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May 2012

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1608 N Oak St Rolla MO 65401-2342 573-364-1266

Special Missions Issue

Chuck Whitmire
Lead Pastor

MAY 2012

Spotlight on . . .


Jeremy & Bea Bonebrake

ber of 2005 and made their home in Rolla where they both work. Jeremy is employed at Fairground Auto Plaza where he works in the body shop, and Bea works at Cox Brothers Service Company in the office. On February 25th of this year they welcomed their first child, Isaac Scott, into the world. Due to many complications at the time of his birth, Isaac spent the first month of his life in the NICU at St. Louis Childrens Hospital. Now that Isaac has come home, Jeremy and Bea would like to take this opportunity to say a few things to our church family. Dearest Church Family, We would like to express to you our sincere gratitude for all that you have done for us during this most difficult time in our lives. Your prayers, emotional and financial support, and
Bonebrake continued on page 9

Ray Cook
Associate Pastor

Dalton Avery
Youth Pastor

~ Weekly Schedule ~
Sunday Morning Worship Contemporary - 9:15 am Traditional - 10:45 am Christian Development 9:15 & 10:45 Sunday Evening Service - 6:00 pm Caf College Group at Open House Everdeep for Youth Wednesday Evening - 7:00 pm Prayer Service Royal Rangers Girls Ministries The Forge Youth church
Nursery provided for

Brian Feller
Childrens Pastor

Prayer Meetings Sunday 9:00-9:15 am MondayFriday 7:00-8:30 am Tuesday 12:00-1:00 Second Fridays Monthly 8pm-3am Saturday 6:00 pm Bible Studies Men's: Tuesdays 6:30 am Ladies: Thursdays 9:30 am
Youth Girls: Thursdays 7 am at Panera

Sam Parker
KCA/TSC Director

Additional Staff
Cora Parsons
Office Manager

Jeremy and Bea Bonebrake have been attending First Assembly since March of 2011. They began attending after listening to Pastor Chuck on the radio for several months, and are now happy to call First Assembly their home church. Jeremy has lived in St James and Rolla all of his life. He graduated from John F Hodge High in 1999. Bea moved to St James at the age of 10 and graduated from John F Hodge High in 1997. In 1998, she moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to attend Victory Bible Institute. She graduated from First Year Studies in 1999 and moved back to St James. The week she moved back to St James, she and Jeremy met at a church youth group outing. A few months later they started dating and were engaged the following March. They were married in Novem-

Mark Berry

~ Office Hours ~
Monday-Friday 8-12 and 1-5

Pansy Bingham
Business Administrator


This month:

Coming Up:

Abby Swearingen
Media Assistant

China missions trip Louisiana missions trip National Day of Prayer

Missions Banquet KidCare Banquet Car Care Graduation

Summer camps VBS Mens canoe trip Josh Wilson concert

Preparing the way for Missions and the Persecuted Church through fervent intercessory prayer.



May 2012
Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 2 3 National Day of Prayer All Nations Christian Fellowship 4 Rangers, Girls Ministries, The Girlfriends in God Forge Youth Church 8 9 10 Board meeting 6:00 am All Nations Christian Fellowship 11 Rangers, Girls Ministries, The Girlfriends in God Forge Youth Church 15 16 Family Feast 5:30

Friday 5

Saturday On call this weekend: Pastor Chuck 341-8086

A Legacy of Prayer
To be handed down a legacy is to be given something of an inheritance. Legacy is in some ways a birthright. It is a champion that crowns us after we have waited in the long season of preparation. When most people consider inheritance, they will think of money that had been the life savings of a relative who has died and bequeathed a portion out to family and loved ones. It can also be seen as property, land or assets placed into the hands of the following generations. But legacy is a different kind of inheritance that is not found by monetary means. It is a heritage passed from one generation to another that reminds all generations of that which made the family name great. It is in essence a mantle that spreads out to the next generation carrying forward the great and honorable name of the family. What if we left a legacy of prayer? What would happen if we began to exemplify to our children and our grandchildren the very act of prayer?

