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DGS-5 Documentation v003

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DIgSILENT Interface Documentation

DGS Interface

DIgSILENT GmbH Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 9 D-72810 Gomaringen Tel.: +49 7072 9168 - 0 Fax: +49 7072 9168- 88 e-mail:

DGS-Interface Published by DIgSILENT GmbH, Germany Copyright 2010. All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying or publishing of this or any part of this document is prohibited. DGS-Interface, Doc. Vers. 003 PowerFactory 14.0 Date: 08.10.2010

PowerFactory DGS - Interface

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 5 2 PowerFactory Data Model ................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Power System Elements .......................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Graphical Representation ....................................................................................................................... 7 3 DGS Structure ...................................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 General Table........................................................................................................................................ 9 3.2 Object Table ........................................................................................................................................ 10 3.2.1 Object References ........................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.2 Object Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................. 12 3.3 Databases ........................................................................................................................................... 13 3.4 File Formats......................................................................................................................................... 14 3.4.1 ASCII ............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.4.2 XML ............................................................................................................................................... 15 3.4.3 Microsoft Excel ................................................................................................................................ 16 3.4.4 Microsoft Access .............................................................................................................................. 17 4 Import ................................................................................................................................................ 18 5 Export ................................................................................................................................................. 20 6 Advanced Topics ................................................................................................................................ 22 6.1 Deletion of Existing Objects................................................................................................................... 22 6.2 Creation of Variations ........................................................................................................................... 22 6.2.1 Delete Objects ................................................................................................................................ 23 6.2.2 Add Objects .................................................................................................................................... 24 6.2.3 Modification Objects ........................................................................................................................ 25 6.2.4 Notes ............................................................................................................................................. 25 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................... 27 6.3 Common Attributes .............................................................................................................................. 27 6.4 Example of DGS Table Headers ............................................................................................................. 27 6.4.1 Terminal Data (ElmTerm) ................................................................................................................. 27 6.4.2 Cubicle Data (StaCubic) ................................................................................................................... 28 6.4.3 Line/cable Data (element, ElmLne) ................................................................................................... 28 6.4.4 Line/cable Data (type, TypLne) ......................................................................................................... 29 6.4.5 Line section (element, ElmLnesec) .................................................................................................... 29

PowerFactory DGS - Interface

Table of Contents

6.4.6 Switch Data (element, ElmCoup) ...................................................................................................... 30 6.4.7 Load Data (element, ElmLod) ........................................................................................................... 30 6.4.8 Load Data (type, TypLod) ................................................................................................................ 30 6.4.9 External Grid Data (ElmXnet) ............................................................................................................ 31 6.4.10 2-winding Transformer Data (element, ElmTr2) ................................................................................ 31 6.4.11 2-winding transformer data (type, TypTr2) ...................................................................................... 32 6.4.12 Shunts (ElmShnt) .......................................................................................................................... 32 6.4.13 Single line diagrams (IntGrfnet) ...................................................................................................... 33 6.4.14 Graphical representation of power system element (IntGrf) ............................................................... 33 6.4.15 Graphical connection lines (IntGrfcon) ............................................................................................. 34 6.5 Example DGS - Figure 2: Detailed Transformer Connection ...................................................................... 35 6.6 Example DGS - Figure 3: Simplified Transformer Connection .................................................................... 37

PowerFactory DGS - Interface

Introduction 1 Introduction
DIgSILENT PowerFactory provides a standard interface named DGS (DIgSILENT) for data exchange with other applications. The DGS import interface allows importing of complete network models as well as updating existing models. The DGS export interface provides the possibility to export network model data and calculation results. Selective export is supported. This document describes the data model as well as the DGS data format. In Chapter 2 a short introduction to the PowerFactory data model is presented. Chapter 3 gives an introduction to the DGS data format, by describing the DGS data structure and the supported file formats. Chapters 4 and 5 present the export and import commands of PowerFactory. For experienced users, chapter 6 covers some advanced topics. And finally, the appendix contains a description of frequently used PowerFactory attributes and a sample header configuration. Furthermore, the used DGS examples are listed there.

2 PowerFactory Data Model

The PowerFactory data model distinguishes three different data categories: element data
Power System Elements

type data graphic data

Graphical Representation

2.1 Power System Elements

The first two categories contain the electrical attributes of the power system elements. The type category stores manufacturer data, the element category the operational and element specific attributes. Generally in the element data, references are given to the type data. Type attributes of a cable are e.g. the resistance and the reactance per length in Ohm/km, whereas element attributes are for example, a reference to the cable type, the line length in km, the derating factor and the out of service status. The graphic data category includes the graphic attributes of a certain power system element, e.g. position and size. This data category is not required for any calculation within PowerFactory. The electrical network is in general represented by terminals and connecting branch elements like lines and transformers. The branch elements are connected to terminals via cubicles, where each connection requires its own cubicle. Connecting two terminals with a cable or line requires therefore two cubicles, see Figure 1. Each cubicle is stored inside a terminal (as child) and points to the branch element. The cubicles themselves may contain relays, current transformers (CTs) and voltage transformers (VTs). The topological information (connectivity) is part of the element data category.

PowerFactory DGS - Interface

Figure 1: Schematic representation of network topology (Example of a branch element with 2 connections, e.g. line)
Figure 2 below illustrates a transformer which is connected to busbars (terminal of usage busbar) via disconnectors and circuit breakers modelled in detail.

Figure 2 (Switch & Component Model):

consisting of: 2 busbars (terminals), 4 internal nodes (terminals), 4 switches (2 disconnectors, 2 circuit breakers) and one transformer.

