Capstone Project Moa
Capstone Project Moa
Capstone Project Moa
AGREEMENT made <date> , between <client name>, with principal office at <client business address>, Manila Philippines hereinafter called "Client" and Don Bosco Technical College represented by Dr. John Kliatchko, Dean of Computer Studies with principal office located at 736 General Kalentong Street, Mandaluyong City Philippines hereinafter called "DBTC." 1. SERVICES. DBTC, as an educational entity, agrees to perform, during the term of this Agreement, the following services: (a) provide a collaborative relationship between DBTC and client by providing Information Technology projects as per Client's requirement. (b) ensure that collaborative relationship be focused mainly on delivering Information Technology solutions to client and an educational environment to students experiencing real life project implementation. (c) supervise Information Technology project implementation and its proceedings towards the project's fruition. 2. Information Technology Project. The term "Information Technology Project" shall have the following characteristics; (a) project is a problem solving endeavor; (b) project provides students an educational stretch enough to be handled and finished in one project term. (c) project is based only on Information Technology scope. (d) project being handled by students is not a product or a service provided by Client to its customers. The Information Technology Project entitiled "TITLE OF PROJECT... IMPLEMENTATION OF ... TO ..." will have the following specifications; 1. 2. 3. 3. COMPENSATION. Client shall pay DBTC <enter details of payment here> note: Compensation is normally used for Ownership of project. 4. PROJECT TERM. The Information Technology project shall be delivered no later than 10 months or Equivalent of two (2) Semesters. 5 months design / development / installation phase 5 months maintenance / turn-over phase 5. PROJECT SCOPE. The following areas can be pursued as Information Technology Project;
1. Software Development Software Customization Information Systems Development for an actual client Web Applications Development Mobile Computing Systems 2. Multimedia Systems Game Development e-Learning Systems Interactive Systems Information Kiosks 3. Network Design, Implementation and Management 4. IT Management IT Strategic Plan for sufficiently complex enterprises IT Security Analysis, Planning and Implementation 5. Database Management System 6. Systems Administration 6. DESIGNATION OF DUTIES. In order to establish a well managed Capstone Project (Information Technology Project), the following responsibilities must be adhered to; <name of person>, <company>, <position> assigned as Client Information Technology Project animator <name of person>, <company>, <position> assigned as Company Mentor/ Preceptor Mr. Rodelio P. Barcenas, DBTC, Vice Dean Academics Affairs assigned as Capstone Project Coordinator <Name of Faculty>, DBTC, Faculty Member assigned as Capstone Project Group Adviser 7.RELATIONSHIP. DBTC is an independent entity that renders services to Client thus nothing herein shall be construed as creating an employee-employer relationship. DBTC agrees to indemnify and hold Client harmless from any and all legal claims, damages and liabilities directly or indirectly resulting from this agreement. 8.OWNERSHIP. 9.CONFIDENTIALITY. DBTC shall not disclose, publish or authorize others to publish design data, drawings, specifications, reports or other information pertaining to the work assigned to him by Client without prior written approval of Client. Upon the expiration or sooner termination of this Agreement, DBTC agrees to return to Client all drawings, specifications, data and other material obtained by DBTC from Client, or developed by DBTC, in connection with the performance of this Agreement.