What if we placed signposts along the way in their lives that told of challenges and victories that were directly connected to prayer? What if? Isnt that what revival is all about? When we begin to pray for revival we are asking God to bring life back to the dry and dead bones of His people. We are asking for a new wave and outpouring of His Holy Spirit that will bring a resurgence of godliness. Revival will bring the lost to Christ because of God stirring around in the midst of the lives of His people and speaking new life back into the mediocrity of Christianity. Revival will break through only when we desire His holiness and His passion to sweep across our land. It will come when we desire it so much that we are willing to sacrifice our time at the altar of prayer. *** I knew a man who gave his life to see revival fire. He prayed by day, he prayed by night to birth this one desireHis power while in the pulpit, was matched by very few. And yet he loved the closet, there with the God He knewThe fortune that he left behind was not in stocks or gold. But lives transformed and challenged their stories yet untold. There is no greater privilege, than this that I have had; of knowing this great man of God and having him as Dad. (Tribute to a Godly Man, by David Ravenhill).

Missions banquet

6 Missions Sunday Stewardship Sunday Recognize graduates (am service) Amazing Moms 13 Communion Mothers Day Amazing Moms No evening service

12 On call this weekend: Pastor Ray 578-7609

KidCare banquet 6:00 pm

All Night Prayer 17 18 19 On call this weekend: Pastor Dalton 202-4208 The Accord Home Fellowship group


Missions Committee Mens Breakfast

Rangers, Girls Girlfriends in God Ministries, and The Forge Youth Church 22 23 Leadership meeting 7:00 pm

All Nations Christian Fellowship 24 25 26 On call this weekend: Pastor Brian 426-6235 Car Care All Nations Christian Fellowship 31 June 1 June 2

20 Building Fund 21 Sunday

Rangers, Girls Ministries, and Girlfriends in God The Forge Youth Church Home fellowship 27 28 Church office closed 29 30

Contact Grace Smith for more information at or 573-201-8833

Are you ready to change the world? Pray.

-Carol Hudler Prayer Happenings for May: Prayer Watch/All Night Prayer - May 11 Morning Prayer Mon-Fri 7 am 8:30 am Moms praying for familiesFridays 8:15 am to 8:45 am at church Foundations Class Revival Praying

Rangers, Girls Ministries, and The Forge Youth Girlfriends in God Church

All Nations Christian Fellowship

Mens canoe trip

I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom, and that of all about me, seemed insufficient for the day. -- Abraham Lincoln
2 11

Calendar updates at

Parents, we are now registering kids for camp coming up July 23rd-27th. We currently have 30 spots available, but need to know ASAP if we will need more as camps will be limited to 550 students. Last day for registration is by June 24th, but sooner is better. The cost of camp is $140. You will find attached to the camp registration a form for assistance from the Kiwanis Club, who so graciously helps every year with a donation towards that cost for each child that applies. The forms are due back by May 14th. If there are any

other questions you may have, feel free to contact Beverly or myself and we will do our best to answer your questions. Serving Him, Pastor Brian & Beverly

The Mayor's Prayer Breakfast is on May 3rd, 6:30 a.m. in the St. Patricks Ballroom at MS&Ts Havener Center. The speaker is Karen Dye from Jefferson City. The theme this year is "One Nation Under God" and the Scripture is Psalm 33:12, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Tickets are $12.00 each (or $125 for a table) for the breakfast and are available at the mayor's office or call Emily Barnes, 364-3292. There is also a free evening service at First United Methodist at 6:30 p.m. Pastor Tim Lee of First United Methodist Church and Pastor Ron Hodges, Harvest Worship Center will each give a ten minute message. There will be special music and prayers will be voiced for government/military,

media, businesses, churches, health care, family, education and our community. A nursery and child care will be provided.

