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Teens Are Numbers Like Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen

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PATTERN # 1 Teens and tens Teens are numbers like thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and

nineteen. Tens are numbers like thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, and ninety. Also, pay close attention when contrasting teens andtens and listen carefully to understand the difference in pronunciation between 14, 15, 16, etc. and 40, 50, 60, etc. These are usually the most difficult pairs: 12 - 20 / 13 - 30 / 14 - 40 / 15 - 50 16 - 60 / 17 - 70 / 18 - 80 / 19 - 90 In some statements on Part A, you will have to hear the difference between a teen and a ten in order to answer problems correctly. When you hear a statement, you must decide whether the number is a teen or a ten. For example, thirteen or thirty. EXAMPLE: Statement: Take the number seventeen bus to the shopping center and transfer to the ten. Restatement: The 17 bus goes to the shopping center. Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6

one two three four five six

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

first second third fourth fifth sixth

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 101 200 1.000 10.000 100.000 1.000.000

seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety a/one hundred a/one hundred and one two hundred a/one thousand ten thousand a/one hundred thousand a/one million

7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21st 22nd 30th 40th 50th 60th 70th 80th 90th 100th 101st 200th 1.000th 10.000th 100.000th 1.000.000th

seventh eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth twenty-first twenty-second thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth hundred and first two hundredth thousandth ten thousandth one hundred thousandth one millionth

Para tener en cuenta:

"Mil" se traduce como thousand y tambin como one thousand cuando va seguido de otro nmero: mil doscientos cuarenta, one thousand two hundred and forty, o en frases enfticas: Insisto que cost mil, no tres mil. I insist that it cost one thousand, not three. De los nmeros 1.100 al 1.900 es muy frecuente, especialmente en ingls americano, empleareleven hundred (1.100), twelve hundred (1.200), eighteen hundred (1.800), etc; El

aeropuerto de Buenos Aires tiene una pista de mil novecientos metros, Buenos Aires airport has a nineteen hundred metre runway.

A billion era equivalente a "un billn". Actualmente equivale a "mil millones". A trillion equivale a "un milln de millones" (= un billn). Como en castellano, la abreviatura de los nmeros ordinales se forma con el nmero en cifraseguido por las ltimas dos letras de la palabra completa: 1ro. (primero), 1st. (first); 2do. (segundo), 2nd. (second); 3ro. (tercero), 3rd. (third); 20mo. (vigsimo), 20th. (twentieth), etc. En ingls se usa una coma o un espacio (y NO un punto) para marcar el millar. Ejemplo: 25 000 o 25,000. En cuanto a nmeros como 100, 1.000, 1.000.000, etc. se pueden decir de dos maneras: one hundred o a hundred, one thousand o a thousand. No se pluralizan las palabras hundred, thousand or million cuando se trata de montos, por ejemplo: no decimos US$ 4 millions sino US$ 4 million. En cambio podemos hablar de "millions" of birds, "millions" of children, etc. 0 (cero) se pronuncia nought, zero, nothing, oh (u) dependiendo de las expresiones. Contar de dos en dos se dice count by twos; contar de tres en tres, count by threes; y as sucesivamente, siempre pluralizando el nmero de veces.

ACERCA DE LOS MESES DEL AO ... Recuerda que en ingls los meses se escriben con MAYUSCULA. Y ahora me viene a la memoria una antigua poesa que ayuda a recordarlos: Thirty days have November, April, June and September. To January add another day, Also to August, March and May July, October and December. All these, have thirty-one, remember. To February twenty-eight assign And in a leap year, twenty-nine. ACERCA DE LOS NUMEROS ORDINALES ... 1. Se forman generalmente con el agregado de th (/z/) al correspondiente nmero cardinal: seven (siete) - seventh (sptimo). 2. Sin embargo observa algunas excepciones: first, second, third,fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, thirtieth, etc. 3. El nmero ordinal viene normalmente precedido por el artculo determinado the, el cual debe leerse siempre: Elizabeth II -Elizabeth the Second. Treinta das tienen noviembre, abril, junio y setiembre. A enero agrgale un da ms, Lo mismo a agosto, marzo y mayo, julio, octubre y diciembre. Todos stos tienen treinta y uno, recurdalo. A febrero asgnale veintiocho y en ao bisiesto, veintinueve.

