API RP 2a-Wsd Draft Section 17
API RP 2a-Wsd Draft Section 17
API RP 2a-Wsd Draft Section 17
December 1994
Platform 'A' is located in the East Cameron block of the Gulf of Mexico. The following are the salient features of the platform. Water Depth No. of Legs & Batter No. of Piles Type of Platform Brace Type in Vertical Frames Cellar Deck Elevation No. of Wells Year Designed Year Installed Miscellaneous
103 ft. 4, 1:7.5 batter on all legs in both directions 4 grouted main piles Production with quarters, manned and evacuated during storm K Braces 52.00 ft. 10 (9 original + 1 external well added) 1964 1964 in 150 ft. water depth, moved to present location in 1969 One conductor runs through the center of the platform enclosed by a casing. The casing is connected to the jacket leg joints by vertical diagonal members. 36"@,230 ft. penetration Two numbers One full size
The soil boring at the locations was performed and was used for assessment. The last inspection of the platform was done in 1993. Most of the anodes were found to be depleted and steel loss on the members were measured.
s a:
PART A: A. 1
PLATFORM ASSESSMENT PLATFORM SELECTION: The platform should undergo if one of the conditions noted below exists: A. Addition of Personnel: The manning condition has not changed. Hence, this condition is not satisfied. Addition of Facilities: No significant addition of facilities relative to the original operational loads have been made. Hence, this condition is not satisfied. Increased Loading on Structure: The addition of one well has not increased the loading by more than 10% beyond the original design loads using the original design criteria: Hence, the increase in load is not significant and this condition is not satisfied. Inadequate Deck Height: The minimum deck height required from Fig. 17.6.2-3b for the platform is 38 ft. Since the cellar deck height is 52 ft., inadequate deck height criteria is not satisfied. Damage Found During Inspection: The last inspection showed damage in the form of excessive corrosion occurred and a dent was found in one of the horizontal members. The structural integrity of the platform due to the dent was evaluated and found to be not compromised. Since the material loss due to corrosion was considered as significant damage, it is concluded that the platform has to undergo the assessment process.
The damage found on Platform 'A' during inspection was used as a trigger for assessment process.
CONDITION ASSESSMENT: The condition of the platform was assessed by performing annual Level 1 topside survey and conducting a Level IV underwater survey of the platform. The topsides platform drawings have been verified and the facilities arrangement and configurations information collected.
As described earlier, the underwater inspection showed excessive corrosion damage and a dent in one of the members. No fatigue cracks were detected at any joint. The soil boring log at the platform site performed in 1969 was used
categorized as manned, evacuated with insignificant environmental damage. Since the platform has significant corrosion damage and also has been designed prior to 9th Edition of RP2A (1977), a detailed assessment is required.
DESIGN BASIS CHECK: ANALYSIS CHECKS: For the JIP, both the design level and ultimate strength analysis were performed, although it was not mandatory to
The design level wave, current and wind were applied to the platform in eight different directions 4S0 apart. Wave kinematic factor and current blockage factor were considered in the analysis. The following sudden hurricane metocean criteria was used for the design level analysis: Wave Height
42 ft. (Fig. 17.6.2-3A) (Omni-directional unless it was found greater than ultimate analysis wave height for certain directions) 11.3 secs. (Table 1.20 k n o t s ( O m n i directional unless greater than ultimate analysis current for certain directions) 3.5 ft. (Fig. 17.62-3A)
Storm Tide
Wind Speed (1 hr. @ 10n1) Marine Growth Minimum Deck Height Required
The bottom of the cellar deck beams is at 50'-3". Since minimum deck height required is satisfied, it is not mandatory to perform ultimate strength analysis. The results from the analysis are summarized below: Maximum Base Shear (wave direction) Maximum Overturning Moment (wave direction) Maximum Compressive Pile Load (wave direction) Safety Factor on Pile Compression Capacity Maximum Tensile Pile Load (wave direction) 1351 kips (90) 98500 ft.-kips (90) 1346 kips (45 O )
Various internal vertical diagonal members connecting the jacket leg joints to the central conductor casing were overstressed. This was mainly due to the large KL/r values for these members. A plot of members with unity check greater than 0.85 are shown in Figures 13. The platform does not have any joint cans and hence, a lot of joints were found to have punching shear overstress. These joints were mainly the K-brace joints on the jacket horizontal members and the joints on the internal conductor casing member. Since various primary members and joints overstress were detected in the platform by performing the design level analysis, it was concluded that the platform does not pass the design level analysis. An ultimate strength analysis was then performed as described below.
incll~ded ten conductors. The reduced thickness of members due all to corrosion were modelled in the analysis. Wave kinematic factor and current blockage was considered for the analysis. USFOS program was used for the analysis. The ultimate level wave, current and wind were applied to the platform in 90 direction with respect to platform north. Based on preliminary analysis, the 90 waves, current and wind were found to produce the minimum ultimate strength after taking the wave and current directionality factor and the loadings on the platform into account. The following metocean criteria was used for the ultimate strength analysis: Wave Height Wave Period Current Speed Storm Tide Wind Speed (1 hr. @ 10m) Marine Growth
49.88 ft. (Fig. 17-6-2-3A and Fig. 17.6.2-4)' 12.5 sec. (Table 17.6.2-1) 1.80 knots (Table 17.6.2-1 and Fig. 17.6.2-4) 3.5 ft. (Fig. 17.6.2-3A)
Two sets of ultimate strength analyses were performed. In one analysis, the joint strength was assumed to be infinite and only member failures were allowed. In the other analysis, joint ultimate capacities and member failures were both considered. Equations 4.3.1 -4A and 4.3.1 -46 from API RP2A with the safety factor removed were used to calculate the ultimate joint capacities. It should be noted that the ultimate strength analysis was performed overseas in June, 1993 before the JIP started and all the results required for JIP are not available. Providing all the results in the format required by JIP would require rerunning the analysis. The cost for re-running the analysis could not be justified. However, all the important results are included in this report. t The load deflection p l ~ from the analysis without considering the joint strength is shown in Figwe 4 and for the analysis which also considered the joint capacities in Figure 5. As shown, the RSR value is doubled when the joint strength is not considered. This tendency could be generalized in most of the old platforms with no joint cans.
The failure of .the platform when joint strengths were not considered was initiated by the buckling of the vertical face diagonal member in Row 2 between EL(-)23'-0" and EL(-)63'-0". It should be noted that in USFOS program the buckling strength is not based on KL/r value, but the buckling phenomenon is implicit in the energy formulation. This results in less conservative buckling strength than the conventional design using KL/r values. In the analysis involving joint capacities check the collapse of the platform was due to the K-joints at EL(-)63'-0" and EL(-)103'-0" in Rows 1 and 2. These joints are yielded much before the load peak. Since the ultimate lateral load capacity of the platform is less than the ultimate strength level load when the joint capacities are included in the analysis, it was concluded that the platform does hot pass assessment. This conclusion would be true even if corrosion damage on the platform is neglected. The platform, however, passes assessment when only member strength is considered.
A.6 MITIGATION ALTERNATIVES: Because the platform does not pas
assessment and the platform is still producing the following mitigation steps would be taken: 1) 2) 3)
Strengthen the K-joints either by adding pup pieces or grouting the joint. Replace depleted anodes. Reduce the load on the platform by removing some of the non-producing wells or cut below the wave zone.
triggered by corrosion damage found during inspection. The platform was categorized as manned, evacuated with insignificant environmental damage. The platform does not pass the design level analysis. An ultimate strength analysis showed the platform has adequate capacity if joint failures are ignored. However, with joint strength taken into consideration, the platform's ultimate capacity is found to be below the ultimate strength analysis level load and the reference level load (RP-2A, 20th Edition). Thus, the platform passes the assessment process if joint strengths are not considered and does not pass assessment if joint failures are considered.
Ultimate Strength Analysis Level Load Load level at which first component reaches yield Reference level load ( ,, S) Ultimate Capacity ( , R) Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR) (Ru/Sref) Platform Failure Mode
2197 kips 2212 kips 2390 kips 2614 kips 1.094 Jacket face diagonal
Sref(~oo year.
