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Dowland - Third Book of Songs

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The document provides the full title and contents of John Dowland's Third Book of Songs or Aires published in 1603.

The Third and Last Booke of Songs or Aires. Newly composed to sing to the Lute, O/phaliot, or tiols, and. a dia- logue for a base and meane Lute u'ith liue voices to sing thereto.

the Lute, O/phaliot, or tiols


The Third Bookeof Sonqs (1 603)

edited by

revised bv Thurston Dart

Associate Reviserfor this volume: David Scott

LONDON: Stainer& Bell BOSTON: Galaxv Music Corporation


Newly composed to sing to the Lule, O/phaliot, or tiols, and.a dialogue for a base and meane Lute u'ith liue voices to sing thereto. By lo]dN D}WLAND, BacheLer in Musiche, anil Lulenist to the most high arut mightie CHRrsrrAN the foutth by the grace oJ God King oJ Denmatk aul Norwey,6c.

Bona qub comrnunio/a eo tuelioro

Pinted at London by P.[eter] S.[hort] for Thomas Adams, and.are to be soLdat the signe oJ the ahite Lion in Paules Churchyard, by the assignementof a Patcnr 6rantcd ro T. Morley. r6oj.

Thc wmdblock usedfoL thc border of tlrc titlcpagc was usedfo r other nusicel publicatiursI Dowland s Fil\t B@k ol Songj (seethe facsimile i,r rhe edirion of rhc book, S. & B. 32or ) i Nlorlev\ Book of ti, Songs Xlorler\ ,1 p1,a e ad ea ;ht' ad,niot ta ptactica nusi; td F.asctcr's Book of Ayres. It / i ws nade by J&h,t B[etts].

Preface E. H. Fellowes by Note Revisr's Dedication
The Epistle to the Reader I. Farewell too fair vi

3. 4. 5.

'fime stands still

Behold a *ondcr here Daphne was not vt chastc N{e, me, and none but me

6 8

love 6. Whcn Phebus liret did DaPhne 7. SayLove ifevcr thou didst6nd
8. 9. Io. Flow not so fast ye fountains I What if I never speed Love stoodamaz'd


r i.

Lend your arsto my sorrow rz. By a fountainwhereI lay r 3. O what hathoverwrought r4. Farewellunkind
I5. Weep you no more' sad fountains

2+ 26 3o 32

16. Fie on thh fcigning r7. I mustconplain r8. It wasa time when sillv bces /.-\ { rq. ) The lo*"'r \i wr,,, *.' *"*ome,s are they zr. Come when I cttt (a Diahgu)

