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Training and Development

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Human resource management is primarily concerned with the peoples dimensions in the organization. It is a crucial sub-system process of management. The success or failure of an organization not only depends on material, machines and equipment but also on the personnel who are put in the best efforts for an efficient performance at job. Human resource management to set of activities, programs and functions designed and carried out in order to maximize both employees as well as organizational effectiveness. Human resource or personnel management is the sense of getting things done through the people. Its an essential part of every managers responsibilities. Human resource management means employing people, developing their resources, utilizing maintaining, and compensating the human resources resulting in creating and development of human relations with a view to contribute proportionately to the organizational individuals and skills. As organization vary in size ,aims ,functions ,complexity, constructions ,the physical nature of the product ,and appeal as employers, so do the contributions of human resource management but, in most the ultimate aim of the function is to ensure that at all times the business needs. That is ,neither overstaffed nor understaffed in total or in respect of any one discipline or work grade. Human resource management has come to be recognized as an inherent part of management, which is concerned with the human resources of an organization .Its objective is the maintenance of better human resources of an organization by the development application and evaluation of policies, procedures and programmers relating to human resources to optimize their contribution towards the realization of organizational objectives.

Training is one of the most important activities and plays an important role in the development of human resources. To put the right man at the right place with the trained personnel and the right time has now become essential todays globalize market. No organization today has given choice on whether or not to develop employees. There fore training has nowadays become an important and required factor for maintaining and improving inter-personal and inter-group collaborations.

Well trained and knowledgeable employees are valuable resources for any business. While recruiting new employees, part of the recruitment process should match with the prospective employees skills and experience to the job description and person specification. How ever, even a good match is found, a new employee still needs to be trained. Training Leeds to personal growth and success.

Training is one element many corporations consider when looking to advance people and offer promotions. Although many employees recognize the high value those in management place on Training and development, some employees are still reluctant to be trained. It is not uncommon to hear excuses regarding why some one has not received training. Training and Development offers more than just increase knowledge. It offers the added advantage of networking and drawing from others experiences.

A systematic approach to training help in analyzing what results the organization needs from its employees and what training and development approaches are needed by employees to better accomplish those results. It also improves evaluating approaches before, during and after training to ensure that the employees are truly benefited from the training in terms of enhanced results to the organization.

Effective training and development includes using sound principles of performance management on good, basic training techniques.

Training starts with the organizational analysis. By focusing on strategy and examining sales forecast and expected changes in production, distribution and support system, employers can determine which skills will be needed and to what degree. Task analysis identifies the elements of current or future tasks to be done. Personnel needs analysis involves asking employees and managers, either in an interview or in a self administrated questionnaire to analyze their training needs.

Hence my project report would focus up on the various training and development aspects that are involved in electronic constructions and equipment limited


Planned and systematic effort to modify or develop Knowledge, skill and attitude through a learning experience , to achieve effective performance in activities. Its purpose in the work situation is to enable an individual to acquire abilities in order that he/she can perform a given task adequately -Pepper.O.Alien Training is a systematic attempt to develop the human resources, individual group and organizational competencies required to manage some present tasks and situations as well as those in future. - Shandler Donald


Human Resource Management (HRM), a relatively new term, that emerged during the 1930s. Many people used to refer it before by its traditional titles, such as Personnel Administration or Personnel Management. But now, the trend is changing. It is now termed as Human Resource Management (HRM). Human Resource Management is a management function that helps an organization select, recruit, train and develops.

T & D in Human Resource Management Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff and manage organization. It comprises of the functions and principles that are applied to retaining, training, developing, and compensating the employees in organization. It is also applicable to non-business organizations, such as education, healthcare, etc Human Resource Management is defined as the set of activities, programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both organizational as well as employee effectiveness.

Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the activities of employee, from the time of his entry into an organization until he leaves, come under the horizon of HRM. The divisions included in HRM are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management, Development, Retention, Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one such important division is training and development.

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change takes place in structured format.


Traditional Approach Most of the organizations before never used to believe in training. They were holding the traditional view that managers are born and not made. There were also some views that training is a very costly affair and not worth. Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be changing. Modern Approach of training and development is that Indian Organizations have realized the importance of corporate training. Training is now considered as more of retention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to create a smarter workforce and yield the best results

Objectives of Training & Development.

The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there are four other objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal. Individual Objectives help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization. Organizational Objectives assist the organization with its primary objective by bringing individual effectiveness. Functional Objectives maintain the departments contribution at a level suitable to the organizations needs. Societal Objectives ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to the needs and challenges of the society. Theoretical Back-up HUMAN resource development has in recent years become the focus of attention of planners, policy-makers and administrators. Human resource development may be defined as the process of increasing the knowledge, skills and capacities of people. It is important not only for an enterprise but for a nation to develop its human resources. A country can develop only when its human resources are developed through health, nutrition, education, training and research. At the enterprise level, employee training and executive development are main areas of human resource development.Training is the process of increasing the knowledge and skills for doing a particular job. It is an organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and skill for a definite purpose.