The data model includes 10 cubicles, 2 for each switch and transformer. The cubicles are not visible in the figure.

Figure 2: Detailed Transformer Connection Figure 3 (Node & Branch Model):

The transformer NT1 is directly connected to the busbars via two cubicles. Each cubicle contains switch gears, which is shown as black rectangle. This simplified data model can be used if the switch details are not important.

Figure 3: Simplified Transformer Connection

PowerFactory DGS - Interface

Examples DGS files for both figures can be found in chapter 6.5 and 6.6.

2.2 Graphical Representation

The graphic is completely separated from the element data. It is organized in diagrams (represented by objects of class IntGrfnet) holding the graphical representations of power system elements (IntGrf). Such a graphic object (IntGrf) stores information about the symbol, position, size and has a reference to the element that is visualized (network element, e.g. line). A graphical connection object (IntGrfcon) is used to display a connection line between two graphical symbols (branch symbol and node symbol). This object is stored inside the graphic object (IntGrf). The number of connection lines depend on the branch element, e.g. a load has only one connection line, a 2-winding transformer has two, a 3-winding transformer 3 connection lines.

Example: Graphical representation of a 2-winding transformer.

(connection line 1)

(grf. Representatin of transformer)

(connection line 2)


Figure 4: Graphical data objects and visual representation

(IntGrfnet green; IntGrf blue; IntGrfcon brown)

PowerFactory DGS - Interface

3 DGS Structure
Generally, DGS defines the structure of the data and is therefore not bound to a specific file format or database schema. The PowerFactory DGS interface supports the following databases: Oracle (ODBC client 10 or newer) MS-SQL (ODBC driver 2000 or newer) ODBC System DSN

Additionally PowerFactory can deal with data in the following file formats: ASCII Text (csv like) XML Microsoft Excel (2003 or newer) Microsoft Access (2003 or newer)

The contents of the files are identical; the only difference is the format. The core principle of DGS is to organize all data in tables. Each table has a unique name (within the DGS file or database/table space) and consists of one or more table columns where generally all names are case-sensitive. There are two types of tables: the general table and the object (data) table.

Each DGS file must contain exactly one general table and an arbitrary number of object data tables. In EBNF notation: DGS file ::= general_table {, object_table}

The detailed structure of the tables is described in the following sections. Generally, for all tables, data values are stored in table rows. It is required that each table contains an identifier column. This column must be named ID (data type text) and all table rows must contain a unique value for that column (primary key in the whole DGS data source). In case of csv or Excel files the identifier column has to be the first column.

PowerFactory DGS - Interface

3.1 General Table

The general table is a special table named General providing meta information about the DGS file. This table is used as a kind of key-value map and consists of the following three columns:

Name ID Descr Val

Type Text Text Text

Description Unique identifier for each data row Description text Value

For short: general_table ::= ID, Descr, Val

Currently, the following settings are supported (value for ID column can be freely chosen but must be unique). Please note that the Version entry is mandatory and must be contained in every general table. Furthermore, all settings are case-sensitive!




DGS Version number. This entry describes the format of the DGS structure and is mandatory. The currently used format is DGS 5.0 Example: 5.0 If given, the data source attribute (dat_src, displayed on description page) for all newly created PowerFactory objects is set to that text. Please note that the text must not be longer than 3 characters! Example: GIS Advanced feature to execute commands after DGS import: It is possible to additionally execute command strings in PowerFactory at the end of the DGS import. These command strings must be given as entries named PostCommand, followed by a number, e.g. PostCommand1, PostCommand2 After the DGS data import, these commands are executed in alphabetical order, i.e. first PostCommand1, then PostCommand2 Example: To close all graphic boards after DGS import, the following post command can be used (e.g. as PostCommand1): hide/all



Note: Unknown settings are ignored by PowerFactory (no warnings are displayed).

PowerFactory DGS - Interface

Example of a general table:

ID 1 2 3 Descr Version Source PostCommand1 Val 5.0 DGS hide/all

3.2 Object Table

The actual data of the PowerFactory objects is stored in object tables. Exactly one table is required for each used PowerFactory class. The name of the table must correspond to the class name (case-sensitive!), e.g. ElmTerm for terminals, ElmTr2 for two-winding transformer. The DGS interface is generic; tables can be added or deleted as required. The tables may occur in any sequence. The columns represent the attributes of the PowerFactory class. One column must be the ID column. The remaining columns correspond to the PowerFactory attributes of the certain class. Each column must exactly be named as the attribute in the PowerFactory class. The table contains only the attributes required for the import or export task and is therefore generic with regards to the attributes. Determined by the class name, the data of the PowerFactory objects are stored in the corresponding tables where each row holds the values for exactly one object in PowerFactory. There is a 1:1 correspondence of PowerFactory objects to table rows. Example: In PowerFactory, terminals are objects of class ElmTerm. Amongst others, this class has the attributes: loc_name: name of the object, e.g. Busbar1 iUsage: node type, busbar=0, junction=1, internal node=2 uknom: nominal voltage in kV A DGS file or database that stores these values must at least contain 4 columns (ID column + 3 attributes) and might look as follows (Table contains data five terminals):
ID 1 2 3 4 5 loc_name Busbar1 Busbar2 TerminalA TerminalB TerminalC iUsage 0 0 1 1 1 uknom 110 110 66 66 66

