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By Stephen R. Renfrow

An Expose' devoted to the

A beginners guide to the

The Most Unbelievable

But the TRUTH Will










The READER hereby accepts full responsibility for the use of or interpretation of the contents of this Book. The READER is strongly encouraged to investigate all assertions made herein by personal investigation of the public record. The AUTHOR simply states that the enclosed material is to bring forth pertinent and valuable information to the READER concerning facts that he has come to know. This Book is not legal or professional advice, and is only informational in nature and scope.

The AUTHOR, Stephen R. Renfrow, is a sovereign American Citizen pursuant to the Declaration of Independence, an act of separation by the American colonies on July 4, 1776, and in consequence he is one of the holders of the inherent political power of American rulership, hence is entitled by birthright to all the unalienable common law rights attendant to said sovereign citizenship.

The subject contents of this Book concern only matters of American sovereignty which per force can only be of interest to the author and his fellow sovereign American Citizens, or who may want to be. Any person(s) who may have reason to believe that they are not sovereign American Citizens or who represent interests, either foreign or domestic, which are foreign to the principles of a sovereign people enunciated by said act of 1776, may not object to the author's distribution of these materials upon grounds that he is not licensed to practice law, or other similar grounds, inasmuch as this Book is merely the business of political intercourse between one sovereign American Citizen and his fellow sovereign American Citizens - each of whom is a holder of the inherent political power of the American Nation.

The AUTHOR makes no representation that he is in any manner a member, an associate, or affiliated within any private lawyer or attorney organization or syndicate, or that the herein material contains any legal advice that may be characterized as pertaining to or

being of the exclusive province or jurisdiction of any private lawyer or attorney organization or syndicate or in point of fact any manner of legal advice whatsoever.

Consequently, any person upon a thoughtful review of this Book, who determines henceforth to exercise their unalienable rights, must be mindful that their acts are their own free acts of "sovereignty-of-one", hence they must be prepared to defend their own acts. So, stated once again, the AUTHOR assumes no responsibility for the acts of other sovereign American Citizens in the exercise of their unalienable rights.





Introduction . Something Has To Be Done . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2

CHAPTER 1 YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ..................................................1-3 CHAPTER 2 WHERE DID WE GO WRONG?.......................................................2-12 GREAT QUOTES ON THE FED ISSUE .................................................................................2-13 MISTAKE ADMITTED ......................................................................................................2-15 WHERE WE ARE TODAY!...............................................................................................2-16 A SHADOW GOVERNMENT? ...........................................................................................2-18 CHAPTER 3 TAX AND SPEND MENTALITY .......................................................3-21 OUR TRUE DEBT ............................................................................................................3-24 CHAPTER 4 IRS 90% BLUFF -- VIOLATES THE LAW! ........................................4-25 A PLAY ON WORDS .......................................................................................................4-26 ARE YOU A TAXPAYER?................................................................................................4-29 'SHALL' MEANS 'MAY'.................................................................................................4-30 'MUST' MEANS 'MAY' ..................................................................................................4-33 CHAPTER 5 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE..........................5-38 HOW DO WE GET BACK CONTROL? ...............................................................................5-39 FACTS AND FALLACIES: .........................................................................................5-40 CHAPTER 6 DOES THE IRS REALLY COLLECT TAXES? ..................................6-42 FRB ENDORSEMENT:.....................................................................................................6-43 HOW THE DEBT HAS BEEN CREATED: ..............................................................................6-44 CAN YOU SPELL FRAUD?........................................................................................6-45 CHAPTER 7 WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SOVEREIGNTY? ............................7-47 THE THREE UNITED STATES ..................................................................................7-47 TWO TYPES OF CITIZENSHIPS ...............................................................................7-48 WHAT CAN YOU DO? ...............................................................................................7-49 CHAPTER 8 HOW TO STOP PAYING INCOME TAXES .......................................8-51 FEDERAL DECISIONS ABOUT YOUR MONEY ....................................................................8-54 WHY REVOKE YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER?..........................................................8-55 CHAPTER 9 CONTROLLING BIG BROTHER ........................................................9-62 PRIVILEGES VS RIGHTS ...........................................................................................9-64 "INCOME" NOT DEFINED.........................................................................................9-65 16TH AMENDMENT DID NOT AMEND THE CONSTITUTION ..............................9-66

TRUSTING OUR GOVERNMENT .............................................................................9-66 ARTICLE TWO ...........................................................................................................9-67 ******* A TRUE PATRIOT ******* .....................................................................9-70 CHAPTER 10 RECOMMENDED READING ..........................................................10-71 VIDEO'S ....................................................................................................................10-72 WORKSHOP MATERIALS......................................................................................10-73 ORGANIZATIONS....................................................................................................10-74 NEWSLETTERS AND MAGAZINES .......................................................................10-74 REFERENCE BOOKS ...............................................................................................10-75 BBS - WWW..............................................................................................................10-76 CHAPTER 11 DEFINITIONS {WORDS TO KNOW}.............................................11-79 CHAPTER 12 CITES AND QUOTES ........................................................................12-85 IN GENERAL.............................................................................................................12-85 ABOUT THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE ...................................................................12-86 ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY ............................................................................................12-91 ABOUT THE LAW .........................................................................................................12-92 ABOUT MONEY, BANKING & THE FEDERAL RESERVE ..................................................12-93 ON THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT......................................................................12-104 SOME GREEN QUOTES ................................................................................................12-109 CHAPTER 13 ****** EXHIBITS ******.....................................................13-111 ****** CHAPTER 14 FORMS SECTION ...................................................................14-130 WHAT TO DO WHEN THE COUNTY RECORDER "REFUSES TO RECORD" .........................14-130

THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS Our Government is the Nations biggest employer! 5-41 5-41 9-69


An Excerpt from:


On December 23, 1913, a privately owned Federal Reserve Corp. of International Bankers, mostly foreigners was unconstitutionally and surreptitiously foisted upon the American people by a small remnant of traitors in the Congress of the United States after a the majority of loyal Congressmen had gone back home for Christmas. This treason against the United States is the most colossal, fantastic unbelievable fraud ever perpetuated upon a so called civilized nation and under this Federal Reserve System has resulted in the theft of some 36 Billion dollars in silver, and under this arch swindle ever since its unconstitutional beginning in 1913, this same Federal Reserve has forced the greatest and mightiest nation in the history of the world to suffer the absurdity and indignity of applying to individuals to maintain its credit!



A majority of the people, and millions worldwide, realize that we (United States of America) have a problem that is growing continuously stronger and seemingly out of control. I am talking about the change in the nature of the United States of America from a free society to a socialist state. Our ever-eroding freedoms, that our founding fathers fought and died for. The main culprit - "The IRS Gestapo"! They have procedures set up to intimidate, to harass and to drive individuals and businesses into bankruptcy and they contend that this is the most efficient way to collect taxes. Something has to be done ! The IRS can seize property, confiscate records and levy bank accounts, all without accusing the taxpayer of a crime and all without due process! Within it's own bureaucratic sphere, can arraign and convict a taxpayer while acting as judge, jury and prosecution. Something has to be done! The IRS has struck fear into practically everyone from Congress on down. They hide their abuses by ruining the careers of elected officials who try to expose IRS atrocities. In their struggle to overcome and destroy the will of the people, they have succeeded in creating an atmosphere of intimidation and abuse in which fear and hate are cultivated which drives people into resistance to the system. Something has to be done ! When the IRS wins their cases and extracts its tribute, the agency swells in numbers and becomes more powerful in their scheme for domination. Doesn't this sound like a police state? Did the 16th Amendment repeal the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Amendments? Something has to be done ! I know you don't think the way the IRS does in that "all revenue of the individuals and corporations in the U.S. belongs to the government and whatever is left in the private hands is a gift from the government"! I assume you know that the IRS Gestapo is not the only Federal Agency driving us to the brink of Totalitarianism. Others have followed through the cracks opened in civil and constitutional law by the excesses of bureaucratic regulations in an attempt to get out from under the control of the legislative branch which created and funds them. Something has to be done ! We cannot allow ourselves to slip into Totalitarianism, but I believe we, the people, can control or abolish these monstrosities at the expressed will of the majority. IT IS UP TO YOU AND ME! Therefore, a proper grounding in the founding principles comprising the basis for the American system of limited government, deemed suitable to the needs of a free people, is positively necessary.

Stephen R. Renfrow
Stephen R. Renfrow 1-15-1988


Chapter 1


Protect Or Lose Them

The biggest question in most people's minds is, "Why refuse to pay 'Income Taxes'?" Because by knowing the Law, you are not required to, and by knowing the economics of doing so, you wouldn't want to! 1. No Legal Money: Article 1, Section 10, of the United States Constitution provides that "No State shall make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts." It is therefore impossible for anyone to legally pay income tax. All Federal Reserve Notes and other bank notes in circulation are unconstitutional and void as lawful money - and therefore, cannot be considered as taxable income, because they are "loaned money". (This is why the IR Code does not even define "Income" and should be declared null and void due to vagueness.) Furthermore, in Article 1, Section 8, par. 5 - POWERS OF CONGRESS, "to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coins and fix the standards of weight and measures". In 1913, Congress unlawfully relinquished this right to the Federal Reserve Corporation (FRC), which was set up by the International Bankers (foreigners). Its purpose is to eventually ruin our country financially. The Federal Reserve Corporation is not a branch of our Federal Government. It is owned by private individual bankers and financiers, who through the fractional reserve banking methods (creating money out of thin air) has created a national debt structure so huge, that National Bankruptcy is imminent, unless Congress will nationalize the banking industry to pay off the national debt and create interest free money. The wealth of a nation should not be concentrated in the hands of a few corrupt moneylenders, who through their wealth, can control every facet of its citizens lives. Meyer Amschel Rothschild, king of the International Bankers, once said, "Permit me to issue the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."! 2.
Illegal Laws:

All administrative rules promulgated


by the Sec. of the Treasury and his agents that are repugnant to the U.S. Constitution are null and void. See U.S. Supreme Court decision of Marbury vs. Madison, 1803.2 Lawyers Ed.60: "Law repugnant to the Constitution is void." The rules and regulations the U.S. Supreme Court to be 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th Constitution and also Article fore VOID and have NO LEGALITY of the IRS have been decided in in violation of the 4th, 5th, and 13th Amendments to the 1, Section 8 and so are thereAT ALL!

3. PRIVACY: Amendments 4 and 5 guarantee against being a witness against self and make it quite evident that you are not required to provide the government with any records of income. 4. TREASON: Article 3, Section 3, provides that giving aid and comfort to our enemies is treason. By paying federal income taxes for aid to foreign tyrants, a citizen is committing treason. There is no authority in the U.S. Constitution for giving U.S. assets to friendly nations, let alone financing no-win-wars with aid to communist nations. 5. EQUALITY: Amendment 14 provides that "no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the U.S., nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law, nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." 6. UNIFORMITY: Article 1, Section 8, par.1 provides that all tax must be uniform. The 16th Amendment does not say "heavy" or "progressive". You will find those words in the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx. The purpose of the personal tax, he saw as a means to destroy the free enterprise system in the developed nations. The 16th Amendment did not add any additional taxing authority, it simply separated income from its source. (more later) 7 SLAVERY: Amendment 13 prohibits slavery or involuntary servitude. (more later) Conscription is therefore illegal and paying taxes to support it for undeclared wars, anywhere one dictator fights another for a non-existent republic, is not only

ludicrous but also illegal. 8. RELIGION: The First Amendment guarantees our religious beliefs and free speech. I cannot pay for any undeclared war such as Vietnam, the Mid East crisis or . . .? I believe a Christian may defend himself but should not join any army and, in any event, cannot pay for a conscripted slave army. 9. UNCONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNMENT BUSINESS: The 10th Amendment provides that "The powers not delegated to the U.S. by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or the people." This is very plain terms. It means that the TVA and 700 or more government businesses - tax, rent and interest free - which have lost astronomical billions and continue to do so, are illegal operations and must be sold to the private sector, rather than financed by taxes. 10. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION: By paying a personal tax, people pay tribute to the owners of the Federal Reserve system monopoly, which many Maintain is illegal. The seven men of the Open Market Committee are appointed, and not elected, but collect most of the multi Billions in annual interest on the National debt, which is estimated to be approx. $$$ 10 TRILLION! This interest is paid by the taxpayers --- YOU! The Supreme Court1 of the United States has declared that the rules and regulations of the IRS Code are void and have NO LEGALITY AT ALL! "...An unconstitutional law, in legal contemplation, is as inoperative as if it had never been passed. . .No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it." Suprised? Good! Because the rules and regulations of the IRS have been proven in court to be in violation of the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 13th Amendments to the Constitution and also Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution!2 MORE surprises:
Did you know that the IRS cannot audit your records UNLESS, you give them your consent? Section 7210 of the IR Code is the Big Bluff. This is based on deceit to try and get you to waive your Constitutional Rights. However, the Supreme Court3 had
1 2 3

See: 16th American Jurisprudence 2nd Section 177 See: Pollock vs. Farmers Loan and Trust Co., 158 U.S. 601 (1895) See: Reisman Vs. Caplan, 375 U.S. 440 1-5

this to say, "That one cannot refuse to appear in response to an IRS summons. After one has appeared and asserted the right not to testify (the 5th) or produce records (the 4th) one is not subject to prosecution, or any penalty under Sec. 7210." If you get a summons to appear show up with a News camera and Reporter and when the IRS employee asks you for your books & records or a incriminatory question, just say "Your question may tend to incriminate me, and I refuse to answer under my right protected by the 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights and I refuse to turn over any books and records which are protected under the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the United States of America." The End! Never will that IRS employee summons anybody again?? Of course if your not as brave or bold as I am, take a tape recorder and two witnesses as is the case in any confrontation with the IRS. When they called me one time (and only once), in 1978, to come down to their office and to bring my books and records (which is an audit), I said "If I come down, can anything I say be used against me in a court of law?" After a short pause he said, "Yes sir I believe so!" Then I said, "If I come down, and if I bring any of my books and records, can they be used against me in a court of law?" Once again after a short pause he said "Yes sir, I'm afraid so!" Then I said, "Well I don't see any point in coming, do you? Because I'm not going to waive my Constitutional Rights!" He in turn said, "I guess not sir, I will inform my superiors of your position." You see, when they threaten you with fines or punishments, stand on your Constitutional Rights (if you know what they are) they are bluffing. You hold all the Aces!
DID YOU KNOW that YOU have not had any 'income' and have not earned any real 'dollars' since March 18, 1968? The 4 Supreme Court said,"...income may be defined as the gain derived from capital, from labor, or from both combined...". Note the word 'gain' or profit, from which a company derives a gain or profit! Labor and capital are economic equals and

See: Stattons' Independence Vs. Hawbert, 231 U.S. 406, pages 414 & 415 1-6

since the government cannot tax capital, neither can it tax labor whether its value is received through wages, salaries etc. in the guise of an 'income' or 'profits' tax. So in other words the income tax is a corporate excise tax, but is not even levied as such so no corporation has to pay either! (more details later) What about the 16th Amendment? The Supreme Court ruled5 that the 16th Amendment established the income tax as an excise tax and that taxes on income do not have to be apportioned and therefore fall into Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1! So in essence the court said that the 16th Amendment gave the government the right to tax income without apportionment - IF it imposed the tax as an excise tax. However, if it is levied as a direct tax, it does not fall within the 16h Amendment guidelines and is illegal for want of apportionment. If you read the Brushaber decision, the Supreme Court explicitly claims that the 16th Amendment Did Not overturn the Pollock decision (as some claim). In fact, the Court interpreted the 16th Amendment as a clarification, and states that; " the 16th amendment cannot be understood to grant the federal government any new power of taxation." Brushaber vs. Union Pacific RR (see footnote) In effect, the Federal government always had the power to tax incomes, But, (and this is the big one) the gov't must Apportion Direct Taxes and Apply The Rule of Uniformity. The problem with the Income Tax is: 1. If they want it to be a direct tax, it must be apportioned. Of course, it is not apportioned, so to collect it as a direct tax would make the tax unconstitutional. 2. If the gov't wants to collect it as an indirect tax, then they must contend with the following two decisions; (a) Redfield vs. Fischer - in which the court ruled that, unlike a corporation, an individual could not be taxed (excised) for the "privilege" of existing. Additionally, the court stated that an individuals right to live and own property were rights upon which excise taxes could not be imposed.

See: Brushaber vs. Union Pacific RR, 240 U.S. 1, 1916, 36 S.Ct 236, 240 U.S. 1 See also: Pollock vs. Farmers Loan and Trust Co. N.Y. 1895, 125 S.Ct 673, 157 U.S. 429 1-7


Jack Cole vs. Commissioner - in which the court ruled that individuals have the right to income or earnings and that right could not be taxed as a "privilege".

On top of all this (a paperback book could be written on these two issues alone) if you will take what is called a dollar bill from your wallet or purse, you will see that it has printed at the top "Federal Reserve Note". These FRN'S are issued by an organization that is not even a part of our Government! These are just promissory notes, a promise to pay nothing!(more later) According to the Constitution and the Federal Statute Book, a dollar MUST be redeemable for a given amount of Gold or Silver. Your FRN'S cannot be redeemed for anything. It can only be exchanged for something else. The FRN has NO TRUE VALUE! Do you pay 'income taxes' on 'promissory notes'? Before March 1968, the Dollar could be redeemed for a given amount - the "Face Value"! Therefore these FRNs are not Constitutional Dollars!
DID YOU KNOW that YOU commit perjury every time you sign a 1040 form? How? By inserting figures as being Dollars received by you and signing under "Penalties of Perjury". To prevent the IRS from falsely accusing you of committing perjury, you commit perjury. You may wish the IRS to perceive this 'money question' to be nothing more than a technicality, but they hope that you are ignorant of it! It is a court proven fact that every 1040 you signed since 1968, you have committed perjury and the IRS may charge you with filing a fraudulent return. They know it and hope you remain ignorant of it. You see, because you've signed a document with the IRS under penalty of perjury, saying that you owe them money . . . they can and do take it to court and any judge has to uphold your promise to pay, ONLY because of Your ignorance. DID YOU KNOW that YOU hasten the downfall of the Constitution of the United States of America by cooperating with the IRS? By cooperating with the same persons who were responsible for the Federal Reserve System, you are aiding and abetting the destruction of the United States of America along with the Council of Foreign Aid, the Trilateral Commission, Internal Revenue Tax and Audit Services Inc.6 (why some employees quit when they find out the truth) and the Federal Reserve Corp. to name a few. All of which are dedicated to destroying the economic structure of our great country and for no other reason than their own selfish desires to establish a

Legal name for the IRS, see "EXHIBITS" for a copy of their Articles of Incorporation in Delaware. 1-8

one world government, a New World Order (which is communism) and thereby control every citizen of the world. Conspiracy anyone??? Isn't it about time that we quit paying for our own destruction? Witness what Senator Malone said in 1957 during the hearings of the Senate Finance Committee; "I believe, I actually believe this, that if the people of this nation fully understood what the Congress has done to them for 49 years, they would move on Washington, they would not wait for an election . . . It all adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the U.S. Now, not only is there no authority on the part of Congress to delegate its responsibility . . . to coin money and regulate the value thereof . . . Under Article 1, Sec.8 Par.5 of the Constitution, but the Supreme Court, in the case of Ling Su Fan Vs. the U.S., held the power to be Non Delegable." We here in America have nothing to fear from Russia, or Cuba or any other country to our Constitution. When your President, Congressman or Senator takes office, he must according to Article 6, Par. 3, take an oath to support the Constitution. Now I ask you, Does your Congressman or Senator support the Constitution? How can you assume he is, when through their action permits outside interest to further erode and weaken the Constitution?
DID YOU KNOW that the IRS and its employees would not violate your Constitutional rights, if they know that you know them and will use your rights? Lately many lawsuits have been brought up against the IRS employees individually for violating the rights of American Citizens. This has caused the IRS much concern and some suits against the individual. However, when the Citizen showed a willingness to stand on his Constitutional Rights, the cases have been dropped! All American Citizens are protected under the Constitution against being compelled to be a witness against themselves, having property taken from them with out due process of law and being directly taxed except on the basis of apportionment. For specific recommendations, see the chapter "Controlling Big Brother". DID YOU KNOW that when

you willingly cooperate with an IRS


employee, you could be accused and tried for TREASON against the United States of America! When you willingly cooperate with the IRS, you are violating and waiving the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th & 13th Amendments as well as Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution of the United Sates of America. Isn't it about time we stand up for America and challenge any rules or laws that are contrary to our Rights and religious beliefs? We have a moral obligation to ourselves and our children that we restore America again to the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave.
DID YOU KNOW that there are some True Americans who have not filed a 1040 and they have NEVER BEEN CONVICTED? It would be impossible for me to list the millions of Citizens who do not pay any income tax or file a return. The IRS has even admitted that the numbers are growing, about 2000 new members a day! I know that I will not be a party to the destruction of the United States and therefore will not pay any 'income tax' until our Constitution is once again given rule over America or until our Lord comes back to Earth to regain his throne and title as King of Kings. Even he only wants 10% (and on this point - I do not recommend cheating). When he said give unto Caesar what is his and unto the Lord what is his, does not all that is, belong to our God in Heaven - who created all that is?


Even ourselves!?!



Have Americans Really Lost

Let's take a Look at

Where We Stand!

THE GRADUATED INCOME TAX Assessment: The principal here is that the more you earn, the higher your percent of tax. The harder you work, the less you get proportionately. The more you produce and contribute to society, the less you get proportionately. You are penalized for your increased productivity. This type of thinking runs contrary to the American principle of reward for hard work and ingenuity. You, most certainly, can add a few more objections of your own.


Chapter 2


In a Republic, every Citizen is recognized as having certain inalienable and absolute rights. And the sole purpose of government is to protect and secure those rights. Alternatively, in a Democracy individuals are absorbed into the body politic and are granted privileges (they call rights) which vary according to the will of the "State"7, i.e. Congress, i.e. lackeys and stooges of the "Rich Men" of the Earth who are trying to establish a NEW WORLD ORDER. We the People have been fooled and tricked into trading our Rights for Privileges. How did this happen - You ask? "Lenin was right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose." - John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946 In the beginning years of our nation, the issue rose over the establishment of a banking system. Alexander Hamilton, a friend of the International Bankers, sponsored legislation to create a Central Bank. He stated that,

". . . although privately owned and not authorized by the Constitution, the Bank would work in partnership with Government to facilitate control over the economy." <- Alexander Hamilton

Thomas Jefferson argued that, "Central control over the money supply would lead to a dictatorship by those few with their hands on that supply and their greed would eventually plunge this Country into perpetual debt." Remember what Meyer Amschel Rothschild

A smoke and mirror screen to fool the people, described later as a municipal corporate entity having only jurisdiction over the District of Columbia, territories, possessions and enclaves of this entity. 2-12

said, "Permit me to issue the money of a Nation, and I care not who makes its laws." Of course, Jefferson eventually lost out his battle to protect the Rights of the People and the Bank of the U.S. was established in 1791. However, experiencing the imposition of paper money and the national tyranny, the people eventually saw through their evil plan and would not allow Congress to renew the Bank Charter after 1811. But as you know, the International Bankers would not give up. They hatched a sinister plan, following the Civil War, leading to the formation of the Federal Reserve Bank in 1913 and the unlawful8 adoption of the 14th & 16th Amendments to the Constitution for the United States of America. Here is what some great men of our country had to say about the Fed issue: Great Quotes on the Fed Issue "If the American People ever allow the private banks to control the issue of currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their forefathers conquered." - Thomas Jefferson, 1791 "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is master of all its legislation and commerce." - Pres. James Garfield, 1880

"This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth When the President signs this Act, the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust Investigation, will be legalized. The new law will create inflation whenever the trust wants inflation . . . from now on, depression will be scientifically created." - Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr., 1913 Commenting on the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. His foresight proved accurate 16 years later.

See "THE LAW THAT NEVER WAS" , by M.J. (Red) Beckman and Bill Benson, Documented Proof that it was never ratified by 3/4's of the States as required by the Supreme Law of the Land. In addition, Judge Ellett Utah supreme court, said in State vs. Phillips, PR 2nd 540 p.941,942 (1975) "I cannot believe that any court, in full possession of its faculties, could honestly hold that the amendment was properly approved and adopted." 2-13

"It is well enough that the People of the Nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." - Henry Ford Sr., 1863 - 1947

". . . the Federal Reserve and its member banks, are not government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the People of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers. . ." "Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is - the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here (in Congress) and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will." - Congressman Louis T. McFadden Remarks to Congress 1934 "Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve banks. The Federal Reserve Board, a Government Board, has cheated the Government of the United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the national debt. The depredations and the iniquities of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting together have cost this country enough money to pay the national debt several times over. This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of the United States; has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the maladministration of that law by which the Federal Reserve Board, and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it." - Congressman Louis T. McFadden Congressional Record, House pages 1295 and 1296 on June 10, 1932

"There is no question that the Fed runs our nations monetary policy because it has complete and final governmental authority to manage the United States money supply. The American public should know that if the Federal Reserve system member banks that vote for . . . Reserve Bank Directors, approximately 60 banks, with over 130 Billion dollars in assets, are foreign owned. . ." "In the New York Federal Reserve District, 33 percent of the medium sized member banks and 25 percent of the large member banks . . . are foreign owned." - Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez The Federal Reserve Accountability Act 1993 President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act two days before Christmas in 1913. Since then we have had the shame of witnessing the Stock Market crash of 1929, the Great Depression that followed, and 9 Recessions, and the Debt has risen to over $80,000+ for every man, woman and child in this country! As will be shown later, they always understate the

National Debt. Here is what Wilson said after that fateful event of signing the FRB Act: Mistake Admitted "We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." - President Woodrow Wilson The incredible power of the Fed over the economy is universally admitted. Some people, especially in the banking and academic communities, even support it. On the other hand, there are those, both in the past and in the present, that speak out against it. One of these men was President John F. Kennedy. His efforts were detailed in Jim Marrs' 1990 book: Crossfire: "Another overlooked aspect of Kennedy's attempt to reform American society involves money. Kennedy apparently reasoned that by returning to the constitution, which states that only Congress shall coin and regulate money, the soaring national debt could be reduced by not paying interest to the bankers of the Federal Reserve System, who print paper money then loan it to the government at interest. He moved in this area on June 4, 1963, by signing Executive Order 11,110 which called for the issuance of $4,292,893,815 in United States Notes through the U.S. Treasury rather than the traditional Federal Reserve System. That same day, Kennedy signed a bill changing the backing of one and two dollar bills from silver to gold, adding strength to the weakened U.S. currency." Kennedy's comptroller of the currency, James J. Saxon, had been at odds with the powerful Federal Reserve Board for some time, encouraging broader investment and lending powers for banks that were not part of the Federal Reserve system. Saxon also had decided that non-Reserve banks could underwrite state and local general obligation bonds, again weakening the dominant Federal Reserve banks. A number of "Kennedy bills" were indeed issued - the author has a five dollar bill in his possession with the heading "United States Note" - but were quickly withdrawn after Kennedy's death. According to information from the Library of the Comptroller of the Currency, Executive Order 11,110 remains in effect today, although successive administrations beginning with that of President Lyndon Johnson apparently have simply ignored it and instead returned

to the practice of paying interest on Federal Reserve notes. Today we continue to use Federal Reserve Notes, and the deficit is at an all time high. Where We Are Today! The role of private bar associations is essential to the perpetuation of monopolistic banking and commercial privileges! Allow me to explain. Private lawyering syndicates, a.k.a. Bar Associations, are a prohibited nobility which by incremental insinuations have entirely seized control of all key offices of American government, local, state, and national in order to assure total effective rule by bar members for and on behalf of themselves - and their clients, the "paper aristocracy"9. In seeking to rule the world and destroy the uniquely American republican form of government, which the sovereign American people had established pursuant to their individual and collective political law power via ratification of their respective states, and their mutual national Constitution, the bankers and their monopolistic-oriented commercial interests allies committed many crimes. To further their enterprise and to create the illusions and deceptions that their crimes against the people and their republics were legalized, the bankers and the law merchants proceeded in the same manner as any other class of career criminals - through their corpora ficta syndicates. They hired and formed alliances with the most cunning and conniving lawyers and judges that their money could buy. These alliances earlier forged in England and the continent of Europe, spread to the American colonies and, thus subsequent to the American Declaration of Independence, into the newly formed state republics and the so-called national republic. In colonial America and in the early decade of the American republican form of state and federal governments, attorneys trained attorneys. However, there was no requirement that they belong to a private fraternal bar association in order to practice their trade in American courts. In fact, any Citizen could stand for or represent another Citizen in the states and federal courts.