36 38 +z


to ljowland s I nlrd lj00k oI )onrs

or Alrs,

This vollrme. $hich w^s Dublisled in 1603, was described bv Dowland as iis third and last book of Songs, but it vas lollowed nine years later by the volrme to wh,ch he gale the titl ot ''A Pilsrimes Solace." The full title of tbe book is as fdlotrs:-"The Tbird ard Last Booke ot Songs or Aires. Nwly composed to sins to tle Lut., Olkhdt;oi, o/ riols, did d .lid-logue for a base and beane Lnt with five voices to sing thereto. a, John Dorvland, Bd.helu i" Mrsich., dltJ Lrten;st to ,ha nost hieh d .l n;ehtic Chti.tlan the Jottth b! th. Ence oJ God hntg ol DenDturk atul Nor@ct &c. Boad qub .orrtliio4 .ij nel;o/d. P(iiIed at Lon.lon by P. S. for TLonas Ad^ms. dt,l dre to bc sold dt tlrc si9Dc oJ the whita liot.;, P^ules Cburchyard, by the assignement of e Patent gra.ted to T. Iforlcy. 1603." The woodcut border used or the tille page is the same as that of Dowlarlds $rst book of Songs a.d Airs repnxluccd in tbe llrst volume oi the present Series. Tlre first forr in this third Rook are \tilt.n as solo-songs wilbout any .lternative 'fhe last nnnrber jn the boolr, as mentbned version for un^ccompanl.d voices in combinatior. 'n the tille page, is a dlalosue w,tb acconr)ininrelt lor t\{o lutes, the second of which is strunA a fourth lower than the lirst. The ^n refrah is for filo voices, but it can be salisfactorily periormed by tlle two voices wbich enga{c in the dialogue. This bool< contains Dowland's sup3rb setting of Weep you no more, sad fotrntains" and tlre s o hewh a t si h iiar , and alm o s t e q u a l l y b e a u ti fu l , s o n s " Il ow not so fast, ye founta,ns." Tbc author of the words of these two so'gr is not kno,vn. but ihe words of No. 17 are by Campian, and Nos. 18 and 19 are generally attributed to Robert, Lord Essex, and Sir Edward Dyr respectively. Dowland dedicaled the volume to Srr John Souch (or Zolr.h) whose Coat of Arms with eisht quarteriDgs is represeDtedon ihe ba.l of the title-prye. The quarterihgs are as follo('s:-L Guler, or, f if t ee n b e za n t sand a c aDto n e rm n re , fo r Z o u c h . 2 . G ul es, three l eopards' headsj essaD i s, for CantelLrpe. 3. Argeni, r$'c chevrons gules r.d a label of three poirts vert, for 51. Maur. 4. Or, 5. lJ.rry of six, vaire and gules, for scmle of rosses crosslet, a lion rampadt azure, for Lovell. Braose. 6. Or, thrc. piler gules, a cahton laire .rgent and 6ules, for Rasset. 7. Or, a fess sules, Crest. On for de Quinci. 8. Areent, rlree cinquefoils gules aDd a canton of the last, for Dryby. a staff couped and ragulCeor, sprouting at the dexter poirt, a raven with wings e\panded Beride. the de.l,cation, $brch calls for no special comment, Dowland printed an " Ep,-lle ro thc Reader" in which hc alludes to the success of bis first two books, mentioDing thai he $as still arvay from Ersland; and it contains one pithy little recommetrdationwhich may well be quoted he.e, for, although Dowland s epistle is more than three hundred years old, his wise counsel on this matter ' A s n a hi ve of beesal l l abouf al i k6 p i s nee d e d e rhapsas f t lc h to -d a y d i i t w a s w h e n h e $ ro!e,t: to lay up honcy, opposins tbemselves against none but fruitless drooes; so in tbe house of learni.S fame all sood endeavourersshould strile to add somewhat that is good, not malicing one arcther, ^nd but altogether baodying agarnst tbe idle and malicious ignorant."

EDMUND H. FELLOWES. THE CLorsrERs, wINDsoRcAsrLE, Md! lst, 1923.

The mnsical ard lcrbal texts of this cditiorr hare betr checkerl(an<l,where rreceseLl, cotrected) againstcopiesofthe original editidr in rhe British NIuseum, the Roval CollLgc of NIusn', arrd the H.rrv Watson Libr.ry in Nlarchestcr. ,{ll thesecopiesappcar t,, have been printcd et the sametime, rhough rhe BLnish Museurn copy codtainscofrcctionsthat nrav havc bccr nrrdc ir the Printing shopb'n'-e ir wr\ Dr Fellowcs nodemizcd spelling of the lyrics has beer retaincd,Lrut the origiral punctuanon hxs bccn restorcdwhere is is rationrl. I)owland's own basspaft his beeDincotprattd intothe tran'Lrir and slowest{oving part at anv poirx' eve whcre ! rrie is inll orcr tion ; it forms the lowest-sounding indicatnns to the contrarl'' from the precedingchord, wherc small notcd are used,orwherethcre are special vi s h o u l db e pl ayedupona bass d. Inros 5 20thc bas5 I nnos.r + t his bA s t ar t is w i th o ut w c rd s ,a n d voice, and mav be sung and/rr phved upon a has viol lntlrc pan is undcrhid with thc text lbr a bass Dialogue, no. z r, the first voice has no bass'boued or sung; the sccondroice has an instrunrenol hass uDtil the ts'o voicesjoir, when the barsis und.rlaid with dre text Dowiand s settingsof nos. 5 zo {lor four voices) ancl 2I ("with nve voices n, sing thcrek ") will bc found in volume VI of Musica Britannica (nos. 36 52). Dowlandt 6rst' xcond, and founh books of son5 have nusic tbr lLrtewithout voice (one lure with two playere,lutc and bas viol, lute solo) but thk volumc is en exception In 1603 Dowland\ very succesful Fid Bobb af Snra uas rc-issued'thc thild of hvc rs'ucs' This issuewas urknoq n urttl beariDgas publisbcr the ranr of Etnm4 Shon, Pcter Sho*\ *idow recentlv, the only Brithh coPy (in the Henry Watson Library) being confused wirb Ttu TAid Bocle Comparinn ofthc o;f both in the library'sown catalogue'and in thc Brts h (lnion Catatogue Earf,llzrjr' drat the resrates the tnle-page border common to borh (I'lcKerrow 99' 6rst usedin I5tq) suggests of printirg of thc ?,iil/ 8,,*. through Short\ shoP' issue the Fint Bo"tc followed thc of




lolz Souch Efquire, for many curtefies for which I imbolden ml /elje, Presumiflg of his good fauour, to fre/ent this

fimple worke, as a token of my thankefulnes.

