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Current and Wind Influence On Ship

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POLISH MARITIME RESEARCH 4(54) 2007 Vol 14; pp. 24-30 DOI: 10.


Prediction of power demand for ship motion control system of sea mining ship tted with tubular winning system
Monika Bortnowska, Szczecin University of Technology

One of the crucial systems of sea mining ship for poly-metallic concretions is its motion control system (SMC). Power of such system depends on sea environment characteristics and main dimensions of the ship. It can be expected that it will have important inuence on total power of the ships power plant and in effect on the mining ships dimensions. In this paper is presented one of the possible ways of preliminary estimation of design power of SMC system for sea mining ship. Since details of design solution of such system for the ship in question are unknown (ships of the kind have not been built so far) the presented results should be considered to be the rst estimation of the order of the power demand. Keywords: sea mining ship, tubular winning system, action of sea environment, thrust of ship propellers, power of ship motion control system.

Mining process of poly-metallic concretions from seabed is assumed to be carried out by using three basic elements: a bottom gathering vehicle, tubular winning system (called further also TW system) and oating winning unit. One of the concepts of the mining facility for the concretions most often taken into consideration - is that composed of a conventional single-hull ship providing possible storing the concretions in its holds, equipped with a vertical tubular winning system and self-propelled gathering device. The mining ship makes correct functioning both the bottom gathering vehicle and tubular winning system, possible (by supporting them and delivering electric power). During the mining process the vehicle moving over seabed will gather the concretions and pass on them to the TW hydraulic system. The mining ship to which the pipe of the TW system is hung, will have to monitor the gathering vehicles motions, moving with a steady speed and keeping course within a corridor of a given width (Fig.1). Like other ocean engineering oating units the mining ship, to fulll its functions often in heavy environmental conditions is to be tted with an appropriate system for its motion control. The system has to ensure not only keeping the ships position and course by means of special propellers [e.g. azimuthing ones like in the case of dynamic positioning systems (DSP)] but also to make continuous and precise moving the mining ship along a given trajectory possible, coping with unfavourable action of sea environment (wind, sea current, waves), resistance to motion of the ship and tubular winning system. Such mining ships motion control system (called further shortly SMC system) is crucial because of : 24

Fig.1. Motion control of mining ship moving along a given trajectory within a corridor. Notation : 1 mining ship, 2 tubular winning system: a vertical pipe, b buffer, c horizontal elastic pipe of zero-buoyancy (for the compensating of buffers position changes against the gathering vehicle), 3 bottom gathering vehicle (negligible inuence of the mining ship - winning device system is assumed due to compensating action of horizontal elastic pipe between the buffer and gathering vehicle) Vs ship speed

realization of main functions of the ship moving over deep-water areas large power demand (the motion control systems power is expected to be large as compared with that of the whole electric power plant) investment and service costs of the ship

volumetric subdivision and design parameters of the ship: displacement, deadweight etc. Value of the power delivered to propellers should be such as to obtain resultant thrust value sufcient to balance (without using redundant propellers) resultant action of sea environment in the most unfavourable weather conditions with taking into account resistance of the mining ship and lowered winning pipe. The value directly depends on : hydro-meteorological parameters in zone of operation, i.e.: the average wind velocity VA, average sea current velocity VC (both surface and deep-water one), signicant wave height HS main parameters of the ship, its dimensions and its surface areas (above- and under-water) rst of all technical parameters of TW system (outer diameter of the pipe, Drz, its length lr) assumed ship motion speed and accuracy of keeping its position and course. As information on already designed and built mining ships are still lacking a preliminary design of such ship was used [1] to estimate demanded power for the SMC system in question. On this basis was selected one of the ships versions characterized by its main dimensions, parameters, areas etc.

NSS = NB + NR + NS


NB - power necessary for generating the thrust of propellers to balance sea environment action [kW] NR - power necessary for towing the TW system NR [kW] NS - power necessary for generating the thrust of propellers to balance ship hull resistance to motion [kW]. In Fig. 2 the overall schematic diagram is presented of the estimation procedure of SMC system power in the preliminary phase of mining ship design.


