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Typical Questions

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Typical Questions Based on the Review of Islam (Q/A format)

Q1. How can we know the purpose of our creation? Q2. How to know about the Creator? Q3. Who declares things HALAL and HARAM (lawful/unlawful)? Q4. How can we please our Creator? Q5. What is the purpose of our creation? Support your answer through the Quranic reference. Q6. What is IBADIT? Q7. What is meant by IMAN BILGHAIB? Q8. With proper reference to Quran/Hadith enlist the components of IMAN. Q9. Quote some Quranic references in support of the following. i) The arguments (which are understandable even for a layman) in support of TAUHEED and against SHIRK (FIL ZAT & SIFAT). ii) The exclusive SIFAT of ALLAH. iii) DUA must always be directed/addressed to ALLAH and ALLAH alone. iv) We are supposed to call (for help) only ALLAH, in the absence of any clearly perceivable links/resources. v) Only He can help in the absence of apparent resources (ISTIANAT) for whom we reserve all forms of our IBADAT. On the ISTIANAT of ALLAH we must rely, especially during war. vi) None has ever shared the act of KHALQ with ALLAH. vii) He Himself is solely responsible for controlling the issues related to LIFE & DEATH, ILLNESS & HEALTH, BENEFIT & LOSS and RIZQ etc. viii) No form of IBADAT can be performed for anyone except ALLAH. ix) The matter of TAWAKKAL is related to ALLAH alone. x) ALLAH and ALLAH alone who deserves the title of AALIM-I- GHAIB. xi) All prophets were male human beings. xii) We are not allowed to discriminate among the prophets. xiii) MUHAMMAD is the last prophet. xiv) QURAN is protected by ALLAH himself. xv) The life after death. xvi) AMR BIL MAAROOF & NAHI ANIL MUNKAR xvii) SABR & SHUKR xviii) ZIKR xix) INFAQ FI SABI LILLAH xx) Interest is HARAM and Trade is HALAL. xxi) The virtue associated with making INFAQ gets destroyed if the donor hurts the self respect of the recipient. xxii) Instead of aiming at the clearing of unwanted stuff the valuable things should be picked for INFAQ FI SABIL LILLAH. xxiii) The balanced approach is recommended regarding expenditures. Neither BUKHAL nor ASRAF/TABZEER is appreciated. xxiv) One must be bold enough to record the true witness without any favor or fear. Justice & merit should prevail in Islamic society.

Acts of defaming/insulting others in their presence/absence are highly condemned. xxvi) DAROOD SHARIF Q10. Comment on the SIFAT which to the extent of title are common in the Creator and the Creature. Q11. What does Shirk involve and what misconceptions lead towards it? Q12. Describe the working of 03 divine systems. Q13. Comment on the statement. A very firm belief on the Day of Judgment is essential for keeping us on the right track. Q14. What are the benefits associated with the belief in Taqdeer? Q15. With proper reference to Quran/Hadith enlist the components of ISLAM. Q16. What type of book is QURAN? Q17. What is the importance of Hadith in Islam? Q18. What is BIRR in the light of an AYAT of Sura AL-BAQRA. Q19. What is ZIKR? Q20. What is INFAQ FI SABI LILLAH? Q21. What is AITIKAF? Q22. What is UMRAH? Q23. What are the salient features of the guidance provided by ISLAM about the economic sphere of life? Q24. Briefly describe KASAB-I-HALAL. Q25. What does ISLAM expect from us on the issue of MUAMILAT & AKHLAQ-IHASNAH? Q26. What is the Islamic attitude towards sex issues? Q27. What is TAUBA & ISTAGHFAR? Q28. What is TAGHOUT? Q29. Who are included in the group of those rewarded by ALLAH? Quote a quranic ayat in support of your answer. Q30. What are the main functions of a Prophet? Quote a quranic ayat in support of your answer. Q31. What is Tazkia and its importance? Q32. Briefly introduce AQSAM-ul-QURAN. Q33. What is the main advantage of being MUSLIM?


