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Complex Analysis For Mathematics and Engineering: 5th Edition John H. Mathews and Russell W. Howell

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Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering: 5th Edition John H. Mathews and Russell W.

ISBN: 0-7637-3748-8 Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006

Typos for the Second Printing

Chapter 1Answer Section

Section 1.3

Page 582, Exercise 1e. Replace  (x 1)2 +


with  (x

1)2 + y 2 .

Section 1.4

Page 584, Exercise 7. The answer should read as follows:

Arg(z1 z2 ) = Arg(4i) = . Section 1.5


Arg(z1 ) + Arg(z2 ) =

2 3

5 6

= 3 . 2

Page 585, Exercise 11b. i Replace Let z = e  with Let

z = ei .

(i.e., insert a period after

ei ).

Chapter 2Text
Section 2.1


Page 53, line 5. Replace of

to be function with of

to be a function.

Page 58, lines 45. The phrase linear transformation should be in bold. Page 62, Exercise 9. Change the wording in the exercise statement as follows: replace total charge with electric eld intensity. Page 63, Exercise 11b. Replace  h(z)

= f (g(z))

with  h(z)

= g(f (z)).

Page 63, Exercise 12. Eliminate part d. Replace Find with Sketch in parts a, b, and c.

Section 2.2

Page 70, Exercise 10. The reference to Figure 2.14 in line 3 of the exercise should be to Figure 2.12.

Section 2.5

Page 91, Exercise 10. Replace the phrase outside the disk outside the circle

D1 (1) = {w : |w 1| < 1} C1 (1) = {w : |w 1| = 1}.


Chapter 2Answer Section

Section 2.1

Page 586, Exercise 1c. Replace  2i with  2.

Section 2.2

Page 587, Exercise 1g. The answer should read as follows: The innite strip

{(u, v) : 1 < v < 8},

which is the region in the


plane between



v = 8.

Page 587, Exercises 7a and 7c.

i For clarity, change the answers to the polar form e } so that they read as follows: { i 3 Exercise 7a: The set e { i : > 8, and 43< < . } Exercise 7c: The set e : > 64, and 2 < < 2 .

Section 2.3


Page 588, Exercise 5a. The last equation should read Page 588, Exercise 17. Replace Rewrite


lim z = 0. f
as in Exercise 11.

as in Exercise 9 with Rewrite

Page 588, Exercise 19. Replace that if

z D (0)

with that if

z D (z0 ).

Secton 2.4


Page 589, Exercise 3. The last sentence should read as follows: { i : Thus, the range of f2 (z) is z = e Page 589, Exercise 5a. The last equality should be



< 2

|z|eiArg(z) = z .

Section 2.5

Page 589, Exercise 11.

Replace The exterior of the disk The exterior of

i C1 ( 2 ),


{ } ( ) i 1 2 D1 ( 2 ) = (u, v) : u2 + v + 2 > 1 . { } ( ) 1 2 is (u, v) : u2 + v + 2 > 1 .


Page 590, Exercise 21. Change the answer so that it reads as follows: Broadly speaking,

are designations for limits in Calculus indicating quantities

that get arbitrarily positive or negative. There is no such signed measure in Complex Analysis, only a measure of how far things are from the origin. In that sense, the point

on the Riemann sphere can be equated with both

in real analysis.

Elaborate and give some other comparisons.

Chapter 3Text
Section 3.2

Page 112, Exercise 16b. 1 Replace  [ux vy + i(yx 2

+ uy )] = 0


1 [u 2 x

vy + i(vx + uy )] = 0.

Section 3.3

Page 120, Exercise 6. 3 2 Replace  u2 = x 3xy  with  u2 (x, y)

= x3 3xy 2 .

Chapter 3Answer Section

Secton 3.2


Page 591, Exercise 1g. Replace the last equation ( f Page 591, Exercise 9a. Replace and

(z) = 2x)

with  f

(z) = f (x, 0) = 2x. uy = cosh x cos y = vx .

uy = cosh x sin y = vx .

with and

Page 591, Exercise 11c. The answer should read as follows:

is analytic in quadrants I and III and dierentiable on the



y -axes.

Section 3.3

Page 592, Exercise 13a. The solution should read as follows: 1 x f (z) = x+iy = x2 +y2 + i x2y 2 . +y

Chapter 4Text
Section 4.4

Page 151, second line after the phrase  Replace  < with  .

Calculation for D.

