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The world might say that is you are born in a Christian family. You are a Christian. But a person who has tasted the love of Christ, and has led a life, which shows Christ in it, is only a Christian isnt it? We will see about Kelly Clark in this Months Hall of Fame who is a snow boarder, and what a Christian life he has led. Kelly Clark was born on 26.07.1983 in the state of Vermout, in a place called West Dover, in America. In his place there will be snow falling like in Antarctica. His parents owned a big restaurant in West Dover. Kelly from his childhood days loved to play in snow. His father bought him a lot of sweaters and coat and allowed him to lie in snow. Though they were Christians, they did not share the love of Christ. Kelly went to school; there was nobody to win Kelly in sports. From the year 2001, Kelly had the opportunity to participate in international level in snow boarding. In 2002 he very easily won the Winter Olympics Gold Medal in snow boarding. After that a lot of changes suddenly happened in his life. He met a lot of snow boarders in 2004-2005 World cup meet. A fellow sports woman was looking very depressed. Kelly saw that her friend was offering her advice, and comforting her and quoting verses from the Bible. The same night he went to his room and read the Bible. At that time he felt the love of God pouring out towards him. So he accepted Lord as his savior and confessed his sins. After that, in snow boarding completion, he did not take it as a very big one, but he participated ordinarily in the events. He allowed Jesus to take care of his life. In the year 2006 winter Olympics, Kelly came fourth. In 2010 winter Olympics he won the bronze medal. Other than this sporting event whenever he was at home, he did a lot of social work. He preached the name of Jesus to everybody. He wrote, I cannot hide my love on his snow board, and was a witness to Christ. In 2011- he was the champion of snow boarding. Dear readers, we might have Christian names. But St.Paul in his letter to Ephesian Chapter 3:17-19, says that if we do not taste the love of God our life is only empty. If you have not tasted the love of Christ so far, plead to God, to take away the hard heart from you and surrender yourselves to God. He will take everything in his hands. God, will help us like he helped Kelly in our day to day life, and there with be success.

Kelly Clark

- Snow Boarding

H a l l

o f

f a m e

- Courtesy: Sports Illustrated

Editors CornEr

2012 YEAr oF YoUtH

This monthly magazine aids in nurturing the Youth prayer cells.

Vision To reach the spheres of India and to imbibe the heavenly manna to our youth, who are the future pillars of our Nation.

Cry Aloud! Lift up your Voice and Show the People their Risen Lord!! Once, a pastor met a prisoner who was condemned to be hanged. The pastor read him passages about death, judgment, hell and eternity from the scriptures. As the prisoner was listening to the pastors words he suddenly slapped him. Wincing in pain, the puzzled pastor just looked at the hard hearted prisoner. As the pastor was staring at the prisoner, the prisoner remarked that, if whatever the pastor read to him is true and if he believed in it, then, unlike the pastor he would have read it with feelings - with eyes blurred with tears and a burdened heart. A living Christian who can proclaim the Risen Lord to the world is the need of the hour. In these last days we need Christians who can witness Christ to the individual in particular and to the society at large. Someone, who would cry aloud and lift up his voice to show the Savior to the people, because, Our Savor is Risen as He said! And the Risen God is coming soon to gather is own! Maranatha!! Come Lord Jesus!!!

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A monthly magazine to strengthen the Prayer Cells...
Produced by

FMPB Youth Wing 25c, Eden Garden, Srinivasa Nagar 5th main Road Trichy - 620 017
Layout & Design Communication Dept. fmpb, Chennai - 53

rajshevak@, +91 9444393227

Since Jesus Christ gave his life for me there is no other greater sacrifice that I can do for Him. - CD Stud FMPB Teens wing, 24/1, Vasantha Garden 2nd lane, Behind Corp School, Ayanavaram, Chennai 600 023 Cell:9445001563 FMPB Youth wing, 166, Beracah Road, Reddy colony, Nammalvarpet, Chennai-12 Cell :9841032224

FOR thE pRAyER cELL LEADERs the articles and the prayer points in Kerith are divided for 4 weeks so that you can pray and meditate about them in your prayer cells. the prayer points are in the centre page. the leader can detach and use them during the prayer time.

Mr. Melwin & Mrs. Jeba are Bible Translators for Voice of Hope. Their dedication in translation ministry have given multitudes in knowing God through print form.

For the past 53 years Friends Missionary Prayer Band works for Indians with the indigenous missionaries, with offertory and prayers raised by articles in the magazine and share it with others. Meet you Indians. The main vision of this great institution is to share the Gospel with those who have never heard of Christ.With Go or Send as its motto, FMPB stresses every month with new info. on the word of God, prayer, sacrifice, holiness, faith and simple lifestyle on it missionaries and well wishers. It joins hands with the other organizations to not Kindly use them and strengthen only care for the spiritual dimension of the believers but also helps in their sociothe prayer cell. economic development and up liftment. You too can be part of this noble ministry. You as a group of believers can pray for the ministries, you can also financially support the ministry. Above all we invite you to dedicate yourself as a full time missionary and be part of the FMPB family.Kerith, is the monthly magazine for the FMPB youth prayer calls.This is a theological publication providing the divine manna for the Christian youth who are the pillars of our country. This is published to kindle the thought process for the youth and to motivate them in redeeming India for Christ. 3 Kerith-April "12

For more prayer points read

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In your victory in Christ A.Jesuvadian

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single copy Rs.20/yearly subscription Rs. 250/-

This publication solely belongs to Friends Missionary Prayer Band, Chennai.

Nailing the Past


As real as the blood that circulates in every human body, is the sinful nature that wriggles in every single cell of it. Yes, we are born with it. We have inherited it from our forefather Adam. As Romans 7: 18 20 says, it makes us do what we dont want to do. We try, fail and groan, Is there no way out of this wretched cycle of sin and guilt? Dont worry my heavy-hearted, guilt-laden friend! God has provided a way out of this death cycle! Colossians 2: 13, 14 says (New Living Translation), You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cut away. Then God made you alive with Christ. He forgave all our sins. He cancelled the record that contained the charges against us. He took it and destroyed it by nailing it to Christs cross. Yes, Jesus not only forgives all our sins, but also cuts away or puts away our old rebellious sinful nature and makes us alive with Him when we come to Him in faith. When He was nailed to the cross, our sins were also nailed to it. When we receive Jesus into our heart by faith, our old self is crucified with Him. We can shout along with Paul, I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. Oh! What a great joy to have Jesus, the sinless Lamb live in and through us! Yes, dear one, no matter how rotten your sins are and how deep your guilt is, you can always come to Christ. He has said in Jn 6: 37, whoever comes to me I will never drive away. Come to Jesus and have your bloodstained guilty past nailed to the cross and receive a brand new life in Him. On the Australian coat of arms is a picture of an emu and a kangaroo. These animals were chosen because they share a characteristic that appealed to their forefathers. Both the emu and kangaroo can move only forward, not back. The emus three-toed foot causes it to fall if it tries to go backwards, and the kangaroo is prevented from moving in reverse by its large tail. Now that you have nailed your past to the Cross of Christ, forget what is behind and strain toward what is ahead. Press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus (Phil 3: 13, 14).

Think and face the challenges.

Then Jesus told his disciples face to face just before he was going to be crucified about the suffering and death that he is going to undergo (Mathew 26:32, Luke 24:7). Yet they forgot all these things in just three days.
4 Kerith-April "12

Now In this busy world we get to spend only a few minutes with the Lord and in reading His word. Then how much more should we remember his words. Do not forget the Lords (my) words or turn away from them (Proverbs 4:5, 3:6).