Typical Questions Based on the List of the Quranic Verses

Q1. What is the quranic way of seeking ISTIANAT? (2;45-46, 153) Q2. What are the consequences of being selective in obeying the orders of Sharia? (2; 8385). Q3. What are the typical duties of a prophet? (2;151) Q4. What is HARAM to eat and its permissible limit under IZTARAR? (2;173) Q5. What is expected from a pious in the light of AYAT-I-BIR? (2;177) Q6. Enlist the exclusive SIFAT of ALLAH in the light of AYAT-ul-KURSI. (2; 255) Q7. What are the four categories of the rewarded people? (4;69) Q8. What is the instruction of Quran regarding fear & favor in the matter of witness? (4;135 and 5;8) 2

Q9. What is the quranic condition of cooperation? (5;2 part) Q10. Prove weighing of AAMAL through Quran. (7; 8-9 and 21; 47) Q11. Prove through Quran that MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) is prophet for all human beings. (7-158) Q12. What is the Quranic instruction regarding preparation for JIHAD against enemy? (8;60) Q13. What are MASARIF-i-ZAKAT? (9;60) Q14. How can we satisfy our QALB? (13;28) Q15. What is the benefit of SHUKR? (14;7) Q16. Prove that Quran is protected by ALLAH himself. (15;9) Q17. What is the reality of those being called (for help) in place of ALLAH? (16;20-21 and 17; 56-57 and 22;73 and 35;13-14) Q18. Prove that quranic style of DAWAT is with wisdom. (16;125) Q19. What is the DUA of Hazrat MUSA? (20; 25-28) Q20. Prove MUHAMMAD (peace be upon him) as RAHMAT LIL ALMEEN. (21;107) Q21. What are the qualities of those who will succeed? (23; 1-11) Q22. What are the qualities of IBAD ur RAHMAN? (25;63-76) Q23. State the exclusive SIFAT of ALLAH described in Sura AnNamal (27;60-65) Q24. Prove with Quranic reference that it is ALLAH who decides about the HIDAAT of a person. (28;56) Q25. Prove with Quranic reference that it is ALLAH who is responsible for the RIZQ of entire MAKHLOOQ. (29;60) Q26. State the signs of QUDRAT and exclusive SIFAT of ALLAH described in Sura ArRoom (30;20-67 and46) Q27. What was the advice of LUQMAN for his son? (31;13-19) Q28. What are the things known only to ALLAH in the light of Ayat No. 34 of Sura No. 31 of Holy Quran? Q29. Prove with Quranic reference that it is the Prophet who is the real model. (33;21) Q30. Prove with Quranic reference that there is no choice for a believer except to follow the prophet. (33;36) Q31. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of witness of our own organs against us on the day of judgment. (36;65 and 41;20-22) Q32. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that the soul is taken away even during sleep. (39;42) Q33. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that NAFKH-i-SOOR is twice. (39;68) Q34. Provide Quranic proof of AZAB QABR. (40;46) Q35. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that nothing is like ALLAH. (42;11) Q36. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that the number & gender of the kids of a married couple is decided by ALLAH. (42;49-50) Q37. Reproduce the convincing arguments of Sura AlAhqaf(46;4-6) against calling of someone other than ALLAH for help(beyond the limits of sources). Q38. Discuss the issue of Respect of the Prophet in the light of first five Ayat of Sura AlHujrat. (49;1-5)

Q39. Describe the important instructions related to AKHLAQ-i-HASNA & Taqwa in the light of Ayat of Sura AlHujrat. (49;11-13) Q40. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that the Prophet does not speak without WAHI (53;3-4) Q41. Provide quranic reference as an evidence of the fact that it is easy to take guidance from QURAN (54; 17,22,32,40) Q42. Quote the contents of Sura No. 93, 94, 108 and 111 in support of the fact that ALLAH cares a lot for the Prophet. Q43. Describe QIYAMAT in the light of Sura No. 99, 101 and 102. Q44. How can we avoid the great loss? (Sura No. 103)

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