20th d.)
:I :
g 1600
0 Q 0
f Q
( 0
/ 1
20 25
Lateral Displacement at Top of Jacket (Inches) Figure 4: Load Defelction Plot without Considering Joint Capacities
Llltimate Strength Analysis Level Load Reference level load (S,,,) Llltimate Capacity ( , R) Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR) (R,/S,,) Platform Failure Mode
Lateral Displacement at Top of Jacket (Inches) Figure 5: Load Deflection Plot with Joint Capacities Considered
The only condition that triggers assessment for Platform 'A' is member degradation due to corrosion. If there was no corrosion damage on the platform, we didn't have to go through the assessment process. But as it turns out the platform does not pass assessment when all the analysis checks are made even when the platform damage is neglected. This probably will be true for many old platforms designed prior to 1970. Most of these old platforms were designed for 25 year storm with no loads due to current used in the design and did not have joint cans. It is our opinion that another trigger to perform assessment should be introduced for platforms designed prior to 1970 (Section 17.2). All the triggers to perform assessment should be included in the flow chart of Figure 17.5.2 to make it more complete.
Participants' Submittals
December 1994
1. Platform Information Platform B (PLT-B) is currently owned and operated by Trial Participant B. It was originally installed in 1971. PLT-B is located 79 miles off the coast of Louisiana (92" - 38' W and 28" - 25' N), and is oriented N 10" E. PLT-B is a four pile, ungrouted, drilling platform in 182 feet of water. There are two decks (T.O.S. elev. 48', 64'), five wells, and ten conductors. The platform has quarters for a crew of 32, and is bridge connected to a production platform.
An API RP2A level 2 inspection was made on PLT-B in June, '93 by Martech Lnternational. One member had a small amount of fretting due to a wire cable (which has since been cut). This minor damage will be ignored in the assessment process. Also found during the inspection was that ten feet of debris has been accumulated on the sea floor beneath the jacket The debris is most likely drill cutting. This debris neither adds stiffness nor load and will therefore be ignored. No scour was found on the pileheads.
Framing of PLT-B consists mainly of K-braced bays. PLT-B is apparently a modification of an existing jacketed by adding an additional 20 feet to the bottom bay. The Leg diameter is 46 inches. Platform sketches are given in appendix A of this section.
A soil boring was taken in September, '7 1 in the same lease block to a penetration of 396.5 feet. The soil boring is located at Lambert coordinates of x=1,583,650 and y=-87,669, at a distance of approximately 138 feet from PLT-B. Undrained shear strength of 2 114" diameter samples were obtained using miniature vane (MV) tests, and an unconfined compression (UC) tests. In interpreting the shear strength profile the soil = boring contractor modified the measured shear strength as follows: Su(design) Minimum of SU(,,) and 1.2 X the average of Su(,,) and Su(,,). This calculation is done in order to mimic undrained shear strength using 3" push samples (Section C17.4.3). Soil strength parameters are given in appendix B of this section.
The piles are 42" O.D. with wall thickness varying from 1" to 2". Pile penetration for PLT-B is 255'. The design ultimate axial capacity are 7600 and 7200 kips in compression and tension.
Table of Member Sizes for Pladom B (excluding can sizes) Legs / Diagonals I Mix. Members Group Size Size Group LG2 24 x 0.437 45 x 0.625 H1 LG3 45 x 0.625 H1A 24 x 0.437 LG4 HZ 44.75 x 0.5 24 x 0.372
x 1.125
1 W07
( W 3 0 x 172
( 18
x 0.375
( 0 2
( 12 3 1 4 ~ 0 . 4 3 8(
pt?o?Et?T~E< FoQ
A. 1 Platform Selection PLT-B does NOT need assessment according to Draft Section 17.2 (April 4, 1994 version). There has been no 'Addition of Personnel', 'Addition of Facilities', 'Increased Loading on the Structure', or 'Significant Damage found on the Structure'. A.2 Condition Assessment There has been no change in the usage of the platform since its installation. There has been no significant physical changes to the structure. The most recent inspection was an API RP2A Level 2 survey made in June, '93. No indication of fatigue or corrosion-was discovered during the survey. A.3 Categorization According to Draft Section 17, PLT-B is classified as a Manned-Evacuated structure with Insignificant Environmental Impact. There is no oil storage tanks on board. There are two 142 barrel storage tanks with drilling fluid for the workover rig. This capacity represents a low environmental impact for a structure 79 miles off the coast A.4 Design Basis Checks The underside of the cellar deck is 46 feet above MWL, which is above the minimum deck height required for a design basis check. However, the structure was designed prior to the 9th edition and for this reason PLT-B does not pass assessment by design basis check.
A 5 Analysis Checks A.5.1 Metocean, seismic, and ice criterialloads PLT-B is almost symmetrical and therefore loading will be considered from the three most critical directions: 1) End-On (10" wlrespect to true north), 2) Diagonal (325" wlrespect to true north), 3) Broadside (280" wlrespect to true north). These directions have the greatest load factors for the sudden hurricane wave criteria.
API RP2A 20th ed. environmental loading criteria was used unless otherwise defined in Draft Section 17. In this case nletocean loads for an insignificant environmental irnpact/manned structure are defied by the sudden humcane criteria in Draft Section -17. For PLT-B design level analysis this corresponds to:
, -
WaveHeightW) Wave Period (T) Inline Current (U) Wind Speed (V) Storm Tide CD (smoothlrough) CM (smooth/rough)
=46feet = 11.3 seconds = 1.2 knots = 55 knots (1 hour @ 10 meters) = 3 feet = 0.65 / 1.05 = 1.6 / 1.2
(Sec 17) (Sec 17) (Sec 17) (Sec 17) (Sec 17) (API 20th) (API 20th)
The metocean criteria for the ultimate strength analysis are: WaveHeight(H) Wave Period (T) Max Current (U) Wind Speed (V) Storm Tide CD (smooth/rough) CM (smooWrough) =57.5feet = 12.5 seconds = 1.8 knots= 3.04 ft/sec (0 - 150') ;Dir=275" wlr true north = 70 knots (1 hour @ 10 meters) = 3 feet = 0.65 / 1.05 = 1.6 / 1.2
Table 1. Sudden Humcane Rosette Factors for Ultimate Strength Analysis Wave Height Current > 150' True Direction Factor Wave Direction 54.6' 0.95 1.46 @ -49"; x =-1.7, y=l.O End-On (0") 10" 57.5' 1.00 1.64 @ 287"; x = -1 325' Diagonal (45") 0.90 5 1.8' 1.72 @ 278"; x = - 1 280' Broadside (90")
The API RP2A 20th ed. criteria was used to compute the denominator of the Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR). For PLT-B, the API 20th ed. criteria are as follows: Wave Height (H) Wave Period (T) Max Current (U) Wind Speed (V) Storm Tide CD (smootNrough) CM (smootNrough)
= 64.2 feet = 13.0 seconds = 2.1 knots = 80 knots (1 hour @ 33 feet)
Table 2. 20th ed. Rosette Factors Wave Direction 1 True Direction End-On (0") I 10" Diagonal (45O) / 325" Broadside (90') 280"
I Factor 1 WaveHeight
, -
For all Metocean criteria the following was used: 7th Order stream function. Marine growth was specified at 1.5" thick from 150' depth to 1' above MWL. Wave Kinematics factor of 0.88 Current blockage factors of 0.8,0.85, and 0.8 for the End-On, Diagonal, and Broadside cases respectively. No seismic or ice loading criteria. A.5.2 Screening Draft Section 17.7.3 (old Section 17) states screening is not required. For PLT-B this step was skipped.
A.5.3 Design Level A linear model of PLT-B was analyzed using sudden hurricane wave criteria, and forcelstress equations from API RP2A 20th ed. Several joints failed the Design Level Analysis (DLA) with unity checks greater than 1. These joints are near the mudline, and
are not considered critical. Considering the conservatism associated with the joint design formula a case can be made for PLT-B to pass assessment in the DLA step. For the purposes of the project, the assessment process will continue to the Ultimate Strength Analysis step. The following table summarizes the DLA results: Table 3. Design Level Wave: Direction vs. Base Shear and Unitv check*
and A.5.3-2.
