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MoE Regulation No 21-2008 Eng

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REGULATION OF STATE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NUMBER 21 YEAR 2008 CONCERNING EMISSION STANDARD FOR STATIONARY AND/OR THERMAL POWER GENERATION ACTIVITIES STATE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT Considering: a. That in the framework of conservation of environmental functions, it is necessary to make effort of controlling activity which potentially causing pollution and/or damage the environment; b. That thermal power generation activities are potential to cause environmental ambient pollution, therefore it is necessary to control the emissions; c. That quality standard for coal fired steam power plant emissions as listed in Appendix III A and III B of Minister of Environment Decree no. KEP13/MENLH/03/1995 concerning standard Emission for stationary Source is no longer appropriate with the current situation so it is necessary improvements; d. That based on above mentioned consideration it is considered to enact the State Minister of Environmental Regulation concerning Standard Emission for stationary source and/or Thermal Power Generation activities.


1. Act No 15 Year 1985 Concerning Electricity (State Gazette Number 74 Year 1985, Supplement to Republic of Indonesia gazette Number 3317); 2. Act No. 23 year 1997 concerning Environmental Management (State Gazette No. 68 Year 1997, Supplement to Republic of Indonesia gazette No. 3699); 3. Act No. 32 Year 2004 concerning Local Government (Indonesia Gazette Number 125 Year 2004, Supplement to Republic of Indonesia gazette Number 4437) as last amended by Act Number 12 Year 2008 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 32 of 2004 on Local Government

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(State Republic Indonesia Gazette No. 59 Year 2008, supplement to State Gazette No. 4844); 4. Government Regulation No. 10 year 1989 concerning Provision and Use of Electricity (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 Year 1989, supplement to State Gazette Number 3394); 5. Government Regulation No 27 Year 1999 concerning Environmental Impact assessment (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 59 Year 1999, supplement to State Gazette of Republic of Indonesia Number 3838); 6. Government Regulation No 41 Year 1999 concerning Air Pollution Control (State Gazette of Republic of Indonesia No. 86 Year 1999, supplement to state gazette No. 3853); 7. Presidential Decree No. 9 year 2005 concerning Position, Duties, Functions, Structure and Working administration of State Ministry of Republic of Indonesia, as last amended by Regulation Presidential Decree No. 94 year 2006;

HAVE DECIDED: To enact : REGULATION OF MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT CONCERNING STANDARD EMISSIONS FOR STATIONARY SOURCE AND/OR THERMAL POWER GENERATION ACTIVITIES Article 1 Definitions: 1. Thermal Electricity generation is an activity to produce electricity by using solid, liquid, gas, a mixture of solid, liquid, and/or gas, or steam geothermal as fuel. 2. Steam power electricity generation, hereinafter abbreviated as PLTU is an electricity generation activity by using solid, liquid, and/or gas fuel to heat water in the boiler that produces steam to drive turbines, generator will convert the energy to generate electricity. 3. Gas Power Electricity Generation hereinafter abbreviated as PLTG is an electricity generation activity by using oil or gas as fuel that produces gas from the fuel combustion and will be used to drive turbines to generate electricity. 4. Gas and Steam Electricity Generation, hereinafter abbreviated as PLTGU is an electricity generation activity by using fuel oil or gas that produces gas combustion products to drive turbines by generators to generate electricity. Meanwhile the residual heat generated subsequently utilized to heating water in the unit Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) to produce steam which is used as a media to drive turbines that will be generate electric power.

