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Chapter 9 Review

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Chapter 9 Review Urban Geography

1. The layout of a city, the physical form and structure, is referred to as 2. Which of the following countries is least urbanized? a) the United States c) Japan b) Australia d) China 3. Human communities have existed for 100,00 years, but some did not start to grow into larger places until about _______ years ago. 4. The very early developing agricultural societies were 5. Where did the first urban development originate? 6. Which is not among the components which enabled the formation of the first cities? a) agricultural surplus c) invention of the wheel b) social stratification d) all of the above 7. Ancient towns and cites owed much of their success and growth to certain site advantages. Which of the following was not one of these advantages? a) proximity to productive farmlands c) availability of water supplies b) good supplies of coal and iron d) good defensibility 8. What structures dominated the urban landscape of the ancient Mesopotamian cities? 9. In which of the following regions did urbanization develop first? a) Mesopotamia c) Indus River Valley b) Nile River Valley d) China 10. Which feature typical of ancient urbanization was not present in the Nile River Valley hearth? a) system of writing c) urban elite b) defensive walls d) religious structures 11. Ancient cities were not large by modern standards. The cities of Mesopotamian and the Nile Valley probably had populations of 12. Urban places in the ancient world were a) numerous and hierarchical. c) part of a generally urban society. b) exceptions in an overwhelmingly rural society. d) more common than today. 13. Athens may have been the largest city in the world at the time of its existence, with a population estimated at 14. The Parthenon of Athens is a structure typical of ancient Greek cities. It is a(n) 15. Rome created a huge urban system. The integration of the Roman Empire was greatly facilitated by a 16. Expanding on the Greek citys theater, the Romans built the worlds first a) opera house. c) amphitheater. b) stadium. d) acropolis. 17. The relative location of a city refers to its 18. The manufacturing city (post Industrial Revolution) first emerged in 19. Which is not related to urbanization processes of the second urban revolution? a) urbanization of society c) energy resources (water power, coal) as a site feature b) second agricultural revolution d) cities as theocratic centers 20. In a model urban hierarchy, the population of a city, town or village is inversely proportional to its rank in the system (i.e. if the largest city is 4 million the second will be 2 million or 1/2 , the third will be 1/3 and so on). This is known as 21. A hinterland reveals the _________ of each settlement. 22. Paris and Mexico City are many times larger than the second-ranked city in their respective countries. Their disproportionate size illustrates 23. The response of the urban system of the American South and Southwest to the influx of migrants over the past three decades conforms with predictions of central place theory. This is called the ________ phenomenon. 24. In Burgess concentric zone model, the zone of transition became 25. Peter Mullers analysis of suburbanization indicated that suburbs were 26. The multiple nuclei model of urban structure developed by Harris and Ullman arose from the idea that _______ was losing its dominant position in the metropolitan city. 27. The core of a city is called the 28. What term came into use to describe the spatial components of the metropolis of the late twentieth century? 29. After 1970, new suburban downtowns (edge cities) were spawned in the outer city of Los Angeles, with their leading concentrations 30. Mexico City and Sao Paolo are examples of 31. In Latin America, which of the following does not accurately describe the typical CBD? a) the primary business focus b) principal entertainment center

c) main area of employment d) an area of out-migration to suburbs 32. In the Latin American city, where are the homes of the most impoverished and unskilled residents? a) in the city center c) on the outermost zone or peripheral fringe b) immediately surrounding the city center d) along the major access highways 33. A structural element of many Latin American cities, the disamenity sector, is illustrated by the 34. Which of the following is both the least urbanized and the most rapidly urbanizing realm of the world? a) Middle America c) East Asia b) Africa south of the Sahara d) South Asia 35. Most African central cities actually have how many CBDs? 36. The focal point of the Southeast Asian city is the a) old colonial port zone. c) alien commercial zone. b) CBD. d) suburbs. 37. In Southeast Asian cities the alien commercial zone is dominated by 38. Comparing Luanda, Angola to a suburb of Tokyo one is struck by the fact that the urban morphology reflects the fact that Angola lacks a __________ class. 39. The huge influx of population from rural to urban areas in peripheral or semi-peripheral areas find housing in 40. If cities in the poorer parts of the world share a common characteristic, it may result from a) an absence of enforced zoning regulations. c) acute water shortages. b) a total lack of industry. d) poor public transportation. 41. Segregation in the United States was reinforced by the financial practice known as 42. In core area cities the practice of buying up and rehabilitating deteriorating housing which resulted in the raising of housing values and a social change in neighborhoods is called 43. The core area suburbs are experiencing a process of the tearing down of existing suburban homes and the building of very large, standardized looking homes known as 44. The decline in density and the spread of cities associated with the building of freeways in the second half of the twentieth century has been pejoratively referred to as 45. Marxist geographer David Harvey is one of the strongest critics of _____________, the privatization of public space and loss of character of neighborhoods. 46. Gated communities have __________ as their chief objective. 47. Ethnic neighborhoods in European cities reflect migrants from 48. The growth of ethnic neighborhoods in _________ is less than in other European countries. 49. Housing in the slum area, Kiberia in Nairobi, Kenya is occupied by Luo and Luhya peoples of western and northwester Kenya and is owned by 50. New Yorks Times Square and Berlins Potzdammer Platz are examples of giant media reshaping cities into Essay 1. Discuss the nature of ancient cities. Where did they arise? What was their regional and social context and interactions? What were they like in terms of urban morphology and landscape? 2. What conditions were required for the occurrence of a second urban revolution? When and where did this revolution take place? In what ways did cities and societies change? (Refer to urban function and morphology and urban site and situation in your answer). 3. Discuss the central place theory of urban systems advanced by Christaller. Describe the following features of the theory: central place, trade area, and hexagonal hinterlands. What assumptions did Christaller make when formulating the theory? Give examples of areas where his theory seems to explain the distribution of cities. 4. Compare and contrast the concentric zone, sector and multiple nuclei models of urban structure. 5. Choose one of the following models of urban structure: African, Latin American, or Southeast Asian and compare it to the model of urban structure of a European city. Highlight both differences and similarities. 6. What role did European colonialism play in the diffusion of cities? In what way did this influence the rise of global urbanism and the global city? 7. Define urban sprawl and describe the landscape of sprawl typical to North American cities. How does new urbanism respond to urban sprawl? What criticism has been made of attempts to construct communities along new urbanist lines?

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