The purpose of training is basically to bridge the gap between job requirements and present competence of an employee. Training is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person. It is a never ending or continuous process. Training is closely related with education and development and development but needs to be differentiated from these terms.

Training & Development Employee training is distinct from management development. Training is a short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. It refers to instructions in technical and mechanical operations like operation of a machine. It is designed primarily for non-managers. On the other hand, development is a long-term education process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by which managerial personnel learn conceptual and theoretical knowledge for general purpose. It involves broader education and its purpose is long-term development. Training involves helping an individual learn how to perform his present job satisfactorily. Development involves preparing the individual for a future job and growth of the individual in all respects. Development complements training because human resources can exert their full potential only when the learning process goes far beyond simple routine

Need for Training: Training is required on account of the following reasons:

1. Job Requirements. Employees selected for a job might lack the qualifications required to perform the job effectively. New and inexperienced employees require detailed instruction for effective performance on-the-job.

In some cases, the past experience, attitudes and behavior patterns of experienced personnel might be inappropriate to the new organization. Remedial training should be given to such people to match the needs of the organization. 2. Technological changes. Technology is changing very fast. Now automation and mechanization are being increasingly applied ion offices and service sector. Increasing use of fast changing techniques requires training into new technology. For instance, staffs in public sector bank are being trained due to computerization of banking operations. No organization can take advantage of latest technology without well-trained personnel. New jobs require new skills. Thus, both new and old employees require training. 3. Organizational viability. In order to survive and grow, an organization must continually adapt itself to the changing environment. With increasing economic liberalization and globalization in India, business firms are experiencing expansion, growth and diversification. In order to face international competition, the firms must upgrade their capabilities. 4. Internal Mobility. Training becomes necessary when an employee moves from one job to another due to promotion and transfer. Employees chosen for higher level jobs need to be trained before they are asked to perform the higher responsibilities. Training is widely used to prepare employees for higher level jobs.

Importance of Training
A well-planned and well-executed training program can provide the following advantages: 1. Higher Productivity. Training helps to improve the level of performance. Trained employees perform better by using better method of work. Improvements in manpower productivity in developed nations can be attributed in no small measure to their educational and industrial training programs.

2. Better quality of work. In formal training, the best methods are standardized and taught to employees. Uniformity of work methods and procedures helps to improve the quality of product or service. Trained employees are less likely to make operational mistakes. 3. Less Learning Period. A systematic training program helps to reduce the time and cost involved in learning. Employees can more quickly reach the acceptable level of performance. They need to waste their time and efforts in learning through trial and error. 4. Cost Reduction. Trained employees make more economical use of materials and machinery. Reduction is wastage and spoilage together with increase in productivity help to minimize cost of operations per unit. Maintenance cost is also reduced due to fewer machine breakdown and better handling of equipments. Plant capacity can be put to the optimum use. 5. Low Accident Rate. Trained personnel adopt the right work methods and make use of the prescribed safety devices. Therefore, the frequency of accidents is reduced. Health and safety of employees can be improved. 6. Reduced Supervision. Well-trained employees tend to be self-reliant and motivated. They need less guidance and control. 7. High Morale. Proper training can develop positive attitudes among employees. Job satisfaction and morale are improved due to rise in the earnings and job security of employees. 8. Personal Growth. Training enlarges the knowledge and skills of the participants. Therefore, well-trained personnel can grow faster in their career. Training prevents obsolescence of knowledge and skills. Trained employees are a more valuable asset to any organization.

Benefits of Training to Employees

Training is useful to employees in the following ways: (i) Self-confidence. Training helps to improve the self-confidence of an employee. It enables him to approach and perform his job with enthusiasm. (ii) Higher Earnings. Trained employees can perform better and thereby

earn more.
(iii) Safety. Training helps an employee to use various safety devices. He can handle the machines safely and becomes less prone to accidents. (iv) Adaptability. Training enables an employee to adapt to changes in work procedures and methods.

Identifying Training Needs

All training activities must be related to the specific needs of the organization and the individual employees. A training program should be launched only after the training needs are assessed clearly and specifically. The problem areas that can be resolved through training should also be identified. Training needs can be identified through the following types of analysis: 1. Organizational Analysis. It involves a study of the entire organization in terms of its objectives, its resources, resource allocation and utilization, growth potential and its environment. Organizational analysis consists of the following elements: (a) Analysis of Objectives. The long-term and short-term objectives and their relative priorities are analyzed. Specific goals and strategies for various departments and sections should be stated as a means for achieving the overall organizational objectives.


(b) Resource Utilization Analysis. The allocation of human and physical resources and their efficient utilization in meeting the operational targets are analyzed. In order to examine in detail the inputs and outputs of the organization. (c) Organization Climate Analysis. The prevailing climate of an organization reflects the members attitudes. It also represents managements attitude towards employee development. (d) Environmental Scanning. The economic, political, technological and socio-cultural environment of the organization is examined. 2. Task or Role Analysis. It is a systematic and detailed analysis of jobs to identify job contents, the knowledge, skills and aptitudes required and the work behavior. On the part of the job holder, particular attention should be paid to the tasks to be performed. 3. Manpower Analysis. In this analysis, the persons to be trained and the changes required in the knowledge, skills, and aptitudes of an employee are determined. Moreover, this analysis should be integrated in a carefully designed and executed program.

