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Site Master: Ompact Handheld Cable & Antenna Analyzer

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Product Brochure

Site Master
2 MHz to 4 GHz


Compact Handheld Cable & Antenna Analyzer with Spectrum Analyzer

2 MHz to 4 GHz 100 kHz to 4 GHz

2 MHz to 6 GHz

2 MHz to 6 GHz 100 kHz to 6 GHz Cable & Antenna Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer

From the leader in cable and antenna analysis anritsu introduces its 8th generation site master
Although the new Site Master resides in a modern platform that takes advantage of the latest technologies and is loaded with features that will enhance productivity, it provides more value for better productivity without giving up the familiar look and feel.

The Site Master is a 4 or 6 GHz cable and antenna analyzer that can be configured to include either a 4 or 6 GHz spectrum analyzer, 2-port transmission measurement with built-in 32V bias tee, an interference analyzer with spectrogram displays, a channel scanner, power meter, high accuracy power meter, and GPS receiver for time and location stamping. Because of its multi-functional capabilities, it eliminates the need for you to carry and learn multiple instruments.

The wireless communications market continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Operators and service providers have to maintain old networks while upgrading to the new 3G and 4G networks so as to keep up with changing consumer demands. They face the additional challenge of needing to ensure their networks are competitive from a reliability, quality, and cost perspective. As a result of all this, they expect more of the contractors and technicians who maintain their networks. To stay competitive, these contractors and technicians must maintain more base stations than before and complete a wide variety of tasks in the shortest time possible. Anritsu is pleased to introduce its eighth-generation compact handheld Site Master cable and antenna analyzer series with integrated spectrum analyzer. The new Site Master analyzers offer the same ease of use, ruggedness, and familiar menus as its predecessor S331D and S332D. In addition, Anritsu has enhanced the Site Master to address all the customer requirements and suggestions received over the years. Indeed, for more than 14 years, Anritsus Site Master has been the de facto standard for contractors, installers, and wireless service providers who need a portable and rugged cable and antenna analyzer. The Site Master reduces per site maintenance expense, maximizes system up-time, and breaks away from the traditional fix-after-failure maintenance mode by finding small problems before major failures occur. Radio frequency (RF) engineers and field technicians in the U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, and other global defense programs responsible for installing and maintaining communication systems use Site Masters frequency domain reflectrometry (FDR)-based approach to improve the quality of their communication systems.

Anritsu builds upon its expertise in portable compact cable and antenna analyzers and spectrum analyzers. The Site Master is approved by all major operators and service providers worldwide.
designed For Field use

The Site Master was designed specifically for field environments. It weighs less than 6 lbs and its field replaceable Li-Ion battery typically lasts for more than 4 hours. A new bright 8.4-inch color display provides visibility even in broad daylight. With an operating temperature range from -10 to 55 C, the Site Master will work in the most extreme weather conditions. The analyzer is almost impervious to the bumps and bangs typically encountered by portable field equipment, and its ruggedized case and splash proof design allow you to depend on high performance anywhere, anytime.

site master is the preFerred cable and antenna analyzer oF wireless service providers, contractors and installers

integrated measurement capabilities

conFiguration overview Function Cable and Antenna Analyzer, 2 MHz to 4/6 GHz description Characterizes cable and antenna systems with return loss, cable loss, VSWR, distance-to-fault measurements. Also includes 1-port phase and Smith chart displays. Offers faster than 1 ms/data point sweep speed and a dual display. Locates and identifies various signals over a wide frequency range. Detect signals as low as -152 dBm with phase noise better than -100 dBc/Hz. Provides high and low power settings for both TMA gain and antenna-antenna isolation measurements. Offers better than 80 dB dynamic range. Provides built-in 32 V bias tee that can be turned on as needed, and which eliminates the need to carry an external supply. Connects high accuracy 6-, 8-, and 18 GHz USB power sensors with better than 0.16 dB accuracy. Makes channelized transmitter power measurements. Includes the popular spectrogram display for monitoring intermittent signals over time. Measures the power of multiple transmitted signals. Includes CW source to test low noise amplifiers, repeaters. (This requires an external CW generator kit.) Provides location and UTC time information. Also improves the accuracy of the reference oscillator. Views pulsed or burst signals such as WiMAX, GSM, and TD-SCDMA only when they are on. 3