A species of nobility, which is unconstitutional - See Article I, Sect.10, Clause 1. It was well understood in well-educated circles that should a class having special privileges be allowed, the people's "republican form of government" would cease to exist. 2-16

There was no law, nor could there be such a law either then nor now, that only "bar" admitted attorneys or lawyers could hold certain public offices in the states and in the federal government (look at your state constitution?). In the state and federal republics such laws would have been intolerable as it was well understood that there was no constitutional power to deny the people at large the right to hold any public office as a gift of the people. It was understood that state constitutions and the federal constitution were the rightful issue of the people pursuant to political law - political law being the exclusive domain of the sovereign people. It was understood that law, which might issue from the state legislatures and the federal legislature, were pursuant to civil law - civil law being the exclusive domain of the elected representatives of the people. It was also understood, that political law was superior to civil law. It was therefore understood, that any civil law, which alleged to abrogate or derogate the political law was void, prima facie. Whereas early state constitutions denied lawyers and bankers from holding any manner of public office, today many key offices are denied to all who are not members of the lawyering bar associations. Today state constitutions are prima facie no more than de facto instruments masquerading as the will of the people. Therefore, these de facto state constitutions are the product of the will of a private, privileged class of lawyers, and not the product of the peoples' political law. Moreover, the three branches of our, so-called "republican" form of government, have also been turned over to the same privileged minority group. People in the know are well aware that the bulk of all legislation which issues forth from the state and federal legislatures is generated whole cloth by private committees of lawyers and then passed on the respective legislatures for their rubber stamp approval. The proposition that the state governments and the federal government are nothing more than de facto, corpora ficta enterprises exclusively in the hands of a private class of lawyers proceeding in their administration for and on behalf of the privileged banker class is an open secret, apparently to everyone who cares to know, notwithstanding a profound ignorance in much of the nation. Who could be in a

better position to express this sentiment, than Judge Robert H. Bork could as he did on page 130 of his book; "The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law" where he said; " we are governed not by law or elected representatives but by unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committees of lawyers applying no will but their own." The idea that only members of bar associations could occupy certain offices of the peoples' governments or that only members of bar associations could represent members of the sovereignty in their own courts was anathema. The promotion of this idea is nothing more than a hoax perpetrated upon the ignorant and the witless and is unequivocally treason against the sovereign American people.10 Due to Official corruption of our Freedom and Rights being violated, and our Sovereignty usurped, the result has been and is - widespread poverty, economic chaos, a failing educational system, social discontent, and a criminal justice system at war with the people it was sworn to serve! Their Answer for all our woes? "It's the result of our complex society that we now live in, therefore You need more taxes, more government, more prisons, more police, and more sacrifice on the part of We the People." Do you believe that?!? This is simply Not True! But, it is a perfect example of what they spew forth from their mouths!! Just more propaganda, brainwashing, and bureaucratic B.S. !!!

A Shadow Government? You must ask yourself; How do government officials who promote "fourth branch11 of government" administrative agency

From "Where We Are Today" to this point - is an excerpt from the workshop book on Travel As Of Right by James B. Wood III, c/o Cubex, Suite 174 7350 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Florida 34231 U.S.A. Fourth Branch of Gov't - private corporate entities created by legislative bodies in the de facto, corpora ficta capacities inasmuch as American legislatures have no derived power "in the gift of the people" to create them pursuant to de jure authority. Being private and not legitimately a part of the "republican form of gov't." these 2-18

schemes overcome the Doctrine of Usurpation of Delegated Powers argument when the little de facto, corpora ficta chartered enterprises are clearly outside of the Separation of Powers Doctrine, which is one of the foundation pillars of the American "republican form of government"? The answer should be obvious: They DON'T. They simply employ by skill and artifice the necessary legal metaphysical flimflam to bamboozle the unwitting into accepting at face value the legality, never mind the constitutionality, of their purely private, de facto, corpora ficta authority and then enforce it through their purely private, quasi police powers!

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." Felix Frankfurter, attorney for the framers of the Federal Reserve Act and later Supreme Court justice, quoted from Curtis B. Dall, FDR: My Exploited Father-In-Law, Pg67, Action Associates, Washington D.C., 1970.

"Outwardly we have a constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government." Senator William Jenner, In a speech on Feb. 23, 1954

NOTE: If an officer, employee, or agent violates the terms and conditions of the contract he made with the sovereign people, when he swore an oath to uphold any state and/or federal constitution, then he proceeds under color of office and color of law. Such breaches of contract with the sovereign people represent acts of treason against the people and are not merely acts of treason against The State. Being treason against the sovereign people, it is the commission of felony offenses against the people.
enterprises are all said to enjoy "quasi" powers. They enjoy quasi executive, quasi legislative, quasi judicial, and quasi police powers all under one departmental head. They con everyone into the idea that these private agencies are all legitimate parts of a constitutionally based "republican form of government" and then concentrate these powers. Why must they be private? Because if a state or the federal legislature admitted that these agencies, which they have created, were public components of the executive branch, or what have you, then they would have to admit that the government has been overthrown. The art of rulership through illusions and deceptions. Everyone learns in school, that according to the Constitution, we have three branches of government whose powers must be kept separated lest full blown tyranny break out. HELLO!?!?!? 2-19

For an excellent collection of treatises, law review articles, etc. addressing the matter of the people's law, namely, the common law of immemorial antiquity, and the role of state and federal governments in protecting said people's law versus their de facto role of protecting their own private statutes to the detriment of the people's common law, see: "The Rights Retained by the People: The History and Meaning of the Ninth Amendment", Edited by Randy E. Barnett, George Mason University Press, Fairfax Virginia, Volume I, 1989, Volume II, 1993.




Can They Go On? As a nation we are now giving the tax collector over $200 Billion more than we spend on food, clothing and shelter in a year! We see and hear every week about our governments wasteful spending habits and continued tax hikes. We have shrunk from the globes most powerful nation to the worlds largest debtor nation. This is causing a global economic and financial imbalance due to the decaying moral fiber and greed of our country! The U.S. has the worst per capita debt in the entire world, even Mexico! Federal debt in 1976 was $600 Billion. Today it is over $2.2 Trillion (govt. figures end of 1987). That is $10,000 for every man, woman and child! As the government continues to print fake dollars to "monetize" the escalating deficits, inflation is inevitable. Since the country is financially bankrupt, destitute due to the gross ineptitude and political cowardice of our leaders. Never before had the world's economic superpower also been its biggest debtor. Now the United States is totally dependent on the prospect that Japan and Europe will buy massive issues of its Treasury debt (more promises to pay). Foreigners are now, and have been, in control of America's purse strings! Our government is so destitute, take the Wall Street crash of 10/19/87, which was engineered in Washington. The announced recall of the dollar - supposed to be in 1989. The Graham Rudman Deficit Reduction Act. This was supposed to go into effect by law in November 1987 with $23 Billion in spending cuts. Instead, we got $9 Billion in unspecified tax increases for 1988, $14 Billion in extra taxes promised for 1989, PLUS $400 Million in IRS funding to increase auditing and collections for 1988. What happened to the Senate Hearing and Investigative Committee on IRS abuses? The result is $5 Billion in extra tax collections expected for 1988. It is quite clear that more taxes and IRS strong arming tactics are on the agenda. As the mountain of debt keeps rising it exceeds the capacity of individuals, companies or even government to respond. Mortgage delinquencies alone hit an all time high. Businesses and Banks too, are overextended. On one day - May 31, 1985 seven banks failed in four states. In 1987 alone, on average, a bank closed everyday. Moreover, over 50% were due to fraud! Who do you think footed the bill? YOU did!

This places a perpetual every unborn citizen!






Even the Federal Governments credit is not infinite. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul A. Volcker expressed concern that too many Americans take for granted institutions like the FDIC, which in 1986, had reserves totaling $18.2 Billion against insured deposits of about $1.6 Trillion! By 1989, we could owe some $1 Trillion to the rest of the world, with annual interest outflows of $100 Billion! In short, our economy today is far more vulnerable than in 1929, when the debt was considerably less fearsome. Where will our extravagance lead us? How will it end? The Fed's tactics has caused unemployment to mount and living standards to suffer. They need to be taught to live within their means! In order for us to trim governments spending power and habits, we must cut their throats at the source. The source being, the taxes we pay voluntarily. And start putting Americans in office with good moral fiber and economic sense. If you are one of these individuals, run for office! Dare to make a change. Our Lawyers need to be bold enough to challenge court decisions, to stand up for individual rights and freedoms. Instead of just saying "I might get disbarred". When I asked one attorney to help me fight the IRS, he said, "Are you kidding! The same people that run the Federal Reserve started up the Bar!" So! Does this mean we have lost already? NO! Court Judges, Lawyers, Doctors are being found and punished for immoral conduct and drug abuse everyday. Recently in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Supreme Court suspended 15 Judges from their duties after federal prosecutors found they had accepted cash gifts from a union. The average gift was said to be $300, none larger than $500! It is astounding so many took gifts and sold their integrity for so little. You do not have to be an attorney to run for Office. In fact, since they represent the judicial branch by being extensions of the court, and if they hold an Office which represents the executive branch, does this not violate the separation of powers statute? We would be better off to put someone in Office that has contributed something to society in the form of goods and services that is productive, which spurs the economy. No wonder our government spend thrifty partners operate the way they do! For the most part, they come from non-productive, pencil pushing individuals, that are only good for writing laws so thick the President doesn't want or have the time to read, and confuses the public with its jargon.


We should not rely on our government for so many services. Only Russia or China should since they are communist. Only a communist nation has a progressive income tax, centralization of credit, abolition of all right of inheritance, abolition of land for public purposes, centralization of the means of transportation and communication, equal liability of all to labor, free education for all children. You see, what the government subsidizes, it controls. We need truth in education not integration. For each of the 10 planks in Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto there is already an equal act or executive order passed in the U.S. The Marxist income tax started out at 1% never to go above 2%. What is the IRS Gestapo extorting from you? Total control of the money, the economy, the people by an all-powerful state this is COMMUNISM! Today its called DEMOCRACY12! How about this - the Government loves inflation! Why? Because when they need more money quickly, the Fed's just manipulate the money supply and *** POOF ***, higher prices and taxes! The truth is the government has been spending about 25% of the budget on defense. With 33% of revenue from income taxes, it still has more than needed to defend our country. And with a few exceptions, is their only real job. The rest should be left to states, municipal governments, private citizens and free enterprise. Woodrow Wilson said,
"The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it."

Dr. Gary North, author of over 20 books, articles appearing in over 40 journals and newspapers, president of the Institute of Christian Economics and executive director of the American Bureau of Economic Research said, "The Central Planners will try to solidify their strong
hold throughout the world. In the U.S., a series of crisis will be used as the justification for a huge increase in government planning and controls. In order to convince the public that they deserve more and more authority, they will engineer one crisis after another. It will stir up the greatest clash of apposing views . . . since the early Christians took on Rome and won. You are extremely privileged to live at the crossroads of a new direction in human civilization. Make no mistake; America will be the primary battleground for this conflict. The casualties will be countless. Not the bloody casualties of war, but the heart stopping, appalling casualties of failed institutions, broken dreams and wasted lives."

If you think about it, it is really just a combination of "Fascism" and "Capitalism". 3-23

Our True Debt Here are his most conservative figures of our true debt; (as of 1986) Declared Debt Social Security Civil Service Pensions Military Retirement Other: Medicare Medicaid TOTAL FEDERAL DEBT $2.11 5.80 500 500 Trillion Trillion Billion Billion

1.20 Trillion+ $ 10 Trillion+

Mark Skousen, a former CIA Economic Officer, considered Washington's #1 financial insider because of his contacts at the White House, Fed, all branches of government and world money center, said;
"As we move closer to the election, Bush and Dukakis will be spouting enough economic promises to launch a fleet of hot air balloons. Don't you believe a word of it! Their solutions are absolutely irrelevant. Why? Because the person who's really running the economy is not the President at all, but the second most powerful man in America, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Most Americans would be shocked to discover that the Federal Chairman by law, is completely independent. (from our gov't) And this is the Greatest Secret of the Money Temple that the Federal Reserve, by controlling our nations money supply, has become the most important factor shaping the future of our economy and the value of every investment you own." (emphasis added)

Isn't it about time we stand up for America and our great Constitution, and challenge any laws that are contrary to our God given, Constitutionally secured Rights, Freedoms, and Religious Beliefs? You can do something NOW! Write your Congressmen and Senators, ask what are they doing about certain issues, and voice your opinions. VOTE! Encourage leaders in your community and state to run for Office. Boycott give away programs and bills that limit your Freedom and Rights that do nothing to spur production. Remember you have a Right to "Peaceful Assembly" and to "Protest". We need to fight organized crime, and abolish the IRS, revoke the Federal Reserve charter and be a Sovereign Union once again.


Chapter 4


What Can We Do About It?

DID YOU KNOW, that there is nothing in the IRS Code (IRC) with respect to income taxes that requires any Citizen or any Corporation to:13

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

File tax returns To pay such taxes or have them withheld Pay estimated taxes Submit to IRS Audits or turn over books & records Report wages commissions or dividends paid Surrender property under IRS Liens or Levy notices

NOTE: A BLUFF is only effective against the uninformed Citizen. Once an individual becomes aware of this bluff, the bluff becomes less and less effective as the individual increases in knowledge. So remember; "Knowledge is Power". Senator Henry Bellman of Oklahoma, testifying before the Senate Finance Committee October 2, 1969 said,
"In a recent conversation with an official at the Internal Revenue Service, I was amazed when he told me that 'If the taxpayers of this country ever discover that the IRS operates on 90% bluff, the entire income tax system will collapse!'" (emphasis added)

To begin with, Title 26 of the United States Code, the Income Tax Code (IRC) is the legal basis for all of the IRS' actions. And, believe it or not, the IRC was diabolically written to deceive us! We must use THEIR Code to determine OUR tax liability and to find the truth. But, just as its title says, it is a CODE! And has to be "translated" or "broken down" into normal, everyday language to be easily understood. First, you must understand that in the IRS Code, the words "include" and "includes", mean "restricted to what is identified." One of the most difficult things to come to grips with is that the IRC intentionally plays word games to confuse us. By taking everyday words, and re-defining them to mean something else, the Lawyering Syndicate and the IRS, attempts


Except for resident aliens and foreign corporations for the privilege of working or doing business in America. Also elected officials, officers and employees of our federal government. See the book "The Federal Zone: Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue", by Mitch Modeleski. 4-25

to trick you into "compliance." Always Remember, the IRC is exactly what it is called - a CODE - that must be translated! A Play On Words Now, let's see some examples of this word trickery by seeing how important terms are defined for use in the regulations. The following definitions are direct quotes from Title 26, the Federal Income Tax Code. To begin with, we have to go way in the back to find this one;
Section 7806. Construction of Title (a) Cross References - The cross references in this title to other portions of the title, or other provisions of law, where the word "see" is used, are made only for convenience, and shall be given no legal effect. (b) Arrangement and Classifications No inference, implication, or presumption of legislative construction shall be drawn or made by reason of the location or grouping of any particular section or portion of this title, nor shall any table of contents of this title be given any legal effect. The preceding sentence also applies tot he sidenotes and ancillary tables contained in the various prints of this Act before its enactment into law.

In other words, just ignore it! There can be "no legal effect" given to any heading, subheading, etc. Furthermore;
Section 7701(a)(9): "UNITED STATES. - The term `United States' when used in a geographic sense includes only the States and the District of Columbia."

This sounds like what we have always believed - Atlantic to Pacific, coast to coast, all the states, but wait! What do they mean by "State"? Look at the very next paragraph.
Section 7701(a)(10): "STATE. - The term `State' shall be construed to include the District of Columbia, where such construction is necessary to carry out provisions of this title."

The word "State" means just the "District of Columbia?" This means that we can substitute "District of Columbia" for the word "States" in the definition for "United States!" So, the "United States" which the Internal Revenue Code and the Internal Revenue Service have jurisdiction over is limited to the District of Columbia and the District of Columbia!?!

But, just hold on! Wait a minute here! How do we know the definition of "State" means that the 50 States of the "UNION" are not included? Let us be SURE that the 50 separate STATES are NOT included in the "United States" as defined. Section 6103(b)(5) of the IRC has a unique definition of "State", dealing with areas used for Procedure and Administration. These are the places from which you can legally file documents.
Section 6103: "(B) DEFINITIONS. -For purposes of this section-"

...So, it is clear that the definitions ARE ONLY FOR THIS SECTION...
"(5) STATE. - The term `State' means - any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Canal Zone, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and..." [emphasis added]

(The rest of the definition is about municipalities.) Therefore, if you are a federal employee who needs to file tax forms, you can do it from any of the places listed in this definition, including "any of the 50 States." But, we plainly see the "United States"14 which imposes the Internal Federal Income Tax, DOES NOT include the 50 States - it is JUST the District of Columbia, otherwise known as "Washington D.C."! As a Citizen of one of the independent, Sovereign States, one of the stars on the flag, you are also a Citizen of the Union of the States, but not the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia does not have a star on the flag, and is NOT part of the Union. In addition, the citizens of the "federal zone" do not have the protection of a Constitution or a Bill of Rights. The IRS will assert in a court of law, that you waived your rights since you signed under "penalty of perjury" that you are one of those people and you swore that you owe the tax! (see page 4 Chapter 1) According









"The United States is a foreign corporation with respect to the states." New York Re. Merriam, 16 S. Ct. 1073; See also - Hooven & Allison Co. vs. Evatt 1945 4-27

booklet they send you), the income tax is based upon Voluntary Compliance (more detail later). Even the Supreme Court15 admitted this,
"Our tax system (income) is based upon voluntary assessment and payment not upon distraint (force)." (emphasis added)

Because the IRS is pushed to collect, collect and collect, the employees are given promotions and pay raises (bonuses) when they do confiscate banking accounts, cars, padlock businesses etc. However, these illegal actions are slowly coming to a halt as more and more Citizens stand on their Rights and file suits16 against these individuals. The LAW and the supreme Court is on your side! You see, if the "income tax" was mandatory, it would be unconstitutional, because it has been twice declared unconstitutional already. Please UNDERSTAND...we are NOT saying you should become a "TAX PROTESTER"! We believe that you should pay ALL the taxes you are legally obligated to pay! In addition, if you work for the Federal Government, are a citizen of the Federal District of Columbia (or live on federal land), and receive "income" as legally defined, you must pay Federal Tax each year to the Internal Revenue Service. However, if you, like most people in this country, live in one of the 50 States, and work in private business, you do not owe a cent in FEDERAL INCOME TAXES (because -- you, legally, don't have any FEDERAL "income")! In fact, the Federal Income Tax is EXACTLY what it claims -- a tax on "FEDERAL" income! Moreover, the "Internal" Revenue Service has power ONLY over the INTERNAL revenue of the federal government. To prove to you that the IRS Code is designed to extract taxes from FEDERAL employees, let's take a look at the definition for "EMPLOYEE."
Section 3401(c):

"EMPLOYEE. - For purposes of this chapter, the term `employee' includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. The term `employee' also includes an officer of a corporation."

15 16

See Flora Vs. U.S. 362 US 145 page 176 See Title 42 USC, Section 1983 and 1988; See also the list of Reference Books at "Recommended Reading". 4-28

To be an "EMPLOYEE", you have to WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT, or be an officer of a corporation! And guess what this means regarding having your employer take money out of your paycheck? But what if you are an "officer of a corporation" as stated in the Code (above)? Well, you will learn that your business does not even QUALIFY to pay taxes, under the Internal Revenue Code!
Section 7701(a)(3):

"CORPORATION. - The term `corporation' includes associations, joint-stock companies, and insurance companies." That doesn't sound like YOUR Company, does it? And, further study of the Tax Code will reveal that the "corporation" must be formed in, doing business in, or receiving "income" from - the District of Columbia, otherwise it is considered to be a "foreign corporation"! So much for the "officer of a corporation" problem in the "Employee" definition. Further, if your business is not incorporated, take a look at the definition provided for a "TRADE OR BUSINESS ".
Section 7701(a):

"TRADE OR BUSINESS. - The term `trade or business' includes the performance of the functions of a public office." [emphasis added]

Are You A Taxpayer? Still think you are a "Taxpayer"? The deceptive term "taxpayer" is a legal term created by combining the words "tax" and "payer". The general understanding of the term's meaning is different from its legal definition in the IRC. Section 7701(a)(14) gives the legal definition of the term "taxpayer" in relation to income tax. It states: Section 7701(a)(14) "The term 'taxpayer' means any person subject to any internal revenue tax." You see, all internal revenue taxes are excise taxes. Note that the section does not say that all persons are "taxpayers" subject to internal revenue tax. Corporations are "taxpayers", for they are "persons" subject to an internal revenue (excise) tax. But remember the Corp. definition. The term "taxpayer" is used extensively throughout the

IRC, in IRS publications, news articles, and instructional literature as a verbal trap to make uninformed Citizens believe that all individuals are subject to federal income tax and to the requirements of the IRC. These materials state that "taxpayers" are required to file returns, keep records, supply information, etc. Such statements are technically correct, because "taxpayers" are those legal "persons" previously described that are subject to an excise tax, but unprivileged individuals are not "taxpayers" within the meaning of the IRC. The confusion about the meaning of the term leads most people to mistakenly assume that they are "taxpayers" because they pay other taxes such as sales taxes and real estate taxes. Those people are taxpayers, not "taxpayers" as defined in the IRC. When they read articles and publications related to income tax, describing the legal requirements for "taxpayers", they erroneously believe that the term applies to them as individuals. It is very important to understand that the IRC requirements apply to IRC-defined "taxpayers" only, and not to unprivileged individuals. Corporations and other government-privileged legal entities are "taxpayers under the Internal Revenue Code"; unprivileged individuals are not, unless they voluntarily file income tax returns showing they owe taxes, thus legally placing themselves in the classification of "taxpayers". Because of its legal definition, the term "taxpayer" should never be used in relation to income tax, except to describe those legal entities subject to a federal excise tax.

'SHALL' means 'MAY' In general use, the word "shall" is a word of command with a mandatory meaning. In the IRC, "shall" is a directory word that has a mandatory meaning when applied to corporations. The IRC contains a series of directory statutes using the word "shall" in describing the actions called for in those sections of the Code. The provisions of these directory statutes are requirements for corporations, because corporations are created by government and, consequently, are subject to government direction and control. Since corporations are granted the privilege to exist and operate by government-issued charters, they do not have the constitutionally guaranteed rights of individuals. This government-granted privilege legally obligates corporations to make a "return" of profits and gains earned in the exercise of their privileged operations when directed to do so by the IRC.

This is why the tax form is called a "return". However, directory words in the Code merely imply that individuals are required to perform certain acts, but directory words are not requirements for individuals when a mandatory interpretation of the directory words would conflict with the constitutionally guaranteed rights of individuals. Courts have repeatedly ruled that in statutes, when a mandatory meaning of the word "shall" would create a constitutional conflict, "shall" must be defined as meaning "may". The following are quotes from a few of these decisions. The U.S. Supreme Court stated:

"As against the government the word "shall" when used in statutes, is to be construed as "may," unless a contrary intention is manifest." Cairo & Fulton R.R. Co. vs Hecht, 95 U.S. 170 In a decision of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin: ""Shall" in a statute may be construed to mean "may" in order to avoid constitutional doubt." George Williams College vs Village of Williams Bay, 7 N.W.2d 891 In the decision of Gow vs Consolidated Coppermines Corp., the court stated: "If necessary to avoid unconstitutionality of a statute, "shall" will be deemed equivalent to "may" ...." Gow vs Consolidated Coppermines Corp., 165 Atlantic 136 Sections 6001 and 6011 of the IRC are cited in the Privacy Act notice in the IRS 1040 instruction booklet in order to lead individuals to believe they are required to perform services for tax collectors. Note the use of the word "shall" in the following sections of the Code: IRC Sec. 6001 "Every person liable for any tax imposed by this title, or for the collection thereof, shall keep such records, render such statements, make such returns, and comply with such rules and requirements as the Secretary may from time to time prescribe." IRC Sec. 6011 "When required by regulations prescribed by the Secretary any person made liable for any tax imposed by this title, or for the collection thereof, shall make a return or statement according to the forms and regulations prescribed by the Secretary."


Note that Sections 6001 and 6011 apply to "every person liable" and "any person made liable", but not to "individuals". In addition, THERE IS NO SECTION IN THE IRC THAT MAKES INDIVIDUALS LIABLE FOR PAYMENT OF INCOME TAX because any law imposing a federal tax on individuals would be unconstitutional, for it would violate the taxing limitations in the U.S. Constitution which prohibit direct taxation of individuals by the federal government. People are often confused when reading the Code because, under Subtitle A, Chapter 1, which covers income taxes, Part 1 of Subchapter A has the misleading title of "Tax on Individuals". The title (remember - no legal effect)is misleading because Part 1 imposes the tax on "income", but contains no requirement for individuals to pay it. But an individual becomes a "person liable" for the tax when he files an income tax form, thereby swearing that he is liable for (owes) the tax. The Privacy Act notice in the instruction booklet for IRS Form 1040 also shows that disclosure of information by individuals is not required. The notice states: "Our legal right to ask for information is Internal Revenue Code sections 6001 and 6011 and their regulations." The IRS does not say that those sections require individuals to submit the information; those sections only give the IRS the authority to ask for it. IRC Sec. 6012 states: "Returns with respect to income taxes under Subtitle A shall be made by the following: (1)(A) Every individual having for the taxable year gross income which equals or exceeds the exemption amount ...." Subsections (2) through (6) list corporations, estates, trusts, partnerships, and certain political organizations as also being subject to this section. Any requirements compelling unprivileged individuals to keep records, make returns and statements, or to involuntarily perform any other services for tax collectors, would be violations of constitutionally protected rights. The Thirteenth Amendment to the United Constitution forbids compelling individuals to services involuntarily. The Amendment states: States perform


"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." The Fourth Amendment, in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution for the United States of America, states that the people's right to privacy of their papers shall not be violated by government. To compel individuals to disclose information taken from their papers would violate this right. The Fifth Amendment in the Bill of Rights protects the right of individuals not to be required to be witnesses against themselves. To compel individuals to disclose information by submitting statements or information on a tax return form, all of which could be used against them in criminal prosecutions, would violate their Fifth Amendment right. These examples show some constitutional conflicts that would result from defining the word "shall" as meaning "is required to". Thus, "shall" in the above mentioned statutes must be interpreted as meaning "may". Consequently, for individuals, keeping records, making statements, and making returns are clearly voluntary actions that are not required by law.

'MUST' means 'MAY' Most people have never studied the IRC and their understanding of the law is generally based on hearsay, newspaper articles and IRS instructional materials. These instructions make frequent use of the deceptive word "must" in describing the things that the IRS wants you to do, because "must" is a forceful word that people mistakenly believe to mean, "are required". Very few people realize that "must" is a directory word similar to "shall" and that, in IRS instructions to the public, it means "may", the same as the word "shall". In the legal definition of the word "must" in Black's Law Dictionary, it states: "... [I]t is often used in a merely directory sense, and consequently is a synonym for the word "may" not only in the permissive sense of that word, but also in the mandatory sense which it sometimes has."

Because of the constitutional conflicts explained earlier in this book, the word "must", similar to the word "shall", cannot have a mandatory meaning for individuals. It therefore means "may" when used in IRS instruction publications. The IRS instructions for Form 1040 state that you "must" file a return if you have certain amounts of income. IRS withholding instructions state that employers "must" withhold money from paychecks for income tax, "must" withhold social security tax (an income tax also - explained later), and "must" send to the IRS any W-4 withholding statement claiming exemption from withholding, if the wages are expected to usually exceed $200 per week. An understanding of the legal meaning of the word "must" exposes the deception by the IRS and makes it clear that the actions called for are voluntary actions for individuals that are not required by law. If these actions were required by law, the instructions would not use the word "must", but would say that the actions were "required". Beware of the "Notice of Levy" and "Final Demand" notices from the IRS??? The IRC section 6331 provides that Notices of Levy can only apply to the accrued salaries and wages of Federal employees! IMPORTANT NOTE: They leave this sub par. (a) off of their form they send to you or your employer!!! Talk about DECEIT. This is FRAUD if they send it to YOU, a non-Federal employee, keep it for court evidence.
Sec. 6331 Levy and distraint (a) Authority of Secretary If any person liable to pay any tax neglects or refuses to pay the same within 10 days after notice and demand, it shall be lawful for the Secretary to collect such tax (and such further sum as shall be sufficient to cover the expenses of the levy) by levy upon all property and rights to property (except such property as is exempt under section 6334) belonging to such person or on which there is a lien provided in this chapter for the payment of such tax. Levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer, employee, or elected official, of the United States, the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of the United States or the District of Columbia, by serving a notice of levy on the employer (as defined in section 3401(d)) of such officer, employee or elected official.


That is what the Tax Code SAYS!!!


Now -

Notice what Section 7401 says;

Section 7401. Authorization No civil action for the collection or recovery of taxes, or of any fine, penalty, or forfeiture, shall be commenced unless the Secretary authorizes or sanctions the proceedings and the Attorney General or his delegate directs that the action be commenced.

In other words, they need a court order and have to take you to court before forcibly taking property from you or your business. This is to comply with your 4th & 5th Amendment Rights as well. In addition, I suppose they would have a hard time convincing the Judge that they have a case because of non voluntary compliance!?! Beware: some Judges are Ignorant! Or - Are They???
Section 7203: Willful failure to file return, supply information or pay tax. (text omitted, irrelevant)

One of their biggest scares, is also fallacious, since it does not mention any specific tax, or say who is required to pay or make a return, and doesn't refer to any code section where it can be found. Moreover, because it does not allege an offense, gives NO Federal JUDGE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION to prosecute anyone! On this basis alone it will be thrown out of court, if you mention it. You see, you have to know your Rights and stand on them in order to win. "Use it or lose it" - as they say!
Section 6651: Failure to file tax return or pay tax.

refers only to distilled spirits, tobacco and firearms!

Section 7401 (f): "For general jurisdiction of the district courts of the U.S. in civil actions involving internal revenue see sections 1340 of Title 28 of the U.S. Code." (emphasis added)

So Federal courts only have civil not criminal jurisdiction in tax matters and there are no provisions in the U.S. Criminal Code (Title 18) that establish any income tax crimes!!! Therefore all criminal trials in connection with federal income taxes have been ILLEGAL! Shocked? But wait - No one can be lawfully prosecuted for income tax evasion because no such crime exists or is listed in Title 18, the U.S. Criminal Code!!!


Ask them for the IRC section which shows/proves liability for Subtitle A taxes!?! The fact that the IRS Code doesn't contain a provision establishing the liability is proof that anything the IRS does to compel the payment of income taxes is illegal, fraudulent, conspiracy and of course a felony! To catch them at their own game, once you receive a "tax bill" (all correspondence must be signed, but is usually unsigned to keep from violating Sec. 7214) and you have not filed a return, simply ask them for the assessment record made by them. Since the IRS cannot assess you, only you can assess yourself, they will not send you one. WARNING: They may say they have one, but they will say anything to bluff you. You hold all the aces. If they send you anything, keep it as court evidence for fraud.