Last months Easter Egg hunt was a success! More photos are on our Facebook page and website.
Our annual Stewardship Sunday is a day we set aside to ask our church family to give sacrificially to help retire the indebtedness on the church remodeling, which was done nearly six years ago. We originally borrowed $600,000.00 and have paid extra on the principle, so that we now owe approximately $280,000.00. This year our Stewardship Sunday will be May 6th. So many have given extra on this Sunday, or monthly through the entire year, and I want to thank you for that. We are asking each family to give one weeks pay on Stewardship Sunday. Another option is to give your Stewardship Sunday offering on a weekly basis over the remainder of this year and next. This may make it easier for your budget. By participating in this campaign from this year through 2016 we believe that we can burn the note in May of 2016 May the Lord bless you as we continue to work together for His kingdom. Pastor Chuck and Annette

This years Easter performance was wellattended on the two evenings prior to Easter. If you missed it, you can pick up a DVD in the church office.

Church Family, we are heading into the summer with many great activities happening for our students and community. However, none of these will be possible without lots of help. We need men who would be willing to go to kids camp July 23rd27th as counselors and assistant counselors, and we have openings for all kind of positions for VBS July 9th-13th from 9am-Noon. So, if you are available and wanting to serve in what I believe is the greatest ministry in the world, watch for sign-up sheets in the foyer or contact Beverly or myself through the church office. Many blessings, Pastor Brian & Beverly

Family Feast
in the Roberts Family Life Center

May 16 5:30-6:30
Chef Kathy Collins

will serve
10 3

Enchiladas, refried beans, salad and dessert (hot dogs for kids) adults $3, children $1
Students and first time visitors free!

Parenting a teenager can be one of the most challenging, intimidating seasons that we experience in life. Despite the challenges, it is also one of the most crucial times to be diligent in our calling as the primary discipliners of our children. Truthfully, after the rigorous childhood years, it can be tempting to allow the newfound maturity and capability of adolescence to be an excuse to slip into "auto-pilot mode" when it comes to parenting our kids as teens. However, this is the time when we need to be the most proactive and the most involved in cultivating a love for Jesus in our kids. Don't simply assume that your teens are ok in their walk with Christ because they aren't doing anything that would cause them to be labeled "bad kids". Instead, intentionally lead them into a deeper relationship with the Lord. Even "good kids" need to have authentic,

Men....come on out for a great night of camping on Friday night, June 1st, and then a beautiful float on Saturday. We will leave Friday night at 6:00 and get down there for supper. You need to bring your camping gear for Friday night and what you want to eat and drink on the river Saturday. The canoe, campsite, Friday night supper and breakfast will be included; cost per person is $20. You can bring your child (5 years or older) or just come along and drink coffee around the campfire. Please sign up in the foyer, see Sam Parker, or email the church if you would like to go ( or have questions. If the river is high, it is raining or too cold the trip will have to be postponed. So start making plans and be a part of a great weekend. We will return around 6:30 on Saturday.

dynamic experiences with God, and it starts at home. Cheer your kids on in following the way of Jesus, cheer them on to being involved in missions, cheer them on toward spiritual goals, as well as other life achievements. Pray with them, learn to have spiritual conversations with them--establish yourselves as the source of Spiritual leadership in their lives. As a parent don't be afraid of your kid's questions (they have them if you will ask them) about spiritual things--help them find answers. Partner with them to help them go deeper in their walk with Christ, pray with them to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, pray them through the temptation and ridicule that come with being a teenager. Most of all walk in one of the highest callings you have--the calling of being a parent, and be the primary part of shaping your kids identity in Christ. If you need help as a parent of a teenager--please let us partner with you in prayer and counsel. Call Pastor Dalton at 573-202-4208 or email -Dalton Avery

Mens canoe trip June 1-2 No Wednesday evening kids classes during June, July, and August Youth camp June 10-13 Josh Wilson in concert June 24 Extreme Adventure Week June 25-29 Vacation Bible school July 9-13 Kids camp July 23-27 Back to school pool party & Movies in the park TBA