Spectrum Analyzer, 100 kHz to 4/6 GHz

2-port Transmission Measurement (Option 21)

Bias Tee (Option 10)

High Accuracy Power Meter (Option 19)

Power Meter (Option 29) Interference Analyzer (Option 25)

Channel Scanner (Option 27) CW Signal Generator (Option 28)

GPS Receiver (Option 31)

Gated Sweep (Option 90)

designed For the Field

external reFerence

external trigger T1 E1 Ref. Freq.

usb interFace mini-b Transfer data from Site Master to PC

gps connector external power

rF out

rF in

usb interFace type a Connect USB flash card

all connectors are conveniently located on the top panel, leaving the order clear For handheld use.

gps inFo

save icon

touch screen submenu Keys

Fan exhaust port

Fan inlet port rotary Knob & arrow Keys

bright display 8.4 daylight viewable color display

limit lines Create single & multi-segment limit lines

numeric Keypad shiFt menu Keys (1 to 9) battery access Battery life > 4 hours printed in blue Fan inlet port

touch screen Main Menu Keys

on/oFF button File management Saves & Recall > 2000 traces & setups

convenient soFt case and tilt bail

tilt bails are integrated into the case and soFt case For better screen viewing

master cable & antenna analysis, anywhere, anytime

The majority of the problems you find at a typical cell site are caused by problematic cables, pinched cables, corroded connectors, antennas, lightning strikes, rain getting into cables, and bullet holes. Degraded cable systems and badly positioned antennas affect overall system coverage and eventually result in dropped calls. Site Masters FDR-based return loss and DTF measurements can pinpoint an antenna problem from ground level in a few seconds, enabling Site Master to identify small problems before they become big problems.

return loss / vswr

Use the Site Master to make return loss and VSWR and verify that the cable and antenna system conforms to performance specifications.

cable loss

Cable Loss metrics measure the level of insertion loss within the cable feedline system. This measurement can be verified prior to deployment, when you have access to both ends. Site Master automatically calculates the average cable loss.
return loss/vswr distance-to-Fault

While the return loss metric is the best measurement to verify the health of a system, distance-to-fault (DTF) is used to troubleshoot systems and locate the problem. The Site Masters DTF measurement uses the fast Fourier transform to convert frequency data to the time domain and displays signal anomalies with respect to distance. Using the standard trace math feature, you can monitor small relative changes over time.

distance-to-Fault 2-port transmission measurements (option 21)

Cellular/PCS and 3G base stations today use diplexers, duplexers, and tower-mounted amplifiers to extend the coverage area. Site Masters 2-port transmission measurement enables you to make gain, isolation, and insertion loss measurements as well as verify sector-to-sector isolation.

bias tee (option 10)

The built-in bias tee can be turned on as needed to place +12 to +32V on the center conductor of the RF in port, eliminating the need for you to carry external supplies in the field.
2-port transmission measurements

enhance productivity with dual displays and instant calibration

dual display

The dual display enables users to view two cable and antenna measurements on the same display. Because you can control the top and bottom displays independently, you can set markers and limit lines on each display. This results in significant time savings as theres no need to make two measurements.
smith chart and 1-port phase display

dual display

The cable and antenna analyzer also includes Smith chart and 1-port phase measurement displays for when you need to tune antennas and phase match cables.
instacal calibration

Although you need to get the job done as quickly as possible, you still need to make reliable and accurate measurements. Anritsus InstaCal module enables you to make accurate calibrations at the end of the phase stable cable without connecting a short/open/load. You only need to connect the InstaCal module once and everything is done automatically. This calibration method can cut the calibration time by as much as 50 percent and still deliver accurate calibrations. Directivity specification for the InstaCal module is 38 dB for the entire frequency range, allowing you to make fast and accurate measurements in no timeand with no in-between connections.
smith chart standard osl calibration

Open-Short-Load (OSL) calibration comes standard with the Site Master. All errors from source match, directivity, and frequency response are mathematically removed, allowing you to make accurate vector-corrected measurements. Directivity is usually the main contributor to measurement uncertainty, and corrected directivity of 42 dB or better is common using Anritsus precision components.