Section 6203. Method of assessment. ...upon request of the taxpayer, the Secretary shall furnish the taxpayer a copy of the record of assessment. And . . . Section 6201. Assessment authority (a) Authority of Secretary. (1) Taxes shown on Return. The Secretary shall assess all taxes determined by the taxpayer. (emphasis added)

So if the corporation or taxpayer refuses to assess itself, the government has no authority to assess any income tax and by law, no income tax can possibly be due! You see, the IRS Code was cleverly and diabolically written, so as not to be mandatory to the general populace or it would be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has decided that the definition of income is the same definition that has been used in the Corporation Excise Tax Act of 1909. Nothing that was received by private persons was defined as income under that Act. Therefore, nothing received by private persons today can be defined as income. According to the 16th Amendment and the definition of income therein, it is possible for a person to make a lot of money but at the same time have no "income". This occurs when the money the person makes is not defined as income under the Corporation Excise Tax Act of 1909. This Act only refers to the income of corporations. Therefore, in order for one to have income, one must be a corporation or be involved with a revenue taxable activity.


"If no information or return is filed, [the] Internal Revenue Service cannot assess you". - Gary Makovski, Special IRS Agent, testifying under oath in US. vs. Lloyd

Furthermore, the Constitution for the United States of America provides in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 and the 16th Amendment that:
"Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes ..."

Nevertheless, are (supposedly) collected by the Secretary of the Treasury, an executive officer under Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution of the United States of America. The executive department has NO constitutional authority to lay or collect a tax on the people of America, and therefore neither does a particular corporate business or quasi agency named Internal Revenue Tax and Audit Services Inc. NOTE: There are many (25+ pages) more cites that are relevant to these issues discussed. See the end of this book at "Cites and Quotes" for additional ammunition!

I hope many politicians read these pages. Are they really ignorant of all this? Or, do they just hope you are???


Chapter 5


The IRS Con in a Nutshell

"The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the America's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight."

President John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963) (at Columbia University, 10 days before his assassination) Congress allowed creation of the Federal Reserve Bank (FRB, a private corporation) in 1913. Eight "families" owned all the stock; Rothschilds of Europe, Lazards of Paris, Israel Moses Seifs of Italy, Warburgs of Germany, and the Lehmans, Kuhn-Loebs, Goldman-Sacks, and Rockefeller all of New York. Foreigners own a total of 76% of the FRB. When the FRB put money into circulation gold and silver were needed in reserve to be paid on demand to anyone with a gold or silver certificate (money). However, in 1933, we came off the gold standard and in 1963, we came off the silver standard. Today we have a private group of bankers in control of our money at a cost of 2 cents per bill ($1, $10, $50, $100) regardless of face value and loaning it back to us at face value plus interest. By 1989, our alleged interest debt to the FRB was more than 10 Trillion dollars. Since 1913 they have continually loaned the U.S. Treasury newly printed money (not money they earned) at a certain interest rate which has escalated until now (1993) to be a national debt of approx. 70 Trillion dollars! During the 1920's, the FRB began loaning money to the public through their privately owned banks. Many people used this money to invest in small businesses and the Stock Market. This began a period of great prosperity for the American people, known as the "Roaring 20's". Then in 1928 the eight "families" pulled their money out of the Stock Market and at the same time made it difficult for "We the People" to borrow money. This created a recession making it necessary to pull money out of the Stock Market in order to survive. The Stock Market came crashing down, followed by the "Great Depression". Then the eight families went back into the Stock Market to buy up companies for pennies on the dollar. Since then the FRB has manipulated for profit inflation and deflation in 1932, 1937, 1957, 1966, 1970, 1976, 1982 and the present recession as Americans go broke.

The overspending U.S. Government, being unable to repay the loans and their interests, gave the legislators incentive to create a new income tax for Federal employees in 1934 (hence the name internal revenue tax) which was fraudulently used to include all American Citizens17. The "Free Enterprise System" is what made America great. Do not confuse this with "Capitalism", as it is termed today. These eight families with their capital do not like free enterprise. They are now controlling input into our school curriculum, media, Congress, Judges etc. They are constantly buying up businesses to create monopolies. They do not like competition. The graduated income tax is forced on the American people to keep small businesses and the public from competing with them. The harder one works the heavier the tax. This has taken away our incentives to work. Therefore, people are rewarded for not working, thereby taking away any selfrespect they may have. Meanwhile the eight families set themselves up in "Trusts" to become exempt from paying the tax they initiated on the American people. This deception and cover-up has gone on long enough. {However, a constantly growing number of people are acting against it.} The FRB is loaded with money. The proof being in that they continually loan Millions and even Billions to other countries without any expectation of full payment. The Fact that the IRS continually shuts down businesses and confiscates possessions of people in debt (illegally) to them and then gives that money away to other countries kind of makes them look anti-American doesn't it??? Isn't America mostly comprised of its Citizens and not of the government? The true patriots are standing against the IRS & the "Federal Reserve" Bankers (FRB)!!! How Do We Get Back Control? We the people can get back control of our printing presses. Section 31 of the Federal Reserve Act allows Congress all of the power needed to terminate the FRB. The government could then print up U.S. Treasury Notes based on the amount of consumer goods and services needed. They could then loan the States and People money at 4% interest, avoiding the FRB's usury, which has taken away America's hope for a brighter future.

There is a difference between Citizen and citizen. See the preamble to the Constitution and the 14th Amendment. 14th Amendment citizen is a slave for the gov't. A Citizen is a free individual sovereign Possessing all of his God given, constitutionally secured, rights and freedoms. You must claim your Sovereign status! 5-39

FACTS AND FALLACIES: Fallacy: The IRS is a governmental branch that collects income tax for the support of our government. The IRS is a private non-governmental corporation18 that collects taxes which goes into the Federal Reserve Bank19, which is also a private corporation independent of our government. United Sates law requires Citizens to pay income tax. The IRS code itself (Title 26) states that its contents are not to be given any legal effect! Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii wrote "Based on research done by the Congressional Research Service, there is no law that specifically and unequivocally requires anyone to pay income tax." On the beginning page of the tax return form booklet it states "that government in a free country can only be financed through voluntary compliance." (Laws demand compliance.)




The Internal Revenue code is merely a system of federal regulations, having never been enacted into positive law, and the Constitution forbids the enacting of any laws which abrogate our rights, protected by the Constitution. Fallacy: The Constitution gives unlimited power to the President, Congress and the supreme Court. They can do anything they please unless the constitution says they cannot. Our government is a gov't of limited, specific, enumerated powers. The Constitution spells out these limits and if it doesn't enumerate a specific power, then the President, Congress or supreme Court cannot lawfully engage in such conduct.



Anyone can obtain a copy of its papers of incorporation submitted to the State of Delaware in 1933. See 'EXHIBITS' No official government branch ever incorporates! Only private businesses incorporate! See next Chapter: Returned Income Tax payment checks show an endorsement stamp on the back that says "Pay to any FRB branch . . .". The Federal Reserve Corp. is independent of the U.S. Treasury. 5-40





Chapter 6


YOU Decide for Yourself!

If the IRS really collects "income taxes", wouldn't the money they collect be going into the U.S. Treasury so it could be spent into the economy of the United States? As we have already mentioned - NO! Nevertheless, we have all been told for many years that the taxes collected by the IRS goes to run the United States government. Even the IRC in Section 7809(a) states the following: (a) General Rule: Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) and in section 7651, 7652, 7654 and 7810 under the gross amount of all taxes and revenue received under the provisions of this title and collections of whatever nature received or collected by authority of any Internal Revenue law, shall be deposited daily into the Treasury of the United States under instructions of the Secretary as internal revenue collections, by the officer or employee receiving or collecting the same, without any abatement or deduction on account of salary, compensation, fees, cost, charges, expenses, claims of any description. A certificate of such payment, stating the name of the depositor and the specific account on which the deposit was made, signed by the Treasurer of the United States, designated depositary, or proper officer of a deposit bank, shall be transmitted to the Secretary. Even upon examination of all of the cross references there is nothing to indicate that the monies collected are to go anywhere but to the United States Treasury. Is that where the money really goes? Let us examine some FACTS . . . One sure way to find out who cashes a check is to simply look on the back of the check and see who actually endorsed it. I challenge you to look on the back of any check sent to the IRS in payment of "taxes". The IRS uses a rubber stamp to endorse checks. A common and well accepted practice among large businesses. Do any of the endorsements you have found indicate that any of the checks cashed by the IRS went to the United States Treasury? It must per the Internal Revenue code, their own regulations! The real truth is that not one dime of the "tax" money sent to the IRS has ever gone directly to the U.S. Treasury! Where does it go? Simply look at the rubber stamp endorsement. It may say something similar to the following;


Regardless of which type of endorsement your canceled check may have on it, please note that neither one says "pay to the order of the United States Treasury" or "for deposit to the U.S. Treasury". I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. The money does not go to the U.S. Treasury or to run the government! It never has! The FRB keeps it -- as a partial payment on the (fake) National Debt! None of it is left over to run the country! Fake??? Yes, More on that Later. Every time you hear a politician state that it is the "taxpayer's money" that they're watching out for; every time you hear a television commentator tell you what is being done with "the taxpayer's money" -- they are LYING to you! The Congress of the United States, which authorizes the spending of ALL the money the federal government spends each year, does NOT spend "the taxpayer's money" -- they BORROW every DIME! And they want YOU to Pay it back!!! The endorsements mentioned above say that the money is to be deposited to any Federal Reserve Bank for CREDIT of U.S. Obligations. What obligations? Let us examine what and whom the Federal Reserve Bank is and where these "obligations" come from. Again, we will find that the American people have been duped into believing things that are not the way we have been told they are. First of all, the Federal Reserve Bank is NOT Federal. As mentioned in the previous chapter, the FRB is openly and admittedly a PRIVATE institution. It is owned by a group of families, which are stockholders in the corporation. The FRB is no different from any other private firm. They are in business for only one purpose -- to make (take your) money! You see, the IRS is really a private corporation itself, and is nothing but a collection agency for the FRB. The "tax" money collected, is then loaned out to whom ever it wants to, all over the world! The FRB has never been audited, which helps to keep the information about where the money actually goes, secret and private.

Since the FRB is a private corporation, it will therefore not be too difficult to understand where the "national debt" comes from, how it has been created, and why it even exists. Again, we find that we have all been duped! The "national debt" has been created by the FRB! Here's basically How the Debt has been created: 1. The United States Treasury owns the Bureau of Printing and Engraving (B.O.P.E.), the agency that creates what we call money. Remember, the FRNs being used are of no real value. They are no longer backed by silver or of gold. (see 'EXHIBITS' on bills used as evidence in Supreme Court) 2. For example, let's say today the U.S. Treasury orders the B.O.P.E. to print 1,000 FRNs 3. The total printing cost for any denomination ($1, $100) of a dollar bill is $20.60 per 1,000 bills. The B.O.P.E having printed the notes now sells them to the U.S. Treasury for $20.60. 4. The Federal Reserve Bank now calls the U.S. Treasury and wants to purchase 1,000 one dollar federal reserve notes. Upon receiving the order, the Treasury sells the 1,000 FRNs to the FRB for $20.60. 5. The U.S. Treasury then calls the Federal Reserve Bank and says, "We are broke, and need to borrow 1,000 one dollar notes to run our government with today." 6. The FRB says, "Fine, here's a $1,000 loan." (handing them back the same $1,000 that they just purchased for $20.60) In case you didn't notice, $979.40 just disappeared into someone's pocket. I think it was the FRB's! To top this act off even further the FRB will charge interest on this loan. They call this seigniorage - I call it fraud and theft!!! 7. The fiasco doesn't stop here. At this point, the FRB says it doesn't trust the Treasury, and demands some form of security for the loan. (sound familiar?) 8. The U.S. Treasury gives the FRB a U.S. Treasury Bond for security of the loan, interest bearing against the people of the United States . . . YOU !!!

NOW I ASK YOU ... DO YOU STILL BELIEVE WE HAVE A NATIONAL DEBT??? WE DON'T!!! If you can see the truth above, the money with which to repay the "debt" has never been created and furthermore does not even exist!!! CAN YOU SPELL FRAUD? In order to illustrate this fact, let's say the FRB loaned the U.S. Treasury $100.00 in created paper money in 1913 (when the FRB was created) at an interest rate of 6%. The accumulated interest over a 70 year period is in excess of $12,000. None of this amount can be paid. You must understand that $100 is all that was created in the first place! Where does the money to pay the balance with come from, if it has never been created? Some people have trouble understanding this concept because they have paid back loans with interest. In order for you to accomplish this, however, you must also understand that someone else must borrow money to put enough money back into circulation to enable the first borrower to obtain enough money to pay back a loan with interest. Now, the second borrower has a problem, as there is not enough money in circulation to pay his interest. Meaning a further shortage of the amount of interest the first borrower took out of the money pool to pay off his interest. And on and on it goes. Presently the FRB and its (private) shareholders have created (fictitiously) a debt against the people of the United States of approximately 70 TRILLION dollars (1996 est.)! The interest on the fictitious national debt is currently growing at a rate of over $100,000+ per SECOND!!! This means that every person now alive in the Unites States has been obligated to a fake debt in excess of $700,000! And this is supposedly owed to the FRB or rather the shareholders? Those International Bankers!!! Yes, there's still more. Even as unbelievable as it may seem already. During Jimmy Carter's term of office, the FRB came to him demanding more security or collateral for the debt the FRB says the U.S. owed them. Being the fine, up-standing citizen (puppet) he was, he turned over all of the birth certificates and marriage licenses of every person in the U.S. to the Department of Commerce. Because of this, each citizen of this country now has a "Government Assumed Power of Attorney" placed against all of our lives. Which basically

means that we are considered to be indentured slaves. Our labor is the collateral for repayment of the fraudulent national debt. Our present day government views us as no more important than cattle! This same "Government Assumed Power of Attorney" is what has given the HRS (and other 3 letter bureaucracies) the authority it has been granted, in cases they decide warrants investigations and/or the confiscation of children from private citizens. Sound familiar??? The people of this country must wake up NOW, if any of these things are going to change. We, the people have allowed these monstrosities to happen simply because we no longer even know what our rights are that our forefathers fought for us to keep. They fought and died for these sacred principles, morals, beliefs, ethics, rights and freedoms. Almost none of us it seems, know what the U.S. Constitution says or what it even stands for! The Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the PEOPLE'S PROTECTION FROM the government! It is the people's job to enforce it. Moreover - The Right to Keep and Bear Arms - is the Enforcement Amendment. How can We, the people enforce anything if we don't even know what it says???


Chapter 7


The Supreme Court has defined three meanings to the term United States. One of which, is a foreign country to the 50 States that make up our Nation, called the united States of America. YUP, here we go again with the play on words! THE THREE UNITED STATES 1. The "United States of America". 2. The corporate "United States". 3. These "united States".

"UNITED STATES" is the legal, formal name of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and the lands it owns. The U.S. Supreme Court has declared that, unless you are a resident of the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands or another American possession, or are a naturalized citizen who was born in another country, you are, properly, a Sovereign Citizen of the State where you were born, and you are residing or are domiciled in the State where you live. As a Citizen of one of the Sovereign States, you are also a Citizen of the UNION of States named "United States of America" - BUT - you have NEVER been a citizen of the "United States." "FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. A union or confederation of sovereign states, created either by treaty, or by the mutual adoption of a federal constitution, for the purpose of presenting to the world the appearance of a single state, while retaining the rights and power of internal regulation and administration, or at least of local self-government." - Bouvier's Law Dictionary The corporate "United States", (the District of Columbia, a municipal corp. entity, a foreign country) has limited jurisdiction over the individual nation States. It has NO legal jurisdiction over the people of these States - except by individual voluntary application and color of contract! What? In other words, you have to voluntarily "waive your freedoms and rights" in order to be subject to their jurisdiction! They will say in a court of law, "Your honor - this person waived

his sovereignty, rights and freedoms, and gave them over to us in exchange for some gov't sugar titty!" Well, something like that. Do you get the picture? But in effect, you cannot waive your rights! Or they would not be unalienable!! In other words, you can not alienate yourself from yourself!!! Nevertheless, they have the audacity to legislate it in to existence and think that it is then Law! If it's morally wrong, or against God's Law, or is unconstitutional, it is Void and has no legality at all! Unless you do not Care!?!? TWO TYPES OF CITIZENSHIPS 1. Sovereign State Citizenship with inalienable Rights. 2. Federal citizenship with privileges and duties only.

The primary contract in question is the Social Security application, or the SS5,20 which is entirely voluntary. Were you informed of this when you applied? Were you informed of any Rights you may be waiving by signing? NO?!?! Well my friend, that is FRAUD and it is Tyranny! But wait, what about your birth certificate, W4, 1040, bank signature card, or your Drivers License? NO??? Well guess what? Any contract entered into without consent, or is made under fraudulent pretenses, or without full disclosure, is null and void! And may be declared so and therefore rescinded and made as though it did not exist. In reference to the #2 type of citizenship above, the 14th Amendment freed slaves but only if they agreed to be subjects of Congress! This is voluntary servitude or statutory slavery imposed by Congress via the 14th Amendment! It is termed "Federal citizenship"! Do you really want to be a 14th Amendment slave, a second class "Federal citizen"? Subject to a corporate municipal entity, the U.S., who only has jurisdiction in the District of Columbia, it's possessions, territories and enclaves, by some adhesion contract you may or may not have signed, that was perpetrated upon you by FRAUD? OR, would you rather be a FREE Sovereign Citizen? Exempt from any direct tax (income tax), estate tax, inheritance tax, property tax, as these taxes

See "Why Revoke Your SSN?" -- in the next chapter. 7-48

violate the restrictions on government, which is plainly stated in the Constitution for the United States of America and various State Constitutions as well!

So how do we support our government - you ask? Simple, see Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution. "Congress shall have the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises. . ." Would that be enough - you ask? Certainly! Once we trim down the big fat bureaucracy, it would be more than enough. In fact, over 2/3's of the Federal government income is derived from sources other than the "income tax". (see the Grace Commission Report) So,

WHAT CAN YOU DO? 1. Resolve to regain your rightful station by throwing off the deceitful prejudices of a lifetime of public education and elitist-controlled print and electronic media; and 2. Unswervingly commit yourself to acquiring the knowledge of your American birthright and how to successfully defend it when challenged21; and

3. Practice abstinence from voluntary participation as a subscriber, beneficiary, associate member (whatever) of the privileges and benefits proffered by quasi de facto, corpora ficta governmental bodies masquerading as official government offices by; 4. Revoking the Social (in)Security application, and rescind signatures on all 1040's and IRS forms;22 and 5. Close your Bank account and reopen by properly executing a W-8 form (Foreign Status Certificate). Do NOT sign the Bank's signature card - this gives them jurisdiction, and

I strongly urge you to get Mr. Woods workshop materials on the "Right To Travel". The most authoritative work I've seen or read, from A to Z - everything you need to know regarding setting up a prima facie case against the state actors for a Title 42 and/or Title 18 lawsuit. See "Recommended Reading" for details. 22 See the next chapter for specifics on how to use the Forms available in this Book. 7-49

6. Protect your assets - place You and Your Business in a Foreign or Off-Shore Trust, and 7. Demand the IRS prove jurisdiction over You, in writing signed under penalty of perjury (as required by IRC Sec. 6065). Demand is made under authority of the F.O.I.A. Title 5, Sec. 552(a), and

8. Be prepared to defend your position through research, and your due diligence, etc. Are you accepting any gov't. sugar titty? If so, they will use this against you! Know your Rights and stand on them. And finally; 9. Actively and aggressively practicing your fundamental, unbridgeable, unalienable rights while always respecting and observing your duty and obligation not to infringe upon the same birthrights of your fellow sovereign Americans.

People - Sovereign God - given Rights Freedom Thou Shalt Not Bilateral Contract Separation of Church And State Innocent till proven Guilty Travel Freely True Production

| | | | | | | | | | | |

Person (14th) Subject Privileges Compelled Performance Thou Shall Unilateral Contract 501C-3 ( privilege granted by the STATE ) Guilty till proven innocent need a License No incentive - the STATE wants you to rely on it!


Recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" to Yourself my friend. Or do you still pledge allegiance to the most beautiful Flag in the World - the "Stars & Stripes"? And to the REPUBLIC for which it stands? For LIBERTY - FREEDOM - JUSTICE? Under GOD?



Legally and Morally!

Allow me to recap our understanding of the IRS Code. 1. It is based upon Self-Assessment, 2. And Voluntary Compliance. In other words, you have to assess yourself because the IRS does not have the authority to! Section 6201(a) "The Secretary shall assess all taxes determined by the taxpayer or by the Secretary as to which returns or lists are made under this title." You also have to voluntarily comply with the IR Code (Title 26)(see 'EXHIBITS') because it was never passed into "positive law"23! And is only the; "official restatement of the general and permanent law . . . no new law is enacted and no law repealed. It is prima facie the law. It is presumed to be the law. The presumption is rebuttable by production of prior unrepealed Acts of Congress at variance with the code." Preface: The Code of the Laws of the United States. And as mentioned before, the IRC is at variance with many of our Constitutional Rights! So you see, if it were mandatory, it would be unconstitutional. Surely, your employer does not want to deprive you of your rights! So used to, you simply told him you wanted to file a new W-4 (authorization by you for him to withhold) and on the third line write Exempt, and he can't withhold taxes from your check. However, because the W-4 misrepresents the IR Code, section 3402(n), we simply spell it our for them. More proof of their misleading deceitfulness. Notice the difference between "No Liability" and "No Tax Owed" as is on the W-4! So now you simply send him a "Affidavit of Exemption", "Social Security Letter" as well as the "Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation", the "Social Insecurity Affidavit" and the "Affidavit of Sovereign Status" (see 'Forms Section' at end of

The FACT that Title 26 is NOT positive law means that the title itself is not considered Law, but merely a reflection of the underlying statutes. If it were accepted into positive law, it would only mean that it could be used as "law" without directly referring to the underlying statutes. It does not mean that Title 26 cannot be enforced, or that it's not mandatory, but that Title 26 can be challenged more easily by using the underlying statutes in contra-respect to inadequacies within the code itself. 8-51

book). Be sure to ALWAYS send all your correspondence via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested. Giving you proof you sent it and they received it! The "Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation" needs special attention, since it explains your position on the subject and effectively revokes your Social Insecurity Number. Now you will never have to use it again and they cannot track you down or your finances. Invest it yourself and retire early! This would put it back in the private sector where it should be, where it can do the most good. Not in the hands of the government (or Bankers) to be squandered away on freebies, foreign wars and research on the how and why of bugs! According to Title 5 USC, Sect. 556(d), when jurisdiction is challenged the burden of proof reverts to the gov't agency. This is why it works! After all you've read - How can they prove jurisdiction? (especially after you file all the forms) Read and Know the "Declaration of Sovereign Status" and the "Affidavit of Rescission & Revocation" then put your info in the blanks, take it to the County Clerks office at your local Court House, notarize and record them. Tell her you want a Certified Proof copy. Lightly pencil over the notarization and court seal. Make enough copies of the Declaration and Affidavit. The certified proof copy of the Declaration & Affidavit you send to the Department of the Treasury24, the SSA, your employer, IRS District Director, and always allow a copy for your records. Once you do this, you are saying that you no longer recognize the IRS as having any authority or jurisdiction over you and you do not classify yourself as a "taxpayer" within the meaning of the rules and regulations of the IRS! You are a "Nontaxpayer"! This is your right to petition! And Legally!

But won't they march on to my property and take possession ?

Of course not,(see 'Controlling Big Brother') they would need a court order! And what would the charge be, not voluntarily complying?

What about year end and April 15th ?

You simply do not file!

That's right,

NOTE: This will also be asked, in the letter, to be forwarded to the President, your Congressman and Senators! But you may want to send them a copy anyway, just to make sure, and to help us all make a statement, as well as voice your opinion and presence. 8-52


Why? Because there is Nothing in the Law that requires you to File! And Nothing making you Liable for the "Income Tax" that is not even defined in Title 26, the IR Code! Beginning to see the picture? The IRC was diabolically written to deceive you, which is nothing short of FRAUD - pure and simple! In fact, if you get charged with violating Title 26, you should immediately reject that Title as law, by not doing so, one inadvertently accepts as law something, which is admittedly only prima facie law. (see Chapter 11 Definitions) In essence then, you will have 4 packages to send; Refer to the 'FORMS SECTION' at the end of this book for actual forms, and to NOTICE at beginning thereof. 1. TO THE SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (a) "Notice and Demand" Letter to SSA, attached to (b) "Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation", and (c) "Declaration of Sovereign Status" (certified copy of both, original will be Public Record). 2. TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (a) Letter to Secretary of Treasury (b) Copy of the letter sent to Employer, stapled to (c) "S.S. Affidavit" (notarized copy) (d) Cover Letter to Secretary, stapled to (e) "Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation" (certified copy), and (f) "Declaration of Sovereign Status" (certified copy). 3. TO THE DISTRICT DIRECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE TAX AND AUDIT SERVICES INC. (a) "Notice and Demand" Letter to District Director IRS (b) Copy - Cover Letter to Sec. of Treasury, attached to (c) Cert. Copy of "Declaration of Sovereign Status", and (d) Cert. Copy of "Affidavit of Rescission & Revocation" 4. TO YOUR EMPLOYER (a) "Notice and Demand Regarding W-4" to Employer (Original - Notarized) (b) S.S. Affidavit (Original - Notarized) (c) Letter for employer to send to Dept. Treasury (opt.) (c) Notarized original - "Affidavit of Exemption". (Use when hired or to change original, DO NOT fill out IRS form W-4 this will invalidate your affidavit and gives them jurisdiction over you.) (e) Copy of "Affidavit of Revocation & Recession" (opt.)

Federal Decisions about Your Money Here is what the federal courts have said about your ability to keep your own money:
"Any one may so arrange his affairs that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which will best pay the Treasury; there is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes." - Helvering vs. Gregory, Federal Reporter, 2nd series, Vol. 69, Page 810 (1934)

Justice Hugo Black declared in United States vs. Kahriger, 345 U.S. 22 (1953):
"The United States has a system of taxation by confession."

