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Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

Monda Farid Bardan Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

Topic Area, Research Questions and Rationales for the Work: This dissertation reports multidiscipline research work that applies econometric methods to this important telecom services problem. As such, it imposes difficult prerequisites, since an updated working knowledge about the technical field and business of telephone services must first be acquired, in order to specify the current problem for econometric research and, to apply the correct and suitable economic analysis techniques, and evaluate the obtained results. The Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) represents an infrastructure of huge investment. For example, the British Public Switched Telephone Network is valued at $21 billion. Traditionally, telecom services were provided by the state as monopoly. However, this has changed to competition, as it has been established that competition should be introduced in the public telephone services in order to secure innovation and welfare of the consumers. A national regulatory authority has been established in many countries, that sets rules for competition between service providers in telecom services. Further the regulatory authority forces the incumbent to separate bundles of subscriber lines from the incumbent network, and leases the subscriber lines to new entrants or service providers at low cost such that the latter avoids building a new network from scratch at high cost. This process is called local loop unbundling or (LLU)

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

Figure 1: The development of fixed lines per hundred inhabitants in Egypt Source: Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Cairo

F ixedlines perhundredinhabitants
32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 29.12 28.17 27.72 27.51 28.12 31.63

Figure 2: Development of fixed telephone lines per 100 inhabitants in UAE. Source: ITU

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

1. The local Telephone Network: Subscriber lines consists of 2 isolated wireline made of copper, that carries speech signals in 2 directions between the calling and the called subscriber. Each subscriber is connected to the local exchange (LEX) through the subscriber line. The exchange connects the calling and called subscribers together. Subscriber line (local loop or last mile) can be a few hundred meters or a long line of 1.5 km. The subscriber network amounts to about 40% of the cost of the telephone service equipment in the local telephone network. Therefore any additional use of the resources of the telephone network would be great advantage, especially introducing Internet services to millions of telephone subscribers at low cost. This has contributed greatly to the popularity of the Internet in many countries. The simplest method to achieve Internet connection has been using modem with the PC user. The modem converts the PC data to the frequencies used on subscriber line and vice versa. However, only relatively slow speeds by the modem could be used for the connection to the Internet. Thus considerable time could be wasted by the user in order to download large data files from Internet websites. The solution for this important problem has been developed, which is based on utilizing the higher frequencies of the subscriber line, that are not used for speech telephony, such that this application will not affect the speech signals of the telephone. This is called Asymmetric Digital Subscriber line, where a high data rate is provided to obtain large volumes of data from the Internet(download) and relatively low data rate to provide low speed data from the subscriber PC to the Internet(Upload), for sending requests, e-mail or surfing the Internet. For this purpose, the subscriber line usage is split such that the lower frequencies are used for the subscriber telephone services, while the high frequencies would be used for the introduction of high speed Internet service. It is the high speed Access service by ADSL to the Internet that has contributed greatly to the widespread of many different e-economy services such as e-commerce, e-banking, egovernment, etc. The separation of voice service and data can be used such that the telephone service provider, the incumbent telephone company, can continue to provide the voice service while separate independent service provider, a new entrant, can use the high frequency of the subscriber line to provide the high speed Internet service. Such process is called line sharing which is a type of local loop unbundling ( LLU).

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

Research Methodology including conceptual framework used and research methods employed: Several diverse factors (indicators) affect the wide usage of the Internet using High Speed Internet Access, ADSL, in practice such as, Economic indicators include data for Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP per capita) in current prices ($), GPD per capita using the PPP method and the GNI per capita. Infrastructure indicators: Main fixed subscriber lines per 100 inhabitants (Teledensity), Internet penetration indicators: Internet host, Internet User per 100 inhabitations , PCs per 100 inhabitants. International Internet bandwidth measured in Mbps, tertiary education, population density, price of local call P(t-1), Econometric study is the science and art of using economic theory and statistical techniques to analyze economic data. A panel data or longitudinal data set is one that follows a given sample of individuals over time and thus provides multiple observations on each individual in the sample. Advantages of panel data: Panel data usually give the researcher a large number of data points which leads to increase the degrees of freedom and reduce the collinearity Data Sources: ITU database and Eurostat website and Econstat wesite. Data Description: Economic indicators include data for Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP per capita) in current prices ($), GPD per capita using the PPP method and the GNI per capita. These were obtained from the Eurostat website. GNI comprises of the total value of the goods and services produced within a country and income received from other countries (interest and dividends), less similar payments made by other countries. The PPP method is the purchasing power parity method. An economic theory that estimates the amount of adjustment needed on the exchange rate between countries in order for the exchange to be equivalent to each currencys purchasing power. Infrastructure indicators: Main fixed subscriber lines per 100 inhabitants (Teledensity). Fixed lines are telephone mainlines or landlines connecting customer's telephone to the public switched telephone network, the data were obtained from the ITU database. Internet penetration indicators: Internet host (ITU 2006d) refer to the number of computers directly connected to the worldwide Internet network. Note that Internet host computers are identified by a two-digit country code or a three-digit code generally reflecting the nature of the organization using the Internet computer. The number of hosts is assigned to economies based on the country code although this does not necessarily indicate that the host is actually physically located in the economy. In addition, all other hosts for which there is no country code identification are assigned to the United States. Therefore the number of Internet hosts shown for each country can only be considered an approximation. Data on Internet host computers are obtained from Internet Software Consortium and RIPE (Rseaux IP Europens).