As the Whirlwind passeth, so is the wicked, no more, but the righteous is an everlasting foundation Proverbs 10:25 Both the hands of a clock were pointing straight up as if travelling towards the sky. That meant it was 12 O clock. The rays of the sun were shining brightly. King Solomon was in an important counsel. There were cries of men and the situation was very tense; it was like that all throughout the kingdom. Watchmen were sent out to find the reason; they came in a disturbed state and told the king, O Lord, there is a big change in the sky; the sky appears to be full of dust, the whole kingdom is full of dirt and dust! The wind which is ferocious makes the people afraid. Some danger is going to happen. But King Solomon was calm. All were waiting to hear his words. He said, Go and tell the people to stay in their houses safely. After sometime the whirl wind ceased and there was calm everywhere. They listened to the commandment of the king and all were safe. When there was no sound, many people came out and were estimating the damages. They were saying that there was not much damage. But all of a sudden a gigantic whirlwind blow everything away and it even lifted many people. The people who said that there was no damage found that their houses and their neighbors had disappeared. That city had a great damage. We can say a lot about the destructive power of a whirlwind. In the year 2008, the hurricane which hit USA caused a lot of damage - 1.25 million people lost their homes. The wind which blew at about 400 km an hour caused extensive damages. Every year Americans face their fury. Those people who lived in multistoried houses were without a place to stay. Those who lived luxuriously were now in the streets. It was a pity to look at those people. In Australia from the month of September to March they face the fury of hurricanes. In the days of Noah, when there was 40 days rain, there were cyclonic storms, say Bible Scholars. In the New Testament, when Jesus was in the boat there was a wind which nearly sunk the boat. In Western countries, people are afraid of cyclones, floods and other natural disasters. There are a lot of instances where thousands of people have become orphans due to there natural calamities. Scenes of people giving bundles of money begging to save them, could not be forgotten easily. In our life also there may be small or big storms threatening us. It may be that frightening situations and people are numerous. But as Solomon says, Before we open and close our eyes, the things and people who come against us, will not be there. Those righteous people who followed Christ will stand forever!

Whirl Wind

Kerith-April "12 5

T.V.K. garden is a serene place in Chennai, loved by many. Bro. Patrick Joshua, Bro. Kingsley and I were praying in this garden one evening. After praying, Bro. Patrick Joshua asked us, Brothers, now I have taken charge as the General Secretary. Both of you have worked with Bro. Emil Jebasingh. You know his talents, ministering methodologies and vision. You will be of great help to me. Can you give a break to your studies for some years? At that time, I was studying in the South Indian Bible College at Bangarapet and Bo. Kingsley was studying at Arunodhayakumar Bible College at Pune. I had finished two years out of the four-year course. Bro.Kingsley had finished one year out of the three year course. Both of us obeyed to our dear brothers call and stopped going to college. Years rolled by. One day, bro. Patrick called both and us and said, You dropped out of college in 1977, paying heed to my call. You have labored hard till 1989. Many of our junior ministers have gained many degrees. You should also study to face the future challenges. We are ready to support your higher studies. I absolutely had no interest in studies as a young man who was actively involved in youth ministry and outreach. I was called into the General Secretarys cabin to receive a huge application form. It was from a Bible College in US which offers direct Post Graduation courses. Brother, you are surely taking up this course. Go and fill this up, was the command from Bro. Patrick. A week later, I went to him and returned the application form stating my lack of interest to leave the current ministry. A year passed. Another opportunity knocked my door. It was an offer to study Serampore University, part time continuing my ministry in Chennai. This was
6 Kerith-April "12


Exam Hall
brought to me by Bro. Frank Immanuel. I was asked to fill all the details. I was forced to fill it up. I began studying through Hindustan Bible College. Four papers should be written every year. Every student should participate in seminar twice. This has to continue for four years. Being active in Progress mission and in the Scan ministry that is very dear to my heart, I had to face tough times in the months of March/April during my exams. Those months were crucial in achieving the years financial target and other ministerial targets being the close of the financial year. Though I had scored good marks in the exams I took up, the yet-to-be written subjects were still stagnant. That very year it was decided at the University level to suspend the course that I had enrolled myself in, which was of a distance-education mode. A student cannot write more than 5 papers a year but I had 7 papers to write to finish my degree. It was a trying time for me. I was worried if I would fail in getting this degree too and I regretted for rejecting the opportunities that came my way. One of my friends suggested making a requisition to the University to allow me to write 7 papers in the University directly, though it was against their rules. I prayed and wrote a letter to the Registrar of the University and sent a copy of it to the Administrative committee. Such permission was never granted in history. They finally approved and allowed me to write all the seven papers at a stretch. I wrote all the seven papers and won a Himalayan second place in the exams by GODs grace. I began the course in 1989 and completed it in 1993 without any break. I have erred like many of you (i.e.) I have failed in attending classes regularly. I did not study at the right time and struggled to complete the syllabus at the last minute. I want to share an interesting experience of mine. It happened in the final year of my course. I had one exam in the morning and another afternoon. I went to the exam hall. There was absolute silence. Now was the time for question paper distribution. Every candidate was given the question paper and everyone began to pray with burden before they started answering the questions. I stood tall and called out, Hello, Sir! The Invigilator, who was seated comfortably, came running to me. I said, Sir, you have given me the question paper for the afternoons exam. He ran down in panic to the Exam cell. He came with the exam Time table. He replied aloud saying, Bro. John Kirubhakaran, you are wrong, we are right. Did you sleep well last night? With fear on one side and disgrace on the other side, I began to write. As Id learnt the answers early morning, I could recollect them to finish the paper and so did I in the afternoon. When I retrospect, there are many such ever-green memories. Im telling you my experiences because I dont want you to do the same mistakes. What have you planned to do after studies? 1.Make sure to know GODs Will for your life. 2.Decide about the course you want to study in the light of GODs will with your Parents permission. 3.Join a standard College/ School. 4.Do not miss classes despite important engagements. 5.Make hay while the sun shines (i.e.) study early. Dont waste time. 6.Learn day to day lessons. Do not postpone things. Avoid learning on the last night before the exam. 7.Get as many degrees as possible

The GOD of Daniel is still alive. He is zealous to make you ten times wiser. In this competitive world, prove yourself as a learned person. To make this true, take a firm decision to lead a life of holiness and write your decision in your heart with the Blood of Christ. The Spirit of GOD who dwelt in Daniel will dwell in you also. If it is GODs will for you to do full-time ministry, rise and come forward immediately. A huge country is open for you. There are millions of hearts who are eagerly waiting for you. Come to plant churches in remote areas and to involve yourself in social development activities. If you are called to serve as a Government servant, shine for HIS Glory in the place of your work. As your Parents are anxious about your education and future, study well and prove yourself to your Parents. May GOD bless everyone who wrote the Boards exams with victory! May GOD endow every student waiting to write the annual and the Final exams with grace, knowledge, memory power and intellect and the wisdom to organize everything. My hearty wishes to you all. -Rev. John Kirubhakaran.


BORN AGAIN (in Christ)

When Jesus met Nicodemus, a member of the Jewish ruling council, He said, one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again (John 3: 3). When we are physically born in this world we are spiritually dead. But the moment we confess our sins and receive Jesus Christ into our lives we are born again (spiritually). Our life takes a U turn when we are born again in Christ. Our relationship with God takes a new shape. When Paul (who was then called Saul) met Jesus on the road to Damascus and was born again, his life changed. The same Paul who was persecuting the followers of Jesus Christ earlier started preaching about Jesus Christ to everyone now. The person who was filled with hatred and violence earlier started reflecting the love of Christ to everyone now. His prayer life that was traditional earlier started becoming meaningful to him now. The one who had pleasure pleasing men earlier, started pleasing God more now. 2 Cor 5: 17 says, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! Birth is the beginning of life. As Mathew Henry (in his commentary) says, the spiritual birth is not patching up of the old building, but beginning from the foundation. We must have a new nature, new principles, new affections, new aims, etc. Never allow Satan to bring your old sinful nature into your lives. When he lures you with past life, sing the song, I have decided to follow Jesus; No turning back, no turning back. The Greek word used for again in John 3: 3 is anothen which means both from the beginning and from above. So being born again also refers to being born to a divine and heavenly life. John 1: 12 says, to all who received Him (Jesus), to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husbands will, but born of God. We need to partake of a divine nature and bear the image of the heavenly. When Peter gave an ungodly suggestion regarding His crucifixion Jesus turned and said to Peter, Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men (Mt. 16: 21 23). Its Gods desire that we must have in mind the things of God and not the things of men things of heaven and not the things of the earth. May the Lord help us to become more and more like Jesus so that people around us may understand that we are born again Christians.
Kerith-April "12 7

Do you go to the Library?

