week’s visit is scheduled for each country and a maximum of
two factories are selected for the follow-up energy audit and new energy audit. A seminar
workshop is then held where the energy audit team presents the results. Also at the seminar, the
host country reports on its energy conservation activities and member countries designated by the
host country report on their activities. In the workshop, the preparation of Technical Directories
(TD), and the formulation and status of Databases (DB), Benchmarks (BM), and Guidelines (GL)
are also discussed.
A final workshop is then held after summarizing all activities carried out in 2006.
2.5 Discussion
1) There were no objections to the request from ECCJ that an energy audit team consisting of
about five members should be established and that sufficient preparation must be undertaken.
There was an opinion expressed that the required capabilities of the members must be clearly
defined. It is doubtful whether competent personnel can always be found.
Several ASEAN countries, including Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, and the Philippines
requested that the ECCJ expert team give a detailed lecture for about several hours on the
methods and techniques used by the energy audit team. It was pointed out that independent
energy audit is possible for some industries but not always possible for others. ECCJ and ACE
commented that those countries that are conducting an independent energy audit can make use
of the energy audit team. The request for a field exercise to be held for all team members prior
to any actual energy audit will be considered as required.
2) There was also recognition (from Thailand and Indonesia) that the ECCJ experts are expected
VI - 10
to give supervision and guidance in energy audit to local engineers.
ECCJ and ACE concluded that energy audit is a key component of energy conservation and
that actual experience is important in developing energy audit techniques; that it is important
to continue the energy audit activities, aiming at OJT, and differences in the level of training
must be taken into consideration; and that ECCJ staff should propose the methods to be used.
VI - 11
3. Post-Workshop Discussions
VI - 12
be adequate. (Malaysia)
5) Data from the energy audit are not sufficient to establish an entire database. It is impossible to
establish a system that can be used at the factory level for all industrial sectors. Even the
amount of data provided by 20 or so companies is insufficient. (Thailand)
It is definitely better to have more data but, as shown in Japan, even a small amount data can
be effective. (ECCJ)
6) The discussion has been very instructive for ACE, and ACE will make use of it in their future
work. ACE intends to collect further information with the cooperation of the CCI (Chamber of
Commerce & Industry) of member countries. (ACE)
ASEAN countries agreed to accept the proposal of ACE.
Indonesia will cooperate in establishing databases in three industrial sectors.
The compilation of the database is certainly an important activity but it will be difficult to
decide who can access it. The problem of confidentiality arises if the database is made open to
the public. (Laos)
It is difficult to construct a common system for all the ASEAN members. It must be
constructed on a country-by-country basis. (Thailand)
In conclusion, it was agreed that the objective of the basic policy should be to utilize the results
since 2000 for the establishment of specific databases so that all members can use the data. It was
also decided that the original approach we have adopted, to date, should be maintained in the
The year’s achievements and the results presented in the above discussions were much
appreciated by all who participated. In the post-workshop session, the philosophy, basic approach
and plans for the next year were unanimously agreed upon, and the basic plan proposed by Japan
was adopted unanimously with the consent of all the Focal Point representatives from the member
countries and ACE.
VI - 13
Ⅶ. Reference Material
The materials used at site activities in 4 countries and summary & post workshop regarding to
the major industries are listed here.
These materials are as follows;
- Site activity schedules
- Answers to questionnaires at energy audit
- Seminar/Workshop programs
- Presentation materials at site visits from ASEAN countries, ACE and Japan
- Presentation materials at S-P workshop from ASEAN countries and Japan
The Participant Lists are omitted because ECCJ could receive this from only one country. The
material numbers are shown as “Document No. D-100”, etc.
Ⅶ- 1
D-117 What are the Barriers and Measures on the Implementation in Industry?
D-118 The Development of Technical Directory (1) and Sample (2)
D-119 The Development of Database/Benchmark/Guideline for Industry
Ⅶ- 2
Any individual or organization who makes part or all of this report
public must obtain prior permission from International Engineering
Department of Energy Conservation Center Japan.
Phone 81-3-5543-3018
Fax 81-3-5543-3022