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Soalan Financial 1

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The purpose of this assignment is to assess and enhance the learners ability to:

1. understand the basic concepts learned in the subject; 2. analyse critically and understand relevant finance issues pertaining to principles of financial management ; and 3. apply your knowledge gained from the various topics (where relevant) to the case study organisation.


For this assignment, learners are required to select their own organisation or any other organisation which they have access to the relevant required information. The information can be either from friends, textbooks, magazines or internet sources.

Then, apply the knowledge learnt in this course to the organisation, specifically the ratio analysis and cash flow management.

Learners may use the materials available in the module or tutorial notes. However, learners are strongly encouraged to supplement supporting evidence of reading and research findings from other textbooks or articles beyond the basic module to support or argue your findings.


1. Provide a brief introduction of the case study company i.e. : a) name of the organisation; b) nature of business of the organisation; c) the mission, vision and objectives of the organisation; and d) the organisational structure. (5 marks)

2. Based on the annual report of the organisation, provide any TWO consecutive years of: a) Income Statement; and b) Balance Sheet. (4 marks)

3. Based on the information gathered in question 2 above, analyse its financial position by calculating the following ratios: a) Liquidity Ratios: net working capital; current ratio; and quick ratios.

b) Asset Management Ratios: account receivables turnover; average collection period; inventory turnover; fixed asset turnover; and total asset turnover.

c) Profitability Ratios: gross profit margin; net profit margin; return on assets; and return on equity.

d) Calculate the DuPont Analysis of the organisation. Discuss and explain the result with a diagram of the DuPont Analysis that you have expanded. (20 marks)

4. Recommend ONE financial tool, other than DuPont Analysis, that can be used to evaluate the current financial position of the organisation. Discuss your recommendation. (6 marks)

[Total: 35 marks]



Tujuan tugasan ini adalah untuk menilai dan meningkatkan kebolehan pelajar untuk: 1. memahami konsep-konsep asas yang dipelajari dalam subjek ini; 2. menganalisis secara kritikal dan memahami isu-isu kewangan yang berkaitan dengan prinsip pengurusan kewangan; dan 3. menggunakan pengetahuan yang diperoleh daripada pelbagai topik (yang mana bersesuaian) kepada kajian kes organisasi berkenaan.


Untuk tugasan ini, pelajar dikehendaki memilih organisasi sendiri atau mana-mana organisasi lain yang boleh anda dapatkan maklumat yang diperlukan. Maklumat berkenaan boleh diperolehi daripada rakan-rakan, buku teks, majalah atau dari sumber internet.

Seterusnya, aplikasikan pengetahuan yang telah dipelajari dalam subjek ini kepada organisasi berkenaan, khususnya analisis nisbah dan pengurusan aliran tunai.

Para pelajar bolah menggunakan bahan rujukan sedia ada dalam modul atau nota tutorial. Namun, pelajar digalakkan untuk mendapatkan bukti sokongan bahan bacaan dan hasil penyelidikan daripada buku rujukan atau bahan bacaan lain selain daripada modul asas untuk menyokong atau mengemukakan penyelidikan anda.


1. Berikan pengenalan ringkas bagi syarikat kajian kes berkenaan, iaitu: a) nama organisasi; b) bentuk perniagaan yang dijalankan oleh organisasi; c) misi, visi dan objektif organisasi; dan d) struktur organisasi. (5 markah)

2. Berdasarkan laporan tahunan organisasi berkenaan, berikan maklumat bagi mana-mana DUA tahun berturut-turut: a) Penyata Pendapatan; dan b) Lembaran Imbangan. (4 markah)

3. Berdasarkan maklumat yang diperolehi dalam soalan 2 di atas, analisa kedudukan kewangannya dengan mengira nisbah berikut: a) Nisbah kecairan: modal kerja bersih; nisbah semasa; dan nisbah cepat.

b) Nisbah Pengurusan Aset: pusing ganti akaun belum terima; tempoh kutipan purata; pusing ganti inventori; pusing ganti aset tetap; dan pusing ganti jumlah aset.

c) Nisbah Keberuntungan: margin untung kasar; margin untung bersih; pulangan atas aset; dan pulangan atas ekuiti.

d) Kirakan Analisis DuPont bagi organisasi berkenaan. Bincangkan dan terangkan keputusannya dengan gambar rajah Analisis DuPont yang telah dikembangkan. (20 markah)

4. Cadangkan SATU alat kewangan, selain daripada Analisis DuPont, yang boleh digunakan untuk menilai kedudukan kewangan semasa bagi organisasi berkenaan. Bincangkan cadangan anda. (6 markah)

[Jumlah: 35 markah]


i. Guide Learners are advised to choose an organisation that they are familiar with, and/or from which relevant information can be gathered easily. Public listed companies from financial sector of the main board are preferred. However, you may choose any other organisation that you have direct access to such as the organisation that you are currently working for.

Learners MUST briefly introduce the background of the case study company, i.e. the name of the organisation, its nature of business, its mission, vision and objectives of the organisation and lastly the organisational structure.

ii. References

Chapter 1: Section 1.3, pg 5-8. Chapter 2: Section 2.2, 2.3, 2.6 - 2.12, pg 20 64.

iii. Important Topics Income Statement Balance Sheet Ratio Analysis

iv. Guide in answering the case

The ratio analysis is based on the income statement and balance sheet of the organisation that you have chosen. You are required to show the name of the organisation and the years of the income statement and balance sheet as shown in the module. The figure for both statements must be presented in 2 consecutive years. Then, you need to analyse its financial position using ratio analysis. Summarise and clarify your calculation by showing the DuPont analysis. The diagram is a MUST to show the flow of your analysis. Lastly, you might need to recommend and discuss ONE financial tool that can be used to evaluate all aspects of financial position of the organisation.

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