Objectives of Training
Once the training needs are identified, the next step is to set training objectives in concrete terms and to decide the strategies to be adopted to achieve these objectives. The overall aim of the training program is to fill in the gap between the existing and the desired pool of knowledge, skills and aptitudes. The main objectives of training may be defined as follows: 1. To impart to new entrants the basic knowledge and skill required for efficient performance of definite tasks;

2. To assist the employees to function more effectively in their present positions by exposing them to the latest concepts; 11

3. To build up a second line of competent officers and prepare them to occupy more responsible positions; 4. To broaden the minds of senior managers through interchange of experience within and outside so as to correct the narrow outlook caused due to over specialization. While setting training objectives, the following criteria may be used: (i) Nature and size of the group to be trained. (ii) Roles and tasks to be coined out by the target group. (iii) Relevance, applicability and compatibility of training to the work situation. (iv) Identification of the behavior where change is required. (v) Existing and desired behavior defined in terms of ratio, frequency, quality of interaction, repetitiveness, innovations, supervision, etc. (vi) Operational results to be achieved through training, e.g., productivity, cost, down time, creativity, turnover, etc.

Methods& Techniques of Training

The methods employed for training of operatives may be described as under: 1. On-the-job Training (OJT). In this method, the trainee is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary to perform it. The trainee learns under the guidance and supervision of the superior or an instructor. The trainee learns by observing and handling the job. Therefore, it is called learning by doing. Several methods are used to provide on-the-job training, e.g., coaching, job committee assignments, etc. rotation,

A popular form of on-the-job training is job Instruction Training (JIT) or step by step learning.


2. Vestibule Training. In this method, a training centre called vestibule is set up and actual job conditions are duplicated or simulated in it. Expert trainers are employed to provide training with the help of equipment and machines which are identical with those in use at the workplace. 3. Apprenticeship Training. In this method, theoretical instruction and practical learning are provided to trainees in training institutes. In India, the Government has established Industrial Training Institute (ITIs) for this purpose. Generally, a stipend is paid during the training period. Thus, it is an earn when you learn scheme. 4. Classroom Training. Under this method, training is provided in company classrooms or in educational institutions. Lectures, case studies, group discussions, and audio visual aids are used to explain knowledge and skills to the trainees. Classroom training is suitable for teaching concepts and problem-solving skills. 5. Internship Training. It is a joint program of training in which educational institutions and business firms cooperate. Selected candidates carry on regular studies for the prescribed period. They also work in some factory or office to acquire practical knowledge and skills. E.g., MBBS, CA, ICWA, Company Secretaries. Etc.

Differences between Training & Development

Area Content Purpose Duration For Whom Training Technical skills and Knowledge. Specific job Relation Short-term Mostly technical and non managerial Personnel Development Managerial behavioral skills and knowledge. Conceptual and General knowledge Long-term Mostly for managerial personnel

Principles of Training
The following guidelines can help to make training more effective:


1. Clear Objectives. The objectives and scope of a training program should be clearly defined. A comparison of operational requirements and existing human resource skills will help to determine the specific training needs of employees. 2. Training Policy. A clearly defined training policy serves as the guide for designing and implementing training programs. 3. Motivation. Employees tend to be most responsive to training programs when they feel the need to learn. Therefore, training must be related to the needs and problems of the trainees as well as to their abilities and aptitudes. Audio-visual aids should be used to avoid boredom and fatigue of the lecture method. 4. Reinforcement. According to B.F.Skinners Behavior Modification Model, when a behavior is repeatedly rewarded, it becomes a permanent part of ones personality. Learning is more effective when there is reinforcement in the form of rewards and punishments. 5. Organized Material. Training material should be properly organized. A complete outline of the whole course should be distributed in advance so that the trainees can prepare themselves before coming to the class. 6. Learning Periods. Learning takes time and teaching in segments is better than in one go. Several short sessions spread over a long period, enable the trainee to learn, reinforce and review. 7. Preparing the Instructor. The instructor or trainer is the key figure in a training program. The trainer should not only be a good teacher but must know the subject and the job also.


8. Feedback. Trainees should be provided information on how much they have learnt and how well they are doing. Every trainee should what aspect of his behavior/performance is not up to par and what he can do to improve it. 9. Practice. Practice makes a man perfect. Skills that are practiced often are better learned and less easily forgotten. Therefore, trainees should be allowed continuous practice. Tell and demonstrate knowledge and skills and then let the trainee try it himself. 10. Appropriate Techniques. The methods and processes of training should be related directly to the needs and objectives of the organization. It should be conducted as far as possible in the actual job environment so as to be meaningful. To be effective, training should be based on the tested principles of learning.