HE eftimation and kindnes rvhich I haue euer bountifully receiued from your fauour, haue mooued rne to prefent this nouelty of mufick to you, rvho of al others are fitteft to iudge of it, and wo.thielt out of your loue to protect it. II I gaue life to thefe, you gaue fpirit to me; for it is

ahvaiesthe \\orthie relpect of others that makes arte profper in it felie. That I may thereforeprofeife,and make maniieft to thc world both your lingular affection to mc, and my gratefull minde in my weakc ability to you, I haue here prefixt lour honourablename, as a bulwark of fafetie, and a title of grace,thinking my ielle no way able to deserueyour fauours more, then by farther engaging my felfe a to you for this your noble prefumed patrooage. He that hath acknowledged fauour, they say, hath halfe repaideit: and if Iuch payoent may Paffe for currant, I fhal be euer readie to grow the one halfe out of your debt, though how that thould be I knowe not, Iince I owe my felfe (and more, if it were pofsible) vnto you. Accept me rvholy then I beleech you, in what tearmes you p]ease' being euer in my vttermoft feruice De oted to gout Honours hhdnefse,

The Epiftle to the Reader.

HE apt'laule af thew that iudge, is the illcoulagenenl of thale thdt u,rite: My JiyIt tzaoboohes aiyesIpeed a.f a fo tell that thel haueptod,uced. third, uhich they haue
fetcht far from home, antl btought euen throLtghthe malt feliLous Ieas, uherc hauing efcalt fo wary fhat.fe rochs,I hope they fhall not be ulacht ok land by curiaus anl biting cenltrres. As in a h,i.ueof beesaL labo r alihe to laf tp honny ot'pofing them felues agai lt nohe but fruitles drones; fo itu the houk of Learning and fane, all good indeuouren fhould Jtritre to arl Jome, that is gaod., nmLicixgone an,othef, but allogethelbdtrd.lii1g not r-ly labouls fol 111! part I free\ ofer to eueyie mans iudgeheri, fleluning, that JduoLtl oncealta)tned,is thale eaJill encreafed then loJt.
loH\ I)orvLAND.

dgtinst tlrc idLe ancl maLiciottsignoratt.




O Copyrisht 1923by Stainer BellLtd & Revised edjtionO Copyright 1961.1970by Stainer BellLld, 23 crunejsen & Road.London 1DZ N3

{LY 7


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Farewll too aair, loo chaste, bul loo too cruel, Disc.tiod never queochdfire wiih swords: Why hlst lhou nade ny !art lhine anger's fuel, A nd now wo uld krll Ey las s ioni s ilb lht Folds ? Th is is lroud Ba uty3 lrre anat oht , ll lhat secure slere ir 3ecre.y, larewll, fdre*ell.

Farwell ioo dear ald tooioo mucb desi.ed, U t r l e s , c o m p a . s r o nd w e l l D o r e D e r r t h y h e a r t ' Love by logleci (thouAh aomtaDt) o|' is tired, And rorc'd flon Bliss urwiuiasly to }a.l. This is lroud !.dutt3 true analoFJ, U lhal scuro severc in secrecyi FaE*eli, farepell.


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!! Iide slands still with gazins on he. face! slrnd slill and gaze, for ninutesr hours and years,lo her Aive place: All other things shall change, lui sh remains lhe .ane, Till heavens changd have {hcir co!rso and Tihe halh lost his rane. cupid doth hover up and down Uindd wirh her fai. eyes, And lortnue csptive a1 her cotrlemld and corqDorU ties. Wher lortun.,, ind Time atrend on Ite. with ny fortuues, lovo, and litte I honour will alone' If bloodless Envy say,Dnly hnlh no deserl, Duly .eplies that Enly knows herself his faithful heart, Mr settled vors ard slotless failh no fortune crn rehove, Courag. shall show my insard faith, and failh shall try ny love,



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ge ho ld a wo nd erher c Love halh reciYA his si8hl, Which ndnJ hrndred years B^th n!, behold the lighl.