4. Las fracciones se leen como en espaol: a sixth (un sexto), two sixths (dos sextos), etc. 5. Se dice indistintamente part one o the first part (parte primera ola primera parte); lesson ten o tenth lesson (leccin dcima o la dcima leccin). ACERCA DE LAS FECHAS ... WHAT'S THE DATE? (Qu fecha es?) - IT'S MAY 1ST., 1995. Se lee: May the first o bien the first of May. El ao se lee nineteen ninety-five, o bien nineteen-hundred and ninety-five. RECUERDA LO SIGUIENTE: 1. El da del mes se expresa siempre con ordinales y el artculo these lee normalmente. 2. Los meses suelen preceder a los das. 3. El ao suele leerse como si se tratara de dos nmeros de dos cifras cada uno. 4. Detrs del nmero de la fecha se escriben las DOS ULTIMAS letras del nmero ordinal. OBSERVA CON ATENCION: May 1st, May 2nd, May 3rd ... May 11th, May 12th, May 13th ... May 21st, May 22nd, May 23rd ... May 31st. 5. Los norteamericanos acostumbran a reducir la fecha con el MES DELANTE: 6/10 para expresar June 10th. Esto suele confundir a europeos y latinoamericanos ya que en Europa o Latinoamrica 6/10 significa Octubre 6.

ALGUNOS DATOS FACILES DE RECORDAR... Seguramente habrs escuchado o leido la palabra inglesa teenagerque significa adolescente. Bien, como ayuda-memoria te ser til recordar que las edades de la adolescencia van de los 13 a los 19 aos (justamente esas edades corresponden a los nmeros que terminan en teen) o tambin pensar que teen = +10 (6 + 10 = sixteen).

+ X

plus minus times, multiplied by divided by equals per cent three squared

Some examples
6 + 9 = 15 Six plus nine equals / is fifteen. 5 x 6 = 30 Five times six equals thirty or Five multiplied by six is thirty. Seventy-five per cent of the class passed the test.

: = % 32

53 610

five cubed six to the power of ten (UK) six to the tenth power (US)

Temperatures La temperatura

Si viajas a los Estados Unidos observars que all se utiliza la escala Fahrenheit para medir la temperatura ambiental y no la Celsius. Aprende estos datos sencillos.

0 degrees Celsius = 32 degrees Fahrenheit

(srou digrs clsius) = (zrti-t digrs frenjait) 0 grados Celsius = 32 grados Fahrenheit

QU CALOR EN NUEVA YORK !!! (O ES LO MISMO?) Nos pareci interesante destacar estas diferencias abismales entre ambas escalas porque al viajar puedes sorprenderte. Ejemplos:
ENLACES UTILES Nmeros cardinales y ordinales

FEBRERO: Pleno verano en Argentina que mide su temperatura engrados Celsius. La temperatura en Buenos Aires suele ser de 30 C (30 grados centgrados). JULIO: Verano en Estados Unidos que mide su temperatura engrados Fahrenheit. La temperatura en Nueva York suele ser de 86 F (86 grados Fahrenheit) !!!! RECUERDA LO SIGUIENTE: Para convertir grados Centgrados a grados Fahrenheit, multiplica por 9, divide por 5 y suma 32.

Area (Superficie)
Sistema Britnico y en EE UU
1 square inch 144 square inches 9 square feet 4840 square yards 640 acres = 1 square foot = 1 square yard = 1 acre = 1 square mile (sq in) (sq ft) (sq yd) (yd) = = = = =

Sistema Mtrico Decimal

6.452 square centimetres 929.03 square centimetres 0.836 square metre 0.405 hectare 2.59 square kilometres or 259 hectares

Examples: They have a 200-acre farm The fire destroyed 40 square miles of woodland.

Capacity (Capacidad)
Sistema Britnico
1 pint 8 pints = 1 gallon (pt) (gall) = =

Sistema Mtrico Decimal

0.568 litre 0.4546 litres (l) (l)

Sistema en EE UU
1 cup 2 cups 2 pints 8 pints = = = 1 pint 1 quart 1 gallon (pt.) (qt.) (gal.) = = = =

Sistema Mtrico Decimal

0.2371 litre (*) 0.4731 litre 0.9461 litre 3.7851 litre

(*) En las recetas de cocina, una taza (a cup) de ingredientes, como harina o azcar, equivale a 0,275 litros. Examples: I asked the milkman to leave three pints of milk. The petrol tank holds 40 litres.

Weight Peso Sistema Britnico

1 ounce 16 ounces 14 pounds = 1 pound = 1 stone (oz) (lb) (st) = = =

Sistema Mtrico Decimal

28.35 grams 0.454 kilogram 6.356 kilograms (g) (kg) (kg)

Sistema en EE UU

Sistema Mtrico Decimal

1 ounce 16 ounces 2000 pounds = 1 pound = 1 ton

(oz.) (lb.) (t.)

= = =

31.103 grams 0.373 kilogram 0.907 metric ton (m.t.)

(g) (kg) (kg)

Examples: Our baby Mike is weighing 8 lb 6 oz (eight pounds six ounces). To make this cake you need 550g (five hundred and fifty grams) of chocolate.

