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Communication Skills

Jesse Davis
Dept. of Computer Science Katholieke Universiteit Leuven [and Ingo Thon]


PhD students

Work very hard Have lots of excellent ideas

Share ideas by writing papers and giving presentations Must be able to effectively communicate all your great work



First way your work is introduced to broader research community is a paper submission Reviewers have very little time Easy to reject unclear, poorly written papers You need publications to graduate


Fundamentals of writing Structuring a paper General advice and common errors Exercises

Writing Commandments
START WRITING EARLY Writing should be

Clear Precise Non-redundant Consistent

Start Writing Early

Writing takes a long time Papers must be (re)written many times Hard to write, even for native speakers Promoters are busy and often cannot read papers right away Be organized!

Each Sentence Should Be Clear

Does a sentence make sense? Can you understand it based on its context? Does it clearly convey your point? Does it contain all the necessary information?

Write Concisely

Do you need to every word in the sentence? Is there a shorter way to express your point? Example:

Wordy: Because one customer has bought a pair of books together, every other customer that is interested in one of these books is not necessarily also interested in the other one. Concise: Just because one customer bought a pair of books does not imply that every other customer that buys one of these books will buy the other book.


The papers main message should be repeated, but that is it Look at paragraph/sections and see if the same information appears more than once Ties back to being concise


Use the same terminology through the paper

E.g.: Do not switch between statistical relational learning, probabilistic learning, etc. E.g., italicize a definition E.g., different fonts for formulas

Use the structure consistently

British vs. American English (American is better )


Use the same terminology through the paper

E.g.: Do not switch between statistical relational learning, probabilistic learning, etc. E.g., italicize a definition E.g., different fonts for formulas

Use the structure consistently

British vs. American English (American is better )

Tips for Successful Writing

Start writing early Break up the text with figures/lists/different environments Rewrite liberally: I go through many many iterations before Im happy Show your writing to lots of people

Things clear to you arent to others People spot errors that you cant

Start writing early!


Fundamentals of writing Structuring a paper General advice and common errors Exercises

Paper Structure

Introduction Background Algorithm Empirical evaluation Related work Conclusions and future work

What to Convey in a Paper

What is the problem you are solving? Why is it important and challenging? What is your solution to the problem

How did you solve the problem How is your solution different What is the value added of your approach

What to Convey in a Paper: Introduction

Provide motivation and context What is the problem you are solving Why is it important and challenging Where is your work situated in the field How your solution is different Brief overview of what you did

What to Convey in a Paper: Background

Set the scene Define necessary terminology

Provide knowledge the reader needs to understand the paper

What to Convey in a Paper: Algorithm

Tell the audience what you did Formally define the problem you are solving
Given Find

Describe your solution to the problem Provide enough details to redo your work Justify the choices you made Any theoretical guarantees?

What to Convey in a Paper: Evaluation

Convince the reader your idea is useful What is message you want to convey

Is your algorithm faster? More accurate?


up questions you want to answer What experiments can confirm your hypothesis What the appropriate baseline algorithms Note evaluation can be theoretical too

What to Convey in a Paper: Related Work

Position your work in the field How does your solution to compare to prior work

What is the key difference in your approach What are the strengths/weakness of your approach vs. prior approaches

What to Convey in a Paper: Conclusions

Wrap up the paper Highlight the main contributions
Algorithmically Theoretically Empirically

Briefly mention what the next steps may be


Fundamentals of writing Structuring a paper General advice and common errors [Look at Marie Des Jardins Web page] Exercises

General Rules

Avoid contractions

Use does not instead of doesnt Use it is instead of its

Spell out numbers less than or equal to ten Avoid transitioning from a section directly to a subsection without intervening text Avoid a section that has only one subsection Avoid colloquial English or slang

Be Parallel: Verb vs. Noun

Bad: The system involves

Knowledge extraction Inferring novel facts Model construction

Good: The system involves

Extracting knowledge Making novel inferences Learning predictive models

Be Parallel: Verb Form

Bad: The system works by

Extracting knowledge Infer novel facts Learn predictive model

Good: The system involves

Extracting knowledge Making novel inferences Learning predictive models

Be Parallel: Listing Points


First of all, Second, Thirdly, First, Second, Third


Avoid the Passive Voice

Use the verb to be for definitions

Learning is the ability to improve with experience X is .