The Site Masters FlexCal broadband calibration feature is an OSL-based calibration method that allows you to perform a broadband calibration and change the frequency range after calibration without having to recalibrate the instrument.
instacal rF immunity

Site Masters special dithering RF immunity solution enables you to make accurate cable and antenna measurements even in the presence of strong RF activity from co-located cell sites.
cable and antenna analyzer highlights
- Return loss, VSWR, cable loss, DTF - 2-port transmission measurements with 32V bias tee - 1-port phase, Smith chart - Optical DTF measurements - Dual display mode capabilities - Built-in, editable signal standard and cable standard lists - Calibration: OSL Cal, FlexCal, InstaCal - 137, 275, 551, 1102, 2204 data points - < 1 msec per datapoint sweep speed - Trace overlay and trace math to monitor changes with reference traces - Marker table with automatic peak/valley markers - GPS tagging - Limit lines and alarming for providing reference standards - GPS tagging of data to verify location of tests - Master Software Tools for post-analysis and report generation

high perFormance, compact spectrum analysis

Site Master S332E and the S362E Site Master with integrated spectrum analysis capability provide users with a highperformance, easy-to-use, feature-rich spectrum analyzer for field environments and applications requiring mobility. Site Masters integrated high performance spectrum analyzer makes it ideal for a broad range of activities, including spectrum monitoring, AM/FM broadcast proofing, interference analysis, field strength measurements, transmitter spectrum analysis, electro magnetic field strength, signal strength mapping, and overall field analysis of cellular 2G/3G/4G, land mobile radio, Wi-Fi, and broadcast signals.

high perFormance

Site Masters dynamic range is better than 95 dB in 10 Hz RBW, allowing you to measure very small signals in the presence of much larger signals. The picture to the left demonstrates the dynamic range in Site Master. Additionally, Site Masters phase noise is better than -100 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset. The integrated 4 or 6 GHz spectrum analyzer delivers -152 dBm DANL in 10 Hz RBW.
Fast sweep speed dynamic range performance

It automatically sets the fastest sweep possible and still delivers accurate measurements. This allows you to rely on Site Master to optimize accuracy and consistency.

smart measurements

Site Master comes with commonly needed and easily accessed measurements built in. These include field strength, occupied bandwidth, channel power, adjacent channel power ratio (ACPR), AM/FM/SSB demodulation, and carrier-to-interference (C/I) ratio measurements.
occupied bandwidth

Determine the amount of spectrum used by a modulated signal. You can choose between two different methods of determining bandwidth: the percent-of-power method or the x dB down method.
smart measurements

adjacent channel power ratio

Adjacent Channel Power Ratio is a common transmitter measurement. This is the ratio of the amount of leakage power in the adjacent channel to the total transmitted power in the main channel. This measurement can be used to replace the traditional two-tone intermodulation distortion (IMD) test for system non-linear behavior. The Site Master allows you to perform this measurement quickly and accurately.
Field strength measurements

The Site Master can determine the effects of electromagnetic fields caused by transmitter systems, and automatically take specific antenna factors of the connected antenna into account.

master the location oF interFerence

As the wireless industry continues to expand, more diverse uses for the radio spectrum emerge and the number of signals that may potentially cause interference is constantly increasing. Compounding the problem are the many sources that can generate interference including intentional radiators, un-intentional radiators, and self interference. Interference causes Carrier-to-Interference degradation robbing the network of capacity. The goal of these measurements is to resolve interference issues as quickly as possible.
interFerence analysis (option 25)

The interference analyzer option provides you with a spectrogram display, RSSI, signal strength meter, and signal ID. Site Masters integrated spectrum analyzer can detect signals as low as -152 dBm.
spectrogram display

This option provides you with a three-dimensional display of frequency, power, and time of the spectrum activity to identify intermittent interference and track signal levels over time. The Site Master allows you to save a history up to 72 hours.
spectrogram display received single strength indicator (rssi)

You can use the Site Masters RSSI measurement to observe the signal strength of a single frequency over time, and collect data for up to 72 hours.
signal strength meter

The Site Masters signal strength meter can locate an interfering signal by using a directional antenna and measuring the signal strength. It displays power in Watts, dBm, in the graphical analog meter display, and by an audible beep proportional to its strength.
signal strength meter

signal id

Site Masters signal ID feature in the interference analyzer can help you quickly identify the type of the interfering signal. You can configure this measurement to identify all signals in the selected band or to simply monitor one single interfering frequency. The Site Master then displays results that include center frequency, signal bandwidth, and signal type (FM, GSM/GPRS/EDGE, W-CDMA/HSDPA, CDMA/EV-DO, Wi-Fi).
am/Fm/ssb demodulation signal id