Sea mining ship is more exposed to detrimental action of sea environment than transport ships because it is intended for many-year service at open sea. Hence the greatest disturbances during its motion control will result from : wind action sea wave action sea current action (surface and deep-water) resistance of ship hull and TW system (resulting from speed of ship and sea current). Along with design practice, in determining maximum values of thrust and power of SMC system the most unfavourable action of sea environment to the ship is assumed. To this end it was assumed that wind and waves are directed perpendicularly to ships plane of symmetry, i.e. Ay = Wy = 90 and sea current - in opposite direction to ship motion, i.e. cx = 180 (Fig. 3).

The total power of SMC system for mining ship, NSS, is composed as follows:
Design assumptions and input data:

Ship main dimensions and parameters TW

Wind action

Wave action

Sea current action

Hydrodynamic resistance of ship hull and TW system

Resultant sea environment action to ship

Resultant thrust generated by ship propellers, Tp [kN] Usage factor of the power consumed to generate the thrust by ship propellers, Cp Estimated value of SMC system power Tp NSS = Cp
Fig. 2. Overall schematic diagram for estimation of SMC system power




R A= arc tg

VR A y VR A x



VA average real wind velocity [m/s] The wind action to moving ship can be calculated if the wind parameters (VA) aerodynamic resistance coefcients CAy [5] (obtained from a ship of similar dimensions or model tests) for a given velocity VS and ship course angle , are known. As the mining ship will move at very low speeds it was assumed that the relative wind velocity and direction is equal to the absolute wind velocity and direction.




Fig. 3. Directions of sea environment action to ship


In designing the SMC system the wind action is calculated for its average velocity and assumed direction with respect to the ship. Under the assumption that the wind is directed perpendicularly to the ships plane of symmetry, i.e. Ay = 90 the average wind action was calculated by using the following formula :
2 RAy = 1 ASyVRACAy (RA) 2

bW = bA


In the determining of power demand for SMC system propellers, second-order actions which are non-linear and depend on square of wave ordinate, are taken into account. The wave-generated, second-order forces are also called wavegenerated drifting forces. The average irregular-wave action to moving ship, at Wy = 90, were calculated by means of the following formula:
2 RWy = 2 w g B C Wy ( / w ,V) S () d L 0



where: VRA average wind velocity [m/s], (Fig. 4) Sy windage lateral area [projected to ships plane of symmetry (PS)] [m2] RA wind direction angle with respect to ship [], (Fig. 4) CAy aerodynamic resistance coefcient of above-water body of ship.

where: B, L ship breadth and length [m], respectively CWy coefcient of regular -wave -generated drifting force, dependent on the wave direction angle with respect to ship, w, and ships speed Vs regular wave frequency [s-1] w wave direction angle with respect to ship [o], (Fig. 5) S irregular -wave spectrum density function dependent on the signicant wave height Hs and average wave period T1 [m2s].

Fig. 4. Coordinate frame, velocities and directions of ship and wind

The relative wind velocity which appears in Eq. (1), is the average vectorial sum of the average absolute wind velocity and the velocity opposite to ship speed. The relative wind velocity can be calculated by means of the following formulae:

Fig. 5. Wave action to moving ship


2 VRAx +

2 VRAy

VRAx = VA cos AVs VRAy = VA sin A



For the calculations the ITTC standard function of wave energy spectrum density was assumed. Assuming values of the wave parameters (Hs , T1) and coefcients of wave-generated drifting force, Cwy , (determined from a ship of similar under-water body) for a given ship speed VS and course , one can calculate the wave action to moving ship.

The average quasi-static action of sea surface current and water resistance to under-water body of mining ship at cx = 180 was calculated by using the following formula:
2 R Cx = 1 W Fx VRV C Cx ( RV) 2


where: Fx VRV CCx RV head area of underwater portion of ship hull surface (projected to midship plane) [m2] relative ship speed [m/s], (Fig. 6) hydrodynamic resistance coefcient of underwater body of ship, dependent on the angle RV, (Fig. 6) relative ships speed direction angle [].