Of course, confessions are not legal or valid under the Constitution if they are compelled. To ensure that tax assessment confessions are not coerced, Congress mandated that they have a jurat crafted and intended by IRC 7206, and by law, see Title 18 U.S.C. 1621, to be signed willfully meaning "voluntarily". Justice Black did not state the voluntary nature of the confession by which the selfassessment of income taxes is made on IRS Form 1040 but every lawyer knows that a legal and valid confession must be "voluntary,"25, and "the product of a rational intellect and a free will,"26. Moreover, the Supreme Court admitted the nature of the tax return confession when the Court stated that:
"Our tax system is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint." - Flora vs. United States, 362 U.S. 145 (1960)

These are not idle words inasmuch as the Supreme Court ruled in 1973, that under the legal doctrine of stare decisis;
"the people have a right to rely upon the decisions of this Court and not be needlessly penalized for such reliance." - United States vs. Mason, 412 U.S. 391

According to IRC 7206, a tax return is premised and dependent upon a person's knowledge and belief as verified by the person's willful subscription of the tax return's jurat;
25 26

See: Bram vs. United States, 168 U.S. 532, 542 (1897) See: Townsend vs. Sain, 372 U.S. 293, 307 (1963) 8-54

hence, it is axiomatic that there can be no law requiring a person to willfully make and sign under penalties of perjury a valid, self-assessed Form 1040 tax return. If such an illogical rule exists, it is an oxymoron invented by the legal sophisticates, lackeys and stooges of the "moral elite" (or the "rich men27" of the Earth, as they are called in the Bible)! It is not the rule of law or the payment of taxes that Pitman Buck, Jr. and his wife protested in Buck vs. United States, 967 F.2d 1060 (5th Cir. 1992), but the government's rule of tyranny that compels individuals to either complete the Form 1040 and sign its prescribed jurat under the subterfuge that it was made and signed willfully or else pay a $500 penalty imposed under color of IRC 6702 and/or even worse, be prosecuted and face one year in prison under the ridiculous charge (IRC 7203) of willful failure to file a tax return that by the Code's intent (IRC 7206) is to be willfully made and signed conscientiously. One need not be a cum laude graduate of a law school to know that a coerced statement whether about taxes or murder though by a signed jurat declares that it was made under penalties of perjury is nonetheless a statement verified by a lie. The recently published book, The Colossal Fraud of 'Involuntary Perjury' and Other Enforced Newspeak, Tricks and Scams of Big Brother, proves that the federal government's use of threats, monetary penalties and incarceration of individuals in order to coerce them and others through fear and intimidation to fill out and sign allegedly under penalties of perjury IRS Form 1040 constitutes nothing less than colossal fraud. The case of Buck vs. United States, 756 F.Supp. 1040 (S.D.Tex. 1991), 967 F.2d 1060 (5th Cir. 1992), 974 F.2d 1337 (5th Cir. 1992), 113 S.Ct. 1052 (1993), is but one of many cases of court-sanctioned subversions of law and miscarriages of justice involving the misapplication of the IRC 6702 and 7203. Why Revoke your Social Security Number? The Social Security Administration personally attaches to all persons with a SSN a regional jurisdiction by agreement

" Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?" James 2:6,7 "Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days." James 5:1-3 8-55

and subjects the person to a foreign collection agent, the IRS, and a United States court of regional strict liability statutory power. Also, Social Security is administered by an unauthorized regional venue with districts, not de jure States, therefore there has been a false government created. Transitioning persons from State sovereignty to a regional foreign territorialism under the unauthorized federal regional jurisdiction of the "United States"/District of Columbia, as was previously mentioned in the Chapter "What Happened To Our Sovereignty?". The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants that they will be defined as an artificial person by agreement and statute (Title XI Sec. 1101 [a] [31 S.S. Act 1935); and thus they would become a "person" who only had privileges and immunities and no organic Constitutional secured rights to life, liberty and property, also see Section 1101(a) When used in this Act--" (3) The term "person" means an individual, a trust or estate, a Partnership, or a corporation." Social Security Act, 49 State 620 at 647 (1935). The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants that Social Security registration would reform the geographical area of the States into Regions and Districts within regions28, not States, repealing all State boundaries and creating a fourth branch of government, not authorized, pursuant to the Supremacy Clause. (Title XI Sec 1101 [a] [2] S.S. Act 1935) also pursuant to Title 42 State Agreement; the term State is defined as the District of Columbia and the term Governor is defined as the Mayor of the District of Columbia, the Social Security Administration has no jurisdiction to involve any one of the several State Republics in this FRAUD. The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants that they will become a subject of the District of Columbia (Title XI Sec. 1101 [a] [1] S.S. Act 1935) nor do they instruct applicants that as a child under the legal age of 18 they could not enter into such an agreement nor do they inform applicants that the Social Security Application was limited to United States citizens, which no one born in one of the several State Republics is at birth. Further, the application had a perjury clause for those who are within the United States, which anyone born in one of the several State Republics is not; pursuant to Title 28, Sec. 1746 (2). The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants that the definitions in the Social Security Act do

This is known as the "Zip Code" trick! 8-56

not conform to definitions in standard dictionaries; and, they used a public office and place of trust and a (supposed) superiority of knowledge to deceive applicants into joining. After careful examination of the Social Security Act, 74th Congress, Session I, Ch. 531, August 14, 1935, page 636, Section 702, Duties of Social Security Board, the term "Social Insurance" is used. "Social Insurance - a comprehensive welfare plan established by law, generally compulsory in nature, and based on a program which spreads the cost of benefits among the entire population rather than on individual recipients. The federal government began to use depreciating insurance programs to raise revenue for international operations in 1935, with the passage of the Social Security Act. The basic federal and state approaches to social insurance presently in use are: Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (i.e. Social Security); Medicare and Medicaid; unemployment insurance; and worker's compensation." Black's Law Dict. 5ED.2 724. Further, in 1938 according to the Ashwander court,29 "anyone who partakes of the benefits or privileges of a given statute, or anyone who even places himself into a position where he may avail himself of those benefits at will, cannot reach constitutional grounds to redress grievances in the courts against the given statute." (emphasis added) The Social Security Administration does not inform applicants when people, as State Citizens, applied for and accepted a Social Security Number! They also accepted its definition of "person", and they too, then, are taxed for the privilege of Federal Employment and citizenship and state residence (Federal) through the personal income tax, state and federal. The people of the States were deceived by this act because the government violated the Preamble and law of The Creator. The government allowed the Constitution to be altered outside the bounds of the Preamble (Amendments 13-26) and thus the state Citizens fell victim to government over man instead of man over government. Even our Churches subscribe to the U.S. Government for a tax-exempt status! (see end of this chapter under "Godhead") Ignoring God's Law!!! Social Security (FICA) is a voluntary social insurance policy which, by submission, suborns You, the Affiant, an otherwise Free, Natural, Citizen of your state of birth into the Federal, corporate, jurisdiction same said as a Federal Employee or Employer, that has been created within regional concepts, under the authority of the United States

Ashwander vs. T.VS.A., 297 U.S. 288, 346, 56 S.Ct. 466, 482, 80 L.Ed. 688 (1938) 8-57

Constitution, 14th Amendment, to divest the posterity of their birthright in the Statute of 1776 (The Declaration of Independence) and to reduce the posterity to mere subjects of the United States, in order to raise revenue for the cause of the New World Order, and, thereby, reduce the sovereignty of the several 50 States to no affect, as districts, in a scheme of centralized/international government through the national socialist scheme of the Social Security Act. The Social Security (FICA) social insurance scheme is deployed to limit, by supersedeas quasi contract, your personam of de jure jus sanguinis "State Citizen", with intent, through misrepresentation, to impair, extort and divest you of naturally-given Inalienable Rights, otherwise protected by the limitations and prohibitions set out in the Organic Law for the united States of America by requiring you through uninformed, implied and direct, consent (submission) to surrender or limit the affect of your personam of State Citizen, to accomplish ends wholly beyond the sphere marked out by the Declaration of Independence (1776), the original Constitution for the United States of America (1787), the Bill of Rights (1791) and the original Constitution for your state of birth. The Social Security scheme (FICA) is a stealthy encroachment on, and an easy way, via government-controlled media blitz propaganda, to circumvent, the limitation(s) and guarantee(s), provided by "We the People", against singular centralized, international government, specifically, but not limited to, the limitations and guarantees against abridgment and subordination of your inalienable and Unalienable Rights granted by The Creator, as expressed and asserted in the original Constitution for your state of birth, the Declaration of independence (1776), as set out in the original Constitution for the United States of America (1787) and its Bill of Rights (1791), and, as earlier expressed and asserted in the Declaration and Resolves of The First Continental Congress (1774). How's that for legalese? Participation in Social Security, a social insurance policy, and the agency (power of attorney) scheme thereunder, is an attempt by creatures of the government and co-parties, to compel one into a joint venture, with regional (interstate and international) statutory implications, of an intra governmental nature, in the unauthorized jurisdiction(s) that now exist by the United States, codified pursuant to declaratory Amendments not authorized for Citizens of the States, in the Constitution for the United States of America.

Only as an adult and not a child, and by informed consent, with full disclosure, can the government exercise an unauthorized intragovernmental authority over a Citizen, in the jurisdiction(s) of the "United States", outside the limitations of the original Constitution (1787) and the Bill of Rights (1791). All power (right) belongs within the Citizen, to accept or deny control, in areas of law which are not within the jurisdiction of the organic Constitution for the United States of America (1787) and the Constitutions for the several States of the Union, that could pertain, or attempt to pertain, to a Citizen, as one of "We the People" of the several States, found in the Preamble to the Constitution for the United States of America (1787), which power (right) is protected by the limitations and prohibitions set out in the 9th and 10th Articles in Amendment to the Organic Constitution (Bill of Rights [1791]). UNDERSTAND NOW? - It should be self evident that, in all cases which undermine and destroy, either directly or indirectly, a sovereign American Citizen's fundamental, unabridgeable, unalienable rights, pursuant to his inherent political power and sovereignty, are always Acts of Treason! IMPORTANT NOTE It must be remembered that a non-taxpayer, a Free Individual Sovereign Citizen has NO RECOURSE through the IRS for a refund or rebate, since you no longer recognize their authority (especially now that you realize they have none)! So this is putting your employer on notice that if he illegally (by violating your rights to due process) withholds money from you, without a court order, then he is responsible and would be the party to sue. (more later) If you want to make a correction to your Status during the year (as apposed to the end) file the "Affidavit of Exemption" with your Employer, and at the first of the following year, file a 1040EZ with no income (or whatever your checking/savings earned - even though this is not 'income' but may be said to show good faith) claiming the money withheld as a "Refund Due". Then file the rest of the paperwork claiming your Sovereign status as a free individual Citizen reserving all your God given rights - and never have to file again! Now, CONGRATULATIONS for a raise and feeling FREE. There is really nothing quite like it! If you are self-employed, you still get a raise, you're operating at a greater profit spurring on your local economy and doing our country some good! Mainly by helping to restore the validity of our great Constitution and this nation! Surely it was worth something for our forefathers to leave their country for, to fight for, to die for, to build this country under its provisions and

restraints on government, by the people, of the people, and for the people, with Liberty and Justice for all of us. GODHEAD The majority of Americans have, in fact, wittingly or unwittingly converted wholly and without reservation, as evidenced by their deeds and acts, to become true believers in "the STATE" as their God-head! In America, Christianity has been the greatest religious casualty in the rise of the twin religions of Democracy and "the STATE" as the peoples' new religions of choice. While millions continue to pay lip service to Christianity, they direct their worshipful respects, always first to Democracy and "the STATE". The truth of this proposition is prima facie evidenced by the acts of most alleged Christianity practitioners, as opposed to their lip service. A mere introductory list of such acts would include the following: (1) They petition "the STATE" for permission to preach their Christian message by obtaining state-issued corporate charters for their churches, They deal in usurious contracts by way of mortgages on church property, They seek licenses from the state for permission to marry, They register their children with "the STATE" at birth, They send their children to state-controlled schools, They subscribe to "the STATE's" social insurance scheme, et cetera.




(5) (5)

Clearly by their acts and deeds, "the STATE", in the name of Democracy, is their religion and their God-head -- for they would sooner offend their Christian God than "the STATE" any time they are put to the pinch. Like true believers in any religion, those Americans are found to be slavishly committed to the dogma propagated by "the STATE's" priesthood and do accept with out reservations its private corporate tenets, its private corporate benefits, its private corporate demands, and its private corporate

rulings without ever once questioning its de facto, corpora ficta authority that is strictly private in nature yet masquerading as the people's bona fide government.**

Shouldn't it be, FREEDOM, LIBERTY and JUSTICE FOR ALL!!!

* Godhead -taken in part from the workshop materials of Mr. James B. Wood III "Right To Travel".
c/o Cubex, Suite 174, 7350 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Florida 34231 U.S.A. 8-61

Chapter 9


Because We're Big Daddy!

Our Constitution only authorizes our government to collect taxes to provide for the common defense and promote the general welfare. Not to provide welfare or specific welfare of some at the expense of others! Many people I talk to, seem to think that if they stop paying "Income Tax", our government will come to a halt. Do you really believe that after all you have read so far? They under estimate the hidden taxes they do not see. Remember the "Windfall Oil Profits Tax". How much are you paying at the pumps now? Do you know the tax bracket your Doctor is in? Why do you think his bill is so high? Why don't you just tell him that you will pay the bill and give the other to some other patient who says they cannot afford it, OR your favorite charity. What would he say to that? Get the picture? It should be clear at this point that the "International Banking Cartel" is the true rulers of this nation. They own the Federal Reserve Corp.! Remember what Meyer Amschell Rothschild once said, "Permit me to issue the money of a Nation, and I care not who makes its laws."

I sincerely believe that the Federal Reserve monopoly can be banned, abolished, and booted out - at the expressed will of the people. It is "We the People" who have to stand up and be counted for who we are and what we believe in! Now what are some methods of control we can establish and use effectively? Obviously, a lot has already been mentioned. But foremost, in any written correspondence with the IRS (or its employees) always respond questioning them on their tactics/violations, etc. and make sure you send it Certified Mail - Return Receipt. This is because you may need proof of everything and in order to setup your prima facie evidence to sue them in Federal court, or defend yourself in court (of proper jurisdiction). Also, petitioning and writing your congressman and senators, voicing your opinions and asking theirs. Getting involved in the political arena yourself! Encouraging and endorsing a knowledgeable and favorable candidate, etc. What about Jury duty?

If you are called to jury duty in a relevant case, armed with the knowledge you have now (and hopefully expand on) consider carefully your decision. Each member of the jury has the right to decide among the facts presented and the courts opinion of Law! Jury nullification is a very powerful weapon. Warning: Never let a Federal Judge know you are aware of jury nullification30 or aware of the criminal nature of the IRS! It has been found that they even check the tax records of individual jurors, can you imagine! Spread the NEWS, tell your friends and associates about this expose' or any books you accumulate on the subjects. NEVER GO TO TAX COURT or USE IRS FORMS! You can have IRS employees (they call them officers???), federal prosecutors or judges, etc. - ARRESTED - if they seek to compel your compliance with so called "income tax laws" that don't exist. Moreover, they cannot claim immunity, since they will be operating outside of federal law. Example; If a IRS employee tries to take your property by filing a lien or fraudulent use of "Notice of Levy", simply ask him what section of the code makes you liable and authorizes him to do what he did? As always, have a witness or two (reporter) and or recorder. They may be guilty of trespass, conspiracy to defraud, larceny, assault and battery, conversion of funds, and/or other federal, state or local crimes, not to mention the IRC itself (see IRC 7214). Make a citizens arrest (need two witnesses) and call the county Sheriff. In front of the Sheriff or Deputy, Demand that the IRS personnel show; 1. The Code section that makes you liable for the tax & 2. The Code section that authorizes him to collect upon distraint, or by force. You can also ask for protection if you know of say, a seizure before hand. Rule 3 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure provide that if a private Citizen has personal knowledge that a crime has been committed (be sure of your facts) you can swear out a complaint to the nearest Federal Magistrate against such individuals demanding that they be arrested. Or at the discretion of the court, issued a summons and afforded a hearing based on those charges. I call your attention to Title 18 (the U.S. Criminal Code), Section 241, "Conspiracy of Rights of Citizens" and Section 242, "Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law". Section 241 requires 2 or more to

See 'RECOMMENDED READING' on how to get the "Citizens Rule Book" for only $1.00 A must to have on person, incl. Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights, Jury Duty & Rights etc. 9-63

conspire, such as two IRS personnel. All American Citizens are protected by the Constitution against: 1. Being compelled to be a witness against themselves; Meaning you do not have to answer to an IRS audit! 2. Having property taken from you without due process of law; So, have them arrested! 3. Being directly taxed except on the basis of apportionment among the states; So, why pay?

In case of an employer disregarding your "Affidavit of Exemption", or "Notice & Demand Re: Withholding" keep the suit on the state level in the nature of a "Show Cause Order" as to why the company is not honoring the Affidavit and/or your employment contract. This is "Breach of Contract" on the employer and should not become a federal issue. The Feds would not be a party to the suit and must not be included in it. No tax was determined, assessed, by IRS or employee, nor is the government seeking to collect or claim that it is owed! If you are charged with say, Section 7203, "Willful Failure to File...", you need to file a Motion to Dismiss31 because of No Subject Matter Jurisdiction because; 1. 7203 applies only to returns required to be filed. 2. No section of the Code establishing liability. 3. Code specifically confers civil jurisdiction on Federal courts in tax cases - Not criminal! 4. Because the income tax is NOT any of the taxing clauses of therefore, the accused could perform any act with respect levied pursuant to the Constitution, not be required to to it.

Allow me to clarify a few more issues for our petitioning to our governing body and possibly for your Peace of Mind.


Must be submitted before arraignment so issue is raised before any plea is made. NEVER PLEA - Get it Dismissed. Also "TAX EVASION" can be dismissed at arraignment, see #3 & #4 above. 9-64

As an American Citizen, we have RIGHTS not privileges as granted by some King. Therefore, if our government had the power to tax Rights, it would have the power to abolish them. The power to tax is the power to destroy! In the guise to tax the privilege - our government is taxing our Freedoms and Rights to enjoy the use of, to buy, sale, consume, bequeath, give away - property including but not limited to wages, labor, real estate, rents, royalties, dividends, business, corporations etc. Does organizing a corporation in America involve a receipt of a privilege? Not unless you are a foreign corporation! Does living in the U.S. involve a privilege? Not unless you are an alien! These and Federal employees are the only entities the "income tax" is aimed at. Although, the IRS would wish you to remain ignorant of this, it is being revealed to you now in this Book. If our Rights could be taxed, then they would not be inalienable as established by the word of God, and in the Declaration of Independence. Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution bars the granting of nobility - or privileges! In other words, either you have a right to do something or you do not! Ex: Corporate charters are granted only by State Governments, so any Federal claim of a privilege is a violation of the 9th and 10th Amendments and constitutionally repugnant. "INCOME" NOT DEFINED The Supreme Court32 has said, "The general term 'income' is not defined in the Internal Revenue Code." How can the IRS tax what it can not define? It cannot! This includes the "Social InSecurity Tax" which is just another income tax. However, the Supreme Court33 said, ". . . income may be defined as the gain derived from capital, from labor, or from both combined." Note: Not everything that comes in, but a gain or profit, that is derived! This is a Profits Tax!

You mean we are taxed for making a profit?


See: U.S. Vs Ballard 535 F2d 400, 404 (1976); See also: Simpson vs. U.S. D.C. Iowa 1976, 423 F. Supp 720; See also: Prescott vs. Commissioner of the Internal Revenue C.A. 561 F2d 1287. 33 See: Stratton Independence vs. Howbert 231 U.S. 406 p. 415; also Southern Pacific Co. vs. John Z. Lowe Jr. 247 U.S. 330, 1918. 9-65

Every government authority has admitted that income taxes are excise taxes, so therefore can only lawfully be levied as excise taxes. It is further acknowledged by the highest government sources that the tax is being levied as a direct (corp. & income) tax. Without apportionment in direct violation of the 16th Amendment and the taxing clauses of the Constitution of the United States of America! 16th AMENDMENT DID NOT AMEND THE CONSTITUTION The 16th Amendment in effect simply put the income tax into the section that provided for excise and other indirect taxes34 - Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 (see also page 1-7). It only gives the government authority to tax "income from whatever source derived"! The key word is FROM! Ex: Income derived from commissions (money you earned and put in the bank to earn interest) is not the same thing as commissions (your paycheck). If you pay a tax on wages, rents, dividends etc., you are paying a tax on the source and not on the income from these sources. This can only be a corporate profit! Moreover, remember that they are being levied as a direct tax, not as an excise tax. Yes, this is unlawful, but not if you volunteer your money to be squandered away to anybody and everything. That's your stupidity!!!

TRUSTING OUR GOVERNMENT We the People, put our trust in the government, as our public servants, to provide protection: 1. Against our common enemies, foreign or domestic, who would deny us our unalienable rights as a free people. This means preserving the public peace against internal convulsions, civil disturbances within the states and defense against foreign invasions. 2. Of the people's common law rights by providing judicial forums wherein the people could obtain redress of grievance when fellow sovereigns or their government violated their common law rights.

See also; Brushaber vs. Union Pacific R. R. Co. N.Y. 1916, 36 S.Ct 236, 240 U.S. 1, 60 L.Ed 493; Simmons vs. U.S., C.A. MD 1962 308 F2d 160; Pledger vs. CIRCA 5, 1981, 641 F2d 287, certiorari denied 102 S.Ct 504, 454, U.S. 964, 70 L.Ed. 2d 379 9-66

Therefore, in all matters wherein American governmental bodies engage in activities unrelated to those subjects, wherein these governmental bodies' powers of sovereignty lie, no duty and obligation to support these activities rests with the sovereign people. After all, it's just private business! ARTICLE TWO "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a FREE state, the right of the People to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." The term "militia" was defined by all states who ratified the Constitution, as the PRIVATE CITIZEN. The Second Amendment is the "ENFORCER" Amendment, and is designed to protect the people from a central government bent upon TREASON! The Constitution is a document of FREEDOM, and to secure that freedom, and their free state, ARMS ARE REQUIRED. The arms must be in the hands of the people, and under control of the people, for it is the individual who is the sovereign under the Constitution. The "militia" is not the "standing army" or the "National Guard", for they work for, and are agents of the "Federal" government. As long as the Federal government obeys the Constitution, which is the highest law of the land, the people remain free. But, if the government attempts to circumvent the Constitution, then the People have the Right to rise up, with arms, and put down the INSURRECTION OF GOVERNMENT. The only way America could be submerged under the United Nations (U.N.), thereby forfeiting our Sovereignty as a free nation the U.S.A., is to commit Treason against the Constitution. The U.N. Charter is a Communist/Illuminist Constitution - with NO FREEDOMS! In FACT, Public Law 87-297 and State Dept. Document 7277 clearly portray the intent to disarm America and place her under the U.N. As the Second Amendment is the legal basis for the "militia", it must either be "reinterpreted" or removed under any pretext, as the "militia" is a form of "standing army" to the GLOBALISTS and therefore must be destroyed. The fastest way to accomplish this is to claim the "militia" is not the real militia, but rather a group of people bent upon "insurrection". They become "terrorists", and are labeled as such by the media. At the same time they are labeled "terrorists", the argument is made that there is no longer any

need for a Second Amendment! To be sure that the "militia" is seen as a group of "radicals" and "terrorists", "incidents" will occur and the "militia" will be blamed. If they cannot be blamed outright, they will be "connected" in some way. The media will DEMONIZE THE MILITIA! Therefore my friends, the FIGHT for our GUNS IS THE LAST STRAW! It is my contention and belief that it is the Federal Government that is directly responsible for the nations falling standard of living and its financially bankrupt condition. The more taxes Americans send to Washington to support it, the worse it will become. We may be able to do something about it today,

While we still have a choice!



By Now, You should know - WHO IS !!!



Our Government is the Nations biggest employer!

? WHY ?


******* A TRUE PATRIOT *******

I had a dream the other night, I did not quite understand, A figure walking through the mist, with flintlock in his hand. His clothes were torn and dirty, as he stood there by the bed, He took off his three-cornered hat, and speaking low, he said, We fought a revolution, to secure our liberty. We wrote the Constitution as a shield from tyranny. For future generations, this legacy we gave, In this, the land of the free, the home of the brave. The freedom we secured for you, we hoped you would always keep, But tyrants labored endlessly, while your parents were asleep. Your freedoms gone, your courage lost, you're no more than a slave. In this, the land of the free, the home of the brave. You buy permits to travel, and permits to own a gun, Permits to start a business, or to build a place for one. On land that you believe you own, you pay a yearly rent, Although you have no voice in choosing how the money is spent. Your children must attend a school that does not educate, Your Christian values cannot be taught, according to the State. You read about the current news, in a regulated press, You pay a tax you do not owe, just to please the IRS. Your money is no longer made of silver or of gold, You trade your wealth for paper, so your life can be controlled. You pay for crimes that make our nation turn from God in shame, You have taken Satan's number, as you have traded in your name. You have given government control to those who do you harm, So they can padlock churches, and steal the family farm. And keep our country deep in debt, put men of God in jail, Harass your fellow countrymen, while corrupting courts prevail. Your public servants do not uphold the solemn oath they have sworn. Your daughters visit doctors so their children will not be born. Your leaders ship artillery and guns to foreign shores, And send your sons to slaughter, fighting other people's wars. Can you regain the freedom, for which we fought and died? Or don't you have the courage, or the faith to stand with pride? Are there no more values for which you will fight to save? Or do you wish your children to live in fear and be a slave? Sons of the Republic, ARISE and take a Stand! Defend the Constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land! Preserve our great Republic and each God given Right, And prey to God to keep the torch of Freedom burning bright!

Author Unknown

Chapter 10


"TAX FRAUD - IRS STYLE; THE POWER OF INDUCED FEAR", by Sarah Daniels, Ex IRS agent "LAW THAT NEVER WAS", by Lowell H. Beecraft Jr. Attorney at Law, Huntsville Alabama "HOW THE IRS SEIZES YOUR DOLLARS AND HOW TO FIGHT BACK", by George Hansen Congressman, Fireside Books "RIGHTS OF JURORS IN CRIMINAL CASES", by the Honorable B.F. Thomas (1874) "THE GREAT INCOME TAX HOAX", by Irwin Schiff "THE BIGGEST CON, HOW THE GOVERNMENT IS FLEECING YOU", by Irwin Schiff "THE SOCIAL SECURITY SWINDLE, HOW ANYONE CAN DROP OUT", by Irwin Schiff "HOW ANYONE CAN STOP PAYING INCOME TAXES", by Irwin Schiff "HOW AN ECONOMY GROWS and WHY IT DOESN'T", by Irwin Schiff "FEDERAL MAFIA", by Irwin Schiff Mr. Irwin Schiff's books can be purchased through Books, 60 Skiff Street Suite 30, Hamden Conn. PZ06517 Freedom

The following organization can be reached to purchase the following videos & literature and to join their group of Patriots who band together and help each other in case of anyone being incarcerated in violation of their Rights! When writing, ask for a copy of their exclusive newsletter, "Reasonable Action". SAVE -A- PATRIOT FELLOWSHIP P. O. Box 91 Westminister, MD 21158 Fax 410-857-5249 BBS 410-857-4455

[ NOTE: See "WARNING" on page 10-74, and Remember about filing IRS Forms! ] S.A.P. does offer lots of good info, but always use caution when evaluating any "literature". Even this Book - Investigate everything for Yourself!

"Citizens Rule Book" send $1 to Whitten Printers 1001 S.5th Str. Phoenix, AZ 85004 Ph.(602) 258-6406 VIDEO'S Contact C.A.L.L., see under "Organizations".(prices subject to change) "THE KENNEDY ASSASSINATION" Conspiracy and cover up 2hrs by Epperson "THE NEW WORLD ORDER" Why "New World Order" appears on the great seal "THE RUBY CREEK MASSACRE" "THE WACO INCIDENT" "THE BATF STORY" "VIETNAM AMERICA'S BETRAYAL AND TREASON" "SOVEREIGNTY OR SLAVERY" 6 hrs. by Attny Bill Marrero, Case law supporting the power & liberty of the sovereign American. "IRON MOUNTAIN" What the gov't is not telling us, the plan to take over in the name of peace. "THE CLINTON CHRONICLES" "THE REAL JANET RENO", by Attny Jack Thompson What she has in store for our country. "AMERICA IN PERIL", by Mark Kornke The deception that our gov't has us under. "AMERICA IN PERIL II", by Mark Kornke What they have and will do in our society. $20


$15 $20 $15 $40 $20

$40 2 Tapes

$20 $20



"LIBERTY IN THE BALANCE" $32 America, The Fed & the IRS (order this video from Mosaic Media, c/o 366 N. Allen Ave. #235, Pasadena California 91106-TDC; Cash or Money Order Only)


There are some excellent books, tapes and video's available from Texe Marrs, president of Living Truth Publishers. He offers a Free Newsletter about Bible prophecy and world events, secret societies, the New Age movement, cults, and the occult challenge to our Christianity. You Must Write to them and ask for their newsletter - "FLASHPOINT"; TO Living Truth Ministries 1708 Patterson Road Austin, Texas 78733 BOOKs & VIDEOs CIRCLE OF INTRIGUE (must read) BIG SISTER IS WATCHING YOU DARK MAJESTY AMERICA SHATTERED MYSTERY MARK OF THE NEW AGE DARK SECRETS OF THE NEW AGE NEW AGE CULTS AND RELIGIONS NEW AGE LIES TO WOMEN

WORKSHOP MATERIALS THE MOST AUTHORITATIVE WORK out there on the most basic of Freedoms, is the "RIGHT TO TRAVEL" Workshop Materials, by James B. Wood III, author and publisher. Write him at: c/o CUBEX, Suite 174, 7350 S. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Florida 34231 U.S.A. No better starting place exists both as a forum for the sovereign Citizen who wishes to assert his sovereign's birthright by exercising and, most importantly, successfully defending all of his sovereign, unalienable rights, than by learning how to exercise and defend his right to travel. Here is the Preface in Book 1 of this 3 volume set; "Boldly stated, these workshop materials will show you how to beat all traffic tickets every time. You will learn that traffic regulatory laws within the states of the American Union, also known as, these united States of America, are not public laws as you likely understand the term, but rather, are private laws enacted by state legislatures in undelegated de facto, corpora ficta capacity in the guise of their being public laws. You will learn how to tell the difference. You will learn that the only persons (or vehicles) subject to these private laws are those who are found to be members of specifically named classes of persons proceeding in matters of private business (or classes of vehicles being used in matter of private business) of state legislatures. You will learn that no state legislature has the delegated power to require you to have a valid driver license or register your motor vehicle with any instrumentality of the state legislature. You will learn that even if you hold a valid driver license (or your motor vehicle is registered with the state) that no provision of statute may be enforced against you if no certified/promulgated rule or regulation has been published specifically applicable to said provision of statute wherein said rule or regulation

specifically names a class of persons (or class of vehicles) of which you are clearly a member at the time you are stopped while motoring. You will learn the suppressed truth about your natural, fundamental, unabridgeable, unalienable right to travel!" These materials cost about $185 and is Worth every penny! If you decide to embark on your Sovereign Journey, I highly recommend getting "Right To Travel" workshop materials, BEFORE buying anything Else! It is written with the Florida Statutes therein, but can be used to create the same materials tailored to your State's Statutes with a little research and work. The second volume is all Motions, etc. to File in a Court Case. You simple need your State's Statutes substituted for the Florida Statutes therein. Should you decide to do this, Email me at , so that I can include you in a database and WWW Site for any body within your state to be able to contact you regarding the Right To Travel issue. This can represent a nice additional income stream for you! Be the First in Your State! Mr. Wood will even visit your area if enough people purchase the materials. WARNING: There is a lot of Patriot garbage being circulated out there, with possibly good intentions, however, they are going off on a tangent and not addressing the real issues. DO NOT FALL VICTIM TO THEM - they do not work. They could be simply MISINFORMATION. ORGANIZATIONS Save A Patriot Fellowship (S. A. P. F.) Visit their great site [ ] P. O. Box 91, Westminister, Maryland 21158 C.A.L.L. - Citizens Against Legal Loopholes, Email to:, or write to: P.O. Box 361, Del Mar, California 92014 Common Law Information Center - Write to them and ask for info on The Restoration Foundation of America, and a copy of "FREEDOM FACTS": c/o P. O. Box 2197, Orofino, Idaho 83544 American Rights Litigators: 2390 Old US Hwy 441 Suite 3, Mt. Dora Florida 32757 North American Freedom Council - Write for Catalog to: P.O. Box 646, Boonville, Indiana 47601 NEWSLETTERS and MAGAZINES "CRIMINAL POLITICS" to subscribe call 1-800-543-0486 or Email:, or write to Patterson Strategy Organization, P.O.Box 37812, Cincinnati, Ohio 45222. Last known - $10/issue.

"The New Sovereign" 17220 Newhope Ste. 201, Fountain Valley, California Republic. Gives you, every other month, the latest news, winning court cases, useful legal cites, history and articles by top thinkers and legal researchers. Ask for a copy of "The End Times and Victorius Living", write to: Paw Creek Ministries, 5110 Tuckaseegee Road, Charlotte, North Carolina 28208 Ask for a copy of "The REVELATOR", pbl. By The Christian American Research Leaque, c/o Box 911, Cocoa, Florida 32922

REFERENCE BOOKS (check your local library or law library) "CIVIL RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES LITIGATION: The Law of Section 1983" 3rd Ed. 2vols. By Sheldon H. Nahmod "CIVIL ACTIONS AGAINST STATE GOVERNMENT: Its Divisions, Agencies, and Officers", 2nd Ed. 2vols. Both above published by Shepards/McGraw Hill, Inc. "WORDS AND PHRASES" (check your local library) "BLACKS LAW DICTIONARY" (check your local library)

"TRYING CASES TO WIN" by Herbert Jay Stern, Published by John Wiley & Sons Inc. "LEGAL GUIDE FOR POLICE: Constitutional Issues", by John C. Klotter "CIVIL LIABILITY IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE", by H.E. Barrineau III "CIVIL LIABILITY OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS", by Joyce Blalock "LACOE'S FORMS FOR PLEADING", pub. By Harrison Co.