I think the Kerith Readers will say yes to the above question. If not, I request you to go to the nearby library and take at least one good book and start reading. Reading habit is decreasing among young people. Most of them read only subject books and they do not even touch other books. So most of them lack in general knowledge. Our Tamil Nadu Government, under the Directorate of Public Libraries, has 4028 libraries all over the state, and when compared to other states it stands as an example. The 2nd largest library in Asia was opened by our former Chief Minister Kaliangar Karunanidhi in Chennai, at Kotturpuram on 15.09.2010. it is located in 3/75 lakh sq.feet area. There are about 5 lakh books in various departments. Even there is a section for the blind. For the benefit of the public this library is opened from morning 8 to evening 8. Not only our govt. but many private universities, college, schools have their own libraries. In Chennai even foreign embassies have their own libraries. Why should we read books? Why should we go to the library? What is the use by going to the library? Our former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru has said that if people stop reading books, they will lack in knowledge and growth of wisdom. Horace Mann said that a house which has no books, is like a room without windows, and has said that parents should bring up their children surrounded by books, because children will learn quickly. When we read good books our thoughts expand wisdom grows. Our thoughts become high. Recently I read the book, Wings of Fire by the missile man our former President Dr.Abdul Kalam. His autobiography on how he as a scientist had worked hard day and night to send the guided missile into space, and how the western countries are surprised touched my heart. As Christians, to lead a successful life we have to read spiritual books. Sadhu Sunder Singh has also read a lot of spiritual books. Even our Lord Jesus Christ read the verses from Isaiah in the scroll at the church. Our God knew the scripture,in Matthew 4th chapter, he fasted for 40 days, and when Satan tempted him, and said if you are the son of God, turn there stones into bread. For that he replied, Man does not live by bread alone, but from the words from the mouth of God he lives. He said the verses from Deuteronomy to Satan, and overcame him. So my dear youngsters, take time to read good books. Go to the nearby library, near your house. Your life will be lifted high, when you read good books. Your spiritual life will also be blessed and there is no doubt in it. -Rajakumar
8 Kerith-April "12

Amidst many sounds that we hear in this world, are we able to hear the expectant voice calling, Do you love me? from Calvarys cross? Christianity is not a way of knowledge, a way of devotion or a way of excitement. It is way of the cross. Cross should come to our mind as soon as we hear the name Jesus Christ because the fullness of a Christian life (Salvation) is revealed in this scene (1 John 1:7). This cross is illustrated as the heavenly ladder for a believer and the gateway to heaven as evident in the lives of many saints. Just as the oars of a boat are important to reach the other shore, the cross helps us reach the heavenly shores. Just like the sail of the boat which helps to get across to the other shore of the sea, the cross helps people to get across to the shore of eternal life. The cross looks like he addition symbol + and its meaning is selfevident. It is by this cross that Jesus had beautifully united us with God the Father again. Christ the crucified should became the centre and model to us (1 Peter 2:19-21). There is no Christ without the cross in Christianity. A Christianity without cross is vanity. That is why Jesus said in Mathew 16:24, If any man wants to come after me, let him deny himself and pick up his cross and follow me. The cross gives us a very clear picture that there is no share in heaven without suffering. We should not be careless about the deep spiritual call that all Christians have been called to suffer like Christ, for him and with him (2 Timothy 2:11,12, 1 Peter 2:21). The cross of Jesus was not designed in a hurry in an uncertain time. It was planned before the creation of the world by God our Father (1 Peter 1:20,21). We can understand the suffering he went through if we say he was crushed for us instead of he was wounded for us. In the Roman Empire, the cross was considered to be a symbol of shame. But Jesus died on the cross and rose again to make it a symbol of victory. Today many people like Jesus Christ. But they do not like the cross. The reason is that they do not understand the meaning of the cross well. The lily of the valley has a beautiful smell because it grows amidst thorns and whenever it sways in the wind, the thorns pierce it and release the fragrance. The more the flower allows the thorns to pierce it the more fragrance is released and it is taken to even high peaks (Song of Solomon 2:2). In the same way, the cross adds more strength to those who want to live for Christ (1 Cor 1:18). Simon Peter turned to the cross after he heard the Lord asking Do you love me? He kept Jesus as his role model and submitted to being crucified upside down (John 21:15-19). Until the last one find Jesus as Savior, let us respond like Peter, in saying, Yes Lord and let us turn towards the cross today (Matthew 10:38,39, Hebrews 2:18).

Shall we turn to the cross!


Kerith-April "12 9

MISSIONARY: R.THOMAS & IDA Kuduk speaking people live in Chattisgarh, Jharkand, Odisha, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam and in parts of Bangladesh and Nepal. About 50 lakh Kuduk speakers are living in India. About 96 lakhs of them are present in Chattisgarh. This Bible translation work is functioning with Chattisgarh as its centre. Kuduk Bible translation was started on May 2002. It has taken five years to learn the dialect and reduce it to written form (alphabets). The actual translation work was started in September 2007. Praise God for: 1. Since September 2007 about 50% of the New Testament has been translated (Matthew, Mark, Luke, Romans, Hebrew, I & II Timothy, Titus, I & II Thessalonians, Galatians). 2. The gospel of Mark was printed and published last October. 3. First draft of John, Acts, I Corinthians has been made. 4. Adult literacy program was conducted in 23 villages in Kuduk language during 2008 to 2010. 5. Worship groups are operational in three villages. Pray for: 1. Pray that the first draft of II Corinthians and Revelation be completed before March 2012. 2. Pray for the first draft of John, Acts, I Corinthians to undergo checking by Greek scholars and receive the certificate for publication. 3. Pray that the translation of entire New Testament and its publication be completed before 2015. 4. Pray for the audio conversion of the 11 books that have been published already. 5. Pray for the baptism of Kajar Bawna villagers. 6. Pray for the local evangelists Paulose, Moharsai and Reginish and their families. 7. Pray for the missionary family R.Thomas & Ida for their valuable ministry. Pray that God should bless them with heavenly wisdom to complete this task for the glory of God. 8. Pray for their children Rajeev (5th std), Aksha (1st Std.) who are studying in Donavur.



10 Kerith-April "12



Baisakhi festival is celebrated by people of Punjab once in a year as Punjabi New Year and it is also considered as holy day by Khalsa group of Sikhs. In the year 1699 the tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gopinath Singh announced KIRANT SAHIB (Holy Book) as holy Book for Sikhs. Sikhs highly respect and follow this Holy Book. They place this Holy book either in a bed or stand. Each morning they cover this Holy Book with a new cloth. They dont even use the cloth more than once to cover the book. Each year people of Amritsar, Punjab celebrate this Baisakhi in the month of April (13-14). On that particular day Sikhs get up early in the morning and they go to Gueuthuara Temple and Golden Temple to worship their God. They read their holy book Granth Sahib by placing it on the stone stand. Before placing their book on the stone they wash the stone with milk and water. Later they take the book through the streets with great singing and dancing. They give such great respect to their Holy Book. Do we honour our Bible, The living word? Prayer Points: 1. For Sikhs to realize and come out of their false belief. 2. Sikhs should come to Christ. 3. For open door among the Sikhs to spread the gospel. 4. For missionaries who are at present working in the midst of Sikhs. 5. Pray for the golden temple. For the salvation of thousands of people who visit this golden temple daily. 6. Pray for the spiritual gathering (Mela) which is held in Punjab in the month of April (13 & 14).

For whom?
1. 2. 3.


Those who love Jesus whole heartily. Those who turn their back to the world and to sin! Making the church a common one for Indians. Those who bear the cross daily, and want to accomplish for Jesus Christ.