The primary objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of training and development system in the organization which is under studies i.e. the light of this primary objective the following sub objectives are set 1. To review the historical aspects of ECE and its growth. 2. To assess the purposes and uses of training and development. 3. To study and analyze the training and development activities for the employees in ECE. 4. To evaluate various techniques operations followed in this regard. 5. To identify the training needs in ECE. 6. To understand whether the training and development has any influence in promoting and upgrading the employees.


The study covers the various aspects of human resources management which helps in determining the employee training and development in the organization. The present study is undertaken to elicit the opinion of the trainees with respect to the training programs its effectiveness and its usage for the career development of the trainees. The study aims of measuring the effectiveness of training at ECE.



1. The above said project has to be completed with in span of 45 days. Hence the study could not cover the entire work force of the organization. 2. Some of the employees did not reveal the data due to the fear of the management. 3. Due to the busy work schedule of the employees, they could not spend time on giving much more information. 4. Time is a major constraint and study is limited to questionnaire analysis

Research Methodology:
The research process involves identifying a management problem or opportunity analyzing and reporting the information specified in the research problem. Every research study has its own specific purpose and its objectives generally concern as with the particular problem which the research group situation and to the causal relationship between variables.

Meaning of Research:
D.Slesinger and M.Stephenson in the Encyclopedia of social sciences define research as the manipulation of things, concepts of symbols for the purpose of the theory or in the practices of an art.


Objectives of Research:
1. To gain familiarity with a phenomenon or to achieve new insights into it. 2. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is associated with something else.

Types of Research:
1. Descriptive and Analytical Research. 2. Applied and fundamental Research. 3. Quantitative and Qualitative Research.

Research Process:
1. Formulating the Research problem. 2. Extensive Literature Survey. 3. Developing the hypothesis. 4. Preparing the research design. 5. Determining the sample design. 6. Correcting the data. 7. Execution of project. 8. Analysis of data. 9. Hypothesis testing.


Data as collected primary and secondary data. They are following Primary Secondary


Primary data; Primary data has been collected through questionnaire and interview. secondary data: secondary data. has been collected from magazines, journals and
website of the ECE. SAMPLE SIZE: sample size is taken as 100.the employees and members of the ECE are select on random bases.



In the recent years, the invent of electric appliances every field has change the way of life. Today most of the appliances from bed lamp to trains are running with the consumption of electric power. There is such a great demand for electric power. Electricity board supplies electricity to the customer and changes them power they consumed. They should be device to measure the power consumption, for this purpose electricity meters are used. An electric meter is a device, which operate on principle of electro magnetic induction. A counter is setup inside through which the power consumption is obtained in units. Earlier the meters were not able to measure the power consumption accurately. In case of low power factor, the meters could not function properly. This slight disability was a great loss to the electricity board. With the every increasing demand for electricity energy, the electricity boards are searching for high quality and high precession meters, which must read, even a slight consumption of power. There are many companies producing meters and ECE Industries LED is one of them, is manufacturing a wide range of high quality and high precession meters which meet the specification of various electricity boards and is of international standards. Over view The Indian economy is mainly power sector is passing through a different phase. Through the prospective view of the power sector in the country but not its performance as yet viewed in the contests. ECEs performance has been satisfactory during the years. The key business of the company viz. elevators, transformers, and meters accounted for 93% of the gross turnover in 2000 2001. The other segments accounted 7% of the gross turnover outstanding dues from state electricity boards continuous to remain at every high level


Meters: The meters division continued to proceed its performance in Hi-tech production. It is now playing to embays upon the manufacturing of electric method. On a bascule in order to reap the benefit form the prizing demand pattern for this category companion to the normal electro mechanical meters. The share of ECE Company of meters sold directly in the open market. After having registered and encouraging growth in volumes this year. The meter division is expected to grow further. The outlook of Hi-tech electronic meter industry is promising.

Industry Incorporation IN ECE

Electrical construction Equipment industries ltd (ECE), primary started as a small electrical repair workshop at kolkatta during Second World War days, it has steadily emerged as a growing industrial enterprise and is today one of the leading conglomerates of the electrical power .

Nature of Activity Electrical Industry

Over the years, ECE has strengthened its position as a permanent multi product, multi divisional engineering enterprise. Largely due to its dynamism and every widening manufacturing enterprise of transformer which ECE look up first the company expended its activities into six major areas of power technology such as switch gears, elevators, lamps and tubes. Electricity meters turn key electrification. ECE industries Ltd has its registered office located at New Delhi. It has also various branches located at various places in India such as Chandigarh, Patiala, Jaipur, Lucknow, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore.


AP meters
AP meters are one of the oldest and leading meter manufacturing unit of ECE industries in India. It is established in 1963 with the collaboration of M/s. EAW, Germany. AP meters products are well know in the field of meters The registered office in Hyderabad, Ashok Marg, Sanathnagar. This AP meters products are various models they are single phase, three phase and rotary substandard energy meters. AP meters have around 500 in number of sophisticated precession, missions and equipment and it has more than 2000 number of tools and fixers. It has fledged tool room equipped with latest sophisticated machinery and most of the components are being manufactured self to ensure quality product.