Length Longitud Sistema Britnico y en EE UU

1 inch 12 inches 3 feet 1760 yards 1 ounce = 1 yard = 1 mile (in) (ft) (yd) = = = =

Sistema Mtrico Decimal

25.4 millimetres 30.48 centimetres 0.914 metre 1.609 kilometres (mm) (cm) (m) (km)

Examples: Height: 15 ft 6 in (fifteen foot six or fifteen feet six). The new inn is 50 yds (fifty yards) from the town. The bus was doing 60 mph (sixty miles per hour). The sitting area is 20' x 10' 5" (twenty foot by ten foot five or twenty feet by ten feet five). En qu talles (tallas) viene esta pollera (falda)/camisa? Viene en talles (tallas) 10 y 14? Qu talle (talla) usa usted? La clienta/El cliente insiste que ella/l usa talle 10 (pequeo, mediano, grande). Es demasiado corto/a. Creo que un talle 12 What sizes does this skirt/shirt come in? Does it come in size 10 and 14? What size do you take? The customer insists that he/she takes size 10 (Small, Medium, Large). It's too short. I think a size 12 would suit you

le quedara muy bien.


Este vestido es demasiado largo y los hombros This dress is too long and the shoulders are son demasiado ajustados (ceidos). too tight.

Woman's clothing (Ropa de mujer) Dresses and suits Vestidos y trajes United States Europe Blouses and jerseys Blusas y jerseys United States Europe Footwear Calzado United States Europe
metro milmetro centmetro metro cuadrado

6 36

8 38

10 40

12 42

14 44

16 46

18 48

20 50

32 40

34 42

36 44

38 46

40 48

34-35 35-36 36-37 38-39 40-41 41-42

metre (UK), meter (US) millimetre (UK) centimetre (UK) square metre (UK) mrer, mrer mla-mrer cent-meter skuar mrer

10 4243

kilmetro cuadrado medidas de volumen metro (decmetro, centmetro) cbico litro, hectolitro gramo, kilogramo tonelada

square kilometre (UK) cubic measures cubic metre (decimetre, centimetre) (UK) litre, hectolitre (UK) gram, kilogram ton

skuar kilmeter kibic mshers kibic mrer (decimrer, cent-meter) ltr, jectltr gram, klogram tn

pulgada, pie vara, legua, milla nudo, milla martima libra, galn

inch, foot yard, league, mile knot, nautical mile pound, gallon

inch, fu:t ird, l:g, mil not, ntikal mil pund, glon

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Cunto pesa esto? Cul es la superficie de esta parcela? Est habitacin tiene 16 metros cuadrados. Un decmetro cbico de agua equivale a un litro. en punto o' clock

How much does this weigh? How much does this piece of ground measure? This room measures 16 square metres. A cubic decimetre of water is equal to a litre.

oklk oklk sharp a kurer past a kurer after a jaf past zri

exactamente, clavadas o'clock sharp y cuarto y media menos cuarto radio reloj reloj despertador reloj digital reloj pulsera reloj deportivo a quarter past (UK) a quarter after (US) a half past (UK) thirty (US)

a quarter to (UK-US) a kurer t clock radio alarm clock digital watch watch, wrist watch sports watch klk ridou alrm klk dyital utch utch, rst utch sprts utch

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Qu hora es? Es la ... Son las ... A qu hora ... ? A la ... A las ... Son aproximadamente las ...

What time is it? What's the time? It's ... (At) What time ... ? At ... It's about ...

Cmo decir la hora en Ingls Britnico y Americano

CON RELOJ DE 24 HS. 10 en punto 10 y cuarto 10 y veinte 10 y media 11 menos veinte 11 menos cuarto 11 menos cinco UK: US: UK: US: UK: US: UK: US: UK: US: UK: US: UK: US: ten o'clock ten o'clock a quarter past ten a quarter after ten twenty past ten twenty after ten half past ten ten thirty twenty to eleven twenty to eleven a quarter to eleven a quarter to eleven five to eleven five to eleven CON RELOJ DIGITAL 10:00 10:15 10:20 10:30 10:40 10:45 10:55 10 a.m. ten a.m. 10:15 a.m. ten fifteen a.m. 10:20 a.m. ten twenty a.m. 10:30 a.m. ten thirty a.m. 10:40 a.m. ten forty a.m. 10:45 a.m. ten forty-five a.m. 10:55 a.m. ten fifty-five a.m.

Para tener en cuenta:

Los americanos no suelen utilizar la expresin half past (y media). En su lugar tratan a la hora como si fuese digital. En cambio s utilizan a quarter past (y cuarto) y a quarter to(menos cuarto). No se utiliza oralmente el reloj de 24 horas excepto para el caso de horarios de aviones, trenes y mnibus. Para decir que son las 03:00 y no las 15:00, se puede expresar como three o'clock in the morning. 17:30 se dira half past five in the afternoon (UK) o five-thirty in the afternoon (US) y las 23:00 se expresan como eleven o'clock in the evening.

