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Class Xi - Physics Set A Class Xi - Physics Set A

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TIME:3HRS MAXIMUM MARKS:70 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All questions are compulsory. Question no. 1 to 8 carry 1 mark each. Question no. 9 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Question no. 19 to 27 carry 3 mark each. Question no. 28 to 30 carry 5 marks each. MAXIMUM MARKS:70 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


TIME:3HRS All questions are compulsory. Question no. 1 to 8 carry 1 mark each. Question no. 9 to 18 carry 2 marks each. Question no. 19 to 27 carry 3 mark each. Question no. 28 to 30 carry 5 marks each.

1. What are fundamental units and derived units ? 2. What is represented by the slope of v t graph ? 3. Can kinetic energy of a system be changed without changing its momentum? 4. What is the angular momentum of a body of mass m moving with a velocity v in a circular path of radius r ? 5. If the earth rotates faster, how does g change at the poles? 6. Under what conditions is the first law of thermodynamics valid? 7. What is the limitation of the Hookes law? 8. What is the basic condition for a particles motion to be simple harmonic? 9. Justify M +M = M and M M = M ? 10. What is relative velocity? How do the velocities add when both the bodies i)move in the same direction ii)move in the opposite direction 11. If the atmosphere suddenly condensed into a solid mass and formed a thin layer on the surface of the earth, what effect would it have on the time of rotation of the earth about its axis? 12. What is the physical significance of moment of inertia? 13. Explain why a 5 kg body weighs more at the poles and less at the equator? 14. State and write the expression for Newtons law of cooling. 15. Give two statements of second law of thermodynamics. 16. Calculate the temperature at which the speed of sound will be four times its value at 0C. 17. Distinguish between periodic motion and oscillatory motion. Give one example in each case?

1. What are fundamental units and derived units ? 2. What is represented by the slope of v t graph ? 3. Can kinetic energy of a system be changed without changing its momentum? 4. What is the angular momentum of a body of mass m moving with a velocity v in a circular path of radius r ? 5. If the earth rotates faster, how does g change at the poles? 6. Under what conditions is the first law of thermodynamics valid? 7. What is the limitation of the Hookes law? 8. What is the basic condition for a particles motion to be simple harmonic? 9. Justify M +M = M and M M = M ? 10. What is relative velocity? How do the velocities add when both the bodies i)move in the same direction ii)move in the opposite direction 11. If the atmosphere suddenly condensed into a solid mass and formed a thin layer on the surface of the earth, what effect would it have on the time of rotation of the earth about its axis? 12. What is the physical significance of moment of inertia? 13. Explain why a 5 kg body weighs more at the poles and less at the equator? 14. State and write the expression for Newtons law of cooling. 15. Give two statements of second law of thermodynamics. 16. Calculate the temperature at which the speed of sound will be four times its value at 0C. 17. Distinguish between periodic motion and oscillatory motion. Give one example in each case?

18. Given A=2i -j+3k and B=3i-2j-2k . find the unit vector of (1)A+B(2)A-B . 19. A planet moves round the sun in a circular orbit. The time period of revolution T of the planet depends on: i) radius of the orbit R ii) mass of the sun M and iii) gravitational constant G. Confirm dimensionally that T R. 20. The greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is h.What will be the greatest distance upto which he can throw the stone? 21. A mass M is broken into two parts of masses m and M-m. How are m and M-m related, so that force of gravitational attraction between the two parts is maximum? 22. Derive an equation of continuity for the steady flow of incompressible liquid 23. State and explain zeroth law of thermodynamics. 24. Define Youngs modulus and Bulk modulus and give their S.I units. 25. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon is 1.7 m/s.What is the time period of simple pendulum on the surface of moon if its time period on the surface of earth is 3.5 sec? 26. Derive the relation between velocity, wavelength and frequency of progressive wave. 27. A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity after penetrating 3 cm. How much further will it penetrate before coming to rest assuming that it faces constant resistance to motion? 28. Derive the expression for maximum height attained by particle and velocity at any time when a body is thrown with angular projection. OR Derive the expression for the kinetic energy, potential energy and hence the total energy in Simple Harmonic motion. 29. State the parallelogram law of vector addition. Give its analytical treatment. OR Show that the orbital velocity of a satellite revolving very close to the surface of the earth is 7.92 m/s. 30. Explain with the help of diagram the working of (i) hydraulic lift (ii) hydraulic brakes. OR State and write the expression for the Bernoullis theorem. Also explain the following on the basis of Bernoullis

theorem (i) working of sprayer (ii) Lift on an aero plane wing (iii) blowing of the roofs during storm. 18. Given A=2i -j+3k and B=3i-2j-2k . find the unit vector of (1)A+B(2)A-B . 19. A planet moves round the sun in a circular orbit. The time period of revolution T of the planet depends on: i) radius of the orbit R ii) mass of the sun M and iii) gravitational constant G. Confirm dimensionally that T R. 20. The greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is h.What will be the greatest distance upto which he can throw the stone? 21. A mass M is broken into two parts of masses m and M-m. How are m and M-m related, so that force of gravitational attraction between the two parts is maximum? 22. Derive an equation of continuity for the steady flow of incompressible liquid 23. State and explain zeroth law of thermodynamics. 24. Define Youngs modulus and Bulk modulus and give their S.I units. 25. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of moon is 1.7 m/s.What is the time period of simple pendulum on the surface of moon if its time period on the surface of earth is 3.5 sec? 26. Derive the relation between velocity, wavelength and frequency of progressive wave. 27. A bullet fired into a fixed target loses half of its velocity after penetrating 3 cm. How much further will it penetrate before coming to rest assuming that it faces constant resistance to motion? 28. Derive the expression for maximum height attained by particle and velocity at any time when a body is thrown with angular projection. OR Derive the expression for the kinetic energy, potential energy and hence the total energy in Simple Harmonic motion. 29. State the parallelogram law of vector addition. Give its analytical treatment. OR Show that the orbital velocity of a satellite revolving very close to the surface of the earth is 7.92 m/s. 30. Explain with the help of diagram the working of (i) hydraulic lift (ii) hydraulic brakes. OR

State and write the expression for the Bernoullis theorem. Also explain the following on the basis of Bernoullis theorem (i) working of sprayer (ii) Lift on an aeroplane wing (iii) blowing of the roofs during storm.

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