Historical Background of ECE industry

The ECE industries Ltd., was started as a small repair workshop. ECE industries Ltd (Meter Division) is one of the oldest and leading meter manufacturing unit of electrical construction Equipment in India. It was established in 1963 with the collaboration of M/s. EAW, GDR. It is situated in the heart of Hyderabad City. This industry produces various models of single phase, three phase, electro- mechanical & electronic and rotary substandard energy meters of 0.5 class accuracy. At present total turn over is Rs.129 crores. All together ECE has six manufacturing industries situated in various parts of the country. There are two in each Andhra Pradesh and Haryana, one in each UP and Bengal. By using Human Resources to the maximum extent the ECEs quality has grown into the level of International standards. And also it has vast technical collaboration with the number of industrial electrical equipment manufacturing industries. Due to high international in quality the ECE has developed its research and development wing to such an extent that its quality can be perfectly compared to the world standard and now a day the ECE is pursuing various schemes of modernization, diversification and


expansion. It has collaboration with multi-national companies like TOSHIBA and MITSUBSHI of Japan. ECE is an ISO 9001 company is well equipped having government of India Recognization and it has recognized in house research and development to meet requirement and specification of customers with consultant interaction. ECE meter division was established having facilities to manufacturing all components sub assemblies under one roof. Serving 40 years in electrical equipment manufacturing sector the ECE future lies in its hard work and dynamic nature of its Human Resource. In the coming years the ECE will become one of the worlds leading electrical Equipment organization.

Objectives and Activities of Operations
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Excellent well equipped tool room Elaborate press shop producing vital parts of energy meters Converted automatic planning and painting shop Ultrasonic cleaning of all precision components High accuracy test benches and stabilized power supply Technical qualified trained testers to celebrate the meters Extensively equipped quality controlled department to check quality of raw material and components and to carry out daily quality check, products on high voltage variation, climate chamber test, effect external magnetic fields, impulse voltage test, torque test sustained accuracy and frame test etc

Market share of ECE products 23

S.No. 1 2 3

Name of Product Single phase energy meter Three phase energy meter RSS Meters

Market Location Various State Electricity Boards all over India Various State Electricity Boards all over India Various State Electricity Boards

Market Share 8% 12% 14% 15% 100%

Production Unique aspect of Production Product robust and stable design, easily serviceable and having easy accessibility of all functional parts. Products

Electro mechanical type single phase energy meters of class 2.0 accuracy up to 60% over load capacity Electro mechanical three phase panel mounting type energy meter CT & PT operated in the accuracy class 2.0 and class 1.0 High energy efficient electronic ballast for FIL Hybrid combination of electro mechanical and electrical reference standard energy meters of accuracy class 0.5

User of Product

State Electricity Board Co-operative Electricity Society Industries Residential colonies, customers who require sub meters

Product feature of ECE


High Precision meters Flat load characteristics High driving torque Low speed (RPM) Low losses in potential and current electro magnets High efficiency current Lower starting current Sustained accuracy over load period Self lubricated registering mechanism A/NICO V/VI, four- pole stable broke management Dust proof and study steel poly carbonate case Pressure die - casted robust frame With stands high shocks and vibration Low friction and assured long life Protection from surgeons Easily serviceable Aesthetic book

Human Resource Management Philosophy of ECE

To provide organization competency continuously to attach retains develops human resource and to enable them to realize they are potential to accomplish organizational objectives

Human Resource Management policy

Satisfied customers and motivated employees are vital importance to ECEs long term competitiveness Each employee shall


Understand his / her job role Have the necessary empowerment Takes responsibility Develop his / her competence, knowledge and ability Clearly defined objectives for both the individual and work team shall be the corner stone of ECE activities Respect for and confidence in the individual shall characterize our work environment. This must be safe and stimulating Local unions shall be natural co-operation partners Each manager at ECE shall continually develop his / her management skills and leadership. So as to be able to assume full responsibility for the employees Planning discussions shall be held at least once in a month with each individual employee The goal of our learning organization is to achieve a continuous development of competence, internal mobility as well as employee development and provide career opportunities consistent with abilities

Ethics, equal opportunities and an open an honest exchange of thoughts and ideas are the corner stones of our actions The implementation of personnel policy is a strategic issue in which we must all participate

Human Resource Objectives of ECE

Industrial development: To offer full and equally opportunities to every employee to realize his/ her potential Scientific selection: To select the right person for the right job Free Flow of Communication: To keep all channels of communication open and encourage upward, downward, vertical, horizontal, formal and informal communication 26

Participation: To associate employee representatives at every level of decision making Fair Remuneration: To pay fair and equitable wages and salaries commensurating with jobs. Incentive: To recognize and reward good performance Dignity of Labour: To treat every job and every job holder with dignity respect Labour management co-operation: To promote cordial industrial relations Team Spirit: To promote co-operation and team spirit among employees Contribution to National Prosperity: To provide a higher purpose of work to all employees and to contribute to national prosperity

