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This paper provides a brief introduction to the wide field of embedded systems. It covers the history and the main aspects of its applications like pacemakers and automation in cars. Then it tells about the data storage in paecemakers of embedded system. The softwares used in our paper is keil and firmware. These softwares were fed in microchips
In the earliest years of computers in the 193040s, computers were sometimes dedicated to a single task, but were far too large and expensive for most kinds of tasks performed by embedded computers of today. Over time however, the concept of programmable controllers evolved from traditional electromechanical sequencers, via solid state devices, to the use of computer technology. One of the first recognizably modern embedded systems was the Apollo Guidance Computer, developed by Charles Stark Draper at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory. At the project's inception, the Apollo guidance computer was considered the riskiest item in the Apollo project as it employed the then newly developed monolithic integrated circuits to reduce the size and weight. An early mass-produced embedded system was the Automatics D-17 guidance computer for the Minuteman missile, released in 1961 It was built from transistor logic and had a hard disk for main memory. When the Minuteman II went into production in 1966, the D-17 was replaced with a new computer that was the first high-volume use of integrated circuits. This program alone reduced prices on quad nand gate ICs from $1000/each to $3/each, permitting their use in commercial products. Since these early applications in the 1960s, embedded systems have come down in price and there has been a dramatic rise in processing power and functionality. The first microprocessor for example, the Intel 4004, was designed for calculators and other small systems but still required many external memory and support chips. In 1978 National Engineering Manufacturers Association released a "standard" for programmable microcontrollers, including almost any computer-based controllers, such as single
We are living in the Embedded World. You are surrounded with many embedded products and your daily life largely depends on the proper functioning of these gadgets. Television, Radio, CD player of your living room, Washing Machine or Microwave Oven in your kitchen, Card readers, Access Controllers, Palm devices of your work space enable you to do many of your tasks very effectively. Apart from all these, many controllers embedded in your car take care of car operations between the bumpers and most of the times you tend to ignore all these controllers. Embedded systems are controlled by one or more main processing cores that are typically either microcontrollers or digital signal processors (DSP). Each day, our lives become more dependent on 'embedded systems', digital information technology that is embedded in our environment. This includes not only safety-critical applications such as automotive devices and controls, railways, aircraft, aerospace and medical devices, but also communications, 'mobile worlds' and 'eworlds', the 'smart' home, clothes, factories etc. All of these have wide-ranging impacts on society, including security, privacy and modes of working and living. More than 98% of processors applied today are in embedded systems.
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board computers, numerical, and eventbased controllers. As the cost of microprocessors and microcontrollers fell it became feasible to replace expensive knob-based analog components such as potentiometers and variable capacitors with up/down buttons or knobs read out by a microprocessor even in some consumer products. By the mid-1980s, most of the common previously external system components had been integrated into the same chip as the processor and this modern form of the microcontroller allowed an even more widespread use, which by the end of the decade were the norm rather than the exception for almost all electronics devices. Embedded Systems or Electronics systems that include an application Specific Integrated Circuit or a Microcontroller to perform a specific dedicated application. Embedded System is pre-programmed to do a specific function while a general purpose system could be used to run any program of your choice. Further, the Embedded Processor Is only one component of the electronic system of which it is the part. It is cooperating with the rest of the components to achieve the overall function. Computer (Programmable part) surrounded by other subsystems,sensors and actuators computer a (small) part of a larger system.The computer is called a micro-controller.
An Embedded system is a device controlled by instructions stored on a chip. These devices are usually controlled by a microprocessor that executes the instructions stored on a Read Only Memory (ROM) chip. One of the most popular Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS) is in use today is QNX (pronounced `queue nicks). It is used for everything from medical instrumentation and monitoring nuclear reactors, to traffic ,lights and industrial process control. In fact, it is so widely used that we use devices having QNX several times a day without being aware of it. QNX makes use of a micro kernel as opposed to OSs such as Windows and UNIX, so system level functions such as device drivers are not part of the system. The kernel contains a minimum number of features for implementing basic system calls. These include message passing along with other interprocess communication.
