Question Bank Ncer1
Question Bank Ncer1
Question Bank Ncer1
1 Discuss different renewable sources of energy with special reference to Indian context. Q.2 What is an energy system? explain in brief. Q.3 Discuss the mail features of non conventional energy resources. Q.4 Discuss the merits and demerits of non conventional energy resources over the conventional energy resources. Q.5 What are the practical difficulties in exploiting non conventional energy resources. Q.6 What are the limitations of the solar cells? Q.7 discuss the solar cell mechanism with respect to semiconductor physics. Q.8 What are the merits and their voltage for making solar cell. Q.9 Explain why direct energy conversion processes are becoming more important as compared to conventional generation. Q.10 list various non conventional energy resources. Give their arability, relative merits and demerits and their classification. Q.11 Explain the term solar constant and solar insulation. Also mention their importance. Q.12 What is solar cell power generation? Give its advantages. What material is used in solar cell? Q.13 What are the limitations of solar cell power plant? Q.14Describe the difference between the direct radiation and diffuse radiation.
(b) What are the main components of a flat plate solar collector, explain the function of each? 4. (a) Enumerate the different types of concentrating type collectors. (b) Why orientation is needed in concentrating type collectors? 5. With the help of a neat sketch describe a solar heating system using water heating solar collectors. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method? 6. What is the principle of solar photovoltaic power generation? What are the main elements of a PV system? 7. (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of PV solar energy conversion? (b) Write short notes on (i) Solar pumping (ii) Solar Cooking (iii) Solar arrays. 8. Explain the principle of building integrated PV system with suitable sketch. 9. (a) Explain the equivalent circuit for solar PV panel. (b) Explain the different characteristics of PV system. 10. Explain with a neat sketch the working principle of standalone and grid Connected solar system. 11. (a) Explain about the applications of solar PV system in rural areas. (b) Describe briefly about PV system.
Q.11 What are the important factors to be considered while selecting materials for an MHD generator? Name the materials for an their characteristics for electrodes and generator duct. Q.12 What are the various losses associated with the operation of MHD? Describe the working of a closed cycle MHD generator. Q.13 Explain the basic principle of MHD generator Also, discuss the practical problems associated with MHD power generation. Q.14 Describe an open cycle fossil fuelled MHD system. Q.15 Discuss the principle and working of MHD power plant. Q.16 What are the various type of fuel cells available. Q.17Discuss the performance and limitation various fuel cells available. Q.18 What are the parameters which govern the power output of an MHD generator? Given approximate value of these parameters which can be achieved? Why it is necessary to add seed material to the gas? Q.19.Discuss an expression for the variation of power output as a function of current density in MHD generation.
Q.10 What are the advantages of vegetal axis machines over horizontal type? Describe the construction of a rotor for a relative low velocity wind.
1. What is difference between biomass and biogas? 2. Explain biogas generation process. 3. Explain the process photo syntheses. What are the conditions which are necessary for it? 4. What are the factors affecting the production of biogas? 5. Define biomass and biomass energy. Discuss various biomass resources with examples. 6. Describe with neat sketch construction and working of fixed dome type biogas plant. 7. Describe with neat sketch construction and working of floating drum type biogas plant. 8. Enlist biomass conversion technologies & explain any one in details. 9. Write about selection of site for biogas plant. 10. Describe the basic principle of ocean thermal energy conversion OTEC.What are the main types of OTEC.Describe their working in brief. 11. Explain the performance of OTEC.Give its theory and working principle. 12. Explain the various methods of tidal power generation. What are the limitation of each method? 13.How does biomass conversion take place. Name the various models of biogas plant and describe any one of them. 14.Discuss the performance and limitation of wave and tidal wave energy conversion plants. 15. Discuss the theory and working principle of ocean thermal energy conversion systems. 16. Write short note on ocean wave energy.