A bulit-in demodulator for AM, narrowband FM, wideband FM and single sideband allows you to easily identify the interfering signal.

spectrum analyzer highlights

- Measurements: Occupied bandwidth, channel power, ACPR, C/I, AM/FM demod, field strength - Advanced marker functions: noise marker, frequency counter, fixed, tracking

- Interference analyzer: spectrogram, signal strength, RSSI, signal ID - Advanced limit line functions: one-button envelope creation - Dynamic range: > 95 dB - DANL: -162 dBm typical (normalized to 1 Hz) - Phase noise: -100 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset - Frequency accuracy: < +/- 50 ppb with GPS on - Detection methods: peak, RMS, negative, sample, quasi-peak - Save-on-event: automatically saves a sweep when crossing a limit line - Gated sweep: view pulsed or burst signals only when they are on, or off

power measurements For a wide range oF applications

The Anritsu Site Master provides many different power measurements to support a wide range of applications. The highaccuracy broadband sensor family provides the best accuracy (0.16 dB) over a wide frequency range. The power meter is ideal for users looking to making channelized measurements in a few keystrokes with minimal training. Site Masters channel power measurement also makes channelized measurements but requires more knowledge and is recommended for more advanced users. And when you are measuring multiple channels, the channel scanner is your perfect choice.
channel power

Use Site Masters channel power measurement to determine the power and power density of a transmission channel. Using the built-in signal standard list, you can meaure the channel power of a wide range of signals.
power meter (option 29)

Site Masters internal power meter provides power measurements without any additional tools and is ideal for making channelized power measurements.You can display the results in both dBm and Watts. This option is easy to use and requires limited setup entries.
power meter high accuracy power meter (option 19)

Anritsus high accuracy power meter option enables you to make high accuracy RMS measurements. This capability is perfect for measuring both CW and digitally modulated signals such as CDMA/EV-DO, GSM/EDGE, WCDMA/HSDPA, and P25. You can select from a wide range of USB sensors delivering better than 0.16 dB accuracy. An additional benefit of using the USB connection is that a separate DC supply (or battery) is not needed since the necessary power is supplied by the USB port. - PSN50 High Accuracy RF Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, -30 to +20 dBm, True-RMS
high accuracy power meter

- MA24104A Inline High Power Sensor, 600 MHz to 4 GHz, +3 to +51.76 dBm (150W), True-RMS - MA24106A High Accuracy RF Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, -40 to +23 dBm, True-RMS - MA24108A Microwave USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 8 GHz, -40 to +20 dBm, True-RMS - MA24118A, Microwave USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz, -40 to +20 dBm, True-RMS
pc power meter

high accuracy power sensors

These power sensors can be used with a PC running Microsoft Windows via USB. They come with PowerXpert application, a data analysis, and control software. The application has abundant features, such as data logging, power versus time graph, big numerical display, and many more, that enable quick and accurate measurements.
channel scanner (option 27)

channel scanner 10

The channel scanner option measures the power of multiple transmitted signals, making it very useful for simultaneously measuring channel power of up to 20 channels in GSM, TDMA, CDMA, W-CDMA, HSDPA, and public safety networks. You can select the frequencies or the scanned data to be displayed by frequencies or the channel number. And in the custom setup menu each channel can be custom built with different frequency bandwidth, or with channels from different signal standards. With Script Master, scans can be automated for up to 1200 channels.

valuable options and Features

gps receiver (option 31)

Site Masters GPS option can be used to confirm the exact measurement location (longitude, latitude, altitude) and Universal Time (UT) information. Each trace can be stamped with location information to ensure you are taking measurements at the right location. In addition, the GPS option enhances the frequency accuracy of the internal reference oscillator. Within three minutes of acquiring the GPS satellite, the built-in GPS receiver provides a frequency accuracy to better than 50 ppb.
gps receiver cw signal generator (option 28)

This option provides a CW signal generator from 2 MHz to 4 or 6 GHz. The signal at the output port can be set high (about 0 dBm) or low (-30 dBm). With the use of the CW Signal Generator Kits attenuator connected to the RF port, the level can be varied in 1 dB steps giving you the ability to generate signals as low as -110 dBm for receiver sensitivity measurements. The included splitter divides the signal allowing for a simultanious power measurement.