Summer Events
Bonebrake continued from page 1

quick notes telling us that we were on your mind brought us comfort and helped to keep us focused on the wonderful things that God was doing for us and for our precious Isaac. We want to thank you for standing in agreement with us for the complete healing of our child. Matthew 18:20 says For where two or

This summer we are hiring 2 paid ministry interns to assist in our churchs summer ministry events and day to day church work. The approximate workload will be 16-20 per week. The term of employment will be June 4-August 10. We are considering high school seniors and college age students only. Please submit a letter of interest or any questions you may have by email to or before Monday, May 14th.

three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. We have no doubt that God heard
our prayers! The hospital staff called him the miracle baby. The list of problems that Isaac has overcome is quite long, and, as quickly as he overcame them, there is no doubt that it was Gods hand at work! We know that God assigned the right doctors and nurses to look after him. One of Isaacs nurses even prayed with us over him. It was very encouraging to have people around us who shared in our faith. The nurses were very encouraging when a new milestone had been achieved and they quickly became attached to him. Two of them even cried the day we finally got to go home and told us they would really miss him. Now that we are finally home, we want to let you all know that your support during this time was invaluable to us! We thank our Heavenly Father for you all and pray that you reap many blessings in return. With much love and thanks, Jeremy, Bea & Isaac Bonebrake

Upcoming Youth Events

Wednesday, May 2nd--Youth United City Wide Youth Prayer Event at 1st Baptist Church 6:30-8pm

Friday, May 4th--Sectional Youth Rally at 1st Assembly Sanctuary-6pm


Youth Camp Sunday June 10-Wednesday June 13 at Lake of the Ozarks Cost is $99 (partial scholarships available) Form deadline May 21st Call or Text Pastor Dalton For More info 5730-202-4208

July 23-29

{ Josh
in concert here at First Assembly on Sunday, June 24 at 6:00pm

Wilson] Wilson Wilson

More information coming soon!

4 9

Mission Alaska was our third trip to serve the native peoples of Dillingham. We held a three day VBS, painted Anchor of Hope church, put siding on the two story parsonage, and prepared and served food at the annual outreach called The Fish Feed held at the boat harbor during the launching of the

international fishing boats during salmon season. Sixteen folks from our church went and one old friend, Jamie Warren. Ages ranged from middle schoolers to septuagenarians. Awesome trip!
-Kitty Bickford

Special Missions Pull-Out

Last fall, Len Miles stepped down as our churchs missions coordinator. Kathi Garner took over and is now in charge of coordinating missions largescale projects for our church. Kathi has been on ten missions trips in the last decade. The first project she coordinated was the Thomas project, where churchgoers spent two weekends at the new home of Phil and Becki Thomas to help with a complete renovation. In addition to coordinating trips, Kathi leads worship during the trips. During the trips, she has also mixed mortar and concrete, led paint teams, managed materials, hung sheet rock, installed both drop and tin ceilings, framed buildings, prepared meals, landscaped, poured cement, installed windows, helped with electric, and assisted with other tasks. I learned on my first mission trip that even though I thought I was going to help other people, I was blessed so much more by getting to know people from my church and being pushed out of my comfort zone to do things I never thought I could do. God grows my faith every time I go. I encourage each one of you to consider any one of our missions projects, stated Kathi. You may not think you have the skills needed to work on a construction site or to do ministry, but these trips have a way of bringing out new giftings that we did not realize he had given us. If you have questions about missions trips, you can contact her at

Recently, Pastor Dalton took a a team of 10 young people and adults to Nicaragua for 2 weeks of ministering in the streets to children with Castilla Del Rey ministries with missionaries Steve and Kim Sobey. We spent our days in the streets with the children and our nights ministering in churches all over Nicaragua. We saw 700 children and adults respond to the gospel and were able to share the love of Jesus with several thousand people during our time there.
China continued from page 6