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

Internet User per 100 inhabitations is based on nationally reported data. In some cases, surveys have been carried out that give a more precise figure for the number of Internet users. However surveys differ across countries in the age and frequency of use they cover. The reported figure for Internet userswhich may refer to only users above a certain ageis divided by the total population to obtain users per 100 inhabitants (times hundred). PCs shows the estimated number of Personal Computers in terms of PCs per 100 inhabitants. The figures for PCs come from the annual questionnaire supplemented by other sources. Again, this could not reflect the actual usage of PCs in these set of countries as explained below. International Internet bandwidth measured in Mbps, refers to the capacity which backbone operators provision to carry Internet traffic measured in bits per second. This indicator is intended to represent the quality of the experience of Internet users within a country. If the experience of an Internet user in a country is poor, because of slow speed, then either people will not use ICTs, or they will not be able to use them effectively and creatively. In many developing countries, most Internet access is to sites abroad and therefore the amount of international bandwidth has a major impact on performance (ITU 2005). In addition the price of local call P(t-1)was added in estimating the model lagged by one time period, as a proxy for the price of substitute( dial up). Z it refer to the unobserved variable that varies from country to another but does not change over time e.g.: cultural differences toward broadband penetration. Table 1: Description of the Variables and their expected signs: The variables Economic Indicators INC control Description of the variable GDP per capita measured in US$ or GDP per capita using PPP GNI per capita % of population who have completed their tertiary education Pcs per hundred inhabitants Population density in square km The expected signs A priori Positive

Education Indicators ICT Indicators Demographics Indicators



Positive Positive


1 This hypothesized relationship is made by Gabel and Kwan (2000) and Madden, Savage, and Simpson (1996). Both studies uncover the anticipated coefficient, however, only the latter study finds a statistically significant relationship.

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries Internet User 100 inhabitants per Positive

Internet penetration Indicators Infrastructure Indicators Internet penetration Indicators Prices Indicators (price of dial up a substitute for BB) Capacity of the Internet Broadband indicators




International bandwidth Dependent variable BP

main telephone lines (fixed lines) per 100 inhabitants number of computers directly connected to the worldwide Internet network Price of a 3-minute fixed telephone local call (peak rate telephone US$) one year lagged International Internet Bandwidth (Mbps) Broadband penetration per 100 inhabitants




Positive ------------

Presentation of the Results:

Table 7: Factors ( Indicators) affecting broadband, comparison and summary Independent variable ( indicators) 1.Income GNI /capita 2. School Enrollment 3. Population Density 4. Fixed lines /100 5. Internet hosts 6. Price of local call( dial Previous study Bauer Significant/not significant Previous Study Ferreruela Arab & Emerging Countries Significant Comment

In 5 models Depending on the model

Significant Significant Not significant

Significant Significant Significant

Not Significant Significant

Significant/ not significant Significant

In 3 models Depending on the model

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries Previous study Bauer Previous Study Ferreruela Arab Emerging Countries & Comment

Independent variable ( indicators) up ) 7. PC/100

8. Internet users Legend


Is not reliable indictor Significant

For Arab and Emerging countries, ITU statistics is the main source. Panel data for 22 countries from the years 2002-2005. Fixed effect model. Bauer &al: 30 OECD countries for year 2001. Ferreruela &al: 30 OECD countries for the years 2000-2002. Notes: 1.Bauer & al used other indicators that include: price of broadband, preparedness, competition and dummy variable for policy regimes. 2.Ferreruela &al used other indicators that include available bandwidth per $, lagged variable of DSL enabled Local loop, Unbundled local loop/100 access lines, monthly price of internet access and % of homes served by cable TV network. 3. For Arab and emerging countries, Indicators used in the table are mainly according to ITU available data.

Conclusion and Policy Recommendations:

Findings: 1. FALL OF NATURAL MONOPOLY IN PUBLIC TELECOM SERVICES: Due to recent developments on electronics and digital computer technology, new generations of Telecom systems with increased facilities and reduced cost, have made competition economically feasible in the public telecom services. The arguments of natural monopoly in telecom services no longer apply. 2. ROLE OF SUPPORTING POLICIES RELATED TO UNBUNDLING: including tariff

Supporting policies to local loop unbundling were investigated and analyzed, rebalancing, collocation and interconnection.

