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Ind Potential Survey

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This Report Industrial Potential Survey of Ratnagiri District has been prepared as a part of the Core Action Programme for the year 2000-2001, of the Development Commissioner (SSI), Ministry of Industry, Government of India. The report provide a review of the past growth in the direction of industrialization and suggest the potential areas for such future growth. Ratnagiri is one of the industrially backward district of Konkan region of Maharashtra. A large number of its population is engaged in agricultural activities. Industrialization in the district is yet to be progressed to a satisfactory level. This report, in particular points out the resources of Ratnagiri district which have great potential for setting up of industries. The report has been prepared based on the information collected from various Central and State Government Offices, financial institutions, well established units and Industrial Associations. An effort has also been made in the report to point out the weakness of infrastructural facilities in Nanded district. Taking into consideration the existing resources and industrial infrastructural facilities of the district, candidate industries have also been suggested. I hope this report will be very helpful to the existing as well as the prospective entrepreneurs in planning their future ventures in the district. It may also serve as a useful guide to the Governmental and Semi-Governmental Agencies and Institutions engaged in promotion and development of industries in the district. I am grateful to the District Industries Centre, Ratnagiri and various State as well as Central Government Offices, Institutions and Agencies for giving almost cooperation and help extended during conducting the survey work. I appreciate the efforts of Shri Ramesh B. Nair, Small Industry Promotion Officer (EI) for compiling and preparing this report under the guidance of Shri O.M. Prabhakaran, Deputy Director (EI). (DIRECTOR) Date: 7 March 1999 Chapter 1

Nanded is one of the backward districts of Marathwada region of Maharashtra and have a predominantly agrarian economy. It comprises of nine talukas viz. Nanded, Hadgaon, Kinwat, Bhokar, Billoli, Degloor, Mukhed, Kandhar and Loha. The geographical area of Beed district comprises 3.42% of the area of Maharashtra State. Majority of its population is engaged in agricultural activities and there is little Industrialisation in the district. The existing industries are agriculture based. Majority of its population lives in rural areas. The literacy rate of Nanded district is 48.17% as compared to 64.87% of Maharashtra. The Government objective of achieving balanced regional development,

encouraging new and prospective entrepreneurs, optimum utilization of scarce resources, making use of highly sophisticated technology and exploiting/improving local skills etc., have been kept in mind while preparing this report. The potentials of industries based on the resources locally available in the area and demand based industries (both institutional and consumer demand) have been considered, along with the scope for setting up ancillaries to the existing large-scale units. The role of Government Department Agencies engaged in industrial promotion and economic development etc. has been analyzed and also the industrial and economic policies of the government have been considered in the report. In this report, it was tried as an economic representation rather than presentation of statistical information and economic data. The report has been prepared on the primary information collected through extensive field visits and secondary information available in various documents and reports in the district. Various Central as well as State Government Offices, large scale and small-scale units and Industrial Associations were contacted to obtain the up-to-date information of the district. The field visit for preparing the report was conducted during the month of February 2000. CHAPTER 2


Geographical Location:
The district of Ratnagiri lies between 16*.30' and 18*.00' North latitude and 73*.00' to 74*.00' east longitude on the Konkan strip along the West Coast of India. The district has a North -South length of about 180 CMS and an average East West extension of 64 kms Its coastal length is about 167 kms. The district is bound by Raigad district in the North ,Sindhudurg in South, the Arabian sea on the West and the Sahyadri hills on the East.

Area & Topography:

The district of Ratnagiri has a geographical area of 8326 Sq. Km., which forms 2.7 % of the total geographical area of Maharashtra State. Geographically the district can be classified into three zones. 1) The area lying in the east bordering the Sahyadri Ranges which is a hilly track covering an area of 15sq. Kms. 2) The middle track of the district having a plateau surface between the Foothills and 15 kms away from coastline in which cereal crops like rice and ragi are cultivated. 3) The western part of the district, the coastal zone where coconut, mango, arecunuts, etc. are grown.

The predominant soil in the district is laterite soil which vary in colour from bright red to brownish red owing to the preponderance of hydrated iron oxide.

All the rivers in the district originate from the Sahayadri ranges and flow from east to west and merge in the Arabian Sea. The river Savitri flows on the northern periphery forming a natural boundary between Ratnagiri and Raigad districts. And is navigable for about 35 the district. The other important rivers in the district are Vashishti, Jagbudi, Caster, Bad, Muchkundi and Jaitapur. The district has numerous small creeks and back waters all along the coastline

which can be developed from the Tourism point of view. Most of the rivers are non-perennial although they get over flooded during the monsoon. Climate & Rainfall:

Climate and Rainfall

The climate in Ratnagiri district is humid. The district experiences three seasons viz. Summer (March-May), Monsoon(June-Oct) and Winter(Nov-Feb). Due to its proximity to the sea coast, there is not much variation in the day and night temperatures through out the district The district receives rain from the SouthWest monsoon during the months of June to October. The average rainfall in the district is 3787 mm. The quantum of rainfall received is not uniform in all parts of the district.