Camp David of the Ozarks has started a new building project that needs to be functional by the end of May, and they need your help! Please come out for one or several of these work days to help build a 30 x 40 Administration Building. May 3-5: Frame building May 10-12: Rough electric and plumbing, insulation May 17-18: Hang drywall and doors May 21-26: Finish roughing in building If you have any questions, please contact Grace Smith at grace@campdavidozarks. have been documented miracles of healing, too: a child with severe brain damage was healed, an elderly woman's fractured leg was healed, and many of her family have become believers, provision and funding is prayed in. This was not a mission trip with a list of objectives. I almost felt at a loss early in the week--I had no duties, no checklist, no job assigned, except to play with the children, help any way that came up, and watch. Rose-colored glasses come off when you see the needs of the children, and the daily care required for them. But we came to see what the Lord is doing, and we came away blessed and changed. The children are beautiful, truly treasures made by God. And so are the workers, with hearts loving to a depth that is inspiring. I hope we can be part of helping these homes, and I hope others may be interested in seeing modern-day miracles and everyday plain-anddifficult service--love in action. -Elaine Harrison

for months, and of how the orphanage officials mocked them in the beginning. But the motto they serve by is "Honor, not judge", and their hearts are truly committed to serving and loving both the adults and children of China. We truly saw the love of God being lived out before us as we visited these homes, and the communities around them have seen it, too. Modeling the heart of the founders, the caretakers truly love the children. At Hidden Treasures we met many village children dropping in to visit and to share the love of this place. Over eighty village children have accepted the Lord at the weekly Sunday school. People come from all over the city, the province, from different places in China, and occasionally, from around the world, to share the vision of this place. Multiple times, Deena says, unbelievers will say "What is it I feel in this place?" and will hear the story of God's love. Dozens of visitors have heard the salvation message as they tour the home, and say 'yes' to the offer of grace. There

The Missions Committee meets once a month, on the third Wednesday at 7:00 in the conference room. During these meetings, the committee discusses local and regional missions needs, makes plans for upcoming missions projects, and prays for missions needs. Current members of the committee are Kathi Garner, missions coordinator, Frank Ratliff, Dan Finch, Ross and Sheri Haselhorst, Kitty and Jim Bickford, Len Miles, Elaine Harrison, and Abby Swearingen. The committee would welcome new members. If you are interested in joining, please contact Kathi at

Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. Psalm 96:3

In the Roberts Family Life Center


She was lying on the floor folded like a jackknife, arms extended awkwardly, her head turned sideways, and her blind eyes staring, when they first saw her. Sarah had been abandoned to the beggars, to subsist as they did or to die, and she had withdrawn into herself to escape. Mike and Deena Van't Hul saw her and grieved. They received permission to bring her to their home, and four years and much love later, Sarah is still in the beginning stages of opening herself up to the outside world. Elizabeth Smith and I were blessed to be present when she accomplished a major step: rising and turning a circle in time to the music of the "Hokey Pokey", the first time she had voluntarily joined in with a group activity. We were there observing a class at Hidden Treasures in Fuzhou, China, and learning of the deep love the Van't Huls and the Hidden Treasures team have for these least of the least. When we first entered another room, this one outside Beijing, the roomful of toddlers and babies didn't seem different from any other same-aged group. But these cheerful, busy and talkative munchkins have endured life-threatening or healththreatening conditions: heart defects, bowel and bladder issues, bone and joint conditions, severe cleft lip and palate, hydrocephalus, spina bifida, pneumonia and malnutrition. These are some of the babies of New Hope Foster Home, run by Robin and Dr. Joyce Hill. There are some differences between the homes: New Hope focuses on taking in babies mainly six months or younger with serious medical issues, those that the orphanages do not have time or facilities to care for, those that are very likely to die. Dr. Joyce manages their care, and arranges for treatments and surgeries to address their conditions. Not all the babies make it, but a surprising number do, and live to grow into happy, active children. They usually stay at New Hope for several years, either in-house or in local foster care, and a number of them end up being adopted into loving