Love low !o more will wep For iheh that l.u6h th vhil6, No. wake forthen ihal slep, No. si6! forlhem that snil,

Such beans infused be By Cynth ia in ! is eJ es ' As firsi have madc hrn see wis.

so !o{}lcl

is the biauti

That Lovedoth nor behold, as toveis tuu'd Thatl to d'ut'y

And lben hale nrd ti

trcither blind nor bold.


B.auty shows he. nig:hl

To h of double kind, h 6ivingLove his sighi And st.ikiner loliy blind,



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Dephne wa3 nol rc chaste as 6b wa8 chalging) 3oo! beauD lovo wirli nate estrangina: Ile llai io day iri!n!h. Falls befoE trighi *i{h *ith favolrd gtuced, scorN defaced. one desifts, liro3.

Yet i6 thy leauty teign'.t, and .vly slill the false li6hl of lby trdt'tor.

Be4uty car wanl no grace by t.u6 lola viwedi fancy ty tooks is stiU retrewed: Lik lo a fruilful lree it ver geweih, O! ale tuesh lprini thal erdlesB tloveth. aut if that Boauty ofon6 co!.!t with lovo, Love 3hould live fre &.d tru. llea6ure !rov..

.eG ct) Eorrd .0.$ ro b. r Di6p.i!r.or c G E) I At aot.. ror' t|.r..4 dtr..rt tr r.itt., t^yti^ tiar o".. ta. lata .^ota. ^oas^

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r( 7





Me, ne, and Done but me, dart hon, O gcdle Dealhr Ard quickly, for I draw too lor8:1his idle breaih: 0 how I lon6 iiit I nay fly to heav'! above, Urto my failhful ald beloved turlle dov.

Lik to the siller And yel alive hI

swan, befo.e ny dealb I sing: fatal knell I hel! to ring.

Stili I desire ar.rn earth and earlhltjoys to fly, g rcver halpy livil thrlcuaol love to die.


DID DepHI'[rtove 6.\(HEN PHoEsusFIRST



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C o p yrisht 1923 b y Sra ine r 8 Eoll ! t d. Re v i seddirion Oco pyriShr t 96! Er d t 97O by St . i&t S

'i " 6 t o . * 86ll Ltd-



'Wh! Ptoeb!3 tirst did Dephne love, And ro neens mi6hl her tuvour nove, IIe cdv'{ ihe oeu6., The c&use,quoth 6be Is,I have vo*'{ viralrity. Then in a rage he swt.e,and 6aiil, Ps6l filleen !on6rblt one should Iive & n4id.

It Deid.B iher sh&u chtlco !o 6!.d 8re lhey cau so.teely d.ess ihoir hced, Ycl p&rdo! then, fo. they b6 lo.lh To udt. gloit Ploebr3 bleat lis oail. ,lnd botler a child wero born, Il&n tlat a 6od Bhoqld b toresvorn. "*6te . btr or.t ,A... eordt r..r to a..t .AA.d to a, .o67t.t. t.ttc ir ta.Jtraac. lo tA. Qt..n.






-a ft7 -77

she, she, aDd


Say lolo if ever thou didsl fidd, 4 won4r willt a constan{ mird? None but on. And shal slolld lhdt ra.e ni.ror be, sone ooddes6 or 60r! queer is she? She, s he, s be, and ot r l y s h e , She only Q ueen of lov e a n d b e a u t y .

Eut could liy liery poiso!'il da.a .{l no tihe touc! her stotl6s6 heorl, No. c one t r ear ? she is not subjecl io Llvei, bow, Hr eye comnands, ne. narl saith {o, No, no, Do, and_only no, ole No dnolle. sliu dolh tollow.

How ni8ht I that fair woDder lilow That hoc ls des ir e will n d l e s s N o ? S ine m oo! Thal ev! in ore chang doth g.ow, Yet s t ill lle s dm e, and s h e i s s o , So, s o, s o, and only s o , Fr on heav ! he. v ir lues s h 6 d o t h h o r r o w ,

To hr lter yild tny shafrs and bow, Tnat . en c onnar d af f ec li o n s 6 0 , [ . v . is f r ee: So are ler tlought6 ,h&l valquis! lhe, There is no Q!en of lov but sho, SLe, 6he, s he, aad ot r ly s h o , she orly Quen ol love and beariy.



ye i* fouD noun tains,Whel ne6d - e!t! dll tain6. No. spend vou. iine this hat? in wa6le.



