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Reasons For Growing Unemployment in Pakistan

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Reasons for growing unemployment in Pakistan

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Unemployment is one of the biggest problems of Pakistan. That person is unemployed who has ability to do work and is willing to do work but is unable to get job opportunity. In the current situation more than 30 lakh people are unemployed in Pakistan and unemployment ratio is more than 12%. i. The biggest reason of unemployment in Pakistan is concerned with the backwardness of agriculture sector. Agriculture is the biggest sector of our economy that contributes 20.9% to GDP and 44% people get jobs from this sector directly or indirectly. Unemployment in this sector is from two sides. First is due to the adoption of latest machinery and capital intensive technology. Due to this, demand for labour has been decreased. Second is the backwardness of this sector. There is less availability of fertilisers, pesticides, quality seeds, absence of land reforms and lack of agriculture education. Due to all these factors agriculture sector is not expanding and there is general and disguised unemployment. ii. Industrial sector is the second largest sector of our economy and contributes 19% to national income. This sector should employ a large number of labor. But due to backwardness it is employing a small number of people. Due to electricity breakdown already established industry is deteriorating, resulting in the prevailing unemployment ratio. iii. High cost and low quality are responsible for less demand for our agri and industrial items. Because of less demand of such kinds of goods both the domestic and international producers are losing their interest in production. Thats why people are becoming unemployed. iv. In Pakistan education system is defective. There is no educational planning. This system is producing the stuff, which is useless in technical fields of the country. There is lack of technical and vocational institutions. Public attitude towards education is wrong, they want to get their degrees in general and arts subjects. Nobody can set up his own business without technical education.

v. Millions of people in Pakistan are poor. Due to poverty people are overburdened with expenditures and their savings are very low. It is said that for the reasonable growth of economy saving rate should be at least 25% in any country, but in Pakistan it is only 13 to 14% which is very low. Low investment level is due to less savings, ultimately there is unemployment. vi. In Pakistan majority of the businessmen are less educated. They do not know how to run their businesses properly. So they become bankrupt. This factor generates unemployment on a massive level. vii. In Pakistan there is lack of every kind of planning. There is a huge difference between the demand and supply for labor. There is absence of such kind of planning to produce doctors, engineers, technical experts scientists etc, according to the need of different sectors of the economy. viii. Loadshedding of electricity is disturbing economy, especially the industrial sector. Due to less availability and high rates of basic inputs like electricity, gas and oil etc, many industries have been closed. ix. In Pakistan, tax system is not satisfactory. Ratio of direct taxes is more than indirect taxes. Tax evasion is common. Due to less income from the taxes, government cannot start developmental projects. If there is no investment, then from where public would find jobs. On the other side if government takes step to increase indirect taxes, it would also affect investment and ultimately employment level. x. Current international financial crisis is one of the biggest reason of unemployment in Pakistan and in the whole world. This crisis originated from the banking sector of USA, UK and some European countries and is now a global phenomena. xi. Pakistans population growth rate is 1.8% which is the highest in the region. Our resources are limited. Different sectors of economy are unable to provide jobs to the growing population. So there is unemployment.

xii. Fiscal and monetary policies are also responsible for unemployment. In view of fiscal policy, Pakistan has less funds to invest in job providing projects. Every annual budget shows deficit. Through the monetary policy if the government increases the rate of interest, it discourages the investors from getting loans. xiii. Political instability, bad law and order situation, armys interference, bomb blasts, terrorism, inconsistent economic policies etc are the factors which are disturbing domestic and foreign investment. Pakistan investors are taking away their money to Dubai and other countries of the world. xiv. Due to 9/11 incident, Gulf war and the baseless allegations of terrorism the image of Pakistan has been affected very badly at international level. So in the current scenario Pakistan has limited job opportunities in other countries of the world. xv. Craze for work only in government sector, instead of private sector and seasonal firms, industries are also responsible for unemployment. xvi. Since 1947, Pakistani rulers got loans from IMF, World Bank and many other sources. Such loans were not utilised honestly. Current external debt of Pakistan is more than 50 billion dollar. Government has to allocate a big amount for the repayment of loans with interest. So due to less resources for developmental projects there is unemployment. Concluding, I would like to suggest that with proper economic planning, consistent policies of government, better law and order situation, abolishing energy crisis, sincerity with Pakistan and by adopting the Islamic economic system we can not only tackle the issue of unemployment but every economic problem of our country as well.

he issue of unemployment is a suffer for the majority of countries in the world and it is clear that the wealthier a nation is, the better it deals with such a case. I think that everything derives from the point that in well developed states people are replaced by machines, robots and computers at work. Consequently they have nothing to do and become jobless . Unfortunately, inventions substituting people are much cheaper in exploitation . However, there are few things than can be done to stop this process and prevent it from evolving .