Avoid things like:

The following example is used to illustrate The algorithm is supposed The full state is generated from a set of variables Only temporal sequences are considered

Do No Repeat Words in Sentences/Paragraphs

Think about word choice, use dictionary and thesaurus if needed Example: Exact inference in hybrid models is prohibitively slow so a learning method using exact estimations of the marginal distributions is prohibitive. Note: This cannot always be avoided

Common Errors

i.e., means that is and must be written i.e., e.g., means for example and must be written e.g., Et al. Footnotes go after periods .\footnote{} Punctuation goes inside quotes

E.g., This is correct.

Common Errors

its is possessive its means it is Citations cannot appear as nouns!

Bad: (Davis et al., 2005) shows Bad: [17] shows Good: Davis et al. (2005) shows

Between is used for only two entities Among is used for more than two entities


Fundamentals of writing Structuring a paper General advice and common errors Exercises

Teach vs. Learn

I ____ myself how to play the piano I ____ how to play the piano I ____ about machine learning in class Luc ____ me about probabilistic models in class Luc ____ probabilistic models in his lecture

Compound Adjectives
Put hyphens in underlined words if needed The real world is complex. We evaluated our algorithm on three real world domains. The state of the art approach is based on The first order of business First order logic

Remove Passive Voice

The key points are illustrated in Figure 1. The company is based in Portland and designs microprocessors. The decisions that are selected should maximize the expected utility. Variables are used as placeholders for specific entities. The family of probabilistic programming languages considered in this thesis are based on logic programming.

Make More Concise

Many systems are based on the observation that existing probabilistic models can not cope with the rich relational representations but can be upgraded. This upgrading approach starts from well-known propositional systems, where efficient inference algorithms are available, and extends the representation by relational concepts.

Make More Concise

Traditional machine learning techniques expects data to come in the form of feature vectors. A feature vector describes the training example by a set of features. The second skill is the ability to decide what to do, and is concerned with deciding which actions to take.

Make More Precise & Concise

A second motivation for our work is due to the observed differences of domains these models are typically applied to. It can be observed that the approaches not only differ in representations but also in the way inference is performed and therefore domains they are applied to. Some use knowledge-based model construction, which compiles the query and/or evidence into a propositional graphical model like Bayesian or Markov network. These graphical model representations allow one to apply a wide variety of existing inference and learning algorithms, which allows one to use them for many applications.

Make Parallel
This learning algorithm is closely related to the one for CPT-L. First of all it provides a motivation for the propositional logical formula generated by CPT-L, which can be seen as specialization of Clarks completion. Furthermore, it generalizes EM by means of the BDD algorithm of CPT-L. The generalization allows for hidden and deterministic variables. Third, as in CPT-L it splits sequences into transitions; LFI-ProbLog exploits certain Independence to split training examples. In fact, LFIProbLog, when applied to translated CPT-L, would automatically rediscover its learning algorithm. Finally, very similar to the partial lifted algorithm of CPT-L, LFI-Problog provides a probabilistic version of unit propagation.

Write a maximum of two page, double spaced text that

Clearly defines your research problem Briefly states how you will tackle it



Give lots of talks

DTAI seminars PhD defense Conferences and workshops

Most people to have time to read every paper Listening to talks keeps them up-to-date Great way to convince people that your research is relevant and important


General advice for presentations Improving readability Using pictures Presenting results Tips for making slides

Goals of Presenting

Get the audience excited about your research View talk as an ad

My work is interesting You should read the paper

Goal is to give big picture, not all the details Think about: What is the take away message

General Speaking Tips

Look at the audience

Do not speak to the screen Try to keep eye contact

Speak slowly Be energetic Practicea lot

General Slide Advice

Think about the structure of the talk Make sure to introduce all relevant background knowledge/terms Think about how to best convey ideas Making good slides takes a long time

Structuring a Presentation
General structure Motivation Background Algorithm Results Conclusions

Structuring a Presentation
Like writing, want to convey

What is the problem Why is it important How did you solve it What results did you get

Defining Your Task

Be sure to clearly define the problem you are trying to solve A good strategy is Given and Do Another good strategy is to show a picture

Learning Task

Calc Fine/ Linear

Mass Size

Given: Dataset, initial set of features Do: Automatically invent new features, relations and learn statistical model

Learning Task
Cancer Increase in Size

Calc Fine/ Linear

Mass Size

Given: Dataset, initial set of features Do: Automatically invent new features, relations and learn statistical model