Special Features:
Bible study / Practical Counseling / Meaningful Songs/ Choreography / Skits / Discussion / Question Hour / Prayer Times / Planning Chances / Missionary Vision. These are for you. Come as faithful believers! Parents send your children / or bring them Both Boys and Girls can participate

Date: 17.05.2012 - 20.05.2012 Place: Karunya university, Coimbatore

For Details Contact: FMPN, No.29, High School Road, Ambattur, Chennai -53/ Ph: 044-26570404 & FMPB YOuTH WING, 25C, Eden Garden, Srinivasa Nagar, 5th Main Road, Trichy-620017, Ph:9444393227 Kerith-April "12 11

Dadra and Nagar Haveli is one of the seven Union Territories of India is in the borders of Maharashtra. It is located exactly in the valley of Daman Ganga. This place has many Tourist spots and the languages spoken here are Hindi, Marathi. Our Jawahar Mission field and home for children are also located here. It houses 40 (20 students) children. It is supervised by the couple, Mr. Vijay Babu and Devakirubai. The Bombay Parel Methodist Church is sponsoring the needs of this Home. They visited this home three years back. The team consisted of elderly people only. Their children are studying in residential schools. In those schools, they are taught the principles of other religions and are brought up in the same. So, they started this Home to make the children know GOD and to learn spiritual songs. It was started after 8 long months of struggle. Though there are very few believers in Jawahar, the landlord has rented out his house for Rs. 30000/month. It is happy to know that this house is well-furnished. The children study in the near-by school. They spend time in school from 11 am to 5 pm. They spend the rest of the time in morning/evening prayers, playing games and eating food. They suffer from stomach disorders during rainy season. Though they have separate drinking water facility and well, they still get unclear water. They need to travel 20 Km to reach a hospital. This hospital is called General Health care center. At the end of every Academic year, the children go back to their home towns to spend their vacation. They are praying for a land to construct a new building so that they can expand the place to accommodate some more children. PRAYER POINTS 1) Pray that they would be able to buy a land of their own 2) Monthly expense is Rs.18000-19000. Though the needs are met, sometimes there arises acute shortage of funds. Pray for their needs to be met. 3) Pray for their good health during rainy seasons. 4) Pray for the children to lead a testimonial life as they leave to their homes for vacation for about two months. 5) Pray for all the 40 children and their families. 6) Pray for all the 15 Mission fields and for the two Supervisors. 7) Two churches are on construction. Pray that the construction process should take place without hindrance and that their financial needs be met. -Nancy


Jawahar Home
12 Kerith-April "12

Fourth Week Prayer Points

Tribe of the month

Deconni People
Population : 12,830,600 Muslims : 100% Christians : 0.01% Language : Tekon Those heard about Jesus: 22% The location of their dwelling place The Table Land is between River Godavari and River Manjra. This tribe lives in Maharashtra and in Andhra Pradesh. It is said that the Muslims occupied this place in 1100. Today, 99% of the people are Muslims. Hindu dominance after independence made this tribe scatter far and wide. They have been doing well since Muslim dominance reduced. These people are experts in painting and they sell pots painted by them. There is no Christian believer among these people who worship musical instruments and monks. Outreach programmes are still carried out among them. Prayer Points: 1. Pray for this zealous tribe to accept Christ as their personal Savior. 2. Pray for their deliverance from superstitions 3. Pray that many young ministers should volunteer to work among them. 4. Pray for an open door to minister among these people 5. Pray for GODs blessing on their work and cultivation 6. Pray for GODs Hand to move among them as the ministers preach the Gospel 7. Pray for the translation of the Holy Bible in their own mother tongue 8. Pray for educational facility for their children. hearty Wishes. Our wishes to the young people, who have started new prayer fellowshipsin their home towns. they are listed below
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Mr.Thomas Edwinraj, Dindugal Mr.M.Periyasamy, Dindugal Mr.D.Issacraja, Karur Ms.R.Suganya, Sattur Mr.A.Johnson, Tuticorin Ms.J.Tamilselvi, Sattur Ms.R.Chitradevi, Dindugal Mr.S.Caleb Manickaraj, Tuticorin Ms.R.Swarna Sujaritha, Sattur Mr.B.Donsilin Albert, Dindugal Ms.A.Praisy Evangelin, Sattur Ms.J.Metha, Trichy Mr.R.Suranjith Henry Karunakaran,Trichy Mr.W.T.Prince, Valparai Mr.Arun Daniel, Dindugal Ms.Jemila, Tirunelveli

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Kerith-April "12 13

This has lot of pilgrim centers as it is the birth place of Hinduism. 50% of the sugarcane production is from this state. Now, the mechanisms needed for transport and railways, aluminum and computer products are also produced here. 69% of the people of the State are agriculturists. It stands 1st in the production of oil seeds, wheat, maize, corn, barley, dhal products and potatoes. The urban areas are polluted and the population is high. In rural areas basic needs are not met and medical facilities are very poor. In Uttar Pradesh, out of 613 people groups, in 579 people groups there are no Christians. 191 groups have not heard the gospel. For missionary work this place is a challenge. In this state, there are Brahmins, Rajputs and Ahir people, who constitute 22 crore. They are closed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. FMPB in this State There are 32 universities and more than 2000 college In this state, FMPB has 11 in this state. mission fields. Kushwaha people are eager to hear Prayer Points: the Word of God. In the 1.The people who come to pilgrimage centers may know that Jesus new mission field, Pakshika Thalap in the past eight Christ is the real living God. months, 665 people have ac- 2.The people who are considered as Christians are 0.3% and they are cepted Jesus Christ as their mostly dalits. Pray that they may stand firm in their faith and they savior. In total, 15,000 peo- may be shielded against persecutions. ple have accepted Jesus as 3.Those dalits who have converted to Christianity are forced again to their savior. In 27 places we accept Hinduism in some places Pray that such persecutions may be have church buildings. 23 stopped. missionaries and 27 local 4.Pray for a coordinated effort of all Christian missionaries and orevangelists are working in ganizations working in the State. these fields. 5.The Government may take steps to give dalits the basic needs and medical facilities. 6.God may send more missionaries to this place, because not many volunteer to work here. 7.Those high caste people, who are against Christians, may accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. 8.In this state there are 3.5 crore Muslims. They may know about Jesus Christ. 9.The Universities and Colleges in this state have more than 40 prayer groups and pray that they will gather regularly without fail. Also, pray that the prayer groups may increase and many may commit for full time work from these groups. 10.Pray for the safety of our missionaries and local evangelists. 11.Peoples heart to be opened for the Gospel and pray for Swarihia Darshen 2015 evangelization plan. 12.Pray for Kushwaha group people who are very eager to know about the gospel.

About the State:

