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Living To Win - April 2012

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April 15, 2012 Volume 17, Number 4 Christian Educational Ministries

Let the Prophets Speak

From Ronald L. Darts Born to Win Notes If God were to send a prophet to us today, what would he have to say? What would his message be? In the first place, the mere presence of a prophet is reason for apprehension. God does not usually send a prophet to tell us how well we are doing. God figures when we do things right, we arent really earning any points. We are just doing the best thing for ourselves. That gives no reason to pat us on the head. God might tell the prophet to come and tell us: Thus saith the Lord, the Almighty, the creator of heaven and earth who gave you this good land. You have become incredibly rich. There has never been a nation as rich as you have been, and you never ask where it comes from? You never ask, Why do we have all this while the rest of the world goes hungry? Half of the people in the USA who are called poor own their own homes. Three quarters of them have air conditioning. The living space of a typical poor American actually exceeds the living space of the average individual living in London, Paris, Vienna, and other major cities in wealthy European nations. Three quarters of the poor own a car or truck and one third of them own two. Virtually 100 percent of poor households own a refrigerator and color TV (more than half have two or more color TVs), while about two out of three have cable or satellite TV and a washing machine. Three out of four poor households have a microwave oven and a VCR or DVD player. And these are poor people. By world standards, even our poor are rich. The world can only imagine what the rest of us live like. Do you remember what I said long ago to a people just like your fathers? I said that it would come to pass that if you would listen to me carefully, and observe all my commandments attentively, That the Lord your God would set you on high above all the nations of the earth. And just look at where you are today. You stand alone as the


Let the Prophets Speak
from Ronald L. Darts notes ........ 1

Charitable Giving ........................ 1 Signposts of Our Times

By John Klassek ...................... 2

Radio Update .............................. 2 In Memory .................................. 4 Join Us for the Best Feast Ever ....... 4
worlds only superpower. I said that these blessings would come on you if you would just listen to the Lord your God. Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field. Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep. Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store. Blessed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and blessed shalt thou be when thou goest out. The
continued on page 3. . .

Charitable Giving . . .
Many options are available that can increase your contributions to charities such as CEM. Some strategies are simple, others require the assistance of a professional, such as an attorney or tax advisor. You dont need to be wealthy to help. In fact, you can even make substantial, tax favored gifts without taking a hefty bite out of your current income or assets. All it takes is a little planning. As a part of your team, CEM stands ready to help you make charitable gifts that may provide these benefits and more. Paula Hughes, an attorney in CEMs office, stands ready to help you. Call toll free 1-888-BIBLE-44 and talk with Paula.

page 2

Signposts of Our Times

by John Klassek We all want to live in safe and peaceful times. But, do we today? The past 70 years since World War II should have taught us that the price of freedom has been paid in blood. And yet, since then we have seen more bloodshed with more lives lostthe statistics are simply overwhelming. Weve watched the development of frightening nuclear armaments coupled with failed United Nations resolutions. Anyone who seriously considers where we are today cannot help but wonder where were headed! Do far-off economic uncertainties and radical Islamic threats to destroy other nations in a blazing fireball all seem a bit irrelevant? Its all a matter of perspective. A million starving people in Sudan is less important than our favorite sporting team losing a game. Is it possible, that despite the best of human intentions, were living dangerously on the precipice of a nuclear hell? Have you ever wondered about increasing economic upheaval, terrorism, ongoing uprisings, famines and earthquakes, disease epidemics, all overshadowed by the specter of nuclear war? Can we afford to ignore these trends? Surely we in the prosperous West wouldnt distract ourselves from those realities by more personal spending and superfluous living? Or reserve our attention for sporting heroes and movie celebrities? Since the dawn of recorded history, our world has been characterized by its epochs of bloodshed. Many thought the Roman conquests were the epitome of brutality and suffering, exceeding that of the Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks before them. Entire populations were decimated. History clearly documents that. Then there were the Dark Ages, with disease and war affecting millions of people. In more recent times, two world wars destroyed over 60,000,000 lives. Somehow, humanity has survived until now. Are we able to read the signposts of our times? While it matters little in the West today, Islams agenda is guided by its theology, and the news is deeply disturbing. Thankfully, there are clear pointers that should help us if you are willing to listen. Lets go back some 2000 years, when an itinerant visitor known as Jesus left us with warnings of approaching cataclysmic times. His claim was that he was the Son of God, and He told those around him who enquired of the future that unless divine intervention occurred, no human would survive (Matthew 24:21-22). Either he was wrong about the past, or he was referring to a future were yet to see! Our planet could easily become a charred, irradiated ember and, like the rest of the universe, inhospitable to sustaining life. But thats not how the story ends. There is good news. Jesus said that hes coming again. He is coming again because he has unfinished business. His timely arrival will save us from ourselves. Theres a solitary bronze statue outside the United Nations building in New York. It was given to the UN by the Soviet Union in 1959, and it depicts a world beyond this time of trouble. The statue is modelled from the words that come from an ancient prophet through whom God spoke: They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore (Isaiah 2:4). Peaceful and safe times are ahead, but there is a rough road between now and then. The question is whether were awake as to what is really going on. Are we prepared to believe the words of Jesus?

Radio Update
Listen to Born to Win on a new station in Fairbault, MN KDHL 920 AM 5,000watts - 60 mile radius Sunday 6:00 a.m. Sponsored by friends of Born to Win Note the new time for WTIS 1110 AM St. Petersburg, FL M-F 10:00 a.m.