Para diferenciar las horas de la maana y las de la tarde se emplea am (ante meridiem, antes del medioda) o pm (post meridiem, despus del medioda). Ej: They came home at 08:00 am; Our plane will leave at 07:56 pm. Cuando se utiliza am o pm no se puede usar o'clock (en punto). Ej: They came home at three o'clock in the afternoon ( = 3 pm). PUNTUALIDAD: Para indicar "llegar a tiempo" se utiliza on time (Lucy nunca llega a tiempo, Lucy is never on time). El vocablo ingls punctual se refiere a la cualidad de una persona del medioda (Puntualidad: Llega siempre a tiempo, demasiado tarde es un pecado; Punctuality: Be always on time, too late is a crime).

Computations Computations means simple mathematics. In some statements on Part A, you will have to add, subtract, multiply, or divide in order to answer the problems correctly. In other statements, you will be given all of the information and you will NOT need to add, etc. When you hear a statement, you must decide whether it is necessary to compute the answer. If you need to make a computation, you must be accurate. EXAMPLE: Statement: I thought that I had set the alarm clock for seven o'clock, but it rang an hour early.Restatement: The alarm rang at six o'clock. Minimal pairs Minimal pairs are words that sound almost alike. In some statements on Part A, you will hear a word that sounds almost like another word. When you hear a statement, you must listen carefully to the sounds. These are some of the most difficult pairs: late-let / fond-found / said-sad / best-vest thick-sick / run-rung / look-luck / hot-hat they-day / run-ran / not-nut / eat-it leaf-leave / safe-save / sung-song EXAMPLE: Statement: I thought her last name was "Best", but it was "Past." Restatement: She is Mrs. Past (not Best). Synonyms

Synonyms are words that have the same meaning. In some statements on Part A, you will hear a word that has a common synonym. When you hear a statement, you must know the meaning of the words. You must be able to recognize a synonym. EXAMPLE: Statement: My roommate always prepares lunch and dinner for us. Restatement: My roommate fixes our lunch and dinner. Negatives Negatives are negations of affirmative statements. In some statements on Part A, you will hear a negative or a double negative. When you hear a negative or a double negative, you must be able to restate the information. EXAMPLE: Statement: Not one student has bought enough insurance. Restatement: None of the students is sufficiently insured. References Reference means the person referred to in a statement. In some statements on Part A, you will hear two or three names. When you hear a statement, you must remember how each person was referred to. EXAMPLE: Statement: Tom doesn't know whether his father will allow his sister to come to the United States to study. Restatement: Tom's sister may come to the United States. Comparatives Comparatives are comparisons of two or more people or things. In many ways, Comparatives are like References. In some statements on Part A, you will hear descriptions of two or three people or things.

When you hear a statement, you must remember how each was compared with the other. EXAMPLE: Statement: Mary gets better grades in English than she does in math. Restatement: Mary's grades in math are not as good as her grades in English.
UNIT 4 - PAGE 1/6

I wish I could retire now

Adjectives for houses and apartments Adjetivos para casas y departamentos
Lee atentamente este glosario de ADJETIVOS aplicado a los inmuebles.

bright alegre

quiet tranquilo

spacious amplio

brand new flamante

convenient bien ubicado

dingy deprimente

noisy ruidoso

cramped estrecho

shabby en mal estado

inconvenient mal ubicado

Enriquece tu vocabulario con estos ANTONIMOS ...

More adjectives Ms adjetivos

safe seguro huge enorme light luminoso modern moderno

reasonable razonable











Adjectives and nouns Adjetivos y sustantivos

EVALUATIONS WITH ADJECTIVES The kitchen isn't big enough. The living room is too small. EVALUATIONS WITH NOUNS There aren't enough bedrooms. There isn't enough closet space. COMPARISONS WITH ADJECTIVES It's not as cheap as the last apartment. It's almost as cheap (as the last apartment). COMPARISONS WITH NOUNS It doesn't have as many bedrooms as the last apartment. It has just as many bedrooms (as the last apartment).

Escucha a los profesores y presta atencin al uso de las EVALUACIONES con ADJETIVOS y SUSTANTIVOS ...

EVALUACIONES CON ADJETIVOS La cocina no es lo suficientemente grande. La sala de estar es demasiado pequea. EVALUACIONES CON SUSTANTIVOS No hay suficientes dormitorios. No hay suficiente espacio para guardar. COMPARACIONES CON ADJETIVOS No es tan barato como el departamento anterior. Es casi tan barato (como el departamento anterior). COMPARACIONES CON SUSTANTIVOS No tiene tantos dormitorios como el departamento anterior. Tiene tantos (la misma cantidad de) dormitorios (como el departamento anterior).

TOO AND ENOUGH: COMPARACIONES OPUESTAS Por favor recuerda estas sencillas reglas gramaticales: 1. Para estos casos comparativos, ENOUGH /inf/ (suficiente) se utilizadespus de un adjetivo y precedido por la partcula negativa not.
ENLACES UTILES Adjetivos Lista de adjetivos calificativos


The bathrooms aren't modern enough. (Los baos no son suficientemente modernos) 2. Por su parte, TOO /t:/ (demasiado) se utiliza delante del adjetivo y precedido por un verbo positivo o afirmativo.