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


References 3.2.1 Object References

The handling of object references demands special attention. While plain data types as text and numeric values are directly stored in the table entries, special conventions are required for references to objects either to objects existing in PowerFactory or to those stored in other rows within same DGS data file. Before looking at an example, we need some pre-information at this stage. We already know what a cubicle is. In PowerFactory the table with cubicles is known as staCubic. The table with the general load is called ElmLod (see section 6.4.7) DGS 5.0 supports the following ways of referencing an object: a) ID reference: As the value in the ID column is primary key (unique within the whole file), it can be used to reference another object defined in the same DGS file. For attributes that point to other objects, the value stored in corresponding table entry in DGS is simply the DGS identifier (ID) of that object. Example: The following DGS excerpt shows a cubicle (StaCubic) that is connected to a load (ElmLod). (The attribute obj_id of the cubicle points to the load object by using the DGS identifier.) Table ElmLod: ID loc_name 1 LoadA

Table StaCubic:

ID 2

loc_name LoadCubicle

obj_id 1


Foreign-key: Referencing objects that already exist in PowerFactory prior to the DGS import is realised using the value of the foreign-key attribute of that object (attribute for_name in PowerFactory). To indicate that a value represents a foreign-key reference, it must be preceded with double hashes (## without quotes). Please note, for import, only objects already existing in PowerFactory database can be referenced via foreign-key. It is not possible to create an object within a DGS file and refer to it via foreign key within the same file. Example: Same as a) but assume: that an import is executed into an existing project (update) and that the load already exists and has the foreign-key Load117 (attribute for_name of load object)

Table ElmLoad: Table StaCubic:

--- (none, object already exists in PowerFactory) ID 1 loc_name LoadCubicle obj_id ##Load117

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


3.2.2 Object Hierarchy

In PowerFactory, all objects within a project are organized in a hierarchical structure. As this hierarchy is essential for the PowerFactory data model, the hierarchy must also be mapped to the DGS structure. This is done via the attribute fold_id (=parent) for all PowerFactory objects. In DGS, for all objects that are not directly stored in a project folder (IntPrjfolder), the parent (attribute fold_id) must be given. The parent can either be referenced using a DGS identifier or a foreign-key. Example:


ElmNet: ID 1 loc_name Grid loc_name Substation loc_name Terminal

ElmSubstat: ID 2 ElmTerm: ID 3

fold_id 1 fold_id 2

Figure 5: Hierarchy of power system elements in PowerFactory

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


3.3 Databases
PowerFactory can directly access DGS data stored on a database server. Such a server can either be an Oracle or a Microsoft SQL server or any data source accessible via ODBC system DSN. For all databases, the DGS tables are mapped 1:1 to database tables where all table and column names are casesensitive. The data type for each column is chosen according to the PowerFactory attribute type. The following types are supported: INTEGER REAL (for float and double values) VARCHAR (for text, size is set according to the length of the PowerFactory attribute)

All ID columns are expected to be PRIMARY KEY.

Figure 6: DGS tables on a Microsoft SQL Server

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


3.4 File Formats

The DGS interface supports various file formats. These formats are described in the following chapters.

3.4.1 ASCII
A DGS ASCII file is basically a CSV format (comma separated values), extended by support for multiple tables (within one file). Throughout the file, the semicolon ; denotes the separator character, double quotes are used as escape character () and all lines starting with a start (*) are considered to be comments and are ignored in automatic processing.

To identify the different tables within the file, each table must begin with a special header line. This header must give the name of the table and the definitions for the columns. It must start with two dollar characters '$$' followed by the name of the table. After that, the column definitions must follow: table_header ::= $$TableName {; ColumnDefinition} Each column definition must consist of a column name (name of PowerFactory attribute), followed by its data type in parenthesis. For data types, the following identifiers are support: i, integer r, float d, double a, string, followed by the length, e.g. a:15 for a string with a length of 15 characters p, pointer, i.e. references to other objects/records (only DGS >= 5.0)

Example: A table header for terminals (class ElmTerm) could have the following form: $$ElmTerm;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);typ_id(p);iUsage(i);uknom(r)

After the header line, the data rows are following. The number of given values must exactly match the number of columns defined in the header line of that table. If a text value contains a separator or starts/ends with a blank it must be escaped using the double quote (CSV conform encoding). Example: see chapters 6.5 and 6.6.

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


3.4.2 XML
DGS data can also be stored in XML format. A DGS set consists of 2 parts: the DGS data and a XML schema definition. The definition is usually stored as a separated file referenced by the data file. The schema definition is obligatory as the DGS format itself is generic. Basically, the schema definition represents the table headers. For each column, a separate XML element is defined. An entry in the DGS table is represented by a XML element containing DGS columns as child elements. The data is stored as instances of those elements. Each DGS data column is stored as an element instance containing child instances for the attribute values. Example: a DGS table for ElmTerm given as

ID 1 2

loc_name Busbar1 Busbar2

iUsage 0 0

Uknom 110 110

is described by the following schema (xsd)

<xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ElmTerm"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="ID" type="xsd:string"> </xsd:element> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="loc_name"> <xsd:simpleType> <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string"> <xsd:maxLength value="40"/> </xsd:restriction> </xsd:simpleType> </xsd:element> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="iUsage" type="xsd:integer"> </xsd:element> <xsd:element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="uknom" type="xsd:float"> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element>

and its data would be represented as (xml)

<ElmTerm> <ID>1</ID> <loc_name>Busbar1</loc_name> <iUsage>0</iUsage> <uknom>110</uknom> </ElmTerm> <ElmTerm> <ID>2</ID> <loc_name>Busbar2</loc_name> <iUsage>0</iUsage> <uknom>110</uknom> </ElmTerm>

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


3.4.3 Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a sheet based file format. DGS makes optimal use of this fact by putting each table into its own sheet. Each sheet is named according to the table and contains just the data of that table. The sequence of the sheets is not of importance. The sheets are filled with the table data. The first row (row 1) must contain the column definitions (header): The first column (column A) is always an ID column. Then, for all following columns, the name of the PowerFactory attribute and its type must be specified, e.g. loc_name(a:40). The type encoding is same as for ASCII files. An empty cell in the definition indicates the end of the row. Each column definition row might be followed by one or more data rows. An empty row indicates the end of the table.