cw signal generator

built-in Keyboard

The built-in touchscreen keyboard gives you access to a fully functional keyboard, saving valuable time in the field when entering trace names. You can create shortcuts to customer-configurable user quick names to program frequently used words.

touchscreen keyboard menus with shortcut icons

Find your favorite measurements quickly by pressing the menu key. Create shortcuts for popular measurements, setups, and functions by simply holding down any key for more than three seconds. The display here shows the menu with standard measurements and with the lower part filled with shortcut icons.
local language support

Site Master features eight languages including English, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Korean. Two custom user-defined languages can be uploaded into the instrument using Master Software Tools.
menus with shortcut icons


master soFtware tools - the power behind the site master

Master Software Tools (MST) is a powerful PC software post-processing tool designed to enhance the productivity of technicians in report generation, data analysis, and testing automation.

Fast downloads

Download all measurements to MST with a single menu selection.

report generation

Create reports with company logo, GPS tagging information, calibration status, and serial number of the instrument for complete reporting. Add custom company logos.
import hhst *.dat Files

connect to pc using usb

Master Software Tools Report
Prepared for: Location: Date: John Smith Date: 10/20/2005 2:08:50 PM

Compatibility is retained with Handheld Software Tools (HHST) with a *.dat file converter which converts HHST files to MST file format and vice-versa.
compare traces

Use MST to build a record of all traces. Easy to use trace overlay features allow for easy comparison with historical traces.
Measurement Summary . Calibration Status Data Points . On, FlexCal 551 RF Immunity Averaging Smoothing % Device Summary Serial Number Base Ver. 987654321 T1.25.0200 App Ver. Date T1.30.0001 10/20/2005 2=08=50 PM High OFF 0

trace renaming

Rename hundreds of traces in minutes using the trace rename tool in MST.
trace editor

report generation

For VNA traces, select markers to peak and valley and displays individual values for Return Loss, Cable Loss, VSWR, Magnitude, Phase and milliRho. For SPA measurements set limit line envelopes, edit limit lines segments and turn on and off segments. Also, edit frequency and amplitude parameters.
product updates

The product update tool will ensure you always use the latest instrument firmware.
import hhst *.dat Files group edit

Add limit lines and markers to all the traces in one folder with just one click.
signal standards and cable lists

While the Site Master signal standard and cable lists are updated frequently, Master Software Tools can be used to add custom signals and cables.
multiple trace view and trace converter multiple trace view

Create multiple trace displays (RL, VSWR, Cable Loss, DTF, Phase) from a single 1-port measurement.
Full trace retrieval

Download and archive hundreds of traces instantly to your PC without opening them.
Folder spectrogram 3d spectrogram view 12

Folder Spectrogram creates a composite file of up to 15,000 multiple traces for quick review.

ordering inFormation

s331e 2 MHz to 4 GHz

s332e 2 MHz to 4 GHz 100 kHz to 4 GHz

s361e 2 MHz to 6 GHz

s362e 2 MHz to 6 GHz 100 kHz to 6 GHz

description Cable and Antenna Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer 2-Port Transmission Mearsurement Bias-Tee (Requires Option 0021 for S3331E/S361E) GPS Receiver (Requires Antenna P/N 2000-1528-R) High-Accuracy Power Meter Power Meter Interference Analyzer Channel Scanner Gated Sweep CW Signal Generator (Requires CW Signal Generator Kit, P/N 69793) Standard Calibration to Z540 Premium Calibration to Z540 plus test data

S331E-0021 S331E-0010 S331E-0031 SS331E-0019

S332E-0021 S332E-0010 S332E-0031 S332E-0019 S332E-0029 S332E-0025 S332E-0027 S332E-0090 S332E-0028

S361E-0021 S361E-0010 S361E-0031 S361E-0019

S362E-0021 S362E-0010 S362E-0031 S362E-0019 S362E-0029 S362E-0025 S362E-0027 S362E-0090 S362E-0028

S331E-0098 S331E-0099

S332E-0098 S332E-0099

S361E-0098 S361E-0099

S362E-0098 S362E-0099

power sensors (For complete ordering information see the respective datasheets for each sensor)
model number PSN50 description High Accuracy RF Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 6 GHz, +20 dBm