The bathroom is too old. (El bao es demasiado antiguo) The bathrooms are too old. (Los baos son demasiado antiguos) ESO ES TODO!! NO PARECE DIFICIL DE RECORDAR ...

Sentence stress Acentuacin en la oracin

Presta ahora atencin a COMO y DONDE acentan los profesores las siguientes oraciones ...

Stress the words in a sentence that carry the most important information
(En una oracin acenta las palabras que trasmiten la informacin ms importante)

The aprtment isn't bg enough.

(El departamento no es suficientemente grande)

There ren't enough clsets.

(No hay suficientes armarios)

The ktchen is to cramped.

(La cocina es demasiado estrecha)

There sn't enough lght.

(No hay suficiente luz)

Adjectives: Comparative and Superlative Adjetivos: Comparativos y Superlativos

Mr. Grammar explica la COMPARACION DE ADJETIVOS...

PARTICULARIDADES DE LA COMPARACION DE ADJETIVOS ... Es importante que recuerdes que los adjetivos tienen tres formas o GRADOS DE COMPARACION:
ENLACES UTILES Comparativos y Superlativos PARTE 1 Comparativos y Superlativos

POSITIVO: Es el adjetivo en su forma simple, bsica: nice, lindo; big,grande; COMPARATIVO: Establece la relacin o comparacin entre dos cosas; SUPERLATIVO: Indica el ms alto grado de una cualidad. A continuacin, explicar los dos ltimos grados que tienen siempre como punto de partida el adjetivo en su grado positivo o normal. COMPARATIVOS


Los comparativos pueden ser de IGUALDAD, SUPERIORIDAD oINFERIORIDAD. Vamos a analizar ahora el primero de ellos:


AS + adjective + AS = TAN + adjetivo + COMO This book is as interesting as that magazine. (Este libro es tan interesante como esa revista) Buenos Aires is as expensive as Tokyo (Buenos Aires es tan cara como Tokio)


NOT SO + adjective + AS = NO TAN + adjetivo + COMO My apartment is not so big as their house. (Mi departamento no es tan grande como su casa) Paris is not so expensive as Tokyo. (Pars no es tan cara como Tokio) Los adjetivos monoslabos (una slaba) y los bislabos (dos slabas) terminados en sonido voclico o acentuados en la segunda slaba forman elCOMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD aadiendo ER,(ms) al adjetivo seguido de THAN (que comparativo). Existen algunas excepciones que se estudiarn ms abajo. Observa la frmula:

COMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD Adjetivos hasta 2 slabas

adjective > ER + THAN = MAS + adjetivo + QUE This movie is sillier than Sleeping with the Enemy. (Esta pelcula es ms tonta que Durmiendo con el Enemigo) His second book is cheaper than the first one. (Su segundo libro es ms econmico que el primero) Con los adjetivos polislabos (ms de dos slabas) se antepone MORE(ms) al adjetivo seguido de THAN (que comparativo). Observa la frmula:

COMPARATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD Adjetivos con ms de 2 slabas

MORE + adjective + THAN = MAS + adjetivo + QUE Paris is more interesting than Los Angeles. (Pars es ms interesante que Los Angeles)

Como dije ms arriba, existen algunos adjetivos que, a pesar de tener 2 slabas, no forman el comparativo o el superlativo en forma regular, es decir, agregando -ER para el comparativo o -EST para el superlativo. Se los trata como adjetivos largos o polislabos.


ENLACES UTILES Comparativos y Superlativos PARTE 1 Comparativos y Superlativos PARTE 2

absurd (absurdo): more absurd than the most absurd NO ES CORRECTO DECIR: absurder than the absurdest modern (moderno): more modern than the most modern polite (educado): more polite than the most polite serious (serio): more serious than the most serious tired (cansado): more tired than the most tired Para formar el COMPARATIVO DE INFERIORIDAD tienes que anteponerLESS (menos) al adjetivo seguido de THAN (que comparativo) y no tiene importancia la cantidad de slabas. Observa:

LESS + adjective + THAN = MENOS + adjetivo + QUE The director is less smart than my boss. (El director es menos listo que mi jefe) Los Angeles is less interesting than Paris. (Los Angeles es menos interesante que Pars) SUPERLATIVOS Los adjetivos monoslabos y bislabos aaden la terminacin EST (el ms, la ms, los ms, las ms) al adjetivo. Observa con atencin:

SUPERLATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD Adjetivos hasta 2 slabas

