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Brianna Morgan Teen Tech Week Program March 6-12, 2011 LIS 404

Wii Games and Websites

This program will take place during Teen Tech Week and is geared towards high school youth in the Central High School library, Champaign IL. This program will be a collaborative effort between the Champaign Ford Regional office of Educations Generation Next after school program housed at the school, myself the school librarian, the Technology Education teacher and student volunteers in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the local university. This program will be implemented in an effort to try to get youth interested in coming to the library and seeing the library as not only a place where they can study and get their academic needs met, but also as a place where they can socialize, pursue personal interests and gain new knowledge and skills. To encourage the development of new knowledge and skills, during Teen Tech week the students will have the opportunity to create and design their own websites using the free site at The site is fairly easy to use; you choose from a variety of templates and just enter text and graphics. Since the month of March is also Womens History Month and the study of women in history is also an Illinois State mandate, the individual websites will feature information about a prominent woman (chosen by the student) in history and the contributions that person has made to our country and/or the world. Students will also have the option to choose to feature a special woman in their lives, for example-a family member, teacher, etc. with that persons permission. The program will take place on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the week of March 6-12, 2011. The program will take place in the library after school from 3:30-6:30pm. There will be a total of 12 students who will be able to participate. Announcements will be made two weeks prior to the start of Teen Tech Week (March 7th) during the school announcements in the morning to inform the students enrolled in the Generation Next program about the upcoming program. Flyers will also be posted throughout the school to inform students about the program and what they need to do to participate in Teen Tech Week. Special invitations will also be given to select students by the after school program staff at their discretion. (for example, an invitation may be given to a student who has shown an interest in technology) Invitations will also be given to students as a result of a request from a classroom teacher. Students will need to sign up for the program and the after school staff will make sure that the students have the proper consent forms giving the ok to use an individuals information and pictures if they desire for their website. Transportation needs will also be the responsibility of the student. Students will need to walk home, get a ride, or catch the city bus.

Bus tokens will be given to students as needed by the after school program staff as an in-kind service. Students who are interested in participating in this program with need to sign up by Thursday March 3rd. Space is limited to 12 seats, so seats will be given on a first come, first serve basis. Priority will be given to students who have been enrolled in the after school program since August. If the students wish to participate in the program, they will need to sign up and register for the Generation Next program as well. We will be working under a tight schedule with tight parameters so only serious students who are interested and fully participate should sign up. If students drop off along the way that is fine-we will work with what we have. The program will be led by me, the Technology Education teacher, and two another student volunteers from the local university who have experience creating websites. I will work with the K-12 certification coordinator in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the university and recruit for volunteers via email starting in December so that when the students return to campus, in January we can have names and have background checks and other qualifications cleared etc. My goal is to have the volunteers set by the first week of March. The program will be implemented in two parts and there will be two groups of students. (6 students per group) For one hour the first group will be working on their websites while the other group is playing games on the Wii. Then for the second hour the groups will switch. Two Wii game consoles will be provided by the after school program and will be set up with TVs in the library lecture hall that is in an enclosed room within the library. The Wii games will be used as an incentive to get the students to be a part of the program. Each day will feature a different type of game such as Wii sports, Michael Jackson Experience, Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader, and Family Feud. The games will be educational and active/ fun in an effort to address learning standards and physical fitness standards. We will use 7 library computers to create the web sites. Staff persons and student volunteers will supervise/provide instruction as they are both working/playing in their respective groups. The Technology Education teacher will also be available to assist should any technical problems arise with the computers. A small snack will be provided by the school librarian each day of the program for the students. The basic agenda for each day will be as follows: 3:30-400- Arrival, Snack Snack Wind down time, work on homework or gather information about the woman to be featured on their personal websites. 4:00-4:05-Transition to Groups 4:05-5:05-Gather information online/Work on web page design OR Wii Games 5:05-5:10-Transition to Groups 5:10-6:10-Wii Games OR Gather information online/work on web page design 6:10-6:30- Wrap up, last minute Q&A, clean up, Dismissal

On the first day, Monday March 7th we will start with ice breaker activities to get to know one another (Find Someone Who participants have to find an individual who has done a particular thing and that person has to sign their name next to it-then we discuss and Line Up In Birthday Orderparticipants line up in order by their birthdays, but they have to do it without talking) and brain storming ideas for the names of women people want to research for their web pages. The student volunteers will also give a quick tutorial on how to use weebly and its different features. We will have a sample web site to show the students to use as a guide when developing their own sites. Budget: Supplies (computers, game consoles, Wii games-provided by the after school program,) and snacks will be provided in-kind.

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