One of many elements causing unemployment is the too high cost of worker's maintenance. There should be done something about it, until there would be a chance that private investors will employ more functionaries. In addition, however, in this case only politicians are able to act and everything depends on them, as only they are in power to lower the costs. A useful suggestion for those who are job searching would be to take up more trainings or education, to gain new skills coherent with the needs of a market, what would be possible with a material support from the governments . As a result people would have proper qualifications for types of jobs available. Furthermore, the states ought to take care of those who are out of employment and do not leave them alone, especially do not let them let go. A good solution would be to create a kind of groups of support that could have a motivating and supervisory function at the same time. People would feel more confident, motivated and they would share with each other their problems, hopes and ideas. One final suggestion, that would help, is for governments to create new opportunities for young people , to give them chances for apprenticeships which are certain to provide a better start at career path. Taking all the things into consideration, the ideas listed by me above are realized in the major part of developing countries, unfortunately they are very expensive projects. That is why the service is differently realized , dependent on the financial capabilities of a particular country. The countries that are doing the worst are those after-communism , where there is not enough money on effective support for unemployed citizens. On the contrary the best are doing countries from west Europe and north America. There the unemployment is the lowest because of essential assistance. In my opinion, there is a possibility to decrease the rate of unemployment, under the condition that the governments do essential corrections and those who are the most concerned here will cooperate and work hard to make the best of them.

Suicide is final act of self-destruction that ends a person's life. It is committed in a state of hopelessness and despair. There is no single reason why a person considers suicide as the only escape. Some youth perceive suicide as being a final option a person chooses when he or she feels like they have no other viable options for survival. The effects of youth suicide can be devastating. Often the parents, families and friends had no idea he or she was even suicidal.

when reading through the book' Looking for Alabrandi' I was disturbed that a School captain committed suicide under all the pressure to succeed. Proving that anyone can be suicidal not just depressed people with social issues. Even though eight out of ten people give warning signs of their suicidal intentions. Sadly suicide in Australia is steadily on the rise. So what programs are out there to prevent this? Well obviously not enough as it is still happening and It doesn't look like the figures will decrease any time soon. Perhaps education is the key. If everybody is educated about why suicide happens and how you can detect signs, then maybe the figures will decrease. More than 2,000 Australians die from suicide every year. For every person who kills themselves, there are at least another 30 people who attempt suicide. The risk is highest for young people between 15 and 30 and those over 65. More men than women take their own lives, and the rate for single people is twice that of married people. There is no doubt that depression is a major cause of suicide. Of those who do kill themselves, many have experienced major depression. An alarming statistic is in 1999 more people in Australia died due to suicide 2,492 than in motor vehicle.

Co-education is a system of education in which boys and girls learn together in the same school or college at the same time. In India this system has become very popular nowadays. Needless to say that it is not a new thing for us. It has been in practice from a long time, though not like today. But with the com ng of Muslims in India, co-education came to an end because of the Purdha system of which the Muslims were the great advocates. Tims is changing very fast and with the change of age and expansion of education coeducation is no longer a taboo now. What to talk of big towns and cities, even in villages and small tovns boys and girls study together without any problem. Actually the idea of common people has sharply changed.

They are no longer narrow-minded. Apart from this, there are many advantages of coeducation and people are very much aware of it. Hence, it has come into practice on a large scale in India When boys and girls interact with each other right from the childhood, the fear, craze and mystery of the opposite sex automatically removed from the mind. They observe the changes that come in each others body and mind with ages as a normal course of growing up. Moreover, they learn to understand each other's individuality, behaviour and way of thinking Setting, moving, talking, studying and eating together removes many complexes and makes the person's approach more rounded and wholesome. Co-education teaches both boys and girls to be tolerant and respectful of competitions with each other. It teaches the students to face the realities of life. Education, in the real sense, is not limited to knowledge imparted by books; it is a continuous process of learning more from our environment, society and changes around us. With the opening up of new vistas of learning, and new opportunities of career, it has been understood that men and women contribute equally in every field of society. Hence there must not be any hesitation in facing each other; instead it is better to solve any problem contributing equal efforts. In this way this education system develops a wonderful mutual understanding between both the sexes. After all they have to live together in life. Then why should be an unnatural separation of sexes in our schools and colleges? We should feel proud that Sm. Vijay Laxmi Pandit was first woman to preside UNO. Sm. Raj Kumari, Amrit Kaur also presided WHO of UNO in India. Not only this, there were many more like Sucheta Kriplani, Aruna Asaf Ali, Sarojini Naidu etc. who worked together with men under the leadership of Gandhiji and did a lot to win India's freedom. Last but not the least, co-education is rather economical. It is difficult to run separate girl schools or colleges at every place. Hence, there is no harm in giving education to boys and girls in the same institution in the same environment. This system no doubt, builds a solid base of education.

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