14 Kerith-April "12

State - Uttar Pradesh

Flash Prayers -Julie&Lona

Pray for teens involved in Terrorist activities which are increasing in number day by day. Pray for change in the situation. Teens to enjoy freedom from the bondage of video games and films filled with violence. 2 Lakhs Acre land (farming land) in Tamil Nadu has been converted into residential areas. Pray for change in the situations. For farming to grow, production to increase. Exporting products to increase in India and thus to balance the money spend in importing. To save water, which goes waste by emptying itself in the sea and thus solve the problem of water scarcity. For the divorce rates to decrease. For good understanding between the couples, partners to work together in building the family and strengthening the relationship. For parents to bring up the children with much care and discipline. For Kudankulam Atomic Centre problem to end in peace. Pray for increase in electricity production. Pray for the growth of small scale Industries and farming which gets hundred by shortage of electricity. Pray for decrease in rate of murder, Kidnappings, theft which has increased in number recently in Tamil Nadu. Pray for peace in Tamilnadu. Now a days old people are forced to beg by certain anti social groups. Pray for older people who are under bondage of such groups. For protection of older people. Family members to take Good care of elders Pray for protection of young girls. Many young girls run away from home with desire to join in film industry later their life is ruined. God to redeem families which are under the bondage of alcohol abuse. For Government to completely ban alcohol. People to have awareness about cleanliness in home and country. Pray for adults to drive two wheelers safely. Pray for unmarried elderly and young men and women who are worried about their future. Pray for people who have lost any one of the parent (father / mother) Pray for the unemployed. Pray for workers working in municipalities, corporation, panchayat offices, and councilors to perform their duty to best ability. Pray for police Department which work round the clock even during Government holidays. To perform their duty with true honesty, integrity and bravery. Pray for our border security force and their families. Pray for our Ministers, Prime Minister, President and Government Officers to perform their duty faithfully. Government concessions, pension to reach the right citizens. Christians to live a witnessing life. Pray for all students who appear for their exams. God to grant them wisdom students to work hard in performing for the exam. God to grant wisdom and knowledge while they write the exam. Students to write the exam honestly not to involve in activities like copying, cheating. God to give good results to ten lakh students who have appeared for 10th exam and 7,25,000 students who have completed writing their +2 exam. God to bless their future. Students to remain healthy and not to be distracted during exam time. God to bless missionary children who are appearing for their final exams God to honor the missionary kids. Pray for peace during exam periods. There should not be any natural calamities or other mishaps during this period. Pray that we should lead a holy life and to be more close to God during his lenten season. God to protect all churches in India from any opposition and anti religious activities which normally happens during Good Friday and Easter period. Pray for Christians to celeb rate Easter meaningfully. Many should come to the knowledge that Christ died for our inequities in the cross. Believers to renew their salvation. April 2nd is celebrated as world mentally disabled awareness day. People should come to the knowledge that, there is medical treatment available for mentally disabled person. There are around 29,800 libraries all around India. On the other hand these libraries are used less often by people. Pray for people to use their libraries to great extent to increase their knowledge. Authors to author the book in such a way todays youth will benefit from it. Their writings should not be a stumbling block for the youth. April 2nd is celebrated as International Childrens Book day. Parents to encourage their kids to read Good Book. First week of April is celebrated as blindness awareness day in India. Twelve Million Blind people are found in India. Pray for increase in awareness among people about blindness and blind to receive better health care. April 7th is celebrated as World health day. Pray for the well being of sick and for village people to have good access to health care. April 2nd week is celebrated as road safety week. Every year 1.2 million people die in Road Traffic Accidents. Pray for people to follow road safety rules and for accident rate to decrease. April 29th is celebrated as Malaria awareness day. 1.3 million people die due to Malaria. The malarial victims to have good access to Medical Treatment and facility.

Think and face the challenges.

Then The Apostles and the Church of Jerusalem, were suffering greatly for Christ, and they went untiringly to the world and preached the Gospel even though there was no proper means of transport, poor economic conditions and no technology (Acts 5:40-42, 8:1-4). Now Then how much more should we, who have not suffered for Christ and are enjoying advancement and growth in transport, technology and economy, preach the Gospel to those who have not heard about Jesus even once in their life time. If you keep silent at this time, liberation and deliverance will come to the Jewish (Indian) people from another place (Esther 4:14). Kerith-April "12 15

Christian PrinCiPles
Introduction: Dear readers of Keirith, There are four stages in Christianity. They are 1. Faith 2. Principles 3. Tradition and 4. Ceremonies / Rituals. The teachings of Christ or the teachings that we acquire from the Bible are based on faith. But we have introduced principles, traditions, rituals etc. Let us see what are the principles and traditions that has made the people fall from their faith. Christian Principles There are only two Christian principles. They are 1. right and 2. wrong. Let us see which of the following are right. 1.Immersion baptism based on the Bible (Explanation in the following days) 2.Trinity (Truth about Father, Son and Holy Spirit) 3.Sabbath (for the Jews) 4.Holy Spirit (He is not an excitement) 5.Speaking in Tongues (This is a gift and not a sign) All these are right. Apart from these truths there are others. Many people preach wrong principles and pull people towards them, but these principles are ones that cause confusion. In the coming days we should make sure that we learn Biblical principles so that we can be away from the wrong ones. Traditions Next is traditions. These traditions vary from culture to culture and from society to society. So we should not compare these with the Bible. These will not be in accordance to the Bible. Traditions are linked with the culture of a place. 1. Jewish traditions 2. Greek traditions etc. They are also relation to religion. According to the various denominations of the Church we have 1. Anglican Church 2. SPG Mission Church 3. Orthodox Churches 4. Gideon Church 5. Pentecostal Church etc. All their traditions are different from each other. In this state of affairs let us only give importance to faith. 1. Christian Faith: I greet all the readers in the name of the Lord. We are going to lean about Christian principles. Christianity is not one which is based on principles alone. Most importantly, Christian life is based on faith. Let us learn about this faith. Only then can we desire to live this life of faith.
16 Kerith-April "12

What is faith? Let us search for the answer to this question from the Bible. It is written in Hebrews 11:1 that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen . What does this mean? This means that there is a God and we cannot see Him with our eyes but we can feel Him working amongst us. Faith is the belief that God is working everyday, there is an unseen heaven and the angels were also created by God. Christians should base their faith on the verse given above. This is what is repeatedly being taught in the Bible. A Christian can live without such faith and Christian principles. But a life like that will not be of any use. It will only cause unnecessary confusions. So a life filled with faith is much better. We have heard of persons called Christ but how can we have faith in Him? We will learn this on the basis of Hebrews 11:6. 1.We should believe he exists. We should have the assurance that he is in spirit. 2.We should believe that he will reward those who seek him diligently. Out of these two things one we can see and the other we cannot. Since Jesus Christ is in spirit we cannot see him. But 1 Timothy 6:16 tells us that he works in our lives. We can see his works and can feel them. So faith believes the unseen God and his works that can be seen. What are the primary benefits of faith? 1. We become children of God - John 1:12 2. We are justified - Romans 5:1, Acts 13:39, Romans 4:25 3. We please God Hebrews 11:6 4. We get salvation Ephesians 2:8 5. We overcome the world 1 John 5:4 We should have faith so that we can get these benefits. If we do not have this faith and follow just principles we only get into a lot of confusion and this will damage our faith 1 Timothy 1:19,20. So let us live a life filled with faith. -Rev. J. Jayaseelan

We all know that recently India played a test series with Australia and lost miserably. The true strength of a team will be known only when they place test cricket. Test cricket is not one day match or 20-20 matches. To play a test match we need patience, endurance, skill and stamina. Our life is also like a test match. Everyday we face many problems or tests in life. To overcome these problems prayer is very important. We have read in the previous issues that prayer is like breath. Let us learn about a few Biblical people who have prayed before facing tests or problems. 1.ABIJAH (2 Chronicles 13) Abijah was the King of Judah. There was a war between him and Jeroboam, King of Israel. The army of Jeroboam was double that of Abijah. They were attacking from all sides. Abijah and the people of Judah prayed to God. God heard their cry and enabled them to defeat Jeroboam and his army Prayer brought Victory in battle 2.JEHOAHAz (2 Kings 13) Jehoahaz was one of the powerful kings who ruled Israel. He was wicked in the eyes of the Lord and hence the Lord made them slaves to King Hazael, King of Assyria. Jehoahaz prayed to the Lord. The Lord heard his prayer and made him escape from slavery. Prayer helped escape from the enemy 3.HEzEKIAH (2 Kings 19) In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiahs (King of Judah) rule, Sennacherib, King of Assyria captured many cities of Judah. He not only captured these cities but he also sent a letter to Hezekiah ridiculing the Lord. Hezekiah interceded with the Lord. That night the angel of the Lord went and put to death a 1,85,000 people in the Assyrian camp. The king of Judah and his people were delivered from the Assyrians. Prayer brought deliverance 4.ESTHER (Esther 4) We all know Esther. She is a very famous Biblical character. Esther along with her attendants fasted and prayed for three days to ward off the destruction of her people. Though she went to see the King without permissions she found favour in the eyes of King. The Jews were saved.