Figure 7: DGS in Excel format

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


3.4.4 Microsoft Access

Microsoft Access is a file based database. The DGS tables are simply mapped to database tables one by one. This means, for each DGS table, an own database table is used. The name of the table must be identical to the name of the DGS table. The table schema is determined by the column definitions of the DGS table. The data type is not incorporated into the column name but reflected by the data type of the table column.

Figure 8: DGS in MS Access format

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


4 Import
DGS data can be imported into PowerFactory by using the built-in import command. The command object is of class ComImport and can be accessed via main menu: File Import DGS Format Generally, DGS data can be imported into a) a new project: This means, a new project will be created and all DGS data will be imported into this project. There will be one object created for each DGS data row. In this case, the DGS data must be complete as all objects will be created from scratch. The data should include the topological information, type information, graphical information and the network element data. Further, it is not possible to use foreign-key references. Typically, this kind of import is used for complete data transfers from other systems, e.g. a Geographic Information System (GIS). Attributes not given in the DGS data keep their PowerFactory default value. b) an existing project: In this case, the DGS data will be imported into an already existing project. This is different from the first option as the data can be very selective and must not be complete. Normally most objects are already existent and only some of them will get an update. The DGS can contain only a few attributes and foreignkey references are used to access the existing objects. A foreign-key value can either be used for an attribute pointing to an object and or for an update of an object itself. In the second case, the entry in the ID column must correspond to the foreign-key of the object (see example below). This type of import can be used to update operational data (switch states, active and reactive power consumption of loads, generator output, transformer tap changer positions) e.g. from a SCADA system.

Example 1: Changing the switch status of an existing breaker Assume that the breaker has a value Breaker223 as foreign-key (attribute for_name). The status can then be set to open via the following DGS table: Table: ElmCoup ID ##Breaker223 on_off 0

Please note that not using a foreign-key as ID in the table above would result in a newly created breaker.

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


Example 2: Creating a new breaker and referring to an existing breaker type The foreign-key mechanism is also used to reference existing objects, e.g. types. Table: ElmCoup ID 1 loc_name Breaker1 typ_id ##BrkType1

Generally in both cases, only given attributes will be changed. All attributes, not listed in the DGS table, will remain unchanged. (Newly created objects start with default values for all attributes.) The way of import can be selected in the dialog of the import command (as depicted below):

Figure 9: DGS import dialog

In this dialog, a DGS file has to be selected. The file format must either be set to ASCII, XML, MS Excel or MS Access. Depending on whether Microsoft Office is installed on the system, the file format MS Excel or MS Access might not be available.

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


5 Export
PowerFactory has a built-in export command to export an activated project to a DGS file. This means, the objects are exported in their current state (e.g. resulting state depending on active scenario and variations). Furthermore, the export can be fully configured to only export the attributes that are of interest. Inactive objects of variation management are generally ignored The following data can be exported: element data, type data, graphical data and result data (e.g. load flow results) Export DGS Format

The command object is of class ComExport and can be accessed via the menu: File The configuration is done in the command edit dialog (as depicted below):

Figure 10: DGS Export dialog

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


The following options are available: DGS Version Version of the DGS structure. It is highly recommended to use 5.0 for PowerFactory V14.0. Output format. Either file as ASCII, XML, MS Excel or MS Access file (for Excel or Access, Microsoft Office must be installed on the computer) or database as Oracle, MS SQL Server and ODBC DSN. If checked, in ASCII, XML and MS Excel a description of the columns is included (not available for Access or database server) Via this option, the attribute export is configured. It is required to select a folder that contains exactly one monitor variable object (IntMon) for each class that is to be exported. The Class Name of each monitor variable object must be set to the PowerFactory class for which it provides a definition. The attribute definition for the class is represented by the selected variables in the monitor object. Example for class ElmTerm:


Insert Description of Variables Variable Sets

Figure 11: Monitor object used for export attribute definition Please note, the Options tab in the export command is currently not relevant for DGS 5.0.

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


6 Advanced Topics
Existing 6.1 Deletion of Existing Objects
DGS provides the possibility to delete already existing objects during import. Therefore, a special DGS object table is used where all objects that are to be removed are listed. The removal is executed as last step during import. As only already existing objects can be deleted, all objects in that table are referenced by foreign key. The table is called Deletion and holds no data columns except the ID one. A Deletion table might look as follows:
ID ##FKeyOfLoad1 ##FKeyOfTerminalA

Please note, the deletion table is only supported for imports executed into an existing project.

6.2 Creation of Variations

Besides recording object creation and modification during import into a recording variation, experienced users can directly create variations in DGS. In PowerFactory, variations are represented by IntScheme objects, having IntSstage objects as children. An IntSstage object becomes active at a certain study time and applies modifications to a network. The supported types of modifications are object addition, object deletion and attribute modification. The variation objects are directly stored inside its IntSstage object as depicted below. Please refer to chapter 7.3.4 Variations and Expansion Stages of the PowerFactory Users Manual for a more detailed description.