Chapter 4Answer Section

Section 4.2

Page 140, Exercise 7. Per student requests, replace Prove that if Prove that if a complex number

z = c



Section 4.4

Page 595, Exercise 7. The  (bn ) term should be deleted from the next to the last expression so that it reads as follows:

n(n + k)(n + k 1) (n + 1)cn+k (z )n1 .


Chapter 5Text
Section 5.4

Page 178, the line just below Equation (531). Per student request, reword the line so that it reads as follows: Let

z = x + iy
then gives

and subtract Equation (531) from Equation (530). Solving for

sin z

Page 181 Replace  sin z

cosh y 

with  sin x cosh y  in the right side of the rst equation so

that it begins as follows: 2

| sin z| = | sin x cosh y + i cos x sinh y|2

Page 186, Exercise 3. The reference should be to Figures 5.7 and 5.8

Chapter 5Answer Section

Section 5.1

Pages 595596, Exercises 5, 7a, and 7c. Relabel: the answer for Exercise 5 should be the answer for Exercise 7; the answers listed for Exercises 7a and 7c should be for Exercises 5a and 5c. After relabeling, of course, put the answers in their proper order.

Section 5.3

Page 597, Exercise 7. The answer should read as follows: a+ib No. 1 = eb2n cos(a2n) + ieb2n



is an integer.

Chapter 6Text
Section 6.2


Page 202, Denition 6.2. Replace 

f (z)dz 
(i.e., replace the  dt with  dz ).

f (z)dt


Page 213, Exercise 10b. Replace  2

( +ln R )

 with  2

(ln R)2 + 2 R


Section 6.3


Page 219, second line of the proof. Replace We then construct with To do so, construct. Page 221, second line of Example 6.13 Replace does not lie interior to Page 227, Figure 6.28 (b). The two circular curves should be touching each other as in Figure 6.28 (a).


with does not lie on or interior to

C .

Section 6.6


Page 243, Equation (654). Replace  =


with  =

(0)(2) = 0.

Page 248, Exercise 7. Rephrase parts (a) and (b) so that the exercise reads as follows: then

f be analytic and nonconstant in the domain D. If f (z) = 0 for all z in d, |f (z)| does not attain a minimum value at any point z0 in D. (b) Show that the requirement that f (z) = 0 in part a is necessary by nding an example of a function dened on D for which f (z) = 0, and yet whose minimum is attained somewhere in D .
(a) Let Page 248, Exercise 11. Replace 

Hint : Use both with  Hint : Refer to Exercise 7 and use both.

Chapter 6Answer Section

Section 6.4

Page 601, Exercise 13. 1 2 with  ln 2. Replace  ln 2

Section 6.6


Page 601, Exercise 1. The answer should be Page 602, Exercise 7a. Replace If If

(z + i)(z i)(z 2 + i)(z 2 i).


f (z) = 0

|f (z)| m for all z for all z in D ,.



m > 0,


Page 602, Exercise 11. Reword the answer so that it reads as follows: (By contraposition) If

does not have a zero, then by the minimum modulus

theorem, the minimum of from Exercise 7). Since maximum of

|f | are the same on the boundary. This maximum of |f | also occurs in D1 (0) (explain!), which theorem means that f is constant in D1 (0).

|f | occurs on the boundary (prove that this result follows |f | is constant on the boundary, both the minimum and
condition implies that the by the maximum modulus

Chapter 7Text
Section 7.1

Page 255, Exercise 3c. zk z2k Replace  . 2k+ 1  with  z z k +1 k=0 k=0

Section 7.2


Page 258, Equation (78). Replace  |z0

a| = r

with  |z0

| = r

(i.e., replace the  a with  ).

Page 265, Exercise 7. For part b, replace  g(z) with  f (z). For part c replace  h(z) with  f (z).

Section 7.4,

Page 283, Exercise 1e. 2 2 Replace  z + 10z + 0 with  z

+ 10z + 9.

Chapter 7Answer Section

Section 7.2

Page 604, Exercise 15. Change Then apply Corollary 7.2. to Then apply Corollary 7.2 in the manner of Example 7.2.

Section 7.4


Page 605. The line (that begins with Simple zeros) immediately after the answer for Exercise

1i should be labeled in bold with  1k..

with  z

Page 605, Exercise 2k. Replace  z

= 2n 

= 2ni.

Page 605, Exercise 3a. Replace Removable singularity at the origin with Simple pole at the origin.

Chapter 8Text
Section 8.3

Page 311, Exercise 8. 2 3 2 Replace  (x + 4)  with  (x

+ 4)2 .