To commemorate these days, the Purim festival is celebrated. 5.SAMSON (Judges 16) Samson was chosen even before he was formed in his mothers womb to deliver the people of Israel from their 40 year bondage. He lost his secret because of his lust for Delilah. He was blinded and was brought as a showpiece in front of all the people to entertain them. He stood in between two pillars that was holding the temple and prayed to the Lord. The Lord gave him strength and he pushed the pillars. The temple fell and many people died. Prayer gave Strength 6.JESUS CHRIST (Mathew 4:1-11,26:36-46) After 40 days of fasting and praying in the wilderness he overcame all the three temptations that Satan brought. To face the big challenge of dying on the cross he earnestly prayed to the Lord. The above people that we saw are human beings who have a sinful nature. But Jesus Christ is a person who has been tempted in every way, just as we are yet he did not sin (Hebrews 4:15) says the Bible. He lived in the world as an example for us. He prayed before he faced a problem. Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. (Matthew 26:41) says the Lord. So we should pray to be victorious in our tests. Let us pray and be victorious


- Sylvia Jacob

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18 Kerith-April "12

Its a very important time in every students life. Its the time when students become really serious about their lives and sometimes really very spiritual. Yes, its Exam time and I hope every student reading this article has already been caught up with the Exam Fever. Whoever it may be a class topper or a poor learner will be caught up by a fear in some way or the other, during the exam time. Research has shown that excessive fear can cause ulcers, headaches, rashes, discomfort in stomach, inability to sleep, loss of appetite, etc. A student in an exam hall can go blank which is an evidence of memory failure caused by fear. Is there a way out of such fear? Read on.. BE PREPARED Failing to prepare is preparing to fail Nothing good can be dreamt from anything, without the foundation of preparation. Jesus emphasized this in a parable in Luke 14:28 If one of you is planning to build a tower, you first sit down and figure out what it will cost, to see if you have enough money to finish the job. Lack of preparation may be due to the following reasons: 1. Overconfidence: 2. Procrastination: 3. Laziness: The greatest maritime disaster in history of the Royal Ship Titanic is a classic example of the tragedy following overconfidence, procrastination and laziness. 1502 wealthy passengers died that day. The ship was originally designed to carry 32 life boats. Some felt they are not necessary for such a strong ship. The wireless operator who was supposed to send a sixth ice warning to the ship kept the paper under his elbow and was sending chatty messages to his friends. Just 37 seconds after spotting the iceberg, the greatest tragedy on sea began. BE CONTENDED This might be very suitable for the toppers. Some students prepare 90% of their subject thoroughly, but tend to worry about the remaining 10% which they would have not prepared well. Worrying like this tends to develop a fear at the time of the examination, when a student happens to see questions from the portion not studied. Thinking about answering those questions tends to lose concentration on the already studied portion and all the answers might really turn to be a mess. BE TRUTHFUL Dishonesty in exam hall is alarming in all the schools these days. Carrying bits, copying, stealing question papers and other such malpractices are considered heroic these days. Doing these activities creates heavy burden and fear in the exam hall. Sometimes these acts may never be discovered but the guilt and regret they leave are terrible. What you are today is what you have sown in the past, and what you will be tomorrow is what you will sow today. Be honest in whatever you do. Matthew 7:13-14 Stay away from friends who may attempt you for malpractices. Honesty is the best policy. BE CONFIDENT Even after studying and preparing everything some students lack confidence when facing exams. This may be due to the self esteem they hold before others which comes to test during the time of exams. Some feel very lonely at the exam hall and fear a lot and feel as if there is no one near to help. The risk of failure also pressures a student to lose confidence. Here are few verses which will help to boost up the confidence. It is wonderful to have confidence in God. There is no one merciful like Him. He understands us and our very present help in our trouble. Finally to achieve all these, BE PRAYERFUL. Prayer and talking to God always make us feel Gods presence around us every time which will eventually drive fear out of us. After all our efforts, its the work of God to make everything possible. Nothing goes beyond of what God has planned for you. All the Best! -7.5
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To become rich is a dream for many. But only few have a desire to become rich in Gods Word though many Christians like to hear Gods Word. David did not just read Gods Word. But he enjoyed every bit of it. He says, They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb (Ps 19: 10). Do we have the same desire towards Gods Word? We live in a sinful world where it is becoming more and more difficult for young people to live a holy life. But the Bible encourages that every young man who is rich in Gods Word will definitely be able to keep his life pure and blameless (Ps 119: 9). Jesus was rich in Gods Word. This enabled Him to overcome all the temptations He faced. He used Gods Word as a weapon to fight against Satan. David says, I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Ps 119: 11). Do we hide Gods Word in our hearts? A British treasure hunter discovered a huge stash of Roman coins buried in a field in southwest England. using a metal detector, Dave Crisp located a large pot holding 52,000 coins. These ancient silver and bronze coins, which date from the third century AD and weigh more than 350 pounds, are valued at $5 million. By hearing this one may want to dream of finding similar riches. But we as Christians should be on a different kind of treasure hunt. What we seek does not consist of silver and gold. The Bible exhorts us to search the Scriptures. The people of Berea listened eagerly to Pauls message and they searched the Scriptures day after day to check up on Paul and Silas, to see if they were really teaching the truth (Ac 17: 11). If we read the Word of God hurriedly or carelessly, we will miss its deep insights. These truths must be sought earnestly with all the attention of someone seeking hidden treasure. It begins with a willing commitment, continues with exciting discoveries and leads to the treasure of wisdom and life. We should search the Scriptures precious store as a miner digs for ore. Here are few guidelines to become rich in Gods Word given by David Roper in Our Daily Bread: (i) Find a Bible, a quiet place, and an uninterrupted period of time. Sit quietly and remind yourself that youre in the presence of God. (ii) Select a portion of Scripture a verse, a paragraph, a chapter and read it over and over. (iii) Thinking of God as present and speaking to you, meditate on His words until His thoughts begin to take shape in your mind. (iv) Memorize the verses that touch you deeply. (v) Take time to reflect on what He is saying and think of some practical ways in which all that you learnt may be applied to your daily life. (vi) Make note of all that you learn from the Bible and all that you dont understand so that you may attempt to understand them later. Many books inform but only the Bible transforms. Make every effort to become rich in Gods Word so that your life will be transformed and you will never be the same.

20 Kerith-April "12


Character Study Who is he? He was the Governor of Judea AD 26-36 A Roman who never showed pity for Jews. Weakness: Even though Pilate knew Jesus was Righteous he handed Jesus to be crucified. Pilate in Bible: (Gospels/ Acts 3:13, 4:27, 13:28, 1 Timothy 6:13) Was Christ New to Pilate? When Pilate was Governor in Judea, Jesus Christ and John the Baptist went around preaching about Gods Kingdom. Therefore neither Jesus nor Good News about Christ was new to Pilate. In various occasions Pilate plotted and performed various acts against Jesus and John the Baptist. 1)Once Pilate used temple offering money to build water channel as a result Jews conspired against Pilate,. To take revenge for this incident during Jewish festival time when they were offering sacrifices, he send his soldiers and slaughtered the Jews with the sword. Among the Jews who died many were Galileans. 2)In another occasion, he killed many people in Samaria in the Mount of Keerim.
Pilates Fault: Three times he had opportunity to release Christ but he was not able to release Jesus. 1)When he heard Jesus was from Galilee he send him to Herod but it never worked out. (Luke 23:6-11) 2)When the crowd shouted to crucify Christ, he tried to release Jesus by asking the crowd whom they want to release according to their festival custom. But this time also he was not able to release Christ. 3)When Pilate sat on the judgment seat, his wife send him a message through a messenger saying. Dont do anything to this righteous man. I suffered a lot in my dreams due to him. But Pilate never paid any attention to this message too. Pilates End: Last Pilate washed his hand in water saying he is not responsible for Jesus Bloodshed. Matthew 27:2431. He wants to release Christ but at the same time he wanted to please people. It is said in the end he committed suicide. How are we? Pilate did not use his opportunities properly. How are we using our God given opportunities?

Think and face the challenges.