THE + adjective > EST = EL/LA/LOS/LAS MAS + adjetivo You are the tallest in the class. (Eres el ms alto de la clase) Mount Everest is the highest mountain. (El monte Everest es la montaa ms elevada) Para formar el SUPERLATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD, los polislabos

anteponen THE MOST (el ms, la ms, los ms, las ms) al adjetivo. Observa ahora:

SUPERLATIVO DE SUPERIORIDAD Adjetivos con ms de 2 slabas

THE MOST + adjective = EL/LA/LOS/LAS MAS + adjetivo This book is the most expensive . (Este libro es el ms caro) This house is the most comfortable . (Esta casa es la ms cmoda) These books are the most expensive . (Estos libros son los ms caros) These houses are the most comfortable . (Estas casas son las ms cmodas) Para formar el SUPERLATIVO DE INFERIORIDAD, debes anteponer THE LEAST /de l:st/ (el menos, la menos, los menos, las menos) al adjetivo. No tiene importancia la cantidad de slabas. Observa:

THE LEAST + adjective = EL/LA/LOS/LAS MENOS + adjetivo James is the least nice neighbor in the area. (James es el vecino menos agradable de la zona) This book is the least expensive . (Este libro es el menos caro) This house is the least comfortable . (Esta casa es la menos cmoda) These books are the least expensive . (Estos libros son los menos caros) These houses are the least comfortable . (Estas casas son las menos cmodas) ESO ES CASI TODO !! A CONTINUACION TIENES EL FINAL ...

Irregular Comparative and Superlative Comparativos y Superlativos Irregulares

Mr. Grammar finaliza la explicacin de COMPARACION DE ADJETIVOS...

No te inquietes!! Aqu terminan mis explicaciones sobre la COMPARACION DE ADJETIVOS, pero he preferido dejar este cuadro para el final porque contiene SIETE adjetivos cuya comparacin es totalmente IRREGULAR. Tmate tu tiempo, analzalos y aprndelos DE MEMORIA. Aqu van ... good, bueno bad, malo late, tarde little, poco much, mucho many, muchos old, viejo better than, mejor que worse than, peor que later than o latter, posterior less than, menos que more than, ms que more than, ms que older than o elder than, mayor que the best, el mejor the worst, el peor the latest o the last, el ltimo the least, el mnimo the most, el mximo the most, el mximo the oldest o the eldest, el mayor

Los grados de comparacin del adjetivo son tres: POSITIVO: Es el adjetivo en su forma simple, bsica: nice, lindo; big, grande;COMPARATIVO: Establece la relacin o comparacin entre dos cosas; SUPERLATIVO: Denota el ms alto grado de una cualidad. Estos dos ltimos grados se explican a continuacin y tienen siempre como punto de partida el adjetivo en su grado positivo:



AS + adjective + AS = TAN + adjetivo + COMO This book is as interesting as that magazine. Este libro es tan interesante como esa revista. Buenos Aires is as expensive as Tokyo Buenos Aires es tan cara como Tokio.


NOT AS + adjective + AS = NO TAN + adjetivo + COMO

This flat is not as big as that house. Este departamento no es tan grande como esa casa. Paris is not as expensive as Tokyo Pars no es tan cara como Tokio. DE SUPERIORIDAD Los monoslabos y los bislabos terminados en sonido voclico o con acento en la segunda slaba forman el comparativo aadiendo -er al adjetivo: ADJETIVOS HASTA 2 SILABAS adjective + ER + THAN = MAS + adjetivo + QUE

This book is cheaper than that magazine. Este libro es ms barato que esa revista.

Con los polislabos se antepone more (ms) al adjetivo seguido de than (quecomparativo): ADJETIVOS DE MAS DE 2 SILABAS MORE + adjective + THAN = MAS + adjetivo + QUE

Paris is more interesting than Los Angeles. Pars es ms interesante que Los Angeles. DE INFERIORIDAD Se antepone less (menos) al adjetivo seguido de than (que comparativo): less expensive than, menos caro que; less intelligent than, menos inteligente que.

1. Los monoslabos y bislabos aaden la terminacin -est al adjetivo: You are the tallest, eres el ms alto; Mount Everest is the highest mountain, el monte Everest es la montaa ms alta. 2. Los polislabos anteponen the most (el ms, los ms, la ms, las ms) al adjetivo: This book is the most expensive, este libro es el ms caro. 3. El superlativo de inferioridad se forma aadiendo the least (el menos) al adjetivo: La Rioja is the least expensive province in Argentina, La Rioja es la provincia argentina menos cara.


good, bueno bad, malo late, tarde little, poco much, mucho many, muchos old, viejo better than, mejor que worse than, peor que later than o latter, posterior less than, menos que more than, ms que more than, ms que older than o elder than, mayor que the best, el mejor the worst, el peor the latest o the last, el ltimo the least, el mnimo the most, el mximo the most, el mximo the oldest o the eldest, el mayor