Special Human Resource Management Schemes / Efforts of ECE:

On the job training to graduate engineers, diploma engineers, ITIs and commerce graduates Document procedures is followed to implement following HRM schemes Man power planning Recruitment and selection Induction and Placement Training and Development Career Planning Potential Assessment Succession Planning

Manpower sources of the organization

From with in the company:


By Promotion Former employees who had good service records when they left Persons known to present employees and duly recommended by them Through Trade unions

From out side the company:

Through advertisement in leading newspapers Through Government, employment agencies Through Campus interviews at colleges and universities Recommended by professional bodies and reputed persons Through private employment agencies Direct applications from applicants

Human resource development of ECE:

ECE has always recognized its people as its key resources and believes the training and development as well as continuous learning by individuals, is necessary for organizational survival, growth and reward and renewal in the rapidly changed business development, keeping this in mind a central training center was started at the Ghaziabad unit last year for promotion team work spirit and updating the skills and confidence of the employee. Thus by providing better services to out customer. A center for HRD has been started at Hyderabad in order to promote the cause of quality in Hi-tech meters.

HRD policy of this Organization

ECE industries Ltd., there are a specific HRD policy. To provide organizational competency continuously to attach retains develops human resource development and to accomplish organizational objectives. Satisfied customers and motivated employees are of vital importance to ECE long term competitiveness. Each Employee of ECE industries Ltd., should


Understand his / her role. Have the necessary empowerment; take responsibility to develop his / her competent knowledge, will and ability. Clearly defined objectives for both the individuals and the work team shall be corner stone of the activities. Respect and confidence in the individual shall characterize their work environment.

Man power Particulars ECE industries (Meter Division) have 484 workers and staff engaged in manufacturing of meters they as follows as on 20th June 2003 Staff Permanent - 17 Probation - 03 contract - 05 Trail - 46 Watchmen & Guard - 01 Learners - 10 Total - 82 Total 506 Permanent National Apprentice Contract Learners Workers 243 056 157 050

TABLE-1 1.Are you appraised of your performance during the course of training.


No. of Factors
Agree Disagree Neutral Total

Respondents 65 22 13 100 CHART-1

Percentage 65% 22% 13% 100%

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree Disagree Neutral

From the above analysis it is observed that the65%of the employees replied that they agree with the performance of training ,22% of the employees are said that they disagree, and the remaining 13%of the employees replied neutral with the performance of the training.

TABLE-2 2. Is your performance appraised during the course of training?

Percentage of `1 2 3 Response Agree Disagree Neutral Total 30 No. of Respondents Respondents

65 22 13 100

65% 22% 13% 100%

70 60 50 40 30 20 10


No. of Respondents 22 13 65% 22% Disagree 13% Neutral Percentage of Respondents

0 Agree

From the above analysis it has been observed that 65% of the respondents have said that the performance is appraised during the course of training, 22% of the respondents disagreed, and 13%of the respondents are neutral with respect to the performance appraised during the course of training.

3. Does the training programs develop the potentialities of the employees for higher level of jobs?

31 Response 1 2 3 Agree Disagree Neutral Total No. of Respondents

Percentage of Respondents

58 18 24 100

58% 18% 24% 100%

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 58% 0 Agree Disagree Neutral 18% 24% 18 24 No. of Respondents Percentage of Respondents 58

From the above analysis it has been observed that 58% of the respondents have said that the training programs develop the potentialities of the employees for higher level of jobs, 18%of the respondents disagreed, and 24%of the respondents have said neutral with respect to training programs in developing the higher level of jobs.


4.Did the level of job involvement increase after attending the training programs? Response 1 2 3 Agree Disagree Neutral Total No. of Respondents

Percentage of Respondents

68 19 13 100

68% 19% 13% 100%

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Agree Disagree 68% 19 13 19% 13% Neutral No. of Respondents Percentage of Respondents 68

From the above analysis it has been observed that 68%of the respondents have said that the level of job involvement has increased after attending the training programs,19%of the respondents disagree, and 13% of the respondents have said neutral with respect to level of job involvement increase after attending training programs.


5. Is the morale of the employee increased after attendending the training programs? Response 1 2 3 Yes no Neutral Total No. of Respondents Percentage of Respondents

60 21 19 100

60% 21% 19% 100%

70 60 50 40 30 21 20 10 60% 0 Yes no Neutral 21% 19% 19 No. of Respondents Percentage of Respondents 60

From the above analysis it has been observed that 60%of the respondents have said that the morale of employees has been increased after attending the training programs, 21% of the respondents have said that the morale of employees has not been increased after attending the training program , and 19% of the respondents have said neutral.


6. Are the training programs handled by competent faculty? Response 1 2 3 Yes No Total No. of Respondents

Percentage of Respondents

56 44 100

56% 44% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10

56 44 No. of Respondents Percentage of Respondents

56% 0 Yes

44% No

From the above analysis it has been observed that 56% of the respondents have said that the training programs handled by competent faculty, and 44% of the respondents have said that the training programs are not handled by a competent faculty.