The soil capacities for each pile were 7 6 0 kips in compression and 7200 in tension. The maximum compression and tension in a pile was 1102 and 1025 kips respectively, in the DLA (diagonal wave), yielding a factor of safety of 6.9 and 7.0. The trial application required a Working Stress Design (WSD) analysis be performed in order to find the base shear causing each component a unity check of 1.0. Trial applicant B used the Load Resistance Factored Design (LRFD) method due to an automation feature already in place. The results of this analysis follow: Table 4. Summary of Component Unity Checks of 1.0 using LRFD Joint Strength Pile Strength Pile Capacity Wave BS Wave BS Wave Jnt Dir BS Wave Jnt Jnt Ht Ht Ht (kps) (feet) (kps) (feet) @ps) (feet) 107 3560 71.0 212 1537 52.3 EndOn 101 3303 69.1 105 2768 64.3 212 1804 54.9 61.2 Diag 103 2433 Broad 107 3281 69.3 101 3372 70.0 211 1504 52.2
A Simplified Ultimate Strength (SUS) analysis ("An Automated Procedure for Plaform Strength Assessment, " OTC 7474 (1994) w/ F ~ 4 ksi, Kdiag=0.65, 2 Leff= center to center, first component failure) was also performed. The wave height and current associated with the first component failure exceed that of Draft Section 17 ultimate strength analysis, and therefore PLT-B would pass assessment using an SUS. The results of the SUS analysis follow:
A.5.4 Ultimate Strength A nonlinear model of PLT-B was analyzed to assess PLT-B on the basis of an ultimate strength analysis and to determine its ultimate capacity. PLT-B clearly passed assessment In fact, Draft Section 17 wave loads were not sufficient to cause any inelastic events. The wave load profile was then increased by a factor of two in order to determine PLT-B's ultimate capacity. Past experience showed that the ultimate capacity of a platform is not very sensitive to the choice of load profile. Figures A.5.4-1-3 plot lateral load versus deck displacement for the ultimate case. Table 6 gives a summary of the ultimate capacity results. Tables 7-9 list the initial components to yield for each loading condition.
Table 6. Summary of Ultimate Strength Analysis Dir First Sudden Hurricane 100 yr (Ult criteria) Yield End-On 2660 1800 Diagonal 2750 2 100 Broadside 2650 1700
Where: RSR = Ult Capacity / ( 100 yr - 20th ed.) ULR = Ult Capacity / (Case with DLA = 1.O) LRF = Load Reduction Factor = (UC = 1.0 for 20th ed. / 100 yr - 20th ed.) Frobust Lateral load supported by portal frame action of jacket = Robustness = Ult Cap / Frobust
Table 7. Initial Failure Elements for End-On Wave Loading Load Lateral Deck Lateral Element Element Type Step Disp. Name Load (feet) (kips) 13 1.4 2659 Diagsl-97 Strut 35 1.3 Strut 23 13 Diags 1-93 2141 Diagsl-91 56 1.3 Strut 2 148 Diags2-113 80 1.3 Strut 113 1 1.2 1 1904 1 DiagQ-111 I Strut 1.2 1 1755 1 Diags2-115 I Strut 154 1
The End-On case is governed by strut buckling. Several struts at various levels all f@l at about the same base shear. Therefore, when one strut fails, the others fail at a lower base shear. Failing at the same base shear results in the ultimate capacity to be the same as the first component failure. Once the vertical diagonals fail, the platform is supported by a portal frame action of the legs.
Table 8. Initial Failure Elements for Diagonal Wave Loading Load Lateral Deck Lateral Element Element Type Step Disp. Load Name (feet) MDS)
Failure Description
10 11 13
2750 FNqil-2362 2800 FN-pil-2334 FN-pil-2339 29 16 FNpil-2308 I FN-pil-2365 FN-pil-2366 LG-pil-329 3003 FN-pil-2312 FN-pil-2338 FNpil-2342 FN-pil-2343 I LG-pil-315 31 10 FN-pil-3411 3512 Diags2-115
Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Initial Yield Buckling
I Fxpil-2337
15 205
1.8 2.4
The diagonal case has the greatest ultimate capacity. Foundation piles initially yield in tension and compression (not buckling) but still resist load. This resistance results in the ultimate capacity being greater than the initial yield value.
Table 9. Initial Failure Elements for Broadside Wave Loading Load Lateral Deck Lateral Element Element Type Failure Description Step Disp. Name Load (feet) I WPS) I 15 1 1.388 1 2654 1 DiagsB-80 I Strut I Buckling 33 1.289 Buckling 2360 DiagsB-78 Strut 65 1.260 2180 DiagsB-76 Strut Buckling 105 1.370 2255 DiagsA-66 Strut Buckling 107 ; Buckling 1.370 2255 DiagsA-68 Strut 149 1 1.295 1 1870 1 Dia~sA-70 I Strut I Buckling
The broadside ultimate capacity loading is very ynique in comparison to the 20th e d loading. Draft Section 17 uses a rosette in which the broadside factors for PLT-B are 0.95. The 20th ed. rosette is rotated by 45 (using a factor of 1.0) and resulted in a much larger wave. This difference causes the 20th ed. wave load forces to be substantially higher than the Draft Section 17 waves.
A.6 Consideration of Mitigations PLT-B passes assessment, therefore mitigation alternatives were not considered.
A.7 Summary Note - Part A Platform Categorization PLT-B was installed in 1971. It is a Manned-Evacuated structure with Insignificant Environmental Impact and will therefore use sudden hurricane criteria. There has been no change in the structure since its installation and therefore would pass assessment according to Draft Section 17.2.
DLA The maximum UC for a member was 0.83 Several joints had UC greater than 1.0 (max=1.15). The platform therefore failed the DLA portion of platform assessment. Because joint criteria appears to be conservativeit is believed that PLT-B would have passed assessment with a DLA. An SUS analysis was performed. PLT-B passed assessment using SUS.
Ult Capacity The critical components for the End-On case were the vertical diagonals. These diagonals all fail at about the same base shear. Therefore, the Ult Capacity was identical to the first component failure. PLT-B has little redundancy in the End-On direction. Initial yielding occurred in the piles for the Diagonal case. This yielding did not cause failure, but the piles continued to resist some load. The ultimate capacity was reached when the vertical diagonals began to buckle. PLT-B has a lot of redundancy in the Diagonal direction. The Broadside resistance and capacity is very much like the End-On case. The loads for the sudden hurricane are approximately the same as well. The loads from the 20th edition Broadside case (Hmax = 64') are much greater than the End-On case (Hmax = 55') due to the rosette factors. This difference results in a vastly different RSR. The following table summarizes the results for all cases: Table 10. Summary of Results - Base Shear (kips) Structure Resistance Wave Forces Wave DLA = 1.0 SUS Ult Cap. Sudden 20th Dir 9th Hurricane ed. ed. 2540 2660 1180 1800 1460 End-On 1600 2150 3500 1270 2100 1387 Diag 2300 2370 2650 1280 1460 1700 Broadsd 2600
Ratios / Factors RSR ULR LRF 1.66 1.52 1.02 2.25 2.76 2.07 0.74 0.55 0.49
Figure A.5.3-1. PLT-B components with Unity Checks 10.85. View from the West
JNT 410, UC
Figure A.5.3-2. PLT-B Components with Unity Checks > 0.85. Viewfrom the East.
Project: PLT-B
Model: EndOn
a i
L 4 u
2 !