Recuerdas las cinco reglas para formar el comparativo y superlativo de los adjetivos en ingls? Vamos a revisarlas aqu: REGLA 1 El comparativo y superlativo de los adjetivos de una slaba se forman agregando las terminaciones -er y -est al final del adjetivo:


>> colder

>> coldest

REGLA 2 Los adjetivos que terminan con vocal seguida de una consonante duplican la consonante final antes de agregar las terminaciones -er or -est:


>> hotter

>> hottest

REGLA 3 Los adjetivos de dos slabas que terminan en -y cambian la y por i y recin entonces agregan las terminaciones -er or -est:

noisy >> noisier

>> noisiest

REGLA 4 En el caso de adjetivos de dos o ms slabas (excepto aquellos terminados en y) el comparativo y superlativo se forman con more y most:

beautiful >> more beautiful >> most beautiful

REGLA 5 Recuerda que los comparativos y superlativos "irregulares" cambian totalmente. Aqu tienes algunos:

good >> better >> best bad >> worse >> worst far >> farther / further >> farthest / furthest

Puedes usar la estructura as ... as ... (tan ... como ...) para expresar similitud: In this southern island it is as hot as the tropics. (En esta isla austral el tiempo es tan clido como en el trpico) Asimismo puedes colocar nearly (casi), almost (casi) or just (exactamente) delante de la estructura as ... as ...: London is nearly as expensive as Tokyo. (Londres es casi tan caro como Tokyo) In summer, Tokyo is just as hot as the desert. (En verano, Tokyo es exactamente tan caluroso como el desierto)

Cuando comparas puedes expresar diferencia de tres formas:

A) not as/so ... as

Life in the countryside is not as fast as it is in Tokyo. (La vida en el campo no es tan agitada como lo es en Tokyo) Tambin puedes agregar nearly a la estructura not as/so ... as: Kyoto isn't nearly as busy as Tokyo. (Kyoto casi no tiene tanto movimiento como Tokyo)

B) as ... as ... con twice, three times, half, a third, etc.

Japan's car exports are twice as high as Britain's. (Las exportaciones de autos de Japn duplican [son dos veces ms que] las de Gran Bretaa) Rice-growing is only half as important as it used to be. (El cultivo de arroz es apenas la mitad de lo importante que sola ser)

C) -er than ... o more/less ... than ...

The mountains are generally fresher than the cities. (Por lo general, las montaas son ms frescas que las ciudades) Most people think spring is more beautiful than summer. (La mayora de la gente piensa que la primavera es ms bonita que el verano) England is less mountainous than Japan. (Inglaterra es menos montaosa que Japn) Tambin puedes anteponer much, far, a lot, lots, a little o a bit a la forma comparativa del adjetivo: The south of the country is a lot warmer than the north. (El sur del pas es mucho ms clido que el norte) Their products are much less important than they used to be. (Sus productos son mucho menos importantes de lo que solan ser)

Conditionals Conditionals are statements of conditions and imagned results.

In some statements on Part A, you will hear a conditional introduced by the word if; in others, you will hear a conditional introduced by the wordwhether or unless. When you hear a statement, you must be able to restate the information as facts instead of imagined results. EXAMPLE: Statement: We would have had a good time at the football game if it hadn't been so cold. Restatement: We didn't have a good time because it was too cold. Concessions Concessions are statements of unexpected results. In some statements on Part A, you will hear a concession introduced by the word but. The wordinstead or anyway may be the last word in the statement. When you hear a statement, you must be able to restate the information. EXAMPLE: Statement: The computer will be available any time but one o'clock. Restatement: The computer will not be available at one o'clock. More Concessions Please, remember that Concessions are statements of unexpected results. In some statements on Part A, you will hear a concession introduced by a situation with although,though, even though, in spite of, despite, orcontrary to. When you hear a statement, you must be able to

restate the information. EXAMPLE: Statement: Contrary to what Ellen had expected, the city was very nice. Restatement: Ellen had not expected the city to be nice.


Grammar: Expressing Contrast

There are several ways of expressing contrast in English:


although even though though


- He enjoys his job, although he would like more responsibility. - Even though she works long hours, she still finds time for other things. - She's never been to Japan, though she's fluent in Japanese. despite


in spite of

+ NOUN or + VERB + ING

- Despite the recession, we achieved record profits. - They still think they'II win the election, in spite of the recent opinion polls. - I haven't finished that report yet, despite working overtime last night. We can also say despite the fact that... or in spite of the fact that...: - Despite the fact that I worked overtime last night, I haven't finished that report. Compare the following sentences which have the same meaning: - Although sales fell sharply last month, we are on target for the year. - Despite the sharp fall in sales last month, we are on target for the year. A muchos hispanoparlantes se les presentan dudas al momento de expresar ideas contrastadas. An a aquellos que tienen cierta experiencia bsica en el uso de conectores de lenguaje. Hay varias formas de expresar "contraste" o

"contraposicin" en ingls. Veamos...