MA24104A Inline High Power Sensor, 600 MHz to 4 GHz, +51.76 dBm MA24106A High Accuracy RF Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 8 GHz, +23 dBm MA24108A Microwave USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 8 GHz, +20 dBm MA24118A Microwave USB Power Sensor, 10 MHz to 18 GHz, +20 dBm

manuals (Soft copy included on MST CD and at

number 10580-00252 10580-00230 10580-00242 10580-00231 description Site Master User Guide (Hard copy included) Bias-Tee, GPS Receiver Cable and Antenna Analyzer Measurement Guide Bias-Tee 2-Port Transmission Measurement Spectrum Analyzer Measurement Guide Interference Analyzer, Channel Scanner, Gated Sweep, CW Signal Generator 10580-00240 10580-00215 10580-00256 10580-00253 Power Meter Measurement Guide High Accuracy Power Meter ODTF-1 Optical Distance-to-Fault Module Programming Manual Maintenance Manual

standard accessories (Included with instrument)

number 10580-00252 3-68736 2300-498 633-44 40-168-R 806-141-R 3-2000-1498 11410-00484 description Site Master User Guide (Includes Bias-Tee, GPS Receiver) Soft Carrying Case MST CD: Master Software Tools, User/Measurement Guides, Programming Manual, Troubleshooting Guides, Application Notes Rechargeable Li-Ion Battery AC-DC Adapter Automotive Cigarette Lighter 12 VDC Adapter USB A/5-pin mini-B Cable, 10 feet/305 cm Site Master S331E, S332E, S361E, S362E Technical Data Sheet, One Year Warranty (Including battery, firmware, and software), Certificate of Calibration and Conformance


optional accessories
Calibration Components, 50 Part Number ICN50B OSLN50-1 OSLNF50-1 2000-1618-R 2000-1619-R 22N50 22NF50 SM/PL-1 SM/PLNF-1 Calibration Components, 75 22N75 22NF75 26N75A 26NF75A 12N50-75B 15RNFN50-1.5-R 15RDFN50-1.5-R 15RDN50-1.5-R 15RNFN50-3.0-R 15RDFN50-3.0-R 15RDN50-3.0-R Open/Short, N(m), DC to 3 GHz, 75 Open/Short, N(f), DC to 3 GHz, 75 Precision Termination, N(m), DC to 3 GHz, 75 Precision Termination, N(f), DC to 3 GHz, 75 Matching Pad, DC to 3 GHz, 50 to 75 1.5 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - N(f), 50 1.5 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - 7/16 DIN(f), 50 1.5 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - 7/16 DIN(m), 50 3.0 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - N(f), 50 3.0 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - 7/16 DIN(f), 50 3.0 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - 7/16 DIN(m), 50 DescriPtioN InstaCal Calibration Module, 2 MHz to 6.0 GHz, N(m), 50 Precision Open/Short/Load, N(m), 42dB, 6.0 GHz, 50 Precision Open/Short/Load, N(f), 42dB, 6.0 GHz, 50 Precision Open/Short/Load, 7/16 DIN(m), DC to 6.0 GHz 50 Precision Open/Short/Load, 7/16 DIN(f), DC to 6.0 GHz 50 Open/Short, N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Open/Short, N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Precision Load, N(m), 42 dB, 6.0 GHz Precision Load, N(f), 42 dB, 6.0 GHz

Phase-stable test Port cables, armoreD w/ reiNforceD GriP (recommended for cable & antenna line sweep applications)