20th ed Wave = 1600 kips RSR = 2660 1' 1600 = 1.66 Robust = 2663 / 2280 = 1.6''
Figure A.5.4-1 PLT-B Forces vs. Deck Displacement - End-On Wave. Waveforces greater than section 17 to determine ultimate capacity
Project: PLT-B
Model: Broadside
Version: 0
Figure A.5.4-3 PLT-B Forces vs. Deck Displacement - Broadside Wave. Wave forces greater than section 17 wave to determine ultimate capacity
PART B: Review and Feedback to the API TG 92-5 (ApriY94 version of Draft Section 17)
Section 17.2 states, "An existing platform should undergo the assessment process if one or more of the conditions noted in Sections 17.2.1 through 17.2.4 exits. Sections 17.2.1 through 17.2.4 consider 'Addition of Personnel', 'Addition of Facilities', 'Increased Loading on the Structure', and 'Significant Damage.' Please consider adding that platform assessment may also be required from an MMS initiated assessment. Figure 17.5.2 Page 6, Note 1: 'DesignLevel Check'. It is not clear if what is meant is a 'Design Level Analysis' or 'Design Basis Check'. Sections 17.7.3a and 17.7.3b (P. 26) are not clear. Is a Linear Global Analysis the same as a Simplified Ultimate Strength Analysis? Is a Local Overload Analysis simply considering removing over stressed members and rerunning the Linear Global Analysis? Could these sections please be rewritten? Fig 17.6.2-4 (P 20) contains a rosette entitled: "Sudden Hurricane Wave Directions and Factors to Apply to the Omnidirectional Wave Heights in Fig. 17.6.2-3a for Ultimate Strength Analysis." Is this for currents also? Does it apply only for deep water? Are there any comments on dynamic analysis for deep water platforms (other than fatigue)?
During the trial application it became apparent that not all of information required would be easily attainable. The lack of reliable data could affect the results on the assessment of other platforms. A few areas of concern are:
Obtaining complete and readable drawings. For many older platforms, the quality of drawings is not very good. Determining if a structure is grouted or not. Whether a structure is grouted or not cannot always be determined from the structural drawings. Other evidence such as grout lines (or lack there of) may be used to determine if a structure is grouted.
. *
Determining the pile penetration. Without adequate pile driving reports, the pile penetration be determined accurately. Determining the soil profile close to the structure. Many soil boring information logs are not available.
Participants' Submittals
December 1994
PLATFORM INFORMATION AS-IS CONDITION DETAILS Physical Features Operational Information Pertinent Inspection Information Structural Assessment Data Soil Boring Logs and Shear Strength Profile PLATFORM SKETCHES Platform Computer Model Orientation Vertical Framing Elevations Horizontal Framing Plans Pile Make-up and Details Other Information PART A
API Task Group 92-5 has developed a draft version of API RP 2A Section 17.0 Assessment of Existing Platforms. This is a product of collective oil industry expertise with contributions mainly from members of the API Task Group 92-5 as well as other API members. A joint industry project (JIP) was proposed by PMB Engineering of San Francisco, California for the purpose of testing the methodology presented in the draft recommendations. This program is sponsored by the Minerals Management Services (MMS) with the participants mainly from oil companies and/or operators and consulting engineering companies. As a participant, perform the trial applications of API RP 2A Section 17.0 (draft) using one of its existing platforms. The selected platform is the "C" drilling and production platform located at Eugene lsland Block 330 in the Gulf of Mexico in 255 feet of water. vhich included as-is condition details The platform information was provided by such as physical features, operational information, pertinent inspection information, structural assessment data, soil boring logs and shear strength profile. The platform sketches were generated from the as-built drawings. As the first phase in the platform assessment, the platform selection, condition assessment, categorization and design basis checks were evaluated. Secondly, the analysis checks were performed for the design level and ultimate strength (both linear and inelastic) conditions. Finally, from the results of the analyses (code checks and static push-over RSR's, etc.), the consideration of mitigation was addressed. For the purpose of this study, the platform is categorized as "insignificant environmental impact/manned - evacuated", and the metocean criteria/loads corresponding to that category are used. A design level analysis and two ultimate strength analyses are performed.
Design Level Analysis
For the design level analysis, both "tubular member checks" and "joint checks" are performed. The results of the tubular member check showed that most of members with a stress ratio exceeding 0.85 were governed by hydrostatic conditions. Only five members (Member Nos. 272, 273, 422, 560 and 566) with stress ratios exceeding 0.85 were
governed by strength check conditions. The tubular member check results were satisfactory, i. e., stress ratios did not exceed unity (other than the mudline framing level members mentioned later). See Section A.5.3.5 for further explanations. The joint check results showed several joints with stress ratio exceeding 1.0. After reviewing the results, it was concluded that a refined model would reduce those stress ratios, especially those joints which are part of the conductor framing at the mudline. See Section A.5.3.6 for further details. Ultimate Strength Analyses For the ultimate strength analysis, Section 17 allows for either a linear (elastic) or inelastic (nonlinear) analysis to be performed. The analysis to be performed for a particular case is determined mutually by the Owner and the Design Consultant. For this study, prior to performing the inelastic static push-over analysis, an alternative or pseudo ultimate strength analysis and code check was performed using the linear model (design level analysis). The loads used for the linear analysis were determined from the ultimate strength metocean criteria as called for in Section 17. The tubular member checks and joint checks were performed using modified checking equations to remove the factors of safety. The tubular member check results (using Fy = 36 ksi) indicate that the stress ratios of some horizontal members are slightly higher than that of the design level analysis. However, the stress ratios of vertical braces are much less than that of the design level analysis. Overall, the results of tubular member check were satisfactory except the mudline framing level members mentioned later. The joint check results (using Fy = 42 ksi) show that the stress ratios are much less than that of design level analysis. See Section A.5.4.6 for the results of both tubular member and joint checks. For the inelastic, static push-over analysis, four wave directions were considered (195, 240, 180 and 270 degrees) using the appropriate 100-year lateral load for each direction. The calculated platform reserve strength ratio (RSR) varied between 1.18 and 1.39 depending on the wave direction considered. The RSR is defined as the ratio of a platform's ultimate lateral load-carrying capacity (as determined by the static pushover analysis) to its 100-year environmental lateral loading condition determined by the present API RP 2A procedures (20th edition). The lowest RSR is 1.18 which occurred in the 195 degree wave direction. See Sections A.5.4.7 through A.5.4.11 for further detail.
The ultimate metocean lateral loads as described above were also computed for these same four wave directions and compared to the platform's ultimate lateral load-carrying capacity in each direction. These ratios of factors (ultimate lateral load-carrying capacity/ultimate metocean lateral load) varied between 1.4 and 2.4 (+) depending on the wave direction. Ultimate strength (inelastic analysis) joint checks were not performed as it was assumed the joint strength was sufficient to develop the failure capacity of the adjoining member.
Fatigue Analysis
The draft Section 17 does not require a fatigue analysis in those cases where sufficient inspection has been performed (Level I1 or greater). For the "C" platform it was assumed that sufficient inspection had been performed and, therefore, a fatigue analysis was not required.
Consideration of Mitigation
For the design level analysis, results of the tubular member check for the horizontal framing at the mudline (EL. (-) 254'-0) showed several members with stress ratio exceeding 1.00. It appears that this was due to modeling inaccuracies. It is recommended that further investigation on those horizontal members (at the mudline) be carried out. However, at this point, no consideration of mitigation is immediately required. The same argument is also applied to the two ultimate strength analyses. The joint check resuIts (both from the design level analysis and the pseudo ultimate strength analysis) showed that the joints with a stress ratio exceeding either 0.85 or even 1.00 are mainly K-joints. Again, the use of an improper modeling approach appears to be the main cause for the resulting high stress ratios for the overlapping joints and for the mudline level joints mentioned previously. A refined model should be developed for a further investigation, especially on those joints at the mudline horizontal framing. Furthermore, a finite element analysis of some selected joints is recommended before any physical mitigation is initiated.
In the inelastic static push-over analysis, it was assumed that the joint capacity could reach or exceed its full member-end strength requirements either by refining the model for further analysis or by any other measure that is feasible and practical.