Variation objects: - add, - modify and - delete

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


Creation of IntScheme and IntSstage objects is quite straightforward. The IntStage table consists basically of name and a parent column (fold_id). If the parent column is omitted, the object will be created in its default location, the Variations project folder. Example of an IntStage table:
ID 10 11 loc_name Variation A Variation B fold_id {empty} {empty}

For contained IntSstage objects, it is important to properly set the parent IntScheme object and the activation time. The activation time must be given as number of seconds since 01.01.1970 UTC. Please note that an IntScheme object can contain multiple IntSstage objects. Example of an IntSstage table:
ID 12 13 14 loc_name Expansion Stage Expansion Stage 1 Expansion Stage 2 fold_id 10 11 11 tAcTime 1286275114 1286275114 1286276328

The creation of modification objects is more complex and needs a detailed understanding of how PowerFactory deals with those objects: Each modification object (add, modify or delete) refers to a root object being the target of the modifications. On activation of an IntStage, the data of all contained add and change objects will be copied to their target objects, overwriting all attributes. For delete objects, the target object is deleted. These modifications of the target objects are done in memory only and are reverted on deactivation of the variation.

6.2.1 Delete Objects

Variation delete objects are modelled by a dedicated class called IntSdel. For each object that shall be deleted, an IntSdel object has to be created in the expansion stage. A delete object is a simple reference object that points to the object that is to be deleted. An IntSdel table always consists of the columns ID, fold_id and root_id, where fold_id is a reference to the parent expansion stage and root_id references the target object that is to be deleted. Example: Having a load (table ElmLod)
ID 100 loc_name Load A fold_id {grid} ...

A deletion of that load within an expansion stage would require the following record (table IntSdel):
ID 200 loc_name Load A fold_id {stage} root_id 100

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


6.2.2 Add Objects

The adding of an object in a variation requires the existence of two objects in PowerFactory: 1. 2. a hidden root object and a variation add object inside an expansion stage.

The root object is a kind of placeholder located in the network. This root object is marked hidden as long as there is no add object active (for that object). All attributes of such a hidden object stay on their default values, except the attributes name (loc_name), parent (fold_id) and foreign-key (for_name). The add object stored inside an expansion stage is responsible for making the hidden object active. It contains all the attribute data (except loc_name, fold_id and for_name). On activation of the expansion stage, all attribute data of the add object (except loc_name, fold_id and for_name) is copied to the hidden root object and the hidden object becomes active. Hidden objects and variation add objects are always instances of the same class. For creation of hidden objects, a special table in DGS is used. The creation of add objects is done via normal class tables. For add objects, it is important to always set the reference to the hidden root object (root_id) and setting the variation status flag to a value of 4 (attribute iSchemeStatus). The special hidden object table is named HiddenObject and consists of the following columns: ID loc_name DGS identifier as for any other object Name of the object. The name can only be set in the hidden root object and cannot be modified in a variation. Parent reference. Foreign-key

fold_id for_name

Example: Adding a terminal in a variation could be done as follows: The hidden object located for example in a grid (table HiddenObject):
ID 100 loc_name Terminal1 fold_id {grid} for_name FKeyTerm1

And a corresponding add object (IntSstage ID = 400)

ID 200 loc_name {empty} fold_id {stage} root_id 100 iSchemeStatus 4 ...

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


6.2.3 Modification Objects

A modification object is a complete object instance residing in an expansion stage and pointing to a target object. It must be of same class as the target object and its variation status flag must be set to 2 indicating that it is a modification object. On activation, all attribute values of the modification object are copied to the target object overwriting the existing data. Please note that attributes loc_name, fold_id and for_name are never copied. Example for modification of a terminal (table ElmTerm):
ID 100 101 loc_name Terminal1 {empty} fold_id {grid} {stage} root_id {empty} 100 iSchemeStatus {empty} 2 iUsage 0 1 uknom 110 110

6.2.4 Notes Attribute iSchemeStatus
The attribute iSchemeStatus is used for identifying add and modification objects in variations. For non-variation objects, the value 0 is used which can be omitted as it is the default value. The following values are supported:
0 1 Default; normal object Hidden object, used for additions as inactive (hidden) placeholders. This value will automatically be set for objects in the HiddenObject table. Modification object Add object

2 4

Connections Graphical Connections (IntGrfcon)

Special attention must be drawn to graphical connection objects that are added or modified in a variation. As the variations are inactive during creation, there are two attributes that cannot be automatically set and must explicitly be given in the DGS data: iGrfNr and iDatConNr. The iGrfNr is the graphical connection number specifying the side of the graphical symbol to which the connection line belongs to. This value is 1 based. The iDatConNr called the internal connection number indicates the side of the edit object (cubicle) to which the connection belongs to. This value is 0 based. Generally, proper values for these attributes can be derived from the corresponding cubicle (StaCubic) on element object topology:

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


iGrfNr = StaCubic:obj_bus + 1 iDatConNr = StaCubic:obj_bus

Please note that these attributes must only be set for graphical connection in variations (add and modification objects). Their value will be automatically detected for non-variation objects and should be left blank there.

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


6.3 Common Attributes
The following table describes frequently used PowerFactory attributes:


Data Type
Text (max. 40 characters) (a:40)

Name; attribute is available for all PowerFactory objects. Naming rules: In PowerFactory the name must be unique within folders. The following characters cannot be part of a name: *?=",\~|


Object (p) Text (max. 20 characters) (a:20)

Parent object; attribute is available for all PowerFactory objects.