The total area under forest in the district is about 6700 hectares, which is about 0.82% of the district's geographical area. The forest areas are mainly in talukas of Khed, Lanja, Dapoli and Rajpur. In the district is in Kinwat taluka (i.e.) about 57,800 hectares. The major forest produces are Timber, firewood, shikakai and gum. The department of Social Forestry is making efforts to bring in more land under forest.

As per 1991 Census, the population in Nanded district is 23,30,000. Urban population is just 5,06,000 (21.72%) while the rural population is 18,24,000 (78.28%). The decennial growth of population in the district during the period 1981-91 was about 33.21%. Out of the total urban population about 54.35% is in the Nanded City alone. The density of population in the district is 222 per Sq. Kms. while in the State it is 256 per Sq. Kms. The Taluka of Nanded in the most densely populated while Kinwat with a population of 117 per Sq. Km. has the least density of population. The female - male ratio of population in the district is 946 per 1000 male. The literacy note in the district as per 1991Census was just 48.17%, which was far below the State's average of 64.97%. In the rural area the literacy rate was just 42.49%. The literacy rate among the women in the district is only 30.95% while in the State of Maharashtra it is about 52.3%. The demographic factors existing in the district, in all, indicates the backwardness of the district.

Occupational Structure:
As per 1991 Census the district has 9.27 Lac workers i.e. about 39.76 % and 1.16 lakhs marginal workers, 4.97%. Out of the se about 80% of the workers were engaged in agriculture and allied activities; 4% in cottage & household industries, 5.15% in Trade & Commerce. The growth in employment in the nonagriculture during the period 81-91 was just 3%. The district is still on agrarian century with very little industrial growth. As per village Programme there are about 76,561 families living below poverty line in Nanded District. As per the District Employment Exchange there were about 1,15,824 in the live register as on 31.3.98. During the year they provided 97-98 about 224 persons above.

Administrative Set Up:

Nanded district consists of 9 Tehsils. They are Nanded, Hadgaon, Kinwat, st Bhokur, Billoli, Degloor, Mukhed, Kondhar and Loha. As on 31 March 1998, the district has 1306 Gram Panchayats, 11 Nagar Parishads and 1 Municipal Corporation. At the district level the Collector is the Administrative Head, while the Tahsildars of each tahsil run the administration as per Collector's instruction. The Zilla Parishad of Nanded has 9 Panchayat Samiti. They are responsible for implementation of rural development programmes.

Land Utilization:
Out of the total geographical area of 10.39 Lac hectares, 0.86 hectare consist of percent area, (i.e.) about 8.30%, 0.48 Lac hectare consist of forest multiple land, cultivable but barren land is about 0.80 Lac hectare. Fodder land is 0.77 Lac hectares and agricultural land under cultivation is 0.78 Lac hectares. Irrigated agriculture land is only 0.47 Lac hectare. CHAPTER-3

The total road length in the district as on March 1998 is 7670 kms. Major district roads is about 1647 kms and 853 kms is of other district roads. The length of village roads is about 3891 kms. About 2338kms of road length in the district is tarred. 4397 kms are stone, metal roads and 945 kms of road length in the district is made of other materials. The road length per 100 is 73.03 km, which is above the State figure of 62.08 kms per 100 Major goods and Passenger Transportation from and to the city is done by road. Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation caters mainly to the passenger traffic need of the district. The MSRTC operates bus services to most cities of Maharashtra and also to the neighboring States of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. As on 31.3.97, out of the 1515 of inhabited villages all weather roads are available only in 1116 villages.

With the recent commissioning of the broad-guage railway line upto Mudkhod Nanded is directly linked with Mumbai, Delhi, Amritsar and Bhusawal. Some more railway network like Latur-Nizamabad and Nanded-Pusad-Yavatmal and conversion of Mudkhod - Adlibbed from meter-guage to broad-guage are in the proposed stage. The total Rail length in the district is 208 kms.

Post & Telegraph:

The total network in the district is fairly developed. There are about 459 Post Offices and 27 Telegraph Offices in the District. In addition there are about 51 Sub-Post Offices. In the rural area, 5 new branch post offices were opened in the current financial year. All the gram Panchayats in the district has telephone link. As at the end of March 1998 about 22806 telephones have been installed in the district.

Currently, the district does not have a regular air transport facility. Although there is an airport, which is about 12 kms from the city of Nanded.

The district has achieved 100% electrification with the electrification of all villages and towns in the district. During the year 1997-98 about 499311 thousand KWSPH of electricity was conserved in the district. Maximum consumption was in agricultural sector - 61.36, followed by Industrial 17.69% and household 15.32% sector. The industries in Nanded do not face any shortage of electric power.

