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Group 5 - La Fageda Report

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in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda




Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3 BUSINESS MINDSET ........................................................................................................................ 3 Philosophy ............................................................................................................................. 4 Motivation ............................................................................................................................ 5 Business approach ................................................................................................................ 5 Actions .................................................................................................................................. 5 Business mindset matrix ....................................................................................................... 7 IMPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................................... 8 Underperformance trap ........................................................................................................ 8 RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 9 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................... 10 APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................. 11 Appendix 1 Key figures la Fageda 2010 .......................................................................... 11 Appendix 2 Business Mindset Comparison ....................................................................... 12 Appendix 3 Interview transcript (english translation) ...................................................... 13

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda

La Fageda is a cooperative with a social initiative. It was founded by Cristobal Coln in 1982 with the aim of integrating people with intellectual disabilities from La Garrotxa region (Girona, Catalonia, Spain) back into society.1 La Fagedas mission is to provide labor and social integration for mentally disabled people while creating a long-term sustainable business. It currently employs 276 workers, of which 160 suffer some form of mental illness or severe mental disorder.2 The business activities of the cooperative are predominantly agricultural and are organized under the administrative framework of a special Special Work Centre under Spanish law. La Fagedas business operations are dairy production, cattle care activities, gardening services, a nursery and a craft workshop. Specific to its dairy production La Fageda produces 18 flavors of yogurt and several different kinds of ice cream and puddings. In 2009 the cooperative totaled 9.8 million Euros in revenues, which, in 2010 grew to 10.75 million Euros (see Appendix 1 for Company Statistics).3 La Fageda reinvests all its earnings to provide worker assistance and improve the companys facilities. The following graphic summarizes La Fagedas business model.

Figure 1: Business Model

La Fageda not only provides the mentally disabled people employment opportunities but more with a purpose. The cooperative implements a policy of creating job openings for all applicants that suffer from mental illness in the region; for that reason La Garrotxa has an unemployment rate of 0% among people with mental illness.4 La Fageda has become an emblematic company in La Garrotxa, with a high reputation in Catalonia. The companys brand dignifies and enriches the primary sector of Catalonia and each month, La Fageda sells 3 million multi-flavored yoghurts, made from only natural ingredients. The cooperative distributes its products within the Catalonia region, and until recently has expanded its distribution to Andorra and Menorca.

Business mindset
In order to identify the business mindset of La Fageda, we analyzed the companys main features within the four categories Philosophy, Motivation, Business Approach and Actions to help determine La Fagedas position in the business mindset matrix.
1 2 3 4

La FagedaSustainabilityReport 2010: Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010, p.2-3. Albert Riera (Communications Director), personal communication, November 7, 2011. La FagedaSustainabilityReport 2010: Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010, p.7. La FagedaSustainabilityReport 2010: Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010, p.7.

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda Philosophy The cooperatives primary goal is to create social value and its business activities are understood as a means to achieve this value. One of the main reasons for La Fagedas success is the cooperatives founder, Cristobal Coln. Coln was elected Social Entrepreneur of the year 2005 Spain, by Schwab foundation5. After working in mental hospitals for more than a decade, Coln founded La Fageda in order to improve his patients conditions by applying work therapy in a business context. Coln himself describes the business as a mere means end and states: We believe we dont just make yoghurts here; we are here to help a group of people to live a better life.6 He has also stated that if the business does not become sustainable he would simply try something else to help the mentally ill in the region. As such, the cooperative focuses on the well-being of its key group of stakeholders: the mentally disabled community from La Garrotxa; and works to provide them with professional treatment and daily monitoring according to their specific needs. The following organizational values are the pillars from which La Fageda builds its welfare approach policy7: The person as the axis. This value defines the organizational culture; it focuses on the person on the first level. This is the first value of La Fageda, thus it is the final aim of the project: making the life of the people working there better. Integrity. It sets the relation to the remaining shared values, the consistency and compliance with them. If we are not complete, we cannot build confidence in people or even in the project.8 Trust. Every person involved in the project is taken into account and accepted as they are; everyone has different capabilities and working with mentally disabled people can represent a challenge, but trust is essential in a project like this. Responsibility. With regard to social responsibility, the project assumes that the function carried out in society is more than the generation of capital assets, as it is responding to the needs of people who are not able to work properly; the project responds to those needs in a responsible way creating job opportunities and a work environment of the highest quality. Effort. To make a project like La Fageda succeed, there are several challenges that need to be overcome and the only way to do this is with effort. Effort is an attitude that goes hand by hand with growth, and the growth of the company is only possible thanks to the effort of the people who work here.9 Illusion. When an organization is able to generate enthusiasm among its members, it motivates them. This can be defined as the mental effort to do things just because the work force enjoys doing these things. This illusion stems from the confidence of the people involved in the project. If people have faith in the project they will be motivated to perform their functions as good as they can.