Characteristic name; attribute is available for all power system elements. This attribute can be used to store a foreign database ID within a PowerFactory object, e.g. a GIS ID. This attribute has only descriptive meaning and cannot be used for object references. Reference to an object type. In PowerFactory, the type specific data is stored in a separate type object. Foreign-key. If not empty, this name must be unique for all objects within a PowerFactory project. It can be used to reference existing elements from DGS.


Object (p) Text (max. 20 characters) (a:20)


6.4 Example of DGS Table Headers

The following chapters provide table definitions for the most frequently used PowerFactory classes. The selected attributes form a basic subset of available attributes that is useful for different tasks and is a good starting point for individual adaptations. All headers are given in ASCII format as this is the most easiest format to display.

6.4.1 Terminal Data (ElmTerm)

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


$$ElmTerm;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);typ_id(p);chr_name(a:20);iUsage(i);uknom(r) ******************************************************************************** * Terminal * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * typ_id: Type of the terminal (TypBar) * chr_name: Characteristic Name * iUsage: Usage: 0=Busbar: 1=Junction Node: 2=Internal Node * uknom: Nominal Voltage: Line-Line in kV ********************************************************************************

The terminal type can be empty.

6.4.2 Cubicle Data (StaCubic)

$$StaCubic;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);obj_bus(i);obj_id(p);chr_name(a:20); ******************************************************************************** * Cubicle * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * obj_bus: Bus Index (side of connection) * obj_id: Connected with in Elm* * chr_name: Characteristic Name ********************************************************************************

Each cubicle belongs to exactly one terminal. In PowerFactory the cubicle is stored within the terminal. In additional tables CTs and VTs can be added to cubicles.

Data (element, ElmLne) 6.4.3 Line/cable Data (element, ElmLne)

$$ElmLne;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);typ_id(p);chr_name(a:20); dline(r);fline(r)
******************************************************************************** * Line * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * typ_id: Type of Line (TypLne,TypTow,TypGeo) * chr_name: Characteristic Name

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


* dline: * fline:

Parameters: Length of Line in km Parameters: Derating Factor


(type, TypLne) 6.4.4 Line/cable Data (type, TypLne)

$$TypLne;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);chr_name(a:20);Ithr(r);aohl_(a:3);cline(r);cline0(r);nlnph(i);nneutral(i);rline(r);rline0( r);rtemp(r);sline(r);uline(r);xline(r);xline0(r) ******************************************************************************** * Line Type * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * chr_name: Characteristic Name * Ithr: Rated Short-Time (1s) Current (Conductor) in kA * aohl_: Cable / OHL * cline: Parameters per Length 1,2-Sequence: Capacitance C' in uF/km * cline0: Parameters per Length Zero Sequence: Capacitance C0' in uF/km * nlnph: Phases:1:2:3 * nneutral: No. of Neutrals:0:1 * rline: Parameters per Length 1,2-Sequence: Resistance R' in Ohm/km * rline0: Parameters per Length Zero Sequence: Resistance R0' in Ohm/km * rtemp: Max. End Temperature in degC * sline: Rated Current in kA * uline: Rated Voltage in kV * xline: Parameters per Length 1,2-Sequence: Reactance X' in Ohm/km * xline0: Parameters per Length Zero Sequence: Reactance X0' in Ohm/km ********************************************************************************

6.4.5 Line section (element, ElmLnesec)

$$ElmLnesec;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);typ_id(p);chr_name(a:20);Inom(r);Unom(r);dline(r);fline(r);index(r) ******************************************************************************** * Line Sub-Section * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * typ_id: Type in TypLne,TypTow* * chr_name: Characteristic Name * Inom: Resulting Values: Rated Current in kA * Unom: Nominal Voltage in kV * dline: Topology: Length in km * fline: Topology: Derating Factor * index: Index of the section ********************************************************************************

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


Data (element ElmCoup) 6.4.6 Switch Data (element, ElmCoup)

$$ElmCoup;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);typ_id(p);chr_name(a:20);aUsage(a:4);on_off(i) ******************************************************************************** * Breaker/Switch * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * typ_id: Type (TypSwitch) * chr_name: Characteristic Name * aUsage: Switch Type cbk=Circuit-Breaker, dct=Disconnector, sdc=Load-Break-Disconnector, swt=Load-Switch * on_off: State, 1=Closed, 0=Open ********************************************************************************

The switch type can be empty.

(element, ElmLod) 6.4.7 Load Data (element, ElmLod)

$$ElmLod;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);typ_id(p);chr_name(a:20);plini(r);qlini(r);scale0(r) ******************************************************************************** * General Load * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: I n Folder * typ_id: Type (TypLod,TypLodind) * chr_name: Characteristic Name * plini: Operating Point: Active Power in MW * qlini: Operating Point: Reactive Power in Mvar * scale0: Operating Point: Scaling Factor ********************************************************************************

(type, TypLod) 6.4.8 Load Data (type, TypLod)

$$TypLod;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);kpu(r);kqu(r);systp(i) ******************************************************************************** * General Load Type * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * kpu: Voltage Dependence P: Exponent e_cP * kqu: Voltage Dependence Q: Exponent e_cQ * systp: System Type:AC:DC ********************************************************************************

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6.4.9 External Grid Data (ElmXnet)

$$ElmXnet;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);chr_name(a:20);bustp(a:2);cgnd(i);iintgnd(i);ikssmin(r);r0tx0(r);r0tx0min(r);rntxn(r );rntxnmin(r);snss(r);snssmin(r) ******************************************************************************** * External Grid * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * chr_name: Characteristic Name * bustp: Bus Type:PQ:PV:SL * cgnd: Internal Grounding Impedance: Star Point:Connected:Not connected * iintgnd: External Star Point * ikssmin: Min. Values: Short-Circuit Current Ik''min in kA * r0tx0: Max. Values Impedance Ratio: R0/X0 max. * r0tx0min: Min. Values Impedance Ratio: R0/X0 min. * rntxn: Max. Values: R/X Ratio (max.) * rntxnmin: Min. Values: R/X Ratio (min.) * snss: Max. Values: Short-Circuit Power Sk''max in MVA * snssmin: Min. Values: Short-Circuit Power Sk''min in MVA ********************************************************************************

Hint: An external grid type does not exist.