BBS - WWW Ken Adler <> SysOp of The Sovereignty Workshop BBS (818) 762-1288 Containing a vast, free library of files teaching the public about state Citizenship, their constitutionally protected rights, and tax avoidance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------HTTP:// -------------------------------------------------------------------------In Pursuit of Liberty -------------------------------------------------------------------------Constitution Society The Constitution Society is a private non-profit organization dedicated to research and public education on the principles of constitutional republican government. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Liberty on Line We have created Liberty Online in order to publish and promote the works of the men who forged this nation, the first of its kind, based upon ideas. The words of these men should not be forgotten; yet in the history books force-fed to our children, they are glossed-over in two sentences while every particular evil that has befallen us is trumpeted as the "Real America". No greater disservice could we do to the inheritors of this nation than to pervert its ideals as is being done today. -------------------------------------------------------------------------The Federal Judicial System The Federal Judicial Center is the federal courts' agency for research and continuing education. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Restoring America This site is dedicated to those Americans who still believe that this nation is a Republic governed by law, not men, and that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and must be restored to that position.


"We, the People, are the rightful masters of both the Congress and the Courts. Not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who have perverted it." - Abraham Lincoln. "It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error." - U.S. Supreme Court in American Communications Association v. Douds, 339 U.S. 382,442 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Excellent Patriot Site "A Political Center for Christians Who Have 'Smelt a Rat'" -------------------------------------------------------------------------Legal Ethics & Reform If you are interested in finding a solution to the perplexing problems being caused by America's lawyers and legal system, you should find this Web Site useful. -------------------------------------------------------------------------Another Excellent Site See what an "enrolled agent" has to say! -------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Taxpayer: Based on the information you have provided, we agree that you are not required to file an income tax return. We may contact you in the future, if further issues arise requiring clarification. At present, no further response is needed on the above account. Sincerely yours, Chief, Collection Branch

Every year thousands of people across the United States receive the above letter from the Internal Revenue Service even though they earned well above what's considered the minimum adjusted gross income. Some earn from $10,000 to hundreds of thousands of dollars and some even in the millions of dollars yet they receive the above letter from the Internal Revenue Service. It's called a 2358C letter and it is given to those that the IRS deems are not required to file a 1040 Income Tax Return. Why?

There are proper procedures to follow to obtain one of these letters and the IRS is required to give you this information but only if you provide them with the proper documentation. The people mentioned above as well as 1000's upon 1000's every year learn the truth and file the proper paperwork via certified mail or in person to the Internal Revenue Service without the assistance of an attorney, CPA, accountant, tax preparer, etc., and they either walk out of their local IRS Service Center with a copy of the above letter or they are mailed one within 10 days as required by the Internal Revenue Code once a Determination Letter has been requested. If you are tired of paying the Income Tax and tired of giving up 1/3 or up to 50% or more of each and every dollar you earn to the Internal Revenue Service or even if you are just curious and would like more information we beg of you to please send any message to the autoemail-responder below. SUBSCRIBE TO: THE TAX FREEDOM 101 REPORT. To receive "THE TAX FREEDOM 101 REPORT" a weekly ezine, e-mail us at and type "SUBSCRIBE" in the subject line. Past issues are archived at and are sorted by date.

Last but not least is a very dear and close patriot friend of mine, Lynne Meredith.
Author of "Vultures In Eagles Clothing" and "How To Cook a Vulture". She is a great researcher and has loads of materials available. Including Pure Trusts, Common Law Marriages, Travel & Registration, Citizen's Passport, and a Web Site.



And HELP Abounds to those who seek it! Are YOU Ready?


Chapter 11


{Words to Know}

Actual Damages - Actual Damages are real damages to compensate for loss or injuries that have actually occurred. This is in contrast to "nominal" damages (a small amount paid where there is no real loss) or "punitive" damages (intended to punish the party who must pay damages).

Affiant - The person who makes and subscribes an affidavit. Affidavit - A written or printed declaration of facts, made voluntarily, and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it, taken before a person having authority to administer such oath or affirmation. ....See also Certification; Jurat; Verification. Agent - The person to whom a power of attorney is given. An agent has authority to act on behalf of the grantor, as specified by the grantor in a power of attorney document. Assignee - A person or entity to whom an assignment of rights or property has been made. For example, a payee may assign his or her rights to receive the payments under a promissory note to a third person. Assignor - A person or entity who has made an assignment of rights or property. Attorney in Fact - The person to whom authority is given under a Power of Attorney. An attorney in fact is sometimes referred to as a "proxy" under a Health Care Power of Attorney. See also "Agent." Authority - Permission. Right to exercise powers; to implement and enforce laws; to exact obedience; to command; to judge. Control over; jurisdiction. Often synonymous with power. The power delegated by a principal to his agent. Belief - A conviction of the truth of a proposition, existing subjectively in the mind, and induced by argument, persuasion, or proof addressed to the judgment." Certification - The formal assertion in writing of some fact. The act of certifying or state of being certified."


Confession - A voluntary statement made by a person charged with the commission of a crime or misdemeanor, communicated to another person, wherein he acknowledges himself to be guilty of the offense charged, and discloses the circumstances of the act or the share and participation which he had in it. See 18 U.S.C.A. 3501, Subsections (d) and (e) to wit; Title 18 U.S.C.A. 3501:
"(d) Nothing contained in this section shall bar the admission of any confession made or given voluntarily by any person to any other person without interrogation by anyone, or at any time the person who made or gave such confession was not under arrest or other detention. (e) As used in this section, 'confession' means any confession of guilt of any criminal offense or any self-incriminating statement made or given orally or in writing."

NOTE: Subsections (d) and (e) of the U. S. Code are quoted to show that the legal definition of "confession" is not restricted or applied solely to persons "charged with the commission of a crime or misdemeanor." Encumber - To burden with legal claims. Federal Reserve System- Network of twelve central banks to which most national banks belong and to which state chartered banks may belong. Membership rules require investment of stock and minimum reserves. Federal Reserve Act - Law which created Federal Reserve banks which act as agents in maintaining money reserves, issuing money in the form of bank notes, lending money to banks, and supervising banks. Administered by Federal Reserve Board. Fraud on court - A scheme to interfere with judicial machinery performing task of impartial adjudication, as by preventing opposing party from fairly presenting his case or defense. It consists of conduct so egregious that it undermines the integrity of the judicial process. Grantor - A person who grants another person or entity (an agent) the authority and power to act on behalf of the grantor in accordance with the powers set forth in a power of attorney document. Guarantor - A secondary party who becomes obligated to repay a debt for the party primarily responsible who has failed to repay the obligation.

Injunction - A court order that orders a party to do or refrain from doing a certain act (or acts). For example, an injunction might be obtained to prevent a copyright infringer from reprinting copyrighted materials. Intellectual Property - Property that can be protected under federal law, including copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, and inventions. Such property would include novels, sound recordings, a new type of mousetrap, or a cure for a disease. Intent - The determination or resolve to do a certain thing, or the state of mind with which something is done. Intestacy - State laws that provide for the distribution of a decedent's estate if the decedent does not have a will. Intestate - To die without a will, in which case the property of a decedent's estate is distributed under state laws of intestacy to the decedent's heirs. Inalienable Rights - Rights which can never be abridged because they are so fundamental.(see also Unalienable) Individual - As a noun, this term denotes a single person as distinguished from a group or class, and also, very commonly, a private or natural person as distinguished from a partnership, corporation or association...." Intimidation - Unlawful coercion; extortion; duress; putting in fear. To take, or attempt to take, 'by intimidation' means willfully to take, or attempt to take, by putting in fear of bodily harm. Such fear must arise from the willful conduct of the accused, rather than from some mere temperamental timidity of the victim; however, the fear of the victim need not be so great as to result in terror, panic, or hysteria. Involuntary confession - Confession is 'involuntary' if it is not the product of an essentially free and unrestrained choice of its maker or where maker's will is overborne at the time of the confession. Term refers to confessions that are extracted by any threats of violence, or obtained by direct or implied promises, or by exertion of improper influence. Jurat - Certificate of officer or person before whom writing was sworn to. In common use term is employed to designate certificate of competent administering officer that writing

was sworn to by person who signed it. The clause written at the foot of an affidavit, stating when, where, and before whom such was sworn. Perjury - In criminal law, the willful assertion as to a matter of fact, opinion, belief, or knowledge, made by a witness in a judicial proceeding as part of his evidence, either upon oath or in any form allowed by law to be substituted for an oath, whether such evidence is given in open court, or in an affidavit, or otherwise, such assertion being material to the issue or point of inquiry and known to such witness to be false. Prima Facie - At first sight; on the first appearance; on the face of it; so far as can be judged from first disclosure; presumably; a fact presumed to be true unless disproved by some evidence to the contrary. (State ex rel, Herbert Vs. Whims, 68 Ohio app.39, 38n.
E2nd, 596, 599.)

Prima facie evidence - Evidence good and sufficient on its face. Such evidence as, in the judgment of the law, is sufficient to establish a given fact, or the group or chain of facts constituting the party's claim of defense, and which if not rebutted or contradicted, will remain sufficient. Evidence which, if unexplained or uncontradicted, is sufficient to sustain a judgment in favor of the issue, which it supports, but which may be contradicted, by other evidence. Quasi - As if; almost as it were; analogous to. This term is used in legal phraseology to indicate that one subject resembles another, with which it is compared, in certain characteristics, but that there are intrinsic and material differences between them. Cannon vs. Miller, 22 Wash. 2d 227, 155 P. 2d 500, 503, 507. A term used to mark a resemblance, and supposes as difference between two objects. It is exclusively a term of classification. It implies that conception with which comparison is instituted by strong superficial analogy or resemblance. It is often prefixed by English words, implying mere appearance or want of reality or having some resemblance to a given thing. Remedies - The means by which a right is enforced or by which the violation of a right is prevented or compensated. Revocation - A document under which a grantor takes away (revokes) the authority and power of the agent to act on behalf of the grantor. When one rescinds his/her signature on any document thereby (revoking) any and all obligations thereunder as well as voiding (see Void) the document.

Sovereignty - A person, body, or state in which independent authority is vested; a chief ruler with supreme power; a king or other ruler in a monarchy. Subpoena - A subpoena is a command to appear at a certain time and place to give testimony upon a certain matter. A subpoena duces tecum requires production of books, papers and other things. Summons - Instrument used to commence a civil action or special proceeding and is the means of acquiring jurisdiction over a party. [Cite omitted.] Writ or process directed to the sheriff or other proper officer, requiring him to notify the person named that an action has been commenced against him in the court from where the process issues, and that he is required to appear, on a day named and answer the complaint in such action. Unalienable - Inalienable; incapable of being aliened, that is may not be sold or transferred; (see Inalienable Rights) Verification - Confirmation of correctness, truth, or authenticity, by affidavit, oath, or deposition." Affidavit of truth of matter stated and object of verification is to assure good faith in averments or statements of party. Void - Having no legal effect or consequence. Voidable - Having no legal effect or consequence if the party affected so chooses. Voluntary - Unconstrained by interference; unimpelled by another's influence, spontaneous; acting of one's self. [Cites omitted.] Done by design or intention. Proceeding from the free and unrestrained will of the person. Produced in or by an act of choice. Resulting from free choice, without compulsion or solicitation. Ward - A person for whom a guardianship and/or conservatorship is established. (example: if no will or Trust is exists, and both parents die, the child or children becomes ward of the state) Willful - Proceeding from a conscious motion of the will; voluntary; knowingly; deliberate. Intending the result, which actually comes to pass; designed; intentional; purposeful; not accidental or involuntary.

Witness - In general, one who, being present, personally sees or perceives a thing; a beholder, spectator, or eyewitness. A person whose declaration under oath (or affirmation) is received as evidence for any purpose, whether such declaration be made on oral examination or by deposition or affidavit. Code Civs. Proc. Cal. 1878. A person attesting genuineness of signature to document by adding his signature. Witness tampering - The Federal Victim and Witness Protection Act prohibits the intimidation and harassment of witnesses before they testify, as well as prohibiting retaliation, or threats of retaliation, against witnesses after they testify. 18 U.S.C.A. 1512-1515.


Chapter 12


"You have rights antecedent to all earthly governments; rights that cannot be repealed or restrained by human laws; rights derived from the Great Legislator of the Universe." John Adams, 2nd President of the United States

"Study the Constitution. . .Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislatures, and enforced in courts of justice." Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States








Liberty Bell inscription LEVS. XXV X

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge . . ." Hosea 4:6 "We must obey GOD rather than men." Acts 5:29 "If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chron. 7:14 "If men, through fear, fraud, or mistake, should in terms renounce or give up any natural right, the eternal law of reason and the grand end of society would absolutely vacate such renunciation. The right to freedom being the gift of GOD, it is not in the power of man to alienate this gift and voluntarily become a slave." Samuel Adams Father of the American Revolution

About The Internal Revenue Service "The individual, unlike the corporation, cannot be taxed for the mere privilege of existing. The corporation is an artificial entity, which owes its existence and charter powers to the state; . . . but the individual's rights to live and own property are natural rights for the enjoyment of which an excise cannot be imposed." Redfield vs. Fisher, 292 P. 813,819

"In a recent conversation with an official at the Internal Revenue Service, I was amazed when he told me that 'If the taxpayers of this country ever discover that the IRS operates on 90% bluff the entire system will collapse' ". - Henry Bellmon, Senator (1969)

"... the key question is: can we define 'income' in a fair and reasonably straightforward manner? Unfortunately we have not yet succeeded in doing so". -Shirley Peterson, former IRS Commissioner, April 1993

"I don't like the income tax. Every time we talk about these taxes, we get around to the idea of 'from each according to his capacity and to each according to his needs'. That's socialism. It's written into the Communist Manifesto. Maybe we ought to see that every person who gets a tax return receives a copy of the Communist Manifesto with it so he can see what's happening to him". -T. Coleman Andrews, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, May 25, 1956 in US. News & World Report

"Our federal tax system is, in short, utterly impossible, utterly unjust and completely counterproductive [it] reeks with injustice and is fundamentally un-American... it has earned a rebellion and it's time we rebelled". -President Ronald Reagan, May 1983, Williamsburg, VA

"Congress has taxed INCOME, not compensation." - Conner vs. U.S. 303 F Supp. 1187 (1969)


"The general term 'income' is not defined in the Internal Revenue Code" United States vs. Ballard, 535 F2d 400, at 404 "In order, therefore, that the clauses cited from Article I of the Constitution may have proper force and becomes essential to distinguish between what is and is not 'income' ... Congress cannot by any definition it may adopt conclude the matter, since it can not by legislation alter the Constitution" Eisner vs. Macomber, 252 US 189, at 206 "There would seem to be no room to doubt that the word income must be given the same meaning in all the Income Tax Acts of Congress that was given to it in the Corporation Excise Tax Act and that what that meaning is has now become definitely settled by decisions of the court". Merchant's Loan and Trust Co. vs. Smietanka, 255 US 509, at 518-519

"Taxable 'income' can only be derived from revenue taxable activities. Statements alleging some sort of taxable activity must be made in order to support the legal conclusion that the accused had 'taxable income', etc., or the indictment is invalid and the court does not have authority to hold a trial." Russell vs. United States, 369 US 749, at 765

"The income tax is, therefore, not a tax on income as such. It is an excise tax with respect to certain activities and privileges, which is measured by reference to the income, which they produce. The income is not the subject of the tax. It is the basis for determining the amount of tax" House Congressional Record, March 27, 1943, p 2580 "(Excise taxes are) taxes laid upon the manufacture, sale or consumption of commodities within the country, upon licenses to pursue certain occupations and upon corporate privileges". Cooley, Constitutional Limitations, 7th Ed., p 680 as cited in Flint vs. Stone Tracy Co., 220 US 107, at 151


"Income, within the meaning of the 16th Amendment and the Revenue Act means gain... and, in such connection, gain means profit... proceeding from property severed from capitol, however invested or employed and coming in, received or drawn by the taxpayer for his separate use, benefit and disposal ...Income is neither a wage nor compensation for any type of labor." Stapler vs. United States, 21 F. Supp. 737, at 739

"The claim that salaries, wages and compensation for personal services are to be taxed as an entirety and therefore must be returned by the individual who has performed the services which produced the gain is without support either in the language of the Act or in the decisions of the courts construing it. Not only this, but it is directly opposed to provisions of the Act and to regulations of the U.S. Treasury Dept. which either prescribe or permit that compensation for personal services be not taxed as an entirety and be not returned by the individual performing the services. It is to be noted that by the language of the Act it is not salaries, wages or compensation for personal services that are to be included in gross income. That which is to be included is gains, profits and income derived from salaries, wages or compensation for personal service." - Lucas vs. Earl, 281 US 111

"If no information or return is filed, [the] Internal Revenue Service cannot assess you". - Gary Makovski, Special IRS Agent, testifying under oath in US. vs. Lloyd "Our tax system is based upon voluntary assessment and payment, not upon distraint". - United States Supreme Court, in Flora vs. United States

"Our tax system is based on individual self-assessment and voluntary compliance". -Mortimer Caplin, Internal Revenue Audit Manual (1975)

"The United States has a system of taxation by confession". -Hugo Black,


Supreme Court Justice, in U.S.A. vs. Kahriger "Only the rare taxpayer would be likely to know that he could refuse to produce his records to IRS agents... Who would believe the ironic truth that the cooperative taxpayer fares much worse than the individual who relies upon his constitutional rights". -Judge Cummings, U.S. Federal Judge, in US. vs. Dickerson (7th Circuit 1969)

"Let me point this out now. Your income tax is 100 percent voluntary tax, and your liquor tax is 100 percent enforced tax. Now, the situation is as different as night and day. Consequently, your same rules just will not apply...". -Dwight E. Avis, former head of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the IRS, testifying before a House Ways and Means subcommittee in 1953

"The purpose of the IRS is to collect the proper amount of tax revenues at the least cost to the public, and in a manner that warrants the highest degree of public confidence in our integrity, efficiency and fairness. To achieve that purpose, we will encourage and achieve the highest possible degree of voluntary compliance in accordance with the tax laws and regulations...". -Internal Revenue Manual, Chapter 1100, section 1111.1

"Fear is the key element for the IRS in achieving its mission. Without fear, the IRS would have a difficult time maintaining our so-called system of voluntary compliance ...". "Given the opportunity, the IRS will take the easy way out and grab whatever it can... the IRS does not really care about you and what your future....... may be". -Santo Presti, former IRS Criminal Investigation Agent and author of "IRS In Action"


"The IRS is an extraordinary example of the end justifying the means. The means of this agency is growth. It is interesting that the revenue officers within the IRS refer to taxpayers as 'inventory'. The IRS embodies the political realities of the selfish human desire to dominate others. Thus, the end of this gigantic pretense of officialdom is power, pure and simple. The meek may inherit the earth, but they will never receive a promotion in an agency where efficiency is measured by the number of seizures of taxpayers' property and by the number of citizens and businesses driven into bankruptcy". - George Hansen, Congressman and author of "To Harass Our People"

"I have sat on many a promotion panel where the first question of panel members was 'How many seizures have you made?"'. -Joseph R. Smith, eighteen-year IRS agent, testifying before Congress

"The agency that is so strict on the way Americans keep their books cannot even pass a financial audit". -Ted Stevens, Republican Senator from Alaska

"Eight decades of amendments... to [the] code have produced a virtually impenetrable maze... The rules are unintelligible to most citizens... The rules are equally mysterious to many government employees who are charged with administering and enforcing the law". - Shirley Peterson, Former IRS Commissioner, April14, 1993 at Southern Methodist University

"some techniques can be used only in connection with a fullscale program due to the nature of the tax situation and the need to avoid unnecessary taxpayer reaction. An example would be income tax returns compliance efforts aimed at the nonbusiness taxpayer". -Internal Revenue Service Manual,

Section 5221 "Returns Compliance Programs"

"This [audit] was made extremely difficult because [IRS] existing Systems were not designed to provide reliable financial information... on their operations". -Comptroller Bowsher, Government Accounting Office, on the first-ever audit of the IRS in 1993.

"The wages of the average American worker, after inflation and taxes, have decreased 17% since 1973, the only Western industrial nation to so suffer". -Martin Gross, author of "The Tax Racket: Government Extortion From A to Z" About Social Security

"When you pay social security taxes, you are in no way making provision for your own retirement. You are paying the pensions of those who are already retired. Once you understand this, you see that whether you will get the benefits you are counting on when you retire depends on whether Congress will levy enough taxes, borrow enough, or print enough money... -W. Allen Wallis, former Chairman of the 1975 Advisory Council on Social Security, May27, 1976

"There is no prospect that today's younger workers will receive all the Social Security and Medicare benefits currently promised them". -Dorcas Hardy, former Social Security Commissioner and author of "Social Insecurity", quoted in the December 1995 Reader's Digest.


"All we have to do now is to inform the public that the payment of social security taxes is voluntary and watch the mass exodus". -Walter E. Williams, John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA, January 24, 1996.

About The Law "The Constitution is a written instrument. As such it's meaning does not alter. That which it meant when adopted, it means now. -United States Supreme Court in South Carolina vs. United States (1905)

"The Constitution prohibits any direct tax, unless in proportion to numbers as ascertained by the census..... [and] ... prohibits Congress from laying a direct tax on the revenue from property of the citizen without regard to state lines... - United States Supreme Court in Pollack vs. Farmers' Loan & Trust Company (1895)

"... [the 16th Amendment] conferred no new power of taxation... [and]... prohibited the ... power of income taxation possessed by Congress from the beginning from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation to which it inherently belonged...". -United States Supreme Court in Stanton vs. Baltic Mining (1916)

"To lay with one hand the power of government on the property of the citizen, and with the other to bestow it on favored individuals... is none the less robbery because it is... called taxation". -United States Supreme Court in Loan Association vs. Topeka (18 ?)

"...the intent of the lawmaker is to be found in the language that he has used".

-United States Supreme Court in U.S. vs. Goldberg (1897)

"Because of what appears to be a lawful command on the surface, many Citizens, because of their respect for what appears to be law, are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights due to ignorance". -United States Supreme Court in US. vs. Minker, 350 US 179 at 187

"No State shall... coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts...". -United States Constitution, Article 1, Section 10, Clause 1

"... bank records are not the depositor's private papers and having given the information to the bank, the depositor has no legitimate expectation of continued privacy... Records of an individual's accounts with banks are not the individual's private papers protected against compulsory production by the 4th Amendment, but instead are the business records of the banks". -United States Supreme Court in US. vs. Miller

"In questions of power, then, let no more be said of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution". -Thomas Jefferson

About Money, Banking & The Federal Reserve

"100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt ... all individual in-come tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services taxpayers expect from government"

-Grace Commission report submitted to President Ronald Reagan on January 15, 1984

'In 1833, a small group of Socialists met in London, announcing their intentions of converting the British economic system from capitalism to socialism. This group chose the name "Fabian Society". One of the leading members of the Fabian Society, author George Bernard Shaw, perhaps summed it up best when he said, quote: "... Socialism means equality of income or nothing... under socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly feed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you like it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live you would have to live well" -Edgar Wallace Robinson in his 1980 booklet titled "Rolling Thunder"

"Of all contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper money". - Daniel Webster

"All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America rise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation". -John Adams, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson in 1787

"Gold is still the ultimate store of wealth. It is the worlds only true money. And there isn't much of it to go around. All of it ever mined would fit into a small building - a 56 foot cube. The annual world production would fit into a 14-foot cube, roughly the size of an ordinary living room. If each Chinese citizen were to buy just one ounce, it would take up the annual supply for the next 200 years". - Mark Nestmann, author of

"How To Achieve Personal And Financial Privacy In A Public Age"

"... the privilege of creating and issuing money... is the government's greatest creative opportunity... [saving] the taxpayers immense sums of money...". -Abraham Lincoln

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered". -Thomas Jefferson in 1802 in a letter to then Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies". - Thomas Jefferson

"Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws" - Baron M.A. Rothschild (1744 - 1812)

"Under the surface, the Rothschilds long had a powerful influence in dictating American financial laws. The law records show that they were powers in the old Bank of the United States [abolished by Andrew Jackson]". -Gustav Myers, author of "History of the Great American Fortunes"


"If Congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given to be used by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations". - Andrew Jackson

"The few who can understand the system will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of the people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests". - John Sherman, protege of the Rothschild banking family, in a letter sent in 1863 to New York Bankers, Morton, and Gould, in support of the then proposed National Banking Act

".. we conclude that the [Federal] Reserve Banks are not federal ... but are independent privately owned and locally controlled corporations... without day to day direction from the federal government." - 9th Circuit Court in Lewis vs. United States, June 24, 1982

"when you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds in our account to cover that check, but when the Federal Reserve writes a check, it is creating money". -Boston Federal Reserve Bank in a publication titled "Putting It Simply"

"We make money the old fashioned way. We print it". -Art Rolnick, former Chief Economist, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank "This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample

synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon." -Robert Hemphill, Credit manager of Federal Reserve Bank in Atlanta.

"Historically, the United States has been a hard money country. Only [since 1913] has the United States operated on a fiat money system. During this period, paper money has depreciated over 87%. During the preceding 140-year period, the hard currency of the United States had actually maintained its value. wholesale prices in 1913... were the same as in 1787". -Kenneth Gerbino, former chairman of the American Economic Council

"About all a Federal one debt and replace promises nothing. If only in the minds of

Reserve note can legally do is wipe out it with itself another debt, a note that anything's been paid, the payment occurs the parties...". - Tupper Saucy, author of" The Miracle On Main Street"

"By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose". - John Maynard Keynes, economist and author of "The Economic Consequences Of The Peace"


"Inflation has now been institutionalized at a fairly constant 5% per year. This has been determined to be the optimum level for generating the most revenue without causing public alarm. A 5% devaluation applies, not only to the money earned this year, but to all that is left over from previous years. At the end of the first year, a dollar is worth 95 cents. At the end of the second year, the 95 cents is reduced again by 5%, leaving its worth at 90 cents, and so on. By the time a person has worked 20 years, the government will have confiscated 64% of every dollar he saved over those years. By the time he has worked 45 years, the hidden tax will be 90%. The government will take virtually everything a person saves over a lifetime". - G. Edward Griffin, historian and author of "The Creature From Jekyll Island"

"The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the US. since the days of Andrew Jackson. History depicts Andrew Jackson as the last truly honorable and incorruptible American president". - President Franklin D. Roosevelt, November 23, 1933 in a letter to Colonel Edward Mandell House

"The Founding Fathers of this great land had no difficulty whatsoever understanding the agenda of bankers, and they frequently referred to them and their kind as, quote, 'friends of paper money'. They hated the Bank of England, in particular, and felt that even were we successful in winning our independence from England and King George, we could never truly be a nation of freemen, unless we had an honest money system. Through ignorance, but moreover, because of apathy, a small, but wealthy, clique of power brokers have robbed us of our Rights and Liberties, and we are being raped of our wealth. We are paying the price for the near-comatose levels of complacency by our parents, and only God knows what might become of our children, should we not work diligently to shake this country from its slumber! Many a nation has lost its freedom at the end of a gun barrel, but here in America, we just decided to hand it over voluntarily. Worse yet, we paid for the tyranny and usurpation out of our own pockets with


"voluntary" tax contributions and the use of a debt-laden fiat currency!". -Peter Kershaw, author of the 1994 booklet "Economic Solutions"

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." -Woodrow Wilson In his book entitled The New Freedom (1913)

"The fact is that there is a serious danger of this country becoming a pluto-democracy; that is, a sham republic with the real government in the hands of a small clique of enormously wealth men, who speak through their money, and whose influence, even today, radiates to every corner of the United States." -William McAdoo President Wilson's national campaign vice-chairman, wrote in Crowded years (1974)

"The powers or financial capitalism had (a) far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world."

-Prof. Carroll Quigley in his book Tragedy and Hope

"In a small Swiss city sits an international organization so obscure and secretive....Control of the institution, the Bank for International Settlements, lies with some of the world's most powerful and least visible men: the heads of 32 central banks, officials able to shift billions of dollars and alter the course of economies at the stroke of a pen." -Keith Bradsher of the New York Times, August 5, 1995

"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen, they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits." -Sir Josiah Stamp President of the Bank of England in the 1920's, and the second richest man in Britain.

"The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is eager to enter into close relationship with the Bank for International Settlements....The conclusion is impossible to escape that the State and Treasury Departments are willing to pool the banking system of Europe and America, setting up a world financial power independent of and above the Government of the United States....The United States under present conditions will be transformed from the most active of manufacturing nations into a consuming and importing nation with a balance of trade against it." -Rep. Louis McFadden (Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency) quoted in the New York Times (June 1930)


"(The Great Depression resulting from the Stock Market crash) was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence....The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all." -Rep. McFadden testified in Congress (1933). There were at least two attempts on his life by gunfire. He died of suspected poisoning after attending a banquet.