The district has 3 major irrigation projects. They are (a) Purna Project - covering an area of 20,000 hectares, (b) Manor Project - covering an area of 23,310 hectares, and (c) Vishnupuri Project - covering an area of 28,340 hectares. In addition, there are 10 medium projects and 394 minor irrigation projects and 6620 bore-wells used for irrigation. The total irrigated area in the district is 47,000 hectares, which forms to just 6% of the total cultivated area. This is far below the State's figure of 15.41%. Out of the total irrigated area, 48% of the land was used for cultivation of food grains and 27% for sugarcane. The lack of sufficient rainfall in the district has not enabled the irrigation projects to be put to full capacity utilisation. CHAPTER - 4

Agriculture is the main get up of the century of Nanded District. It provides employment to about 85% of the total work force in the district. Predominently kharif crops are grown and thus Rabi crops are also cultivated. The total cropped area is about 781000 hectares with an area of 7,52,000 hectares under kharif and 29,000 hectares under Rabi crop. The principal kharif crops are jowar and cotton. Other kharif crops being paddy, tur, mung, urid, etc. The principal Rabi crops are Jowar & Wheat. Sugarcane and Bananas are grown throughout the year. The yield, production and area under cultivation of principal crops is given in the Table mentioned below: TABLE 1 PRODUCTION OF MAJOR CROPS AND PRODUCTIVITY IN NANDED DISTRICT (97-98) Sl.No. Name of crop Per Hect. Total Area under

Prod. (Kg) Prod.('00' Ton) Cultivation in Hect.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Rice Wheat Jowar Bajra Maize Gram Tur Udid Mug Masur Jawas Groundnut Mohari Til Chilli Sugarcane Cotton Maista Ginger Turmeric Potato Arandi

588 617 1020 427 1288 279 132 211 165 500 225 111 143 321 80072 53 296 5000 5000 2500 250

151 42 2395 3 1 60 60 104 64 1 16 69 1 2 34 7767 850 69 85 3245 25 1

37449 16684 255425 324 145 5769 43611 46507 41600 330 3949 5355 6271 14129 282830 787 -

Note: 1. Sugarcane in dressed cane 2. Total production of Cotton and Maista indicated in bales Source: Directorate of Agriculture, Govt. of Maharashtra Based on the available agricultural resource it is seen that there exist scope for setting up of industries for manufacturing Jowar based, Cotton based, and Sugarcane based industries in the district.

1. In the area of Horticulture, Nanded has fame for Banana and Sweet Lime (Mosambi) cultivation. Nanded district is a major producer of banana. About 14000 hectares of land is brought under banana cultivation. With overall yield of 60 tonnes per hectare the total production of banana in the district is about 8,40,000 tonnes. 2. Apart from banana and sweet lime, the other major horticultural produces of the district are Custard apple, Oranges, Sweet lime etc. The major horticultural produces in the district are as given in the Table-2. 3. There exist scope for setting up of units of Banana, Sweet lime, Boor and Custard apple based processing units in the district. TABLE 2 AREA UNDER CULTIVATION AND PRODUCTION OF FRUIT CROPS - (1998-99) Sl.No. Name of the Crop Area (Hect.) Est.Production (Tons)

1 Mango 607.35 2 Mosambi 1677.2 3 Banana 14,000.00 4 Bor 394.9 5 Oranges 272.15 6 Lemon 15.8 7 Custard Apple 234.05 9 Chikoo 72.1 10 Pern 68.55 Source: District Agriculture Office, Nanded

9105 4528 8,40,000 19750 7344 427 1170 936 2399

Live Stock Resource:

The live stock proposed in the district as per the 1997 & 1992 live stock census is given below: TABLE 3 NO. OF LIVE-STOCK (1992 CENSUS) Sl.No. Name of the Livestock 1 Cow 2 Buffalo 3 Goat 4 Sheep 5 Bullock 6 Poultry birds 7 Others 1997 3,58,038 2,59,442 3,56,413 50,170 3,73,346 5,19,936 88,780 1992 3,62,326 9,48,493 3,61,269 46,596 3,46,955 2,98,642 87,695

The major live stock based activities in the district are dairy farming, poultry farming and goat rearing. For the promotion of these activities, the Animal Husbandry Department and the State Government & Zilla Parishad provide veterinary facilities, training facilities in dairy, poultry and goat farming and financial assistance under self employment schemes. Dairy farming is an important activity amongst the total population of Nanded District. There are about 787 Milk Co-op. Societies in the district. During 97-98 under the Government Milk Procurement Scheme the total milk procurement in the district was 99,78,000 litres. In the district there are about 24 slaughterhouses and during 1997-98 about 93,639 cattle and 76,062 sheep/goats were slaughtered. There exist a Meat processing unit in Nanded district in the private sector. The climatic condition of Nanded is not congenial for poultry farming. There is a NCDC farm project in Ghaongaon in Deglur Taluka and a poultry farm in the private sector at Billoli Taluka. Apart from these there are no other major poultry farms in the district. The demand for eggs in Nanded city is met by the supply farm of the neighbouring State of Andhra Pradesh.