Simplified Clinical Database

PID Gender Birthday P1 M 3/22/63

PID Prescribed P1 5/17/98 Medication Dose Duration prilosec 10mg 3 months

PID Date Symptoms Diagnosis P1 1/1/01 palpitations hypoglycemic P1 2/1/03 fever, aches influenza

Lab Tests
PID P1 P1 Date Lab Test Result 42 45 1/1/01 blood glucose 1/9/02 blood glucose

Goal: Predict at prescription time if a patient will have an adverse reaction to a medicine


General advice for presentations Improving readability Using pictures Presenting results Tips for making slides


Colors and Spacing Can Greatly Improve Readability

Spaces between points is helpful It makes things easier to read for a listener Color highlights important points

Contributions of this Talk

Real-world problems violate standard assumptions

Complex and uncertain data Implicitly defined features and relations Train and test data come from different distributions Invent predicates/features: More accurate learned models Abstract predicates: Reuse knowledge across domains

My work: Discover probabilistic, structural regularities

Large improvements on significant applications Many remaining technical challenges!

Contributions of this Talk

Real-world problems violate standard assumptions

Complex and uncertain data Implicitly defined features and relations Train and test data come from different distributions

My work: Discover probabilistic, structural regularities

Invent predicates/features: More accurate learned models Abstract predicates: Reuse knowledge across domains

Large improvements on significant applications Many remaining technical challenges!

First-Order Logic

Constants, variables, predicates, functions E.g.: Anna, x, Friends(x,y), MotherOf(x) Literal: Predicate or its negation Clause: E.g.: Friends(x,y) Friends(y,z) Friends (x,z) Definite Clause: E.g.: Friends(x,y) Friends(y,z) Friends (x,z)

First-Order Logic

Constants, variables, predicates, functions E.g.: Anna, x, Friends(x,y), MotherOf(x) Literal: Predicate or its negation Clause: E.g.: Friends(x,y) Friends(y,z) Friends (x,z) Definite Clause: E.g.: Friends(x,y) Friends(y,z) Friends (x,z)

Other Readability Issues

In terms of colors, difficult to see

Dark on dark Light on light Think about people who are color-blind

Try to use at least 24 point font Think about people in the back of the room Make sure top, bottom, sides not cut off


General advice for presentations Improving readability Using pictures Presenting results Tips for making slides


Classifying Unseen Data

Proposition methods treat each example independently Predict label for each example using only the attribute-values for that example

Classifying Unseen Data

Abnormality Patient Date Calcification Fine/Linear 5/02 5/04 5/04 6/00 Absent Present Absent Absent Mass Size 3mm 5mm 4mm 2mm Loc Cancer

1 2 3 4

P1 P1 P1 P2


? ? ? ?

Classifying Unseen Data

Abnormality Patient Date Calcification Fine/Linear 5/02 5/04 5/04 6/00 Absent Present Absent Absent Mass Size 3mm 5mm 4mm 2mm Loc Cancer

1 2 3 4

P1 P1 P1 P2


? ? ? ?

Classifying Unseen Data

Abnormality Patient Date Calcification Fine/Linear 5/02 5/04 5/04 6/00 Absent Present Absent Absent Mass Size 3mm 5mm 4mm 2mm Loc Cancer

1 2 3 4

P1 P1 P1 P2


No ? ? ?

Classifying Unseen Data

Abnormality Patient Date Calcification Fine/Linear 5/02 5/04 5/04 6/00 Absent Present Absent Absent Mass Size 3mm 5mm 4mm 2mm Loc Cancer

1 2 3 4

P1 P1 P1 P2


No ? ? ?

Classifying Unseen Data

Abnormality Patient Date Calcification Fine/Linear 5/02 5/04 5/04 6/00 Absent Present Absent Absent Mass Size 3mm 5mm 4mm 2mm Loc Cancer

1 2 3 4

P1 P1 P1 P2


No ? ? ?