"The Federal Reserve (Banks) are one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this Nation is run by the International Bankers." -Rep. Louis T. McFadden

"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all commerce and industry." -President James A. Garfield

"History shows that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain control over governments by controlling the money and the issuance of it." -President James A. Madison "Nothing did more to spur the boom in stocks than the decision made by the New York Federal Reserve bank, in the spring of 1927, to cut the rediscount rate. Benjamin Strong, Governor of the bank, was chief advocate of this unwise measure, which was taken largely at the behest of Montagu Norman of the Bank of England....At the time of the Banks action I warned of its consequences....I felt that sooner or later the market had to break." -Money baron Bernard Baruch in Baruch: The Public Years (1960)

"Thus corporations finally claimed the full rights enjoyed by individual citizens while being exempted from many of the responsibilities and liabilities of citizenship. Furthermore, in being guaranteed the same right to free speech as individual citizens, they achieved, in the words of Paul Hawken, 'precisely what the Bill of Rights was intended to prevent: domination of public thought and discourse.' The

subsequent claim by corporations that they have the same right as any individual to influence the government in their own interest pits the individual citizen against the vast financial and communications resources of the corporation and mocks the constitutional intent that all citizens have an equal voice in the political debates surrounding important issues." -David C. Korten, in his book, When Corporations Rule the World

"Give me control over a man's economic actions, and hence over his means of survival, and except for a few occasional heroes, I'll promise to deliver to you men who think and write and behave as I want them to." -Benjamine A. Rooge

" The Federal Reserve Bank is nothing but a banking fraud and an unlawful crime against civilization. Why? Because they "create" the money made out of nothing, and our Uncle Sap Government issues their "Federal Reserve Notes" and stamps our Government approval with NO obligation whatever from these Federal Reserve Banks, Individual Banks or National Banks, etc. -H.L. Birum, Sr. American Mercury, August 1957, p. 43

"I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that "all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are preserved to the states or to the people. " ... To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition. The incorporation of a bank, and the powers assumed by this bill (chartering the first Bank of the United States), have not, been delegated to the United States by the Constitution." -Thomas Jefferson in opposition to the chartering of the first Bank of the United States (1791).


"The money power preys on the nation in times of peace, and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes." -Abraham Lincoln

"Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce." -President James A. Garfield ******************** The following statements were made during hearings of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, September 30, 1941. Members of the Federal Reserve Board call themselves "Governors". Governor Eccles was Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board at the time of these hearings. Congressman Patman: "How did you get the money to buy those two billion dollars worth of Government securities in 1933?" Governor Eccles: "Out of the right to issue credit money." Patman: "And there is nothing behind it, is there, except our Government's credit?" Eccles: "That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn't be any money."

Congressman Fletcher: "Chairman Eccles, when do you think there is a possibility of returning to a free and open market, instead of this pegged and artificially controlled financial market we now have?" Governor Eccles: "Never, not in your lifetime or mine." *******************

"Mr. Speaker, we are now in Chapter 11... Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world history". -James Trafficant, Congressman, March 17, 1993 in the Congressional Record


"The individual, unlike the corporation, cannot be taxed for the mere privilege of existing. The corporation is an artificial entity, which owes its existence and charter powers to the state; . . . but the individual's rights to live and own property are natural rights for the enjoyment of which an excise cannot be imposed." Redfield vs. Fisher, 292 P. 813, 819

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a money aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the government to whom it properly belongs." - President Thomas Jefferson-


" we are governed not by law or elected representatives but by unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committees of lawyers applying no will but their own." - "The Tempting of America: The Political Seduction of the Law" Book by, Judge Robert H. Bork, pg. 130.

"... You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the grace of the Eternal God, will rout you out". -President Andrew Jackson, (upon evicting a delegation of international bankers from the Oval Office) "The real menace to our republic is the invisible government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers'. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends." Don Bell, "Who Are Our Rulers?" American Mercury, Sept. 1960, pg. 136.


"Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are US government institutions. They are not... they are private credit monopolies which prey upon the people of the US. for the benefit of themselves and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory moneylenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government. It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will". -Congressman Charles McFadden, Chairman, House Banking and Currency Committee, June 10, 1932

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country... the Money Power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign, by working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war." -Abraham Lincoln, - In a letter written to William Elkin just after the passage of the National Banking Act of 1863 {less than five months before he was assassinated.}

"In the United States today we have in effect two governments . . . we have the duly constituted Government, Then we have an independent, uncontrolled and uncoordinated government in the Federal Reserve System, operating the money powers which are reserved to Congress by the Constitution." - Congressman Wright Patman House Banking Committee, 1967 "The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." - Felix Frankfurter, attorney for the framers of the Federal Reserve Act and later Supreme Court justice, quoted from Curtis B. Dall, FDR: My Exploited Father-In-Law, Pg. 67, Action Associates, Washington D.C., 1970. "Outwardly we have a constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government."

- Senator William Jenner, In a speech on Feb. 23, 1954 "We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world no longer a Government of free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." -President Woodrow Wilson "We the people, are the rightful masters of both Congress and the Courts -- not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." -President Abraham Lincoln "I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpation's." -President James Madison "The high office of President has been used to foment a plot to destroy the American's freedom, and before I leave office I must inform the citizen of his plight." - Pres. John F. Kennedy, 11/12/63 "Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people." - President John Adams "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protest themselves against tyranny in government." -President Thomas Jefferson "God forbid we should be 20 years without a Revolution." -President Thomas Jefferson "Firearms stand next in importance to the Constitution itself. The very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference--they deserve a place of honor with all that is good." -President George Washington

"The BIBLE is the rock on which our REPUBLIC rests." -President Andrew Jackson


"It does not require a lawyer to interpret the provisions of the Bill of Rights. They are as clear as the Ten Commandments." - President Herbert Hoover

"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it." - Daniel Webster

"Whatever makes men good Christians makes them good citizens." - Daniel Webster

"The United Nations is the greatest fraud in history. Its purpose is to destroy the United States." - Congressman John E. Rankin

"The Constitution of the United States needs to be reconsidered and altered to create a whole new structure of government Building a Third Wave civilization on the wreckage of Second Wave institutions involves the design of new, more appropriate political structures The system that served us so well must, in its turn, die and be replaced." - Alvin & Heidi Toffler's Marxist book, Creating A New Civilization

"The Masters are working according to a Plan which will demonstrate a large measure of world unity marked by universality that aims at expanding human consciousness founded in love and goodwill" - Alice Bailey, in The Beacon, Sept/Oct. 1975, Pub. The Lucis Trust35

"They provide the vision and mould public opinion the group has servers of humanity in every country They are gathered from all branches of human enterprise The know exactly what they seek to do. They emphasize the brotherhood of nations, the unity of faith, and economic interdependence They can be regarded as the embodiment of the emerging kingdom of God on Earth."

The LUCIS TRUST was formerly incorporated in 1924 as LUCIFER PUBLISHING, and has been given by the UN responsibility to maintain it's strange and occultic Meditation Room located in the UN Bldg. in NY. 12-107

- Alice Bailey, in The New Group of World Servers, Pub. World Goodwill, NY

"I claim the existence of a conspiracy for the destruction of the Western world as the prelude for shepherding mankind into a sheep's pen run as a prelude to One World tyranny." - A. K. Chesterton, in his book The New Unhappy Lords: An Exposure of Power Politics

"Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded largely by men we have never heard of." - Walter Bernays, in his book Propaganda, 1928

"Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us are totally disarmed." - Sara Brady, Chairman, Handgun Control, to Sen. Metzanbaum, The National Educator, Jan. `94 "Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal. The enemy of our government and our country are the Christians." - Janet Reno; confessed lesbian and Attny General of the United States of America "When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans..." "And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom is being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities." - Pres. Bill Clinton, 3-22-94, MTV's "Enough is Enough"

"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans..."

- Pres. Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A) "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light"36 so "it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness"37 and shall seek to "deceive the very elect"38 of the righteous in the earth. "And they had a king over them," in the last days, "which is the angel of the bottomless pit"39. "And they worshipped the dragon, which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?"40 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."41 "And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."42 " whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service." John 16:2, KJV Some Green quotes "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill, All these dangers are caused by human intervention.... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself." declared members of the Club of Rome in a sweeping 1991 report on global governance.
36 37 38 39 40 41 42

2 Corinthians 11:14 2 Corinthians 11:15 Matthew 24:24 Revelation 9:11 Revelation 13:4 Revelation 13:7,8 Revelation 13:13-18 12-109

"We, in the green movement, aspire to a cultural model in which killing a forest will be considered more contemptible and more criminal than the sale of six-year-old children to Asian brothels." Carl Amery, German Greens "If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels." Prince Philip of Great Britain, leader of World Wildlife Fund Wildlands Project Director Reed Noss: "The collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans." Food Summit Speeds UN Agenda


Chapter 13

****** EXHIBITS ******

Follows This Page


1st Page - Article of Incorporation for INTERNAL REVENUE TAX AND AUDIT SERVICES INC.






Since you may have a hard time reading this, everything with a asterisk (*) has been enacted into law, however any appendix to that title has not been enacted as law. NOTE: Title 26 (the Internal Revenue Code) does not have an asterisk (*) and was never passed into Law!!!
















What to do when the County Recorder "Refuses to Record" 1) Get a WRITTEN explanation, reason, or other "excuse" from the perpetrator. This is your first link in your "chain of evidence". Make no mistake, any documents regarding real or personal property or your rights to real or personal property, is recordable documents. Your rights, property (real and personal) rights and rights thereto, IS Your Personal Property. Look at the statute in your State! 2) Send CERTIFIED MAIL a "Notice and Demand for Exhibition or Presentment without Dishonor" per your states Commercial Code (a permutation of the UCC) section 3-505/501 demanding for them to produce for your inspection; A) The statute or law passed by the legislature which authorizes them to condemn the Public Record" for their personal private use. B) Their Bar/Lawyer I.D. Number which authorizes them to make "Legal determinations" as issued to them by the State Bar Association or the State supreme Court. C) The statute or law passed by the legislature which authorizes them to edit and/or censor documents prior to recordation. Give them reasonable time to respond (30 days?) and to comply with your DEMAND to prove written authority, and put them ON NOTICE that the "Law of Principal and Agent" specifies that "The agent is PERSONALLY liable for acts not authorized by the Principal". (NO supposed corporate veil of immunity).

3) When they fail to produce the WRITTEN AUTHORITY Demanded by you after the "authorized time", send CERTIFIED MAIL a "Notice of Default noticing them that they have Defaulted by not answering. In it provide a "right to cure" Default - by recording your papers without further interference or suffer the consequences - Allow more time (10-30 days). 4) Send them CERTIFIED MAIL, a Notice of Amount Due' for the damages caused by their injury to you (or your property rights) by their defalcation, dereliction of duty, default, and unauthorized "Refusal to Record" in a sizeable amount ($1000. 00?). Again, give them reasonable time (50 days) to pay this to you. 5) After the above time plus 4 or 5 days for the mail, send them CERTIFIED MAIL, a Final Notice of Amount Due" for the damages caused by their injury to you. Again, give them reasonable time (30 days) to pay this to you. 6) After the above time plus 4 or 5 days for the mail, go to the County peace Officer (Sheriff), present copies of the two CERTIFIED MAIL Demands for payment, sign a Distress Warrant" or "Distraint Warrant" stating that you have NOT been paid, and have the Sheriff go get your money or sell their car, mobile home, trailer, boat, or whatever to get your money for you - just like the Consumer Finance lenders and the IRS do it. 7) At any stage of this procedure, you can send them a letter and offer to settle (''Right to Cure Default") if they will "Perform their sworn duty" and ''Record without debate" your document. When they fail or refuse, go on to the next step. The purpose here is to force them to do WHAT THEY ARE PAID TO DO, not to make money selling their possessions. You might even offer to give them back their possessions if they will "Record without question" your document. This is to show "Good Faith". 8) If the Sheriff refuses to perform his "Sworn Duty" to execute upon your "Distraint/Distress Warrant", inform him that "You personally will perform his sworn duty FOR HIM and in his behalf. Tell him that of course the next up in the hierarchy will be informed that he has refused to perform his own "Sworn Duty" but that he continues to cash his pay checks which is Fraud since he only performs "Selective Enforcement" of the law. That itself is unlawful. The Sheriff should not expect very many votes to regain his office next election due to the self inflicted "publicity" because you may have to sue him personally for money damages to his Dereliction of Duty, Defalcation, Embezzlement of Public Funds and damages due to his injury to you and/or property rights. 9) Send to Sheriff CERTIFIED MAIL, a Notice and Demand For Production or Exhibition Without Dishonor of the law or statute that authorizes his to: A) Perform "Selective enforcement of the law" B) To accept The People's pay and not execute on Warrants. D) To personally edit and censor documents, or refuse to perform his duty under sworn oath (which is Perjury).

10) If either Sheriff or Recorder of Deeds say that they take their orders from some government lawyer, GET THAT IN WRITING. This becomes your second link in your "Chain of Evidence" or "Preponderance of Evidence", that you are and will be creating.

Only AFTER you get the above "Admission and Confession" in WRITING, leave their office. Then perform #2 - the statute or law passed by the legislature that authorizes them to relinquish their office over to another (whoever, regardless if government attorney or not) while continuing to accept and negotiate (Cash) pay checks themselves after having turned over their office to said "others." Remember that you are exposing a HUMONGOUS SCAM. The Lawyers club has usurped the government from the Legislature (and from The People) and YOU are exposing this fact. Do not expect Satan to give up easy and go home. He and his minions never have before, so why expect them to Now? They are all part of the "New Communist World Dictatorial Despotic Tyrannical order" and they are the "Politburo of the Party." They truly BELIEVE that they are the Chosen Few to dictate the lives of the Sheeple on behalf of the World (International Corporate Money Mafia Masters).



* * * * * * *
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, ______________________________ , as affiant, first being duly sworn on oath, do hereby put forth, affirm and give notice to wit:

1. Pursuant to Public Law 97-280, the Congress has declared as law that the Bible is God's word. 2. Jesus the Christ, as Son of God, is the head of this nation - America, and that we are "One Nation under God", his father. 3. I am the adopted son/daughter of the King - Christ Jesus, and therefore, I am a joint heir to his throne upon this Earth. 4. I was born free of the Adamic Race and am endowed with unalienable rights by God. In addition to these God given rights, I am a member of the posterity identified in the preamble to the Constitution for the united States of America (1787-1791) and the Declaration of Independence (1776). 5. I was born in (if in USA) _______________, _________________ on ____/____/____ and hereby claim my birthright and all the powers that shall and do enure to me by virtue of my birthright. Or by Naturalization/Birth unto American parents, with date and Court of Naturalization (if applicable): ____________________________________________, or date and state of first permanent abode: ____/____/____,____________________________. 6. I live by rights that are antecedent to, and concurrent with, the said Constitution and the first ten articles in amendment thereof. 7. My Citizenship is based on my birthright/naturalization as a member of the Posterity and not the "general citizenship" created by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America. 8. As declared and affirmed herein, I am a individual Sovereign Citizen who lives by Rights, and not the privileges and immunities as conferred by the said 14th Amendment. 9. Additionally, I am a National Citizen of the Great Republic of the continental united States of America by virtue of my citizenship in a Sovereign State of the Union. 10. I am not a citizen, subject, resident, or inhabitant of the U. S. or the District of Columbia, (and also known as Washington D.C.) its territories, or its political subdivisions, possessions etc., as outlined pursuant to Article 1, Section 8,Clause 17 of said Constitution, nor am I a member of the armed forces.
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Declaration of Original Status (cont.)

11. Additionally, I am a non-resident alien to the United States aforementioned - a foreign nation ruled by legislative democracy, which is not the Republic of the united States of America. 12. I hereby claim, as to the operational jurisdiction of the U.S. Courts, remedy under Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) 1-207 and recourse under U.C.C. 1-103. 13. The use of "Without Prejudice" or "All Rights Reserved", in connection with my signature indicates that I have reserved my Common Law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. Furthermore, I do not accept the liability associated wit the compelled benefit of any unrevealed contract or commercial agreement. 14. I hereby assert the limitations protecting my private records and effects, which are given by the Fourth Article in Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America, to wit: "The right of the People to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath of Affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." 15. This claim asserts the above limitations on any employee, agent, officer, affiliate, assigns, and counterparts whomever of any U.S. government entity or agency of that entity or any company assuming identity of such entity or agency; And hereby reinstates same according to my status as Citizen put forth above. 16. Because of the frauds perpetrated against me by various state, federal and foreign agencies as regards to my Rights given unto me by the almighty God - the Creator, and guaranteed to me and protected by the Constitution for the united States of America, I hereby forthwith revoke any and all agreements and contracts, constructive or otherwise, which may be claimed by the agencies referenced herein and such agreements and contracts are hereby made null and void, ab initio. 17. The facts stated herein are correct, true, and submitted in good faith for the cause of inducement of Fraud perpetrated upon the undersigned Citizen.

___________________________________ Affiant, All Rights Reserved C/o Non Domestic__________________________________________ _____________________, ________________________ Republic, Postal Zone [ __________ ]

Page 2 of 3

Declaration of Original Status (cont.)

WHEREFORE, it being the will and intent of said affiant that this declaration be made public so that all may know and see the same, the Clerk of Court is directed to enter this declaration into the Public Records of the State of _________________, in _________________ County, this _______ day of __________, in the year of our Lord ________, and to deliver to the affiant a certified copy of the same.


Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ____day of ___________ in the year of our Lord_____, a Notary Public in and for the State of ___________, County of ________________, by the affiant, _____________________________ who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she has personal knowledge of the facts and matter therein set forth and alleged and that each and all these facts and matters are true and correct, that he/she executed the same as his/her free will and deed. Personally known to me ____ or provided I.D. type ___________________________.

Witness my hand and seal.___________________________________

My Commission expires: _______________________________.

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TO: ________________________________________
(employers name) This is my sworn affidavit establishing my exemption from withholding with respect to income taxes, certifying that: 1. I incurred no liability for income tax imposed under subtitle A ( IRS Code) for the preceding year; 2. I anticipate I will incur no liability for income tax imposed under subtitle A for the current year; and 3. I have a right to a full refund of any and all amounts withheld for both years. You can see by checking these sworn statements of undisputed facts against the statute itself, that they fulfill all the requirements contained in the law. The IRS Code makes it perfectly clear that not withstanding any other provisions of this section... (i.e. Section 3402[n] ) that you ...shall not be required to deduct and withhold any tax... from my wages if I provide you with the certified statement contained in this affidavit. Let me further point out that under law (Section 3402[n] ) I am not required to provide you or the IRS with any other document or statement because this affidavit fulfills all the requirements contained in the law. I hereby revoke and rescind all W4 withholding allowance certificates previously signed and submitted by me. I hereby declare them to be null and void, and declare this affidavit to be the only document in legal force with respect to withholding from my earnings. Let me further remind you that no letter, mimeographed letter, or computer letter or alleged regulation can abrogate or supersede my sworn statement and the clear language and intent of the law as shown below.

DATE: _________________


(n) Employees Incurring No Income Tax Liability. -- Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, an employer shall not be required to deduct and withhold any tax under this chapter upon a payment of wages to an employee if there is in effect with respect to such payment a withholding exemption certificate (in such form and containing such other information as the Secretary may prescribe) furnished to the employer by the employee certifying that the employee -(1) incurred no liability for income tax imposed under Subtitle A for his preceding taxable year, and (2) anticipates that he will incur no liability for income tax imposed under Subtitle A for his current taxable year. The Secretary shall by regulations provide for the coordination of the provisions of this subsection with the provisions of subsection (f). All Rights Explicitly Reserved, Without Prejudice

Name: _____________________________ Signature: _________________________________

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ____day of _____________ in the year of our Lord _______, a Notary Public in and for the State of _____________, County of ________________, by the above named affiant, who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she has personal knowledge of the facts and matter therein set forth and alleged and under the penalty of perjury, that each and all these facts and matters are true and correct, that he/she executed the same as his/her free will and deed, under the Laws of these united States of America. Personally known to me ____ or provided I.D. type ________________. Witness my hand and seal _________________________________________ (seal) My Commission Expires: ________________________________

To: ______________________________________ as the Employer, whose address is; _________________________________________________________________________ .


I, _______________________________, swear under the penalty of perjury that I have no income that is taxable under 26 USC 3101. I have never been made liable for any such tax pursuant to 26 USC 6201. I have never received a copy of any assessment for any such tax, pursuant to 26 USC 6203. I received no notice of any liability for any such tax, pursuant to 26 USC 6303. Therefore, you have no legal basis for withholding any "income" taxes (allegedly imposed by 26 USC 3101) from my wages. I understand that you will rely upon this affidavit in making your determination not to withhold from my wages any taxes imposed pursuant to 26 USC 3101.

2. 3.

4. 5.


Signature:_______________________________________________Date:_______________ {All Rights Reserved - Without Prejudice}

Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ____day of ___________ in the year_____, a Notary Public in and for the State of ___________, County of ________________, by the affiant, _____________________________ who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that he/she has personal knowledge of the facts and matter therein set forth and alleged and that each and all these facts and matters are true and correct, that he/she executed the same as his/her free will and deed. Personally known to me ____ or provided I.D. type ___________________________.

Witness my hand and seal.___________________________________ My Commission expires: _______________________________.

Secretary of the Treasury 15th Street & Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220 Date: __________

Dear Mr. Secretary, I have been threatened with a lawsuit by my employee named _____________________________, if I remove any "income taxes" from his wages as imposed by 26 USC 3101.

Attached is his/her affidavit swearing that he has no income subject to tax, and further that he/she has never been notified by the government that such a tax was ever assessed or recorded. He/She also swears, that he has never received any notice of "liability" for such a tax pursuant to 26 USC Sections 6201, 6203, and 6303.

Not wishing to expose myself to any liability in this matter, I will no longer withhold such taxes from said persons' wages until you notify me in writing that the government will pay any and all costs of litigation and will indemnify me against all claims and losses I might incur (pursuant to 26 USC 3102(b)) should I disregard his/her sworn statement.

Very truly yours,

( Enter Your Name & Address )

DATE: _________________ CERTIFIED MAIL #: ___________________

Secretary of the Treasury 15th Street & Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220

Dear Mr. Secretary, Section 6201 of the IRS Code states that you are "required to make the assessments of all taxes imposed by this title". Section 6203 further states that the assessment shall be made by "recording the liability of the taxpayer in the office of the Secretary" and "upon request of the taxpayer, the Secretary shall furnish the taxpayer with the record of the assessment". This is to advise you that I would like to be furnished a copy of the record of my tax assessment (pursuant to Sections 6201 and 6203) for any "income" taxes for which I may be liable for under Sections 3101(a) and (b) of the Internal Revenue Code. Please furnish me with any such current certified assessment and a certified proof copy of any assessments made for all previous years. I also note that Section 6303 of the IRS Code states that the Secretary shall " within 60 days after making of an assessment pursuant to Section 6203, give notice to each person liable for the unpaid tax, stating the amount and demanding payment thereof.". This is to inform you that I am notifying my employer that until such time as I receive from you a certified proof copy of any assessment so made and signed under penalty of perjury by a designated IRS employee as required in Sect. 6065, and proof that I have been "made liable" for Section 3101 "income" taxes pursuant to Sections 6201, 6203, and 6303, that he (my employer) is to immediately stop the withholding of all such "income" taxes from my wages. Very truly yours,

______________________________ All Rights Reserved

encl. Copy of SS Affidavit and Letter sent to Employer.

( Enter Your Name & Address )

DATE: _________________ CERTIFIED MAIL #: ___________________


District Director Internal Revenue Service Center, Internal Revenue Tax & Audit Services Inc. ( Enter Address: City, State & Zip )

Sir: Please find enclosed a copy of my "AFFIDAVIT OF ORIGINAL STATUS" concerning my status as a free Sovereign National Citizen, and the "AFFIDAVIT OF REVOCATION AND RESCISSION" both previously provided to the Social Security Administration, the Secretary of Treasury, and filed as a matter of Public Record. The Affidavit(s) is retroactive in effect and is relevant to any and all materials ever submitted to the Internal Revenue Tax and Audit Services Inc. (hereafter referred to as - "IRS") by me, or any party, concerning me. The Affidavit(s) and this letter, should be made a permanent part of any file or files pertaining to me that are kept in your records. It is my desire and intention to comply with and obey any and all laws that apply to me as a free sovereign individual Citizen. I have received no response from any Government entity taking exception to my position and status so defined. This is of course prima facie evidence that no one takes exception to, and therefore agrees with, the positions and statements contained in said Affidavit(s). NOTICE is hereby given that all records and files held by the "IRS", its employees, agents or assigns, whomever, are the creation and result of inducement(s) of FRAUD perpetrated upon said Sovereign Citizen; and, That any and all power of attorney or agency, certification of authority, consent or other authority, whether implied or direct, represented in or by the aforesaid records or files, are hereby denied by said undersigned Sovereign Citizen, fully and completely as if said records and files were never created and never existed, the same being a result of inducement(s) of fraud or a continuation thereof. WHEREFORE, Demand is hereby made that the "IRS" order any and all files and records concerning the undersigned Citizen, held by the IRS, its agents, affiliates, officers, assigns, or other counterparts whomever, be closed and sealed as required by the limitations set forth by the Fourth Article in Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America, pursuant to my assertion of said limitations herein and in the attached AFFIDAVIT OF ORIGINAL STATUS, which includes therein, Assertion of Fourth Article Limitations By Affidavit.

If you do not agree with the above findings, or do not intend to comply with the above demand, you have 30 days to take judicial action in a court of Article III judicial authority to establish the validity of your records. In addition, you must forward to me the grounds and basis on which the IRS takes its position and makes its claim, and the name and position of that individual making said claim - signed under penalty of perjury as required by your Rules, known as Internal Revenue Code (hereinafter referred to as "IRC") Section 6065. If you do not intend to file judicial action in a court of Article III judicial authority, immediately close and seal all said records and files as demanded without further acknowledgement.

IMPORTANT NOTICE TO IRS PERSONNEL As a free sovereign individual Citizen, possessing all my constitutionally secured rights, including my right not to be deprived of my property without due process of law, I will consider any document or communication issued and/or transmitted by any employee of the IRS, or the U. S. its agencies, or assigns, foreign or domestic, for the purpose of obtaining property from me or property held for me by others, in imposing the income/excise tax under what is known as 26 USC on me, to be a malicious, conspiratorial and fraudulent action committed for the purpose of violating my sovereign, unalienable rights and may be prosecuted as such. Among such documents are those letters and 668 forms directed to financial institutions and/or employers, as well as IRS form 668(y). In addition, NOTICE OF TAX LIEN under IR Code, the execution and recording of which would establish legal notice of a claim against me, or any claim against me, would be fraudulent action since I am not in the legal status of a "taxpayer". The issuance of any of the various forms bearing number 668, such as 668A - "NOTICE OF LEVY" and 668W - "NOTICE OF LEVY ON WAGES, SALARY, and OTHER INCOME", on which I am identified as a "taxpayer" who allegedly owes money to the IRS, or the U. S. its agencies, foreign or domestic, or the Federal Reserve Corp., for the payment of the excise tax on "income" would constitute violations of provisions of Section 7214 of the IR Code, and may be prosecuted as such. Demanding payment of money from me, or from others in possession of money due me, would be a direct violation of 26 USC 7214 (a)(2) because it would be a demand for a sum other than is authorized by law, and therefore may be prosecuted as such. As a free sovereign individual Citizen, a nontaxpayer in relation to 26 USC, I am not subject to any internal revenue tax, thus any claim against me for any amount violates 26 USC 7214 (a)(2). In addition to the fraudulent nature of the act of sending out a "NOTICE OF LEVY" form, or other such form bearing the number 668, to a third party for the purpose of deceiving him into believing that there has been a levy when there has been no levy executed, or any such forms on which I am identified as a "taxpayer" and/or indicating that an income tax is owed by me would be fraudulent documents because of my legal status as a nontaxpayer who is not subject to any internal revenue tax. Any forms and/or communications containing such statements or false identifications would be violations of 26 USC 7214 (a)(7) which provides penalties for any officer or employee of the IRS or U.S. who makes or signs any fraudulent certificate or statement, and may be prosecuted as such.

Although there might be some employees of the "IRS" that believe that they can issue and/or transmit documents and/or communications anonymously, thereby attempting to avoid responsibility, they should be aware that in the decision of U.S. Supreme Court in Bivens vs. Six Unknown Federal Narcotics Agents, 403 U.S. 388, ruled that; " government cannot refuse to disclose the identities of any of its personnel that are involved in a violation of a citizen's rights". The Court further ruled; " the citizen whose right is violated, has the right of action for punitive damages against the offending government personnel as individuals." In addition, issuing and/or transmitting such documents and/or communications may also be prosecuted as violations under 42 USC 1983, 1986; 18 USC 241, and if sent through the mail 39 USC 4005, as well as other applicable federal and state statutes.


_________________________________ All Rights Reserved

Cc: (enter here the names of your congressmen and senators that you will send a copy to)

******************** INSTRUCTIONS - Affidavit of Revocation and Rescission - INSTRUCTIONS

Read the Following very carefully before using this Affidavit:
Be aware that once you file this Affidavit you will no longer be eligible for Social In-Security Benefits! As we all know, it is very unlikely to survive past the year 2000, since the entire system is Bankrupt and exists only on the Credit of our children. Before sending this Affidavit to the Social Security Administration and the Secretary of Treasury, take it to your county courthouse and have it recorded as a matter of Public Record. Ask the Clerk for a "certified proof copy" of it. When you receive the true copy, take a lead pencil and lightly blacken the raised court seal, then make copies of this to send with the cover letter (previous page) supplied herein. Use this cover letter only, as the Affidavit can be invalidated by a cover letter asking for an IRS or any governmental response. Asking for a response could be considered as an implied recognition of authority. (they will try every trick in the book) You should also send copies to others as the case may require, but simply state that it is for their information only. Never quote the law, court cases, or anything else that requires a response. The less you say the better! Let the Affidavit talk for you. If your state has a state income tax, check the state statutes to see if the state income tax liability is based on the federal income tax liability. If there is no federal income tax liability, then there is no state income tax liability. Make sure, if applicable, that the head of your state income tax division gets a copy of the letter the Secretary of the Treasury and the Affidavit. Any future correspondence from either the STATE, or your State, or IRS plunderers should be answered with a firm resolve, that you will not back down from what has been sworn to in your Affidavit. All initial correspondence from the plunderers has to contain a Privacy Act Notice (IRS form 609) and or the applicable state requirement stating the authority the plunderer has to accost you. Any absence of such a statement of authority should be challenged, before doing anything else. Stand on your Rights - You hold all the Aces! You cannot file an IRS W4 form with your Employer, or any other IRS or state income tax forms, once you execute and forward the Affidavit to whomever. Because the filing of any such forms with anybody, will invalidate the Affidavit. In other words, YOU will be giving back to them - "implied" (read - presumed) Jurisdiction over you. We believe this Affidavit may prevent the U.S. Attorney from removing a suit for "conversion" from a state court to the federal court, if a suite is filed in your state court for Constructive Fraud against any persistent plunderer. Since the S.S.A. usually does not forward the Documents as requested, we send a copy of the "NOTICE AND DEMAND" letter you sent to the IRS, along with the "Affidavit of Original Status", and the "Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation" to the Secretary of Treasury, as well as anybody else you deem necessary to notify, or who wants proof.