In Nanded district Fresh water fishing is done in the rivers and tanks and reservoirs. River water fishing is carried out in Godavari river. The river length in the district is about 700 kms. There about Major Reservoir, 8 Medium Reservoirs

and 69 minor reservoir, 1371 Zilla Parishad Tanks and 128 Gram Panchayat Tanks in the district. The district has 79 Fishermen Co-op. Societies. The Annual fish catch during the years 97-98 and 98-99 is as given below: TABLE - 4 REVENUE FROM ANNUAL FISH CATCH Year 1997-98 1998-99 Quantity (in Tons) Value 2418 605 3282 821

The major varieties of fishes available in the district are Catla, Rohu and Rigola. The Government has formed a Fish Farmer Development Agency for increasing the fish production in the district through modern techniques of fish farming. There also exist fish seed production farms in Barul, Kharad and Loni Taluka. There exist scope for setting up of a few fish processing units in Nanded.

Although the district of Nanded is not bestowed with rich mineral resources, the deposits of lime- stone and granite are noteworthy. Deposits of intertrepan limestone are found in Kinwat Taluka, while Granite is found in large quantities in Biloli and Degloor talukas. The estimated deposit of Granite in the district is about 4.70 lakh cubic-meter.

The total forest area in the district is about 86000 hectares, i.e. about 8.30% of the total area. The main forest areas are in Kinwat, Hodgaon, Bhokur and Billoli Talukas during the year 1997-98 the Revenue earned through the sale of forest produces in Nanded district was Rs. 191.65 lakhs. Out of which the revenue through sale of Major produces like Fire wood and other wood was Rs. 90.08 lakhs and through the sale Minor produces like Bamboo, Grass, Tendu leaves and Gum was Rs. 101.57 lakhs. CHAPTER-5


The existence of a good Industrial Infrastructure like developed Industrial Estates, banking net work, market, technical institutes is a pre-requisite for the industrial development of any region. There are three MIDC areas in Nanded district. They are Dhanegaon, Nanded (Growth Centre), Kondhar (Mini area) and Krushnor. These industrial areas accommodate about 499 SSIs and 5 Medium Scale Industries. The details about MIDC industrial areas are given in Table 5 below. Co-operative Industrial Estates are located at Nanded, Loha, Deglour and Dhanudabad. These Estates in all accommodate about 116 units. 4 More Co-operative Industrial Estates are proposed at Burud-Taluka, Nanded, Bhokar- Taluka Bhokar, Dabhod - Taluka Nanded and Tansa - Taluka Hodgaon. The details about Co-operative Industrial Estates of Nanded district are given in Table - 6. Taking into consideration the potential for industrial development, the Government of Maharashtra has taken a decision to develop five star industrial estate of 645.81 hectares at Krishnur. The existing MIDC Industrial Estates in the district are well developed with sufficient facilities like water, roads and power.

TABLE 5 DETAILS OF M.I.D.C. INDSTRIAL AREA Sl.No. Name of Total No. of No. of plots the area (In plots Industrial Hect.) allotted to Estate Covered SSI 1 Nanded 271.89 538 478 2 Degloor 71.56 30 18 3 Kandhar 11.39 51 1 4 Krishna 645.81 187 2 This Indl.Estate is not concerned with the MIDC. S.S. Units Functioning 259 1* -

TABLE 6 DETAILS OF CO-OP. INDUSTRIAL ESTATES S.No Name of the Urban/ Area Industrial Estate Rural (in Acre) 1 Nanded CoUrban 55.39 Op.Indl Estate.Ltd. 2 Dharmabad Urban 6.15 Co.op.Indl.Estate. 3 Mahatmajyotiba Urban 5 Phule Co.op. Indl.Est. 4 Vishwqkarma Urban 13.58 Co.op.Indl.Est.. No. of No. of Plots plots Allotted 187 187 No.of SSI Units func 102

36 26

34 3

12 2



S. PROPOSED INDL. ESTATES: No 1 Dr.Babasahed Ambedkar Gramin Co.op. Indl. Estate, Barad, Nanded 2 Priyadarshani Co.op. Indl. Estate, Bhokar, Nanded 3 Dadhad Co.op. Indl.Estate, Dabhad, Nanded 4 Tamsa Co.op. Indl.Estate Tamsa, Hadgaon.