although (aunque) even though (aun cuando) though (aunque, pero)


- David enjoys his job, although he would like to have more responsibility. David disfruta de su trabajo aunque le gustara tener ms responsabilidad. - Even though Sarah works long hours, she finds time for reading. Aun cuando Sara trabaja muchas horas, ella encuentra tiempo para leer. - My brother has never been to Japan, though he's fluent in Japanese. Mi hermano nunca ha estado en Japn pero habla Japons con fluidez. despite (a pesar de)


in spite of (a pesar de)

+ NOUN or + VERB + ING

- Despite the recession, we achieved reasonable profits. A pesar de la recesin hemos logrado aceptables ganancias. - Our president still thinks he'II win the election, in spite of the polls. Nuestro presidente cree que va ganar la eleccin a pesar de las encuestas. - I haven't finished the report yet, despite working overtime last night. An no he terminado el informe a pesar de trabajar horas extras anoche. Para expresar la ltima de las ideas anteriores, tambin podemos utilizar despite the fact that... (a pesar de que...) o in spite of the fact that... (a pesar de que). Observa estos ejemplos: - Despite the fact that I worked overtime last night, I haven't finished the report. A pesar de que he trabajado horas extras anoche, no he terminado el informe. - In spite of the fact that I worked overtime last night, I haven't finished the report. A pesar de que he trabajado horas extras anoche, no he terminado el informe. Finalmente, compara estas dos oraciones que tienen el mismo significado pero utilizan VERBO (a) y SUSTANTIVO (b) en su construccin: a) Although sales fell during May, we are meeting our target. Aunque las ventas cayeron en mayo, estamos cumpliendo el objetivo. b) Despite the fall in sales during May, we are meeting our target. A pesar de la caida de las ventas en mayo, estamos cumpliendo el objetivo.

Ha quedado un poco ms claro, amigo/a hispanoparlante? Entonces te desafiamos a que completes esta actividad volviendo a escribir cada oracin COMENZANDO con el conector indicado. 1. Despite the increase in their salaries, 60 per cent of Japanese workers still spend Saturday at work. EVEN THOUGH... Even though the fact that gift giving is a common practice in Japan, the gifts should never be opened in front of the giver. ALTHOUGH... Despite foreign speakers are advised to show respect for their Japanese audience, many of them begin their speeches with a joke. DESPITE THE FACT THAT... Many Japanese business executives say that they believe strongly in free trade, though Japan's continuing preference for buying at home. DESPITE... Although some Japanese women are successful in business, the majority of Japanese companies are run by men. IN SPITE OF...





Causals Causals are statements of cause or explanation. In some statements on Part A, you will hear a causal introduced by the word since (dado que) or because(puesto que). When you hear a statement, you must be able to restate the information. EXAMPLE: Statement: Since Mark couldn't find his keys he had to pay for them. Restatement: Mark paid for his keys because he lost them.
Podemos agrupar las conjunciones en COORDINATIVAS y SUBORDINATIVAS, entendiendo por coordinativas aqullas que unen palabras u oraciones de la misma categora y subordinativas, las que unen una oracin principal y una subordinada.

and, y so, as que

now, ahora bien but, pero still, no obstante yet, sin embargo only, slo que while, mientras then, entonces

so then, por tanto for, pues either... or..., o... o... neither... nor..., ni... ni... however, no obstante therefore, por lo tanto nevertheless, sin embargo

that, que because of, debido a since, ya que, puesto que as, pues, como so that, a fin de que lest, para (que) no if, si unless, a menos que although, though, aunque while, en tanto que until, hasta que as if, as though, como si when, cuando why, por que in order that, para, a fin de que whether... or, si... o

Cause and effect adjectives Cause and effect adjectives are adjectives that end in ing or -ed. They are usually verbals from verbs such as annoy, bore, encourage, fascinate,interest and surprise. In some statements on Part A, you will hear a cause adjective, an effect adjective, or a verb form. When you hear a statement, you must be able to restate the Information. EXAMPLE: Statement: The new project interests my professors. Restatement: My professors are interested in the new project.
ESTE GLOSARIO PUEDE AYUDARTE CON LOS EJERCICIOS health: (la) salud; happiness: (la) felicidad; go camping: ir de campamento; stay: quedarse, permanecer, hospedarse; complicated: complicado, complejo; looks about: parece de, parece tener; in fact: en realidad; surprisingly: sorprendentemente; lose weight: adelgazar, perder peso; jacket: saco, chaqueta; size: tamao, talla; nature films: pelculas sobre naturaleza; western: novela o pelcula del oeste.

Chronological events

Chronological events are events that take place in time relationship to each other. In some statements on Part A, two or more events will be mentioned. When you hear a statement, you must remember which event took place first, second, and so on. EXAMPLE: Statement: We plan to meet at the car a few minutes after the shopping center closes. Restatement: The shopping center will close before we meet at the car.

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