The "C" structure is an 8-leg, 8-pile, drilling and production platform with 21 wells (18 original plus three recently added wells) in 255 feet of water located at Eugene Island Block 330, Gulf of Mexico. The platform is composed of deck, jacket and piles. The deck consists of drilling and production levels and both are 136 feet long by 72 feet wide. The top of steel for the production and drilling deck levels is at El. (+) 45'-6" and El. (+) 63'- 11" respectively. The jacket which serves as a template for the eight 42-inch diameter piles is 277'-7/16" tall, 40'-7 112" x 110'-7 112" at top of jacket and 175'-6" x 105'-6" at the base. The bracing type used in the vertical frames is either a K-brace or a single diagonal brace. No grout was provided between the jacket-leg and pile. Each 42-inch diameter pile has a wall thickness of 2 112" at the mudline. The pile wall thickness is incrementally decreased from 2 112" at the mudline to 7/8" in the lower portion of the pile. The pile penetration of the four corner piles and four interior piles is 360' and
3 12', respectively.
Operational Information
The platform was installed in 1972 and has been operating as a "manned-evacuated" platform since that time. It is expected, in the event of humcane, that the personnel on the platform will be evacuated. Since there is no H2S or sulfur production nor any significant oil storage on the platform, the platform is classified within the "insignificant environmental impact" category.
The platform has been maintained and inspected regularly following normal industry practice and guidelines required by the MMS. Most of the inspection data on this platform can be obtained through the office
A complete set of as-built structural drawings has been provided by ' I in this study. In addition, the wave report prepared by the metocean consultant, A. H. Glenn specifically for this platform was made available Previously, in 1990, , to reassess the strength of the platform due to the proposed installation of three additional wells in the northeast side of the platform. Therefore, the structural model could be and was retrieved from the archive files in
The information on the soil boring logs, shear strength profile, P-Ydata and pile driving records for this platform are available. However, the soil information, such as T-Z and Q-Z curves was retrieved from the existing structural model which was developed previously by using their MicroSAS program. MicroSAS is a computer program specifically developed for offshore McDermott platforms design and analysis.
1.2 1.2.1
The global coordinates system of the "C" platform model is defined by Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, 2). The X-axis is oriented parallel to the longitudinal direction with (+) X to the platform South. The Z-axis is oriented parallel to the transverse direction with (+) Z to the platform West. The Y-axis is oriented in the vertical direction with the (+) Y upward. The origin of the global structural coordinates system is located at the geometric center of the horizontal framing with Y = 0 at the mudline. The platform orientation is such that the platform north is 10 degrees counter clockwise from the true north. The positive X-axis is along the platform south direction, while the positive Z-axis is along the platform west direction. The positive Y-axis is upward from the mudline (using right-hand rules). See Figure 1 - Platform Orientation and Wave Directions.
NOTE: The current direction shown i n Figure 1 corresponds to the shallow water (depth < 150') as provided in API RP 2A 20th edition. For water depth between 150' and 3001,the actual current direction must be calculated per the provision of API RP 2A 20th edition.
The structural framing system is identified by Row A and Row B in the longitudinal direction and Rows 1 through 4 in the transverse direction. See Figure 1 - Platform Orientation and Wave Directions for further detail. The structural model plots of vertical framing elevations of jacket and deck (Row A, Row B, Row 1, Row 2, Row 3 and Row 4) are shown in the following attachments. The structural model was generated from the as-built structural drawings. The actual structural member properties, size and lengths can be found in the Member Data and Joint Data in the Appendix.
The horizontal framing plans are identified as "Elevations" in reference to Mean Low Water (MLW) level. The following is the list of horizontal framing plans used in the as-built drawings as well as the structural model:
- Jacket
EL. (+) 3' - 0" EL. (-) 36' - 0" EL. (-) 80' - 0" EL. (-) 127' - 0" EL. (-) 177' - 0" EL. (-) 2 16' - 0" EL. (-) 254' - 0"
- Decks
EL. (+) 7 1' - 10 718" (original drawing) Drilling Deck (original drawing) Production Deck - EL. (+) 53' - 6" The structural model plots of the jacket horizontal framing elevations and drilling and production decks are shown in the following attachments.
There are two sets of pile make-ups. One set for external piles (total four) and another set for inner piles (total four) due to different pile penetrations.
1) External Piles: (A-1), (A-4), (B-1) and (B-4) Pile Penetration: 360' Pile Make-up: (Pile Material Fy = 36 ksi)
2) External Piles: (A-2), (A-3), (B-2) and (B-3) Pile Penetration: 3 12' Pile Make-up: (Pile Material Fy = 36 ksi) Pile Diameter (inch) 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 Wall Thickness (inch) 2.500 2.250 2.000 1.750 1.500 1.250 OO 1. O 0.875 1.250 Pile Segment Length (foot) 5.04 (from mudline) 50.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 60.00 30.00 125.00 1 1.96 (pile tip)
Other Information
API RP ZA, Section 17.0 @raft), provides guidelines for determining when an assessment is required for existing platforms. Presently it states that a platform assessment is required if one or more of the following conditions exists:
1) Addition of Personnel
2) Increase Loading on Structure (Significantly) 3) Inadequate Deck Height 4) Significant Damage Found During Inspections
Significant Damage is defined as the point when the total of the cumulative damage or cumulative changes from the originaI design premise (increases in load) decreases the capacity or increases the loading in excess of 10%. The "C" platform was originally designed to accommodate 18 wells. However, in 1990, three additional wells were installed on the platform. This resulting increase in loading on the structure did not exceed 10% (or was not significant), therefore, according to the new Section 17.0 (draft) guidelines mentioned above, a platform assessment might not be required.
The platform assessment information is very critical to the success of subsequent engineering analysis and assessment to the platform. In general, the original platform design file, as-built structural drawings, fabrication, welding and construction specifications, platform history, present conditions and soil data should be made available for review. For the "C" platform, the as-built drawings and platform design file are available for review. The design wave data was provided by A. H. Glenn. A soil report was available, however, some of the soil data (T-Z, Q-Z curves) was obtained from previous design information prepared by in 1990. The platform assessment information is adequate for carrying out the subsequent engineering analysis.
Based on the guideline provided in API R 2A Section 17 (Draft) - Assessment of Existing P Platforms, the "C" platform can be categorized as "insignificant environmental impact" and "manned - evacuated." Since there is no H2S or sulfur production nor any significant oil storage on the platform, the failure of the platform (structural or operational) is determined to have an insignificant environmental impact on conditions in the Gulf of Mexico. It is expected that in the event of hurricane, the personnel on the platform will be evacuated. Therefore, the platform can be considered as "mamed/evacuated".
The "C" platform was installed in 1972 and API RP 2A 9th Edition was published in November, 1977. Since the "C" platform was designed and installed prior to the issue of the 9th Edition and since there has been an increase in load (addition of three conductors), it was concluded that the option of design basis check is not applicable to this platform. However, because of the increase in load, the more thorough Analysis Checks must be performed. The detailed analysis checks of the platform have been carried out in this study and documented in this report.
A.5 A.5.1
The metocean criteria are based on Table 17.6.2-1 of API RP 2A Section 17 (Draft) Assessment of Existing Platforms. The design waves are based on sudden hurricane. The wave, current, wind and storm tide data required for the Design Level Analysis and both Ultimate Strength Analyses (linear and inelastic) are summarized as follows: Water Depth: 255 feet 1) Design Level Analysis Wave Height and Storm Tide: Deck Height: Wave & Current Direction: Current Speed: Wave Period: Wind Speed (1-hr @ 10m): Wave Crest: 2) Ultimate Strength Analysis Wave Height and Storm Tide: Deck Height: Wave & Current Direction: Current Speed: Wave Period: Wind Speed (1-hr @ 10m): Wave Crest:
47' (Fig. 17.6.2-3a), 2.5'(Storm Tide) 36.25' (Fig. 17.6.2-3b) Ornni-Dir.** 1.2 knots (2.03 ft / sec) 11.3 sec. 55 knots (63.29 mph) 26.26' (Ornni Direction)
59' (Fig. 17.6.2-3a), 2.5'(Storm Tide) 36.25' (Fig. 17.6.2-3b) Fig. 17.6.2-4 (see attachment) 1.8 knots (3.04 ft / sec) 12.5 sec. 70 knots (80.55 mph) 33.45' (Wave Dir. 195 deg.)