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5. Diesel Electricity Generation, hereinafter abbreviated as PLTD is an electricity generation activity by using a liquid fuel (oil) to produces compressed air and gaseous combustion products that will be converted into energy of motion rotary of piston Launch to drive turbines to evoke electric power by using generator. 6. Geothermal Electricity generation, hereinafter abbreviated as PLTP is an activity that produces electric power by utilizing geothermal energy to drive the turbines, so the energy can be converted to become electricity. 7. Planning is the process of design activity to implement the physical development of power generation activities 8. Air pollution is the penetration or the introduction of substances, energy, and / or other components into the ambient air by human activities to cause ambient air quality decrease into a certain level which causes the ambient air is no longer retain its function 9. Emission is substance, energy and/or other components that is produced by an activity that penetrates and/or introduces into ambient air that possess and/or has no potential as pollutant element;. 10. Source of emissions is activities that produce emissions, including mobile sources, specific-mobile source, stationary source, and unspecific-stationary source. 11. The stationary source is a permanent source of emissions at a place. 12. Standard of Emission of Thermal Electricity generation is the maximum limit of pollutant allowed to be penetrated and/introduced to the ambient air of activity area. 13. The maximum level is the highest emission levels that allowed to discharged into the ambient air. 14. Maximum emission load is the highest load of emissions that allowed discharged into the ambient air. 15. Continuous thermal power generation is a power plant that normally operate for 24 (twenty four) hours a day. 16. Fossil-fueled generators are generators with fuel derived from the residual of fossil weathering process in the Earth's crust over millions of years. 17. Normal condition is operation conditions corresponding to the designed parameter. 18. Abnormal Conditions is operation conditions out of the designed parameter but can be controlled. 19. Emergency condition is a condition that requires fast, precise and coordinated action to response the out of the normal and abnormal system or process. 20. Minister is Minister who is assigned for managing living environment; Article 2 In this term Thermal Power generation refers to PLTU, PLTG, PLTGU, PLTD and PLTP. Article 3 Every Thermal power generation activities shall be comply standards for the stationary emission source for thermal power generation activities. Article 4

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(1) The standards of stationary emission sources for thermal power generation activities as defined in Article 3 consist of: a. Standards for the stationary emission source for PLTU activities are listed in Annex IA and Annex IB; b. Standards for the stationary emission source for PLTG activities are listed in Annex II A and Annex II B; c. Standards for the stationary emission source for PLTGU activities are listed in Annex III A and Annex III B; d. Standards for the stationary emission source for PLTD activities are listed in Annex IV A and Annex IV B; e. Standards for the stationary emission source for PLTP activities are listed in Annex V; and f. Standards for the stationary emission source for mixture fuel are listed Annex VIA and Annex VI B. (2) Annexes referred to in paragraph (1) is integrated part of this regulation. Article 5 For thermal power generating activities units referred to Article 4 paragraph (1) that: a. Has been in operation before the enactment of this regulation, applies emission standards as listed in Annex A. b. The plans drawn up before the enactment of this regulation and operate after the enactment of this regulation, applies emission standards as list out in Annex A and shall comply the standards as listed in Annex B at the latest date of January 1, 2015; c. The plans drawn up and operate after the enactment of this regulation applies emission standard as listed in Annex B. Article 6 (1). in normal conditions, the emission standards as listed in this regulation appendices should not be exceeded. (2). For thermal power generation activities with installed Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) on the stack, emission standards can be exceeded up to 5% (five percent) of the average daily data within 3 (three) months of operating time. Article 7 (1) Authorities of the provinces to establish: a. emission standards for the thermal power generation equal to or more stringent provisions than provisions as contained in Appendices of this minister regulation; and / or b. Additional parameters beyond the parameters as listed in this regulation Appendices after approval from the Minister. (2) The Minister may approve or reject the proposed additions parameters request from the provinces referred to paragraph (1) letter b within 90 (Ninety) days after the minister receipt the request.