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communication,automative, industrial,military,medical etc.. our daily life usages are wristwatches, ,washingmachines, microwaveovens,elevators,mobiletelephones printers, FAX machines, Telephone exchanges, automobiles, aircrafts An average home in developed countries has one general purpose desktop PC but has a dozen of embedded systems. More prevalent in industrial sectors half a dozen embedded computers in modern automobiles , chemical and nuclear power plants .
A pacemaker is a constantly monitors the heart and paces the heart when heart beats are missed . A Doctor is configuring a cardiac Pacemaker inside his patients chest while sitting 2 kms away. Another person is travelling in a driverless car that takes him from Mumbai to New Delhi using his inbuilt navigation programme.
Pacemaker Treatment
The heart is a complex organ and as such, susceptible to errors. There are a number pathological heart conditions described ranging from muscle atrophies to myocardial infraction. One class of cardiac pathology is associated with disturbances in the electrical system of the heart. These conditions can often be treated by implanting an embedded device, such as a pacemaker or an intracoronary defibrillator (ICD). For the interested reader, the various
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electrophysiological indications targeted by such devices are described In order to target the pathological conditions described above, it is possible to implant a small electrical device known as a pacemaker in the patient. The pacemaker is implanted in the body and connected to the heart via one or more insulated wires called leads as shown.The device is powered by a battery that delivers small low-voltage pulses to the heart, thereby enabling it to imitate the intrinsic functionality of the cardiac electrophysiological system.
these pacemaker types, but an informative review of the current pacemaker types can be founded.
Modern pacemakers are small computers with complicated software controlling the treatment. With these implantable devices it is possible to treat all the indications described. A sick SA node can be replaced by an atrial electrode, which mimics the action of the endogenous pacemaker cells. Furthermore, AV block can be treated by inserting electrodes in the ventricles thereby bypassing the blocked AV node. Many types of pacemakers exist today differing in capabilities and indications. They range from relatively simple examples with one single atrial electrode to more complex systems with multiple electrodes and more sophisticated software. It is beyond the scope of this thesis to describe
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stored, which do not require a more sophisticated data model. Often hardware controlled much functionality in current pacemakers is controlled by hardware. This results in lower flexibility and less generalized storage methods. Low degree of compression since much of the data storage is hardware controlled, much of the data is stored in a non-compressed format. Hardware platform The pacemaker hardware platform is designed to be very compact, sustainable and power efficient. Due to its potential lifesustaining nature, the pacemaker platform has to be very stable with extremely high requirements. The CPU architecture in the pacemaker platform under development is comparable to a 1 MHz Intel 48 processor. There is no secondary storage facility in the pacemaker such as a hard drive, but all data is stored in a RAM memory. The total capacity of the memory is in the low megabyte range. This memory is divided into two main parts where one is a fast cache-like memory close to the processor and another larger and slower memory is located further away. The cache-like memory is primarily used for storage of application logics while the slow larger memory is used for storage of diagnostic data. Finally, the hardware platform is designed to be as energy efficient as possible.Although the battery of the pacemaker is small, it is capable of powering the pacemakerfor as long as ten years without replacement. Software platform
The software platform in pacemakers has traditionally been based on Assembler programming. However, in future software releases, higher-level object-oriented paradigms will probably be used. The pacemaker application is characterized by its need for real-time applications and operating systems. Due to the energy preservation needs discussed in section, the software has to be very efficient. In fact, the goal is to use the processing power of the CPU only a fraction of the time available producing a duty cycle of less than 5%.