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FIow rol so t.s1 Ye fouatarrs' What needelh tll l!i6 !t3!? Swetl not shoa6 tour nourtaltc' N o r s !.n d Yo u rl i n e i n w 43i e' G e n tl es P ri n ts ' l E3 h l YY Must 6litl lau d.onlin8 from iieir sPh6ros' Weep they aPec6,wboh Re&son o . l i !t' ri !s T i n e can ease: lly sorrow cao no se.son, Not auah, bosidesrPPets' vout 6al t rdrs Oe n tl e6 Pri D g s ,l t s h lJ fu6t sirll fall dropping lrcD tns't 3!heres line can abatc the te.ror of every eonDon Ptin, But comnon gti.f i3' I e ariel will 6iiU re!r&io' c e n t1 6s p ;n s s , i r.s h l v vour sal t tears n ri t tti U fa l t d ro F ! i !5 fron thrr 6!i ere3'





Then v - ersnau she

'r.rttirti'g coDr.irht 1923 by thilcr t 16ll ltd. R c ; '.1 d i l i o! 6 c apy t igh t l g 0 r r.d l 0 ? o b v s ta i !o ! e B ol l Ltd.



arell tuti.s.onttk.d'





ir R N co"t


Whai il I never 3!66d? s hat l I s ir aight y i e l d 1 o d . s l a i r ' Anil 6till on sorow leed Thut can no loss rePtir? O . . t all I c hange ny l o v ? For I tind podt lo d.!t.t, prove -{nd in my r.&sot I car conn.nd t\Y heatl. Dul if she wiu tily by desi.e,end ny love rquite, T[en ev.r shall s! live ny de&r delight. Cone. cone, cone, while I lav a heari lo dr6ire thee, cone; con, come,rot eithe. I eiil love o! adnire lhee. orl hav I d.e.n'd orjoy' * Yet I never fll the sweet' BUI ti.ed with alnoy, My g.ifs each other greet, oft hav I lef, ny hoPe, t As a wr et c h by l. te f o r l o m , lul Lov e aim s . t on s c o P e , And los t will s t iU r e l u r n . t le t ha! o. c e lov es wit h d t r ue d e s i r e D v e rc a n d e P a r t ' For CuPid is lhe Lirg of ev.y he&.r. Cone, c one, c one, while I hav a h a r r t o d e s i r e t h e ' c on, c ob, c om , f or eilhet I w i U l o v e o r a d n i r e t h e l.u 1^e, . ^.trr v eta, b! lak torLtor") -





Lovewolld hsve said




.4aal.t.r. ^ittta..d " .ll.ori.t .oatrtt.d' a^.rd.d

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E lrd ro?o R1?,'.'"..t:.1?i"'"%i;;iill,ti'l*i';n bysrri!o, Br


Love stood amst'd at swet Beaulv3 !ain: Love would hde said thai &U wes bul vai!, anil Gods but lalt divireaul wnen Lov tsw ihal Baulv toulil di: II ell eabE6t' lo heavlls ilid ctt' 'o aods, wlat wro!6 is nnre' then ni6 te.rE b.ed in thoughts ol s4lt btitre' Fell fton his eyos,lii(e rain i! sunshine, xrpeU'd bY.det ollire: Yet in 6uch wise as trgui6h Bllords, H did .x?ress in these his l&8t words Eis infinile desr16. wheie are now ihose eves, A16 you fl.d,lair? Eye6 bui ioo f&ir,nvied ly Ine 6kie3? You anlY godg do L!ow' lvith guiltles6 blooal l.ur sceltF6you si&iD, O D Door t r uo hear ls li\ e a y r & n t 6 v o u r c ! : Ut jus t why doy o u . o ? Are you lsl6e aods? *iy ilen doyou rign? ,Are you just god6? wly l]etr ha,a.vou 6lrin The life ol Love o! a h. Eesuty, row thy face livos i! lbe .hie' 8e&uty, now loi me live in thi!. vs' whe.e bliss tll nevr da!!. Tlen froh high rock,tte tocl ot de8!&it, IIe faus,in hote to smother i! tle .ir' Or els. o! stor6 ao butsi' Or on colit *.v.3 !o 6?end his lsst btealh' Or his Etralt lif to elit Dy st.an6e dat!' 8!t Fdt fo.bade lhe worst. with pity nov'd, lle gods then clalge To Phoelix 6haPe,yot c&nnot remove gis *onlil lroptty, t{e lov* tbc sllr because ii is fair, Slee! be nglect6,lo l&es D{t bv rir, And would' but c e l l o f , d i e . love