Banking Sector:
The State Bank of India is the lead Bank for Nanded District. There are 20 commercial bank branches in the district having 135 branches in the district. In addition, the district also has 8 Co-operative Banks with 189 branches. In the district the average population per branch is 8164 in the urban area and 26823 in rural area. As per the Lead Bank report, the total amount of loan disbursed to industrial sector up to December 1997 is Rs. 315.05 lacs as against commitment & Rs. 984.20 lacs i.e. 32%, which is not considered good. As per the lead bank report the main reason for the poor performance is the lack of new proposals. However, the performance under Trade & Service is excellent at 118% (against a commitment of 1601.66 lacs banks have disbursed to the tune of 1896, 43 lacs) and agriculture sector which is 86%. As on 31-12-97, as per Lead Bank report, the total deposits in the district was 525.05 Crores, while the amount of advances

was 572.88 Crores. The C:D ratio for the district being 109%.The Annual Credit Plan for 98-99 envisages an outlay of Rs. 15972.88 lakhs.

Educational Institution:
The newly found Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University is seated in Nanded district. The colleges of Nanded, Parbhani & Latur are affiliated to this University. The district has adequate colleges in all the Talukas, which offer courses in the fields of Science, Arts & Commerce. In addition, the district also has colleges in for Medicine, Ayurveda, Engineering & Law and Education. As on 96-97 the district has 81 High Secondary Schools and 37 colleges with 88,477 and 31,481 students respectively.

Technical Education:
In the field of technical education Nanded district offers good facilities. There are two Engineering Colleges, 12 it is and 2 Polytechnics in the district offering courses in all the disciplines of engineering. Apart from these organisations like NIIT & APTECH through their functionaries in Nanded City offers various Computer related courses.

Maharashtra State Finance Corporation:

In addition to the Commercial Banks & Co-operative Banks, MSFC also caters to the financial requirements of industries, especially the SSIs. However, in the last two years, there was restriction on sanction of new loan application, as a matter of policy, by the Corporation. Hence just one application was sanctioned for loan in the year 1999-2000. The details of loan sanctioned to SSIs by MSFC in the past 4 years is as given below. TABLE 7 DETAILS OF LOANS & ADVANCES TO SSI BY M.S.F.C. Year No. of SSI Amt. Of Amt. Of Units Loan Loan sanctioned sanctioned disbursed Loan (Lakhs Rs.) (Lakhs Rs.) 1996-97 11 88.48 146.25 1997-98 6 87.35 28.93 1998-99 3 22.70 87.11 19991 5.25 4.18 2000 (upto June,99)

Existing Industrial Scenario:

Industrially, the whole of Nanded district is still a backward. As per the 1993 Package Scheme of Incentives of Maharashtra, the Talukas of Nanded are categorises under Group D or D plus. The existing industries both small scaleand large scale sector are mostly agro-based like - Dal Mills, Rice Mills, Oil Mills, Sugar Mills etc. and engineering industries. There also exist a good cluster of steel furniture making units in and around Nanded. As on 31-3-99 Nanded district has about 1462 permanently registered SSIs with a capital investment of Rs. 4978 lakhs and providing employment to about 10233 persons. Similarly, in the

district as on 31-3-98 there are about 35 large & medium scale units with a capital investment of Rs. 39,825 lakhs. Moreover, as on 30-4-99 about 62 units have obtained IEMs. Most of the industries in the district are located in the Taluka of Nanded, Degloor and Kandhar Taluka.

Small Scale Industries:

There are about 1462 permanently registered and 5522 provisionally registered SSI units in the district. As far as permanently registered units are concerned the number of SSI units in Nanded district turns just one percent of the total number of SSIs in Maharashtra. As on 31-3-88 there were 1219 Permanent SSI units in the district, while as on 31-3-99 there were 1462 units (i.e.), a 20% increase in the State's rate of 168% from 54610 units in 1988 to 146495 units in 1999. As on 31-3-1988, the number of registered SSI units in the district formed 2.2% of the total number of SSI units in Maharashtra. The figure as on 31-3-99 indicates that the districts share has reduced to 1%. The trade-wise number of Permanent/Provisional registered SSI units in Nanded is given in Table - 8. Most of the SSI units are agro-based and Engineering based units. There are about 41 Oil Mills in the district. TABLE - 8 CATEGORY OF INDUSTRIES (PERMANENT & PROVISIONAL) WITH EMPLOYMENT, INVESTMENT AND PRODUCTION CAPACITY Sl.No. Category of Industry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Agro based Forest based Mineral Food & Beverages Textiles Leather Rubber Plastics Chemical Metal & Engg. Electric Electronic Non-Metal Others Total Unit Employment Investment Registered Prod. Capacity

Pmt. Prov. Pmt. Prov. Pmt. Prov. Pmt. Prov. 258 516 1760 5289 1880 4263 12085 13993 135 104 72 44 42 4 19 116 281 11 31 3 339 1462 422 350 709 443 127 6 107 283 577 184 219 27 1522 5522 661 1697 104 356 378 1337 246 1364 136 6 11 100 675 679 2689 279 25 585 1708 1785 401 1278