The technical Brilliance and Developments in different fields has led to a rastic change especially in the communication field. Devices with intelligence rule the world. Imbibing intelligence to these devices is through a system called embedded system.It is the evolution or further development of the computing system. Its applications provide marvelous opportunities for ingenious use of computer technology. Almost every new system introduced is an
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example of Embedded System. These systems are more intelligent and autonomous. Embedded Systems are combinations of hardware and software that are mounted on compact electronic circuit boards integrated into devices. They are engineered or intended to perform one specific function in a specific environment. An important decision in the design of an embedded system is the selection of the processor(s) around which the rest of the system is to be built. It is a chip that contains a microprocessor, some memory & I/O interface As stated above that a vehicle can run by itself without the intervention of human beings by the embedded intelligence in it. For this purpose Global Positioning System (G.P.S) using satellites can provide positioning information and proves to be a versatile all time. For still higher accuracy widearea differential GPS is used, which offers a robust system that readily deals with selective availability errors and satellite clock errors. An error level of decimeter/centimeter is guaranteed by WADGPS. Which satisfies the ground vehicle control algorithm.Human intervention is completely eliminated by using of reliable sensors and actuators. Making the overall performance of transporting system both congestion- free and collision incorporate the concept of WADGPS is making it cost effective. The models for GPS also include aiding sensors, e.g. dead reckoning, radar and camera. A computer is simply required to feed destination into a dashboard computer. Highly sensitive actuators simulate a human driver completely and direct the vehicle on the road. The vehicle transmitter broad casts its position and velocity to other immediate participants for collision-avoidance and lane changing manoeuvres. Forward and reverse
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motions and u-turns are precisely achieved as per route guidance requirements .furthermore, an accurate steering control is obtained using Pulse Code Modulation technique and acceleration/braking control is successfully implemented using learning adaptive system. The simplest form of vehicle navigation employs a heading sensor, velocity sensor and a processor. Typically a navigation system requires an input of initial position and it self- initializes the heading sensor with respect to north. The processor then integrates the velocity sensor output to determine distance traveled and resolves the heading sensor data to calculate a new position. This reckoning navigation requires additional vision sensors, route guidance and map-matching algorithms for making the driving tasks fully automatic.The remarkable advances in microelectronics and data processing technology have made possible the miniaturization of sensors the integration and combination of data from a number of sensors. Television cameras, charge coupled device (CCD) type sensors, laser radar and infrared sensors may be used.
The vehicle is required to blend its environmental perception capabilities with its intelligent controls in order to affect optimal path-planning strategies that not only avoid obstacles but also minimize criteria such as time of travel, fuel consumption, exposureto pollution/danger,
etc. however basic driving functions consists of lane-keeping, safe distance maintenance, timely lane changing and overtaking. The key to all these driving tasks is collision avoidance. The Master Control Station (MCS) receives the positioning information from the satellite by employing WADGPS concept. The MCS is linked to GPS instrumented position location systems (PLS) installed on the autonomous vehicles through a data link sub system (DLS). The DLS can either use VHF or UHF or L-band, incorporating time division multiple access protocol to handle on the roads. A block forward error correction code is employed to protect and maintain the message integrity.The vehicle route guidance systems gave maturity to the point of practical usefulness as well as cost effectiveness. The vehicle transmitting system continuously provides information about its position and velocity to its participants. A safe distance with respect to its immediate surroundings is maintained by acceleration/brakes and steering controls. The internal platform and rate gyro and accelerometer package keeps the vehicles central processing unit (CPU) well informed about the incremental changes in the vehicles parameters. The wheel odometers provide the vehicle traveling distances by multiplying the number of electronically generated pulses by a constant, depending upon wheels perimeter As the actual tyre size is influenced by vehicles speed, tyre pressure play load and atmospheric conditions, appropriate corrections are made by the CPU.
Modern pacemakers are small computers with complicated software controlling the treatment. With these implantable devices it is possible to treat all the indications described. In future surely we will develop more advance instruments for medical field like pacemaker. Another important one is automation cars it is used to minimize criteria such as time of travel, fuel consumption, exposure to pollution/danger, etcin future we will design a car which runs under the control of Bluetooth device by using embedded system.
We conclude that by using embedded system in medical and transportation fields it acts as a life saving devices. In this paper without the aid of the user the sensors can be activated automatically by embedded systems. In the next application of this paper the operation of a car can be controlled automatically by embedded systems.
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