5 6

Social Entrepreneur Profiles, Retrieved from, November 25 2011 Arenas, D., Lamolla, L., &Vernis, A (May 2009). Social Enterprise Knowledge Network: La Fageda Case, p.9. Purchased from Harvard Business School.


7 8 9

La FagedaSustainabilityReport 2010: Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010, p.10. La FagedaSustainabilityReport 2010: Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010, p.15. La FagedaSustainabilityReport 2010: Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010, p.18.

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda Motivation As mentioned, the motivation to found La Fageda is purely social. The cooperative was created to solve a specific social problem, the social and work integration of disable and mentally ill people from La Garrotxa. Its primary purpose, therefore, has always been to improve the quality of life of its employees and this is implied in all the initiatives La Fageda undertakes. Business approach As La Fageda is driven by Cristobal Colns humanistic values, the social responsibility undertaken by La Fageda is part of its understanding of doing business. Coherently with its motivation of integrating the local community, it has a zero discrimination policy, for which it is committed to provide employment to all the mentally handicapped people from La Garrotxa holding a valid certification document that allows them to work.10 The organization does not cap employment, therefore, the number of potential employees and, in fact, the unemployment rate amongst handicapped and mentally ill people is zero percent in this region.11 Consequently it can be stated that the social goal is ranked above all business matters. Actions When La Fageda was founded, the Spanish government viewed it as unfeasible to run a business with mentally handicapped people as employees. La Fagedas business model is the core of its innovation and is considered radically innovative at the time. The company provides mentally disabled people with jobs and makes them a productive segment of society when society fears and/or suspects them of not being competent and able. This is an example of how La Fageda has used second-order innovation to focus on the root of the social problem. The company provides employment opportunities for these people and helps them become proactive members of the community. Instead of following a triple bottom line approach, the company focuses more on its social and environmental performance than on its economic return. For example, this is demonstrated by the fact that they reinvest all their annual profits in the company to keep improving the social services they offer to their employees and maintaining its 100% environmentally sustainability. This is also reflected in the business model which is composed of two parts: economic and social and environment services.

Arenas, D., Lamolla, L., &Vernis, A (May 2009). Social Enterprise Knowledge Network: La Fageda Case, p.9. Purchased from Harvard Business School.


La FagedaSustainabilityReport 2010: Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010, p.10.

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda Economic services

The profits generated by operations are reinvested into the company allowing it to offer social and environmental services. The primary operations of the company include dairy production, landscaping services, nursery, and cattle care facilities.12 These operations allow the company to provide social services and environmental services. Social and Environmental services La Fagedas social services mainly revolve around providing professional and personal development for the employees. The company employs three psychologists, five social workers, social educators, and monitors.13 These employees support the mentally disabled employees through assisting them individually and offering therapeutic prescriptions. A key feature of this is the job rotation policy at La Fageda. If employees are overwhelmed or desire to switch jobs, their preferences are of high priority and action is taken in transferring them to other jobs.14 Also, monitors provide assistance in work and supervision. Monitors are knowledgeable in dairy farming and have leadership and conflict resolution skills.15 They play a primary role in supervising employees and helping them with the assigned tasks. Furthermore, rehabilitation, recreational and therapeutic activities are always available to employees. La Fageda also provides complimentary social services through its private foundation called Fundacin Privada de ServiciosAsistenciales de La Garrotxa.16 La Fageda is located in a natural reserve, La Fageda den Jord, in the middle of the Parc Natural de la Zona Volcnica de la Garrotxa.17This means they have to abide by restrictions on its activities and take certain precautions to preserve the environment. The company complies with the ISO 14001 environment quality standard.18 It practices energy and water conservation, waste reduction and treatment, and recycling activities. La Fageda reaches out to the community by providing cleaning and maintenance services of public green areas with its landscape services and reforestation plants grown in its nursery.19 These projects are highly regarded to in La Garrotxa region.