The deep-water current velocity, ship speed and hydrodynamic resistance coefcients constitute the crucial factors affecting the TW system resistance to motion. Such factors as weight of the pipes of which the TW system is composed, interaction of concretions oating through the system, or local deformations and vertical deections of the TW installation are neglected since from the research on dynamic behaviour of TW system [6] it results that in the calculation phase in question they have no inuence on the preliminary estimation of power demand for SMC system. The average action of water and deep-water current to TW system was calculated by using the following equation:
2 R R = 1 w Drz l r VRVg C D ( R e ) 2


where: Drz outer diameter of the pipe [m] lr length of the pipe [m] CD hydrodynamic resistance coefcient dependent on the Reynolds number Re . Along with water depth changing the sea water physical parameters (such as dynamic viscosity, temperature, density) are also changing, and in consequence the Reynolds number. Because of large discrepancies in research results on the changeability of the coefcient CD = f (Re) and lack of its precise denition, the results of Achenbach`s analyses [2] were taken into consideration. The velocity eld of deep-water currents, combined with the motion speed of TW system, yields the relative water velocity VRV:

VRVg = (VRVX ) 2 + (VRVY )2

Fig. 6. Sea current and drifting ship directions

VRVx = Vx Vg cos g VRVy = Vy +Vg sin g


In calculations of the relative ship speed VRV and the direction angle RV the sea surface current velocity VC and its direction angle C should be taken into account. The relative ship speed can be calculated according to the following formulae: where:

RV = arc tg


VRV = (VRVX ) + (VRVY )

VRVx = Vx VC cos C VRVy = Vy + VC sin

Vg resultant velocity of deep-water current [m/s], VRVg relative water velocity [m/s]. (7)


In compliance with designing practice, the most unfavourable direction of sea environment action to ship (Fig. 3) was assumed for calculation of power demand for the SMC system. Therefore in the calculations inuence of the external moments MAz, MWz, MCz, was neglected as values of the moments are minimum at the assumed angles = W = 90. They attain maximum values at an oblique action of wind and wave but in such case values of power demand for the SMC system propellers are smaller. The maximum resultant action of sea environment to mining ship is due to wind, waves, sea currents and water resistance, and for the made assumptions (Fig. 3) it is a sum of particular components of axial and lateral actions :

RV = arc tg


Vx = V cos, Vy = V sin ship speed components ship drift angle [], (Fig. 6) VC sea surface current velocity [m/s], (Fig. 6).


TW system resistance depends on speeds of its motion and deep-water sea currents which continuously ow in determined directions, with determined velocities and at determined water depths. Hence the currents can act to the TW system pipe hung in water at various depths, in various, even opposite, directions.

RSx = RCx + RRx RSy = RAy + RWy




where: RAy component of wind action to above-water portion of mining ships hull RWy component of wave-generated drifting force action to mining ships hull RCx component of resultant water-ow action to mining ships hull, due to sea surface current and ships speed RRx component of water action to TW system (due to deepwater currents and the systems motion speed).

NSS = NP [kW]


The total thrust of propellers, this way determined, corresponds with the conditions for selecting the power source characteristics, i.e. the satisfying of maximum design power demand.

In the calculations was used the preliminary design concept of the sea mining ship whose main parameters are given in Tab. 1.
Tab. 1. Values of main parameters of sea mining ship acc. [1]


Having the components of resultant sea environment action to the mining ship during keeping its position and course along a given trajectory, one is able to determine the components of resultant thrust generated by propellers of the SMC system, which balance the action. In the preliminary design phase it was assumed that for so large ships as mining ones and so large electric power demanded for them, the total resultant thrust, TS, of the SMC system propellers is equal to :

Main parameters of sea mining ship Design assumptions Yearly mining rate of wet concretions [106 t / year] Period of storing the concretions in holds [days] Operational period [days/year] Average density of concretions [t/m3] Length b.p. Lpp [m] Breadth B [m] Parameters and main dimensions of the ship Hull depth H [m] Draught T [m] Hull block coefcient CB [-] Displacement [t] Deadweight PN [t] Load capacity [t] Windage lateral area of ship, Sy [m2] Lateral area of under-water surface of ship, Fy [m2] Head area of under-water surface of ship, Fx [m2] 1.750.000 10 292 2 215.6 40.68 19.37 12.83 0.83 96250 75469 61130 3850 2980 512

TSx = a x * R Sx TSy = a y * R Sy


RSx , RSy components of resultant action of sea environment ax, ay additional resultant thrust of propeller to balance inertia and damping forces resulting from slowchangeable motions of the ship. Components of the resultant thrust generated by propellers of the SMC system are sums of thrusts generated by its particular propellers. Power delivered to every propeller of the system can be approximately determined from the following relationship :