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Lend yor. ears to my sorrow Good !eo!l ihri have ary pityt For no eyes will I boffow nt ine own s hall er a . e n y d o l e f u l d i l l t : t c h. nt it , oy v oic e 1! o{ s h r u d l i }. r o F y r b y E i ! g , Ard iell fo.1h ny Briof whrch ler u sad dcspair Ca! find no ease of tornentin8,

O nc eI liv t d, or c e I t r w d e l i g h l , No Arief did shadow then ny pleasue: Cr ac d wit b lov e, c hee r t w i t h B e a u i y 's s j g h l , I joy'd alone true hedv'lly t.easure, O *hal a heaven is love firnly embr..ed, Such tow'. nlon can fix deli8n, I n For r unc i bos on e v e r l l a c e d .

Cold !s ice, frozn is lnaa heart, where thought of love could no tine entr: such ol life reap lle pooresr tarr Whose weight claves 10 this e4rlhlt cenlre, Mulual joys itr iearts lruly uniaed Doear lh t o heav ' ! ly s iale co r v e . t ) Lik e he. v r ! s lill in i t d e l l d e l i g h l d .

t 7i^. s;gn.trr.t .,. tl.c..l .fiaticaut T c l a nl irl C[a nl lh en r dcrtar , r r t .

l n .tl !oe" ao...'

ad t46kttr..







N o world ieJes c.n cle ar - er

s ee,

f s ir - e!


!ore, lone

Ay a founlain where I lat A lr blesse db e tial bles 6dday , A y t he AIinn t.iaA of t he s un, o rever be he. 6hitring done, W[er I ni8hl lly see elone t.ue love's lai.esl oae, Love's dea. tighl, Love's cle.r siAhl, No sorld'6 eyes can clesrer 6ee, A fairer 6iAlt none can bo.

Fair wjth garlatrds dll address'd, Was nver Nynlh nore fairly blss'd, S l e s s d i n l h o h i 6 h 's ! d e A r e e , So mey lhe ever blessed be, Cane io this touolain rar with 6uch e 6mitiDs cher.(i) Such a face, such a grsce! Eally, halpy eJes that see SucI a heaa'nly siAhl as sle.

Th! I forthwitn t.ot my lipe \Yhich I a1lfair and clean dld wi!e, An d u p o na h e a v ' n l y g ro ud, (2) All in the grace of beauty found, playid rlis roundelay, W e l c o b e ,l a i rQ u e n of sing, swel air, Welconelsi., Wlcome the snpherds' be Quen, Tie 6lory ol all our 6fuen, ?. b,ss. ?' J rt bassuy'8.bass.4: Il in bassus. (r) rn obsolete {orit,it.rir.d froD rno olit Ftentn .^.re, ne^tinA .otntendt.., <2, grotad i.. technicrl tetn beant^6 ostirato. ay



e r- sroqahl y au thal thus ! brought,


TillTime andTrulhlilh hugit,

I s e e i 5 c l e a r , B ui The day Forarref dolhstill a!-!ea.,

t &5: ba s s . ? : t a r r l d r t a . s s u s ' .o D v r iabt 19 2S b y Str'np r& Bell Lt d R" i , l s" d 6dir io n O 1 96 ? strd lgt o by s ( &lne. & Bll Lld.


sLine waro,

beau-ly srreans blss-edbeamslvhere

llap-Iy, ta!-!y



love's --


O whal hath overwrorghl My all .hlrd thou8:n{? Or whereto am I broughl, Tnat thus id vain have sou8ht Till Tihe and Trulh hatb tauBhi, I tahour all for nougnt?

the day I see is clear, ,,, A q i I a E n e ' r t b o t r e a r ) " For grif doih 6till alpear, To doss our merry cbeer, Wiile I can nolhitra hoar, But winler all the yar.

Cold,hold, The srn will shile *a.h, Therefo.e now fe.r no hah. O bies s edbe&n s , Whe re be.uly streans Eappy hapty li8ht to love'sdreans.

\r) h,'er the ne

is a connan F liu d b .!h JD "r p r sr a tr

""n - n g ,pvpr


,zarP L


UN 1 4.F A RE \ T E LL K IN D






Fire{ell unkind farwetl,ao me ao nole a falh.r, sin.e ny neari h.ld5 ny love most dearl The we.llh wlich tlor dost raP.nolhe.'s hdnd mustgalher, Thoueh by heri stiU lies blrid thre' lhen farwell,O fareweu ' wlcone Dy love,veleohe,ny joy ror vr.