12 13

La Fageda. 2010. Retrieved from, 8 November 2011. Arenas, D., Lamolla, L., &Vernis, A (May 2009). Social Enterprise Knowledge Network: La Fageda Case, p.8-9. Purchased from Harvard Business School.

14 15

Albert Riera (Communications Director), personal communication, November 7, 2011. Arenas, D., Lamolla, L., &Vernis, A (May 2009). Social Enterprise Knowledge Network: La Fageda Case, p.9-10. Purchased from Harvard Business School.

16 17

La Fageda Sustainability Report 2010. Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010, p.15. Arenas, D., Lamolla, L., &Vernis, A (May 2009). Social Enterprise Knowledge Network: La Fageda Case, p.11. Purchased from Harvard Business School.

18 19

La Fageda. 2010. Retrieved from, 8 November 2011. La Fageda. 2010. Retrieved from, 8 November 2011.

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda Business mindset matrix Taking into account all above considerations, La Fageda can be identified with the Idealist mindset, as it is driven by humanistic values and its value creation is focused on just one dimension, the social bottom-line. Therefore, as we can see in the image below, La Fageda is placed in the upper-left part of the graph, the idealist, representing an altruistic mindset and a We do business for society approach.
Figure 2: B usiness Mindset

As can be seen from the graphic it is difficult to compare La Fageda with other companies from the food and beverage industry described in the Business in Society course, as their positioning in the matrix and size of their business is very different from La Fagedas.

The business mindset matrix also shows the positioning of other companies from the food and beverage industry that were described in the course. It is worth mentioning that most of these companies have undergone a shift in business mindset in the past. Today many companies from the food and beverage industry incorporate multi dimensional goals and values, something that can especially seen in companies such as McDonalds and PepsiCo, companies that have been stereotypical American for profit corporations in the past. Naturally, as most companies were initially founded on a for profit basis, contrary to La Fageda, these companies mainly focused on financial performance in their actions and where of the economist type. It appears however, that a shift in business mindset has been taking place in the whole industry and social and environmental values are today an important part of companies in the food business. Most relevant for La Fageda is the positioning of Nestl in the matrix, as the two companies directly compete for market share in the Diary super premium market in Catalonia.20 While Nestl is positioned as a strategist that has a financial goal, La Fageda is able to produce a superior product, even to large multinational companies because its different focus. La Fageda produces superior quality dairy products in terms of taste/flavor, texture, and acidity. It controls the whole production process from raw material usage to manufacturing and uses milk from its cows and runs microbiological tests on the milk for quality control purposes. This is what La Fageda calls a real yogurt farm. To further provide a clear summary that compares La Fageda with the idealist type of business mindsets, Appendix 2 describes the main features of the idealist mindset and how they are applied in La Fageda. The comparison is mainly based on the self-understanding of La Fageda, as provided in the personal interview we undertook with Albert Riera, Communications Director, and in the most recent corporate documents21.
20 21

Extracted from Brand Management Lecture: Retail Branding, Professor Oriol Iglesias, 10th November 2011. Appendix 3 Interview transcript (English translation)