Bayesian Networks
[Pearl, 1988]

Directed, probabilistic graphical model

Nodes = variables Arcs = probabilistic dependency between nodes

Each node x has a conditional probability distribution: Prob(x | Parents(x)) Encodes the following distribution

Bayesian Networks
[Pearl, 1988]


P(Present | No) = .01 P(Present | Yes) = .55

Calc Fine/ Linear

Mass Size

Joint Distribution:

Bayesian Networks
[Pearl, 1988]

Each variable is a node Cancer

P(Present | No) = .01 P(Present | Yes) = .55

Calc Fine/ Linear

Mass Size

Joint Distribution:

Bayesian Networks
[Pearl, 1988]

Each variable is a node Arcs capture dependences Cancer

P(Present | No) = .01 P(Present | Yes) = .55

Calc Fine/ Linear

Mass Size

Joint Distribution:

Bayesian Networks
[Pearl, 1988]

Each variable is a node Arcs capture dependences Conditional probability distribution P(Present | No) = .01 P(Present | Yes) = .55 Cancer

Calc Fine/ Linear

Mass Size

Joint Distribution:

Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) [Muggleton & De Raedt, J. Log. Prog.94]


Positive examples Negative examples Background knowledge

Learn: A set of clauses that when combined with the background knowledge

Entail all positive examples No (or few) negative examples

Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) [Muggleton & De Raedt, J. Log. Prog.94]

Positive examples Negative examples
Background Knowledge

Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) [Muggleton & De Raedt, J. Log. Prog.94]

Positive examples Negative examples
Background Knowledge

Edge(g, x, y) Color(x, Green) Color(y, Blue) Pos(g)

Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) [Muggleton & De Raedt, J. Log. Prog.94]

Positive examples Negative examples
Background Knowledge

Edge(g, x, y) Color(x, Green) Color(y, Blue) Pos(g)

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm

Integrates two components of learning

Feature construction Model induction Proposes new feature as first-order definite clauses Introduce feature as binary variable in statistical model If including feature improves score, keep it

Iterative procedure:

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm
Class Value

Score = 0.02 =

Feat 1

Feat N

Background Knowledge

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm
Class Value

Feat 1

Score = 0.12 = 0.10

Feat N

Pred 1

Size(id1,s1 ) Size(id2,s2 ) s1 > s2 P1(id1,id2 )

Background Knowledge

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm
Class Value

Feat 1

Score = 0.12 = 0.10

Feat N

Pred 1

Background Knowledge

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm
Class Value

Feat 1

Score = 0.10 = -0.02

Feat N

Pred 1

Pred 2

Age(patient, 45-49) P2(patient)

Background Knowledge

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm
Class Value

Score = =

Feat 1

Feat N

Pred 1


Background Knowledge

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm
Class Value

Feat 1

Score = 0.15 = 0.03

Feat N

Pred 1

Pred 3

HistoryOfBC(patient) P2(patient)

Background Knowledge

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm
Class Value

Feat 1

Score = 0.15 = 0.03

Feat N

Pred 1

Pred 3

Background Knowledge

SAYU-VISTA Algorithm
Class Value

Feat 1

Feat N

Pred 1

Pred 3

Score = 0.35 = 0.01

Pred M

Background Knowledge


General advice for presentations Improving readability Using pictures Presenting results Tips for making slides

Presenting Results

What is the point of the experiments? What datasets were used? What are the relevant metrics? What are the relevant baselines?

Presenting Results


Label axes Describe axes and what plot shows Describe what good/best results looks like

Presenting results

Tables are too hard to read

Task 1 Algo 1 Algo 2 Algo 3 0.6 0.7 0.75 Task 2 0.45 0.55 0.5 Task 3 0.58 0.82 0.83 Task 4 0.71 0.71 0.72

Take the time and make a chart


General advice for presentations Improving readability Using pictures Presenting results Tips for making slides

Slide Tips: Avoid Single Bullet Points

This is pointless

Slide Tips: Avoid Single Bullet Points

Yada yada

This looks silly

Blah blah Blah blah

Slide Tips: Do Not Over Nest Bullet Points

You need at most

Two levels of points

Points on the third level are bad

Slide Tips: Avoid Bad Line Breaks


new feature as first-order definite

clauses Introduce feature as binary variable in statistical model


new feature as first-order definite clauses Introduce feature as binary variable in statistical model

Prepare a 10 minute presentation Teach us something It can be anything that is interesting to you Goal is to start practicing good presenting practices

Presentation Wrap Up
Avoid the following pit falls: Lacking a take away message

practicing the presentation enough too much text on the slides insufficient time for making slides



Take Away Messages

Communication skills are very important

Writing Speaking

You need to practice them Make sure to devote lots of time to

Writing papers Preparing presentations

Start early Ask for lots of feedback

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