7. On what basis selection of training program is done? Response 1 2 3 performance seniority random Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

20 15 65 100

20% 15% 65% 100%

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 20% 0 performance 15% seniority 20 15


No. of Respondents Percentage respondents

65% random

From the above analysis it has been observed that 20%of the respondents have said that the selection of training program is done based on the performance,15% of the respondents have said that the selection of training program is done based on the seniority,65% of the respondents have said that the selection of training program is done randomly.

8. What kind of training methods are followed in your organization? 36 1 2 3 Response On the job Off the job Both Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

62 21 17 100

62% 21% 17% 100%

70 60 50 40 30


No. of Respondents 21 Percentage respondents 17

20 10 62% 0 On the job Off the job 21%

17% Both

From the above analysis it has been observed that 62% of the respondents have said that the organization follows on the job training methods, 21%of the respondents express off the job training methods,and 17% of the respondents have said that the organization follows both.


9. Does the training programs help you in understanding the organization culture ? 1 2 Response Yes No Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

69 31 100

69% 31% 100%

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No 69% 31% 31 No. of Respondents Percentage respondents 69

From the above analysis it has been observed that 69% of the respondents have said that the training programs help in understanding the organization culture , and 31%of the


respondents have said that the training programs does not help in understanding the organization culture.

10. Are the training programs evaluated and improved upon every year? 1 2 Response Yes No Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

55 45 100

55% 45% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10

55 45 No. of Respondents Percentage respondents

55% 0 Yes

45% No


From the above analysis it has been observed that 55% of the respondents have said that the training programs are evaluated and improved upon every year, 45% of the respondents have said that the training programs are not evaluated and improved upon every year.

11. Do you notice any change in the quality of work after training?

Percentage Response

No. of Respondents


1 2

Yes70 No 60
50 Total 40 30 20 10 0

68 32 100
32 No. of Respondents Percentage respondents

68% 32% 100%

68% Yes

32% No


12. Does your organization respond promptly to the new innovations and technologies? Response 1 2 Yes No Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

71 29 100

71% 29% 100%

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


No. of Respondents 29 Percentage respondents

71% Yes

29% No

From the above analysis has been observed that 71% of the respondents have said that the organization respond promptly to the new innovations and technologies,29% of the


respondents have said that the organization does not respond promptly to the new innovations and technologies.

13.Are the training programs given adequate importance in your organization? Response 1 2 3 Agree Disagree Neutral Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

66 14 20 100

66% 14% 20 100%

70 60 50 40 30 20 10


No. of Respondents 20 20 14 66% 14% Disagree Neutral Percentage respondents

0 Agree

From the above analysis it has been observed that 66% of the respondents have said that the training programs are given adequate importance in the organization, and 14%of the 42

respondents have said that the training programs are not given adequate importance in the organization, and 20%of the respondents have said neutral.

14. Does the training programs in your organization brings team work and co-operation among the participants? Response 1 2 Yes No Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

65 35 100

65% 35% 100%

70 60 50 40 30 20 10



No. of Respondents Percentage respondents

65% 0 Yes

35% No

From the above analysis it has been observed that 65% of the respondents have said that the training programs in the organization brings team work and co-operation among the


participants, and 35%of the respondents have said that the training programs does not foster team work and co-operation among the participants in the organization.

15.Is the Top management willing to invest resources in training programs? Response 1 2 3 Agree Disagree Neutral Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

66 13 21 100

66% 13% 21% 100%

70 60 50 40 30


No. of Respondents 21 Percentage respondents

20 10 66% 0 Agree

13 13% Disagree 21% Neutral

From the above analysis it has been observed that 66%of the respondents have said that the top management is willing to invest resources in training programs, 13% of the respondents have said that the top management is not willing to invest resources in


training programs and 21 %of the respondents have said neutral that the top management is willing to invest resources in training programs.

16 Does your organization conducts adequate training programs on personality development? Response 1 2 3 Agree Disagree Neutral Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

54 18 28 100

54% 18% 28% 100%

60 50 40 30 20 10


28 18

No. of Respondents Percentage respondents

54% 0 Agree

18% Disagree

28% Neutral


INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it has been observed that 54% of the
respondents have said that the organization conducts adequate training programs on personality development, 18% of respondents have said that the organization does not conducts adequate training programs on personality development and 28%of the respondents are neutral that the organization conducts adequate training programs on personality development.

17. Is the over all training infrastructure in your organization excellent? Response 1 2 Yes No Total No. of Respondents

Percentage respondents

72 28 100

72% 28% 100%

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


No. of Respondents 28 Percentage respondents

72% Yes

28% No


From the above analysis it has been observed that 72%of the respondents have said that the over all training infrastructure in the organization is excellent, 28%of the respondents have said that the over all training infrastructure in the organization is not excellent.