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda

The following discusses the implication that the business model and mind-set of La Fageda has for its operations and long term sustainability. Underperformance trap As it is common for organizations located in the idealist part of the business mindset matrix to suffer the risk of running into an underperformance trap, La Fageda does so too. The combination of the following three aspects creates a risk to fall into this trap. Scope of business: The Companys focus is limited to La Garrotxa region in Spain. The position of the cooperative in the natural reserve poses a barrier, as the possibility to expand operations is naturally limited to the area. Further, the size of the operations is unclear as there could be a natural limit to the ability to employ mentally ill in a larger scale business. Thus far La Fageda has been able to employ all mentally ill that applied to work for the business, but in terms of organization unforeseen challenges may occur beyond a certain size of the operations. One-dimensional goal: La Fageda reinvests 100% of its profits back into the business. In the long term, the purely social focus causes it to miss out on generating revenues that can be reinvested to improve care services and increasing added social value. By applying all earnings to improving the social cause the cooperative might fall short on business oriented investment that allows La Fageda to further improve and expand business and therefore, long term sustainability of operations. Financial dependence: Although the 2010 income statement reported more than 800,000 Euros in earnings this number has to be interpreted carefully. In the financial statements La Fageda currently reports about 1.4 Million Euros in subsidies and donations. Although these two numbers might suggest that the cooperative is currently not sustainable with negative earnings of 600,000 Euros the situation is not that simple. Being a Special Work Center under Spanish law entitles La Fageda to receive certain advantages such as a very low tax rate and further subsidies. Therefore it would be inaccurate if these subsidies and donations were simply deducted from current earnings to try and determine the sustainability of the cooperative. That being said, the company receives certain government support but also private sponsorship. La Fageda is probably financially sustainable because of its special status, but it is vulnerable to economic conditions because of private contributions from local entities such as La Caixa.22 This vulnerability can also be seen in the statement made by the communications director during our personal interview. Because of current economic conditions La Fageda is not sure whether it will be able to uphold its policy to employ all mentally ill applying to La Fageda in 2011. To conclude, La Fageda has a special business status that provides the cooperative with advantages that allow it to be financially sustainable. At the same time it is still vulnerable to external factors that determine the amount of private contributions that it can attract from sponsors.


La Fageda Financial report, 2010

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda

Given the structure of the business La Fageda has been able to create a sustainable business that is successful in addressing a social problem in La Garrotxa region. The analysis showed that the mind- set of La Fageda is highly innovative in terms of business model and that many of the multinational food companies are now shifting their business mind-set towards a more integrated approach that also incorporates some of La Fagedas ideologies. Being a pure idealist type organization however poses the threat of financial dependence on external sources. Also, the initiative and vision from the founder Cristobal Colon plays an important role in the success of the organization. For La Fageda it will be important to become independent and therefore sustainable in the long-term, as the current economic situation in Spain already poses a threat to the business model. Financial independence In order to become less vulnerable to external conditions La Fageda should try to position itself in a larger network of companies and organizations in its industry. By creating a strong network, based on long term partnerships it will create a situation where other companies and organizations are dependent on it as they are an essential part of each others business. In that sense La Fageda becomes less dependent on donations and contributions from others as the support it receives would shift towards non-financial services rather than mere financial aid. The goal for La Fageda should be to create a mutually beneficial relationship with other businesses in order to decrease financial dependence on currently one-sided donations from others. Management independence La Fageda has been founded by Cristobal Coln, a visionary social entrepreneur who, to this day commits 100% of his time and energy to the business. Much of the past success of the business model can be attributed to his person and it appears that La Fageda, to an extent, is dependent on Cristobal Coln. In order to become really sustainable in the long term it will need people with a similar vision and motivation and it is important to look for these people early on. In order for the business model to be fully independent it will be important for La Fageda to find ways that allow the cooperative to become less vulnerable to the current management of the organization.

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda

Albert Riera (Communications Director), personal communication, November 7, 2011. Arenas, D., Lamolla, L., &Vernis, A (May 2009). Social Enterprise Knowledge Network: La Fageda Case. Purchased from Harvard Business School. La Fageda. 2010. Retrieved from, 8 November 2011. La Fageda Sustainability Report 2010. (Memria de Sostenibilitat 2010). La Fageda Financial Report, 2010 Profile of Colon Cristobal: Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs. Retrieved from ation=0&sarea=0&ssector=0&stype=0, 9 November 2011.


Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda

Appendix 1 Key figures la Fageda 2010 Main magnitudes (31.12.2010) Total number of assisted people and workers People with certificate of disability People who receive residential services Unemployment of mentally-handicapped people in La Garrotxa Annual Turnover in Euros Evolution regarding the previous exercise Annual units (yoghurts) produced Number of Friesian Cows Investment in euros Job positions created in 2010 People employed in other companies of the region
Source: Sustainability Report (Memria de Sostanibilitat 2010)

276 160 60 0% 10.750.970 10% 40.000.000 500 816.000 8 17


Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda Appendix 2 Business Mindset Comparison Philosophy Idealist mindset La Fagedas implications
We believe we dont just make yoghurts here; we are here to help a group of people to live a better life.