If the wave height or current versus direction exceeds that required for ultimate strength analysis, then the ultimate strength criteria will govern.
For comparison purpose, the wave, current, wind and storm tide data required for new platform design (API RP 2A 20th edition) are presented as follows: 3) New Platform Design (Working Stress Design) 67' (Fig. 2.3.4-3, RP 2A 20th Ed.), Wave Height and Storm Tide: Wave Dir. 240 deg. 3.2' (Storm Tide) 48.8' (Fig. 2.3.4-8, RP 2A 20th Ed.) Deck Height: Figs. 2.3.4-4, 2.3.4-5 (RP 2A 20th Ed.) Wave & Current Direction: 2.1 knots (3.54 ft / sec) Current Speed: Wave Period: 13.0 sec. 80 knots (92 mph) Wind Speed (1-hr @ 10m): 38.48' (Wave Dir. 240 deg.) Wave Crest:
The screening process used to assess the strength of existing platform can be varied. It depends on the data base of existing platforms which are comparable to the platform being evaluated. Experience and engineering judgment must be exercised with caution. It is intended that the result of screening process will always be on the conservative side. For structures with marginal safety of factors, the screening process might not be able to provide satisfactory results. The screening process option was not exercised in this study.
A.5.3 A .5.3.1
The platform is considered as insignificant environmental impacumanned-evacuated. The metocean criteria for design level analysis are based on 100-year force due to the combined sudden hurricane and winter storm population. The wave height is assumed to be constant in all directions. The associated in-line current is also assumed to be constant in all directions. The required wave height, wave period and current magnitude are described above (see Section A.5.1). In some non-critical wave directions, the omni-directional criteria might exceed the ultimate strength analysis values, in which case the ultimate strength analysis values will govern. See Figure 3 in Section A 5.1 Metocean CriteriaLoads for further detail on the base shear plots versus wave direction for the comparison of different wave criteria.
A. 5 . 3 . 2
The structural model is a three-dimensional model. The members of the platform are modeled as 3-D Beam Finite Elements. The beam element is a two-node element with six degrees of freedom at each node (three translational and three rotational degree of freedoms). Since this is a nongrouted structure, the jacket-leg node and pile node which have the same coordinates (common node) are connected by two orthogonal springs (zero length) so that the lateral load can be transferred from the jacket-leg to the pile at the common node. The information of member section properties and the material yield strength are obtained from as-built drawings. The structural model consists of 8 16 joints (nodes) and 1,636 members (beam elements). The deck members consist of wide flange beams and tubular members. The deck loads are supported by eight main piles, which are extended below the mudline to their full design pile penetration. See Section 1.2.4 - Pile Make-up and Details for the pile penetrations. In the conductor modeling, the original 18 conductors were lumped into three equivalent conductors (with each conductor model representing six actual conductors). The three additional conductors were modeled individually. The conductors were explicitly modeled to 150' below the mudline.
The boundary conditions of the superstructure are the pile foundation with soil reactions modeled as soil springs (P-Y, T-Z and Q-Z curves), which are attached to the nodes of pile elements. The soil properties at different elevations were properly modeled.
A .5.3.3
Design Loads
The platform was designed to support the drilling and production operations (live and dead loads). In addition, the platform must be designed to withstand lateral loads such as storm waves/operation waves, current and wind load, etc. In this study, the design load information was retrieved from the previous design model, which was available in lesign file. The design gravity loads used in this study can be summarized as follows: Buoyancy: 1,762.96 kips Gravity Load: 4,49 1.57 kips (including 5% contingency) Deck Live Load: 7,504.00 kips Deck Dead Load: 754.00 kips The lateral loads (wave, current and wind) are generated by MicroSAS computer program using the metocean criteria as described in Section A.5.1 - Metocean CriteriaLoads. See Section A.5.3.4 - Lateral Load Level for further information.
A .5.3.4
For the Design Level Analysis, its wave height (Hw) is constant in all directions. In this study, Hw = 47' is used. The current direction is in-line with the wave direction. Current blockage factors are directionally dependent with respect to platform's orientation (longitudinal, transverse or diagonal) per API RP 2A 20th edition g u i d e h e . Wave kinematics factor of 0.88 is used. Drag and inertia coefficients take into account the surface effects of tubular members (smooth or rough). The conductor shielding factor is also considered. The marine growth is also modeled per API RP 2A 20th edition. Typically, eight wave directions are used in the calculations of static base shears. In this study 10 wave directions are applied (0 , 4 5 , 9 0 , 135 , 180 , 2 2 5 , 270 , 3 15 , 195 and 240 degs.). The wave directions are defined with respect to platform coordinates system (see sketch of platform orientation). The wave direction of 240 deg. corresponds to the worst wave direction (wave height factor = 1.0) in API RP 2A 20th edition, which is equivalent to the exposure category of significant environmental impacdmanned-evacuated. The wave direction of 195 deg. corresponds to the worst wave condition for platforms classified as insignificant environmental impact/manned-evacuated case. The reason to include the wave direction of 240 deg. is that in the subsequent ultimate strength analysis,
the reserve strength ratio is defined with reference to API RP 2A 20th edition guideline (which corresponds to the significant environmental irnpactjmanned - evacuated case). The lateral load level due to wave and current effects is summarized as follows: Design Wave Height: 47 ft. Design Wave Period: 1 1.3 sec (Apparent Wave Period: 11.69 sec.) Wave Direction (deg.1 Lateral Load (Wave & Current) (kips)
Each value shown in parentheses is the lateral load corresponding to ultimate strength analysis, which is less than that of design level analysis, and will be used in the subsequent stiffness analysis, SPIA (soil-pile-structure interaction analysis), tubular member check, joint check etc.
The maximum lateral load is 2,090 kips in the wave direction of 270 deg. See Figure 3 in Section A.5.1 for the comparison of lateral loads (wave and current) for different metocean criteria (design level analysis, ultimate strength analysis and API RP 2A 20th edition).
Tubular member check was performed by MicroSAS program, an in-house developed computer program specifically for offshore platforms design and analysis. The material yield strength is 36 ksi (nominal) typical. The effective length factors of tubular members are calculated based on API RP 2A guideline (jacket legs, diagonal braces, horizontal members, truss members etc.). An allowable stress increase factor of 1.33 is used for design level analysis.
The tubular member check results are shown in the attachment (Excel spreadsheets). Although, the attached sketches show members with the stress ratio > 0.85, it should be pointed out that most of members with stress ratio exceeding 0.85 were attributed to the hydrostatic check conditions. Only five members (#272, #273, #422, #560 and #566) with stress ratios exceeding 0.85 are attributable to the strength check conditions. The reason so many members are governed by the hydrostatic check (in comparison with strength check) is due to the fact that the drag coefficients have been increased significantly in comparison to previous editions of API RP 2A (prior to 9th edition). Also, the safety factors used in the hydrostatic check are higher than that used in the pure strength check. In addition, the marine growth thickness and the marine growth region (below waterline) have significantly increased in API RP 2A 20th edition. Thus, structural members with higher marine growth would result in higher lateral loads and member stresses. Some secondary members with stress ratio greater than 1.0 are due to structural modeling difficulties. Their stress ratios are included in this report just to be consistent with the reported computer output. They can be ignored as far as the stress ratio is concerned. The details of the stress ratio and governing loading case for the tubular members checked can be found in the Appendix of the final report - computer output.