From: Name _____________________________________ c/o Non Domestic ___________________________________________________ ______ Judicial District, ________________________ (city) ________________ state Republic To: Social Security Administration Office of the Commissioner Baltimore, Maryland 21235 Certified Mail # ______________________

RE: Files and Records pertaining to ____________________________________________ ENCLOSURE: Assertion of Fourth Article Limitations by Affidavit


NOTICE is hereby given that all records and files held by the "Social Security Administration", its employees, agents or assigns, and counterparts whomever, are the creation and result of inducement(s) of FRAUD perpetrated upon the undersigned Sovereign Citizen; and, That any and all power of attorney or agency, certification of authority, consent or other authority, whether implied or direct, represented in or by the aforesaid records or files, are hereby denied by said undersigned Sovereign Citizen, fully and completely as if said records and files were never created and never existed, the same being a result of inducement(s) of fraud or a continuation thereof. WHEREFORE, DEMAND is hereby made that the Office of Commissioner, Social Security Administration, order any and all files and records concerning the undersigned Citizen, held by the SSA, its agents, affiliates, officers, assigns, or other counterparts whomever, be closed and sealed as required by the limitations set forth by the Fourth Article in Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America, pursuant to my assertion of said limitations herein and in the attached AFFIDAVIT OF ORIGINAL STATUS, which includes therein, Assertion of Fourth Article Limitations By Affidavit. If you do not agree with the above findings, or do not intend to comply with the above demand, you have 30 days to take judicial action in a court of Article III judicial authority to establish the validity of your records. If you do not intend to file judicial action in a court of Article III judicial authority, immediately close and seal all said records and files as demanded without further acknowledgement.

Dated: __________________

Signature: _____________________________________ Printed Name: __________________________________ All Rights Explicitly Reserved Without Prejudice

( Enter Your Name & Address )

DATE: _________________ CERTIFIED MAIL #: ___________________

Secretary of the Treasury 15th Street & Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220

Dear Mr. Secretary,

Would you please be so kind as to forward the enclosed affidavit to the appropriate governmental office(s) so that proper notice can be taken thereof, and suitable action to comply with its mandate therewith.

Thank You.


____________________________ All Rights Reserved

Cc: (enter here the names of your congressmen and senators that you will send a copy to)


_____________________________ state] affirmed: _____________________________ county] I, the undersigned, being of legal age, duly sworn and affixing my signature hereto, hereby put forth, affirm and give notice of the following statements of facts to wit:


1. This document follows the filing of another document named, "DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL STATUS REGARDING THE CITIZENSHIP OF THIS AFFIANT", and is an integral part hereof of this document, and therein means that I am a Free Sovereign Citizen of __________________________ state republic and thereby in the united States of America and in fact protected by the original Constitution for the united States of America (1787), including its Preamble and the Bill of Rights (1791) and retain the unalienable rights from God the Creator, in positive law embodied in the Declaration of Independence (1776), binding upon myself and my parentage, this day and for all time; and,

2. That I was unaware that a completed, signed, and submitted "Form 1040" and/or "income tax return" and/or "W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate" - the authorization document that allows an employer to withhold a worker's money from his pay, are voluntarily executed instruments which could be used as prima facie evidence against me in criminal trials and civil proceedings to show that I had voluntarily waived my constitutionally secured rights and that I had voluntarily subjected myself to the federal income/excise tax, to the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (hereafter referred to as the "IRC"), and to the authority of the Internal Revenue Service (hereafter referred to as the "IRS") by signing and thereby affirming under penalty of perjury that I was in effect a "person" subject to the tax; and, That I was unaware of the legal effects of signing and filing and income tax return as shown by the decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit in the 1974 ruling in the case of Morse vs. U.S., 494 F2d 876, 880, wherein the Court explained how a Citizen became a "taxpayer" by stating: "Accordingly, when returns are filed in Mrs. Morse's name declaring income to her for 1944 and 1945, and making her potentially liable for the tax due in that income, she became a taxpayer within the meaning of the Internal Revenue Code." (emphasis added) 4. That I was unaware that the signing and filing of an income tax return and other IRS forms are acts of voluntary compliance for a free sovereign individual Citizen; that I was unaware that in a court of law the completed IRS documents can become prima facie evidence sufficient to sustain a legal conclusion by a judge that the signor has voluntarily changed his legal status from that of a free sovereign individual Citizen who is not subject to any federal tax and who possesses all of his God-given Constitutionally secured rights when dealing with government, to the legal status of a "taxpayer" (any individual, trust, estate, partnership, association, company or corporation subject to a federal excise tax,) a "person" who is subject to a federal excise tax and is therefore subject to the authority, jurisdiction and control of the federal government under Title 26 of the United States Code, the statutes governing federal taxation and to the regulations of the IRS, thereby imposing the tax on himself and allegedly waiving his/her God-given Constitutionally secured rights and freedoms in respect to the federal income/excise tax statutes and their administration by the IRS and establishing himself as one who has privileges only, but no rights in dealings with the IRS, the same as a corporation; that it is my understanding that the change of status resulting from the signed IRS documents is very similar to the change of status that occurs when one enlists in the military service and voluntarily takes an oath that subjects him/her to the authority, jurisdiction and control of the federal government under Title 10 of the United States Code, the Page 1 of 8


Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation (cont.) statutes governing the armed forces and the regulations of the military service, thereby waiving his/her Constitutionally protected rights in relation to dealings with the military services; and, 5. That my attention has recently been directed to the fact that an official Internal Revenue Service form letter (FL 1264) states: "The fact that you sent us [IRS] this form 1040 shows that you recognize your obligation to file "; that it has never been my intention, or desire, to show the Internal Revenue Service, or anyone else, that I recognize any such obligation; that as a freeman, I legally do not have such an obligation; and, That I am a free sovereign united States Citizen, a freeman and I am endowed by my Creator with numerous inalienable rights including my rights to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness", which rights are specifically identified in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Constitution for the united States of America; that my birthright or citizenship to "pursuit of happiness" has been interpreted by both the framers of the Constitution and the U.S. Supreme Court as including my inalienable rights to contract, to acquire, to deal in, to sell, rent, and exchange properties of various kinds, real and personal, without requesting or exercising any privilege or franchise from government; that I have learned that these inalienable property rights also include my right to contract for the exchange of my labor-property for other properties such as wages, salaries, and other earnings, that I have never knowingly or intentionally waived any of these inalienable rights; and, That I understand that if the exercise of rights were subjected to taxation, the rights could be destroyed by increasing the tax rates to unaffordable levels; therefore courts have repeatedly ruled that government has no power to tax the exercise of any rights of citizens, as shown by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Murdock vs. Penna., 318 U.S. 105 (1943) which stated: "A state may not impose a charge for the enjoyment of a right granted by the Federal Constitution." 8. That for years past I have been influenced by numerous and repeated public warnings made by the IRS via radio, television, the printed press and other public communication media warning of the "deadline" for filing a "Form 1040 Income Tax Return" and/or other IRS forms and documents; and, That in addition to the aforesaid warnings, I have also been influenced by misleading and deceptive wording of the IRS publications, IRS-generated news articles, the pressure of widespread rumors and misinformed public opinion, and the advice and assurance of lawyers, CPAs and income tax preparers which misled me to incorrectly believe that the 16th Amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America authorized Congress to impose a direct tax on me, my property, my exchanges of property and/or property received as a result of exercising my constitutionally secured right to contract; that I was further misled into believing I had a legal duty and obligation to file a "Form 1040 Income Tax Return", a "Form W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate" and/or other IRS forms and documents; and,




10. That I have also been influenced, misled and alarmed by rumors, misinformed public opinion and the advice and assurance of lawyers, CPAs and income tax preparers to the affect that "the IRS will get you", and that it would be a crime punishable by fine and/or imprisonment if I did not fill out, sign and file with the IRS a "Form 1040"; and, 11. That in addition to all the reasons stated in paragraphs 8, 9, and 10 above, I was influenced by the common and widespread practice of employers who either knowingly or unknowingly mislead their employees to believe that they are all subject to withholding of "income taxes" from their earnings, either with or without their permission, based upon the employer's possible mistaken assumption that they, as employers, are required by law to withhold "income taxes" from the paychecks of their employees; and, 12. That I have also been influenced and impressed by the IRS's annual public display and indiscriminate offering of large quantities of the "Form 1040" in banks, post offices, libraries, and through the U.S. Mail which also reminded me of and induced me to respond by filling out, signing, and sending to the IRS a "Form 1040"; and, 13. That said "Form 1040" contained no reference to any law or laws which would explain just exactly who is or is not subject to or liable for the income tax, nor did it contain any notice or warning to anyone that merely sending said completed "Form 1040" to the IRS would waive my right to privacy secured by the 4th Amendment and my right to not be witness against myself secured by the 5th Amendment of the Constitution for the united States of America, and that the "Form 1040" would in itself constitute legal evidence admissible in a court of Page 2 of 8

Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation (cont.) law, that the filer is subject to and liable for the income/excise tax even though, and regardless of the fact, that I as a free individual, am actually and legally not subject to, or liable for any income/excise tax and have no legal duty or obligation whatsoever to complete and file a "Form 1040"; and, 14. That at no time was I ever notified or informed by the IRS, by any of its agents, or employees, nor by any lawyer, CPA, or tax preparer of the fact that the 16th Amendment as correctly interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court, in such cases as Brushaber vs. Union Pacific R.R. Co. 103 (1916) identified the income tax as an indirect excise tax in accordance with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the Constitution for the united States of America, and that the 16th Amendment does not authorize a tax on individuals; and, 15. That at no time was I ever notified or informed by the IRS, its agents, or employees, nor by any lawyer, CPA, or any tax preparer of the fact that because of various rulings of the U.S. Supreme Court in such cases as Flint vs. Stone Tracy Co., 220 U.S. 107 (1911), and Pollock vs. Farmer's Loan and Trust Co., 157 U.S. 492 (1895), the indirect excise tax on incomes identified by the 16th Amendment is actually a tax upon corporation privileges granted by government and measured by the amount of corporate income (see Corporations Tax Act, Statutes at Large, 1909, vol. XXXVI, section 38, page 112); that this excise tax may also be imposed on certain other privileges provided by government and measured by income; that such occupations of privilege include Attorneys [see Springer VS. U.S., 102 U.S. 586 (1881)]; that this excise tax may also be imposed upon criminal gains or profits; and, 16. That my attention has been called to Report No. 80-19A, titled "Some Constitutional Questions Regarding the Federal Income Tax Laws" published by the American Law Division of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress, updated January 17, 1980; that this publication described the tax on "income" identified in the 16th Amendment, as an indirect excise tax; that this report stated: "The Supreme Court, in a decision written by Chief Justice White, first noted that the 16th Amendment did not authorize any new type of tax, or did it repeal or revoke the taxing clauses of Article I of the United States Constitution, quoted above.", and further stated: "Therefore, it can clearly be determined from the decisions of the United States Supreme Court that the income tax is an indirect tax, generally in the nature of an excise tax.", thus proving in my mind that the "income tax" is not a tax on ME as an individual, but is rather a tax as described by the U.S. Supreme Court in Flint vs. Stone Tracy Co., 220 U.S. 107 (1911), wherein the court defined excise taxes as: " taxes laid upon the manufacture, sale, or consumption of commodities within the country, upon license to pursue certain occupations, and upon corporate privileges.", none of which classifications apply to ME; and, 17. That I was unaware of the truth of the IRS's rarely publicized statement that the "income" tax system is based upon "voluntary compliance with the law and self-assessment of tax"; that it has never been my intention or desire to voluntarily self-assess an excise tax upon myself; that I always thought that compliance was required by law; and, 18. That I have examined sections 6001, 6011, 6012, 7203, and 7205 of the IRC and am convinced and satisfied that I am not now, and never was any such "person" or individual referred to by these sections; and, 19. That after careful study of the IRC and consultations on the provisions of the Code with lawyers, tax accountants, and tax preparers, etc. I have never found or been shown any section of the IRC that imposed any requirement on ME as a free sovereign unprivileged individual to file a "Form 1040 Income Tax Return", or that imposed a requirement upon me to pay a tax on "income", or that would classify me as a "person liable", a "person made liable", or a "taxpayer", as the term taxpayer is defined in 26 U.S.C. Section 7701 (a)(14) which states: "The term 'taxpayer' means any person subject to any internal revenue tax." ; and, 20. That after the study and consultations mentioned in the paragraph above, the only mention of any possible requirement upon ME, as an individual, to pay a tax on "income" that I could find or was shown in 26 U.S.C. was the title of Part 1 under Subtitle A, Chapter 1, Subchapter A, which is deceptively titled "Tax on Individuals"; that a careful study and examination of this part of the Code showed no provision in the body of the statutes imposing any liability or requirement upon me as an individual for payment of a federal excise tax on "income"; that my study and consultations mentioned in paragraph 18 showed that the law is determined by the actual wording contained in the body of a statute, and not by the title; that the title of a statute is merely a Page 3 of 8

Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation (cont.) general guide to the statute, and the title has no force or effect at law; and, 21. That after study and consultations mentioned in paragraph 19, my attention was called to Section 61 (a) of the IRC which lists items that are sources of "income" and to these facts: that the IRS Collection Summons Form 6638 (12-82) confirms that these items are sources, not "income", by stating that the following items are "sources": "wages, salaries, tips, fees, commissions, interest, rents, royalties, alimony, state or local tax refunds, pensions, business income, gains from dealings in property, and any other compensation for services (including receipt of property other than money."); that sources are not income, but sources become "income" if they are entered as "income" on a signed "Form 1040" because the signer affirms under penalty of perjury that the items entered in the "income" section of the "Form 1040" are "income" to the signer; that Section 61 (b) clearly indicates which Sections of the Code identify and list items that are included in "income" by stating: "For items specifically included in gross income, see Part II, (Section 71 and following)" ; and, 22. That my attention was then called to the said Part II, titled: "Items Specifically Included in Gross Income"; that I studied sections 71 through 87 and noticed that wages, salaries, commissions, tips, interest, dividends, pensions, rents, royalties, etc., are not listed as being included in "income" in those sections of the code; that, in fact, those items are not mentioned anywhere in any of these sections of the IRC; and, 23. That after further study, it appears clear to me that the only way that property received by me as a free, sovereign, unprivileged individual in the form of wages, salaries, commissions, tips, interest, dividends, rents, royalties, and/or pensions could be, or could have been legally considered to be "income" is if I voluntarily completed and signed a "Form 1040 Income Tax Return", thereby affirming under penalty of perjury that information on the "Form 1040" was true and correct, and that any amounts listed on the "Form 1040" in the "income" block are "income", thereby acknowledging under oath that I am, or was subject to the tax and have, or had a duty to file a "Form 1040 Income Tax Return" and/or other IRS forms, documents, and schedules, none of which instruments I have ever signed with the understanding that they were voluntarily signed; and, 24. That after study and consultations mentioned in paragraph 19, my attention was called to IRC Chapter 21, titled "Federal Insurance Contributions Act" (social security), to Subchapter A of Chapter 21 titled "Tax on Employees", which includes Section 3101 wherein the (social security) tax is identified as a tax on "income", not as an "Insurance Contribution", and not as a "Tax on Employees", or on wages or earnings; that my attention was further called to these facts: There is no provision in the code that imposes the tax on employees or requires them to pay the tax; a voluntarily signed completed "W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate" allows an employer to withhold money from a worker's pay for (social security) "income" tax, even though the worker has claimed on the form to be "exempt" from the graduated "income" tax; an employer has no authority to withhold money from a worker's pay for the (social security) "income" tax, the graduated "income" tax, or any IRS imposed penalty/assessment if there is no voluntarily signed "W-4" form in force; and, 25. That I was unaware, that the Social Security (FICA) is a voluntary social insurance policy which, by submission, subordinates me, an otherwise free sovereign Citizen, in the Federal jurisdiction that has been created within regional concepts, to divest the Posterity of their birthright in the Statute of 1776 (The Declaration of Independence) and to reduce the Posterity to mere subjects of the United States (U.S.) and , thereby, reduce the sovereignty of the several States to no affect, as districts, in a scheme of centralized government throughout the national socialist scheme of the Social Security Act; and, 26. That I was unaware, that the Social Security scheme (FICA) is a stealthy encroachment on, and an easy way to circumvent, the limitation(s) and guarantee(s), provided by "We the People", against singular centralized government, specifically, but not limited to, the limitations and guarantees against abridgement and subordination of my Inalienable and Unalienable God-given Rights, as expressed and asserted in the Declaration of Independence (1776), as set out in the original Constitution for the united States of America (1787), and its Bill of Rights (1791), and as earlier expressed in the Declaration and Resolves of the First Continental Congress (1774); and, 27. That according to my further studies, I find that the Social Security (FICA) social insurance scheme is deployed to limit my title of "Citizen", with intent through misrepresentation to divest, impair, and extort me of my Godgiven Unalienable Rights (viz., natural rights), otherwise protected by the limitations set out in the Organic Law for the united States of America, by requiring me through uninformed, direct, and implied consent (submission) to surrender or limit the affect of my title of American Citizen, to accomplish ends completely beyond the scope Page 4 of 8

Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation (cont.) delineated by the Declaration of Independence (1776), the original Constitution for the united States of America (1787), and its Bill of Rights (1791); and, 28. That I was unaware that participation in the "Social Security", social insurance policy scheme, and the agency (power of attorney) scheme thereunder, was/is an attempt by agents of the government to compel me into a joint venture, with regional (interstate in international) statutory implications, of an intragovernmental nature, in the unauthorized jurisdiction(s) that now exist in the United States, codified pursuant to declaratory Amendments not provided for in the Constitution for the united States of America (1787); and, 29. That only by my informed consent can the government exercise an unauthorized intragovernmental authority over me, in the jurisdiction(s) of the United States, outside the limitations of the original Constitution (1787) and the Bill of Rights (1791); and, 30. I, the undersigned, directly or indirectly, was deceived into believing that I was required, or could be required, to obtain a Social Security Account and Number in order to exercise my basic rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness; and, 31. The application for Social Security Account (SS-5) contains no warning of its implications or conditions, nor does it set forth where its implications or conditions might be discovered; and, 32. That with reliance upon the aforementioned U.S. Supreme Court rulings and upon my constitutionally protected 5th and 9th Amendment Rights to lawfully contract, to work, and to lawfully acquire and possess property, I am convinced and satisfied that I am not now, nor was I ever subject to, liable for, or required to pay any income/excise tax, that I am not now and never was a "taxpayer" as the term is defined and used in the IRC, and that I have never had any legal duty or obligation whatsoever to file any "Form 1040" or make any "income tax return", sign any "Form W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate", "Application for a Social Security Number (SS-5)" or any other Internal Revenue or Social Security Administration forms, submit documents or schedules, pay any income tax, keep any records, or supply any information to the IRS or SSA; and,


33. Therefore the U.S. Congress, the IRS, the SSA, by deceptive and misleading words and statements in their "Codes", publications, generated news articles, ad nauseum, COMMITTED CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD by misleading and deceiving ME, as well as the general public, into believing that I was required to file "Form 1040 Income Tax Returns", "Form W-4 Employee's Withholding Certificates", "Form SS-5", and other IRS and SSA forms, documents, and schedules, and also to keep records, supply information, and to pay "income taxes"; and, 34. All power (right) belongs within ME, to accept or deny control, in areas of law which are not within the jurisdiction of the organic Constitution for the united States of America (1787) and the Constitutions for the several States, that could pertain, or attempt to pertain, to me, as one of "We the People" of the Preamble to the Constitution for the united States of America (1787), which power (right) is protected by the limitations set out in the 9th Article in Amendment to the organic Constitution [Bill of Rights (1791)]; and, 35. WHEREFORE, by the reason of the aforestated facts, that I the undersigned free sovereign Citizen, having been duped, misled, and deceived into submission, without my informed consent, by the(se) device(s) and cloak(s) of the Government(s) of the United States and the several States, do hereby exercise my Right upheld by various court decisions, to REVOKE, RESCIND, REPUDIATE, ASSEVERATE, CANCEL and to otherwise render NULL and VOID, both currently and retroactively to the time of signing, based upon CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD perpetrated upon me by the U.S. Congress, IRS, SSA, and others unknown, all "Form 1040 Income Tax Returns", all "Form W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificates", the application for the aforesaid Social Insurance scheme, all other IRS and SSA forms, schedules, and documents ever signed and/or submitted by me, and all my signatures on any of the aforementioned items, to include the "SOCIAL SECURITY" account, bearing account number ___________________________, and the agency represented thereby, and specifically deny any consent, whatsoever, to be governed by this unauthorized jurisdiction, for the past present and future; that this revocation and rescission is based upon my rights in respect to the cases of Tyler vs. Secretary of State, 184 A.2d 101 (1962), and also El Paso Natural Gas Co. vs. Kysar Insurance Co., 605 Pacific 2d. 240 (1979) which stated: Page 5 of 8

Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation (cont.) "Constructive fraud as well as actual fraud may be the basis of cancellation of an instrument."; and, 36. WHEREFORE, formal notice is also given that I, the undersigned, hereby repudiate all statutory benefits and obligations of the aforesaid social insurance scheme; that I absolutely will not use accounts established thereunder, identifying numbers or other identifiers, which represent said account, except to repudiate same; and that I will not apply for, receive, collect, or attempt to apply for, receive or collect, any privileges or benefit established under said social insurance scheme, except for any monies previously paid in and held on account; and, that said numbered account will be treated as though it never had been established, nor applied for, nor assigned; and,

37. That my intent is to reclaim my title as a free, lawful and natural American Sovereign Citizen of the united States of America, and Co-Heir to the Organic Law as stated in The Declaration of Independence (1776), and as restated in the Preamble to the Constitution for the united States of America (1787), which I am in fact by said Organic Law; to claim my God-given Rights declared by the Statute of 1776, and the limitations on government set out in the original Constitution for the united States of America (1787) and its Bill of [Limitations] Rights (1791); and to re-establish myself as an American Citizen (de jure), pursuant to my rights as Co-Heir to the Statute of 1776 and the Organic Law, to the end of preserving the Republic of the united States of America, as formed by the Constitution for the united States of America (787), and further limited by the Bill of Rights (1797); and, 38. This further, I do hereby declare that I am not and never was a "taxpayer" as that term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code, a "person liable" for any Internal Revenue tax, or a "person" subject to the provisions of that Code, and declare that I am, and have always been, a "nontaxpayer"; that courts have recognized and acknowledged that individuals can be nontaxpayers, to wit: " for with them Congress does not assume to deal and they are neither of the subject nor of the object of revenue laws ", as stated by the Court in Long vs. Rasmussen, 281 F. 236 (1922), and also Delima vs. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 176, 179 and Gerth vs. United States, 132 F. Supp. 894 (1955); and,

39. This notice is to all who would subject me to a deprivation of my rights and corresponding responsibility, as an American Citizen pursuant to the Statute of 1776 (The Declaration of Independence). All claimants have 30 days from the date of filing of this "Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation" to make any claims such claimants may wish to assert in a court of organic Article III judicial authority; failure to do so is an admission of Estoppel and latches upon all comers. Any further deprivation of my vested rights as an American Citizen by any governmental agent(s) or agency(ies) will be, by its taking place, a declaration of Mixed War between codified statutory law and common law, waged against me, by whatever person or entity who might perpetrate such trespass, and will be remedied by whatever action is necessary and lawful taking into account the moral gravity of the deprivations in the particular instance; and, 40. The information and statements contained herein are correct and true, and are executed in good faith and under penalties of perjury are set forth for cause, superseding any previous denials I have made to date; and my signature and seal hereafter are the voluntary act by my own hand.

JUDICIAL NOTICE I HEREBY NOTICE any court and prosecutor that pursuant to U.S. Supreme Court case HAFER Vs. MELO, No. 90-681, November 1991 any judicial actions that violate the constitutional rights of individuals may be used as a cause of action in civil litigation against those performing said acts, without any form of immunity.

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Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation (cont.)

CIVIL RIGHTS - Immunity: State officials sued in their individual capacities are "persons" subject to suits for damages under 42 USC 1983; Eleventh Amendment does not bar such suits in Federal Court. (Hafer vs. Melo, No. 90-681, page 4001).


STATE OF _________________ __________________ COUNTY










___________________________________, who first being duly sworn, says he/she is the UNDERSIGNED/AFFIANT mentioned herein, that he/she has read the foregoing "AFFIDAVIT OF RESCISSION AND REVOCATION" and has specific and personal knowledge of the facts and matter therein set forth and alleged and that each and all these facts and matters are true and correct, that he/she executed the same as his/her free will and deed.

_______________________________________ (seal) sui juris, non assumpsit All Rights Explicitly Reserved Without Prejudice c/o Non Domestic _______________________________________ ____________________________state republic Postal Zone [ ____________ ]

Personally known to me ____ or provided I.D. type ___________________________.

Witness my hand and seal.___________________________________ My Commission expires: _______________________________.

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Affidavit of Rescission and Revocation (cont.)


State of County of

_______________ ] _______________ ]

I, the undersigned Sovereign American Citizen, hereby put forth, declare, and affirm, that the original of the foregoing instrument was served by hand upon the Office of the Clerk of Court of _________________ County, State of __________________ to be filed as a matter of Public Record. In addition, a true copy of these originals are sent by certified/return receipt mail #_______________________________, to the Social Security Administration, Baltimore Maryland 21235, and to the District Director of Internal Revenue Service, _______________________________________________. Both placed in the United States Mail on this ______ day of ___________________, in the year of our Lord ______. 1. "DECLARATION OF STATUS REGARDING CITIZENSHIP OF THIS AFFIANT" 2. "AFFIDAVIT OF RESCISSION AND REVOCATION DUE TO FRAUD" CLERK OF COURT NOTICE: You are instructed to enter these documents into the Public Records for the benefit of the all party(s). This may be considered evidence and is not to be tampered with in any way, shape, form, or manner. CLERK OF COURT CAVEAT: CIVIL RIGHTS - Immunity: State officials sued in their individual capacities are "persons" subject to suits for damages under 42 USC 1983; Eleventh Amendment does not bar such suits in Federal Court. (Hafer vs. Melo, No. 90681, page 4001). In the event this document is not filed into the public record by this Office, a lawsuit shall be filed in U.S. District Court for violation of federal law and possibly State Court with respect to your nonperformance regarding your liability of public trust.

Signature ________________________________________________ Propria Persona, sui juris, non assumpsit, All Rights Reserved Mail Address: ________________________________ c/o Non-Domestic _________________________________ ___________________________, ____________________ state republic

Subscribed, sealed, and affirmed before me this _________day of _____________, in the year of our Lord _______ in the County of ________________________________. My commission expires : ________________________________ Signature: ___________________________________, Notary Public (seal)

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( Enter Your Name & Address )

DATE: _________________ CERTIFIED MAIL #: ___________________

( Enter Name and Address of Business to Send to ) RE: Request for new IRS Form W-4


This Notice is my response to your request for me to sign and submit a new Internal Revenue Service (IRS) "Form W-4 Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate" to permit the withholding of money from my earnings, by you, for the payment of federal income/excise tax. There are certain facts of which you should be aware in order to understand the law, and my position in this matter. I am submitting this letter to inform you of these facts. The United States courts of law have ruled very clearly that the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C.) applies to only those persons who are in the legal status of a "taxpayer" and that it does not apply to nontaxpayers. "Taxpayer" is a legal term that is defined in Section 7701(a)(14) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), which states: "The term 'taxpayer' means any person subject to any internal revenue tax." When an individual voluntarily files his first tax return, files his first W-4 form, or first pays an "income" tax, the IRS thereafter considers him/her to be a "taxpayer". As a "taxpayer", he is considered to have voluntarily waived his constitutionally secured rights and to have privileges only, in relation to the administration of the tax and the IRC, to which he is then considered to be subjected to. The change in status similar to when one voluntarily takes the oath to joining the military service and he thereby subjects himself to military law. A nontaxpayer, in respect to the IRC, is one who is not subject to any internal revenue tax and is therefore not subject to any provisions of the IRC nor to the jurisdiction of the IRS. This FACT is shown by the ruling in the case of Economy Plumbing and Heating vs. U.S., 470 F.2d 585, at 589 (1972) wherein the Court reaffirmed and quoted from the decision in the case of Long vs. Rasmussen, 281 F236, at 238 (1922) which stated: "The revenue laws are a code or system in regulation of tax assessments and collection. THEY RELATE TO TAXPAYERS, AND NOT TO NONTAXPAYERS. The latter are without their scope. NO PROCEDURE IS PRESCRIBED FOR NONTAXPAYERS, and NO ATTEMPT is made to ANNUL any of THEIR RIGHTS and remedies in due course of law. With them Congress does not assume to deal, and they are neither of the subject nor of the object of the revenue laws." (Emphasis added)

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NOTICE AND DEMAND - Regarding W-4 (cont.)