- Main purpose: to create social value - Enterprise is embedded in society, organization for society

-Drivers: social agenda and humanistic values - To help solve social problems, responsibility as an end in itself Business approach -Social cause - CSR part of DNA - Guiding question: How to help stakeholders in need?


To provide the best care solution for adults with mental illnesses and mental disabilities from the region of La Garrotxa, based on the therapeutic aspects of work. We will grow enough to guarantee the projects survival. To accomplish that goal, we are working in many future projects but we are atypical businessmen, as our business operations serve a higher purpose: to enhance the living conditions for the mentally-challenged people who work in this project. La Fageda has undertaken a business project with the goal of offering a paid job to these people in order to give them the constitutional right of having a decent working position. We take care of our people, because human capital is our most significant asset. And the people who work here feel there is no greed in our organization.

-Social, environmental or humanitarian bottom-line - Proactive CSR approach - CSR driven by social purpose


Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda Appendix 3 Interview transcript (English translation) Interview to Albert Riera, LA FAGEDA Communication Director 7th November 2011 Do you have a Corporate Social Responsibility annual report?

No, we have the Sustainability Annual Report, which includes the social, economic and environmental aspects of the company. We currently have the 2009 report available in Spanish and Catalan, but we have not finished the 2010 report. Is La Fageda a non-profit cooperative? Yes, it is a social business. It is a company based on people and a set of values that has to work in a specific area in collaboration with the local agents at the social, economic and even political levels. Furthermore, it works with the so-called allies, strong companies which provide us with things that we cannot afford. These companies collaborate with us because they find the project interesting and we receive market research reports, technology for the factory or marketing reports. Do these companies act as donors? No, because we understand donors as passive agents that just contribute with money. Our allies, on the contrary, are involved in the project and take advantage of it, sometimes through their foundations. With the increasing CSR development, a lot of companies have a foundation nowadays. This is like the social part of the business, where social actions are undertaken and sometimes they find that La Fageda is in line with their actions and they decide to collaborate with us. They contribute money, or hours of a senior or junior consultant, studies, knowledge, etc. Do these companies have activities at a national level or just in Catalonia? We collaborate with different kinds of companies. There are some big companies such as Accenture, Kantar, financial institutionsThis is our way of working. We are a non-profit organization, but this does not mean that we are not interested in making profits, because otherwise the business would not be economical sustainable. All our profits however are reinvested in the organization. There are no shareholders because it is a cooperative. The owners of the company are the working partners, who contribute with their work and own the company, but they are not investors. There is no capital, so capital is not the most important asset, but the employees. Which are the main financial resources? They are basically: profit reinvestment, donations and leverage, because we also ask banks and other official credit institutions for lines of credit. 13

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda And do you also receive subsidies from the Spanish government?

Yes, we receive subsidies, as we are a Special Working Centre, which is a type of company protected by the law. Since more than the 70% of the total employees are disabled people, the Government gives us 12,000 euros for every new job position and it pays half of the basic interprofessional salary, which are 300 euros per month for every worker with a disability certificate. It also helps us hire a psychologist per 100 employees. Comparing us with other companies, we have a more developed social activity, as we have 3 psychologists, 4 or 5 social workers, social educators and monitors. They support all the production activity at a human level. Do disabled employees have their work tasks and also daily assistencial services? Yes, the assistencial services are included in their daily work. We do not provide a medical treatment because we are not part of the health network, but we work in collaboration with the public health care services. We undertake a tailored monitoring linked to the work they do and we provide them with accommodation in case they do not have family. Are there just three psychologists for all the employees? Yes, but there are also social workers. We have 10 pure assistencial professionals in the production area, plus the ones who are in the houses. There is more assistencial part than in any other company, even in the factory. There are two or three assistencial monitors that are taking care of the employees, monitoring the work shifts to ensure everything is in order and that employees are not stressed. Are people from other regions joining La Fageda or is it restricted to La Garrotxa inhabitants? Legally, we can just hire people from the area of La Garrotxa, which is a region with 50,000 inhabitants. This is because the social services in Catalonia are divided by regions, every region has its services and we act as part of these social services of La Garrotxa. However, we hire all the people from La Garrotxa who hold a valid disability certificate, there is no waiting list. The problem is that now, with the current crisis, the Government is telling us that it will not pay more to the new position, so without the governments help; we may not be able to hire new people. But this is how we have been acting so far. La Fageda is made up of a cooperative and two foundations, could you explain us the role of each one of them? Yes, this a bit complicated. The cooperative, La Fageda, was created in 1982. With the development of the houses and the purely assistencial activities that were not related to the work framework, a 14