homes, whether in China or abroad. Others will return to their orphanages around age five or so, but with the health and strength to live better lives. Hidden Treasures was founded with the intent to serve the Lord by taking in children that were not wanted by anyone, those with severe disabilities or life-threatening issues requiring continued care. They want the children to be part of their family, and stay with them permanently. Children at Hidden Treasures come because of cerebral palsy, Down's syndrome, heart issues, cleft lip and palate, limb differences, and other serious issues. They come and are loved, and Mike and Deena plan for them to stay, Lord willing. We heard their stories. Both couples received a call from the Lord to give their lives for the orphaned children of China. Robin and his wife Dr. Joyce were older, nearing retirement age. Mike and Deena were young, with young children and an active lifestyle. Both couples were successful and living 'the good life'; both couples saw that there was a deeper meaning ahead for their lives. The Lord invited them to step into the river and be part of what He wanted to do. It's been twelve years since the Hills took in their first baby, and they have served over one thousand babies since then. They now supervise four separate homes spread over hundreds of miles. The Van't Huls sold everything they had and came to China in 2005. With patience and with servants' hearts, they finally earned the trust of the orphanage personnel, and were allowed to begin taking children into their homes. They now have 48 children at Hidden Treasures. The Lord has granted both couples favor, but He has allowed them to pass through deep waters, too. The first home the Hills opened was taken from them, and they have had many, many children die. Deena told us of midnight raids by the police
China continued on page 8

This March, a team went to Mount Grace Teen Challenge Center for Women in Winnfield, Louisiana to repair the foundation of their lodge, make plumbing and electrical improvements on campus, as well as assist with other improvements. Louisiana Teen Challenge consists of many different locations. Louisiana Teen Challenge induction centers are the first phase locations for the program. Students entering the program are admitted into one of the induction centers where they live while they complete their first phase of the program. Upon completion of the first phase (usually 4 months), students move to the Mount Grace Training Center for Men, the second phase location. For female students, Induction and Training occur at one location, Mt. Grace Center for Women in Winnfield, LA. Twenty-seven people, from age 15 and up worked on this project. There were also MAPS RVers already on site who worked alongside us, and we were joined by residents and staff of Mount Grace for meals and evening worship. The First Baptist Church of Winnfield hosted us. The team stayed in their hurricane shelter, and they provided a hot breakfast for us each morning. They provided toiletry and clean towels and took the team on a day trip to Natchitoches, a nearby historic town. The team was overwhelmed by their Southern hospitality and prayerful support of our work. The electric at Mount Grace was outdated, so Lee Collins led a team to do a major overhaul in multiple buildings, including a new breaker box for the site. Frank Ratliff led a team in digging new

plumbing. We poured concrete sidewalks over the existing pathways to the lodge and built decking on the side of the lodge to make it easier to travel back and forth between the lodge and nearby auxiliary buildings such as the laundry and restrooms. The lodge floor was beginning to sink due to the stilts it was built on. The team used jacks to prop up the building and reinforced the structure. Debbie Wisdom and her team spent several days planting bushes and perennials around the lodge and other buildings. The Mount Grace women run a thrift store in Winnfield. They are overwhelmed with donations. Some of our team members went and helped them sort through donations, reorganize the merchandise, and painted the interior of the store. Kitty Bickford began planning meals for the team well in advance. Before leaving Rolla, she began receiving unexpected donations for the trip that exceeded the needs of the 27 members of the team. Upon arrival, we discovered that they had recently been praying that God would provide food to fill their pantry. The donations received prior to the trip not only fed the team and the residents and staff for the duration of the trip, but also left their pantry full. God enabled us to complete more of their list of needed projects than we had planned to. There was a spirit of unity throughout the work site that blessed not only the team members but also the residents. The prayers of people back home were evident in the progress that was made each day both on the job and in the hearts of all involved. -Kathi Garner

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