Then The disciples who were with Jesus all the time did not believe that Jesus has risen even after Jesus Himself said it (Mathew 26:32). Even the people who were very close to the disciples told them that they saw Jesus face to face and yet the disciples did not believe them (Mark 16:10-14). They said only if they saw Jesus face to face they will believe (John 20:24,25). Now It is only by the Holy Bible that we have seen, heard and known that Jesus has risen. How much more faith we should have in this fact. Jesus said Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (John 20:29)
Kerith-April "12 21


And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, Come over to Macedonia and help us. Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them (ACTS 16:9,10) Question: I have the desire to Gods ministry in full time. But I dont know if GOD is really calling me. I have a burden to start evangelizing as a missionary but Im not able to understand Gods call with certainty. What should I do? ANSWER: We have heard many young girls and boys say this often. In many spiritual meetings, there is a call made for full-time ministry. Those burdened for souls come forward to consecrate their lives for serving GOD. But when they think about their family, financial crisis, physical weakness, they doubt their calling. What is meant by GODs calling? Is it for some people only? Generally speaking, every Christian believer is called by GOD. Paul in his letter to the Romans, says that every believer is called according to GODs Divine purpose (Romans 8:28). Why are we called? It is to show GODs plan of salvation to others (I Peter2:9). So, the final command of preaching Gods Word to all nations (Mark 16:15) is not only to the ministers of GOD. But some are called by GOD to preach HIS Word in full time. Some are called to travel long to serve as missionaries. It is not that easy to write or speak on GODs call because HE leads each person in a unique way. The experiences of Moses and Isaiah were not the same. The call of Paul and Peter were not the same. HE led Hudson Taylor in a way and Adoniram Judson in another way. So, let us ponder into some basics of GODs calling. VISION: The call to missionary work begins with a vision. Paul saw a man from Macedonia in his vision. He saw the man crying for help. That was Pauls call to preach the gospel in the Euro22 Kerith-April "12

pean countries (Acts 16) - do not think about the dreams you dream at night when you hear the word vision. It is the picture seen by your spiritual eyes. You will be disappointed if you wait for GOD to speak to you in dreams with thundering clouds about your missionary call. Do you feel a burden for the perishing 100 crore souls in INDIA every day? Is GOD keeping you informed about the requirements in the mission field? This is a vision in itself. The world famous hospital founded by Dr. Ida Scudder got this vision in the following way: when her father was serving as a medical missionary in the rural places of Dindivanam, little Ida came to India to spend her holidays. One night, her dad got three emergency cases to attend. All three were women. They took Ida to be the doctor and requested her to accompany them to attend to the suffering women. But Ida had no medical training. They refused to get treated by a man. Alas! The three women died that night. This made Ida understand the need for women doctors in India. She went back to her country and took medical training and returned to India as a medical missionary. Vision is the impact on us by the things happening around. BURDEN: When God calls someone as missionary, HE lays a burden in their heart for missionary work. One who decides in haste emotionally to serve as a missionary will forget his call very soon. But the vision obtained by GODs will turn to be a

burden. This burden turns into prayer. HURDLES: Dr. Oswald J. Smith says, There are two kinds of people who come forward to serve as missionaries: one says, LORD, send me. He then jumps over the hurdles and moves forward. The other one says,LORD, send me. He repeats the same the next year. Even after five years, he repeats the same. Why? It is because he staggers around seeing the hurdles. It is natural to experience hurdles when you step out to do GODs ministry. This comes often in the form of financial crisis in the family or direct opposition from the family. He, who is called by GOD, need not fear these hurdles. When you pray for GODs guidance, HE will break down all the hurdles or HE will give you strength to jump over the obstacles. QUALIFICATION: Qualification cannot be quoted as an excuse for not obeying GODs calling. Moses complained that he had a stuttering tongue. GOD said,Go, is it not I who made the mouth? Jeremiah hesitated to take his call stating that he was a small child and did not know what to talk. GOD asked,Is it not I who made you the Prophet? Gideon was worried about his physical weakness. GOD called him a mighty man of valor. Yes, GOD qualifies the unqualified. If you feel you are called to a particular kind of ministry, check if you have the ability and talents for the same. For instance, a person who cannot be patient with children cannot take up childrens ministry. How can we believe if someone with very poor academic record says that he feels called to teach the Bible? What do we call a person who applies to an Engineering firm without any training in the Engineering stream? In short, if GOD calls you to a specific assignment, you will see the required signs in you. CONFIRMATION: It is important to confirm your calling before you venture into missionary journey. Many who had not confirmed their calling as missionary struggle hard when they face trials in the mission field. They turn back from the mission

field, questioning if their call was of GODs will or not, says Hudson Taylor. Paul says in Acts16:10 that he started for Macedonia after knowing that it was the Will of GOD. Some find their confirmation from the Word of GOD. Some others find answers in the sermons they hear, in the spiritual books they read and from the experiences of other servants of GOD. Sometimes, GOD confirms HIS call by the changing circumstances around us. David Livingston prepared for his journey to China as a missionary. But the doors of China were closed for him. He prayed fervently. He was led to Africa. Judson travelled to serve as missionary in India. The English domination chased him away from India. He prayed without ceasing. He then left to Burma. Wait patiently to see which door is opened by GOD and which door is closed by GOD. Above all, be sensitive to GODs Spirit, who will direct you to the right place HE has chosen for you. PERSEVERANCE: First, you should start missionary work in the very place you are. Starting a prayer fellowship to intercede for the missionaries, taking part in prayer fellowships, volunteering in Gospel meetings will prepare you for ministry. Secondly, start reading the biographies of missionaries who had toiled for the Kingdom of GOD. Read how they were called to ministry, how they ministered unto GOD and the trials they faced in the mission field. This will strengthen you in grace. Thirdly, spend time in finding more information on the type of ministry you want to involve yourself in. someone who has a thirst to evangelize North India should know the needs in North India, peoples way of living. DECIDE: GOD has a plan for every individual. Are you aware of GODs will in your life? Is your life centered on GODs will? Do you feel GODs call to be a missionary? Do not follow your emotions. Follow GODs will and not your emotions. Seek GODs will with all of your heart. There are so many souls who are waiting to be saved by your ministry. Time is running short. Pray to know what GOD intends to do through you. Ask HIM, LORD, what should I do?

Kerith-April "12 23


Walking Bible

Bible is the written Word of God through which God speaks to those who read it. God wants us His children to live in this world in such a way that our lives may become the living Bible to everyone. Sometimes our lives may become the only Bible people read. Francis of Assisi said, "It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching." Paul exhorts the young Timothy to set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity (1 Tim 4: 12). Joseph was a walking Bible. Through His life his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord gave him success in everything he did (Gen 39: 3). Even though he was put in prison for wrong reason, his life made a big difference in the lives of those who were in prison. His life reflected the living God so much that Pharoah testified about him, Can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God? (Gen 41: 38). Can people around us (classmates, office-mates, neighbors etc) give similar testimony about us? God wants us to be the fifth Gospel i.e. to live a life in such a way that people may see Jesus in our lives. Several years ago a group of five computer salesmen went from Milwaukee to Chicago for a sales convention. All were married and all promised their wives that they would return home in ample time for dinner. The sales meeting ran late and the five scurried out of the building and ran towards the train station. A whistle blew signalling the imminent departure of the train. As the salesmen rushed through the terminal, one of them inadvertently kicked over a small table on which rested a basket of apples. A ten-year old boy was selling apples to pay for his clothes and books for school. With a sigh the five clambered aboard the train, but the last felt a twinge of compassion for the boy whose apple stand had been overturned. He asked one of the group to call his wife and tell her he would be a couple of hours late. He returned to the terminal and later remarked that he was glad that he did. The ten-year old boy was blind. The salesman saw the apples scattered all over the floor. As he gathered them up, he noticed that some apples were bruised and split. Reaching into his pocket, he said to the boy, Heres twenty dollars for the apples we damaged. I hope we didnt spoil your day. God bless you. As the salesman started to walk away, the blind boy called after him and asked, Are you Jesus? Like Jesus, make a difference in this world. When the whole world moves towards violence and hatred live a life of love. When the whole world moves towards corruption and injustice live a life of integrity. When the whole world moves towards immorality and impurity, live a life of holiness. When the whole world moves towards the darkness, live a life of light. May your life be the walking Bible the whole world read.