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LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways. The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that thou settest thine hand unto; and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. And look where you are today. I said I would establish you as a special people to myself, a people apart, if you would keep my commandments and walk in my ways. And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee (Deuteronomy 28:1-10, paraphrased). This was what I was after. That the nations of the earth would look at you and wonder what made the difference. They would look at you as a people and say, Those are Gods people. Look what a difference it makes if you follow their God. I said I would make you plenteous in goods, and look at you now. You have so many goods that they have spilled over into the houses of the poor. You have so much food that some of you have to waddle through the marketplace. I said that I would open to you my good treasure. You would get rain when you need it. You would be able to lend to all nations. And look what you have been able to do in what you call foreign aid. Just imagine if all those nations knew that I am your God. I said that I would make you the head and not the tail. That you would

always come out on top and not beneath. All this if you would only listen to the commandments of the LORD your God. Do you remember that I said all those things? You can find it all in Deuteronomy 28. But then I went on to say what would happen if they didnt obey my laws. And because I have not changed, I can say the same thing to you today: Because thou servedst not the LORD thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things; Therefore shalt thou serve thine enemies which the LORD shall send against thee, in hunger, and in thirst, and in nakedness, and in want of all things: and he shall put a yoke of iron upon thy neck, until he have destroyed thee (Deuteronomy 28:47-48). Does it seem impossible that all of this could happen to us today? It seemed just as impossible to Israel. And it happened to them anyway. How is it possible for a nation so great to have so great a fall? It is easier than you might think. For it is the wealth, the power, and the greatness that contains the seeds of its own destruction. Long ago the Lord sent a prophet to people just like us. His name was Hosea. And he warned them what would happen if they didnt repent. You need to read this in Hosea 4. Hear the word of the LORD, for the LORD hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. Doesnt it send shivers down your spine to consider how a great country could fall so far? Why were they going to fall? Because the people were unmerciful. They had

lost the knowledge of God entirely, when once, they knew who he was. God wasnt present in their public life. They didnt want to hear about God. They swore, lied, killed, stole, and committed adultery. They were so violent that blood touched blood. Does this remind you of what we see on the nightly news? It was so bad that even the land mourned and the people languished with the beasts of the field, and the fowls of heaven. Even the fishes of the sea would be taken away. Why? Gods people were being destroyed because of a lack of knowledge; because they had rejected knowledge of God and forgot his Law, he was rejecting them. He went on to say that he would also reject their children. Here we reach the bottom line. There is a way to live that is encompassed in the Law of God the Ten Commandments. For 200 years in this country, there was no problem with having the Ten Commandments posted in a public place. Now, we dont want to see it. This is not a constitutional argument, but a statement of the obvious. The people of this great nation dont want to be reminded of them. If we did, the courts would not be making the decisions they are making. And there are few statements as
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Christian Educational Ministries

PO Box 560 Whitehouse, Texas 75791 phone: 1-888-BIBLE-44 fax: 903.839-9311 e-mail: website: That the man of God may be proficient and equipped for every good work.

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frightening as the one we just read: Seeing thou hast forgotten the Law of thy God, I will also forget thy children (Hosea 4:6). And when a people has forsaken the basis of all law, those people will increasingly forsake the rule of law altogether. This is one of the most important Born to Win CDs you can order from CEM, and its FREE. There will come a time when God will stop warning us of what is coming and you need to know why and how it happens, so you can be prepared. Pick up the phone now and call 1-888-BIBLE-44 and get your FREE copy of Let The Prophets Speak, or return the enclosed card. May God open your mind to grasp just how important it is that you hear this program.

In Memory
Christian Educational Ministries is very grateful for the generous donation that was made in Horace Drivers memory. He passed away peacefully March 15, 2012 after a long stay in the Legend Oaks Nursing Home in Gladewater, Texas. He was survived by his wife, Chloe; a stepson, Tony; his stepdaughter, Debbie, of Arkansas; and his daughter, Susan, of Big Sandy, Texas; son, Daryl, of Houston, Texas; and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. He was the last surviving brother to Allie Dart, Helen Douglas, and Eloise Dilworth. He was baptized into the church of God 56 years ago and was the person God used to bring Ron and Allie Dart and his sister Lois Kubena into Gods church. He was a fine Christian example who will have many stars in his crown. Christian Educational Ministries is also very grateful for the generous contribution made in memory of Charles Black of Big Sandy who died March 19th of a heart attack. Charles had been in the church since his early 20s. He and his wife, Barbara (McDonald) Black, had five children: Cathy, Cindy, Julie, Janet, Carl, and 11 grandchildren. Mr. Black will be remembered for his integrity and honesty and for his many friendships in the community and Sabbath-keeping circles.

Join Us for the Best Feast Ever at the ECCC

Fort Walton Beach, Florida September 30 through October 8, 2012
We are pulling out all the stops to add spiritual depth, excitement, and fun with this years Feast theme, Keep the Feast in Old Time Jerusalem. The stage will be set with visuals, costumes, a market, and a learning center to help young and old alike to grasp what it was like when Jesus walked the streets of Jerusalem during the Feast. Added to this will be all your favorite things CEM does so wellgreat sermons, YEA classes and seminars, adult seminars, and fun activities: Family Picnic, Pie and Ice Cream Social, Dances, Fun Show, Beach Party, and more. We will need many volunteers to help us accomplish all this. Gain the rewards of helping and call Paula Hughes toll-free at 1-888-BIBLE-44 to contribute your time and talents, both before the Feast and during.

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