Phase-stable test Port cables, armoreD (recommended for use with tightly spaced connectors and other general purpose applications) 15NNF50-1.5C 15NN50-1.5C 15NDF50-1.5C 15ND50-1.5C 15NNF50-3.0C 15NN50-3.0C aDaPters 1091-26-R 1091-27-R 1091-80-R 1091-81-R 1091-172 510-90 510-91 510-92 510-93 510-96 510-97 1091-379-R 510-102-R PrecisioN aDaPters 34NN50A 34NFNF50 miscellaNeous accessories 2000-1528-R 69793 ODTF-1 2000-1520-R 2000-1374 GPS Antenna, SMA(m) CW Signal Generator Kit Optical Distance-to-Fault Module, 1550 nm, Single Mode USB Flash Drive External Charger for Li-lon Batteries Precision Adapter, N(m) - N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 Precision Adapter, N(f) - N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 SMA(m) - N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 SMA(f) - N(m), DC to 18 GHz, 50 SMA(m) - N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 SMA(f) - N(f), DC to 18 GHz, 50 BNC(f) - N(m), DC to 1.3 GHz, 50 7/16 DIN(f) - N(m), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50 7/16 DIN(f) - N(f), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50 7/16 DIN(m) - N(m), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50 7/16 DIN(m) - N(f), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50 7/16 DIN(m) - 7/16 DIN (m), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50 7/16 DIN(f) - 7/16 DIN (f), DC to 7.5 GHz, 50 7/16 DIN(f) - 7/16 DIN(f), DC to 6 GHz, 50 , w/ Reinforced Grip N(m) - N(m), DC to 11 GHz, 50 , 90 degrees right angle 1.5 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - N(f), 50 1.5 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - N(m), 50 1.5 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - 7/16 DIN(f), 50 1.5 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - 7/16 DIN(m), 50 3.0 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - N(f), 50 3.0 m, DC to 6 GHz, N(m) - N(m), 50


optional accessories
backPack aND traNsit case 67135 760-243-R Anritsu Backpack (For Handheld Instrument and PC) Large Transit Case with Wheels and Handle

DirectioNal aNteNNas Part Number 2000-1411-R 2000-1412-R 2000-1413-R 2000-1414-R 2000-1415-R 2000-1416-R 2000-1519 Portable aNteNNas 2000-1200 2000-1473 2000-1035 2000-1030 2000-1474 2000-1031-R 2000-1475 2000-1032-R 2000-1361 61532 baNDPass filters 1030-114-R 1030-109-R 1030-110-R 1030-105-R 1030-111-R 1030-106-R 1030-107-R 1030-112-R 1030-155-R atteNuators 3-1010-122 42N50-20 42N50A-30 3-1010-123 1010-127-R 3-1010-124 1010-121 1010-128-R 20 dB, 5 W, DC to 12.4 GHz, N(m)-N(f) 20 dB, 5 W, DC to 18 GHz, N(m) - N(f) 30 dB, 5 W, DC to 18 GHz, N(m) - N(f) 30 dB, 50 W, DC to 8.5 GHz, N(m)-N(f) 30 dB, 150 W, DC to 3 GHz, N(m) - N(f) 40 dB, 100 W, DC to 8.5 GHz, N(m)-N(f), Uni-directional 40 dB, 100 W, DC to 18 GHz, N(m)-N(f), Uni-directional 40 dB, 150 W, DC to 3 GHz, N(m) - N(f) 806-869 MHz, N(m) - SMA(f), 50 824 - 849 MHz, N(m) - SMA (f), 50 880 - 915 MHz, N(m) - SMA (f), 50 890-915 MHz Band, 0.41 dB loss, N(m) - SMA(f), 50 1850 - 1910 MHz, N(m) - SMA (f), 50 1710-1790 MHz Band, 0.34 dB loss, N(m) - SMA(f), 50 1910-1990 MHz Band, 0.41 dB loss, N(m) - SMA(f), 50 2400 - 2484 MHz, N(m) - SMA (f), 50 2500-2700 MHz, N(m) N(f), 50 806-866 MHz, SMA(m), 50 870-960 MHz, SMA(m), 50 896-941 MHz, SMA (m), 50 (1/4 wave) 1710 to 1880 MHz, SMA(m), 50 (1/2 wave) 1710 to 1880 MHz with knuckle elbow (1/2 wave) 1850 to 1990 MHz, SMA(m), 50 (1/2 wave) 1920 to 1980 MHz and 2110 to 2170 MHz, SMA(m), 50 2400 to 2500 MHz, SMA(m), 50 (1/2 wave) 2400 to 2500, 5000 to 6000 MHz, SMA(m), 50 Antenna Kit (Consists of: 2000-1030, 2000-1031, 2000-1032-R, 2000-1200, 2000-1035, 2000-1361, and carrying pouch) Description 822-900 MHz, N(f), 10 dBd, Yagi 885-975 MHz, N(f), 10 dBd, Yagi 1710-1880 MHz, N(f), 10 dBd. Yagi 1850-1990 MHz, N(f), 9.3 dBd, Yagi 2400-2500 MHz, N(f), 10 dBd, Yagi 1920-2170 MHz, N(f), 10 dBd, Yagi 500 MHz to 3 GHz, log periodic


anritsu corporation
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