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda new foundation was created, to be in charge of all the assistencial part and separate it from the production area. Five or six years ago, we decided to create another foundation to concentrate the general services of La Fageda. This allowed us to organize the company better and allocate part of the cooperatives patrimony in the foundation as we started to earn a lot of money. As the foundation has a state guardianship, there is not private appropriation. And this is how the Sentit foundation was created, to be in charge of patrimonial issues and to manage the central services. The employees who are not working in the factory but in the central services are hired by this foundation. Its name, Sentit, sense in English, is due to the fact that Cristbal, La Fagedas founder, is always talking about the sense of the work; he always says that the sense of the work is a work with sense. What is the maximum age to work in La Fageda? There is no age limit, because we also have services for retired people, which is like a social club. If they are still autonomous and they do not have a family, it would cruel to stop provide them with services, so they come, help us and there are some activities for them. Is La Fageda a signatory of any principles or initiatives such as Global Compact, UNPRI, etc? No, we are not signatory of any of these initiatives. We comply with the ISO 9001-2008quality standard and the ISO 14001, environment quality standard, and we are subscribed to the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST). Which are the environmental measures La Fageda undertakes? We have implemented several measures: from the energy conservation, waste reduction to recycling activities. Further, the company reaches out to the community by providing cleaning and maintenance services of public green areas with its landscape services and reforestation plants grown in its nursery. We are located in a natural reserve, so the environment preservation is a must for us. Which would be La Fagedas performance indicators? Social responsibility isnt supervening; it is original, in the environment and in the social. How where you granted with the space La Fageda is located now? The company was born at the same time when the protected space was being created; during the Franquism the area was not protected. Just when La Fageda was created the natural parks where being created as well and then it is when it was regulated, urbanity plans where made where the rural areas and urbanity areas where defined. We make a special plan, an urbanity plan where we talk with the government agencies and we tell them that we have a project where we explain the uses the farm will have in the next 10 years, where we will invest, where we will have the production operations, services, etc. and the government approves the project, because the project puts in order the spaces. Which are the growth indicators? 15

Business in Society: Business Mindset La Fageda Turnover, investment, job positions created, unemployment rate. As for the environment, we report on specific actions that have been done and the yearly investment we make for this area. We also have a different kind of reporting that are social networks, where we have a community of 4000 fans in Facebook, 2000 followers in twitter and 5000 bulletin subscribers. Depending on each person level of disease, do they perform different tasks? Yes, depending on the diagnosis we determine the activity and the time that the patient will be able to work. It is possible that at the beginning they only work for 2 hours, or that one week they work in the garden and the other one in the production line, they shift job tasks. We have workers with mental diseases and mentally disabled. Mentally disabled people are those who were born like that and people with mental disease means people who contracted the disease like esquizofrenia, psychosis or other disorders. If things go fine, have you thought of expanding? Hire more people? No because our objective was to cover la Garrotxa region and it is already covered. We provide with work to the people in the region. We are not trying to compete with Danone; we offer a different kind of product for a different market segment. Every year do you invest a certain amount to the environment? Every year we invest different quantities, we do not have a standardized amount. How does La Fageda Innovate? We make social innovation, we do not advertise, we do word of mouth, we receive 45,000 visits per year. We are researching a new packaging based on lactic acid. Which are the key stakeholders? The families of the patients are very important to us; the employees come in the first place, the users of the installations that are not employed in La Fageda, the clients (supermarkets), the consumers and the public and private associations. Thank you very much for the interview.


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