NP =



TP thrust generated by every propeller of the SMC system [kN] CP usage factor of propeller power for generating the thrust. Because of low speeds of the ship the power demanded for the propellers used in the SMC system will be calculated by applying the usage factor of propeller power for generating the thrust. Propellers used in such systems are special ones; they are adjusted to operation at low speeds (even equal to zero), zero advance ratio and small values of wake fraction. In the preliminary design phase when data on type, diameter, revolutions and pitch of ship propellers and on engine - propeller interaction are still unknown it is not possible to precisely estimate values of the factor Cp in function of ship speed. As it results from performed preliminary analyses, inuence of ship speed on Cp factor value is negligibly small within the speed range of 0.257 1.285 m/s, hence its average value was assumed irrespective of ship speed. Power demand for SMC system during mining operations is equal to the total power demanded by all the propellers used to generate the thrust necessary to balance sea environment action: 28

To calculate at rst sea environment action to the mining ship tted with TW system and then trust and power of SMC system, the formulae (1) (13 ) and the following assumptions were used: the design weather conditions in the assumed zone of mining operations, in three variants : Variant 1: VA = 18 m/s ; HS = 5 m ; VC =1.1 m/s; Vg = 0.55 m/s, Variant 2: VA = 22 m/s ; HS = 6 m ; VC = 1.1 m/s; Vg = 0.55 m/s, Variant 3: VA = 26 m/s ; HS = 7 m ; VC = 1.1 m/s; Vg = 0.55 m/s,

the mining ship speed range : VS = 0.5 2.5 kn the TW system technical parameters : Drz = 0.28 m, lr = 4600 m acc. [2] ships main parameters and surface areas acc. [1] values of the coefcients : CAy = 0.96 and CxC = 0.85 acc. [5]. The range of design sea environmental conditions results from some optimization analyses (which was not a subject of this research). Maximum sea environmental conditions in which the mining ship is intended to operate are assumed on such level as to obtain a rational value of operational costs and an optimum form of the whole process. Hence for the calculations only a certain range of design sea environmental conditions was assumed by using the results of the research on inuence of weather conditions on design criteria [9].

Tab. 4. Values of thrust of ship propellers and main components of power of SMC system Ship speed Thrust components [kN] TB (*) TR TS Thrust T [kN] Power components [kW] NB(*) NR NS Power NSS [kW]

0.257 3868 0.514 4049

541 963

4.0 14.0 29.0 50.0 77.0

4413 19341 2705 5026 20244 4814



35.0 25130

0.771 4261 1519 1.028 4504 2212 1.283 4778 3037


5809 21305 7593 113.0 29045 6766 22517 11062 259.0 33830 7892 23888 15185 492.0 39460

Thrust and power calculated for the sea environmental conditions - variant 3

SMC system power components NSS [kW]

RESULTS OF THE CALCULATIONS Sea environment action to sea mining ship

In Tab. 2 are presented the calculation results of the wind action RAy, that of wave, RWy, and of surface current, RCx, to sea mining ship for different sea environmental conditions.
Tab. 2. The calculation results of the wind, wave and surface current actions to sea mining ship


12000 9000 6000 3000 0

0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2


Sea environmental conditions variant 1

Vs [m/s] 0.257 0.514 0.771 1.028 1.283 RAy [kN] 764 765 765 766 767 RWy [kN] 856 857 859 860 861 RCx [kN] 411 581 781 1010 1267

Sea environmental conditions variant 2

RAy [kN] 1143 1144 1144 1146 1147 RWy [kN] 1232 1233 1234 1235 1237 RCx [kN] 411 581 781 1010 1267

Sea environmental conditions variant 3

RAy [kN] 1595 1596 1597 1598 1600 RWy [kN] 1678 1679 1680 1681 1683 RCx [kN] 411 581 781 1010 1267

Ship speed Vs [m/s]