Section 8.7

Page 327, Exercise 11. Replace  f (z)

= exp(z 2 )

with  f (z)

= exp(iz 2 ).

Chapter 8Answer Section

Section 8.1

Page 607, Exercise 11. Reword the answer so that it reads as follows: By Theorem 8.2, Res[g, n]

zn = lim (z n)f (z) cot z = f (z) cos(z) sin(z) , zn


is any integer. Use L'Hpital's rule to get

this calculation and the fact that

zn 1 lim cos(z) sin(z) = . Explain how zn is analytic at n then give the result.

Section 8.3

Page 608, Exercise 7. The answer should be

. 2

Chapter 9Text
Section 9.1,


Page 354, next to last line. 4 5 Replace  a =  with  a = . 4 5 Page 355, Figure caption for Figure 5.4. 5 4 Replace  y[n] + 1 with  y[n] + 1. 4 5

Chapter 10Answer Section

Section 10.1


Page 615, Exercise 3. In the third line of the answer replace  Argf Page 615, Exercise 5. The second line of the answer should be changed to read as follows: ( ) ( ) ) ( f + i = i sinh 1, = Argf + i = , f + i = sinh 1; 2 2 2 2

(1+i) =

3  with  Argf 2

(1+i) = . 2

Chapter 11Text
Section 11.5


Page 453, Exercise 3 Replace  T (0, y)

= 10, = 0,


y < 1

with  T (0, y)

= 10,


y > 1.

Page 454, Exercise 5 Replace  T (x, y) for


 with 2

T (x, 0) = 0,


. 2

Section 11.8


Page 484, Exercise 2a. 4u2 4v 2 Replace ` 2 + 2 r+ 1 ) r r ) ( r ( 1 Page 484, Exercise 2b. u2 v2 Replace  sin2 = cos2 Page 485, Exercises 6

= 1 1


u2 2 r+ 1 ) ( r

v2 2 r 1 ) ( r

= 1.


u2 4 cos2

v2 4 sin2

= 1.

Replace the word cardioid with the phrase cardioid-like curve. Page 485, Exercise 7 Replace the word cardioid with the phrase cardioid-like curve.

Section 11.11

Page 509 Replace  F (z)

= lim


log(z)log(za)  with  F (z) 2a

= lim


log(z+a)log(za) . 2a

Chapter 11Answer Section

Section 11.3

Page 617, Exercise 1. The answer should read as follows: (x1)2 +y 2 y y x (x, y) = 2 ln (x+1)2 +y2 + Arctan x1

y x Arctan x .

Section 11.9


Page 619, Exercise 3 Replace 

f (z) = A(z + 1) 2 (z 1) 2  =
with  x2

with  f

(z) = A(z + 1) 2 (z 1) 2 .
1 1

Page 619, Exercise 9 Replace  x2

= 0.

Chapter 12Text
Section 12.3

Page 535. Problems 25 should be combined into one Exercise numbered 2 with parts a,b,c.

Section 12.4


Page 539, Table 12.1, row 5 (Frequency shifting). iw0 t Replace  F(e U (t)) with  F(eiw0 t U (t)) (i.e., no negative exponent). Page 540, Exercise 5. The equation should read as follows: ( ) F ea|t| = (a2a 2 ) , for a > 0. +w Page 540, Exercise 7. ( i sin t ) ( sin t ) Replace  F  with  F . 1t2 t2 1 Page 540, Exercise 9. 1|w| 1|w| Replace   with  . 4 4 Page 541, Exercise 9. 1|w| 1|w| Replace   with  . 4 4

Section 12.6

Page 553,Exercise 7. t Replace  t 1 + e  with 

t 1 + et .

Section 12.7

Page 557, line 5. Replace  1

cos t

with  1

+ cos t.

Section 12.8

Page 562, Exercise 8 s2 1 Replace  ln 2  with  s +1 2

ln s2s+1 .


Chapter 12Answer Section

Section 12.4


Page 621, Exercise 5. The solution should be

( ) F ea|t| =

a , for (a2 +w2 )

a > 0.

Page 621, Exercise 9. 1|w| 1|w| Replace   with  . 4 4

Section 12.5

Page 621, Exercise 1 Replace  (0

+ 0i) =

1 +i

1  with  (0 s

+ 0i)

1 +i

1 +i

1 . s

Section 12.10

Page 624, Exercise 15 t t Replace  L(e )L(cos t) with  L(e )L(cos t).

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