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

Rebalanced tariffs could be expected to encourage investment by the incumbent. Interconnection requires the setting up of the right prices or rates for the unbundled network elements, to ensure interconnection, and investment in telecom infrastructure. Collocation request to the incumbent could delay the operation of the new entrant. 3. ANALYSIS OF UNBUNDLING OF LOCAL LOOP HYPOTHESIS:

The Telecom Act of 1996 introduced mandatory unbundling in USA and EU and New Zealand, at lower rates for unbundled subscriber lines, for new entrants to enhance competition in the vast local subscriber telephone service. Four arguments were stated as hypothesis for the mandatory unbundling. Notice that in a forthcoming book published by the Brookings Institution, Robert W. Crandall explained that the loss of end-user subscribers to CLECs reduces ILECs revenues by more than their costs.2Crandall found that, whereas ILECs lose roughly 60 percent of the revenues associated with a given line when provisioned on an unbundled, rather than retail, basis, the avoided costs of customer service and marketing are only about 10 percent of the Bell companies total costs.3 4. From the economic perspective, it seems obvious that broadband penetration is determined by the controlled variables, also called indicators, that are referred to in the literature and theory. However, in this paper we have proven that income is not the most important factor determining broadband uptake in the emerging countries. This is due to the leapfrog phenomena that characterizes these countries and that the externalities and spillover effects that is related to ICT diffusion, and to the increased presence of FDI in the emerging countries. In addition, although the positive relationship between PC per 100 inhabitants and broadband uptake is expected and exists in developed countries, in the case of emerging countries, the independent variable PCs per 100 inhabitants, given by ITU cannot be considered as a true value and hence does not give the true effect on broadband penetration. A different method to assess the actual value of this indicator in emerging countries is needed that would take into account the public usage of broadband internet access at low cost, such as internet cafes, schools, clubs and public libraries. Other factors/ indicators that seemed to impact broadband uptake in these set of emerging countries other than income include tertiary education and population density. 5. It is found that the deployment of more fixed main lines would increase broadband penetration. Thus governments should expand the existing public switched telephone network and utilize the latest technologies in this field. Furthermore, governments can explore the option of leasing the subscriber lines to competitors to open new markets for potential entrants in this telecom market segment. The issue of build or buy has caused a big debate among Telecom economists and policy makers regarding the advantages and disadvantages of allowing service based competition like local loop unbundling. Governments in these countries should definitely explore the option of service based competition more seriously. A set of policies like
2 Robert W. Crandall, Competition and Chaos: The U.S. Telecommunications Sector Since 1996 (Washington, DC: Brookings Press 2004). [hereinafter Competition and Chaos] 3 Ibid

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

tariff rebalancing, collocation and interconnection arrangements should be addressed before the commencement of the unbundling of local loop policy. 6. Countries with high population density, should find it easier to increase broadband uptake compared to population that is scattered like in rural areas ceteris paribus. This is due to the fact that a large number of people would be connected to the telephone exchange and thus it would be easier to a new entrant to lease the local loop from the incumbent telephone company and install his new additional (ADSL) equipment. In densely populated areas, i.e. urban areas, the distance between the local exchange and the subscriber i.e. the subscriber line is short which allows a better quality of broadband service to the end user. 7. The set of countries that constitute our sample in this research are unique in that they are the target of many FDI ( foreign direct investments) and thus steps are taken toward transforming these economies to new economies by finding incentives to increase broadband uptake. This approach is considered an important signal to these new investors. Measures taken to accelerate this process would indicate how serious these economies are in entering the new paradigm of knowledge -based economy. Thus it is imperative to determine exactly what enhances broadband penetration, especially given the idiosyncratic features of emerging economies. 8. 1. Increasing broadband uptake can be mainly realized by the following incentives: Bundling of services, such as offering telephone line plus broadband access to Internet ADSL at significantly reduced price. Introducing triple play services on the subscriber line and promoting digital TV as a revenue source for the fixed line operator. These would however depend on the distance of the subscriber line from the local exchange and the quality of the copper line. Reducing cost for the second line would also be effective. This would lead to reduced prices for the consumers and reduce churn. Increasing competition between broadband service providers. Reducing the monthly rates of increased speed Internet access using ADSL. Increasing awareness of the benefits of ADSL to the society. Increasing the local content on the internet so to attract more users in an attempt to find the killer application that would attract users to indispensable ADSL experience. Adopting convergence between wireless or mobile and fixed service4.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The results obtained in this multidiscipline research work presents a valuable contribution from Cairo University to the efforts of government to promote economic and social development by enhancing modern IT and telecom facilities. Suggested future econometric research:
4 OECD (2007), "Mobile Multiple Play: New Service Pricing and Policy Implications", OECD Digital Economy Papers, No. 126,

10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

This research has proved that econometric studies are very rewarding in telecommunication services development. Related to the covered research work in this dissertation, the following new research areas are suggested for future econometric research. 1. The effect of Arabic content on broadband penetration in the Arab countries. 2. The debate on various methods of pricing of unbundled network elements and 3. The inter-platform competition vs. intra- platform competition in emerging countries.

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10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries


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10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

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10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries


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10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

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10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

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10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries

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10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

Doctoral Colloquium


Competition in Telecom services. A study on unbundling policies of local loop with an empirical study on broadband penetration in Egypt and some emerging countries


10th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 2009

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