24 Kerith-April "12


This has become a problem that is very common and starts occurring in children while they are very young. Short temper was not prevalent much before 30 or 40 years. Why is it so rampant these days? Let me try and explain the reasons to you. Before 30 or 40 years, every family had more than 3 children and parents could not afford to get the children all that they wanted with their small pay packets. Children knew that parents could not afford to give them all that they were lured to possess and so were obedient to parents. On the contrary, these days parents get loans to fulfill the dreams of their children and occasionally when parents are forced to say no, children throw tantrums and are not able to accept it. Sometimes as children, when they compel, parents succumb to their pressure. The child knows the mantra to get things from parents. This mantra becomes temper as they grow older. Adjustability is totally lost. Short temper becomes so prevalent in their life that they grow with it. The effect of short temper is very bad. I have seen children or even young boys and girls release their ill temper on their parents and break the heart of parents in a crowd and sometimes even in church. Short temper always leads to hunting others and disrespecting others. A short tempered man is detested by people around him. So, people avoid the company of short tempered people. Medical experts say short tempered people tend to have increased blood pressure levels and are more prone to heart attack. Most of the short tempered people feel they

are at a loss due to their temper but are not able to control it. Now lets go to the next part to the article, how to control temper? I know about many people who have overcome their temper with Gods help and with a little effort on their part. Practicing patience is an important method to control temper. Learning to bear with little injuries and injustices without flying into a temper should be practiced by every young boy and girl. This can be inculcated when as young boys and girls you want to become like JESuS and desire to imitate HIM. Desire to give up short temper is another important pre-requisite. A strong desire will lead to a strong will and will surely be appreciated by God who will grant us our hearts desire. Just to quote an example to how willing God is to give when we sincerely desire is seen in the life of king Solomon who desired for wisdom and was granted the same. Till today Solomons wisdoms is incomparable. Relaxing is another way to avoid temper. Do your duties well in advance so that you can do other persons job also when he does not do his. This is far better than getting into a temper loss and yelling, when somebody does not do his work. Talk to the person who makes you short tempered when you are cool. It might help. You have control more over yourself than over others. So, dont blame someone else for your temper. You have all the capability within yourself to control you temper. All these will become a sure possibility, when you commit yourself to God and ask Him to help you to give up your short temper and commit to be more like your creator Jesus. -Eben


Think and face the challenges.

Now How eager should we be in seeking the living Lord early in the morning. Those who seek him will find him (Proverbs 8:17)
Kerith-April "12 25

Mary sacrificed her sleep and rose early in the morning to go see the crucified Lord. (Mathew 28:1)




EASTER- It is considered queen of all festivals. In Old Testament Era people Do you know celebrated seven different festivals. how the feast of Passover was celebrated? 1) FEAST OF UNLEAVENED BREAD (PASSOVER) This was celebrated to remember how the Lord brought out Israelites One Passover goat from Egypt in haste. is shared by a group of 15 to 20 people. 2) FEAST OF HARVEST During this festival, fruits and sheaf from the first of the harvest was They hold the flesh offered to the Lord. This was celebrated to joyfully give thanks for Gods in pomegranate stalk blessing in the harvest. and roast it. They eat the flesh dipped 3) TABERNACLES / FEAST OF INGATHERING This was celebrated to remember Gods protection during the journey in bitter gall along with bitter herbs. In to the Promised Land when they resided in temporary shelter and booths. between they drink 4) SABBATH grape wine. In the beIt was ordained as a day of rest and joy. ginning, they used to have this feast stand5) FEAST OF TRUMPETS It was celebrated on a day of rest, marked by trumpet blasts and sac- ing; later it turned out to be on their knees. rifices. They eat it fast. It is 6) DAY OF ATONEMENT traditional to finish Day of sacrifices of atonement for priests and people. the entire feast within 45 minutes. In this period of Grace 1) CHRISTMAS It is celebrated to remember Jesus (God) was born to this world as Human being. 2) GOOD FRIDAY / NEW PASSOVER-It is celebrated to remind us that Jesus Christ who was sinless like a sheep without Blemish was slaughter for us by God the father. 3) RESURRECTION DAY-It is celebrated to remind us, Christ rose from the Death forever defeating grave and Satan. It also reminds us that we are participants in this resurrection. 4) DAY OF PENTECOST-It is the 50th day from the day of Jesus resurrection. On this day Holy Spirit was poured into the church. On this day the prophecy of prophet Joel was fulfilled. Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the Central theme in Christian faith. By his resurrection Jesus proved that he is truly the son of God the father. If resurrection did not happen, our witnessing will be a lie and our Christian faith will be in vain. Hearty CongratulaAccording to scriptures, Christ died for our sin and he rose again on Third day. His open grave is witness for his resurrection. Millions of people tion to Sachin who who are free from the bondage of sin and satan are witness. How about you? brought laurels to India by scoring his 100th 100!!

26 Kerith-April "12

The world might say that One is you are born in a Request Daily Christian family. You are scientists of our But a 16.For the labourers 1.For the a Christian. country person who has tasted 17.For the professors working in colleges 2.People suffering from AIDS the love of Christ, and 18.For the sincerity of the bank employees has led a life, which 3.For the salvation of movie stars shows Christ in it, is 19.For the financial needs to be met 4.For the ministry going on amongst the tribal people only a Christian isnt 20.For Malpahadiya peoples salvation 5.For the We will see about it? salvation of the Jains
6.For meaningful Good Friday services 21.For the Government employees 7.For the workers of the Church all over the world 22.For the Chief Minister of the State of Pondicherry 8.For the sports persons 23.For the prostitution to completely stop 9.For the nurses of our country 24.For the people affected with diseases 10.For the Dons of North India 25.For the missionary organizations 11.For the eradication of suicide 26.For the life of software engineers 12.For the sin-free living of lorry and truck drivers 27.For people who are childless 13.For peace in our families 28.For the elderly leaders 14.For the pioneers in law 29.For the confusion in our future 15.For peace in Arabian countries 30.For the Mayor of Salem OBEDIENCE VERSUS SACRIFICES God says many times that he doesnt want our gifts and sacrifices when we give them out of ritual or hypocrisy. God wants us first to love and obey him. 1 Samuel 15:22/23-Obedience is better than sacrifice. Psalm 40:6-8-God doesnt want sacrifices or offerings; he wants us to take joy in doing his will. Psalm 51:16-19- God isnt interested in sacrifice, he wants a broken and repentant heart. Jeremiah 7:21-23- It isnt sacrifices God wants, he desires our obedience and promises that he will be our God and we will be his people. Hosea 6:6- God doesnt want sacrifices, he wants us to show love. He doesnt want offerings; he wants us to know him. Amos 5:21-24- God hates pretense and hypocrisy, he wants to see justice roll on like a river. Micah 6:6-8- God is not satisfied with offerings, he wants us to do what is right, love mercy, and walk humbly with him. Mattew 9:13- God doesnt want sacrifies, he wants us to be merciful.

A nnuAl C Amp
Date : 2012 May 17th 10am to 20th 2pm Karunya unniversity, Kovai

Friends Missionary Prayer Band

come with your friends

FRIENDs bAMb 2012 ( bible Quiz ) bible portion Acts & Ecc Get ready to win!


April 14th 2012



Ramasami Nadar Mandabam, Pattabiram, Chennai

Speakers Rev. Arthur Jebaraj Bro. Devanand, Bro. Jesuvadian contact: fmpb, 604 MTH Road, Pattabiram, Chennai - 72. PH:044 26852200

Time 9 am - 4pm

Urgent Call:
Servants of God are needed..
We need people to serve Indians who have not heard about Jesus Christ. You can come forward to help us. We are living in the last days, and it is for you to commit your life for his work. Contact in: FMPB, No.29, High School Road, Ambattur, Chennai -53/ Ph: 044-26570404 & FMPB YOUTH WING, 25C, Eden Garden, Srinivasa Nagar, 5th Main Road, Trichy-620017, Ph:9444393227

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