18. Does the training helps to analyze the problems and solve them in your organization? 1 2 Response Yes No No. of Respondents

Percentage of respondents

68 32 100

68% 32% 100%



80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No 68% 32% 32 No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents 68

From the above analysis it has been observed that the 68% of the respondents have said that the training helps to analyze the problems and solve them in the organization , and 32% respondents have said that the training does not help to analyze the problems and solve them in the organization.

19. Does training helps a person to handle stress, tension and conflicts in your organization? 1 2 Response Yes No No. of Respondents

Percentage of respondents

75 25 100

75% 25% 100%



80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


No. of Respondents 25 Percentage of respondents

75% Yes

25% No

From the above analysis it has been observed that 75% of the respondents have said that the training helps a person to handle stress, tension and conflicts in the organization, and 25% of the respondents have said that the training does help a person to handle tress, tension and conflict in the organization.

20. Does the trainer collect the feed back after training is completed? 1 2 Response Yes No Total No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

67 33 100

67% 33% 100%


80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No 67% 33% 33 No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents 67

From the above analysis it has been observed that 67%of the respondents have said that the trainer collects the feed back after the completion of training and 33% of the respondents have said that the trainer does not collect the feed back after the completion of training.

1.65% of the employees are agreed with the performance of training 2.58% of the employees are agreed that that the training programs prepare and develop the potentialities of the employees for higher level of tasks jobs. 3.68% of the employees are agree that the level of job involvement has increased after attending programs to the job situation effectively.


4.60% of the employees are agree that the morals of employees have been raised after attending the training program. 5.56% of the employees are satisfied that yes that the training programs are handled by competent faculty 6.67% of the employees are agree that the training programs helps interpersonal relationship between superiors/subordinate. 7.73% of the employees are agree that they are able to apply the skills knowledge and aptitudes acquired in the training programs. 8.62% of the employees are agree that the training programs in the organization foster teamwork & co-operation among the participants. 9.69% of the employees are agree that the training programs helps in understanding the organization culture. 10.55% of the employees are agree with the training programs are evaluated and improved upon every year. 11.68% of the employees are agree that the notice change in the quality of work after training. 12.71% of the employees are agree that the audio visual aids & updated technological assistance is taken by the faculty 13.66% of the employees are agree with the training is given adequate importance in the organization.


14.65% of the employees are agree tha the. training programs helps in identifying the respondents.

The following are suggestions 1. Organization should have a structured way of training policy which should be share with the employees 2. Employees should be encouraged and motivated to take part actively in the training and development programs.


3. It is advisable to go for employees participation in determining and selecting the training program to the organization. 4. Organization has to give some sort of incentives or rewards to motivate the employees to attend the training program 5. Training programs should always be monitored in order to conduct the training when ever it is required. 6. Organization should also take care about the personal growth of the employees as it also counts for the organizational growth. 7. The trainee should be provided with regular, constructive feed back concerning his progress in training and implementation of the newly acquired abilities.

8. It is suggested that training should given in such a way that it helps the employees to over come stress.

Name: Age: Gender: Designation: Department 1.Does your organization provide training for new employees? a)yes b)no


2.Is your performance appraised during the course of training? a)agree b)disagree c)neutral 3.Does the training programs develop the potentialities of the employees for higher level jobs? a)agree b) disagree c) neutral

4.Did the level of the job involvement increase after attending the training programs ? a)agree b) disagree c) neutral

5.Is the morale of the employee increased after attending the training program? a)yes b) no c) neutral

6.Are the training programs handled by competent faculty? a)agree b) disagree c) neutral

7. on what basis selection of training program is done? a) Performance b) seniority c) random

8. what kind of training methods are followed in your organization? a) On the job b) off the job c) both .9.Does the training help you in understanding the organization culture? a) yes b)no


10. Are the training programs evaluated and improved upon every year? a) yes b)no

11. Do you notice any change in the quality of work after training? a) yes b)no

12. Does your organization respond promptly to the new innovations and technologies? a)yes b)no 13Are the trainings given adequate importance in your organization a) agree b)disagree c)neutral 14. Does the training programs in your organization brings team work & co-operation among the participants? a) agree b) disagree c) neutral 15. Is the top management willing to invest on resources in training programs? a) agree b)disagree c)neutral

16. Does your organization conducts adequate training programs on personality development? a)agree b)disagree c)neutral

17.Is the over all training in your organization is excellent? a)agree b)disagree c)neutral 18.Does the training helps to analyze the problems and solve them in your organization?


a)yes b)no 19.Does training helps a person to handle stress, tension and conflict in your organization? a)yes b)no 20. Does the trainer collect the feed back after training is completed? a)yes b)no

Human Resource management - SUBBA RAO Himalaya publishers Human Resource management and personnel management - K.ASHWATHAPPA, Tata Mc Grew-hill, 2003 Human Resource management -ROBERT L.MATHIS AND JOHN,


human resource THOMSON 2003 Human Resource management and personnel management V.PMICHAEL, TMH, New Delhi, 2005 Personal management-EDVIN B.FLIPO, Mc GRAW-Hill, New Delhi, 2007




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