1085 3213 402 2951 304 170 23 67 736 3093 3152 511 35 443 2102 2852

1089 1865 1903 3586 348 29 83 280 3840 3841 3891 611 75 669 2377 2545

41 483 137 666 13 194 1791 2892 10233 26470

24 237 61 273 5 135 693 2875 4978 17914

55 458 275 343 240 836 2563 11805 26415 44332

Large Scale Industries:

Out of the 35 Large & Medium Scale Industries who were issued IEMs only 5 units have been reported as functioning. The IEMs have been obtained mainly for projects like manufacture of Sugar, Sectic Acid, Industrial Alcohol, Fertilisers, Galvanised Steel Sheets. These details of large and medium scale units are as

follows: LIST OF LARGE AND MEDIUM SCALE UNITS Sl.No Name & Address of Product Investment the unit (Lakhs Rs) 1 M/s. Kohinoor Feed & Edible Oil & 225 Fats MIDC, Nanded Oil products 2 M/s. Comet Steels Ltd., Cold Rolled 5602 MIDC, Nanded Steel Sheet 3 M/s. Sipta Coated Cold Rolled 6120 Steel Ltd., MIDC, Coated Nanded 4 M/s. Godavari Manar Sugar 750 Sahakari Sakar Karkhana Ltd. 5 M/s. Venkateshwara Ethyl 2000 Indl. Ltd Alcohol In 1997, in Nanded district there are 369 units registered under the Factories Act. Out of these, 59 units are reported as closed. These industries in all provided employment to 9729 persons and had turnover of Rs. 58732 Crores. As per the Factories Act Registration during 1997 about 93 industries, Saw Mills, 73 Oil Mills, 61 Cotton Mills & 84 Sugar Mills.

Khadi & Village Industries:

Industrially backward district like Nanded, the promotion of rural based industries is vital for the overall growth of the economy. The KVIB through its multifarious activities like training, financial assistance and marketing is involved in the promotion of such industries. Leather tanning, Carpentry, Black-smithy, oil expelling etc. are some of the activities covered by KVIB in the district. The Board apart from sponsoring cases, to banks for finance, also provides direct finance in the district. The Board has also established 10 Gramodyog Bhandars in the district to provide marketing support to the artisans. As on 31-12-99, the KVIB in Nanded district has provided financial assistance of Rs. 446.47 lakhs to 8898 units through its various self-employment schemes. CHAPTER - 6


Industrially, Nanded district has made little progress. There is a need to provide better infrastructural facilities especially in the field of Information Technology & Communication so as to spread better awareness and better access to the information on the latest developments technology to the entrepreneurs. The level of Entrepreneurship in the district also needs to be boosted. The existing industries are mostly Agro based like Dal Mills, Rice Mills, Oil Mills, Cotton, Gunny etc. and engineering based (like steel furniture & wooden furniture) general workshop. Manufacturing Value added products on these lines, does have good scope.

Fruit/Vegetable Processing Industry:

1. Banana Processing:

Nanded is the major banana growing district. The average annual production is estimated at 8.40 lakhs tonnes. As it is a perishable item, manufacturing of items like banana powder, wafers and puree does have scope in the district. A unit can be set up with an investment of Rs. 10 15 lakhs with an Annual Production Capacity of 20 MT 2. Custard Apple Processing:

There is a fairly good plantation of custard apple in Lohar & Kondhar Talukas of the district. The estimated production of custard apple in the district is about 1100 Tonnes. Few units is for manufacturing custard apple puree/powder can be set up. There exist good market for Custard apple pulp/powder amongst the ice-cream manufacturing units. Capital Investment 4 lakhs Orange Product capacity - 60 Tonnes per annum 3. Sweet Lime/Processing :

Limbgaon in Nanded Taluka has a concentration of Sweet lime (Mosambi) plantation. Average production is estimated at 5 - 6 thousand tonnes per year. A few units for processing of Sweet lime/Orange can be set up in and around Limbgaon. Apart from this Orange is also cultivated in the district. Capital Investment - 10 lakhs - Capacity - 105 Thousand Ltr / Anum 4. Bor based Pickles:

The district has Bor production of 20000 Tonnes per annum. Generally, this fruit is consumed raw by the local population. There is a good demand for bor pickles in the cities like Mumbai and also export market in the Arab countries. A few units for manufacturing pickles can be set up in the district. Investment - 5 Lakhs Production Capacity - 90 Tonnes per annum 5. Cotton Stalk based Industries:

Nanded district has a good amount of Cotton Cultivation. Cotton is grown in an area of 2 - 80 lakh hectares and mainly in the Talukas of Hadgaon, Kinwat, Billoli and Bhokar. It is reported that about 20 lakh tonnes of Cotton Stalk are available in the district every year. Currently most of this is used as a fuel. The Central Institute for Research in Cotton Technology (CIRCOT) at Mumbai has developed the technology for some Cotton Stalk based Industry - Some of which are Corrugated boxes from Cotton Plant Stalk. Corrugated boxes are generally prepared from forest based wood pulp. In the context of depleting forest resources, alternate raw material like cotton stalk could be used for preparation of kraft pulp and paper required for making corrugated boxes. Quality of these boxes are par with those made from conventional raw materials and are comparatively cheaper too. 6. Particle Boards/Hard Boards:

The process of particle board preparation involves chopping of stalks,

pulverising, mixing with suitable birder and catalyst, adjusting mixture content, not formation and pressing. The boards so prepared have been found to be of superior quality and of a lower cost. The process involved is mostly mechanical. The process is ideally suited for the rural industry. Its usage had been mainly false ceiling, partition, panelling, interior decoration etc. Capital Investment - 60-70 Lakhs. Production Capacity - 1500 Tonnes per annum 7. Edible Mushroom Cultivation:

An alternate use for cotton stalks is in Mushroom production where stalks can serve as the medium. Moreover, though Mushroom farming, the cotton graving farmers can make use of this waste to earn an additional income for themselves. CIRCOT has developed a technology to grow Pleurotus Sajor - Caju (Dhingri mushroom) on cotton stalks. Using their technology about 500 gms of Mushroom can be obtained by using one kilogram of cotton stalks especially during winter. There exist good demand for Mushrooms both in the domestic as well as international market. 8. Starch from Jawar:

This is used mainly in the textile processing units. The district has fairly good production of Jawar crop. It is mainly cultivated in the Taluka of Mukhed. Capital Investment - 15 Lakhs Capacity - 500 Kg/day Beverages from Jawar - Capital Investment - 50 lakhs Production Capacity - 675 Thousand Ltr. Per annum 9. Jawar Flakes - Jawar Flakes is a cheaper substitute for Rice Flake. It can be consumed as a breakfast cereal and can also be used as a baby food. A unit can be set up with a capital investment of 10 - 15 lakh having a production capacity of 200 M.T. per annum.


Fibre from Banana Stalk:

This is used for manufacturing ropes and papers. This unit can be set up In Nanded Taluka with a Capital Investment of Rs. 5 to 7 lakhs and production capacity of 300 MT per annum.

Demand based:
11. Granite Cutting & Polishing:

The district has Granite deposits of about 4 - 70 lakh cubic meters, mainly in Billoli and Deglur Talukas. A few units for cutting and polishing of Granite can be set up in the Industrial Estate at Krishnur in Billoli Taluka. Service Industries:


Hotel Industries:

Nanded district has many Pilgrim Centres like the Hujuresabeb - Gurudwara at Nanded, the ancient temples of Lord Duttatraya & Renukadevi at Mahar in Kinwat Taluka and the temple of Lord Khandoba at Malegaon in Loha. People from different parts of the country visit these places. Nanded has been declared as a Holy City by the Government of Maharashtra and an amount of Rs. 25 Crores was sanctioned for overall development of the city. There is also direct train service from Nanded to Amritsar, started mainly for the convenience of the Sikh Pilgrims. In such a background, there exist scope for developing the Tourism Oriented industrial activities like Hotel Industry in places like Nanded, Mahur & Malegaon.


Revenue-based: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Mineral based: 1. Cutting & polishing of Granite stone Banana Powder Clarified juices Fibre from Banana Stalk Banana wafers Jawar Flakes Beverages a. Jawar starch Sugar candy/Confectionery Sugar-cane wax Hard board from cotton stalk Corrugated boxes from cotton stalk Kraft paper & products like bags, cards etc. from cotton stalk Cotton seed oil Bio-gas plants Mushroom cultivation using cotton stalk Re-packing of edible oil Poultry/Cattle feed Solvent Extraction Vegetable/Fruit Pickles Citric fruit beverages Custard apple powder Tuti fruiti from papaya Processing of spices Bio-fertilizers from agro waste

Livestock based: 1. Leather Tanning 2. Bone Meal 3. Milk produces/Dairy products - Cheese, Yoghurt, Sweets, Icecrea, etc. 4. Meat processing Forest based: 1. Bottling of honey

2. 3. 4.

Wooden furniture Leaf plates/cups Herbal medicines

Demand based: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Powder coating plants Steel furniture General fabrication Agricultural implements Electrical wiring accessories Readymade garments Plastic moulded articles Solar panels Solar cookers Cold storages

Service Industry: 1. 2. Hotel Industry Computer based services like DTP, Cyber caf, training etc. CHAPTER 7


Industrial Policy:
The Government of Maharashtra announced its new industrial policy on 22nd April, 1993. The most outstanding features of the new industrial policy are revision of the industrial location policy for Mumbai Metropolitan Region permitting nonpolluting, high-tech industries within the rationalised municipal zones of Greater Mumbai; non-requirement of the Collectors permission for purchase to exportoriented agro-processing projects to hold land in excess of ceiling; liberal incentives under the new Package Scheme of Incentives and sales tax benefits for 100 per cent export-oriented units, regardless of their location. According to the new policy, private participation is being sought in power projects, setting up of new industrial estates and infrastructure facilities such as construction of jettys, roads, bridges, etc. on Build, Operate and Transfer basis.

