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01 - Current Draft WHO-CDC Biosafety Recommendations

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Biosafety in the Mycobacteriology Laboratory

Thomas M. Shinnick, Ph.D. Mycobacteriology Laboratory Branch Division of Tuberculosis Elimination


Why is Biosafety Needed in the Mycobacteriology Laboratory?

Risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis is 3-9x higher for TB lab workers than for other lab workers Infection usually results from unrecognized production of infectious aerosols containing tubercle bacilli Infection can occur from needle sticks, through broken skin, etc.

The application of a combination of administrative controls, containment principles, laboratory practices and procedures, safety equipment, and laboratory facilities to enable laboratorians to work safely with potentially infectious microorganisms.

Administrative Controls
Supervision by an experienced scientist All personnel are well trained, proficient, aware of hazards, follow rules Routine medical surveillance Biosafety and operations manuals Emergency plans for spills, accidents, etc. Appropriate facilities and safety equipment

Good Laboratory Practices

Restrict or limit access when working Biohazard warning signs Prohibit eating, drinking and smoking Prohibit mouth pipetting Minimize splashes and aerosols Decontaminate work surfaces daily Decontaminate wastes

Primary Containment: protect worker and immediate laboratory environment good microbiologic techniques safety equipment Secondary Containment: protect the environment outside the laboratory facility design waste management

Biosafety Level (BSL)

Conditions under which an infectious agent can ordinarily be safely handled. Conditions are a combination of: laboratory practices and techniques safety equipment laboratory facilities Usually agent and procedure specific

Determining the BSL to Use

The laboratory director assesses potential risks for work with a specific agent and assigns a BSL Recommended BSLs for many of the infectious agents have been developed Lab directors may specify more or less stringent practices when information is available to suggest altered risk e.g., increased BSL for XDR TB cultures e.g., decreased BSL for the BCG vaccine

Risk Assessment
Pathogenicity of the infectious agent Route of transmission Agent stability and infectious dose Concentration of agent Type of laboratory procedures to be done Availability of effective prophylaxis or therapy Skill level and vulnerability of at-risk personnel

Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2)

Suitable for work involving agents of moderate potential hazard to personnel and the environment Mycobacterium species other than members of the M. tuberculosis complex non-aerosol generating manipulations of clinical specimens from TB patients BSC is to be used for aerosol generating procedures

BSL2 Microbiologic Practices

Restrict or limit access when working Biohazard warning signs Prohibit eating, drinking and smoking Prohibit mouth pipetting Minimize splashes and aerosols Decontaminate work surfaces daily Decontaminate wastes

BSL2 Primary Containment

Protective clothing - lab coat, gloves, eye protection Class I or II Biosafety Cabinet used for manipulations that generate splashes or aerosols

BSL2 Secondary Containment

Laboratories have lockable doors and are separated from public areas Air flows into lab without re-circulation to non-lab areas Sink for hand washing Impermeable, easily cleaned work surfaces Eyewash readily available Autoclave available Windows fitted with flyscreens

Biosafety Level 3 (BSL3)

Suitable for work with infectious agents which may cause serious or potentially lethal disease as a result of exposure by the inhalation route. members of the M. tuberculosis complex

BSL3 Microbiologic Practices

BSL2 practices plus: Work in a certified biosafety cabinet certified at least annually Use bioaerosol-containing equipment aerosol-containment centrifuge rotors Decontaminate spills promptly

BSL3 Primary Containment

Protective clothing, gloves, eye protection Respiratory protection as needed N95 respirator or equivalent Powered Air-Purifying Respirator (PAPR) Class I or II Biosafety Cabinet used for all open manipulation of agents

BSL3 Secondary Containment

BSL2 secondary containment plus: Controlled access to a separate area Double door entry Directional inward airflow Single-pass air; 6-12 air changes/hour Enclosures for aerosol generating equipment Room penetrations sealed Walls, floors and ceilings are water resistant for easy cleaning

If a facility does not have all required BSL3 features (e.g. sealed penetrations, solid ceiling), an acceptable level of safety for conducting routine procedures, including culture, may be achieved in a BSL2 facility providing: Directional inward airflow is maintained and exhaust air is discharged to the outside Access to the laboratory is restricted when work is being performed The recommendations for BSL3 practices, procedures, and safety equipment are rigorously followed