(-) 80'
KTORM195 0.91
#272 (16"x0.375")
KTORM195 KTORM195 0.89 0.91
-smEKlH snENaH
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Tubular joint check was performed by MicroSAS program, an in-house developed computer program specifically for offshore platforms design and analysis. A material yield strength of 36 ksi was specified. An allowable stress increase factor of 1.33 was used. The nominal loads approach as provided in API RP 2A was used in the Joint Check. The joint check results are shown in the attachment (Excel spreadsheets). Although the attached sketches show the jointsbraces with stress ratio > 0.85, it should be noted that most of the jointsbraces with interaction stress ratio exceeding 0.85 are mainly K-joints. The factor that attributed to these high stress ratios is that the brace and chord wall thickness is identical. Consequently, the ratio of brace wall thickness to the chord wall thickness, tau, is equal to one, which will induce high stress in the chord (in the sense of chord punching stress). Most of the K-joints in Rows #1 through #4 are overlapping joints. Those overlapping joints are specifically considered in the MicroSAS joint check program, in order to take advantage of the strength of overlapping joints. Three overlapping joint plots (joints #133, #294 and #355) are shown in the following attachment. The summary of joint check results with the interaction stress ratios greater than 0.85 is shown in the list (Excel spreadsheet). The plots of jointbrace pairs with interaction stress ratio greater than 0.85 are also shown in the following attachment. It should be noted that jointbrace #133/#130 and #15 1/#153 are overlapping T-K joints ,in which three coplanar braces are connected at a common joint. When two out of three braces are overlapped with a gap to the third brace, some extra manual effort is required to calculate the actual stress ratio for joint check. The joint check results show several joints with stress ratio exceeding 1.0. After reviewing the results, it was concluded that a refined model wouId reduce most of these stress ratios, especially those joints which are part of the conductor framing at the mudline.
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The results of SPIA analysis were used to perform the pile strength check. The material yield strength of the piles is 36 ksi (nominal) typically. An allowable stress increase factor of 1.33 is used in the pile strength check. The pile strength check results showed that the highest stress ratio was 0.499 which occurred in the pile (B-1); it was due to the combined loading in the wave direction of 135 deg. Apparently, the piles have appreciable reserve strength and the pile's response was still in the linear stress range at this design load level. The results of the strength check of piles for design level analysis, ultimate strength analysis and API RP 2A 20th edition are shown in the following attachment.
A.5.4 A .5.4.1
The platform is considered as insignificant environmental impact/manned-evacuated. The metocean criteria for both ultimate strength analyses are based on 100-year force due to the combined sudden hurricane and winter storm population. The directionality of the wave and current must be taken into account. The wave height, associated current and profile as a function of direction, are calculated based on API PR 2A 20th edition guidelines, except that the directional factors are based on Figure 17.6.2-4 of Section 17.0 (draft) of API RP 2A. The required wave height, wave period and current magnitude are described above (see Section A.5.1). See Figure 3 in Section A 5.1- Metocean Criteria/Loads for further detail on the base shear plots versus wave direction for the comparison of different wave criteria. A. 5.4.2 Nonlinear Analysis Model and Boundary Conditions
The structural model is a three-dimensional model. The structural model consists of 832 joints (nodes) and 1,676 members (elements). The nonlinear model is comprised of linear and nonlinear elements. In the jacket part, the STRUT-BEAM element is used to model vertical diagonal bracings, horizontal diagonal bracings and the primary horizontal members around the perimeter at each level. The jacket-legs and piles below the mudline are modelcd as BEAM-COLUMNS. The rest of the structural members are modeled as BEAM elements. Typically, six degrees of freedom are considered at each node (joint). In the nonlinear analysis model, the main piles below the mudline are discretized into 10 BEAM-COLUMN elements in each pile. The soil P-Y, T-Z and Q-Z curves are properly modeled in the pile foundation. The conductor model is slightly different from that of design level analysis in that the conductors were extended only four feet below the mudline and terminated by hinge supports (three translational restraints at each support). A sketch of the nonlinear analysis model is shown in the following attachment.
In the design level analysis, 10 wave directions are considered (0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225, 270, 315 ,195 and 240 degrees). The first eight wave directions are starting from the platform X-axis (longitudinal direction) as 0 degree and increased the angles incrementally in 45 deg. counter-clockwise. The wave direction of 195 deg. corresponds to the worst case (wave height factor = 1.O) for insignificant environmental impacumanned - evacuated metocean criteria. Whereas, the wave direction of 240 deg. corresponds to the maximum case for API RP 2A 20th edition. For nonlinear analyses, it would be very expensive to perform the static push-over analysis for all 10 wave directions as described. In the following static push-over analyses, four wave directions (195, 240, 180 and 270 degrees) were selected. The reason for the selection of those four wave directions was based on the results of wave base shear calculations (see Figure 3 in Section 5.1) and that of code checks for ultimate strength analysis.
A. 5 . 4 . 4
In the static push-over analysis, first one applies the vertical loads to the structural system to evaluate the structural response, such as joint displacements, member end forces etc. The vertical loads include structural weight, deck dead and live loads, conductor weight, buoyancy etc. Secondly, lateral load is applied (wave, current and wind) to the structure in increments with each load step corresponding to a fraction (or multiple) of the ultimate lateral load. Each wave direction is considered separately. Four wave directions were performed in this study. The incremental load factors applied to wave direction 195 degrees, for example, are: 0.20, 0.40, 0.60, 1.00, 1.20, 1.21, 1.22, 1.23, 1.24, 1.25, 1.26, 1.27, 1.28, 1.30 and 1.40. For other wave directions, refer to the plots of ultimate lateral load factors versus deck displacements for further details (see Figures 13, 15, 17 in Section A.5.4.8, which will be presented in the latter part of this report.). It should be pointed out that no fatigue checks were performed for the design level or ultimate strength analyses in this study. Furthermore, in the subsequent static push-over analysis, it is assumed that the major joints in the structure have sufficient joint capacity to withstand whatever resultant (member-end) load that occurred for each incremental step of the static push-over analysis up to failure.
For Ultimate Strength Analyses, the wave height (Hw), current value and current profile are function of wave directions. Current blockage factors are directionally dependent with respect to platform's orientation (longitudinal, transverse or diagonal) per API PR 2A 20th edition guideline. A wave kinematics factor of 0.88 is used. Drag and inertia coefficients take into account the surface effects of tubular members (smooth or rough). The conductor shielding factor is also considered. The marine growth is also modeled per API RP 2A 20th edition. Typically eight wave directions are used in the calculations of static base shears. In this study, 10 wave directions are applied (0 , 4 5 , 9 0 , 135 , 180 , 225 ,270 , 3 15 , 195 and 240 degs.). The wave directions are defined with respect to the platform coordinates system (see sketch of platform orientation). The wave direction of 240 deg. corresponds to the worst wave direction (wave height factor = 1.0) in API RP 2A 20th edition, which is equivalent to the exposure category of significant environmental impact/manned-evacuated. The wave direction of 195 deg. corresponds to the worst wave condition for platforms classified as insignificant environmental impacvmanned-evacuated. The reason the wave direction of 240 deg. is included is that in the subsequent inelastic ultimate strength analysis, the reserve strength ratio must be determined and is defined with reference to API RP 2A 20th edition guideline (which corresponds to significant environmental irnpacvmanned - evacuated). The lateral load level due to wave and current effects is summarized as follows: Design wave height: 59 ft. Design wave period: 12.5 sec (Apparent wave periods: varied) Wave Direction (deg.1 Wave Height (ft.) Lateral Load (Wave & Current) (kips)
The maximum lateral load is 3,077 kips in the wave direction of 195 deg. See Figure 3 in Section A.5.1 for the comparison of lateral loads (wave and current) for different metocean criteria (design level analysis, ultimate strength analysis and API RP 2A 20th edition).
Per API RP 2A Section 17.0 (draft) - Assessment of Existing Platforms, the ultimate strength of undamaged members, joint and piles may be established using the formulas of Sections 3, 4, 6 and 7 of API RP 2A 20th edition with all safety factors removed (i.e, a safety factor of 1.0). The ultimate strength of joints may also determined using a mean "formula or equation" versus the lower bound formulas for joints in Section 4. Tubular member check, joint check and pile strength check were performed for this ultimate strength analysis using the same structural model and linear stiffness analysis used in the design level analysis. The material yield strength (Fy) was 36 ksi for both tubular member check and pile strength check. However, for joint check, the material yield strength (Fy) of 42 ksi was used. The allowable stress increase factor of 1.0 was specified since the removal of safety factors in the checking equations made the allowables, in effect, ultimate capacities. The results of the tubular member check, joint check and pile strength check with stress ratio greater than 0.85 are summarized in the Excel spreadsheet. The members and joints/braces with interaction stress ratio greater than 0.85 are also shown in the attached sketches.