This letter is my Legal Notice to you of my legal status as a free individual sovereign Citizen, possessing all of my God-given, constitutionally protected and secured rights and freedoms, a nontaxpayer in respect to all federal income/excise taxes and the IRC. Further, I am not engaged in any revenue taxable activity. My status as a nontaxpayer is a matter of public record in the County of ____________________, State of __________________________USA. The Secretary of the Treasury, IRS, Social Security Administration (SSA), as well as numerous Congressmen and Senators have all been notified of this fact and have been sent a copy of Affidavits executed by me further establishing this fact, along with a copy of a cover letter relating to the Affidavits. A copy of these documents is included with this letter for the information of your company and your company's counsel. Neither the Secretary of the Treasury, the Commissioner of the SSA, the District Director of the IRS, nor any of their agents or counsels, have taken any exception to any of the statements in these Affidavits, nor have they ever made any claim that I am one who is in the legal status of a "taxpayer", or that I am subject to the provisions of the IRC. The certification line on the IRS form W-4, that your company requested me to sign and submit, states that the signer is one who is "entitled" (allowed or privileged) to make a "claim" for exemptions under the IRC for determining how the withholding of the signer's money is to be computed. Only those people who are in the legal status of a "taxpayer", in respect to the federal excise tax, are "entitled" to make an exemption claim to the IRS for exemptions under the IRC. As a nontaxpayer, in respect to the income/excise tax, I am not a person required to sign and submit an IRS form W-4, to give your company my permission to withhold any money from my earnings that are due me. Due to the wording of the statement, on the IRS form W-4 which is signed under penalty of perjury, I cannot sign it without making a false statement, because I am not one who is "entitled" to make a "claim" to the IRS under the IRC. Under federal law, in 28 USC 1746, a statement certified "under penalty of perjury" has the same force of law, for federal procedures, as a sworn oath or a notarized affidavit; thus, signing and certifying a false statement "under penalty of perjury" on the IRS form W-4, would be a felony. I positively refuse to commit such a violation of the law, simply to satisfy your desire for me to fill out a form! As a free individual sovereign Citizen, I have the constitutionally protected right not to be deprived of my property without "due process of law". A right protected and secured by the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution for the united States of America. "Due process of law" means having an opportunity for a lawful hearing in a court of competent jurisdiction to adjudicate the issues in controversy. No form letter, notice, directive or other document from a Internal Revenue Tax & Audit Services Inc. employee, or a government or agency employee, nor even a statute passed by Congress, can nullify my right to due process. An order from a court of competent jurisdiction, which is issued after a hearing to adjudicate the validity of a claim, is the only document that could give you lawful authority to take money from my earnings without my consent. Without such a court order, any withholding of money from my earnings, without my permission, would violate my right to due process and would make your company, and any of its involved employees, liable for both civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law.

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NOTICE AND DEMAND - Regarding W-4 (cont.)

Because of ignorance, and confusion about the law, in the minds of most employers, there are some important points of which you should be aware. Subsection 3402(f)(2)(a) of the IRC, which applies to withholding, states: " the employee shall furnish the employer with a signed withholding exemption certificate " (emphasis added) The statute does not state that an employee is required to furnish one. Subsections 3402 (a) and (b) also use the directory word "shall". Those sections state that employers "shall" deduct and withhold from employee's earnings. They do not state that employers are required to deduct and withhold. Unless there is a valid IRS form W-4 in force to give the employer permission to take an employee's money for taxes, THE EMPLOYER HAS NO AUTHORITY TO DEDUCT AND WITHHOLD ANY MONEY WHATSOEVER. Courts have repeatedly ruled that in statutes the word "shall" must be defined as meaning "may" if necessary to avoid constitutional conflicts. In the decision on Cairo & Fulton R.R. Co. vs. Hecht, 95 U.S. 170, the U.S. Supreme Court stated: "As against government the word 'shall' when used in statutes is to be construed as 'may', unless a contrary intention is manifest." And in the decision of George Williams College vs. Village of Williams Bay, 7 N.W. 2d 891, the Supreme Court of Wisconsin stated: "'Shall' in a statute may be construed to mean 'may' in order to avoid constitutional doubt." Further, in the decision of Gow vs. Consolidated Coppermines Corp., 165 A 136, the Court stated: "If necessary to avoid unconstitutionality of a statute, 'shall' will be deemed equivalent to 'may' " These decisions and others, very clearly show that in respect to me, the word "shall" must be defined as meaning "may" in 26 USC 3402. To interpret the words "shall deduct and withhold" as meaning that your company is "required to deduct and withhold" my money without my permission and without an order from a court of competent jurisdiction, would require your company to commit a violation of my right not to be deprived of my property without due process of law. This situation would prima facie, create a clear constitutional conflict, and would make the statute unconstitutional, according to the court decisions. Those in your company who determine policy should understand that as an individual possessing all of my constitutionally secured rights, I have the right not to be deprived of my property without due process of law. No statute can constitutionally require or authorize anyone to violate this right, thus the words "shall furnish the employer with a signed withholding exemption certificate" and "shall deduct and withhold" cannot be defined as statements of requirements, but must be interpreted as meaning "may furnish" and "may deduct and withhold".
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NOTICE AND DEMAND - Regarding W-4 (cont.)

The words, "Requirement of Withholding", are used as descriptive headings of subsections 3402 (a) and (b) of the IRC. These words are deceiving and confusing unless the reader understands that in IRC subsection 7806(b), it states: "No table of contents, table of cross references, or similar outline, analysis or descriptive material relating to the contents of this title shall be given any legal effect." (Emphasis added) Therefore, the descriptive headings which state, "Requirement of Withholding", legally create no requirement to withhold, but do create misunderstanding by employers who are not familiar with the provisions of the "coded" IRC. As further evidence that there is no requirement, for me, to file an IRS form W-4, notice the wording in the instructions that is attached to the blank form. Nowhere in the instructions does it say that anyone is "required" to file the form; instead, it repeatedly uses the word "must" in relation to filing. If employees were required to file the IRS form W-4, the word "required" would be used in the instructions to eliminate confusion and any question as to whether or not filing is required. In the definition of word "must" in the 5th Edition of Black's Law Dictionary, which the legal profession uses, it states: " it is often used in a merely directory sense, and consequently is a synonym for the word 'may' not only in the permissive sense of that word, but also in the mandatory sense which it sometimes has." - Black's Law Dictionary According to this definition, it is clear that the word "must" does not mean "required" by law, but the word "must" is used to deceive employees into believing that they are required by law to sign and submit W-4 forms to their employers. The IRS deceives and intimidates, ignorant or uninformed employers, into unauthorized withholding by citing IRC section 3403, which scares them into submission. Section 3403 states: "The employer shall be liable for the payment of tax required to be deducted and withheld under this chapter" NOTE: Without an employee's consent to withhold, there can be no "tax required to be deducted and withheld", so there can be no liability on the employer for not withholding. No law can constitutionally require an employer to deprive an employee of his property without due process of law. The enclosed copy of the Affidavits is directed to you for your attention. I suggest that you, your personnel, and counsel read them carefully. These documents are of the utmost importance, as it revokes and rescinds all my signatures on any W-4 forms ever signed by me, rendering them null and void. This specifically applies to any IRS forms in your possession, which I have previously signed. AS OF THIS DATE, YOUR COMPANY NO LONGER HAS MY PERMISSION TO DEDUCT ANY MONEY FROM MY EARNINGS. I DEMAND TO RECEIVE MY
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NOTICE AND DEMAND - Regarding W-4 (cont.)

FULL PAY AT ALL TIMES WITH NO DEDUCTIONS FOR ANY FEDERAL OR STATE TAX, AND NO DEDUCTIONS OF THE FLAT RATE FEDERAL INCOME/EXCISE TAX (social security), deceptively called F.I.C.A. (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) TAX. Please note that according to the Court's statements in the Economy Plumbing decision (supra), no procedures are available to a nontaxpayer under the IRC, thus a nontaxpayer has no standing to make a claim for a refund. As evidence of this, see the decision on the case of Morse vs. U.S. 494 F.2d 876 (1974) wherein the IRS denied a claim for refund on the grounds that the claimant allegedly was not in the legal status of a "taxpayer". Therefore, as a nontaxpayer, I have no legal standing under the IRC to make a claim to the IRS for a refund of monies paid in my name by your company. So, please do not try to lead me to believe that I can get my money back from the IRS by filing a claim for a refund. MY REMEDY WOULD BE TO SUE YOUR COMPANY FOR CONVERSION OF FUNDS, and believe me, I and others whom I do not care to name, would not hesitate to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. If it is the position of this company, that it has the authority to withhold funds from my earnings without my permission, I demand that your legal counsel, or company representative on company letterhead, notify me IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING of the statute, regulation, directive or other basis you rely on to take the position that it gives you the authority to override my constitutionally protected and secured right not to be deprived of my property without due process of law as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution for the united States of America. You have 10 days to comply with this Notice and Demand. In the event that I should be discharged from my employment with the company, as a direct or indirect result of exercising my constitutionally secured and protected right to demand full payment of my earned property, such discharge will involve the company and its personnel in violation of my civil rights as protected by federal and state laws and create violations of 42 U.S.C. 1983, 1986, and 18 U.S.C. 241, 242 which provide for both civil and criminal penalties, not to mention actual, compensatory and punitive damages, and will be prosecuted as such to the fullest extent of the law. I am sending this information to you in hopes of preventing a violation of my rights as a result of ignorance of the applicable law. It is my desire and intention to maintain friendly relations and cooperation with the company and its personnel. However, since the company and its personnel are hereby put on legal notice, as to the pertinent points of law applicable to my situation, I will consider any action by the company and/or its personnel depriving me of my property without due process of law, to be a willful knowing violation of my rights and a malicious act. In case of such unlawful action, it is my intention to initiate legal action against the company, and any involved personnel, for compensatory and punitive damages, and attorney fees, and for criminal penalties as provided by law. Sincerely, _________________________________ All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice
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( Enter Your Name & Address )

DATE: _________________ CERTIFIED MAIL #: ___________________ RE: IRS Withholding Form W-9

( Enter Name and Address of Business to Send to )


Gentlemen, Your company's request for me to sign and return an IRS form W-9 was recently received. In the request, I was told that I "must sign and return" said form. This is to inform your company that I cannot comply with your request to sign the "W-9" form, without making a false statement, which I refuse to do. The form refers to a "taxpayer identification number", and I, not being one who is in the legal status of a "taxpayer", as that term is used and defined in the "Internal Revenue Code" (IRC), therefore cannot submit any such number as I have no such number. If the word "must", as used in your request, is intended to mean that I am required by law to sign and return the form, you are in error as to your understanding of the applicable law. It is my belief that your legal counsel, who must have reviewed it, understands that such action is not required by law, otherwise I would have received a written notice stating that I am required to sign and return the form, along with a "Privacy Act Notice" and a "Paperwork Reduction Act Notice". Furthermore, the title of the "W-9" form "Payers Request for Taxpayer Identification Number" clearly indicates that it conveys a request, not a requirement. In reference to a sheet titled "INSTRUCTIONS", that usually accompanies the aforesaid form, it makes reference to Section 3406 (a)(1)(c) of the IR Code. In 3406 (a) bearing the subheading "(a) Requirement to Deduct and Withhold", it states that if certain conditions exist, such as set forth in 3406 (a)(1)(c), "then the payor shall deduct and withhold from such payment a tax equal to 20 per cent of such payment." The subsection does not state that the payor is required to deduct and withhold, only that the payor "shall deduct and withhold." Courts have repeatedly ruled that in statutes, the word "shall" must be defined as meaning "may", if necessary to avoid constitutional conflicts. The U.S. Supreme Court has stated: "As against the government the word 'shall' when used in statutes, is to be construed as 'may', unless a contrary intention is manifest.", -- Cairo & Fulton R.R. Co. vs. Hecht, 95 U.S. 170. "'Shall' in a statute may be construed as to mean 'may' in order to avoid constitutional doubt.", -- George Williams College vs. Village of Williams Bay, 7 N.W. 2d 891.
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"If necessary to avoid constitutionality of a statute, 'shall' will be deemed equivalent to 'may'...", Gow vs. Consolidated Coppermines Corp., 165 A. 136.

These decisions and others quite clearly show that the word "shall" must be defined as meaning "may" in IRC Sect. 3406. Because to interpret the words "shall deduct and withhold" as meaning that payors are required to deduct and withhold part of the money due to any stockholder, bank savings account recipient, parties to a real estate settlement, or any other lawful contractual purposes, without an order from a court of competent jurisdiction would require you, or any other company, to commit a violation of the recipient's right not to be deprived of his property without due process of law. This situation would, prima facie, create a clear constitutional conflict and would make the statute unconstitutional. If those in your company who determine policy, can understand, that as an individual possessing all of my God-given, constitutionally secured and protected rights and freedoms, including my right not to be deprived of my property without due process of law, as protected by the 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights for the Constitution of the united States of America, no statute can constitutionally require anyone to violate that right, thus the word "shall" must be interpreted as meaning "may" in the IRC. Due process of law, does not mean some form letter or words from an employee of some quasi, de facto, administrative agency such as the so called "IRS", or a government or agency employee, or wannabe. Because even a statute passed by Congress can not nullify my right to due process. Due process means after one has had an opportunity for a proper hearing and adjudication in a court of competent jurisdiction to rule on issues of law relating to the question at issue. In case your company is confused as to the significance of the title of 3406 (a) which states: "Requirement to Deduct and Withhold", I suggest that they read section 7806(b) of the IRC which states: "no table of contents, table of cross reference, or similar outline, analysis or descriptive manner relating to the contents of this title, be given any legal effect." (emphasis added) Therefore, the descriptive manner in the form of the subtitle: "Requirement to Deduct and Withhold", has no legal effect. There is a major point on which your personnel might be confused. Most people mistakenly assume that the IRC imposes a tax on individuals. Careful reading of Subtitle A, the part of the Code relating to income (excise) tax, will show that there is no section imposing a liability on any individual for payment of the tax on income. Therefore, by the IRC, individuals per se, do not meet the definition of the legal term "taxpayer", as defined in sect. 7701(a)(14) to wit: "The term 'taxpayer' means any person subject to any internal revenue tax."

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My status as a nontaxpayer in respect to IRC is established as a fact at law and is on file as a matter of public records. Neither the de facto, corpora ficta entity known as the "Internal Revenue Tax and Audit Services Inc.", the Secretary of the Treasury, the Commissioner of the SSA, nor any of their agents or counsels, have taken any exception to any of the statements in those documents, nor have they ever made any claim that I am one who is in the legal status of a "taxpayer", as that term is used and defined by the U.S. Supreme Court or the IRC, or that I am subject to the provisions of the IRC. Furthermore, Section 3406 (a)(1)(c) mentioned above, is not applicable to me, as I am not in the legal status of a "taxpayer". I am, in fact, a nontaxpayer in respect to the IRC and as defined by U.S. Supreme Court. As a nontaxpayer, neither am I subject to anything in the IRC. As evidence of the accuracy of this statement, I call your attention to the following decision: "The revenue laws are a code or system in regulation of tax assessments and collection. They relate to taxpayers, and not to nontaxpayers. The latter are without their scope. No procedure is prescribed for nontaxpayers, and no attempt is made to annul their rights and remedies in due course of law. With them Congress does not assume to deal, and they are neither of the subject nor of the object of the revenue laws.", - Economy Plumbing and Heating vs. U.S., 470 F. 2d 585, 589 (1972); reaffirmed and quoted from, Long vs. Rasmussen, 281 F. 236, (1922). The implication of the material your company sent to me is that your company will deduct and withhold a certain percentage of my money, earned and due me, and held in trust by you. I cannot and will not consent to that. I have tried to explain the basic points of general misunderstanding by companies in this regard. I hope that your company understands that it has no authority to withhold my money due me without my consent or a court order, from a court of competent jurisdiction. This letter is to give your company Legal Notice of my legal status and of the fact that I am not authorizing, and never have authorized, your company to withhold any money from funds due me. I Demand full payment of all interest, dividends, commissions, etc. declared without any deductions or withholding from them. If it is the policy or intention of this company or any of its personnel to withhold money from payments due me, please inform me, in writing, of such a policy or intention and the grounds on which your company and/or its personnel rely as justification for depriving me of my property, rights or rights to property without due process of law. Again I remind you that one must be in the legal status of a "taxpayer" as defined in IRC in order to be subject to the tax or subject to withholding. Please note, that according to the Court's statements in the Economy Plumbing decision (supra), no procedures are available to a nontaxpayer under the IRC, thus a nontaxpayer has no standing to make a claim for a refund. As evidence of this, see the decision on the case of Morse vs. U.S. 494 F.2d 876 (1974) wherein the IRS denied a claim for refund on the grounds that the claimant allegedly was not in the legal status of a "taxpayer". Therefore, as a nontaxpayer, I have no legal standing under the IRC to make a claim to the IRS for a refund of monies paid in my name by your company. So, please do not try to lead me to believe that I can get my money back from the IRS by filing a claim for a refund. MY REMEDY WOULD BE TO SUE YOUR COMPANY FOR CONVERSION OF FUNDS, and believe me, I and others whom I do not care to name, would not hesitate to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
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If it is the position of this company, that it has the authority to withhold funds from my earnings without my permission, I demand that your legal counsel, or company representative on company letterhead, notify me IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING of the statute, regulation, directive or other basis you rely on to take the position that it gives you the authority to override my constitutionally protected and secured right not to be deprived of my property without due process of law as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution for the united States of America. It is my intention to avoid litigation by putting your company and its personnel on prior legal notice as to the facts and the law that is applicable in this situation. Please notify me in writing of your company's position as to whether or not it intends to recognize and honor my rights by making full payment of all interest, dividends, commissions, etc. without any deductions or withholding of money from them. If my rights are to be violated, I can take no other position than that your company is acting with willful disregard of my rights, and is a willful act performed with malice, thus creating violations of statutes providing for criminal penalties as well as civil penalties and creating grounds for compensatory and punitive damages. Sincerely,

_________________________________ All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

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( Enter Your Name & Address )

DATE: _________________ CERTIFIED MAIL #: ___________________ RE: IRS "NOTICE OF LEVY"

( Enter Name and Address of Business to Send to )


Gentlemen, According to the recent correspondence to me, from you (this company), you have received an executed copy of an IRS "Notice of Levy" form. It is apparent that this form was sent to you in error, for the purpose of deceiving and inducing you to voluntarily deprive me of my property without due process of law, and to give my property over to the IRS. Due to the many misconceptions, misunderstandings, and ignorance about the lack of legal force of a "Notice of Levy" form, I am writing to you to call your attention to certain facts, and law, pertaining to the form and to my circumstances. This letter is Legal Notice of my status as a free individual sovereign Citizen, possessing all of my God-given, constitutionally protected and secured rights and freedoms, a nontaxpayer in respect to all federal income/excise taxes and the IRC. Further, I am not engaged in any revenue taxable activity. My status as a nontaxpayer is a Fact at Law, and a matter of public record. The Secretary of the Treasury, IRS, Social Security Administration (SSA), as well as numerous Congressmen and Senators have all been notified of this fact and have been sent a copy of Affidavits executed by me further establishing this fact, along with a copy of a cover letter relating to the Affidavits. A copy of these documents is included with this letter for the information of your company and your company's counsel. Neither the Secretary of the Treasury, the Commissioner of the SSA, the District Director of the IRS, nor any of their agents or counsels, have taken any exception to any of the statements in these Affidavits, nor have they ever made any claim that I am one who is in the legal status of a "taxpayer", or that I am subject to the provisions of the IRC. The enclosed copy of the Affidavits is directed to you for your attention. I suggest that you, your personnel, and counsel read them carefully. These documents are of the utmost importance, as it revokes and rescinds all my signatures on any W-4 forms ever signed by me, rendering them null and void. This specifically applies to any IRS forms in your possession, which I have previously signed. AS OF THIS DATE, YOUR COMPANY NO LONGER HAS MY PERMISSION TO DEDUCT ANY MONEY FROM MY EARNINGS. I DEMAND TO RECEIVE MY FULL PAY AT ALL TIMES WITH NO DEDUCTIONS FOR ANY FEDERAL OR STATE TAX, AND NO DEDUCTIONS OF THE FLAT RATE FEDERAL INCOME/ EXCISE TAX (social security), deceptively called FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) TAX.
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NOTICE AND DEMAND RE: "Notice of Levy" (cont.)

If it is the position of this company, that it has the authority to withhold funds from my earnings without my permission, I demand that your legal counsel, or company representative on company letterhead, notify me IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING of the statute, regulation, directive or other basis you rely on to take the position that it gives you the authority to override my constitutionally protected and secured right not to be deprived of my property without due process of law as guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment of the Bill of Rights to the Constitution for the united States of America. You have 10 days to comply with this Notice and Demand. In the event that I should be discharged from my employment with the company, as a direct or indirect result of exercising my constitutionally secured and protected right to demand full payment of my earned property, such discharge will involve the company and its personnel in violation of my civil rights as protected by federal and state laws and create violations of 42 U.S.C. 1983, 1986, and 18 U.S.C. 241, 242 which provide for both civil and criminal penalties, not to mention actual, compensatory and punitive damages, and will be prosecuted as such to the fullest extent of the law. As a free individual sovereign Citizen possessing all of my constitutionally protected and secured rights and freedoms, including the right not to be deprived of my property without due process of law, I'm not in the legal status of a "taxpayer" as that legal term is used and defined in the IRC. As such, I am a nontaxpayer in relation to the IRC and according to court decisions, no provisions in the IRC, nor IRS forms, and no IRS directives or form letters apply to me. To help you understand these facts, I call your attention to the ruling in the case of Economy Plumbing and Heating vs. U.S., 470 F.2d 585, at 589 (1972) wherein the Court reaffirmed and quoted from the decision in the case of Long vs. Rasmussen, 281 F236, at 238 (1922) which stated: "The revenue laws are a code or system in regulation of tax assessments and collection. THEY RELATE TO TAXPAYERS, AND NOT TO NONTAXPAYERS. The latter are without their scope. NO PROCEDURE IS PRESCRIBED FOR NONTAXPAYERS, and NO ATTEMPT is made to ANNUL any of THEIR RIGHTS and remedies in due course of law. With them Congress does not assume to deal, and they are neither of the subject nor of the object of the revenue laws." (Emphasis added) If you will read the body of the printed message and other statements on the "Notice of Levy" form that you received from the IRS, you will see that the form, and its message, applies to a "taxpayer" only. It does not apply to any other entity. In order to understand the significance of the legal term "taxpayer", one must understand its definition for use in the IRC, which is found in Section 7701(a)(14), to wit: "The term 'taxpayer' means any person subject to any internal revenue tax." As stated above, I am not one who is in the legal status of a "taxpayer" as defined and used in the IRC. This fact is further explained in the enclosed affidavit titled, "AFFIDAVIT OF RESCISSION AND REVOCATION DUE TO CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD", which I again call to your attention. Although the IRC and its provisions do not apply to me in my legal status as a nontaxpayer in respect to the "Code", I am submitting the following information to you to help
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NOTICE AND DEMAND RE: "Notice of Levy" (cont.)

you to better understand the fraudulent nature of the IRS's demand that you give my money to them, and the deception that is practiced by sending a "Notice of Levy" form to an employer, even when it relates to one who is in the legal status of a "taxpayer", in respect to the IRC! The proper use, of the "Notice of Levy" form, is to notify the owner of property seized by the United States government, that a claim has been placed against the property for payment of a lien for a unpaid tax assessment. The sending of a "Notice of Levy" form does not create or impose any lien on the property. If the IRS claims that a lien exists, IRC Sec. 7403(a) provides that an action must be filed in a U.S. District Court in order to enforce the claim of lien. Section 7403(b) requires that all persons having an interest in the property must be notified of the action. Needless to say, I have never been notified of any court action to rule on any IRS claim of lien Have You? Without court action, there can be no court order pertaining to any lien or claim against my property, even if I was in the legal status of a "taxpayer"! Imagine that! " Levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, " its agencies etc. IRC Section 6331(a) Note: They leave this [subparagraph (a)] off the "Notice" they send you. Also note, that I am not a employee of the United States government or any of its agencies or instrumentality's, ad nauseum. So, it should be clear that, according to those provisions of Section 6331, no authority is created for the Secretary to collect any tax by a so called "levy" on MY property (wages, salary, rents, dividends, interest, commissions, etc.), or rights to property, even if I were in the legal status of a "taxpayer"! " Except as otherwise provided in subsection (e), a levy shall extend only to property possessed and obligations existing at the time thereof." IRC Section 6331(b) This clearly limits property subject to "levy" to that which is in the possession of the United States government, its agencies, etc., such as payroll money to be paid out to government employees as quoted from Sec. 6331(a) mentioned above. "The effect of levy on salary or wages payable to or received by a taxpayer shall be continuous " IRC Section 6331(e) (emphasis added) These words prove that one must be in the legal status of a "taxpayer" as defined in the IRC in order to have salary or wages that could be affected by a "levy". Again, I remind you, that I am not in the legal status of a "taxpayer". Therefore, according to the wording of the statute itself, it does not even apply to me. As further evidence of the fraudulent nature of the "Notice of Levy" form sent to you, I call your attention to IRC Section 6502(b), to wit: "The date on which a levy on property or rights to property is made shall be the date on which the notice of seizure provided in section 6335(a) is given." (emphasis added) I have received no notice of seizure because there has been no seizure. DUH!!! Without a seizure, there can be no legitimate notice of seizure and without a notice of seizure,
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NOTICE AND DEMAND RE: "Notice of Levy" (cont.)

there can be no levy. Since there has been no levy, there can be no legitimate "Notice of Levy" sent. In any case, if there had been a levy, the notice would be sent to the owner of the property possessed by government, and not to his/her employer. It should be apparent to you now, that the "Notice of Levy" form was sent to you for the purpose of deceiving and intimidating you into giving my property to the IRS without a court order, thereby causing YOU to VIOLATE my due process of law rights! These facts alone should make it clear the fraudulent nature of the form and the deceptive intent of the one sending the form to you - my employer. And note here an now that you are being made aware by this NOTICE AND DEMAND, of this FRAUD, and should you continue along with the IRS, will be considered a wanton and malicious act of CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT FRAUD. In case any of your company personnel are confused about the possibility of the IRS having the authority to seize my earnings, I call your attention to IRC Section 7608(b)(2)(c) which, allegedly, authorizes a IRS employee "to make seizures of property subject to forfeiture under the internal revenue laws." Note that it must be, property subject to forfeiture, in order to be subject to seizure. Note that property subject to forfeiture is defined in Sections 7301, 7302 and 7303. Section 7301 defines it as: "Any property on which any tax is imposed by this title" (such as distilled spirits, tobacco products, etc.) raw materials from which such property is made (mash, sugar, etc. from which whiskey is made), equipment and facilities used to make the product (a still, pumps, buildings, etc.) packages (cigarette packs, barrels, boxes, etc.), conveyances transporting the property (cars, trucks, etc. used to haul it). Sec. 7202 defines it as property used in violation of internal revenue laws. In addition, Sec. 7303 lists counterfeit stamps, fraudulent bonds, permits, etc. as being "property subject to forfeiture" also. My earnings do not meet any of the definitions of property subject to forfeiture, therefore, they are not property subject to seizure, regardless of any IRS form that might be served on or sent to you by the IRS. In hopes of preventing your company from making a mistake that would subject it to loss and damages, I call your attention to IRC 6332(a), to wit: " any person in possession of property subject to levy upon which a levy has been made shall upon demand of the Secretary, surrender such property to the Secretary" (emphasis added) Note that the statute does not say that any person is "required" to surrender property, it reads "shall surrender". "Shall" is not a mandatory word when used in statutes, according to numerous court decisions. Furthermore, the directory words "shall surrender" apply to "property upon which a levy has been made" (property already possessed by the U.S. government) ONLY. It should now be absolutely clear to anyone, checking the sections of the IRC that I have mentioned, that there has been no levy made on my property. Therefore, Sec. 6332(a) does not even direct anyone to surrender my property to the IRS. Employers are sometimes bluffed into voluntarily surrendering property to IRS employees who cite Sec. 6332(c(1) & (2) which relate to enforcement of a levy. These sections relate to property of a "taxpayer" that is "subject to levy". As a nontaxpayer, these sections cannot apply to me or my property or rights to property. Furthermore, only property "upon which a levy has been made" (property possessed by the U.S. government) is subject to surrender as provided by Sec. 6332(a). Any enforcement provisions under Sec. 6332(c) are limited to the
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NOTICE AND DEMAND RE: "Notice of Levy" (cont.)

surrender provisions under subsection (a) which apply to "property upon which a levy has been made", only. Thus, the enforcement provisions are limited to those persons having custody of property already possessed by the U.S. government and its instrumentality's. An example of such a person is a custodian of seized property in a government warehouse. Another deception that is sometimes practiced by the IRS to induce companies to voluntarily surrender property to the IRS, is by leading company personnel to believe that they, and therefore the company, are protected against lawsuit by the IRC, if property is voluntarily surrendered. This deception is perpetrated by IRS employees deliberately misinterpreting Sec. 6332(d) which provides protection from lawsuit resulting from surrender of property upon which a levy has been made (i.e. seized property surrendered to the IRS by the custodian of a government warehouse). If property upon which a levy has not been made is surrendered, there is no protection whatsoever against lawsuits, because it is being done outside of the law. In addition, the limited protection against lawsuit applies against damage claims of a "taxpayer" only. There is no protection against damage claims of a free individual sovereign Citizen (a nontaxpayer in respect to the IRC). If Section 6332(d) is read and studied, it should be apparent that the statute affords no protection whatsoever to you, against any legal action that I might take against your company or its personnel, as a result of any unlawful action depriving me of my property without due process of law. Without an order from a court of competent jurisdiction, there can be no compulsion for your company to surrender my property to the IRS!!! I am sending this information to you in hopes of preventing a violation of my rights as a result of ignorance of the applicable law. It is my desire and intention to maintain friendly relations and cooperation with the company and its personnel. However, since the company and its personnel are hereby put on legal notice, as to the pertinent points of law applicable to my situation, I will consider any action by the company and/or its personnel depriving me of my property without due process of law, to be a willful knowing violation of my rights and a malicious act. In case of such unlawful action, it is my intention to initiate legal action against the company, and any involved personnel, for compensatory and punitive damages, and attorney fees, and for criminal penalties as provided by law. Sincerely,

_________________________________ All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

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