Fig. 7. The SMC systems power components : NA, NW, NC, NS, NR

In this paper is presented an analysis of estimation of maximum design power of a ship motion control (SMC) system intended for the preliminarily designed ship for mining Fe-Mn concretions, described in [1]. The factors crucial for the generating of motion disturbances of the ship tted with tubular winning (TW) system during its movement along a given trajectory within a corridor, i.e. action of wind, wave, sea currents (surface and deep-water), resistance of ship hull and TW system, have been specied. On the basis of the performed analytical calculations it can be stated that the largest share in the power necessary for the SMC system is attributed to that for towing the TW system. The towing power (Fig. 7) increases dynamically along with ship speed and reaches large values. Hence one of the main operational problems will be to provide such large values of the power NR as well as to nd an appropriate technical solution for towing the deeply immersed pipe. And, the smallest share is associated with the power necessary to generate propellers thrust to overcome ship hull resistance to motion; it results from very low values of the ships speed. Hence it can be assumed negligible. Due to its power demand the SMC system will constitute one of the largest power consumers out of those installed in the whole power system. Taking into consideration that the percentage share of the systems power in the total power balance amounts to about 60 80 % one can suppose that the total output of the electric power plant installed onboard the mining ship will be of the order of a few dozen megawatts.

The calculation results of the hydrodynamic resistance of TW system, RR , and ship hull resistance to motion, RT , in function of ship speed are given in Tab. 3.
Tab. 3. Ship hull resistance to motion and TW system resistance to motion and deep-water currents

Ship speed VS [m/s] 0.257 0.514 0.771 1.028 1.283

Hull resistance RT [kN] 4.0 13.0 28.0 48.0 73.0

TWS resistance Rr [kN] 515 917 1446 2107 2892

Values of the total resistance of mining ship hull, RT, for the assumed and controlled speed values during mining operations, were calculated by means of the Holtrop - Mennen method.

Thrust and power output of the SMC system propellers

The calculation results of thrust of ship propellers and main components of power of SMC system are presented in function of ship speed in Tab. 4 and Fig. 7.


NOMENCLATURE ax, ay B CAy CB Ccx CD Cp CWy Drz Fx,Fy g H HS lr ly Lpp NA NB NC NP NR NS NSS NW PN RAy RRx RWy RCx RR RT S x, S y S() T Tp TSx, TSy VS VA VC Vg VRA VRV VRVg additional resultant propeller thrust to balance inertia and damping forces resulting from slow-changeable motions of the ship ship breadth [m] aerodynamic resistance coefcient [-] hull block coefcient [-] hydrodynamic resistance coefcient of under-water portion of ship hull [-] hydrodynamic resistance coefcient [-] usage factor of the power consumed to generate thrust by ship propellers coefcient of drifting force generated by regular wave [-] outer diameter of wining systems pipe [m] areas of under-water hull surface projected to midship plane and ship plane of symmetry, respectively [m2] earth gravity acceleration [m/s2] ship hull depth [m] signicant wave height [m] length of the pipe length of winning systems pipe [m] ship length between perpendiculars [m] power for generating the thrust necessary to balance wind action [kW] power for generating the thrust necessary to balance sea environmental action (wind + wave + current) [kW] power for generating the thrust necessary to balance sea current action [kW] power [kW] power for towing the winning system pipe [kW] power for generating the thrust necessary to balance hull resistance to motion [kW] total power of ship motion control system [kW] power for generating the thrust necessary to balance wavegenerated drifting force [kW] ship deadweight [t] component of wind action to above-water portion of mining ship hull [kN] component of water action to tubular winning system [kN] component of wave-generated drifting force action to mining ship hull [kN] component of resultant water - ow action to ship hull, due to sea surface current and ship speed [kN] resistance of tubular winning system to motion [kN] total resistance of ship hull [kN] windage areas projected to midship plane and plane of symmetry, respectively [m2] wave energy spectrum density [m2s] ship draught [m] thrust of propellers of ship motion control system [kN] components of resultant thrust of propellers of ship motion control system, necessary to balance sea environment action to ship, [kN] ship speed [m/s] average wind velocity [m/s] sea surface current velocity [m/s] resultant velocity of deep-water current [m/s] relative wind velocity [m/s] relative current velocity [m/s] relative water-ow velocity [m/s]


components of relative water-ow velocity [m/s] ship drift angle [] wind direction angle with respect to ship [] sea current direction angle with respect to ship [] relative wind direction angle [] relative current direction angle [] relative drift angle [] wave direction angle with respect to ship [] air density [t/m3] sea water density [t/m3] ship displacement [t] frequency of harmonic wave component (linear regular wave) [s-1].

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Monika Bortnowska, Ph. D. Faculty of Marine Technology, Szczecin University of Technology Al. Piastw 41 71-065 Szczecin, POLAND e-mail : tel.: (091) 449 47 20



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