Tis nol lhe desiro of Iunan fleiine beally, ry meals do die. Makes Ey nind to live,llougi wro!6,though I forgl nv dutv: No! do ! NaCure Lolo,noi in the blood but in |ne 6lirir doth li' Ther farewell,o aarewrl' Weleone Dy loae,welcome,IDJJov for ever.



r-L_L _-_.-r I


lies 6leet-irg, lbat

now lies sleo!-ing,Sofi -


sofl' ly lies-sleep-ing


'W.epyou no doro,sad foutrtai!., w[al Deodyou llow so t&si? Loot how in6 6noey no!nl&i!s, He4Y'n3slrr dolh aenrly *est6. Bul my su!'s heav'lly eyes Yiew roa youi wepinA, Th.t n.w lieE 6le.!irg, Sofilt trow 6oftly lies sleIina. Sl.! is o, .concilirg, A r5t lhat Peecebtets: Doth nor lle Bunri6e sniling, wne! tsir sl e'eu be Ecls, &es, you th!, re3l,6adeyes, U.ll trol ir weepitrA, qrhil !e lies 6leeping:, Sofrly, low 6oatly lieg Slepitra.



i-t-, I

. " , - ' P.',,.",",," *ilir'! !!i4,t:9;' ' :' ,Ltd. ^^ 'i :i :Li i62t bv S r .i ,o rc uRoePJrriFd"'c;-i;;;'o r'g02'!d re?o Dv" ,-t-o r& Bo l I ''''"


Fie o! this ligning Is tole *itho!! dsir6, Hei slill renaitri!9, And Yei !o 6Pa'k of fire? weri wilb fancv novd, Tnou art!trtru6,nor For Desire hath Pow't on all thar evr toved'

Show sone rlenii.A, Or 6ra!! ihou dosi now love!

Two hearts consentug Shatl theY no confo'ts P'ov? Yiet d, o! c onf es s t hai lov e i s w i t h o u t p l e a s u r e ' Atr.t that wonen'. bounti.s rob men of their trasure

Tr ut h is nol Place d I n s or ds end f o r c e d s D i l e s ' Lov e is r ol gr ac e o W ilh t hal * ! ich s i i l l b g u t r e 6 ' loYo or dis lik , Yit d f ir e, o r g i v e n o t l o l , c 'u e l ' s o Fs y r s t lhou lr ov k ind,o r a t t h e l e & s r l e s s
'. r. n, s p d n t e d E. b4s s , l: i n rhe or Bn' al r ablar ur e



ltltords br liaMas CatQiat'J




;::iiiii:l',." o'$S'ffIt'"f'0",'l;'*.u ,,0

)"""*nt i

sh e had no t ei- s u r6 ,s h e b .d ro ta i -s i r




he. tr!e.

I must cohplaitr,yel do erjoy ny lov6, She is loo aair,loo ric! itr besuly's Ttrco is ny Srif: fot nsture,wnile slte strove Wilh dU her 6rsc.s ard divin.6l ar{B, To forn le! too too bo&utiaul ot hra, Sho Lsd no lolsur lefl io E&!e he! aru,

Sh o ul dI ag8ri ev' d then w i sn shew rel ers tai r, thai wer relugrarl to ny own Sne is rdnir?, new suitors srilt relri., Tbat kiDdls daily lovea foraetful, &..t j.el ous thouabrb, abd thus resotve l est ar Sh e h eth E ol e becrl y tban becomes cha6t;, rhe



D$'!) lwotus asctib.d aonobert'Eart of

beescouldsPea!, And i! tha'



Il p&E a tiBe when silly bees could sleak, , { t d in t hat line I was r s i l l y b e e ' Who fed on thyme until ny he4rl'aan br&L, Yet rver fouad the lin would farour Ee. 0f aU the swarm I only did nol ilrive, Ye{ b.olAht t wax aDd Lony to the Live. Then thus I buz2'il *hen thyne tro se! would give, \{hy should lhis llssed thyneio n be dry Sith by tnis lhyme the lary drone doib live, The aas p, r he wor n, t ne g b a a , t h e b u i t e r l t y , M at ed s iln gr ief , I k neeled o n D y L a e s , lbe ting ol bees. And Utus conpl3ilf 'My lie8e,gods g.anl tht line Day rever end' . And yet vonchsafe ao hear ny plaidl of tbyne, Which fruilless llies lave fouhd to t.e a f.iend, And I c as t down whe! 4l o n i e s d o c l i n b i The KinA .ellied but thus,'Peace,leevish bee. Thoult bourd to serve lhe tine,th.lhym. noi lhe: Th o sord liu . is sp "k l r , ous , nur r hc l\ r r . r n a' iq' nr l " . t 'o o n , b u r ( b e o l i v o n t h " *o t d s T i t t c t n d f h t ) n e "o s' l l h . ob! ' . u,.[E.He] B.i , l. s l. ", ' Lls iJ oJ d. i"r ibs ; t bEpo. d a r , . T b e Ei;l;lErr.t hir Aur., rhr.6he o a d e upo! ron ..tirco lte!te en t . . . 1598, 1