Incentives of Industries:
Some of the important features of the new Package Scheme of Incentives effective from October 1, 1993 are as under: More liberal sales tax incentives in the newly designated areas. Higher levels of incentives to a pioneer unit for a longer period. 100 per cent Export-Oriented Units get refund of electricity duty, sales tax paid on purchase of capital equipment and exemption from sales tax on purchase of raw material, regardless of their location. Refund of electricity duty to the units coming up in and areas for five years.

Capital subsidy to Small Scale Sector.

Classification of talukas into Groups:

In Nanded district the talukas viz. Bhokar, Degloor, Hadgaon, Kinwatand Mukhed are coming under `D`group and except these all other talukas fall under D group.

Development Programmes in the District:

Agriculture & Allied Activities: Jowar, Cotton, Pulses, Sugarcane & Brass are the main crops of the district. Agriculture Development of Zilla Parishad in promoting cultivation of high yielding Following schemes are implemented in the district with the help of training and visit: 1. Intensive Cotton Development Programme aims at increasing the yield per hectare of cotton by improved agricultural practices like supply of quality seed increase the area under integrated irrigation projects, organise demonstration for adoption of plant protection measures and clean packing etc. 50% Subsidy in plant protection measures and 25-50% subsidy or adoption of sprinkler's irrigation too have been provided to the farmers. 2. National Oilseed Production Programme is certainly sponsored Scheme where Centre's share is 75%. The strategies adopted are increasing the area under summer groundnut, distribution of seed, minikits on nominal rates, subsidy for high yielding varity seed, subsidy for groundnut seed treatment, Sprinkler's irrigation, plant protection, use of Gypsum and by organising ;oilseed crops demonstrate important oil seed crops are groundnut, sunflower, saffrones. 3. Special foodgrain production Programme for girwar & Integrateed Paddy Development Programme. Special Component plan for SC/SNB farmers is mainly meant for the SC/SNB farmer to adopt better agriculture practices like use of high breed seeds, fertilizers pesticides, better implements etc. The necessary inputs are supplied to them at subsidised rabis. The largest for 98-99 under this plan is 250 beneficieries. Bio-gas Plants: The scheme to develop and encourage the use of alternate source of energy is implanted by the Agriculture Department of Zilla Parishad. This department assists in the installation of the plants and also provide subsidy for cost. The largest for the year is 600 plants. Horticulture: Horticulture department provides seed and grafting to small and marginal farmers 33% subsidy of the bank loan is provided to these farmers. Kinwat Block Special Sector Plan: Tribal sub plan development project is being implemented in Kinwat Block. The plan aims to provide 50% subsidy to bank financed projects for minor irrigation,

dairy development, improved farming, horticulture, fisheries and social forestry. The plan is implemented by the State with the involvement of agencies like DRDA, Dairy Development, ZP, Animal Husbandry, KVIB, DIC & Co-operative Banks. Fodder Development Programme: The Animal Husbandry Department along with Dairy Development Department under the EDP in the fallow land in the district Social forestry department Programme to plant trees like Subabul, Marivel, Arjun etc which provide fodder to the livestock. The funds under the scheme are provided by DRDA. Nanded district at a glance Sl.No. Particulars Unit 1 Area a) Geographical Area Sq.Km. b) Forest Area Th.Hect. c) Culturable Area Th.Hect. 2 Population (1991) a) Rural In '000's b) Urban In '000's c) Total In '000's d) Schedule Caste In '000's e) Schedule Tribe In '000's f) Density Sq.Km. 3 Talukas Nos. 4 Cities Nos. 5 Villages Nos. 6 Rate of Literacy a) Male Percentage b) Female Percentage c) Total Percentage 7 Roads a) National Highway Km. b) State Highway Km. c) District Roads Km. d) Village Roads Km. 8 Railway Km. 9 No. of Post Offices Nos. 10 No. of Telegraph Nos. Offices 11 No. of Telephone Nos. Installed 12 Bank Branches Nos. 13 Existing Indl. Estates Nos. 14 Large Scale Units Nos. 15 Small Scale Units Nos. (PMT) 16 Growth Centres Nos. Note: N.A. = Not Available Source:Nanded 10528 86 788 1824 506 2330 423 276 222 9 13 15580 68.37 30.95 48.17 0 1279 2500 3891 208 459 27 22806 324 8 35 1462 3 Maharashtra 307713 5366 21740 48396 30542 78938 8758 7318 257 325 336 43864 76.6 52.3 64.87 2972 32380 82867 72834 5554 12358 12358 N.A. 6103 204 2933 146495 68

1) District Statistical Abstract (1997-98) 2) Economic Survey of Maharashtra (1998-99) 3) Lead Bank (Nanded District) Annual Credit Plan (1999-2000)

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