(element, ElmTr2) 6.4.10 2-winding Transformer Data (element, ElmTr2)

$$ElmTr2;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);typ_id(p);chr_name(a:20);sernum(a:20);constr(i);cgnd_h(i);cgnd_l(i);i_auto(i);nnta p(i);ntrcn(i);outserv(i);ratfac(r) ******************************************************************************** * 2-Winding Transformer * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * typ_id: Type in TypTr2 * chr_name: Characteristic Name * sernum: Serial Number * constr: Year of Construction * cgnd_h: Internal Grounding Impedance, HV Side: Star Point:Connected:Not connected * cgnd_l: Internal Grounding Impedance, LV Side: Star Point:Connected:Not connected * i_auto: Auto Transformer * nntap: Tap: Tap Position * ntrcn: Tap: Automatic Tap Changing * outserv: Out of Service * ratfac: Rating Factor ********************************************************************************

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


(type, TypTr2) 6.4.11 2-winding transformer data (type, TypTr2)

$$TypTr2;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);chr_name(a:20);curmg(r);dutap(r);frnom(r);manuf(a:20);nntap0(i);nt2ag(i);ntpmn(i); ntpmx(i);pcutr(r);pfe(r);phitr(r);strn(r);tap_side(i);tr2cn_h(a:2);tr2cn_l(a:2);uk0tr(r);uktr(r);ur0tr(r);utrn_h(r);utrn_l(r);zx0hl_n(r) ******************************************************************************** * 2-Winding Transformer Type * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * chr_name: Characteristic Name * curmg: Magnetizing Impedance: No Load Current in % * dutap: Tap Changer: Additional Voltage per Tap in % * frnom: Nominal Frequency in Hz * manuf: Manufacturer * nntap0: Tap Changer: Neutral Position * nt2ag: Vector Group: Phase Shift in *30deg * ntpmn: Tap Changer: Minimum Position * ntpmx: Tap Changer: Maximum Position * pcutr: Positive Sequence Impedance: Copper Losses in kW * pfe: Magnetizing Impedance: No Load Losses in kW * phitr: Tap Changer: Phase of du in deg * strn: Rated Power in MVA * tap_side: Tap Changer: at Side:HV:LV * tr2cn_h: Vector Group: HV-Side:Y :YN:Z :ZN:D * tr2cn_l: Vector Group: LV-Side:Y :YN:Z :ZN:D * uk0tr: Zero Sequ. Impedance, Short-Circuit Voltage: Absolute uk0 in % * uktr: Positive Sequence Impedance: Short-Circuit Voltage uk in % * ur0tr: Zero Sequ. Impedance, Short-Circuit Voltage: Resistive Part ukr0 in % * utrn_h: Rated Voltage: HV-Side in kV * utrn_l: Rated Voltage: LV-Side in kV * zx0hl_n: Zero Sequence Magnetizing Impedance: Mag. Impedance/uk0 ********************************************************************************

ElmShnt) 6.4.12 Shunts (ElmShnt)

$$ElmShnt;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);chr_name(a:20);ctech(i);fres(r);greaf0(r);iswitch(i);ncapa(i);ncapx(i);outserv(i);qtot n(r);shtype(i);ushnm(r) ******************************************************************************** * Shunt/Filter * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * chr_name: Characteristic Name * ctech: Technology:3PH-'D':3PH-'Y':3PH-'YN':2PH-'Y':2PH-'YN':1PH PH-PH:1PH PH-N:1PH PH-E * fres: Design Parameter (per Step): Resonance Frequency in Hz * greaf0: Design Parameter (per Step): Quality Factor (at fr) * iswitch: Controller: Switchable

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


* ncapa: Controller: Act.No. of Step * ncapx: Controller: Max. No. of Steps * outserv: Out of Service * qtotn: Design Parameter (per Step): Rated Reactive Power, L-C in Mvar * shtype: Shunt Type * ushnm: Nominal Voltage in kV ********************************************************************************

Additional tables for network elements and types are available, see examples stored in the DGS subfolder of the PowerFactory installation directory.