lvord.s ascil..t to Si, D.tddl.t Dt.rl


low - .-si lr*



h ersple n ,ibe lil- t le

And s]D -der




60 hrv.slal.lo*


Tne lowesl aree6 have lops) the dnt Isr 5.U, T! tly her slleeD,lh. liltlo stark his ha{, ]|td sletdet hairs clst shadows thou6h but BD&U, And bees have stings &llhough tly be ,oi Arai. s a5 hav e t heir s oulc , ind 3o h . r . . h . l l o w i t r i . 6 r , And love G loae i! beggars and in kings.

Whre waterE 6Eoolhest ru!, deep &re the ford., the dial .tiF,It nore prceines it novo: the ti.e6t laiih iB in lhe fewe3f *ord6, The lurlls cannot sing, &nd yei lhey loyl True hearts hdve yos and a16, !o lonAuo3 to spe.t: They hean&!d 6oe,&nd igh,Md then tley bre.r.

lO . bis t. 2 . t o eit t o. t



l v r' * p -*

" " .-t..-i " ' . r5

so-nonJsvP s ror sre thev'Td_ke "




Wnal loor .3i.otroE.B sr. rney, T.l. qon.& ey.s ro. star!, A[d ..0 their altotr5tts in brtal. rsy To liAtt Bucbidl. mrs, When in the .rd th.yd&ll .pprov., 'Ti6 brt 6lesl drswn out of lov..


ADd lovs iarclr i! Dlt a J..t Devi.A by i{1. t..d!, To calch totnA tsaci.s h |lo !oBt, .{!d lry il in tools'b.d., Thai bein6 L.!ol'd ir 8..uiy'. .ye., Tn.y hey b6 fledgri b! nlss.

8ui yei tl 13 . .porl to s.. trow rlrit will !!r or F!..1!, {'Lile ttriU'carroi !c!.lrd6d b6 wilb tt.l ehiah n6..0! f.olr: Thal $,oF.d .y.s aod .tar6 .!c ottd, And Lov. t. brt a !od.

But .uch 6s will rulr Dsd wtth WiU, I c&rrot c!.ar rhir .kbt: aua l6oy6 thsn to a[.ir shdy .tilt, To loot el.r. lr !o ltatt. Tlu tim. too lrt. w. Ert. u!.m try, Ttey .hdJ' ld3. !,ctronoEy.

' Eislrirt.d


i! il.





(a Dialoguo)

Ir you be de&l I

n u sr !r oee



s-wlile,nY ho.v'!_lY ioY, I

conewithwiDeis ol

lovo, rYber

--ry F


,l,"'}'o'o'i.,""*u""'''''n $:l{::i:'.1"'3"'d*";1Tf

' Thi . !.tt ht. i . tu!.d .t.' tIY I rnurtt !.l ow th. fi rsr l ut6'

l.d - guishherc,wani -


re - lif.

whai ft.d we


aqi6tr? c&n



Then s o- dr e - ly

En - v y

scorn - r48-, lcr


ED- vy sco.r - inA, Let


nd with


os. nouh

oone whe! I call,o. fa.ry iiU I come, Il you be deaf I n!6f p.ove duEb. saay awhile,By heavrnly joy,I cone wilh Fi.Ss of tove, Wh! nviors eyes Tine shall EDovo. Ii ihy dsire v. |l!ew tho giiel of delat l{o daneer could stand ir thy way. Otdo rol add lhis* 1o ny Rrie! That lsnguish hre wrntin8 relief. What need *e laaAuish? csn Lore gnicklJ fly: Fear eve. hlrts nor tlan jeelorsy. TlD scurely Envy scorning, Li us end wjth joy our norrniis, Jealousy stilt defy, And lov e t ill we d i e ,

hrs prnned


ihe otigDdl

e d io s.

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