GLI Biosafety Projects

Biosafety guidance for TB lab procedures technical consultation in Sept. 2008 expert meeting in April 2009 WHO and CDC were the lead agencies Specifications for a ventilated work station suitable for direct AFB-smear microscopy Expert consultation in Sept. 2009 CDC and APHL were the lead agencies WHO TB Laboratory Biosafety Manual Laboratory design and layout Risk assessment and procedures

Biosafety Guidance
Consensus recommendations for minimum biosafety requirements for Direct AFB-smear microscopy Processing specimens to concentrate bacilli for smear, culture, DST, molecular tests Manipulating cultures for smear, subculture, identification, DST, molecular tests Based on a risk assessment for each TB diagnostic procedure generation of infectious aerosols concentration of bacilli

Personal Protective Equipment

Gowns should be worn in the laboratory Gloves should be worn while manipulating specimens and working in a BSC Proper hand washing os a cornerstone of biosafety Conduct a risk assessment to determine the need for other PPEs such as N95 respirators

Administrative Control Medical Surveillance

Done in accordance with national rules Surveillance conducted at start of work in the TB laboratory at regular intervals at least annually after any biohazard incident

Direct AFB Smear Microscopy

Limited risk of generating infectious aerosols Work can be done on an open bench restricted access to the laboratory separate bench for smear-preparation Adequately ventilated laboratory 6-12 ACH, directional airflow Natural or mechanical ventilation Proper disposal of infectious material

Processing Sputum Specimens for Smear, Culture, Molecular Tests 1

Risk of generating infectious aerosols during centrifugation and specimen manipulation Laboratories must have restricted access and be separated from public areas Impermeable surfaces for easy cleaning Air flows into lab without re-circulation to non-lab areas (directional airflow) 6-12 ACH, passive or mechanical ventilation closed windows Proper disposal of infectious material

Processing Sputum Specimens for Smear, Culture, Molecular Tests 2

Class I or II Biosafety Cabinet used for all open manipulation of agents BSCs must be properly installed and certified at least annually BSC exhaust may be ducted to outside using a hard duct or thimble fitting recirculated into the room if assured that the BSC is functioning properly Use aerosol-containment centrifuge rotors

Processing Cultures for Smear, ID, Subculture, DST, Molecular Tests 1

High risk of generating infectious aerosols during manipulation of liquid suspensions Work done in a containment lab which has restricted access and a double door entry Impermeable surfaces for easy cleaning sealing room for fumigation is not required Air flows into lab without re-circulation to non-lab areas (directional airflow) 6-12 ACH, mechanical ventilation, sealed windows Autoclave available on site

Processing Cultures for Smear, ID, Subculture, DST, Molecular Tests 2

Class I or II Biosafety Cabinet used for all open manipulation of agents BSCs must be properly installed and certified at least annually BSC exhaust may be ducted to outside using a hard duct or thimble fitting (preferred) recirculated into the room if assured that the BSC is functioning properly Use aerosol-containment centrifuge rotors

CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th Edition. (2007) Laboratory biosafety manual. 3rd edition, 2004. WHO. Biosafety7.pdf Biosafety recommendations for the contained use of M. tuberculosis complex isolates in industrialised countries. P Herman et al, 2006. Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium. Interim Laboratory Biosafety Guidance for Extensively DrugResistant (XDR) M. tuberculosis strains.

Biosafety Recommendations Vronique Vincent Peter van't Erve CN Paramasivan Philippe Dubois Chris Gilpin Sang Jae Kim Daniela Cirillo Shanna Nesby Jean Joly Thomas Shinnick Jenny Allen Andrew Ramsay John Ridderhof Karin Weyer Jon Crane May Chu Knut Feldmann Nicoletta Previsani Moses Joloba Sebastien Cognat Paul Jensen

Interim Guidance for XDR TB

Clinical specimens from known or highly suspected XDR TB patients BSL2 with full BSL3 practices are highly recommended Manipulation of cultures of XDR TB strains BSL3 practices, containment equipment, and facilities are required. BSL3 practices must include the use of respiratory protection and the implementation of specific procedures and use of specialized equipment to prevent and contain aerosols.

Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs)

Class I
inward airflow protects worker exhaust to outside (w/wo HEPA filter)

Class II
Protects worker, product, environment used with aerosol-transmissible microorganisms, tissue culture

Class III
totally enclosed, ventilated, air-tight suitable for work with BSL3/4 agents

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