6.4.13 Single line diagrams (IntGrfnet)

$$IntGrfnet;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);grid_on(i);ortho_on(i);snap_on(i);pDataFolder(p) ******************************************************************************** * Graphic * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * grid_on: Drawing Tools: Grid * ortho_on: Drawing Tools: Ortho Type: * snap_on: Drawing Tools: Snap * pDataFolder: Current Grid Data in ElmNet,BlkDef,ElmStat,IntFolder,ElmSubstat,ElmSite,ElmBranch ********************************************************************************

6.4.14 Graphical representation of power system element (IntGrf)

$$IntGrf;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);iCol(i);iRot(i);pDataObj(p);rCenterX(r);rCenterY(r);rSizeX(r);rSizeY(r);sSymNam(a:4 0) ******************************************************************************** * Graphical Net Object * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * iCol: Colour * iRot: Rotation * pDataObj: Net Data Object in Elm*,Sta*,Blk*,RelFuse,IntGrfnet * rCenterX: X-Position * rCenterY: Y-Position * rSizeX: X-Size * rSizeY: Y-Size * sSymNam: Symbol Name ********************************************************************************

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


6.4.15 Graphical connection lines (IntGrfcon)

$$IntGrfcon;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);rX:0(r);rX:1(r);rX:2(r);rY:0(r);rY:1(r);rY:2(r) ******************************************************************************** * GCO * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * rX: X in mm * rY: Y in mm ********************************************************************************

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6.5 Example DGS - Figure 2: Detailed Transformer Connection

$$General;ID(a:40);Descr(a:40);Val(a:40) ******************************************************************************** * General Information * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * Descr: Setting * Val: Value ******************************************************************************** 1;Version;5.0

$$ElmCoup;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);aUsage(a:4);on_off(i) ******************************************************************************** * Breaker/Switch * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * aUsage: Switch Type, cbk=Circuit-Breaker, dct=Disconnector, sdc=Load-Break-Disconnector, swt=Load-Switch * on_off: Closed (1=closed, 0=open) ******************************************************************************** 2;110KV BRK;6;cbk;0 3;110kV DIS;6;dct;0 4;20KV BRK;6;cbk;0 5;20KV DIS;6;dct;0

$$ElmNet;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);frnom(r) ******************************************************************************** * Grid * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * frnom: Nominal Frequency in Hz ******************************************************************************** 6;MS;;50

$$ElmTerm;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);iUsage(i);uknom(r) ******************************************************************************** * Terminal * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * iUsage: Usage:0=Busbar:1=Junction Node:2=Internal Node * uknom: Nominal Voltage: Line-Line in kV

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******************************************************************************** 7;110kV Busbar;6;0;110 8;20KV Busbar;6;0;20 9;Internal node 1;6;2;110 10;Internal node 2;6;2;110 11;Internal node 3;6;2;20 12;Internal node 4;6;2;20

$$ElmTr2;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);chr_name(a:20);cgnd_h(i);cgnd_l(i);i_auto(i);nntap(i);ntrcn(i);ratfac(r) ******************************************************************************** * 2-Winding Transformer * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * chr_name: Characteristic Name * cgnd_h: Internal Grounding Impedance, HV Side: Star Point:Connected:Not connected * cgnd_l: Internal Grounding Impedance, LV Side: Star Point:Connected:Not connected * i_auto: Auto Transformer * nntap: Tap: Tap Position * ntrcn: Tap: Automatic Tap Changing * ratfac: Rating Factor ******************************************************************************** 13;NT1;6;;0;0;0;4;0;1

$$StaCubic;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);chr_name(a:20);obj_id(p);obj_bus(i) ******************************************************************************** * Cubicle * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * chr_name: Characteristic Name * obj_id: Connected with in Elm* * obj_bus: Bus Index ******************************************************************************** 14;Cub_1;7;;3;1 15;Cub_1;8;;5;0 16;Cub_1;9;;3;0 17;Cub_2;9;;2;1 18;Cub_1;10;;2;0 19;Cub_2;10;;13;0 20;Cub_1;11;;4;1 21;Cub_2;11;;13;1 22;Cub_1;12;;5;1 23;Cub_2;12;;4;0

PowerFactory DGS - Interface


Connection 6.6 Example DGS - Figure 3: Simplified Transformer Connection

$$General;ID(a:40);Descr(a:40);Val(a:40) ******************************************************************************** * General Information * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * Descr: Setting * Val: Value ******************************************************************************** 1;Version;5.0

$$ElmNet;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);frnom(r) ******************************************************************************** * Grid * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * frnom: Nominal Frequency in Hz ******************************************************************************** 2;MS;;50

$$ElmTerm;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);iUsage(i);uknom(r) ******************************************************************************** * Terminal * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * iUsage: Usage:0=Busbar:1=Junction Node:2=Internal Node * uknom: Nominal Voltage: Line-Line in kV ******************************************************************************** 3;110kV Busbar;2;0;110 4;20kV Busbar;2;0;20

$$ElmTr2;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);chr_name(a:20);cgnd_h(i);cgnd_l(i);i_auto(i);nntap(i);ntrcn(i);ratfac(r) ******************************************************************************** * 2-Winding Transformer * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * chr_name: Characteristic Name * cgnd_h: Internal Grounding Impedance, HV Side: Star Point:Connected:Not connected * cgnd_l: Internal Grounding Impedance, LV Side: Star Point:Connected:Not connected * i_auto: Auto Transformer

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* nntap: Tap: Tap Position * ntrcn: Tap: Automatic Tap Changing * ratfac: Rating Factor ******************************************************************************** 5;NT1;2;;0;0;0;4;0;1

$$StaCubic;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);chr_name(a:20);obj_id(p);obj_bus(i) ******************************************************************************** * Cubicle * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: In Folder * chr_name: Characteristic Name * obj_id: Connected with in Elm* * obj_bus: Bus Index ******************************************************************************** 6;Cub_1;3;;5;0 7;Cub_1;4;;5;1

$$StaSwitch;ID(a:40);loc_name(a:40);fold_id(p);iUse(i);on_off(i) ******************************************************************************** * Switch * * ID: Unique identifier for DGS file * loc_name: Name * fold_id: in Cubicle * iUse: Type of Usage * on_off: Closed ******************************************************************************** 8;Switch;6;;1;1 9;Switch;7;;1;1

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