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Randy Sengel Motion For Sanctions 1.18

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___________________________________ CaseNo.MO11OO1482 JANICE WOLK GRENADIER, Plaintiff, Pro Se SANCTIONS AGAINST RANDY SENGEL



COMES NOW PLAINTIFF PRAYS THIS COURT TO Sanction Randy Sengel The Commonwealth attorney for his disingenuous and unprofessional behavior of Obstruction of Justice. Rule 8.4 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct contains the following statements on attorney misconduct: It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (a) Violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; (b) Commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; (c) Engage in conduct involving dishonesty, Fraud, deceit or misrepresentation;

(d) Engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice; (e) State or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official; (f) Knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law. Plaintiff has been for YEARS denied Rights as a Citizen by the coordinated action Of employed public servants of the Courts of the City of Alexandria, namely Ed Semonian, Randy Sengel, Judge Donald Haddock, Judge Nolan Dawkins and others. On November 21, 2011,The Chief Justice of the Virginia Supreme Court Cynthia Kinser Signed an Order assigning Judge Potter of Prince William County to assist the Judges Of Alexandria by presiding over the monthly session of the Grand Jury, due to Past biases against the Plaintiff, all the active Alexandria judges at the time chose to recuse from the case. ( Exhibit A )

On January 4, 2012 Alexandria Attorney Defendant Randy Sengel went behind the back of the Chief Justice with a letter to The Honorable Richard B. Potter asking him to ignore the Supreme Court Order and refuse to allow Plaintiff to make a Presentment before the City of Alexandria Jury on February 13, 2012, informing him Plaintiff was not one of his witnesss and should not be allowed to make a presentment to the regular grand jury. (Exhibit B) Exhibit C are letters from an equivalent States Attorney for Howard County, Maryland, an equivalent position to that held by Defendant Sengel as Alexandria Commonwealth Attorney, showing service and assistance to a Citizen to speak to his Grand Jury. Exhibit B by Defendant was NOT an argument made in accord with the FRCP

Rule 11: 1. Representations to the Court. By presenting to the court a pleading, written motion or other paper-whether by signing, filing , submitting, or later advocating it an attorney or unrepresented party certifies that to the best of the persons knowledge, information, and belief, formed after an inquiry reasonable under the circumstances: Defendant Sengel does not mention to Judge Potter, nor include as attachments, the prior letters with valid legal arguments based on the Code of Virginia received in early October 2011. 2. It is not being presented for any improper purpose, such as to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of litigation: Defendant Sengel has been causing unnecessary delay, increasing the cost of litigation to the Plaintiff, and to the taxpayers who pay him by his waste of time, since before the letter of September 27, 2011 from Plaintiff asking him to perform his DUTY to convene a Special Grand Jury. 3. The Claims, defenses, and other legal contentions are warranted by existing law or by a nonfrivolous argument for extending, modifying, or reversing existing law or for establishing new law: Defendant Sengel has arrogantly ignore first the Code of Virginia regarding the Right of Citizens to petition the government for a redress of grievances by way of a presentment to the Grand Jury, and then ignored the ORDER of the Chief Justice and cover letter from the Executive Secretary of the Virginia Supreme Court for the Plaintiff to appear on February 13, 2012, The taxpayer paid Alexandria public prosecutor, Defendant Randy Sengel, has under the color of law both refused to prosecute or look into charges of Forging, Uttering and Forging of Public Documents against powerful, politically connected Ilona Ely Grenadier Heckman, and has AGAIN interfered with the access of a Citizen to the

Private Citizens (no lawyers) of the Alexandria Grand Jury. On page 26 of the January 1978 issue of the ABA JOURNAL (see Exhibit D) Is written: In London, responding to a question, Chief Justice Burger said, Our discipline is barely something more than non-existent: discipline of lawyers for misconduct is in an abysmal state in out country. In Virginia, in the decades since, there has been no progress to correct the abysmal state of lawyer discipline by the Defendants Davis or McCauley, or their employer, the Virginia State Bar.

Mr. Sengel & Judge Donald Haddock were sent letters on September 27, 2011 asking for a Special Grand Jury under Virginia Code 192.2-191, plus that the October 2010 edition of the Virginia Supreme Court Handbook for Grand Jurors Section 23 titled Convening states. 1. Any citizen or group of citizens may ask the Circuit Court of a city or county to convene a Special Grand Jury. 2. Judge Haddock ignored Plaintiffs letter and Randy Sengel sent Plaintiff a letter on September 29, 2011 ~ Stating he Respectfully decline to do so. 3. Plaintiff than filed a Parecipe to THE ALEXANDRIA CIRCUIT COURT for Plaintiff to be allowed to go in front of the regular grand jury on October 11, 2011. 4. On October 5, 2011 Plaintiff received a letter from Mr. Sengel informing Plaintiff she was not one of his witnesss and refused to allow Plaintiff in front of the Regular Grand Jury.

5. October 6, 2011 Plaintiff then wrote to Edward Semonian Clerk of Court ~ City of Alexandria reminding Mr. Semonian of his duties to allow Plaintiff in front of the Regular Grand Jury. That it is not Mr. Sengels decision who goes in front of the Regular Grand Jury ~ But, Mr. Semonians job as City of Alexandria Clerk of Court.

6. On October 7, 2011 Plaintiff received an e-mail from Mr. Sengel acknowledging Plaintiffs letter. 7. On October 11, 2011 when Plaintiff got to court she was informed by the assistant clerk Plaintiff would be allowed to speak to the Regular Grand Jury. Randy Sengel heard the statement. 8. When Judge Haddock came into the Court shortly after that ~ Plaintiff was informed she would not be allowed in front of the Regular Grand Jury, contrary to the Clerk docket.

On October 11, 2011 a violation of Plaintiffs Rights under this Constitution were perpetrated by Defendants Sengel and Judge Haddock by denial of access to the Grand Jury to make a Presentment for Bill of Indictment for Forging, Uttering and Forging a Public Document against Defendant Ilona Ely Grenadier, remarried widow of the former City of Alexandria Judge Albert Grenadier, and her law firm Grenadier, Anderson, Starace, Duffett, and Keisler, PC. Prior actions by Judge Kloch, Judge J. Howe Brown, Judge Fortkort, Judge John McGrath and employees of the Alexandria Courts have denied Plaintiff a fair trial by Jury or a Judge with Jurisdiction. The Law is very clear and once again the Circuit Court of Alexandria in its unprofessional and very Disingenuous way has tampered with justice with the letter that Mr. Sengel sent to Judge Potter. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays this Court issue sanctions based on The Rules of the Court on Defendant City of Alexandria Attorney Randy Sengel, and provide Injunction Relief: 1. Defendant Randy Sengel not be allowed to address the Regular Grand Jurly on February 13, 2012 in any capacity. 2. That any special or regular instructions to the Grand Jury be given to Plaintiff prior to addressing Grand Jury. 3. Issue declaratory relief as this Court deems appropriate and just

4. Issue other relief as this Court deems appropriate and just. 5. Award plaintiff her costs of litigation.


Janice Wolk Grenadier 15 West Spring Street Alexandria, Virginia 22301 January 18, 2012 Certificate of Service I HEREBY CERIFY that a true copy of the foregoing was hand delivered this 18 day of January, 2012 to Randy Sengel Commonwealths Attorney at 520 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia 22314. Janice Wolk Grenadier

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