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(3) If within the period referred to in paragraph (2) Minister does not approve or reject the requested additions parameter, the application is considered to be approved. Article 8 If Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) or recommendations of Environmental Management Effort (UKL) and Environmental Monitoring Effort (UPL) for studied activities of thermal power generation emissions resulted/recommend more stringent than the emission standards referred to in Article 4 paragraph (1) or Article 7, the quality standard of emission required by AMDAL or RKL and RPL shall apply Article 9 (1) The responsible party/management of the Thermal power generation activities, except for PLTP is required to: a. discharge the gas emissions through a stack that equipped with appropriate sampling and supporting facility and safety equipment in accordance to legislation; b. Manage emissions so that the quality of the discharged emissions not exceed the quality standards that have been enacted; c. Install a Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) at the stack with the highest pollution load design, the design carried out in the early of installation and operate planning stage; d. Install Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) on fossil-fueled power generation plants with capacity over 25 MW, or less than 25 MW capacity for fossilfuel sulfur content more than 2% and operating continuously power plant that will be built after the enactment of this regulation; e. Measure the parameters of SO2, NOx, Opacity, O2, CO, flow rate and calculate the CO2 and Total Particulate for power plant with Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS); f. Measure the parameters SO2, NOx, total particulate, opacity, flow rate and O2 manually for stacks with no installed CEMS by an accredited laboratory at least 1 (once) in 6 (six) months; g. Calculate the load of emission for parameters of SO2, NOx, total particulate, and CO2 per unit of electricity generated and reporting 1 (once) in 1 (one) year; h. reporting the monitoring and measuring result according to the format as set out in Annex VII of this Regulation every 6 (six) months for manual measurement method to the regent/mayor with a copy to the governor and the Minister; i. Reporting the monitoring and measuring results according to the format report as set out in Annex VIII of this Regulation every 3 (three) months for CEMS measurement methods to the regent / mayor with a copy to the governor and Minister; j. Have a quality assurance and quality control system for the operation of the CEMS and calculation of emission load parameter for SO2, NOx, total particulate, and CO2; k. Reporting the occurrence of abnormal or emergency conditions in maximum period of 7 x 24 hours to the Minister and technical agencies related;

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l. Handle the abnormal conditions or emergency conditions as referred in the letter (k) by perform handling procedures, to avoid danger of safety and human health, and pollution and / or environmental destruction. (2) The responsible party/management of PLTP activity required to: a. Manage the gas emissions in the exhaust shall not exceed the enacted standards; b. Calculate the load emission of H2S, NH3, and CO2 per unit of electricity generated and prepare annually report; c. Have quality assurance and quality control system to calculate the load emission for H2S, NH3 and CO2; d. Conduct emission measurement for H2S and NH3 by manual methods on the cooling towers by accredited laboratory at least 1 (once) in 6 (six) months; e. reporting the emissions monitoring and measurement results according to the report format as contained in Annex IX to the regent / mayor with a copy to governor and the Minister every 6 (six) months; f. Reporting the occurrence of abnormal or emergency conditions in maximum period of 7 x 24 hours to the Minister and related technical agencies; g. Handle the abnormal or emergency conditions as referred in the letter (f) to avoid danger of safety and human health, and pollution and / or environmental destruction. Article 11 If there is other emission Standard for the stationary source and/or referred in Article 4 paragraph (1) activities enacted before this regulation, and the standards are: a. more stringent or equal to the quality standard of stationary emission sources as set out in this regulation Appendices, the standard shall remain in force; or b. more loosely than the standard of stationary emission source as set out in this regulation Appendices, the enacted standard shall be adjusted to the standard emission as set out in this regulation Appendices within 1 (one) year after enactment date of this minister regulation . Article 12 At the time this regulation came into force, quality standards emissions for fired-coal steam as stated in Appendix III A and III B of the Minister of Environment Decree No. KEP13/MENLH/03/1995 concerning Standards Emission for stationary source revoked and declared null and void. Article 13 This minister Regulation shall come into force on the date of enactment. Enacted in Jakarta On December 1, 2008 STATE MINISTER OF ENVIRONMENT, Signed Rachmat Witoelar.

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Appendix I A State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTU stationary source No 1 2 3 4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Opacity used as a thumb monitoring indicators. All of parameters concentration corrected to 15% O2 in dry condition except for opacity Implementation of 95% emission standard for 3 month normal operation period. Parameters Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) as NO2 Total Particulate Opacity Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) Coal-fuel Oil-Fuel Gas-fuel 750 1500 150 850 150 20% 800 150 20% 400 50 -