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- Evacuated
8131941 I
(Fy = 42 ksi) ULTIMATE Wl Overlapping LOADING CASE Stress Ratio
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A. 5.4.7
From the results of the SPIA (Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction Analysis) analysis, Tubular Member Check and Joint Check for the linear Ultimate Strength Analysis, and from the lateral external load due to wave and current combinations as shown above, it was concluded that wave directions of 195 and 240 degs. would be the dominant directions to the inelastic push-over response of the platform. In the static pushover analysis, four wave directions are considered (195, 240, 180 and 270 degs.). The 180 deg. is in the longitudinal axis of the platform, while 270 deg. is in its orthogonal direction. The pushover load in each wave direction is incrementally increased by multiplying a load factor times the lateral load corresponding to the ultimate strength analysis metocean criteria in that particular wave direction. The pushover load level reached for the wave directions considered is summarized as follows: Base Ultimate Lateral Load (Wind, Wave & Current) (kips)
A .5.4.8
Deflection Plots
The load-deflection plots are made for four wave directions (195, 240, 180, and 270 degs.). The deck joint #lo32 located at the drilling deck leg (B-1) is selected as a representative joint in reference to the deck displacements. In fact, eight deck joints (Joints #1004, #1008, #I01 1, #10 13, #1032, #1036, #I039 and #1041) at the drilling deck were investigated first, and it was concluded that variation of global response is not significant as to which of the eight deck joints should be used. See Figures 8 through 17 in Section A.5.4.8 for load-deflection plots for further detail. Two types of load-deflection plot were generated. One is the lateral load versus deck displacement. The other one is the ultimate lateral load factor versus deck displacement. The base ultimate lateral load as shown above corresponds to the ultimate lateral load factor = 1.O. See attached load-deflection plots for further detail.
It can be seen that the ultimate lateral load factor of the wave direction of 195 deg. is approximately 1.40. In the wave direction of 180 deg.. the ultimate lateral load factor is approximately 1SO. Whereas, in the wave direction of 240 deg., the ultimate lateral factor is approximately 2.0 (+) in this analysis. From the trend of load-deflection plots of wave direction 240, the ultimate lateral load factor can be increased over 2.0, if another load increment was made. For the wave direction of 270 deg., the ultimate lateral load factor is beyond 2.40. The results of this plot (wave direction 270 deg.) showed that the response of the structural system was still in the linear load-displacement mode. Further analysis might be helpful, but not necessary in this case since the lower RSR for the 195 deg. wave direction was already exceeded.
JOINT # I 0 3 2
JOINT # I 0 3 2
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NOTE 2 :
Step 2 1 Step 22 Step 23 Step #24
Member BuckJed or Yield #2179 (Yield) HI79 (Yield) #2179 (Yield) (Buckled) #580 (Yield) 62174, #2179 #289, #574, #580 (Buckled)
Page 2
Step 15
#270, #133. #335, #134, #272, #135, #273, t136, #274 #275, #137, #560, #566, $571, #603, #600, #604, #SO6 #607, #619. #621, #622. #624, 625, #580, #582 #598 (Yield)
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The load level at which the first component reaches an IR = 1.0 is defined as the first member that buckles or yields in the static pushover analysis in the following discussion:
Wave Direction 195 deg. As the lateral load was increased to a load factor of 1.22 (load step #7 in the static pushover analysis), at that particular snap shot, the member #272 (16" diameter x 0.375" wall thickness), a horizontal member in Row B at Elevation (-) 80'- O", buckled first which corresponded to the lateral load level of 3,856 kips.
Wave Direction 240 deg. As the lateral load was increased to a load factor of 1.80 (load step #21 in the static pushover analysis), at that particular snap shot, the member #2179 (45" diameter x 0.625" wall thickness), a segmented jacket-leg (B-4) just below the waterline, reached its maximum strength (Yield) which corresponded to the lateral load level of 5,392 kips. Member #2179 consists of two segments with different wall thicknesses (0.625" and 1.250"). The segment with the wall thickness of 0.625" yielded first.
Wave Direction 180 deg. As the lateral load was increased to a load factor of 1.31 (load step #8 in the static pushover analysis), at that particular snap shot, the member #272 (16" diameter x 0.375" wall thickness), a horizontal member in Row B at Elevation (-) 80'- O", buckled first which corresponded to the lateral load level of 3,789 kips.
Wave Direction 270 deg. The lateral load was increased to a load factor of 2.40 (load step #15 in the static pushover analysis) which corresponded to the lateral load level of 5,886 kips. It should be pointed out that at this particular snap shot, the structural system response was still in the linear mode, i. e., no member as yet had buckled. The ultimate lateral load factor could be increased beyond the last factor of 2.40 tried, but due to time constraints, we did not continue to perform the static push-over analysis.
Reference Level Load (API R P 2A 20th Edition, 100 Year Return Period)
The reference level load is defined in API RP 2A 20th edition, and is the design wave with a 100-year return period. The reference level load due to wave and current effects is summarized as follows: Design wave height: Design wave period: Wave Direction (deg.) 67 ft. (Maximum) 13.0 sec (Apparent wave periods: varied) Lateral Load (Wave & Current) (kips)
The maximum lateral load is 4,746 kips in the wave direction of 240 deg. See Figure 3 in Section A.5.1 for the comparison of lateral loads (wave and current) for different metocean criteria (design level analysis, ultimate strength analysis and API RP 2A 20th edition).
The reserve strength ratio (RSR) is defined as the ratio of a platform's ultimate lateral loadcarrying capacity to its 100-year environmental condition lateral loading for a particular wave direction as defined in the present API RP 2A procedures. In this study, a static push-over analysis is used to calculate the ultimate lateral loadcarrying capacity of the platform for each wave direction considered. Results or output depend on the structural model (different types of finite elements, such as Strut, BeamColumn, Beam, etc.) used in the nonlinear analysis (static push-over analysis), numerical solutions scheme implemented in the computer program, and the specified tolerances of
unbalanced forces and displacements in the nonlinear analysis. Also, the ultimate strength of the platform might be varied, especially in the local response of the platform. But overall, the trend of global response of the platform should be consistent, if the same guidelines, such as Section 17.0 (draft) of API RP 2A are used. The following is the summary of the reserve strength ratio of the platform being studied: Wave Direction (deg.) Ultimate Lateral Load (kips) 20th Ed. Reference Lateral Load (kips) Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR)
From the results shown above, the lowest "reserve strength ratio" of this platform is 1.18, and its associated wave direction is 195 deg. This is simply a comparison of the ultimate lateral load with the reference lateral load of API RP 2A 20th edition instead of with the section 17.0 metocean criteria.. It should be pointed out that the "reserve strength ratio" is directionally dependent. It raises the question about how many wave directions should be considered in the platform assessment to ensure that the platform's reserve strength is properly evaluated. Analvsis Results Sumrnarv Ultimate Stren~th i) Wave Direction: Load Level at which First Component reaches I.R. of 1.0 (ST): Reference Level Load (Sref): Ultimate Capacity (Ru): Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR): Platform Failure Mode:
195 deg. 3,856 kips 3,736 kips 4,425 kips 1.18 Jacket 240 deg. 5,392 kips 4,746 kips 5,991 kips (+) 1.26 (+)
Wave Direction: Load Level at which First Component reaches I.R. of 1.0 (So: Reference Level Load (Sref): Ultimate Capacity (Ru): Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR):
Wave Direction: Load Level at which First Component reaches I.R. of 1.0 (SI): Reference Level Load (Sref): Ultimate Capacity (Ru): Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR): Platform Failure Mode:
180 deg. 3,789 kips 3,3 14 kips 4,338 kips 1.31 Jacket 270 deg. 5,886 kips (+) * 4,223 kips 5,886 kips (+) * 1.39 (+)
Wave Direction: Load Level at which First Component reaches I.R. of 1.0 (SI): Reference Level Load (Sref): Ultimate Capacity (Ru): Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR): Platform Failure Mode:
Platform response was still in linear mode. Further nonlinear analysis is required.