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Appendix I B State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTU stationary source No 1 2 3 4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Opacity used as a thumb monitoring indicators. All of parameters concentration corrected to 15% O2 in dry condition except for opacity Implementation of 95% emission standard for 3 month normal operation period. Parameters Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) as NO2 Total Particulate Opacity Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) Coal-fuel Oil-Fuel Gas-fuel 750 650 50 750 100 20% 450 100 20% 320 30 -

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Appendix II A State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTG stationary source No 1 2 3 4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Opacity used as a thumb monitoring indicators. All of parameters concentration corrected to 15% O2 in dry condition except for opacity Implementation of 95% emission standard for 3 month normal operation period. Parameters Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) as NO2 Total Particulate Opacity Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) Oil-Fuel Gas-fuel 1000 150 800 400 150 30 20% -

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Appendix II B State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTG stationary source No 1 2 3 4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Opacity used as a thumb monitoring indicators. All of parameters concentration corrected to 15% O2 in dry condition except for opacity Implementation of 95% emission standard for 3 month normal operation period. Parameters Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) as NO2 Total Particulate Opacity Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) Oil-Fuel Gas-fuel 650 150 450 320 100 30 20% -

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Appendix III A State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTGU stationary source No 1 2 3 4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Opacity used as a thumb monitoring indicators. All of parameters concentration corrected to 15% O2 in dry condition except for opacity Implementation of 95% emission standard for 3 month normal operation period. Parameters Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) as NO2 Total Particulate Opacity Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) Oil-Fuel Gas-fuel 800 150 800 400 150 30 20% -

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Appendix III B State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTGU stationary source No 1 2 3 4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Opacity used as a thumb monitoring indicators. All of parameters concentration corrected to 15% O2 in dry condition except for opacity Implementation of 95% emission standard for 3 month normal operation period. Parameters Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) as NO2 Total Particulate Opacity Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) Oil-Fuel Gas-fuel 650 150 450 320 100 30 20% -

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Appendix IV A State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTD stationary source No 1 2 3 4 5 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Opacity used as a thumb monitoring indicators. All of parameters concentration corrected to 15% O2 in dry condition except for opacity Implementation of 95% emission standard for 3 month normal operation period. Parameters Total Particulate Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) as NO2 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Opacity Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) Oil-Fuel Gas-fuel 150 30 600 500 1000 400 800 150 20% -

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Appendix IV B State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTD stationary source No 1 2 3 4 5 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Opacity used as a thumb monitoring indicators. All of parameters concentration corrected to 15% O2 in dry condition except for opacity Implementation of 95% emission standard for 3 month normal operation period. Parameters Total Particulate Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitrogen Dioxide (NOx) as NO2 Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Opacity Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) Oil-Fuel Gas-fuel 120 30 540 500 1000 320 600 150 20% -

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Appendix V State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for PLTP (Geothermal) stationary source No 1 2 Notes: Gas volume measured in the standard condition (25C and compression of 1 atmosphere) Parameters Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Ammonia (NH3) Maximum Level (mg/Nm3) 35 0.5

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Appendix IV A State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for Stationary for Mixed-fuel Power Generation Standard emission x = AxX + BxY + CxY notes x = parameter Ax = Standard emission for x parameter in annex A of coal-fuel power plant (mg/Nm3) Bx = Standard emission for x parameter in annex A of oil-fuel power plant (mg/Nm3) Cx = Standard emission for x parameter in annex A of gases-fuel power plant (mg/Nm3) X = Ratio heat input for coal-fuel power plant Y = Ratio heat input for oil-fuel power plant Z = Ratio heat input for gases-fuel power plant

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Appendix IV B State Minister of Environment Number: 21 year 2008 Date : Desember 1, 2008

Emission Standard for Stationary for Mixed-fuel Power Generation Standard emission x = AxX + BxY + CxY notes x = parameter Ax = Standard emission for x parameter in annex B of coal-fuel power plant (mg/Nm3) Bx = Standard emission for x parameter in annex B of oil-fuel power plant (mg/Nm3) Cx = Standard emission for x parameter in annex B of gases-fuel power plant (mg/Nm3) X = Ratio heat input for coal-fuel power plant Y = Ratio heat input for oil-fuel power plant Z = Ratio heat input for gases-fuel power plant

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